EMERSON TARTARINI Types PSA/79 and PSA/80 Pilots Instruction Manual
- June 4, 2024
- Emerson
Table of Contents
Types PSA/79 and PSA/80 Pilots
Instruction Manual
September 2021
Scope of the Manual
This manual provides installation, startup, maintenance, troubleshooting, and spare parts for the pilot series PSA/79 and PSA/80.
Product Description
Designed for pressure regulators control, the following types are available:
- Type PSA/79 – single diaphragm pilot for pilot-controlled gas pressure regulator (active or wide-open monitor)
- Type PSOA/79 – single diaphragm pilot for the setting of the first pressure-reducing step of pilot-controlled gas pressure regulator (working monitor)
- Type REOA/79 – single diaphragm pilot for the setting of downstream pressure reducing step of pilot controlled gas pressure regulator (working monitor) In case of failures, these pilots with single diaphragm will cause a fail open reaction of the regulator.
- Type PSA/80 – double diaphragm pilot for pilot-controlled gas pressure regulator (active or wide-open monitor)
- Type PSOA/80 – double diaphragm pilot for the setting of the first pressure-reducing step of pilot-controlled gas pressure regulator (working monitor)
- Type REOA/80 – double diaphragm pilot for the setting of a downstream pressure-reducing step of pilot-controlled gas pressure regulator (working monitor)
Regulator or Monitor| Working Monitor
Regulator| Monitor
Type PSA/79| Type PSOA/79| Type REOA/79| 100| 0.5-40*| Steel
Type PSA/80| Type PSOA/80| Type REOA/80| 1.5-40
() Types PSA/79-AP and PSA/80-AP versions are available on request with a set
range up to 65 bar.
All PSA Series pilots are supplied with a filter (5μ filtering degree) and built-in pressure stabilizer, except for pilots Types PSOA/79 and PSOA/80 .
Labeling Figure 2. Label for Types
PSA/79 and PSA/80 Series
Note 1: See “Characteristics”
Note 2: Year of Manufacture
Note 3: Class 1: -10° to 60°C
Class 2: -20° to 60°C
Note 4: See “Characteristics”
Dimensions and Weights
Table 2. Dimensions (mm) and weights (kg)
A| 90| 90
B| 265| 290
Weight| 8| 9
In case of failures, these pilots with double diaphragms will cause a failed
close reaction of the regulator .
Tightness cover version available on request (e .g . Types PSA/79-P and
The full range of PSA pilots can be installed in the following pressure
FLA Series – Cronos Series – EZH Series – Type 971 This product has been
designed to be used with fuel gases of the first and second family according
to EN 437, and with other non-aggressive and non-fuel gases. For any other
gases, other than natural gas, please contact your local sales agent.
- Check that data on the pilot’s plate are compatible with actual working conditions.
- Install in accordance with a regulator instruction manual.
See the set-up and pilot adjustment instructions applying to the equipment
where the pilot is fitted.
Periodic Checks
Slowly close the outlet slam-shut and check the line pressure between it and
the regulator.
A slight increase in pressure should be detected: this results from overload
due to closing and is followed by pressure stabilization. If the outlet
pressure continues to rise, then the seal is defective. Check if the leak is
coming from the regulator or pilot, and service.
SEP Statement
Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc . declares this product
conforms to the Pressure Equipment Directive . Article 3 section 3 was
designed and manufactured in accordance with sound engineering practice (SEP)
. Per Article 3 section 3, this “SEP” product must not bear the CE marking.
ATEX Requirements
If the provisions of EN 12186 and EN 12279, national regulations, if any, and
specific manufacturer recommendations are not put into practice before
installation and if purge by inert gas is not carried out before equipment’s
start-up and shut-down operations, a potential external and internal explosive
atmosphere can be present in equipment and gas pressure regulating/measuring
stations installations.
If the presence of foreign material in the pipelines is foreseen and purge by
inert gas is not carried out, the following procedure is recommended to avoid
any possible external ignition source inside the equipment due to mechanically
generated sparks:
Drainage to safe area via drain lines of foreign materials, if any, by inflow of fuel gas with low velocity in the pipe-work (5 m/sec) In any case,
Provisions of Directive 1999/92/EC and 89/655/EC shall be enforced by gas pressure regulating/ measuring station/installation’s end user
With a view to preventing and providing protection against explosions, technical and/or organizational measures appropriate to the nature of the operation shall be taken (e.g.: filling/exhausting of fuel gas of internal volume of the isolated part/entire installation with vent lines to a safe area – 7 .5 .2 of
EN 12186 and 7.4 of EN 12279; monitoring of settings with the further exhaust of fuel gas to a safe area; connection of isolated part/entire installation to the downstream pipeline) -
A provision in 9.3 of EN 12186 and 12279 shall be enforced by pressure regulating/measuring station/ installation’s end user
External tightness test shall be carried out after each reassembly at the installation site using testing pressure in accordance with national rules
Periodical check/maintenance for surveillance shall be carried out complying with national regulations, if any, and specific manufacturer recommendations . Asia Pacific Only
Servicing should be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel only. For
further information, please contact our
Technical Support Representatives or our authorized dealers. Before servicing,
cut off the regulator inlet and outlet and release any trapped pressurized
gas. Use suds to check that there are no leaks.
Replacing Filter
1 . Remove the screws (key 41), cover (key 59), and replace felt (key 61).
Reassemble by reversing the above sequence.
Replacing Stabilizer Diaphragm and Seal Pad
- Remove screws (key 41), cover (key 64), spring (key 47), and diaphragm assembly (keys 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53) . Replace the diaphragm if necessary.
- Unscrew the seat (key 54) and replace the pad holder (key 56).
- Reassemble by reversing the above sequence, make sure not to “pinch” O-rings (key 55).
Replacing Valve Seal Pads
- Remove the plug (key 27) and seat (key 30) . Slide out spring (key 32), pad holder unit (key 34), and forked stem (key 35).
- Replace the pad holder (key 34) and O-ring (key 37).
- Reassemble by reversing the above sequence.
General Maintenance
Completely release the spring (key 5) by turning the adjusting screw (key 1) counterclockwise.
Remove screws (key 7) and cover (key 4) . Keep the plate (key 9 or 75 for the AP version) blocked with a box wrench, and unscrew the nut (key 6).
This must be done exactly as described to prevent damage to or breaking of the safety valve (key 20). -
Unscrew the plate (key 9 or 75 for the AP version) from stem (key 13) and remove parts (keys 10, 11, and 12 or 76, 78, 10, 77, and 12 for the AP version).
For Type PSA/80 and Type PSA/80-AP versions:
Unscrew plate (key 9 or 75 for the AP version) from stem (key 13) remove parts (keys 10, 68, 69, 11 and 12 or 76, 78, 68, 69, 10, 77 and 12 for the
AP version). -
Slide off split pin (key 40). Remove the locknut (key 16) with an appropriate wrench and slide out parts (keys 17, 18, 19, and 20). Make sure that the surface of the seat (key 26) which is sealed by the pad (key 21) is in proper condition.
Replace diaphragms (key 10) and all seals.
Proceed as directed in the replacement of the filter, stabilizer diaphragm, seal pad, and valve seal pads.
Lubricate the static O-rings with a thin layer of heavy-duty lubricating
paste, and be very careful not to damage the O-rings when reassembling. No
other pilot parts are to be lubricated. Reassemble parts by reversing the
above steps. As you proceed, make sure that parts move freely and without
friction. In addition:
Once lever (key 39) and stem (key 13) have been mounted, check that, with stem (key 13) against the body (key 25), clearance between the forked stem (key 35) and registered (A) of the lever (key 39) is 0 .2 to 0 .3 mm. If not, use the register to correct it.
The above clearance can be checked by gently pulling the stem (key 13) upward. Use the proper tool to make sure that the top plate (key 9) is on the same plane as that supporting the diaphragm (key 10) in the body (key 25). -
Mount the diaphragm (key 10) and screw on a plate (key 9), first by hand then with a box wrench, (always holding the upper diaphragm (key 10) firmly in place) in order to avoid damage to the stem (key 13) and levers below.
Holding the plate (key 9) firmly in place with a box wrench, tighten the nut (key 6).
Before remounting the cover (key 4), center the diaphragm as follows:
• Mark a reference point (with pencil) on the diaphragm; turn it to the right without forcing and mark another reference on body.
• Now turn the diaphragm to the left and mark a further reference.
• Position the diaphragm mark midway between the two marks on the body. -
Tighten all screws uniformly to ensure
proper sealing.
The pilot has a wide range of self-adjustment values. However, given actual
operating conditions, it may necessary to assist it at times by finding the
best set of register/pin screws (key 29) or the most suitable calibration jet
(key 15).
Table 3. Troubleshooting for Types PSA/79 and PSA/80 Pilots
Desired set point is not reached| The calibration spring (key 5) is too weak|
Check the springs catalog and replace it with a stronger one
Leaks from pilot connections| Check pilot feed connections
and proper gas flow feeding
Outlet pressure drops well below set point| Filter (key 61) is clogged
proper through-flow of gas| Clean or replace it
Pad holder (key 56) is swollen
preventing proper feed flow| To be replaced
Pad holder (key 34) is swollen
preventing proper feed flow| To be replaced
Outlet pressure increases over set point| Faulty sealing of pad holder (key
56)| To be replaced
Faulty sealing of pad holder (key 34)| To be replaced
Slow response to changes in gas demand| The insufficient flow rate of valve
seat (key 30)| Increase flow by means of register/pin screw (key 29)
Overly large calibration jet (key 15) (only for Types PSA/79 and PSA/80)| To
be replaced with a smaller one
Overly rapid response to changes in gas demand, i.e. Hunting| The excessive
flow rate of valve seat (key 30)| Reduce flow by means of a pin screw (key 29)
The calibration jet (key15) is too small (only for Types PSA/79 and PSA/80)|
To be replaced with a larger one
Not proper internal parts assembly| Check clearance between lever (key 39) and
forked stem (key 35)
Gas continually escaping from relief (S)| Defective seal of pad (key 21)| To
be replaced
__ The outlet pressure is not within the usual values| Diaphragms (key 10)
are damaged| Replace diaphragms (key 10) that show signs of wear
The upper diaphragm (key 10) is damaged| If gas escapes from the silencer (key
45), replace the upper diaphragm (key 10)
Parts List
Type PSA/79 (See Figure 4)
Key Description
1 | Adjusting screw | 14* | O-ring |
2 | Nut | 15* | Jet |
3 | Spring holder | 16 | Locking nut |
4 | Cover | 17* | “GACO” Ring |
5 | Spring | 18 | Thrust bearing |
6 | Nut | 19 | Spring |
7 | Screw | 20 | Safety valve |
8 | Washer | 21* | Pad |
9 | Plate | 22* | O-ring |
10 | Diaphragm | 23* | O-ring |
11 | Plate | 24 | Plug |
12 | O-ring | 25 | Body |
13 | Stem | 26 | Seat |
Type PSA/80
Key Description
66 | Elbow Fitting |
67 | Screw |
68 | Middle flange |
69 | Hub |
Types REOA/79 and REOA/80 Only
Key Description
15 Plug
Types PSA/79-AP and PSA/80-AP Only
Key Description
75 | Plate |
76 | Spacer |
77 | Plate |
78* | O-ring |
79 | Spring holder |
Rubber parts marked with (*) are supplied in the “spare parts kit”,
recommended as stock.
To order the kit it is necessary to communicate to us the type of pilot and
its serial number.
Schematic Assemblies
M| Upstream of the regulator
R| To the regulator (loading pressure)
S| Downstream or safe area
V| Downstream of the regulator
Figure 4. Types PSA/79 and PSA/80 Series Detailed Pilots
Assemblies Figure 4. Types PSA/79 and
PSA/80 Series Detailed Pilots Assemblies (continued)
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selection, use, or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper
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