samsara AI Intelligent Dash Cams for Fleets Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024

AI Intelligent Dash Cams for Fleets



  • Product Name: Samsara AI Dash Cams
  • Manufacturer: Samsara
  • Features: AI-powered dash cams for video-based safety

Product Information

Samsara AI Dash Cams are designed to enhance safety and
efficiency in fleet management through advanced AI technology. The
dash cams provide real-time video monitoring, intelligent alerts,
and driver behavior analysis to improve overall safety and

Product Usage Instructions

01 – Program Design

Define your safety program goals and create an implementation
plan. Ensure alignment with stakeholders and unions if necessary.
Use resources provided for a smooth installation and gain driver
buy-in for successful program adoption.

02 – Installation and Configuration

Configure the dashboard, enable event detection, and in-cab
alerts. Incorporate privacy considerations into the program and
streamline the installation process. Assign drivers to vehicles
effectively to ensure accurate data collection.

03 – Training and Communication

Communicate transparently with all stakeholders and build trust.
Train core team members, managers, and drivers on the proper use of
the dash cams. Establish consistent driver coaching processes for
ongoing improvement.


Q: What features do the Samsara AI Dash Cams offer?

A: The dash cams provide real-time video monitoring, intelligent
alerts, and driver behavior analysis to enhance safety and

Q: How can I ensure successful adoption of the safety


A: Define clear goals, communicate effectively, provide
training, and involve stakeholders in the process to ensure
successful adoption of the program.


Best Practices for Building a Video-Based Safety Program
with Samsara AI Dash Cams

Implementing any new technology can be daunting, whether you’re introducing it for the first time or switching
providers. When building a video-based safety program, there are a lot of factors to consider–from installation to training, coaching, rewards, and beyond. Perhaps nothing is more important than ensuring that drivers feel informed and engaged, so the program is a positive addition to your company’s culture. In this guide, we’ve distilled change management best practices and learnings from our most
successful customers. You can follow this four-step playbook or adapt it to your needs. Whether you’re already a Samsara customer or are learning about Samsara for the first time, keep reading to see how we can help you build
a successful video-based safety program that delivers meaningful ROI for your organization.

Samsara safety solutions
Video-Based Safety Samsara’s Video-Based Safety solution offers real-time visibility with 360° HD video, video-based coaching workflows, AI-detected safety events and voice coaching, and seamless, cloud-based video retrieval.
Vehicle Telematics Samsara’s Telematics solution offers a single command center to streamline fleet management from the field to the back office. With to-the-second GPS tracking, real-time vehicle diagnostics, ELD compliance, and a modern mobile experience for drivers and admins, Samsara Telematics transforms productivity, safety, and efficiency across your fleet.
Site Visibility Site Visibility is an onsite camera solution that uses AI- detections, intelligent search features, and real-time alerts so customers can proactively protect employees from onsite threats and extend safety programs from the field to facilities.

Apps & Driver Workflows Site Security Samsara Platform
Samsara is the pioneer of the Connected OperationsTM Cloud, which is a platform that enables organizations that depend on physical operations to harness Internet of Things (IoT) data to develop actionable insights and improve their operations. Samsara operates in North America and Europe and serves tens of thousands of customers across a wide range of industries. The company’s mission is to increase the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the operations that power the global economy.


4 phases of building a successful video-based fleet safety program.

01–Program design

Define your goals


Design an implementation plan


EXPERT ADVICE: Aligning with a union


KEY MILESTONES: Sample implementation timeline


Resources for a smooth installation


CHECKLIST: Tips for driver buy-in


CASE STUDY: Driver buy-in is key to achieving safety improvements


02–Installation and configuration

Configure your dashboard


CHECKLIST: When to enable event detection and in-cab alerts


CASE STUDY: Empower drivers to reduce unsafe behaviors


Incorporate privacy by design into your safety program


9 ways to assign drivers to vehicles


Streamline installation


03–Training and communication

Communicate transparently and build trust


Train your core team, managers, and drivers


CHECKLIST: Training your core team


Build consistent driver coaching processes


CHECKLIST: Tips for building an effective coaching process


CASE STUDY: Build a culture of safety with timely coaching


04–Program refinement

Build a proactive driver coaching program


Introduce a safety rewards program


Plan for continued training and communication


Measure improvements and maximize your ROI


CHECKLIST: How to measure the ROI of your video-based safety program 60

CASE STUDY: Reduce driver and onsite incidents while maximizing your ROI 64


How long does each phase take?
Every organization is different. How long each phase takes will depend on the size of your fleet, complexity of your organization, and details of your deployment–including whether you plan to use a thirdparty installer, have unionized locations, or are replacing existing hardware. Keep in mind that phases may also overlap.

3 essential tips for a successful rollout.
We’ve helped thousands of organizations roll out dash cams successfully. Here are our top three tips for a successful implementation.


Spend time getting driver and union buy-in early.
The NSTSCE studied what sets excellent fleet safety programs apart from the rest. The answer? A shift from top-down control to bottom-up engagement. The most effective fleet safety programs are initially led by management, but as drivers and safety managers become more proactive and invested, their engagement is what drives significant safety improvements. Our number one tip for getting buy-in from drivers: share real dash cam footage that exonerated drivers from not-at-fault incidents. See more tips for building genuine driver buy-in on page 16.


Don’t turn on every feature at once.
It can be tempting to turn on every optional feature at once, such as in-cab alerts. This can cause drivers and managers to become overwhelmed with the dash cams before they’ve had a chance to see their benefits. For the first few weeks, start with the basics, then introduce optional features in stages–while communicating clearly which features will be enabled when. This can result in more positive reception from drivers and higher long-term ROI. See our checklist for when to enable optional events on page 25.


Introduce a rewards program.
79% of employees say they work harder when they feel recognized, and 83% say that rewards make them feel more engaged with their job. Introducing a rewards program to drivers at the same time as coaching can help with adoption and engagement from the start. We recommend offering rewards (like bonuses, plaques, gift cards, or company swag) based on the top Driver Safety Scores. This doesn’t just incentivize safe driving– it also helps drivers directly benefit from your program, too. See best practices for launching a rewards program on page 53.



Program Design


· Define your goals


· Design an implementation plan


· EXPERT ADVICE: Aligning with a union


· KEY MILESTONES: Sample implementation timeline


· Resources for a smooth installation


· CHECKLIST: Tips for driver buy-in


· CASE STUDY: Driver buy-in is key to achieving safety improvements


Define your goals.
Goal-setting is widely accepted as a change management best practice, but choosing the right goals for your safety program can be tricky. Read on to see our best practices.
Establish a baseline.
It’s more effective to set goals when you understand your baseline of current performance first. You may have captured safety benchmarking data during your pilot. Many organizations who didn’t previously do a pilot treat the first few weeks or months of their implementation as a pilot. The baseline data you gather during this period can be illuminating, providing newfound visibility into your operations and potential areas of improvement, which may be surprising or different from what you previously thought.
Identify areas for improvement with the Safety Overview and Fleet Benchmarks Report.
The Safety Overview is the hub for safety data, making it easy to understand high-level trends, granular insights, and specific risk factors impacting your Safety Scores. The Fleet Benchmarks Report compares your performance to similar fleets, providing insight into how you’re trending relative to peers. This report is a great tool for understanding what is truly an area for improvement vs. what is already as good as or better than peers, so you can set more informed goals.


Choose goals that are measurable and good indicators of long-term ROI.
Every organization is unique. However, good goals tend to meet two key criteria: they are measurable and they are good indicators of long-term ROI (meaning they will be impactful to your organization). Some common goals of video-based fleet safety programs include:

Reducing at-fault collisions Lowering insurance premiums Eliminating not-at- fault claims

Improving CSA scores Increasing driver retention

How do you determine a “good” goal?
Is your goal too ambitious? Will it be impossible to achieve? Our team can help you set goals that make sense. Here are some results our customers have achieved:
· Foundation Building Materials reduced crashes per million miles by 83%
· ArcBest reduced preventable accidents by 13% · Chalk Mountain Services improved driver retention
by 15% · City of Memphis reduced distracted driving by 70% · RelaDyne reduced the frequency of insurance
claims by 82% · Eurovia USA decreased no seat belt usage by 76%

Consider focusing on 2-3 high-risk behaviors.
According to the NSTSCE, 87% of all commercial motor vehicle crashes are the result of driver behavior or driver error. After choosing your goals, identify a few high-risk behaviors you’ll need to target in order to achieve those goals. For example, if one of your goals is to reduce your at-fault collision rate, you may want to target speeding, distracted driving, and tailgating (see below). Pinpointing a few risky behaviors you want to target at this stage will help you focus your driver coaching efforts later on.
High-risk behaviors to consider when goal-setting:

For more than two decades, speeding has been involved in approximately one- third of all motor vehicle fatalities. Speeding was a contributing factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities in 2021. (Source: NHTSA)

Distracted driving
Distracted driving is the leading cause of avoidable driving incidents. Truck drivers who are distracted are 23.2 times more likely to be involved in a crash or near-crash. (Source: FMCSA)

Tailgating is the leading cause of rear-end collisions, causing more than 1,700 deaths and 500,000 injuries per year. (Source: NTSB)



Design an implementation plan.
Aligning stakeholders around a clear plan ensures an efficient and successful deployment. Read on to see our recommendations.
Align internal stakeholders.
Before diving into implementation, start by identifying your core team. Because so many people care about safety, this list can be long; it may include a project sponsor, technical lead, training lead, project manager, and safety lead. If you’re replacing your ELD system in addition to rolling out dash cams, your stakeholders may even include team members from different departments, like maintenance or compliance.
At this stage, it’s important to identify a key decision maker. This person will be responsible for making key decisions throughout your rollout–such as what types of events should be coached and when–while taking into consideration all perspectives. Samsara can recommend best practices throughout your rollout, but it’s important to have a key decision maker within your organization to ensure you always have a clear path forward.
Set up a weekly meeting with your core team to discuss these key decisions, track progress, and ensure accountability with documented notes. Make sure to also discuss roles, responsibilities, policies, and service-level agreements (SLAs)–especially if you haven’t had a camera solution before–to help avoid confusion and ensure accountability. Make attendance mandatory for important program stakeholders (like safety and technical leads) and optional for others. Even if they don’t always attend, it pays off to provide transparency and visibility in the end.
If you have a large company or are not on the executive leadership team, it may be helpful to identify an executive sponsor who can help evangelize the value of the program. The change management consultancy firm Prosci has found that “active and visible” executive sponsorship consistently ranks as the number one contributing factor to successful change initiatives. Some of our customers have seen success with creating videos that feature executives explaining why the company is implementing a video-based program (or switching to Samsara, if they had a different technology partner previously).

Best practices for aligning stakeholders:
· Identify a core team, key decision maker, and executive sponsor
· Set up weekly check-ins · Agree on your goals upfront



Aligning with a union: Tips from John Hamill, Teamsters Business Agent.
86% of leaders agree that unions are active in helping drivers be more informed about privacy.
Expert bio 30 years of transportation management experience Knows how to build dash cam programs that work for both companies and unions

Key Takeaways
· Approach the union early during the planning stages of your program
· If you’re not currently negotiating your union contract, work with the union on a side letter or memorandum of understanding (MOU)
· Root your conversation in your shared goal of safety
· Use evidence and facts to show how dash cams can benefit drivers

” Before going to your drivers, get the union to buy in first. Not going to the union first can lead to so many issues down the line…they may want to shut down the initiative entirely. That can set a precedent that’s hard to overcome.”
— JOHN HAMILL Teamsters Business Agent

Determine needs from third-party installers.
Decide if third-party installers are needed to deploy Samsara to your fleet. Although Samsara’s hardware can be installed in minutes, coordinating installation across a fleet with dozens or hundreds of vehicles and multiple terminals can sometimes require logistical help. We partner with reliable installers and hardware management partners who understand how to install our hardware. Ask your Samsara Sales Representative for more information or help getting in touch with an installation partner.
Create a timeline with key milestones.
Once you’ve aligned internal stakeholders and determined needs from partners, Samsara’s implementation team can help you create a timeline that covers key milestones. Keep in mind that the time it takes to complete each step can vary depending on the size and complexity of your rollout. On the next page is an example to give you a general idea of what this entails.


Sample implementation timeline.
How long each phase takes will depend on the size of your fleet, complexity of your organization, and details of your deployment. Stages may also overlap. Your Samsara Implementation Consultant can help you create a timeline customized to your needs.

Kick off your workshop.
Configure your dashboard.
Begin your installation. Start your training. Complete your installation. Go live.

Your Samsara Implementation Consultant can lead a program design workshop to help define your goals and create your implementation timeline. Early alignment is key to success; determine who your key decision maker is, what your coaching process will look like, who will be responsible for different processes, and how your safety policy will be updated and enforced.
Many of our customers begin configuring their dashboard settings before or around the same time as installation, so they can determine what safety settings are enabled and communicate this to drivers and managers in advance. Our team can help consult and provide best practices for configuration, including how to bulk-upload data, create custom admin roles, add Tags, set up alerts, and more.
Hardware is shipped and installed (sometimes in batches), either via inhouse technicians or a third-party installation partner.
Once your dashboard is configured and your hardware is installed, training begins. Our team employs a “train the trainer” approach; we train your core team first, so they are empowered with the information they need to train their departments and drivers in the field. This helps instill accountability and maximize long-term adoption.
If you have an existing system installed, determine whether a soft cutover (running systems in parallel) or hard cutover (running one system at a time) is the best approach based on your needs. Our team is available to help evaluate what will work best.
Once installation, configuration, and training are complete, officially launch your program. With the Samsara Academy, Help Center, frequent product training webinars, and 24/7 support, you will continue to have support from Samsara.


Explore resources for a smooth installation.
Samsara’s Vehicle Gateways, AI Dash Cams, and HD Camera Connectors are designed to be installed quickly and easily. For more information, visit, or check out the detailed installation guides below. · Vehicle Gateway · AI Dash Cam · HD Camera Connector
How can you build a holistic safety program?
Samsara Vehicle Gateways, AI Dash Cams, and HD Camera Connectors are the foundation of a successful video-based safety program. Samsara offers additional solutions that can help you expand the impact of your safety program across your fleet and field operations, including MEM, a mobile management solution, and Site Visibility, an AI and cloud-connected site cameras solution. Ask yourself the following questions: · How do I know if my vehicles are operating efficiently? Harness telematics data to gain real-time visibility
into vehicle health, performance, and security. Athens-Clarke County reduced manual errors and decreased unsafe DVIRs by 56% as a result of digitizing their paperwork with Samsara. · How can I ensure my drivers are not distracted by technology in the cab? Restrict access to non-driving apps while drivers are on the road with mobile device management. By deploying Samsara’s Mobile Experience Management (MEM) and Video-Based Safety solutions, U.S. Logistics Solutions lowered their preventable collision rates by 15% year-over-year. · How can I avoid putting my drivers and vehicles in risky conditions? Track vehicle location, weather, and traffic conditions so you can communicate in real-time with drivers and dispatch them out of harm’s way. ACV Enviro reduced accident rates by 60% as a result of increased visibility across their fleet and improved driver safety. · How can I monitor safety issues outside the cab of my vehicle? Connect well-placed cameras for side, rear, and interior visibility, ensuring 360° HD video coverage. Rasmussen Group saw a 25% reduction in backup incidents as a result of installing HD Camera Connectors due to increased visibility. · How do I know my workers are safe when they’re not in a vehicle? Install site cameras within your worksite for better visibility into potential onsite threats and operations hazards. Aunt Millie’s has saved an estimated $1 million+ in injury claims after installing Samsara’s Site Visibility across their worksites and reducing the time it takes to find key incident footage from hours to just a few minutes.

Plan to update your safety policy.
Every organization is different and will have unique requirements for their safety policy. Depending on your operations, your safety policy may include details unrelated to dash cams, such as food handling guidelines or equipment procedures. If you’re rolling out camera technology for the first time, it’s critical that you update your safety policy before installing any hardware to set clear expectations for your program. According to Samsara’s State of Privacy in Physical Operations 2023, 99% of employees and drivers said that clear policies–and communication from leadership– about how video will be used would ease privacy concerns. “One of the biggest objections to cameras is the concern that they will be used unfairly or in a punitive way,” said John Hamill, Business Agent at the Teamsters. “A lot of the time this is simply because the company doesn’t have a clear and concise policy that says, `If you do this, this is what happens.'” Consistently following through on your policy is just as important as (if not more important than) the policy itself. “Following agreed-upon policies and procedures to the T is what really creates trust and drives that culture of safety,” said Hamill. “The biggest mistake that companies make is lack of a clear and concise policy, and then lack of consistency in following through on that policy.”
What should you add to your safety policy?
How you update your safety policy will depend on your unique culture and requirements. For sample dash cam policies, reach out to your Samsara Account Representative. · Explain how the dash cams will (and will not) be used, including what the dash cam can and cannot do,
when it will be recording, and what features will be enabled. · Explain what the dash cams will be recording and how those recordings will be stored. · Detail exactly how and when coaching will occur, so drivers know what to expect. · Consider creating a “tiered system” based on the seriousness of infractions, including a “zero tolerance”
policy for illegal activities and a strike (or point) system for lesser infractions. · Clearly outline the process for disciplinary action, so it’s clear what will result in training or coaching, and
what will result in progressive discipline.

Tips for driver buy-in.

Communicate with employees at the very beginning.
Both employees and your organization benefit from the use of dash cams, and articulating those benefits early and often can drive buy-in. For drivers, dash cams can protect them in case of accidents or frivolous complaints and keep drivers safe on the road. For organizations, dash cams can protect against false claims and payouts and can streamline and personalize driver coaching.
Proactively debunk myths through open communication.
It’s important for drivers to understand that dash cams will not be used to micromanage or monitor them. Clearly communicate with your drivers to help them understand what triggers an event, when footage is uploaded, what features are activated or deactivated, who has access to footage and data, and how and when the captured information will be used.
Lead by example and find an internal champion.
Show drivers you’re not afraid of the technology by installing a dash cam in your own vehicle. Ask one or two drivers to test the dash cams, too, and ask them to share their experiences with other drivers.
Showcase real exoneration footage to demonstrate the impact.
Exoneration is the most powerful way to get skeptical drivers supportive of dash cams. If you have an example of a near miss or not-at- fault collision that was captured by a dash cam, share the footage with all of your drivers.
Launch a comprehensive rollout plan to avoid making employees feel targeted.
Installing dash cams in some vehicles and not others can sometimes cause frustration–instead, focus on a streamlined rollout for your entire fleet. Communicate your planned rollout at all levels, include top and middle management, and avoid using dash cams to micromanage drivers.

Create a safety policy with clear coaching expectations.
Build a culture of safety by partnering with drivers. Consider implementing a safety policy that includes a tiered system based on the seriousness of infractions, clear coaching guidelines, and consistent disciplinary actions.
Offer incentives and rewards–and follow through.
After establishing your coaching processes and allowing drivers to see their rankings via the Driver App, consider introducing a safety-based rewards program. Rewards like gift cards or company swag help drivers benefit from the dash cams, too.
Start with In-Cab NudgesTM and enable optional features in stages.
It can be tempting to enable every optional feature–like in-cab alerts for AI events–at once. This can be overwhelming for drivers. Start with InCab Nudges; these in-cab alerts enable drivers to self-correct behaviors on the road before the event is uploaded to the Safety Inbox for manager review, helping ease driver concern that footage of their driving is being sent to their superiors. For the first few weeks, keep the rest of the optional features toggled off as drivers get used to In-Cab Nudges, then introduce them in stages.
Consider offering camera covers.
Consider offering removable camera covers that drivers can use to block the dash cam lens when needed, such as when going onsite to government locations. Camera covers can make drivers feel more comfortable–especially those who use a sleeper berth. Plus, proactively offering a removable camera cover minimizes the chances that a driver will obstruct or permanently damage the hardware. Learn more about addressing driver privacy concerns in our privacy setting tips.



Driver buy-in is key to achieving safety improvements.
Foundation Building Materials (FBM) is one of North America’s leading distributors of building materials. As FBM has grown, the team has focused on scaling safety programs along with their operations.
Previously, FBM didn’t have visibility into driver behavior or means to build a robust safety program, so they decided to install Samsara AI Dash Cams in their fleet.
Getting driver buy-in was a critical part of the deployment process. To build trust with drivers, FBM showed them how video-based safety could lead to exonerations. “Driver buy-in came when they could see that cameras would be good for them,” said Tom Fischbeck, Regional VP, Pacific South Region. “Dash cam footage and location data gave us concrete proof that they weren’t at fault or even in the same area where an incident was reported.”
With Samsara, FBM has realized a range of benefits, including more than $100,000 in estimated savings from driver exonerations. Moreover, Samsara Driver Safety Scores provide insights that FBM can use to recognize drivers, boosting the company’s efforts to create a culture of safety.
“In one region, there’s a Top Dog competition where any driver with a Safety Score over 98 for the month gets a really nice YETI cooler,” said Fischbeck. Today, FBM’s drivers report that Samsara helps them be safer by increasing their self awareness, ultimately leading to a decrease in crashes.

· Connect real-time telematics data and AI Dash Cam footage for driver exoneration.
· Encourage driver buy-in with clear examples of benefits.
· Consider rewards and recognition foundational to a culture of safety.



Configuration and Installation


· Configure your dashboard


· Checklist: When to enable event detection and in-cab alerts


· Case Study: Empower drivers to reduce unsafe behaviors


· Incorporate privacy by design into your safety program


· 9 ways to assign drivers to vehicles


· Streamline installation



Tips for configuring your dashboard.
Many of our customers begin configuration before or around the same time as installation, so they can determine what safety settings will be enabled and communicate this to drivers and managers in advance. Below, we’ve included a few of the most important steps.
Create admin roles, assign users, and configure privacy permissions.
Invite your core safety team and managers to Samsara via the Users and Roles page. You will be prompted to choose a Role for each new user. Samsara offers a variety of custom roles with different levels of access and permissions– including roles with and without access to dash cam footage for privacy and security purposes.

Customize your admin roles.
In addition to the default admin roles, you can create custom admin roles with unique levels of access to better fit the privacy and security needs of your fleet. For example, you can control which admins can view and download incident footage.
You can also provide granular permissions to users so that your admins can only view video data relevant for their roles, such as “Dash Cam access only” or “Safety Inbox access only.” These types of admin roles are customizable from the Samsara dashboard settings.

Users & Roles


Dispatch for Entire Organization Read-only Admin for Entire Organization Read- only Admin for Entire Organization Full Admin for NA Division Full Admin for Entire Organization



Add drivers individually or in bulk.
Samsara makes it easy to “bulk upload” new driver accounts via a CSV file. You can start by downloading our Sample Template CSV file (which contains each of the columns you will need to fill in) via our Help Center.

Use Tags to keep vehicles and drivers organized in your dashboard.
Tags can be used to segment and group data by asset type, driver teams, region, customers served, business unit, and other relevant categories. This makes it possible to quickly filter to find the information you need. You can learn more about configuring user roles here.

Region 24

Add user to tag



Edit Standard Admin


Remove Standard Admin



Create safety-related admin alerts.
Alerts notify admins via SMS, text, email, or WhatsApp within minutes when certain events happen. These notifications are helpful for taking timely action on issues that you’ve identified as a priority for your program. Below are a few of the safety-related triggers for which you can create an admin alert. DRIVER & SAFE TY-REL ATED ADMIN ALERTS
· Unassigned Driving · Harsh Driving · Crash · Speeding · Policy violations (i.e., Camera Obstruction or No Seat Belt) · Panic Button · Unsafe DVIR

D E V I C E H E A LT H A L E RTS · Dash Cam Disconnected · Camera Connector Disconnected · Disconnected Vehicle Gateway


Configure key safety settings for your organization’s goals.
Samsara offers a variety of different safety settings that you can customize based on your organization’s unique operations and goals. After completing installation, here are a few key safety settings to configure. Safety Score Configuration: Samsara automatically calculates a Safety Score for each individual driver and your overall fleet performance. You can customize how Samsara calculates Safety Scores by setting specific weights for different categories, including harsh driving, speeding, and inattentive driving. You can also specify that defensive driving events positively influence Safety Scores. See our recommended best practices for Safety Score Configuration on the next page. Safety Score Target: You can set a target safety score for your entire fleet from the Safety Settings. Your Safety Score Target will appear in your Safety Overview on the Safety Score Trend Graph, where you will be able to see progress toward your goal over time. Harsh Event Sensitivity: You’ll automatically receive recommended harsh event settings based on your vehicle type. With the Harsh Event Sensitivity settings, you can further adjust the sensitivity for detecting different harsh events based on vehicle type. For example, you can increase the sensitivity so that you get more events or you can stop capturing certain harsh event types altogether.

Parking Mode: When enabled, the dash cam will record between one and 12 hours after a trip has ended to aid in incident investigation and driver exoneration. Configurable Speeding: Within Safety Settings, you can define speed limit thresholds and duration through configurable speeding settings. You can select whether speeding should be defined based on MPH/KMH or a percentage over speeding relative to the posted speed limit. High Resolution Video (HRV) Storage: Select a higher capacity type to increase the HRV capacity using lower quality video. Capacity options are Standard (default), Increased, or Extended. Use this setting to retrieve video from further in the past for exoneration. Secondary Extended Video (SEV) Storage: When you enable this setting, the HRV capacity decreases to allow more capacity for lower quality SEV video. For example, if you have a front-facing AI Dash Cam with no accessories and a Standard storage capacity type, the footage capacity reduces from 43 hours to 20 hours with the SEV Storage setting enabled. Use this setting to retrieve video from 300+ hours further in the past for exoneration.
You can find any setting in seconds with our dashboard search shortcut.
It’s simple to search your entire Samsara dashboard with just a few keystrokes. To search for what you want to find or navigate between your most frequently used tabs, simply use your keyboard to press Control + K on a PC or Command-K on a MacBook from any page when logged into

Best practices for Safety Score Configuration.

Safety Scores are a great way to measure driver and company performance and track improvements over time. Samsara leverages data from mixed vehicle fleets and uses this data to calculate benchmarks. You can use the default settings to calculate the Safety Score or refine the calculation for specific driving behaviors.
You may be wondering how to customize your settings. Below are our recommended best practices for Safety Score Configuration. You can watch a comprehensive how-to video here.
What’s important to your goals? What types of events and behaviors does Samsara measure that you want to emphasize and have a larger impact on each drivers’ score for coaching? For example, if your top priority is to increase speeding awareness, you may want to increase the weight of the speeding category.
What do you want the average score and range of scores to look like? Two equally safe fleets could have a very different overall fleet Safety Score, solely based on their score settings. Do you want an overall Safety Score of around 90, with most drivers’ scores clustered around 10 points of that average? Or do you want a lower overall average, with more spread between drivers’ scores? In general, greater separation between drivers’ scores makes identifying your high and low performers easier.

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with safety behavior weights. Samsara automatically applies a weight, or impact, to each safety behavior into the following impact level categories: High impact to safety score, Moderate impact to safety score, and
Low impact to safety score.
Step 2: Configure your Safety Score impact. Navigate to Settings (click the gear icon) at the bottom of your Fleet menu to view dashboard settings. Within Fleet settings, select Safety > Safety Score, and enable Safety Score Configuration.
If you have not previously configured your safety score impact settings, click Guided Score Setup and follow the guided on-screen prompts to confirm your fleet composition and driver behavior priorities.
Step 3: Determine the weights to use in the Safety Score calculation. You can calibrate the weights using your existing fleet data or assign the weight to each behavior manually, then click Apply to save the changes. To review or edit your fleet composition and priority settings, click Guided Score Setup. For best results, calibrate your Safety Score configuration setup every 60 days to reflect changing priorities and goals for your organization.
Step 4: Use the Score Preview to see how adjustments will affect your overall Safety Score. Once the adjusted weight is saved, the setting will apply to both current and historical scores. Familiarize yourself with Samsara’s Driver Safety Score intended use and best practices.

Safety Scores should be used primarily for coaching and training purposes and to help build a safety culture within your organization. Employment decisions, including but not limited to decisions involving hiring, termination, compensation, and route and hours assignments, should never be based on Safety Scores alone. Safety Scores should always only be one data point for an employment decision that is ultimately made by a supervisor or other employee.


Enable optional event detections and alerts in stages.
Samsara AI Dash Cams offer the optional ability to detect safety events and alert drivers to a variety of different safety events. For each of these events, authorized users can enable detection (which will surface these events in your Safety Inbox) and/or in-cab alerts (which will alert drivers to these events in real time). It can be tempting to enable both safety event detections and corresponding in-cab alerts at once. However, this can be overwhelming for administrators and drivers–causing them to become frustrated with the dash cams before they’ve had the chance to see their benefits. We recommend you pilot each feature with a subset of drivers, collect feedback, adjust settings, and then gradually roll out each feature in phases.
Increase following distance

Understand when to enable event detection and in-cab alerts.


This will automatically upload footage of these events to your dashboard.

This will alert drivers to these events in real time.

Harsh driving

On by default.

Enable once you’ve fine-tuned sensitivity thresholds and once drivers are comfortable with the dash cams (2-3 weeks after installation).

Collision Risk (e.g. inattentive driving, tailgating)
Open Beta Features (e.g. no seat belt)

Enable once safety managers are comfortable using the Safety Inbox (2-3 weeks after installation).

Enable once you’ve established consistent coaching processes (4+ weeks after installation).

Enable on a subset of vehicles to test with while accuracy is reduced.

Enable only if you are comfortable with the accuracy and configurations. Otherwise wait until the event is out of Beta.

Beta Features
Customers interested in turning on Beta features will be testing features that are still in development. They are encouraged to provide feedback to the Samsara Product team.



Empower drivers to reduce unsafe mobile usage and increase seatbelt usage.
With a fleet of more than 2,000 vehicles moving between sites to support roadway maintenance, it’s essential for Eurovia USA to ensure on-theroad safety and protect their drivers. Eurovia USA suspected that unsafe in-cab activity, specifically mobile usage, was causing an increase in incidents. Eurovia USA also needed to ensure that seatbelts were being worn to protect drivers from potentially serious injuries.
With Samsara’s Video-Based Safety solution, Eurovia USA is now able to take a proactive approach to driver safety. Dual-facing AI Dash Cams bring artificial intelligence (AI) into the cab to help drivers selfcorrect a range of behaviors including mobile usage and seatbelt usage, preventing incidents before they happen.
As a result of installing AI Dash Cams, Eurovia USA was able to significantly improve in-cab safety. 30 days after turning on in-cab alerts for Mobile Usage Detection, Eurovia USA saw an 80% decrease in mobile usage events. Similarly, 4 months after turning on in-cab alerts for No Seatbelt Detection, they saw a 76% decrease in no seatbelt events.
With Samsara, Eurovia USA has a technology partner experienced in change management when implementing preventative technology like in-cab alerts. Eurovia USA was able to achieve a seamless rollout by being transparent about how Samsara AI Dash Cams work. For example, Eurovia USA held field workshops to train drivers and leveraged Samsara resources–including this guide–to educate their team on safety best practices.
As a result, Samsara’s Video-Based Safety solution empowered Eurovia USA to move from a reactive to a proactive approach, building a truly world-class safety program that empowers their drivers to take ownership of their coaching experience. “Samsara helped us with being transparent on the why,” says Dubay. “Why is safety so important? It’s about the drivers, first and foremost. The cameras improve our drivers’ safety and wellbeing so they can stay on the road.”

· When you first install your dash cams, be transparent with drivers about how they work.
· Once drivers are comfortable with having a dash cam in their cab, enable in- cab alerts in stages to maximize impact.

Incorporate privacy by design settings into your safety program.
Samsara’s Video-Based Safety solution is built with privacy in mind. As you roll out your safety program and configure your AI Dash Cams, it’s important to ensure your drivers and employees’ concerns about privacy are addressed early, and that your safety program is configured to meet your organization’s privacy needs. Reference the privacy features and settings below to ease driver and union concerns on implementing safety technology:
TRANSPARENCY INTO DATA RETENTION & VISIBILITY Configurable data processing and retention settings: Our customizable data retention settings for Dash Cam image and video data, as well as DVIR data, give you greater control over how your data is processed and retained. You can read more about how to enable and configure your particular settings here. Limited data being captured and retained: Our products limit the amount of data captured, and only record footage in specific and customizable conditions. Dash Cams collect and store around 40-120 hours of video footage using default settings and this footage is overwritten on a continuous time loop. Camera footage is only sent to, and saved on, the Samsara dashboard cloud if there is a safety event or an authorized admin specifically requests certain available footage. Granular user permissions: In addition to the default administrative roles available in the Samsara dashboard, you can customize your own roles and permissions for administrators. Using a custom role type and a tag in combination will limit administrative access to the features allocated within their role, and to manage or view the drivers, vehicles, and other devices assigned the tag. Samsara also provides audit logs of user access for your recordkeeping and compliance.

PRIORITIZING DRIVER & COMMUNITY PRIVACY Configurable Safety Settings: Audio recording, Camera ID, AI-based distracted driving features, and live streaming are all disabled by default. You may choose to enable such features and functionality for your organization. Identity Blurring: You can enable this feature to obscure drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and license plates.
ADDITIONAL PRIVACY HARDWARE Privacy Button: The Privacy Button allows drivers to easily turn location and GPS tracking on and off. Lens covers: Physical lens covers can be used to easily block cameras at any time for driver privacy. For lens covers, please speak to your Samsara Sales Representative.

Data protection and security.
Our hosting infrastructure provider is ISO 27001 SOC Type II certified. We use TLS 1.2 protocols and AES 256 encryption. We also conduct regular audits pursuant to the Service Organization Controls (SOC 2) reporting process and engage independent entities to conduct application, infrastructure, and hardwarelevel penetration tests at least annually. More information on our data protection and security practices can be found on our Security Website and Security Trust Center.

Data privacy and compliance considerations for Samsara cameras.
Samsara takes the following steps to maximize protection of privacy across our camera lines:
Collect only the data we need to deliver business benefit; nothing more.
Limit data access to people who have a legitimate need to see the footage.
Protect your data from breaches, using world-class infrastructure.


9 ways to assign a driver to a vehicle.
Samsara’s comprehensive driver assignment solution gives you complete visibility into who is at risk behind the wheel, so you can coach the right drivers, improve productivity, and create a seamless experience from the cab to the back office. With nine ways to assign drivers to vehicles, Samsara offers the flexibility to choose one or combination of methods that best suits the needs of your fleet.

QR Code
Drivers scan the QR Code using the Dual-Facing Dash Cam to assign a trip. Can be done via mobile or by printing the QR Code onto a paper badge.

Driver App
Drivers self-select a vehicle upon login to the mobile app.

Camera ID
By combining AI Dash Cam footage and advanced machine learning, the Camera ID feature can learn to assign drivers automatically.

Driver ID Cards
Drivers tap a physical RFIDenabled card against an in-cab card reader.

Driver ID Tokens

Static Assignment

Drivers carry a physical key fob that automatically pairs with the Vehicle Gateway.

Managers can set persistent vehicle assignments per driver in the Samsara dashboard.

Manual Assignment
Managers can assign drivers when reviewing safety events in the dashboard.


Tachograph (Europe only)

Driver assignment data is connected from external systems to the Samsara dashboard.

Drivers insert their driver card into the vehicle’s tachograph.


Not sure which driver assignment method is right for you?

Fleets in US & CA Driver App

Fleets in EU & UK Tachograph

Fleets Using Another System API

Fleets Not Subject to ELD

Fleets Changing Vehicles
· Static Assignment · Manual Assignment · ID Tokens

Fleets with High Driver Turnover
· QR Code · ID Card Readers · Camera ID

Fleets Using Mobile Devices Driver App

Fleets Using Another System API


Leverage Samsara safety coaching workflows to maximize efficiency.
Follow our recommended coaching workflows, from driver assignment to manager- led and virtual coaching, to streamline
and scale your coaching process. Learn more about how to build a proactive driver coaching program here.


1. The driver signs in to their vehicle before the trip begins. Refer to the list of Samsara’s driver assignment methods.

2. AI Dash Cam triggers an in-cab audio alert and a safety event when risky driving behavior is detected.

6. The driver reviews the safety event’s video, incident details, and the coach’s comments.

If the driver requires additional coaching, the driver attends a managerled coaching session.

7. The driver gains additional transparency on their own performance through Safety Scores in the Samsara Driver App.

Event Reviewer
(Can also be Safety Manager)
Safety Manager
HR Partner

3. The event is uploaded to the safety inbox for review and triaged to the relevant coach.

4. The coach prioritizes drivers to coach by reviewing Driver Safety Scores and the type of risky behavior(s) in the Coaching Queue.

5. The coach uses Driver Safety Scores and the driver’s history of risk factors to tailor the appropriate coaching method.

8. The coach reviews the Driver Performance Report to track driver Safety Score improvements from coaching.
9. The safety manager reviews the Safety Overview, Driver Performance, Coaching Performance, and Event Resolution Reports to measure and grow the impact of safety.
10. The HR partner reviews and manages any escalations from the safety team.


Streamline your installation
Once your team is aligned on an implementation plan, you can begin installing your hardware. Below are a few tips for achieving a smooth installation with minimal downtime.
Complete your installation plan.
Reference the implementation timeline you created to complete your installation process. If in-house technicians will be installing your hardware, make sure to check out our step-by-step installation guides.
Activate your hardware.
Once your hardware is installed, it’s easy to activate via your Samsara dashboard. If you’re a new customer, you will receive an email with instructions on how to activate your new devices. All you have to do is visit, create an account, and follow the instructions online. Once logged in, your devices will automatically activate. If you’re an existing customer, you can activate a new device via your Samsara dashboard.

Increase installation efficiency with the Samsara Fleet mobile app.
For fleets with hundreds of vehicles, saving even just a few minutes when installing each device really adds up. The installer experience in the Samsara Fleet mobile app makes the installation process easier to coordinate, confirm, and complete: · In the Samsara Mobile app, go to the “More” tab and tap “Install devices.” · Scan the serial number of your Vehicle Gateway. From there, you’ll receive prompts to validate that
everything is properly configured, including if you have the correct cables for that specific vehicle. · Instantly calibrate your dash cam by capturing a test image right in the mobile app. · If you’re working with a third-party installer, the app offers an Installer role that enables partners to fully
install and activate devices without relying on administrators. “With the installer experience, installation time went from 30 minutes to 10,” said Bryan DaParma, President of Hometown Medical Transportation. That’s a 66% decrease in installation time–a direct result of the workflow efficiencies provided by the installer experience in the Samsara Fleet mobile app.

Customize vehicle names to tell vehicles apart.
By default, Samsara will use the serial number of each Vehicle Gateway as the name of the vehicle. However, you can change the name of any vehicle within your Samsara dashboard, under Settings. Renaming is helpful for quickly telling vehicles apart. Plus, renaming your vehicles now will make tagging easier in the future, so you can further segment the data in your dashboard.

Remotely check dash cam installation and placement with the Cameras Report.
Want to check whether your dash cams are aligned correctly and not intentionally obstructed by drivers? Our Cameras Report provides a quick and easy way for you to visually inspect all of your installed cameras and identify any issues in road-facing or driver-facing camera visibility. On your dashboard, click on Cameras to see the most recent still image captured from each of your installed cameras at a glance.



Communication and training


· Communicate transparently and build trust


· Train your core team, managers, and drivers


· CHECKLIST: Training your core team


· Build consistent driver coaching processes


· CHECKLIST: Tips for building an effective coaching process


· CASE STUDY: Build a culture of safety with timely coaching



Communicate transparently and build trust with your team.
Transparent communication is critical to successful change management. Read on to see our best practices for building trust and fostering genuine buy-in on your program, and uncover actionable insights from a survey of 600+ leaders in The State of Privacy in Physical Operations 2023.
Survey drivers to hear their concerns.
Understandably, drivers may have concerns about how the dash cam technology works and how it will be used. Surveying drivers can help you understand their anxieties, build trust, and create communications tailored to your unique culture.
Lead with transparency.
Effective employee communications can be done in a variety of ways and will likely depend on your company culture and norms. However, many of our customers have found that holding a company-wide meeting with a Q&A at the end is a great way to get everybody on the same page. Having a senior executive make an announcement or share an educational video can also help drivers see the importance of your safety program.
Dispel myths early on.
Drivers often think dash cams will be used as “spying” devices to watch them 24/7–a misconception that is best to address early on. Before installing hardware or announcing policy changes, build trust with drivers by being completely transparent about how the technology works and exactly when and what it records. In your communications, be specific about:
· When footage is automatically uploaded · Whether audio is being captured · Which features are activated · Which in-cab alerts are turned on

Communication is key to successful dash cam change management.
Engage employees early: 70% of employees say they’re most engaged when senior leadership communicates openly about changes.
Address privacy concerns: 96% of executives pointed to open communication with employees as a factor that would ease privacy concerns, including almost half (49%) who said it would significantly ease privacy worries about how data is being collected and used.
Focus on how dash cams work benefit your drivers: 93% of customers report that dash cams have not negatively impacted driver retention.
For a sample dash cam policy and driver notice memo, please reach out to your Samsara Sales Representative.


Come prepared with answers to common questions from drivers.

When are Samsara AI Dash Cams recording?
Dash Cams record when the vehicle is moving, the camera detects a certain g-force, or the driver hits the panic button, as well as for a configurable 10+ minutes after a trip.
Dash Cams only collect and store around 40-120 hours of video footage (depending on camera configurations) and this footage is overwritten on a continuous time loop. The camera system cannot be live streamed by default. Footage is generally only remotely accessed and sent to the Samsara dashboard cloud when triggered by a harsh event (e.g., harsh braking, harsh acceleration, fast cornering, or an impact). Alternatively, a fleet manager may request a video clip for a specific vehicle at a specific time.
Footage may also be uploaded for AI-detected events (such as distracted driving or tailgating) or other types of events (such as rolling stops) if your organization has those features enabled.
Who has access to the footage?
Only authorized users can view, request, or download footage. Footage can be downloaded and shared with external stakeholders, like police and insurance, at the organization’s discretion.

Can drivers’ faces be blurred for privacy?
Organizations may choose to use Samsara’s optional Identity Blurring feature from the Feature Management page, which obscures driver, passenger, and pedestrian faces as well as license plates.
Can users request additional footage?
Authorized users can manually request footage from a dashcam for a specific vehicle at a specific time so long as that footage has not yet been overwritten. Dash Cams only collect and store around 40-120 hours of video footage (depending on camera configurations) and this footage is overwritten on a continuous time loop.
How do dash cams help drivers?
Video evidence is a great way to clear innocent drivers when they are blamed in not-at-fault collisions or false claims. In the case of a dispute, inward- facing cameras can prove that the driver was focused and not distracted, protecting them from blame. Another way dash cams help is by keeping drivers safe through preventative alerts and video-based coaching. Insurance companies also support dash cams as risk reducers, and can facilitate quick settlements for at-fault accidents. Ask your Samsara point of contact for driver-facing materials, including a more detailed overview of how our technology works.



Hold regular listening sessions with drivers.
One of the best ways to build buy-in is to ensure drivers’ concerns are heard and addressed. If drivers feel like they don’t have a forum to voice questions or suggestions, it can lead to frustration and undercut the efficacy of your program. Consider holding regular listening sessions, either company-wide or by terminal or region. Ask drivers to share any:
· Concerns about how the technology is being used · Questions about what the dash cams can or cannot do · Suggestions for how to improve your program
Provide resources with more information.
Drivers may have additional questions about Samsara that they don’t feel comfortable asking in-person. That’s why we’ve created driver-facing materials that can be handed out during meetings or posted around your office or terminals. Our AI Dash Cam Overview and FAQ for drivers can be helpful for socializing Samsara before deployment. Your Samsara Sales Representative can provide links to these documents.

Use this brief video to introduce your drivers to the benefits of dash cams.


How should you talk about Live Streaming?
Samsara offers Live Streaming as an optional feature, which some organizations find helpful for remotely training drivers. If you choose to enable Live Streaming, make sure to communicate to drivers: · Audio alerts always notify drivers when Live Streaming is initiated and ends. The alert says “Live stream
started” and “Live stream ended.” · These in-cab alerts cannot be turned off. This means drivers will always know if and when a live stream
has been initiated and when it has ended. Before you enable Live Streaming, Samsara recommends that you complete a Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA)–even if you have completed this assessment previously. This assessment analyzes the potential for additional privacy risks to data subjects from live streaming. It is also important to note that the use of our optional live streaming and audio recording features may subject your organization to certain privacy and wiretapping laws depending on the state you operate in. Make sure to review this possibility with your own legal counsel and if necessary, get consent from your drivers before using either feature. We always recommend that our customers provide notice to their drivers and any potential passersby of the possibility of recording. For example, a DPIA assessment can determine: · Whether a specific privacy policy applies which limits the use of live streaming to certain situations or by
certain managers. · Requirements for transparency notices, such as signage and privacy policy updates, and informing drivers
and other road users that footage may be captured/live streamed in certain situations. · Built-in limitations to live streaming, such as restrictions on simultaneous viewing and monthly time limits. For a DPIA template, please reach out to your Samsara Account Representative or contact sales. If you choose to not enable Live Streaming, we recommend making it clear to your drivers that your organization is not enabling this feature. Consider adding this to your safety policy.

Train your core team, managers, and drivers.
The key to training your team efficiently and successfully is to do it in phases. At Samsara, we recommend a “train the trainer” approach; by empowering your core team and managers first, they can then train your field staff and drivers.
Empower your core team and managers first.
Before driver training, train your core safety team and managers first. (See phase one for tips on identifying your core team.) If your safety managers are headquartered in different locations, consider bringing them together for an in-person training session to learn how to use Samsara. Our team can help by providing virtual trainings. On the next page, find a helpful checklist of basics to cover when training your core safety team.
Consider the “waterfall” or “train the trainer” approach.
If you have a large safety team, consider taking a “waterfall” or “train the trainer” approach to this first phase of training. Instead of training your core team and managers at the same time, train your core team first, then have them train your managers. This approach is particularly effective if you previously completed a trial of Samsara and have people on your core team who already know how to use the dashboard and have established consistent workflows. Taking a “train the trainer” approach doesn’t just help with efficiency at scale–it can also foster a greater sense of ownership across your team, since managers may feel more brought into the process.

Checklist for training your core safety team.
How you train your core safety team will depend upon how you plan to use Samsara. These are the most important things your team should know how to do in order to make the most of Samsara:

Setup Configure a new safety-related admin alert Managing existing alerts Assign events to coaches Automatically send certain event types to Coaching Set a Safety Score Target
Review safety events Review events in the Safety Inbox Update statuses Dismiss events Add manual event labels
Coach drivers View your coaching queue Enter a Coaching Session and coach drivers by behavior Mark behaviors as coached Capture signatures

Manage vehicle safety Review and resolve unsafe DVIRs
Investigate incidents and false claims Filter pages and reports by date Download footage Request additional footage by date and time via Video Retrieval Prove or disprove proximity to a locationbased claim via Proximity Search
Measure safety improvements Analyze trends in the Safety Overview Identify Risk Factors and Key Contributors in the Safety Overview Evaluate areas for improvement with the Fleet Benchmarks Report



Have managers train your field staff and drivers.
Once you’ve trained your managers (via the “waterfall” or “train the trainer” approach, if you have a large team), they can then train your field staff and drivers. Have your managers deliver the same trainings they received to your drivers–emphasizing how to use the Driver App and how the dash cams will be used.
Provide additional training resources.
In addition to virtual trainings, you may want to send your team followup materials that they can reference on their own time. Samsara offers a variety of learning formats–from virtual courses to live workshops–that can help get your team up-to-speed quickly. Below are a few of our favorite training resources:
Training Center: The Samsara Training Center is an online resource that provides guided training paths and hundreds of short tutorial videos.
Help Center: Our online Help Center is a great resource for Samsara product information.
Webinars: Learn how to use the latest features from Samsara product leaders and get tips from our community of experts.
Newsletter: Every month, we send a newsletter highlighting helpful tips and tricks as well as relevant industry news.
Customer Tips: Check out tips and tricks from Samsara super users and learn how to get the most out of your Samsara products.
Samsara Academy: Want to learn more about maximizing your partnership with Samsara? Visit Samsara Academy to learn how to get the most out of your Video- Based Safety program.
Encourage consistent use and proactively solicit feedback.
The best way for your team to get familiar with Samsara is to start using it. Sometimes, safety managers are wary of diving in because they aren’t sure what to click on and are worried about accidentally deleting something. Encourage them to explore the dashboard, and assure them that the platform will display a warning message before anything is deleted. Actively solicit feedback and encourage users to reach out to our team for support.

See the latest features with the What’s New feed.
Stay up-to-date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes from Samsara–right within your dashboard. When logged in, click on your profile icon, then select What’s New to scroll through recent posts about new features. Our monthly newsletter also recaps new features.


Build consistent driver coaching processes.
Consistency is key to effective driver coaching. With Samsara, you can build workflows that help you coach drivers consistently and effectively at scale.
Clarify roles, responsibilities, and SLAs.
Before you begin coaching drivers with Samsara, make sure to clarify your team’s roles, responsibilities, and service-level agreements (SLAs). This will help avoid confusion and ensure accountability, which are key to maintaining fairness and consistency. Here are a few questions to consider:
· Who is responsible for reviewing events? · Within what timeframe should they update the status of events? · Who is responsible for coaching drivers? · Within what timeframe should a coaching conversation with the
driver be held? · How will drivers be coached (in-person, via phone, etc.)?

The importance of consistent, video-based driver coaching.
of commercial vehicle crashes are due to driver error.
decrease in safety-related events when driver coaching is used in combination with telematics and dash cams.


Create and document scalable coaching procedures.
Once your roles, responsibilities, and SLAs are clearly defined, make sure to document your coaching procedures so that managers and drivers know exactly what to expect. Consider adding to your safety policy: · What events will be coached vs. not · How and when coaching will occur · Any zero-exception behaviors · A clearly-defined process for disciplinary actions See more tips for updating your safety policy on page 15.

Tips for building an effective, scalable coaching process
Learn more with quick video tips on safety and safety coaching here.

Familiarize drivers with coaches
Ensure coaches introduce themselves to drivers before reviewing safety-related events. Even a virtual introduction can go a long way in fostering a friendly relationship.
Proactively coach drivers with in-cab alerts
Samsara AI Dash Cams can detect and alert drivers to risky behaviors in real time, helping prevent incidents before they happen. This means Samsara can proactively coach drivers in the moments that matter–so events don’t happen in the first place, and you have fewer events to review.
Create admin alerts for critical safety events
Set up admin alerts for a few behaviors you want to target (such as speeding) to help your back office focus on what matters most.
Define a clear alert protocol
Clarify what should happen after a manager receives a safety-related admin alert, so follow-up is clear and consistent. For example: after three distracted driving alerts in the same trip, call the driver and ask them to stop the vehicle.
Streamline events for coaching
You can set up certain events to go immediately into your coaching queue without review. Samsara recommends that particularly risky events (such as crashes) are configured to go straight to coaching.
Follow your safety policy
Define how and when coaching will occur in your safety policy–and always follow those agreed-upon processes.

Automate coach assignments
Our automatic Coach Assignment feature can help streamline event review and ensure accountability. Once a coach is assigned to a driver (or group of drivers via Tags), their Safety Inbox events will be automatically assigned to that coach by the end of the driver’s trip.
Provide 1:1 feedback
Coaching Sessions make it possible for coaches to view a summary of behaviors that require coaching per driver. Coaches can drill down into behaviors and view footage of events related to that behavior. Coaching based on repeated behaviors saves time and is more effective, since it makes repeated habits easier to identify.
Don’t forget about positive recognition
The NSTSCE found that a good coaching program “must provide feedback on safe driving behaviors, rather than only risky behaviors, or the process will be viewed negatively.” In your Safety Inbox, you can “star” footage of excellent driving to highlight during safety meetings.
Prioritize accountability and consistency
When it comes to coaching, consistency and fairness are critical. Use the Coaching Summary to understand whether coaching is happening in a timely and consistent manner across your fleet. For any given coach, you can review a summary of events coached, reviewed, and dismissed.



Build a culture of safety with timely coaching.
PODS is a national moving and storage company with operations across the United States and Canada. Before Samsara, PODS used a solution that didn’t provide fleet managers with real-time data, so they had no visibility into the status of their drivers. When drivers were on the road, it was difficult to actively engage them in the moment, coach them on risky behavior, or acknowledge them as their performance improved.
By replacing their existing solution with Samsara, PODS is able to coach all events within two days, down from 11 days. As a result of their Samsara- powered safety program, they significantly reduced the number of safety- related events per day and increased their average Safety Score from 89 in 2021 to 94 in 2022.
Here’s how they coach over a thousand drivers at scale:
· They use timely video footage to coach within 2 days: PODS uses what they call the PICNIC approach, which stands for “positive immediate consequences, negative immediate consequences.” In other words, fleet managers provide realtime feedback by calling out both good and unfavorable driving behavior within 48 hours of an event occurring.
· They use Safety Scores to quantify and track improvements over time: Prior to Samsara, when drivers received feedback for unsatisfactory driving, they couldn’t see the impact of changing their behavior. Now, they can see their score improve as they adopt safer practices.
· They reward safe drivers: Drivers don’t just receive constructive feedback–they get rewarded for exemplary driving, too. PODS offers perks to reward their drivers for hitting goals and practicing safe driving.

· Include positive and negative driving behavior examples while coaching drivers.
· Root your discussion in videobased feedback.
· Reference drivers’ Safety Scores to make coaching less subjective, maintain fairness, and track improvements over time.
· Don’t just use dash cams to call out unsafe behaviors–reward drivers who achieve safe driving goals and milestones.



Program refinement


· Build a proactive driver coaching program


· Introduce a safety rewards program


· Plan for continued training and communication


· Measure improvements and maximize your ROI


· Checklist: How to measure the ROI of your video-based safety program


· Case Study: Reduce driver and onsite incidents while maximizing your ROI


5 steps for building a proactive driver coaching program.
Creating a proactive driver coaching program is more than just an added benefit; it’s a strategic necessity for organizations looking to improve driver safety and overall performance. Whether you’re building a coaching program from the ground up, or looking to optimize your existing practices, this step-by-step guide will help you maximize your coaching efficacy with Samsara’s coaching tools and workflows. You can also explore video guides on safety and safety coaching quick tips here.


Grant the right access and permissions to ensure privacy and maximize efficiency.
Security and privacy of data is top of mind for leaders and drivers alike. Privacy-first program design is crucial to building driver buy-in and ensuring compliance. Plus, proper user permissions can help your teams work more efficiently by reducing exposure to irrelevant information, simplifying coaching workflows.

Optimize access and permissions in your Samsara dashboard:

Strategically assign administrative roles to individuals who are authorized for the highest level of data access. This ensures that sensitive information (e.g. safety event videos) is only accessible by authorized personnel.

Create and assign custom roles that limit and focus individual access to relevant data. This empowers teams to work more efficiently and reduces the need to sift through irrelevant information and data.


Proactively identify and assess coaching opportunities.
A proactive coaching program starts with clear visibility into safety behaviors across your fleet. AI-detected safety events can help you identify patterns or trends in risky behaviors like tailgating, inattentive driving, or mobile usage. This initial assessment creates a data-driven foundation for personalized coaching.

If you need to…
Efficiently document and record risky behaviors and incidents for driver coaching

Capturing and uploading AI-detected safety events to the Samsara Dashboard.

Efficiently review and triage safety events for risky behaviors to coach on

Streamlining manager reviews and triaging safety events for coaching moments through the Safety Inbox.

Identify drivers and behaviors to coach on and reward

Leveraging Safety Scores in the Safety Overview’s Driver Performance Report to objectively identify specific drivers and behaviors to coach on and incentivize.

Initiate a coaching workflow

Using the Coaching Upcoming Report to quickly identify the riskiest drivers and behaviors in need of coaching and assign a coach.



Empower and coach drivers with personalized feedback.
Once you’ve gathered data on coaching opportunities, use multi-pronged coaching methods to tailor your coaching strategy and streamline your workflows. Personalized coaching engages drivers and enables scalable improvements across your fleet.

Consider what type of coaching is best for your organization. There are two main types of coaching, and many of our customers deploy both to maximize their coaching efforts:
· In-cab coaching: Proactive, real-time coaching delivered on the road via in- cab alerts. In-cab coaching is a great way to empower drivers to self-correct their own behavior first.
· Manager-led coaching: Personalized, tailored 1:1 coaching after a trip ends. Samsara’s coaching workflows can help streamline manager-led coaching at scale (see tips below).

Personalize & scale your coaching with Proactive Driver Coaching tools and workflows. 1. Empower drivers to self-coach on the road with:

AI Event Detections: Automatically detect risky driving behaviors and upload into the cloud dashboard for manager review.
In-cab audio alerts: Automatically deliver alerts in real time, empowering drivers to improve behaviors independently while on the road with AI technology. Enable this feature to use In-Cab Nudges.
In-Cab Nudges: Give drivers the opportunity to self-correct risky behavior after receiving an in-cab audio alert, before a manager is notified. Managers are then notified if a specific behavior occurs a certain number of times over a 12-hour period.

Virtual Coach: Empower drivers to selfcoach risky behaviors with this coaching aid directly through the Driver App.
Driver Safety Scores and Leaderboard: Incentivize drivers and gamify their safety improvement journey with Safety Scores and Leaderboard, accessible at any time in the Driver App.


2. Make your coaching program more efficient & scalable with:

Automated Coach Assignment: Automatically assign specific coaches to events triggered by their assigned drivers. You can customize assignments individually or in bulk.
Coaching sessions: This step in a videobased coaching workflow makes it easy for coaches to review grouped safety events as behaviors to coach, deliver personalized coaching, document the coaching conversation, and mark multiple events or behaviors as coached at once. Safety Tips, curated coaching scripts based on the type of risky driving behavior identified, can also guide coaching conversations.

Coaching queue: Keep your coaching workflows organized, identify behaviors to coach on, and encourage timely followup by automatically sending events into assigned coaches’ queues.
Live streaming: Enable virtual ride-alongs with drivers and provide remote training and feedback.

Learn how U.S. Logistics Solutions used Samsara’s Proactive Driver Coaching Solution to achieve a 95% decrease in mobile usage and inattentive driving and a 40% decrease in tailgating in six months.



Measure your safety impact & make coaching improvements for continuous growth.
Once you’ve implemented your coaching workflows, it’s important to recognize that effective coaching is an ongoing process. Take time to evaluate your own coaching program and review performance metrics of your drivers, so you can make data-driven improvements over time.

Anchor your coaching optimizations in data with:

Evaluate the effectiveness of your coaching program with:

Safety Overview: See high-level safety insights and highlighted actions.
Driver Performance: See top and bottom performing drivers.
Risk Factor Report: View your fleet’s top trending risky driving behaviors.
Speeding Reports: Track customizable speeding trends, score impact, and speeding incidents across your organization and individual drivers.

Coaching Timeliness and Effectiveness Reports: Get visibility into how effective coaches are at reducing repeat behaviors by drivers, so you can identify coaching program improvements
Fleet Benchmarks: Measure your fleet performance against your peers.


Extend safety data to your preferred platforms, and turn insights into action.
Maximize your coaching program by bringing Samsara safety data and insights to your preferred coaching platforms. · Open API: Samsara’s open API makes it possible to seamlessly fetch data–such as driver
safety scores, vehicle safety scores, safety events, and other safety activities–in real time. Learn more about our REST API for safety data here. · Export reports: You can also easily export Samsara reports, so you can use Samsara data outside of the dashboard. Learn how to export reports here. · Integration partners: Harness the power of our partner ecosystem of turnkey integrations to power your essential 3rd party applications with the Samsara App Marketplace. Learn how to connect your systems here.
Samsara’s backend API lets us build on our data and execute on it in a usable and immediate way. Whereas before we had different datasets and it was difficult to merge those together, everybody is working from the same playbook today.”
— NATHAN SLEMMONS Senior IT Analyst, winner of the 2022 Technology Leader of the Year Award


Introduce a safety rewards program.
Rewards are a great way to incentivize safe driving, share the benefits of a safer fleet with your drivers, and improve driver retention. Although you can introduce a rewards program at any time, the earlier the better; rewards are extremely helpful for getting driver buy-in and fueling engagement.
Establish clear expectations.
Just like with coaching, setting clear expectations for your rewards program is critical. Drivers should know exactly how they’re being evaluated and where they stand compared to their peers. You can use Samsara Safety Scores*–which are automatically calculated based on a configurable combination of different safety events and behaviors– as the foundation of your rewards program to maximize transparency and eliminate any concerns about fairness. Ensure drivers know exactly how their score is calculated (explained on our Help Center) so they understand how to improve, giving them ownership over their own performance.

Why invest in rewards?
of employees say they work harder when they feel recognized.
employees say that rewards make them feel more engaged with their job.
fewer safety incidents occur at companies with more engaged employees.

Customize how Safety Scores are calculated.
You can customize how Samsara calculates Safety Scores by setting different weights for various types of events. See best practices for Safety Score Configuration on page 23.



Create friendly competition.
Countless studies have shown that when an activity is more fun, people are more likely to do it. For example, when taking the stairs becomes a game, 66% more people choose to take the stairs rather than an escalator. This is called “gamification”–and it plays into human psychology in a way that’s extremely effective. Use a fleet-wide or terminal-specific leaderboard to encourage friendly competition and motivate drivers to improve their ranking.

Allow drivers to see their rankings via the Driver App
Admins can enable the Safety Leaderboard in the Samsara Driver App by navigating to Settings > Driver App > Features > Driver Scores and toggling on Safety Leaderboard. Once enabled, this will allow drivers to see how their Safety Score compares to the scores of other drivers.

Top Drivers

2 pts


0 pts


1 pt


0 pts


0 pts


*Safety Scores should be used primarily for coaching and training purposes and to help build a safety culture within your organization. Employment decisions, including but not limited to decisions involving hiring, termination, compensation, and route and hours assignments, should never be based on Safety Scores alone. Safety Scores should always only be one data point for an employment decision that is ultimately made by a supervisor or other employee.


Choose great rewards.
To maximize engagement, the rewards you choose should be attractive and relevant. Make sure you customize the incentives to fit your company culture. Remember that with every reduction in risky driving behavior you are potentially preventing incidents that could represent thousands of dollars in saved costs, so allow drivers to share in some of those savings by rewarding top performers with gift cards, trophies or other prizes. Depending on your culture, consider announcing the winner during team meetings, creating a safe driver “wall of honor” in the break room, or even sending a congratulations email company-wide.

Gift card

Poster or sign in the break room

Engraving on a Wall of Honor

Patch, trophy, or certificate

Company-wide recognition

Companybranded gear

Coffee and donuts

Personalized thank you card

Help all drivers succeed.
Rewards should be inclusive and frequent; only celebrating the best performer in a year neglects drivers who have made significant improvements. Underperforming drivers should be made aware that this new program is their chance to make a change and should be given the resources, training, and coaching to get them there. Make sure that all participants know they have an equal opportunity to succeed by distributing rewards monthly or quarterly rather than yearly.


· Enable gamification in the Samsara Driver App.
· If you have a large fleet, post monthly driver Safety Scores at each terminal to encourage friendly competition.
· Reward drivers with the top Safety Scores across the company and within each terminal to maximize engagement.

Fuel long-term driver engagement with safety-based rewards.
Dohrn Transfer Company is a leading LTL carrier in the Midwest with more than 500 vehicles, 650 drivers, and 21 terminals. Through safety-based coaching and rewards, they achieved an 88% decrease in harsh events and 10% decrease in driver turnover. Beyond allowing drivers to see their rankings in the Samsara Driver App, Dohrn’s Director of Safety Troy Winthurst came up with a creative way to keep their large fleet of drivers engaged with their safety program.
“Turning on gamification allowed our drivers to see their weekly Safety Scores at a corporate level. After we saw how much that engaged people, we started posting monthly Safety Scores at each of our terminals,” said Winthurst. “Each terminal has a group of drivers, so this gives them an in-house ranking that makes it even closer to home. That really engaged them quite a bit.”
To further engage their drivers, Dohrn introduced a rewards program based on Samsara Safety Scores. The top line-haul and city drivers with the best Safety Score in the company overall and the top two drivers at each terminal receive awards from Dohrn executives for their commitment to safe driving. The team is also creating a safety recognition wall at their headquarters for all top Samsara Safety Score award recipients to honor their achievement.
Increased coaching, recognition, and driver engagement has yielded positive results for Dohrn. “The more we engage our drivers and give them the tools to make their jobs easier, the more they are engaged in having safe behavior,” said COO Robert Howard. “We’ve definitely seen our retention improve.”
Dohrn has seen an 88% reduction in safety-related events and 10% decrease in driver turnover–saving $8,000 in recruitment and replacement costs per driver.


Plan for continued training and education.
Even after your safety program is officially launched and your day-to-day coaching processes are running smoothly, don’t forget the importance of ongoing training and communication–key elements of long-term success.
Hold recurring meetings or Q&As.
Consider creating a recurring meeting–monthly is a good frequency–with safety managers and drivers. Use this time to communicate changes to your program, highlight achievements, distribute rewards, and answer questions.
Encourage feedback from managers and drivers.
Set up your program for long-term success by creating a tight feedback loop with safety managers and drivers. During your monthly meetings, actively solicit feedback on the hardware, software, and your program in general. Questions to ask: · What are your favorite and least favorite parts of Samsara? · If you could change one thing, what would it be? · Is there anything that has surprised you about Samsara?

Measure improvements and maximize your ROI.
What’s the best way to measure the impact of your program? The answer is unique to every organization, but we have developed reporting tools and frameworks to help you measure improvements and maximize your ROI.
Track safety improvements with Samsara reporting and analytics.
In phase one, we used these Samsara reports to help set goals. Now, you can use them to track safety trends, identify areas for improvement, measure success, and report progress to executives: Safety Overview: The Safety Overview provides an overall landing page for key safety data. With the Safety Overview, you can view high-level safety trends, filter by Tags to see segmented trends, and identify granular Risk Factors that are impacting your Safety Scores. You can also set a Safety Score Target and track progress across your fleet. Fleet Benchmarks Report: The Fleet Benchmarks Report compares your fleet’s performance to similar fleets, providing insight into how you’re trending relative to peers. This makes it possible to contextualize your safety data. This report is a great tool for understanding what is truly an area for improvement vs. what is meeting or exceeding peer benchmarks–so you can set more informed goals.
Measure ROI across key areas.
Because the effects of a video-based fleet safety program can be varied and widespread, they can be challenging to measure. In fact, many of our customers have found that the impact of Samsara extends beyond what they can measure in their Samsara dashboard. Although widespread impact is the ultimate goal of any successful program, it makes for a daunting challenge; where, when, and how do you start measuring ROI? On the next page, we’ve broken it down into six categories. Read on to see our recommendations for when and how you can measure ROI across each of these areas.

Explore insurance partnerships and safety integrations.
There are many ways strategic partnerships and integrations can help you maximize your ROI. You can work with insurance brokers on safety, coaching, and risk consulting services, or participate in a premium discount or subsidy program. Integrations like SambaSafety can help you increase your safety impact across your fleet, saving you time and money.
Try Samsara’s Safety ROI Calculator.
Estimate your ROI with Samsara in minutes with our Safety ROI Calculator. Simply input your data into the Calculator and forecast your projected savings from partnering with Samsara. Try the Safety ROI Calculator
” Through our Samsara partnership, we are currently collecting data on many vehicles and have provided over $1,000,000 in premium savings to Samsara customers.”
Samsara Insurance Partner

How to measure the ROI of your video-based safety program.

01. Incidents



Leading indicators of collisions, including harsh events and speeding
Number of incidents and incident-related costs

3-6 months after beginning to coach drivers with Samsara
To see maximum impact, measure before and after allowing drivers to see their rankings in the Driver App.

Use the Safety Overview to view highlevel trends related to the frequency of different risky behaviors and track your overall Collision Risk.
Separately, measure the frequency of incidents and incident-related costs before and after deploying Samsara.

02. Exoneration



Not-at-fault incidents exonerated
False claim payouts avoided

Start measuring this as soon as you exonerate a driver for the first time.

Keep track of how many not-at-fault incidents and false claims you’ve exonerated drivers from with Samsara and estimate how much those incidents would have cost otherwise.


03. Insurance




At-fault auto claims Insurance premiums

6-12 months after deployment (or after your insurance renewal)

Safety Score improvements

Keep a spreadsheet of auto claims from before and after Samsara.
Some insurance providers offer discounts or subsidies for installing Samsara dash cams (on a case- bycase basis). Ask your insurance provider if they are able to provide any savings, and learn more about our vetted insurance partners here.

04. Maintenance



Frequency of safety-related maintenance work

6-12 months after deployment

Maintenance costs associated with incidents or brake pads wearing down

Keep track of safety-related maintenance work and associated costs, including incident repairs and brake pad replacements.


05. Retention



Driver retention (or alternatively driver turnover)

3-6 months after introducing a safety-based rewards program

Compare your turnover rate from before and after deploying Samsara.
For maximum impact, measure after launching a safety-based driver rewards program.

06. Brand
WHAT TO MEASURE CSA scores Customer satisfaction New business

WHEN TO MEASURE 6-12 months after deployment

Compare your CSA scores before and after deploying Samsara.
Survey your customers or document new business influenced by your safety record or safety program.



Gain inspiration from our community.
One of the best ways to understand how Samsara could impact your organization is to see real results that other Samsara customers have achieved. Every organization is unique, but third-party examples can be helpful for long-term goal-setting and inspiration. A recent survey revealed:

· 9 out of 10 customers say Samsara has helped improve safety within their fleet.
· Over 50% of dash cam customers have used Samsara footage to exonerate drivers in the past year, saving $5,000 to $25,000 from exoneration on average, with some customers saving over $100,000 a year.

· 15% of Samsara dash cam customers have been able to reduce their insurance premiums, despite the fact that premiums are on the rise industry-wide.
· 93% of customers report that dash cams have not negatively impacted driver retention.

What could you achieve with Samsara? Read real results from our community.
Here are just a few of the ways our customers have improved safety and reduced costs with Samsara:

· GP Transco achieved a 50% decrease in tailgating through video-based coaching. “Coaching with Samsara makes a huge impact on our safety. [Video] offers our drivers different kinds of insights that they didn’t have before.” said Safety Fleet Manager Steven Stworzyjanek.
· ACV Enviro achieved a 60% decrease in incidents, in part by using in-cab alerts to proactively alert drivers to risks in real time. “The AI is unbelievable and we’ve seen huge drops in harsh events,” said Vice President of Environmental Health & Safety Donna Miller. “It gives us more visibility than we could have anticipated.”

· Sprint Waste achieved a decrease in their already stellar driver turnover rate to just 25.6% (3x lower than the industry average) by improving coaching consistency and creating a positive culture around safety. “We have a significantly better retention level than most companies in our peer group, and I think part of that is because of how we use Samsara,” said President Dave Nelson.
· For more stories from our customers across an ever broader range of industries, visit



Reduce driver & onsite incidents while maximizing your ROI.
Heniff Transportation, a bulk liquid transporter with more than 1,800 drivers and 80 terminal locations, relies on technology to effectively achieve their number one priority: safety. On the road, Heniff was previously held liable for over half of the claims filed against the company. Without a solution to capture evidence of fraudulent incidents, protecting and exonerating drivers was a challenge.
Heniff started installing Samsara AI Dash Cams across their fleet to support on-the-road driver safety. They chose Samsara AI Dash Cams for the ease and speed of installation, rolling out 900 dash cams within a few months, and quickly doubling their efforts with an additional 900. Heniff also decided to expand their Samsara partnership and deploy Site Visibility cameras in their terminal locations. They can now easily access video footage across their operations with Connected Video.
With Samsara, Heniff was able to reduce the total number of incidents across their fleet and worksites. Using AI Dash Cams, they’ve exonerated drivers in the majority of on-the-road claims. In the 15 months since installing Site Visibility cameras across their locations, Heniff reported only one safety incident where a driver slipped on ice. Site cameras made it easy for Heniff to quickly verify the injury claim and address the safety oversight by adding salt during winter to the slippery location, helping prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
Dash cam data accessed with Connected Video continues to protect Heniff from fraudulent claims, leading to an estimated 50% reduction in liabilities from crashes, and decreased insurance premiums and payouts. The visibility available through Connected Video helps improve driver safety to further reduce and prevent incidents.

· One of the biggest ways Samsara can deliver ROI is by protecting your business from costs associated with not-at-fault incidents and false claims.
· Exonerate drivers from not-atfault incidents with auto-uploaded footage, and avoid false claims and with on-demand Video Retrieval and Proximity Search.
· Talk to your insurance provider about how you’re using Samsara; you may be able to secure premium savings due to decreased risk.



Make Samsara your partner for the road ahead.
Beyond Video-Based Safety, Samsara can support other parts of your business, too–from Vehicle Telematics and Equipment Monitoring to Site Visibility and easy integration with other systems. Samsara provides AI safety programs, real-time visibility, workflows and reporting, and a full ecosystem to help transform your business and increase the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of your operations.

During deployment, your Samsara Customer Success Manager or Implementation Consultant is your point of contact for any questions or issues. They can help you:
· Plan your implementation · Configure your dashboard · Activate your hardware · Train your team

For organizations with deployments that qualify, our Customer Success team can also offer:
· Onsite support throughout implementation and training
· Business review and ROI analysis during the pilot phase

We want to make sure you always get a timely, helpful response from Samsara. That’s why our support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Reach them any time via chat or phone, or submit a support ticket by clicking the Feedback button in your dashboard.
Phone: +1 415-329-6900


Your checklist for launching a successful video-based safety program with Samsara.

1. PROGRAM DESIGN Define your goals
Establish a baseline of your current performance Choose goals that are measurable and good indicators of long-term ROI
Design an implementation plan Align internal stakeholders Create an installation plan Update your safety policy
2. CONFIGURATION AND INSTALLATION Configure your dashboard
Create admin roles Add drivers Create safety-related admin alerts Configure key safety settings Enable optional event detection and in-cab alerts in stages
Streamline Installation Complete your installation plan Activate your hardware
3. COMMUNICATION AND TRAINING Communicate transparently and build trust
Survey drivers to hear their concerns Dispel myths early on Hold regular listening sessions

(CONT’D) Train your core team, managers, and drivers
Empower your core team and managers first Have managers train your field staff and drivers Provide additional training resources Encourage consistent use and proactively solicit feedback
Build consistent driver coaching processes Clarify roles, responsibilities, and SLAs Create and document scalable coaching procedures
4. PROGRAM REFINEMENT Introduce a safety rewards program
Establish clear expectations Create friendly competition Choose great rewards Help all drivers succeed
Plan for continued training and education Hold recurring meetings or Q&As Encourage feedback from admins and employees in the field
Measure improvements and maximize your ROI
Track safety improvements with Samsara reporting and analytics Measure ROI across key areas



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