Azoteq IQS7222AEV01 ProxFusion Series IQ Switch User Guide
- June 5, 2024
- Azoteq
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Azoteq IQS7222AEV01 ProxFusion Series IQ Switch
This user guide describes the operation of the IQS7222AEV01 Evaluation Kit. The EV-Kit consists of one part: IQS7222A Stamp x 1
Please note that CT210A is not included in this EV-Kit.
To visualize raw data from the EV-Kit, the stamp board can be interfaced to
any personal computer with USB support, along with the CT210A and the relevant
IQS7222A software Graphical User Interface (GUI) available to download from
the Azoteq website. The purpose of the IQS7222AEV01 EV-Kit is to help
application and development engineers in evaluating these IC’s capabilities. A
picture of the evaluation kit is shown below.
Setting up for the IQS7222A Stamp
To interface the IQS7222A Stamp to a PC we advise using the CT210A. This EV
Kit can be set up with the following steps:
- Download & Install GUI from the Azoteq website
- Plug the stamp board into the CT210A as shown below
- Connect the CT210A to the PC with a USB cable (use USB data cable only)
- Run the IQS7222A GUI (the latest version available from the website)
- Click the “Start Streaming” button
- GUI should look as follow
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