LONDON TYPEWRITERS Prestige 710 Pro Line Typewriter Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024
London Typewriters

LONDON TYPEWRITERS Prestige 710 Pro Line Typewriter



OUR MOST COMPLETE COMP ACT TYPEWRITER Exclusive-Specially designed to use, carry and store with the greatest ease. Take it, type on it, anywhere. Our finest ”compact”.

Specially designed for the easiest operation ever. You can select the ribbon color; set, control, and clear tabulator columns; adjust the touch of the keys; space; shift; release margins; release the jammed key, and backspace … all directly from the keyboard and every control is at your fingertips.

Advanced engineering has made possible a completely new method of handling paper. You can insert paper straight … set margins where you want them ……… make erasures easily … actually handle the paper fewer times than required on other portables.

Your portable has a complete 88-character keyboard a full-size keyboard … just like an office typewriter .. . plus a personalized touch. adjustment … for comfortable, responsive, tireless hours of typing.


  1. Space Bar
  2. Shift Key (Shift Lock Release Key)
  3. Shift Lock Key
  4. Tabulator Set Clear Lever
  5. Back Spacer
  6. Touch Selector
  7. Carriage Return Lever
  8. Carriage Lock
  9. Variable Platen with Platen Release Button
  10. Line Space Selector (Platen Release)
  11. Push Button Margi11 (Left)
  12. Paper Feed Roller
  13. Clear View Paper Meter With Scale
  14. Paper Bail With Scale
  15. Ribbon Vibrator
  16. Push Button Margin (Right)
  17. Paper Release Lever
  18. Carriage Release Button
  19. Platen K11ob
  20. Ribbon (Automatic Ribbon Reverse)
  21. Tabulator Key
  22. Ribbon Color Selector
  23. Margin Release and Key Jam Release Key
  24. Shift Key (Shift Lock Release Key)
  25. Paper Support Arm.
  26. Repeat SpacerLONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-1

How to use

  1. Preparing to Use the Typewriter.LONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-2

    • Remove from the portable carrying case.
    • Unlock the carriage by pushing the lever down.
    • Raise carriage return lever.
  2. Inserting Paper

    • Insert paper behind platen.
    • Roll paper in by turning the knob.
    • If the paper has not rolled in straight, pull the paper release lever forward and straighten the paper.
    • Lift paper bail, pass paper under, and lower bail over the paper.
  3. Setting Push Butto11 Margins.LONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-3

    • The paper bail scale corresponds exactly to will tl1e 111argi11, a11d paper guide scale.
    • Select margins by reading the paper bail scale ill in relation to the inserted ty_pi11g paper and set your left and right push button margins at correspo11ding 11t1n1bers on the margin scale. To move the push button margin, depress. with .forefinger and release at selected 1narg1ns.
    • Use the paper guide to get uniform 1nargin. If a 1nargi11 of 10 spaces is desired, set the paper guide to O and set the left push button .margin
      to 10 on the margin scale. The paper guide can be set to any position between O to 25 of the margin and paper guide scale.
  4. Clear View Paper Meter with Scale.LONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-4 The clear view paper meter with scale is at the left and right of the ribbon vibrator. It is transparent to enable yoL1 to see the typing line in case you wish to trace back for errors in typing. The paper meter also has a scale running horizontally and spaced so that the space indices are aligned with the center of each typed. letter.
    When you have moved the. typing paper for corrections, or any other reason, and have lost the former position of the typing line, the scale enables you to find the approximate former position. To line up the typing paper to the former typing line, position the paper so that the typing line sits just over the horizontal red line of the scale. The scale is made so that the bottom part of letters such as H, M, L, h, m, and I lie on the horizontal red line. For vertical alignment of the typing, align the vertical spacing indices of the scale with the center of the type. It is easiest to get vertical alignment by using the letters in” and i”. The clear view paper meter with scale also serves the purpose of holding typing paper against the platen to prevent slack between typing paper and platen. This serves to minimize irregular line spacing due to the floating of the typing paper.

  5. Selecting Line Spacing.LONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-5

  6. Set line space selector to desired spacing from 011e to two li11es with half spacing in between.

  7. At “R” the platen is released from the carriage return lever and will not space when the carriage return lever is stroked.
    However, the platen retains its line spaci11g when it is rolled manually. This allows you to type on a different line and then return to the original line and continue typing. Set lever at “R”. Roll platen to a new line. Type. Set lever at previous line space setting. Roll platen back to the original line.

  8. Touch Adjustment.LONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-6

    • Set touch adjt1stment lever to light (L), or heavy (H), or a11y i11termediate tension to suit your ow11 personal touch.
  9. Back Spacer

    • When you miss or skip a letter while typing, use the basic space, Irey. The carriage moves back one space for each depression.
  10. Ribbon Color SelectorLONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-7
    Use ribbo11 color selector as follows:

  11. For blacl{ (Lipper part of ribbon_), set selector lever to black indicator.

  12. For red (lower part of ribbon), set selector lever to red indicator.

  13. For stencil typing, set selector lever to wl1ite ill dictator.

  14. Tabulator Set and Clear Lever.LONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-8

    • Erro set tabulator stops, move the carriage to the desired position, and pushed the tabulator set the clear lever at ”S” position.
      Any number of tabL1lator stops can be set as 11eeded.

    • Depress tabulator l{ey to n1ove carriage.

    • To clear tabulator stops, move the carriage to a position at which tabulator stops have been set, and pull the tabulator set-clear lever forward to the “C” position.

  15. Variable Platen.LONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-9 The variable platen button releases plate11 completely so that it revolves freely. Use when lining up typing lines for corrections and insertions. To operate, push platen release bt1tton in toward platen and while keeping it in the depressed position, turn right platen l<, nob, with your right hand.

  16. Drawing Vertical and Horizontal Lines.LONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-11 Insert pencil point into right or left line drawing apertt1re of the clear view paper meter, and move the carriage from left to right or right to left to draw a horizontal line. For vertical line drawing, turn the platen by using the right or left platen knob.

  17. Erasing and Correcting
    First, move the carriage to the extreme left or right side to prevent erasure dL1st falling into typing mechanism. Erase the mistyped word without taking the paper out of the platen. After erasing, return carriage and platen to the desired position to retype the correct word in, or continue typing.

  18. Margin Release and Key Jam Release KeyLONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-12

    • The margin release disengages the n1argin to the left and right as you approach the end of the line while typing and also releases j a mined keys.
    • The warning bell ri11gs 8 spaces before the type bars auton1atically locl{ at the position where you have set the right push button margin after bell rings, you will be able to type 7 Jetters including spacing between.
    • If you have to type beyond the right margin, depress the margin release key and you will be able to continue typing to the extreme end of the platen.
    • When you wish to type before the left margin, move the carriage until it stops at the left margin, press the margin release key and move the carriage to left past the margin stop. In typing back, the left push button margin will not stop the carriage.
    • When two or more type bars jam, press the key jam release key (margin release key) and the jammed type bars will become disen­gaged automatically.
  19. Shift Key and Shift Lock KeyLONDON-TYPEWRITERS-Prestige-710-Pro-Line-Typewriter-fig-13

    • Use shift keys to type capitals and upper case type. Shift with little finger of ha11d opposite to the stril<ing hand.
    • When you wish to type capital letters and upper case type consecutively, lock the shift key by depressing the shift lock key. Unlock by depressing the left or right shift key, whichever is most convenient to proceed with the next stroke.
  20. Repeat Spacer
    Press down and hold repeat spacer to continue to the desired writing point.
    Release key when wish to stop.

  21. Using Half Space Mechanism
    Your typewriter is equipped with a half-space mechanism useful for inserting a missed letter and making corrections. The half-space is obtained by depressing the space bar and typing in the desired letter while keeping the space bar depressed. To type in a missed letter in a word, proceed as follows:

    • Erase word out completely.

    • Return typewriter carriage to last letter of the word preceding the word to be correctly inserted.

    • Depress the space bar once.

    • Depress the space bar again, but keep it depressed and type the first letter of the word. Release space bar.

    • Repeat step until word is completely typed.

    • Your new typewriter s wonderful (wrong)

    • Your new typewriter is wonderful (corrected)

  22. Changing the Ribbon

    • Remove the top cover by pulling it up.

    • Wind the worn ribbon onto the left, or right, spool by tL1rning either rib­bon spool with the forefinger.

    • Depress the shift lock key and set ribbon selector butto11 to red and then depress any two keys, such as HT” and “Y” together so that they jam and keep the ribbon vibrator in the raised position. This makes the ribbon more accessible and easier to remove ribbon fro1n the ribbon vibrator.
      Push the ribbon up with both hands and pass the bottom of the ribbon through the slots of the ribbon vibrator. Then pull the ribbon down until it comes completely out of the slots. Raise the ribbon up, free of the ribbon vibrator.

    • Open up spool catches and remove both spools. Unhook the ribbon from the empty spool. Dispose of the spool with the wor11 ribbo11.

    • Hook new ribbon onto empty spool and wind manually until the stopper rivet on the ribbon is wound into the spool.

    • Open up the spool catch and place the new ribbon spool onto the left spool holder shaft so that red portion of the ribbon is at the bottom and spool unwinds in a clockwise direction. Place the other spool onto the right spool holder shaft.

    • Take away unnecessary slack in the ribbon by winding either spool and passing the ribbon through left and· right ribbon guides. Insert ribbon behind-ribbon vibrator and push top edge of ribbon through $lots of ribbon vibrator.

    • Pull the ribbon up until the bottom of the ribbon passes completely through the ribbon vibrator slots and then down to nestle the ribbon in the ribbon vibrator properly.

    • Take out unnecessary slack in the ribbon by winding either spool. Replace the top cover.

  23. Carriage Lock Lever
    Carriage Lock Lever is provided to locl< the carriage at the center position for the purpose to keep the carriage from moving either left or right when stored in the carrying case.

    • Push the carriage locl< lever up.
    • Depress the carriage release button and move the carriage light as far as it goes until it completely stops with· a clicking sound at the center position.
  24. Cleaning
    Keep your machine as clean as possible to type clean-cut letters and maintain smooth move­ment. To clean your machine, first, lift up the top cover and brush the types with a brush or type cleaner.

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