Azoteq 957-IQS263EV02 Touch Sensor Development Tools User Guide
- June 5, 2024
- Azoteq
Table of Contents
- Azoteq 957-IQS263EV02 Touch Sensor Development
- Introduction
- Setting up for the IQS263B EV Kit
- Driver Board and IQS263B IC
- Wheel demo board
- Wheel demo board (Projected Example side)
- 3 Keys demo board
- 2 Channel Slider + Prox
- Choosing settings (For advanced users)
- Reference Designs
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
Azoteq 957-IQS263EV02 Touch Sensor Development
This user guide describes the operation of the IQS263BEV02 Evaluation Kit. The
EV-Kit consists of 4 parts: 2 x driver boards, the wheel demo board and the 3
keys demo board. The quick start guide is also included. To visualise raw data
from the EV-Kit, the driver board can be interfaced to any personal computer
with USB support, and IQS263B software Graphical User Interface (GUI). The
purpose of the IQS263BEV02 EV-Kit is to help application and development
engineers in evaluating the IQS263B’s self- and projected-capacitive
capabilities. These capabilities will be shown using buttons, sliders and a
wheel. A picture of the evaluation kit is shown below. This user guide will help a user to use and understand the
technology in this evaluation kit. The driver board will be described,
followed by the wheel demo board and the 3 keys demo board. This will be shown
in conjunction with an IQS263B GUI to simplify explanations.
Setting up for the IQS263B EV Kit
To interface the IQS263BEV02 Evaluation Kit to a PC we advise using the CT210(A) (CT210(A) is sold separately). This EV Kit can be set up with the following steps:
- Connect the CT210(A) to the PC with a USB cable
- Plug the ribbon cable into the CT210(A)
- Connect the driver board to the ribbon cable
- Run the IQS263B GUI (latest version available from the website)
Driver Board and IQS263B IC
The IQS263B IC (Integrated Circuit) is located on the driver board. The
IQS263B can be used in projected- or self-capacitive mode with up to 3
Start the IQS263B GUI with the following:
- Follow the steps as described above
- Read and close the Hints & Tips window
The IQS263B GUI should now resemble the figure shown
In order to demonstrate the capabilities of the IQS263B, we will need a button layout for the driver board. We suggest evaluating the supplied demo boards with the driver board. After this evaluation, the user may want to develop other button/slider/wheel boards to connect with the driver board.
Red LED on driver board
There is also a red LED located on the driver board. This LED is used as
output when in self-capacitive mode as a proximity indicator. This means that
when the proximity threshold is crossed, this LED turns on and when a finger
leaves the proximity zone, it turns off.
In projected capacitive mode this LED works as one of the charging channels.
It does not represent a proximity event anymore.
Wheel demo board
Start with evaluating the wheel demo board. Plug this board into the driver
board at the wheel socket as shown below.
Now perform the following actions in the GUI.
- Click the Start button
- Select the “Wheel” board in the “Select startup mode :” window.
The GUI will load the default settings for the wheel demo board onto the
IQS263B on the driver board. The GUI will now resemble the figure shown below.
The GUI consists of a couple areas which gives the
information from the IQS263B in different formats. The bars (green) provide
the touch strength on the wheel channels in this bar format. Below this is
each channel’s number, Count, Long Term Average (LTA), Delta and Touch THs
- Bar area explained Each Channel’s bar consists of two parts: lighter left side and darker right side. The lighter left side represents the Count value and the darker right side the LTA value. The Delta is the difference between the Count and LTA. When in self-capacitance mode (LTA – Count) and when in projected capacitance mode (Count – LTA). The Touch THs is the threshold at which a touch event is registered. The channels numbers are 0 to 3, but channel 0 is an L when in low power mode. Channel 0 is either turquoise (in low power mode); green (in normal power mode) or blue (in normal power mode). When channel 0 turns blue it indicates a proximity event. Channels 1 to 3 are green when not touched and red when touched on the wheel.
- Wheel/Slider area explained This area combines the 3 buttons to form a 3-channel wheel. The wheel indicates the position of a touch on the wheel by looking at the touch strength on each channel. The slider gives this information in a linear format and the relative coordinates slider in a longer slider that works from the relative coordinates from the last touch position.
- Flags & Events window explained This window gives more information about the System Flags and Events on the IQS263B. The Low Power indicates low power consumption on the IQS263B and the Halt indicates an LTA Halt on each channel. For further explanation of these flags, it is advised to consult the datasheet.
The Events gives information about certain events that are happening. For the wheel demo board the slider event becomes active when touched. When moved between channels the touch event is triggered by touches or releases of channels, this event is activated and cleared. The Prox event is also activated and cleared when entering and leaving Prox. When a quick touch and release on a channel is made a tap event is triggered, this is shown here under events and on the bar area. The time within which a quick touch must happen for it to be considered a tap is default at 352ms.
Wheel demo board (Projected Example side)
The wheel demo board can be turned around to demonstrate the projected slider. Do this by following these steps:
- Click the Stop button in the GUI
- Unplug, turn the wheel demo board around and plug back in The board setup should now look as shown below.
Return to the GUI and do the following:
- Click the Start button
- Select the 3 Channel Slider in the “Select startup mode :” window.
The GUI will look very similar to the one shown above with the wheel demo
board (wheel side). Some of the differences will be described. Channel 0 stays
green as the low power option has been disabled for this demo board. The
IQS263B is programmed in Projected Capacitance mode and thus Counts increase
instead of decrease when a touch is made. The wheel has been deactivated while
the slider and relative coordinates slider give an indication of position on
the slider. An example of this GUI is shown below. This setup and GUI is like the wheel demo board setup.
3 Keys demo board
To evaluate the 3 Keys demo board, plugin this board and setup the GUI for the 3 buttons. The following steps can be followed:
- Click the Stop button
- Swap out the current board for the 3 Keys demo board An example of this setup is shown below
To setup the GUI for this board, do the following:
- Click the Start button
Select the 3 Discrete Keys option in the “Select startup mode : ” window. The
GUI will look as shown below.Touch the keys with a finger to evaluate this board. This
board is used in projected capacitance mode and thus the counts will rise when
a touch is made. This board is also programmed for low power and thus channel
0 is turquoise when in low power and green when in normal power. When a finger
comes close to the button, channel 0 will turn blue and trigger proximity. The
IQS263B will also change from low power mode to normal power mode if it was in
low power mode. When a key is touched the relevant channel will turn red.
The Halt bits in the “System Flags” section will also indicate when touches
are made. The Prox and Touch events will also trigger in the events menu. A
tap will trigger when a touch and release is made on a channel within a
specified time. This time is programmed to be 352ms, which sets the limit for
a touch and release to be considered a tap. The default timer is dependent on
the amount of charge cycles made. Each charge cycle is default 22ms, and the
default tap time multiplier is chosen at 16. This and many other settings can
be set in the Settings window, which is accessed through the Setup button.
2 Channel Slider + Prox
To evaluate the 2 Channel slider + Prox demo board, plugin this board and setup the GUI for this board. Follow these steps:
- Click the Stop button
- Unplug, turn the 3 keys demo board around and plug back in
The board setup should now look as shown below.
To setup the GUI for this board, do the following:
- Click the Start button
- Select the 2 Channel Slider + Prox option in the “Select startup mode :” window.
The GUI will look as shown below.This demo board shows a Prox channel at channel 0 and
channel 1 and 2 forms a slider. When a hand approaches the board the proximity
channel triggers when it is close enough. The proximity distance is very
dependent on the environment and can in some cases reach up to 10cm.
Evaluate the 2 channel Prox and Slider by coming close with a hand. The
proximity channel activates which indicates that a touch event might happen.
When the slider is touched, channels 1 and 2 will activate. The relative
coordinates slider will move according to the movement taking place on the
Events can also be triggered. The Tap event happens when a quick touch and
release is made on the slider. The GUI will indicate under the events menu
that a Tap event occurred, and a Tap message will appear on the bar area.
Flick events are handled in a similar way. A flick can be defined as touching
the slider, moving in a direction, and releasing the slider all in one fast
motion. The IQS263B can detect left and right flicks. Left and right flicks
are indicated under the events menu with a left and right arrow. A “Flick
Left” or “Flick Right” message also appears on the bar area.
Choosing settings (For advanced users)
The settings on the IQS263B can be altered in the Settings window. To access
this window, click on “Settings” button in the Streaming section of the GUI.
The Settings window will look as shown below. All the adjustable settings can be changed here to optimise
the IQS263B for a specific application. These settings can be changed, and the
effect can be seen in the GUI. After settings have been sent to the IQS263B it
is advised to perform a “Redo ATI” as this will ensure the changes are applied
on the IQS263B.
Settings window
A brief description of each section in the Settings window will be given. -
This section gives the user the choice to enable or disable the information shown in the GUI. -
System Flags
Here the Self-/Projected Capacitance can be set. -
Prox Settings 0
A byte used for the Prox settings can be set here. This includes the following: -
Auto Tuning Implementation (ATI)
ATI Partial
ATI Band
Stream ATI
Force Halt
Prox Settings 1
The next byte for Prox settings is as follow: -
WDT Enable
Event Mode
LTA Beta
Count Filter
Prox Settings 2
The following byte includes: -
Sleep Halt
Wake 2 Directions
Wheel / Slider Filter
Prox Settings 3
The last byte for the Prox settings includes the following: -
Touch Debounce
Off Mode
Projected Bias
Float CX
Halt Charge
Turbo Mode
Filtered Touches
Charge Transfer
Event Mask
Enable / Disable events in this section. -
Flick Left
Flick Right
Multipliers & Compensation
The multipliers, base and compensation values can be set here. -
The thresholds for the proximity and touch events are set here. -
Timings, Targets & Gestures
The low power timing, target for each channel and the tap and flick gesture parameters are set here. -
Data Logging
The channels data and events can be logged in a text (.txt) file. For more information on these settings, consult the datasheet.
Reference Designs
For further technical detail the datasheet should be consulted and can be
found at the Azoteq website. Some reference designs from the datasheet are
shown below.
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- Azoteq • Fabless Semiconductor Company & Pioneer in Sensor Fusion
- Azoteq • Fabless Semiconductor Company & Pioneer in Sensor Fusion
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