myenergi 16A1P01H eddi Micro Generation Energy Diverter User Manual

June 5, 2024

myenergi 16A1P01H eddi Micro Generation Energy Diverter User Manual
myenergi 16A1P01H eddi Micro Generation Energy


Thank you for choosing eddi. Of course, we think you have made an excellent choice and are sure you will be very happy with the features, benefits, and quality of your myenergi product.

eddi is an automatic power controller. It ‘tracks’ available surplus power from a grid-tied PV or Wind turbine system and varies the power to your heater to match the surplus power, therefore ensuring all of the green energy is fully utilised.

These instructions will help you to familiarise yourself with the eddi. By reading the instructions, you will be sure to get the maximum benefit from your ‘eco smart’ device.

varisine™ Technology
varisine™ is the proprietary power control technology used in the eddi. The technology enables the output voltage to be very smoothly adjusted in order to alter the power to the heater. The power to the heater is always a sine wave and only the voltage is altered. This control technology is more sophisticated than many other products on the market and the technology ensures trouble free operation with all inverters and compatibility with all import/export energy monitors and electric meters.


The device has been manufactured in accordance with the state of the art and the recognised safety standards, however, incorrect operation or misuse may result in:

  • Injury or death to the operator or third parties
  • Damage to the device and other property of the operator
  • Inefficient operation of the device

All persons involved in commissioning, maintaining, and servicing the device must:

  • Be suitably qualified and competent
  • Have knowledge of and experience in dealing with electrical installations
  • Read and follow these operating instructions carefully
  • Always disconnect the device from the supply before removing the cover


In accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment and its implementation in national l w, used electrical devices must be collected separately and recycled in an environmentally responsib e manner. In the UK these requirements are covered by The Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013. Ensure that you return your used device to your dealer or obtain information regarding a local, authorised collection and disposal system. Failure to comply with this EU Directive may result in a negative impact on the environment.

Copyright of these operating instructions remains with the manufacturer. Text and images correspond to the technical level at the time of going to press. We reserve the right to make changes. The content of the operating instructions shall not give rise to any claims on the part of the purchaser. We are grateful for any suggestions for improvement and notices of errors in the operating instructions.


Microgeneration systems such as Solar PV and small wind turbines are at their most efficient when the generated energy is consumed on-site rather than exporting it to the grid. This is what we call ‘selfconsumption’.

eddi is an energy management system for use with grid-tied PV or wind turbine systems. Excess energy from the microgeneration system is used to heat water or rooms rather than exporting it to the grid.

A grid current sensor (supplied) simply clips around the incoming cable. This sensor is used to monitor excess power and eddi automatically adjusts the voltage to the heater load, thereby consuming the surplus power. A self- powered wireless sensor (harvi) is available separately.

An internal expansion interface provides a means to install a Relay & Sensor Board (to be bought as an optional extra) to enable various functions such as auto switching from day-time and night-time supply, heat pump interfacing for Legionella control and temperature sensing.

eddi utilises myenergi’s proprietary varisine™ technology to ensure compliance with worldwide power grid standards.

Feature Set

  • 3.68kW / 16A max. heater load
  • Supports two heaters (subsequentially)
  • Integral bypass switch
  • varisine™ PWM technology
  • Fan-less cooling
  • Built-in programmable boost timers
  • Energy savings data logging
  • Graphical back-lit LCD screen for ease of use
  • Overload and short-circuit protection
  • Automatic Daylight Saving Time adjustment
  • Relay & Sensor Board add-on option
  • Wall mounting bracket for ease of installation
  • Fully EMC and safety compliant (UKCA & CE)
  • 3-year warranty
  • Integrated WiFi for connecting to internet
Overview Diagram

The diagram on the next page shows the eddi as part of a complete energy management system. Other myenergi products are shown with details of how they integrate with the grid connection and the microgeneration system.

Box Contents

  • 1 x eddi unit with mounting bracket attached
  • 1 x Current transformer with 5m cable (Grid CT sensor)
  • 2 x Antenna
  • 1 x Quick Start Guide
  • 1 x vHub & WiFi Operation Manual
  • 4x screws (for use on cable clamps)
Optional: Relay & Sensor Board

The relay sensor board is an optional add-on to the eddi and allows the use of multiple wiring configurations.

It includes:

  • Relays with a capacity for 16A
  • Two temperature sensor units (PT1000)
  • eSense input (isolated detection for economy tariff)

The two relays can be independently set for several functions or set to operate as a pair.

These functions include:

  • Export/Import Threshold
  • Operate when heating and timed operation
  • De-stratification pump control
  • Fault signal for BMS systems


Controls & Indicators

Controls & Indicators


| Display|

Graphical LCD display with LED backlight

2.| Power ‘ON’ Indicator| Illuminates when:

  • Unit is connected to the mains supply and;
  • The ON/OFF and BYPASS switch is in the ON position (I)

3.| Control Buttons| Four tactile buttons to navigate the menus and alter settings:
Icon Enter menu (from main screen) | Exit current menu
Icon Move up a menu item | Increase value
Icon Move down a menu item | Decrease value
Icon Boost | Select item | Confirm value and move to next setting
4.| Heater Output Indicators (1 & 2)| Illuminates when the respective heater output (1 or 2) is active. The brightness will vary with the output voltage. If both 1 & 2 are lit together, both heaters are at maximum temperature.
5.| ON/OFF and BYPASS Switch| This switch has three positions:

  • I ON – eddi is on (This is the normal position)
  • 0 OFF – eddi is off (The power on indicator will be off)
  • II BYPASS – eddi is bypassed; the mains supply is directly connected to the Heater 1 output. In this position the Power indicator will be off and the Heater 1 indicator will be illuminated.


LCD Display

1.| Import/Export Power| The power being either imported or exported from or to the grid (kW). The direction of the arrows indicate if the property is currently importing power (left) or exporting power (right)
The size of arrows is proportion to the level of power. When the property is neither importing or exporting power, the figure will be 0.0kW and there will be no animated arrows. The property is then said to be ‘in balance’.
2.| House Load Power| The power that the property is currently using in kW.
(Note: This is displayed only when the Generation Sensor is installed directly to a CT input or a harvi or other myenergi device.)
3.| Operating Modes| The current operating mode is displayed here.
4.| Generation Power| The power being generated at the time in kW.
(Note: This is displayed only when the CTs are installed either hard wired to the CT inputs of the eddi or wirelessly to a harvi or other myenergi device.)
5.| Date & Time| The current date and time.
6.| Mode Icons| These icons indicate that the import limiting is active (house), Demand Side
Response (~) or the eSense input is live (e).
7.| eddi Icon| The eddi unit. If there are wavy lines above the icon, the unit is thermally limiting! The output power is temporarily reduced.
8.| Energy Diverted Today| The accumulated energy that has been sent to the heater(s) today.
9.| Temperature| If the optional Relay & Sensor Board is fitted and temperature probes are installed,

the temperature of the active heater is displayed.

10.| Heater Icon| This icon represents the active heater, and next to it is the heater number.
11.| Power Diverting to Heater| When eddi is heating, arrow will show along with the power in kW.

Operating Modes

Waiting for Surplus

eddi is waiting for surplus power from the microgeneration system. The house in the centre is straight faced as grid electricity is being used by the house (0.8kW in this example).
We can see that eddi hasn’t started heating with surplus power yet today as there is no accumulated energy; indicated by the 0.00kWh under the water cylinder symbol.
Operating Modes


eddi is now diverting power to the heater.
The heater currently being heated is shown by the icon on the right and the small number (1 in this case) corresponds to the heater number.
The amount of power being diverted at any one moment is shown between the eddi icon and the heater icon (in this screenshot the diverted power is 1.6kW). All of the surplus energy which has been set to the heater today is displayed under the heater icon (1.30kWh) in this example. Now the house is smiling because there is no grid electricity being used.
Operating Modes

Max Temp Reached

The heater is now at maximum temperature.
Now there are no arrows or power figures for the heater and a thermometer symbol is shown. As eddi is no longer able to divert the surplus power to the heater and so this is now exported to the grid (0.8kW in this example).
If there is a second heater present (connected to Heater 2), eddi will switch over to start heating Heater 2.
Operating Modes


Boosting means eddi is giving maximum power to the heater, irrespective of available surplus power.
The arrows going to the heater are large and the power figure (3.0kW in the example screen) is the heater’s maximum power level.
During a boost , it is likely that there will be power imported from the grid (2.8kW here).
The timer starts at (1h00m) and will count down until the boost ends. The boost duration may be altered with the (↑) and (↓) arrows.
Operating Modes

Manual Boost

A heater can be ‘boosted’ to full power for a short period regardless of the amount of available export power, this function is called Manual Boost and is activated from the main screen. Once the boost starts, the remaining boost period will be displayed, this will start with a duration of 1 hour, this can be adjusted during the boost. The boost can be cancelled at any time.

Activating Manual Boost

Step 1: From the main screen, press ( ).
Operating Modes

Step 2: If there is more than one heater you may select which heater you wish to boost by pressing (↑) or (↓) to change the heater. Press ( ) to start boost.
Operating Modes

Step 3: The boost duration may be altered by pressing the (↑) or (↓) arrows during the boost.
Operating Modes

Cancelling Manual Boost

The boost can be cancelled by pressing the ( ) button twice.
Operating Modes

Boost Timer

eddi can be programmed to ‘boost’ the heating for each heater at certain times. Boost, means that the heater will be at full power regardless of the amount of available export power. This means that power may be drawn from the mains grid supply during boost times.

  • There are four editable time slots for each heater.
  • Setting the duration to 0h00 will make the boost inactive
Programming Boost Times
  1. Step 1: From the main screen, press (X) to enter the Main Menu.

  2. Step 2: Select Boost Timer by pressing (↓) until the option is highlighted, then press ( ).

  3. Step 3: Select the heater you wish to program the boost times for (e.g. Heater 1) and then press ( ).

  4. Step 4: The BOOST TIMER screen is then shown.

  5. Step 5: The boost can now be edited. Use the (↑) or (↓) arrow buttons to highlight the time slot you wish to change. The screen above shows the start hour being edited.

  6. Step 6: Alter the start hour with the (↑) or (↓) arrow buttons and then press ( ) to move to minutes.

  7. Step 7: Edit the duration in the same way and then press ( ) again to edit the days of the week you want the boost to be active for; each day of the week and can be toggled on/off with (↑) or (↓) arrow buttons, press ( ) to go to the next day. Pressing ( ) on the last day (Sunday) will confirm the boost time slot and the whole line will be highlighted again.

  8. Step 8: Press (X) to exit the BOOST TIMER screen.

Economy Tariff Boosting

Boosting only when economy rate electricity is available can be achieved in one of three ways:

  1. Setting the boost timer to coincide with the economy tariff times. This option should be used only if the electricity meter is a dual-rate meter (modern meters are usually multi-rate).
  2. Boost only at set times AND if economy rate electricity is available*
  3. Automatically boost whenever the economy tariff rate electricity is available, regardless of the boost times*
  • Options 2 and 3 are available only when using the eSense input on the Relay & Sensor Board. The Relay & Sensors menu will be available when a Relay & Sensor Board is fitted inside the unit.

For option 2, the eSense Input in the Relay & Sensors menu option should be set to the appropriate Boost Enable setting. With the Boost Enable function set, the BOOST TIMER screen will include an extra column (see screenshot on previous page). The e can be toggled on/off, if e is present, the boost will activate only when the boost times are valid and the economy rate tariff is available.
Alternatively the eSense input can be used to activate the boost whenever the economy tariff rate electricity is available, regardless of boost times (option 3). To do this, the eSense Input in the Relays & Sensors menu should be set to Boost 1, Boost 2 or Boost 1&2. When using this option, the Boost Timer is not needed.

Boost Time Conflicts

Both heaters cannot be active at the same time and so if the boost times are conflicting, the higher priority heater will take precedence. If one or more boost times conflict for one heater, the boost will follow the latest time or longest duration.

Cancelling Boost

The boost can be cancelled by pressing ( ) twice during a boost.

Boost Stop Mode

On occasions where you have Timed Boost Scheduled but you do not want your boost to run i.e. if you are on holiday, you can put the Boost function in Stop Mode. To do this go to Heater Settings > Stop Mode and press ( ) to stop.

Cancelling Stop Mode
To reactivate your Timed Boost go to Heater Settings > Stop Mode and press ( ) to turn off Stop Mode.

Configuration Settings

The more commonly altered settings are described in more detail below.

Time & Date

The date and time are used for the Boost Timer and the savings calculations and therefore should be set correctly.

In the event of a power-cut, eddi will still keep track of the time and date for a few days, so when power is restored the clock will not need to be reset.

Time is always in 24-hour format but the date format can be changed.
eddi will automatically adjust the clock for Daylight Savings Time (DST) as long as Auto DST is enabled and the correct time zone is selected.


The priority for heater outputs can be set to Heater 1 or Heater 2. The priority heater will be heated first with the surplus power and only when fully heated will eddi start to divert power to the lower priority heater.

eddi will switch back to the priority heater if it has cooled and the thermostat for the heater is closed. When heating the lower priority heater, the Check Period sets how often the priority heater is checked to see if it can store any more heat.

If the Relay & Sensor Board is installed and temperature probes are used, eddi will immediately switch back to the priority heater if the temperature drops by more than the set Hysteresis. The Hysteresis can be set in the Temperatures menu of the Relays & Sensors menu option.

Hot Cancel Delay
If you would like to have a delay between switching from your priority heater to your lower priority heater there is a setting called Hot Cancel Delay where you can choose how long the delay should be from 0 to 61 minutes. To use this function go to Heater Settings > Boost > Select the duration of delay you require and press () to confirm.

Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings menu is passcode protected.

The default passcode is 0 0 0 0 although it can be changed with the Passcode menu option.

Supply Grid – Device Settings

Supply Grid – Phase

The phase setting is only used when installing the eddi in a 3-phase property.

It should be set to match the phase number that the eddi is wired to so that the power measurements are correct and that the eddi responds to the correct phase when using the harvi wireless sensor. See ThreePhase Systems and Net Phases for more information.

Supply Grid – Device Limit

Sets the maximum current that the eddi will draw (including when boosting). This is useful if the supply current is limited, like a 13A fused spur rather than a 16A MCB.

Supply Grid – Grid Limit

Sets the limit that can be drawn from the grid connection (i.e. the maximum import current or the main fuse rating). Grid Limit is a global limit; all the myenergi networked devices will be included when limiting.

Example: A property has a grid supply limit of 65A, several appliances are on and the property is consuming 12kW (52A) by other appliances and the user wants to boost the water heating. If the water heater is rated at 3kW (13A), the total consumption would exceed the allowed import current. However, with a Grid Limit setting of 60A, eddi would limit the power to the heater to 1.8kW (8A) and therefore the maximum allowed import current would not be exceeded.

Supply Grid – Battery

If the property has a static AC battery system installed, it’s possible to get the eddi to work in harmony with the system, provided a CT has been installed to monitor the battery inverter.

See Battery Storage for more information about battery storage systems.



Function Description

None| There is no battery system installed
Limit to Gen| Will limit the output of the eddi (except when boosting), to prevent unwanted draining an of AC coupled battery system. This setting does not require a CT to monitor the battery, but does need a CT to monitor the solar/wind generation.
Note: This setting is to support legacy installations – it is preferable to install a CT to monitor the battery and use one of the settings below.
Avoid Drain| Stops the eddi (or other linked myenergi devices) draining the battery when using surplus power from the solar or wind generator.
Avoid Charge| Effectively allows the eddi (or other linked myenergi devices) to take priority over the battery when charging from solar or wind generation.
Avoid Both| Provides both of the above functions.

Supply Grid – Net Phases

When enabled, all readings from 3-phase myenergi devices and harvi units configured as 3-phase, will be netted. This means that surplus generation on ANY phase will be considered to be available for consumption on ANY other phase.

Supply Grid – Exp Threshold

This is the amount of export that must be exceeded before eddi starts diverting power to the heater loads. Once diverting starts all the surplus power, less the Export Margin (see below) will be diverted to the heater load.

Supply Grid – Response Delay

This setting gives a delay before eddi starts to divert power (after the Export Threshold is exceeded).

The default setting is 0s (zero seconds), however, if there is an AC-side battery storage system installed at the property, this may need to be increased. For example, the storage system will be trying to charge the batteries with the surplus power, but because eddi is very fast, the surplus power would have already been consumed by eddi. This may be undesirable as it would usually make more economic sense to store the energy in the batteries as priority.

Supply Grid – Export Margin

This sets a minimum level of export power which is maintained when eddi is diverting surplus power to the heaters. Normally Export Margin would be set to 0W (zero watts) and all of the available surplus will be diverted to the heaters, however, it is sometimes desired to have a minimum export level at all times.

CT config

The CT1 and CT2 inputs are configured depending on the connected CT sensors. The internal CT which measures the output current also has some settings.

These are the same when using CTs with the harvi device, however, they are set via the Linked Devices menu rather than the CT Config menu.

There must be only one Grid CT set (per phase) for the whole installation.


| Description

This is the internal CT which measures the output current of the eddi.


| CT1 input.

CT2 input.

CT Type



None| No CT connected.
Grid| Grid CT monitors the import and export power of the property, this is main control CT and there must only be one Grid CT set for each phase.
Generation Only| Monitors Solar PV or Wind generation.
Storage Only| Monitors a device that can ‘store’ energy (e.g. a third-party energy diverter) and enables the eddi to take priority over it. The power used by the third- party device is considered as surplus power unless the device is intentionally using grid power (i.e. it is boosting).
The CT should be installed on the Live supply cable feeding the diverter, with the arrow pointing away from it.
Generation & Battery| Monitors Solar PV or Wind generation that is combined with a DC-coupled battery.
Monitor| Monitors any load, for example a washing machine or the lighting circuit.
This setting can also be used to limit current drawn by myenergi devices on a particular circuit which includes other loads. See Load Balancing / Current Limiting for more details.
AC Battery| Used to monitor an AC-coupled battery.
With this setting it’s possible to manage the distribution of surplus energy between the battery and the eddi (including myenergi devices).
The Battery setting in the Supply Grid menu is used to configure how the eddi will operate alongside the battery system. See Battery Storage Systems for more information.
The CT should be installed on the Live supply cable of the battery inverter/charger, with the arrow pointing away from it.

CT Groups

CTs can be put in groups so that their readings are netted. For example, you might want to monitor two solar PV systems and see the total generation on the display. Use Group in  the CT Config menu to set which group the CT should be in.

Different CT Types cannot be in the same group, the group names make this clear.

Only the first 4 groups can be used for current limiting, see Group Limits below.

Group Limits

Current limits can be set for certain CT Groups. When a Group Limit is set, the myenergi devices in the group will limit the power they draw to keep within the set limit. Before Group Limits can be set, devices need to first be ‘linked’ (See section 14. Linked Devices).

Group limits should be set only on the master device. See Linking Devices for details about master devices.

It is possible to use more than one group limit type (e.g. IL1 with MN1, so that there are two conditions for limiting).

Group Limit Example

| Additional CT Installed|

CT Config (all devices)

Limit current drawn by two eddi devices that are on the same 20A supply.| None; the internal CTs are used.| CTIL
Type: Internal Group: IL1
Group Limit: 20A
Limit current drawn by an eddi device that is fed from a 25A supply which is also feeding another appliance (e.g. a tumble dryer).| One CT is clipped around Live of the 25A supply and wired to CT2 of the eddi.| CT2
Type: Monitor Group: MN1 Group Limit: 25A
Limit current drawn by two devices that are in a garage which is fed from a 40A supply. A washing machine and dryer are also in the garage.| One CT is clipped around Live of the 40A supply to the garage and wired to CT2 of one of the eddi units.
Note: The other eddi does not need to have a CT connected, but it will still need to have a CT input configured to be in the same Monitor group.| CT2
Type: Monitor
Group: MN1 Group Limit: 40A

Linked Devices

Up to six myenergi devices can be wirelessly linked together. By linking devices, you can use more of your own energy or have more control and visibility. Devices available now are:

eddi: A microgeneration energy diverter that uses surplus power to heat water or rooms rather than exporting to the grid.

zappi: An eco-smart electric vehicle charge point that can use surplus power to charge the car.

harvi: A self-powered wireless sensor that can be used along with myenergi load controlling devices such as eddi and zappi. It is able to detect grid import/export conditions as well as generation power and send this information wirelessly to devices such as the eddi or zappi. Using a harvi can greatly simplify installation.

The myenergi devices can be linked using either the built-in radio or with an Ethernet cable. If using an Ethernet connection eddi simply needs to be connected to your local network – either with an Ethernet cable running directly to your internet router or via a power line carrier extender.

Master & Slave Devices

When two or more myenergi devices are wirelessly linked, one device will act as the master device. This device will control the other slave devices. Some settings can only be changed on the master device, e.g. Grid Limit and Net Phases.

Use the Set Master function in the Advanced Settings/Linked Devices menu to set which device should be master. It’s a good idea to choose the device that is the most convenient to access should you wish to change settings.

  • Note: harvi will only pair with the device which is set as the master.
  • It is recommended that, where the Grid CT is directly connected to the eddi, that this device is chosen as the master or vice versa. This ensures the fastest response to the grid power measurement

On rare occasions it is possible that there are other appliances operating on the same frequency which could cause interference. If it is not possible to link devices or the connection seems poor, changing the RF Channel may help.

The channel can be changed on devices without having to re-pair them, just makes sure they are all set to the same channel.

Removing Devices

A device can be removed by selecting it from the Advanced Settings > Linked Devices > Device menu and then selecting Remove Device. If you want to remove all devices then use the Advanced Settings > Linked Devices > Reset Settings menu option.

Device Settings

Most device types have settings which can only be changed via the Linked Devices menu. For example, eddi and zappi have a setting for priority and harvi has settings to configure its CT inputs.

The device settings are accessed through the Linked Devices menu; select Devices then select the appropriate device and press (+) to bring up the device settings screen. Refer to the relevant device instruction document for more information regarding the actual device settings.

After a device has been paired you will have to wait a few seconds for the device to update before the settings can be accessed. The screen will show DEVICES UPDATING when this is happening.

Device Priorities

The priority of each, load controlling linked device, can be set from any device with a display. The example below shows one eddi device, two zappi devices and one harvi on the same ‘network’.
Device Priorities

  1. All linked devices are listed in the DEVICES screen, the device shown in CAPITAL letters is the device currently being viewed.
  2. The serial number of each device is shown on the right.
  3. The priority is shown on the left of each load controlling device with 1 being the highest priority. If two or more devices have equal priority, the available surplus (for that priority level) is shared between them.
  4. The ~ symbol indicates which device has the grid CT attached/configured to it . There should only be one in the system.
  5. If the ? symbol is shown alongside a device, it indicates that communication has been lost from the device (the device cannot be ‘heard’)
Linked Devices Information

The current status of all linked devices can be viewed together in the LINKED DEVICES INFO screen which can be found from the Main Menu.
Linked Devices

  1. All linked devices are shown on the left. The current device is shown in CAPITAL letters.
  2. The right side shows each device’s real-time output power level
  3. The priority setting for each device is shown on the far left.
  4. The far right side of the screen shows the status of each device.

Fault Codes

Fault Code

| Displayed Message| Description|


1| Output Overload!| Load is drawing too much current (>16A)| Check the power rating of connected heaters, the maximum rating is 3.7kW for each heater output.
2| Overheat!| The device is too hot| Check ventilation slots are not blocked and  the  unit has sufficient space around it. Refer to clearances section.
3| No Signal!| Signal lost from harvi device| Check harvi LED is blinking; if not, check sensors are securely clamped around the cable and properly connected to the terminals in the harvi Note: harvi will stop working if there is no power in the cable being monitored, however eddi will show this message only if there is no signal from harvi for more than 24hrs.
4| Grid Sensor Error!| Grid Sensor incorrectly installed| Check the sensor is securely installed on the correct cable and is wired to the CT terminals with the correct polarity Refer to the Grid CT section for details of correct installation.
5| Back-Feed Voltage!| Unexpected voltage at heater output| The heater output terminals must never be connected to a supply voltage Check heater wiring.
6| Over Voltage!| Supply voltage too high| The AC supply voltage must be less than 260V Check the AC voltage at SUPPLY terminals.
7| Under Voltage!| Supply voltage too low| The AC supply voltage must be more than 190V Check the AC voltage at SUPPLY terminals.
8| Load Fault!| Load is faulty| Check the power rating of connected heaters, the maximum rating is 3.7kW for each heater Output. Isolate the unit from the supply and check the resistant between L1 and N and between L2 and N at the HEATER terminals; the resistance should be between about 15 Ώ and 350 Ώ. Note: Around 18- 20 Ώ is normal for an immersion heater.


Full details of the myenergi product warranty are available on our web site or by using this QR code.
QR Code

Product Registration / myaccount

Register your myenergi devices, track your energy usage, make the most of flexible and “time of use” tariffs and much more at the myenergi online account

The myenergi app

App Overview

We have a myenergi app for iPhone and Android devices. This allows you to control and monitor your eddi and other myenergi devices. The app is free to download and use and is available from the appropriate app store.
Please check on our web site ( for more details.

The myenergi Forum

We also have a very active user forum at
This is where our customers and installers share their experiences, provide advice to each other on getting the best out of their myenergi products and share their ideas for future product development. We also post details of firmware updates on this forum and provide answers to the questions raised.

Technical Support

If you experience any issues with your eddi during or post installation, please contact our technical support team by scanning the QR Code below.

Please contact us directly for the quickest solution.

Declaration of Conformity

Hereby, myenergi declares that the radio equipment type eddi microgeneration energy diverter is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.

The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available by scanning the QR code below.
QR Code


Designed and manufactured in the UK by
myenergi Ltd, Pioneer Business Park, Faraday way,
Stallingborough, Grimsby, DN41 8FF
T: +44 (0)333 300 1303
E: [email protected]



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