RIVELIA FEB4455 Kitchen And Home Appliances Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024

RIVELIA FEB4455 Kitchen And Home Appliances


Product Information


  • Model: EXAM44X.5Y FEB4455
  • Rivelia Contents:
    • Bean hopper with lid
    • Lid covering accessories/pre-ground coffee compartment
    • Coffee spouts (height-adjustable)
    • Flap covering milk carafe connector/hot water spout
    • Drip tray
    • Power cord
    • Water tank with lid
    • Brewing unit access flap (accessible when water tank is removed)
    • Coffee grinding adjuster ring

Product Usage Instructions

Turning the Machine On

To turn the machine on, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the power cord is plugged into a power source.
  2. Press the power button located on the machine.

Coffee-Based Drinks

To make coffee-based drinks, you can set up the machine as follows:

  • Directly selected drinks: Choose your desired drink from the menu options.
  • Customized coffee-based drinks: Personalize your drink by selecting specific settings.

Preparation with Pre-Ground Coffee

If using pre-ground coffee, follow these steps:

  1. Open the lid covering the pre-ground coffee compartment.
  2. Add the desired amount of pre-ground coffee into the compartment.
  3. Proceed with making your drink as usual.


  • Q: How often should I descale the machine?
    • A: It is recommended to descale the machine every X months or when prompted by the machine’s descaling alert.
  • Q: Can I use a water softener filter with this machine?
    • A: Yes, you can install a water softener filter to improve water quality and machine performance. Refer to the manual for installation instructions.

Rivelia Description of the machine








A5 A6

A1. Bean hopper with lid A2. Lid covering accessories/pre-ground coffee compartment A3. Coffee spouts (height-adjustable) A4. Flap covering milk carafe connector/hot water spout A5. Drip tray A6. Power cord A7. Water tank with lid A8. Brewing unit access flap (accessible when water tank is removed) A9. Coffee grinding adjuster ring



A17 A16

A10 A12 A14

A11 A13

A10. Grounds container A11. Grounds container support A12. Cup grille A13. Drip tray grille A14. Drip tray water level indicator A15. Drip tray A16. Brewing unit housing A17. Brewing unit A18. Grind setting indicator


Rivelia Description of panel and homepage




B1. ON/Standby button B2. Coffee-based drinks selection button B3. Milk-based drinks selection button B4. Profile selection button

C2 C3

C5 C4

C6 C7




Espresso Cappuccino

Coffee Americano


C1. Selected profile C2. Coffee Routine C3. Bean Adapt Technology C4. Filter spent indicator C5. Descale warning indicator C6. Milk carafe Clean indicator C7. Energy saving indicator C8. Settings menu C9. Direct drink selection C10. Drink customization bar


Rivelia Description of the accessories






Decalcificante per macchine da caffè Descaler for coffee machines
Détartrant pour machines à café Entkalker für Kaffeemaschinen
De’Longhi Appliances s.r.l. Via L. Seitz, 47 31100 Treviso – ITALY
Tel. +39 0422 4131 5413218631/04.15





D1. Pre-ground coffee scoop/brush D2. Hot water spout D3. Removable pre-ground coffee funnel
D4. Coffee grinder protective cover
D5. “Water Hardness Test” strip D6. Descaler D7. Interchangeable bean hoppers D8. Water softener filter


Rivelia Description of milk carafe

E1 E2 E3 E4

E6 E7

E1. Froth adjustment/Clean dial E2. Milk carafe lid E3. Milk spout (height- adjustable) E4. Milk spout extension E5. Milk carafe connector (removable for cleaning) E6. Milk intake tube (silicone) E7. Milk container


Rivelia Using the machine first time


Please note: · Possible traces of coffee in the grinder are the result of settings tests performed on the machine before
sale, proof of the meticulous care and attention we invest in our products. · When used for the first time, all removable accessories that make contact with water or milk (milk carafe,
water tank) should be rinsed with hot water. For best results, wash the milk carafe in a dishwasher.


1. Connect the power cord to the mains supply (fig. 1).


The machine switches on and will show you how to set it up the way you prefer: follow the instructions displayed and the Rivelia will be ready for use! Here are the essentials:
Fresh drinking water

Hot water spout

Bean hopper (you’ll find it in the accessories pack)
Your favourite coffee beans

A container (make sure the capacity is at least 0.2 litres)

Water hardness test (you’ll find it in the accessories pack)


Select your language

2. Scroll through the pages of the display (fig. 2) until your language

appears, then select the corresponding flag;

3. Press”Done”to go to the next step.

Select the day and time



4. Select the exact day and time and press “Next”: select the day and

time display format and press “Next”.



Fill the water tank 5. Detach the water tank.
Please note: Tilt the water tank slightly to ensure that it separates correctly from the machine (fig. 3).

6. Fill the tank with fresh drinking water up to the MAX level (fig. 4) and reposition it in the machine, then press “Next”.


Prepare the machine 7. Open the lid of the accesso-
ries compartment and take out the hot water spout (fig. 5). 8. Push down the flap of the milk carafe connector/hot water spout and attach the hot water spout (fig. 6). Press “Next”.
Fit the bean hopper 9. Check that the grind setting
indicator is set to “5”, and if not, set it to”5″. Press “Next”. 10. Remove the protective cover of the coffee grinder from the bean hopper socket.

11. Take one of the bean hoppers, turn it upside down and check that the bottom section is securely closed: to make absolutely sure, turn the bottom section anticlockwise until a click is heard (fig. 7). The bean hopper is closed correctly when the two arrows are aligned (fig. 8). Press “Next”.
12. Fill the bean hopper with the beans you want to use and close it securely again: press “Next”.
13. Position the bean hopper in the socket and twist clockwise to lock it in place. To ensure it is fitted correctly, align the symbol with the


mark on the lower ring (fig.

  1. and, when inserted, turn

the hopper to the position

(fig. 12). Press “Next”.

Using for the first time

14. Position a container of at least 0.2 litres capacity under the coffee and hot water spouts (fig. 13).


15. Press “Yes” to start the rinse function. Delivery will stop



Tips for use will appear on the display. Read them carefully: they will be of help when using the machine. Press “Next” to continue.

Check the hardness of the water

The machine will prompt for descaling to be carried out after a prede-

termined period of time based on a nominal water hardness setting. The

machine can also be programmed according to the actual hardness of the

local water supply, so that the descaling procedure will be required less

frequently. Proceed as follows:

1. Press”Start”and remove the “Total hardness test”strip (in the acces-

sories pack) from its wrapper. Press “Next”.

2. Immerse the strip completely in a glass of water for about one


3. Remove the strip from the water and shake lightly. Press “Next”.

After about a minute, 1, 2, 3, or 4 red squares will appear, depend-

ing on the hardness of the water; each square corresponds to 1 level;

Setting water hardness

4. Press the dot corresponding to the water hardness measured previ-

ously, as indicated in the following table:

Test strip

Water hardness

Level 1

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
5. Press “Ok”. 6. The machine is now reprogrammed with the new water hardness
setting. Please note: The water hardness can be changed at any time by way of the settings menu (see “Water hardness”). This done, the machine is ready to be configured on the basis of your needs and preferences: press “Start”.


Profiles 1. Set the number of users for this machine. PressW”NATeCxHt”.THE VIDEO

To customize choices, then

the number, press on the press the button showing the


make the “Change”,

and finally press “Save”.

3. Press “Next”. the profiles are confirmed.


1. Press “Next”: the machine is ready to show a short introductory


2. Press”Start”and watch the display.

3. The machine illustrates the main functions. Press “Next” to move on

to the next screens in sequence;

When the introduction has finished, press”Start”and enjoy your machine.

Please note: · The first time the machine is used, it will be necessary to make 4-5
cappuccinos before the drink in the cup tastes as it should. · The first time the machine is used, the water circuit will be empty
and operation could be very noisy. The noise becomes less as the circuit fills.


Rivelia Turning the machine on


Please note: Each time the machine is turned on, it performs an automatic preheat and rinse cycle which cannot be interrupted. The machine is not ready for use until the cycle has been completed.
1. To turn the machine on, press the button (fig. 12): the machine switches on.
2. Once the machine has heated up it starts a rinse cycle, during which hot water is delivered from the coffee spout; in addition to heating up the boiler, this has the effect of heating up the internal circuits as hot water is circulated through them.


Rivelia Turning the machine off
Whenever the machine is turned off after being used to make coffee, it will run a rinse cycle automatically. 1. To turn the machine off, press the button (fig.12). 2. If envisaged, the machine runs a rinse cycle, delivering hot water
from the coffee spouts , then switches off (stand-by). Important! Never unplug the machine while it is switched on. Switching off for extended periods If the machine is not going to be used for any length of time (e.g. holidays, periods of absence), follow the directions in heading Empty circuit. In the event of the machine not being used for a few days, proceed as follows: · Press the button to turn the machine off; · empty out and clean the grounds container and the water tank (fig.
16); · unplug the power cord from the socket. Please note: When turning the machine on again, fill the water tank and, before making any kind of drink, run 3 rinse cycles as indicated in section Rinsing.

Rivelia Menu settings



Using this function, hot water can be delivered from the coffee spouts to

clean and heat the internal circuit of the machine.

Place a container of at least 0.2 litres capacity under the spouts (fig. 11).

To activate this function, proceed as follows:

1. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Rinse” is displayed; 3. Press “Yes” to start delivery: after a few seconds, hot water is de-
livered from the coffee spout to clean and heat the internal circuit of the machine. 4. To stop rinsing, press “Stop”, or wait for the rinse cycle to stop automatically.

Please note: · If the machine is not used for more than 3-4 days, it is highly ad-
visable, when turning it on again, to run 2-3 rinses before use; · Water may find its way into the grounds container during the rinse
procedure: this is quite normal.

Descaling For instructions on descaling the machine, go to “Descaling”.
Water filter For instructions regarding the water filter, go to “Water softener filter”.
1. Press to access the settings menu (fig.13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “General” is displayed; In this section of the menu, the following functions can be activated or deactivated with a simple tap: – “Audible warning”: when enabled, the machine beeps whenever an
operation is performed. – “Energy saving”: use this function to enable or disable energy sav-
ing. When active, the function reduces energy consumption in compliance with current European regulations: the symbol appears on the homepage. 3. Press “X” to save the new selection and go back to the homepage.
Please note: The serial number of the machine is displayed on the screen: this is useful for identification purposes.
Auto-off Auto-off can be set so that if the machine is not being used, it will switch off after 15 or 30 minutes or after 1 or 3 hours have elapsed.


To programme Auto-off, proceed as follows:

1. Press to access the settings menu (fig.13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item”Auto-off”is displayed; 3. Select the desired time interval (15 or 30 minutes, or 1 or 3 hours). 4. Press “X” to save the new selection and go back to the homepage.

Support 1. Scan the QR-Code to see the manual and access support. 2. Press “X” to go back to the homepage.

Grind & Empty


This function, which clears away residual beans by grinding them up, can

be used to empty the coffee grinder (not the bean hopper).

1. Press to access the settings menu (fig.13).

2. Scroll through the pages until the item”Grind&Empty”is displayed;

3. Press “Read more”;

4. Twist the bean hopper to the unlocked position ( ) (fig. 14) and

leave it there until the operation has been completed.

5. Press “Start”: the machine will grind any beans there may be left

in the grinder.


6. When done, remove the bean hopper and either position the other

one (see “Fit the bean hopper”) or fit the protective cover over the

coffee grinder (fig. 15).

7. The homepage reappears, and the machine is ready for use.

Important! · The presence of powdery coffee residues in the bean hopper sock-
et is perfectly normal. · If the bean hopper proves difficult to fit, make sure there are no
coffee beans in the hopper socket on the machine. If traces of coffee are found, clean the bean hopper socket with the brush provided and wipe with a soft clean cloth. Remove powdery coffee residues with a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning the milk carafe The machine offers a tutorial on thorough cleaning of the carafe, which will ensure smooth operation of the Lattecrema system over time.
1. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Cleaning the milk carafe”
is displayed. 3. Press”Next” or”Back”to read the suggested sequence of steps. 4. When at the final step, press”Done”to go back to the settings menu. 5. Press “X” to go back to the homepage.


Please note: The procedure is illustrated in heading Thorough cleaning of milk carafe
Coffee temperature To change the temperature of the water used to make coffee, proceed as follows:
1. Press to access the settings menu (fig.13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Coffee temperature” is
displayed; 3. Press “Set”. 4. Select the required temperature from those suggested; 5. Press “<” to save the new selection and go back to the settings
menu; 6. Press “X” to go back to the homepage. Please note: The effect of varying the temperature is most noticeable with long drinks. Bean Adapt Technology : We suggest accessing Bean Adapt Technology from the homepage, so that this parameter can be set as appropriate for the particular coffee bean used.
Statistics This function displays statistics relating to the machine. To view the statistics, proceed as follows:
1. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item”Statistics”and the main data
are displayed; To see further information, press “Read more”. 3. Press “<” to quit the page. 4. Press “X” to go back to the homepage.
Languages To change the language of the homepage, proceed as follows:
1. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Languages” is displayed: 3. Press “Set”. 4. Press the flag corresponding to the desired language: the display is
updated immediately and presented in the selected language. 5. Press “<” to save the new selection and go back to the settings
menu; 6. Press “X” to go back to the homepage.
Day and time To change the day and time on the homepage, proceed as follows:

1. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Day and time” is displayed; 3. Press “Set”. 4. Set the hour and minutes, and the day, and select the format. Press
“Ok” to confirm (or “<” to cancel and go back to the previous step. 5. Press “X” to go back to the homepage. Coffee grinder settings The machine offers a tutorial on how to adjust the coffee grinder correctly and ensure the best results.
1. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Coffee grinder settings” is
displayed. 3. Press “Read more”; to watch tutorial on how to adjust the level of
grinding. Press”Next” or”Back”to read the advice. 4. When at the final page, press “Ok” to go back to the settings menu. 5. Press “X” to go back to the homepage. Please note: · After completing the above procedure, at least 3 coffees should
be prepared and delivered before making any further adjustment to the coffee grinder. If coffee delivery is still not correct, repeat the procedure. · The adjuster ring must be turned only when the coffee grinder is in operation during the initial step of preparing coffee-based drinks. Bean Adapt Technology : We suggest accessing Bean Adapt Technology from the homepage, so that this parameter can be set as appropriate for the particular coffee bean used.
Water hardness To enter a new water hardness setting, proceed as follows:
1. Measure the water hardness as described above, see “Check the hardness of the water”.
2. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 3. Scroll through the pages until the item “Water hardness” is dis-
played. Press “Set”. 4. Select the level corresponding to the result give by the test strip. 5. Press “<” to save the new selection and go back to the settings
menu. 6. Press “X” to go back to the homepage.


Empty circuit

MAX To avoid the water in the circuit freezing if the machine is to be left idle for

an extended period, or before taking it to a service centre, it is advisable

to drain the water circuit.

Proceed as follows:

1. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Empty circuit” is displayed. 3. Press “Ok” to start the guided procedure; 4. Remove, empty and reposition the grounds container and the drip
tray (fig. 16), then press “Next”; 5. Position a container of 0.2l capacity under the spouts (fig. 11). Press
“Next”. 6. The machine runs a rinse cycle, delivering hot water from the spouts. 7. Once rinsing is complete, remove the water tank (fig. 3) and empty it. 8. Remove the filter (if installed) from the water tank and press “Next”. 9. Reposition the tank (empty) and press “Yes”; 10. When ready, press “Yes” to confirm. 11. Wait for the machine to empty the circuit; (Caution: beware of hot
water coming from the spouts!). As the water circuit gradually empties, the machine could become noisier: this is a normal aspect of operation. 12. Once the circuit has emptied, remove, empty and reposition the drip tray, then press “Yes”; 13. Press “Ok”: the machine will switch off (standby). 14. Unplug the machine from the mains power supply. 15. The next time the machine is turned on, follow the instructions in section “”Using the machine first time””.

Default values This function resets all menu settings and all user customizations, restoring the factory default values (with the exception of the language, which remains as set, and the statistics). Proceed as follows:

1. Press to access the settings menu (fig. 13). 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Default values” is displayed. 3. Press “Read more”: 4. Select the items you want to reset: machine or individual profile,
then press “Next”; 5. Follow the relative instructions until prompted to confirm, and press
“Ok”; 6. Press “X” to go back to the homepage (C).

Please note: Whenever the machine (not the individual profile) is reset to the factory default values, the system will suggest running the first time start- up operations from Profiles


Rivelia Coffee-based drinks

esso Coffee Americano Americano Long 2x Espresso Espresso Coffee


Espresso lungo

Coffee Americano



Your machine can be used to make a great variety of drinks: scroll through the options on the display until you see the one you want (fig. 17):




2X Espresso Espresso lungo




Setting up the machine to make coffee-based drinks



Do not use green, caramelized or candied coffee beans as they could

stick to the coffee grinder and render it unusable.


1. Place 1 or 2 cups under the coffee spout. 2. Lower the spout as near as possible to the cup (fig. 18): this makes
a creamier coffee.

Directly selected drinks


Espresso lungo

1. Touch the image on the homepage that illustrates the desired coffee drink (e.g. espresso, fig. 19).
2. Hot coffee-based drinks: the machine proceeds with preparation. Cold coffee-based drinks: · Select either an”Ice”drink or an”Extra ice”drink: press”Next”; · Depending on the selection made, the machine will suggest the amount of ice to add to the drink before proceeding with preparation: place the recommended number of ice cubes in the glass (fig. 20): press “Deliver”. · The machine proceeds with the preparation.
A description of each single step (grinding, delivery of coffee) appears on the display. Once the preparation has been completed, the machine is ready for use again.

customised coffee-based drinks

To make coffee-based drinks with customised parameters, proceed as follows:



1. Press the customization bar at the bottom of the image correspond-

ing to the desired drink (e.g. espresso, fig. 21). The parameters that


Espresso lungo

can be customized according to preference appear on the display:



2. Hot coffee-based drinks: After setting the parameters, press “Deliver”: the machine proceeds with preparation and a description of each single step (grinding, delivery of coffee) appears on the display; Cold coffee-based drinks: Select the quantity, then press Start and proceed as follows: · Select either an”Ice”drink or an”Extra ice”drink: press”Next”; · Before delivering the drink, the machine suggests an appropriate number of ice cubes to add: place the quantity of ice indicated in the glass (fig. 22): press “Deliver”. · The machine proceeds with the preparation. A description of each single step (grinding, preparation, delivery of coffee) appears on the display.
3. When delivery has ended, press “Save” to store the new settings or “Cancel” to retain the previous parameters. You can also save them in your Coffee Routine by ticking the relative box
Please note If saved, the new settings will be stored ONLY in the selected profile.
The machine is ready to be used again. Preparation with pre-ground coffee
Important! · Never add pre-ground coffee when the machine is off, or it could
spread through and soil the inside of the machine. This could damage the machine. · Never use more than one level scoop as it could dirty the inside of the machine or block the funnel.
· When using pre-ground coffee, you can make only one cup at a time. · Making Long or 2X Espressocoffee: halfway through preparation,
when prompted by the machine, add one level scoop of pre-ground coffee and press “Ok”.



1. Press the customization bar at the bottom of the image correspond-

ing to the desired drink (e.g. espresso, fig. 21). The parameters that

can be customized according to preference appear on the display:

2. Select “Pre-ground” ;

3. Choose the quantity and press “Deliver”.

4. Lift the lid of the accessories compartment (fig. 22).

5. Check that the pre-ground coffee funnel is inserted and make sure

it is not blocked; add one level scoop of pre-ground coffee (fig. 23) .


Press “OK” to proceed with delivery.

6. The machine proceeds with preparation and a description of each

single step (water heating, delivery of coffee) appears on the display.

Once the preparation has been completed, the machine is ready for use



Rivelia Extra shot

Give a boost to the following drinks by adding an extra shot of espresso:



Espresso lungo





Latte Macchiato

Espresso Macchiato


Cappuccino Mix


Flat White

Proceed as follows: 1. Press the customization bar at the bottom of the image correspond-
ing to the desired drink (e.g. espresso, fig. 21). The parameters that can be customized according to preference appear on the display: 2. Press “Extra Shot”, then “Ok”. 3. Select the desired quantity and intensity. Press “Deliver”. 4. Confirm by pressing “Ok”. (Ticking the box, the message will not be displayed again). 5. The machine proceeds with preparation and a description of each single step appears on the display. 6. When delivery has ended, press “Save” to store the new settings or “Cancel” to retain the previous parameters. You can also save them in your Coffee Routine by ticking the relative box. In this instance, the Extra Shot is indicated by the symbol in the customization bar of the drink.

Please note If saved, the new settings will be stored ONLY in the selected profile.

The machine is ready to be used again.


Rivelia Indications for making coffee-based drinks
· When the machine is making coffee, delivery can be interrupted at any moment by pressing “Stop” or “Cancel”.
· At the end of delivery, to increase the quantity of coffee in the cup, simply press ” Extra”. When the required quantity has been reached, press ” Stop” or “Cancel”.
· Sundry alarm messages could be displayed while using the machine (“Fill tank with fresh water up to the MAX level”, etc.) their meaning is explained in section “Frequent and alarm messages”.
· If the coffee emerges drop-by-drop,too weak and not creamy enough or too cold, refer to the tutorial on adjusting the coffee grinder (see heading “Coffee grinder settings”) and section “FAQ”.
· If “Energy Saving” mode is activated, there may be a few seconds delay before the first coffee is delivered.
Tips for a hotter coffee To make a hotter coffee, proceed as follows: · run a rinse cycle before preparing and delivering the coffee (see
“Rinsing” in the settings menu ). · warm the cups with hot water using the hot water function (see
section “Hot water”). · select a higher temperature setting for the coffee (see “Coffee tem-
perature” in the settings menu ).

Rivelia Bean adapt technology





Bean Adapt






A coffee expert at your fingertips to help you optimise coffee brewing and the result in your cup in just a few steps. Smart technology guides you through adjustment and operation of the machine, according to the selected coffee beans: from grinding to brewing, each step will be controlled to get the best from any coffee bean. 1. On the homepage, press (fig. 24). 2. Enable Bean Adapt (fig. 25). 3. The machine shows a reminder that before any adjustment of the
coffee grinder, at least 3 coffees need to be made. Press Ok. 4. Select the variety of coffee bean being used: 100% Arabica or a
blend of Arabica and Robusta (this information will be found on the
pack containing the beans). Press i for additional information.
Press “Next”. 5. Select the type of roast, tapping the colour depth description that
appears closest to the colour of the beans (fig. 26). Press i for
additional information. Press “Next”. The machine will now check how the settings can be adjusted to give the best possible outcome, based on the information it has: 6. Check the current setting of the coffee grinder and select it from
the drop-down menu. Press i for additional information. Press
“Next”. 7. Press “Deliver” to prepare an Espresso. Following delivery, press
“Next”. 8. The machine will ask how the coffee tasted and, according to the
answer it gets, recommend the optimum parameters: press “Next” on each page to bring up the next parameter: – Coffee temperature; – Intensity; – Coffee grinder setting (turn the indicator ring only when the
beans are actually being ground) (fig. 27).
9. Tap on the name of the beans and the keyboard pops up to allow changes. To confirm the current name, press “Ok”.
10. Press “Save”: the machine stores the settings and the name of the bean appears in place of the logo.
Please note · Bean Adapt Technology is applicable only to Espresso coffee. · Up to 6 different bean profiles can be stored. All the stored profiles
are accessed by pressing the name on the homepage.


Rivelia Coffee Routine




Espresso lungo

Coffee Routine

With the Coffee Routine function, Rivelia can remember how you like your coffee during the day and update your drinks list. 1. On the homepage, press the symbol corresponding to the current
coffee routine (fig. 28). 2. Activate the coffee routine (fig. 29) and press”Yes”to confirm. 3. A symbol appears on the homepage, which will differ according to
the time of day (fig. 30). In this way the machine is able to offer the preferences saved from previ-
ous preparations: your favourite coffee, just how you like it.
Please note To disable this function, go to the homepage and press the symbol indicating the current coffee routine, then press the “Coffee Routine” button (fig. 29). In this instance: · confirm that the function is to be disabled by pressing “Yes”; · the machine prompts for an existing routine to be selected and
confirmed with “Ok”.
This symbol now appears on the homepage, replacing the symbol of the coffee routine currently selected.


Coffee Routine


Rivelia Milk-based drinks


Preparing the milk carafe

Please note To avoid the preparation of milk with insufficient froth or large bubbles, always clean the milk carafes as described in headings “Cleaning the milk carafe after use” and “Thorough cleaning of milk carafe”

Which milk to use? The quality of the froth will vary depending on:
· the temperature of the milk or vegetable drink used (for best results, always use milk or vegetable drink straight from the fridge, 5 °C);
· type of milk or vegetable drink; · the brand used; · ingredients and nutritional values.

Cow’s milk

Whole (fat >3,5%)

Semi-skimmed (fat between 1.5 and 1.8%)

(fat <0.5%)
31 Vegetable drinks





Filling and attaching the milk carafe 1. Raise the lid and fill the milk container with a sufficient quantity of
milk, not exceeding the MAX level marked on the container (fig. 31); 2. Make sure the milk intake tube is secured correctly to the socket lo-
cated on the underside of the milk carafe lid (fig. 32); 3. Reposition the lid on the milk container;



4. Lower the flap and attach the carafe to the connector, pushing it

fully home (fig. 33). The machine emits a beep (if the beep function

is enabled);

5. Place a sufficiently large cup under the coffee spouts and under the

milk spout. The milk spout can be lengthened by adjusting the ex-

tension (fig. 34);

6. Select the desired drink as described in the following steps.

Adjusting the amount of froth Turn the froth adjustment dial to select the amount of froth on the milk that will be delivered when making milk-based drinks.

Dial position

Recommended for…



Cappuccino Caffelatte


Cappuccino Caffelatte



· Caffelatte


· Latte Macchiato
· Flat White · Cortado


· Cappuccino · Cappuccino Mix · Espresso Macchiato · Hot Milk (frothed)

Making milk-based drinks On the homepage, press directly on the image corresponding to the required drink (fig. 35). As in the case of coffee-based drinks, a drink can be customized by pressing on the bar at the bottom of the image on the homepage (fig. 36). To stop delivery manually, press “Stop” or “Cancel”

Cleaning the milk carafe after use Every time a milk-based drink is delivered, the machine will prompt the user to clean the carafe (Clean function) to ensure that the lid of the carafe is not left unwashed. To start cleaning, proceed as follows: 1. Leave the milk carafe in the machine (there is no need to empty the
container); 2. Place a cup or other recipient under the milk spout (fig. 37); 3. Turn the froth adjustment/clean dial to the “Clean” position (fig.
38): hot water and steam are delivered from the milk spout. Cleaning stops automatically; 4. Turn the dial back to one of the froth selections;



Where several drinks are prepared in succession:

· To proceed with further preparations, when the message to clean

the carafe appears (Clean function), press “Cancel”. Proceed with

cleaning of the carafe after the final preparation.

After multiple preparations, the milk container is empty or the milk that remains is not enough to make further drinks · Having carried out the cleaning step (with the”Clean”function), dis-
assemble the milk carafe and clean all components, proceeding as described in heading “Cleaning the milk carafe after use”

After multiple preparations, there is enough milk left in the con-


tainer to make further drinks

· Having carried out the cleaning step with the “Clean” function, re-

move the milk carafe and put it straight in the refrigerator.The”HOT”

carafe can be kept in the refrigerator no more than 2 days, after

which time all components should be cleaned as described in the

heading “Thorough cleaning of milk carafe”.


If the milk carafe is left out of the refrigerator for more than 30 minutes,

disassemble and clean all components, proceeding as described in the

heading “Thorough cleaning of milk carafe”.

Following preparation of milk-based drinks — general notes: · If the milk carafe is not cleaned, the symbol appears on the
homepage as a reminder that cleaning is required. · In certain cases, the machine will need to heat up before cleaning
can take place. · To ensure correct cleaning, wait for the CLEAN function to end. The
function is automatic. It must not be stopped while in progress.


Rivelia Making “To Go” beverages

The “To Go” function is ideal for anyone wanting to create a customized drink to take away. Search the delonghi.com website to find the recommended travel mug for your machine: 39
Travel mug (not included) (capacity 236 ml/ 130mm)
Type: DLSC074
EAN: 8004399024465

The “To go” function can be used for preparation of the following drinks:








Latte Macchiato


Cappuccino Mix

Flat White



Proceed as follows: 1. Press the customization bar at the bottom of the image correspond-
ing to the desired drink (e.g. espresso, fig. 21). The display shows the parameters that are customizable according to preference, and the functions that can be selected:

2. Select (fig. 39): this accesses the”To go”function.

3. Press “Next”, then “Ok”.

4. Pressing

the display will show information relating to the

quantity of the drink, and therefore to the requisite size of the travel

mug (fig. 40).

5. Press (fig. 41) to select the quantity of the drink: press”Save”.

6. The new quantity of the “to go” drink will be stored and set auto-

matically for the next time the drink is prepared. Press “X”.

7. Press “Brew”: the machine proceeds with preparation of the drink.

Please note:

· Each time a different mug is used, it is advisable to stay close to the

machine to check the amount of liquid effectively dispensed.


· If saved, the new settings will be stored ONLY in the selected profile. · To maintain the temperature of hot drinks, preheat the travel mug
with hot water. · It is advisable to use the travel mug only for the drinks indicated on
the homepage. · If the intention is to use a travel mug other than the one supplied,
bear in mind that it must be no taller than 14 cm. Important · Before screwing on the lid, open the cap to release the pressure; · Whenever drinks have been prepared with milk, clean the carafe as
indicated in the section “Following preparation of milk-based drinks — general notes:”. · The contents should be used within 2 hours maximum: once this time has elapsed, empty and clean the mug as described in the following section. · For more information, refer to the leaflet accompanying the travel mug. Cleaning the De’Longhi travel mug (sold separately) every time after use In the interests of hygiene, the travel mug should always be cleaned after use. Do not use abrasive materials that could damage the surface of the container. Proceed as follows: 1. Unscrew the lid and rinse the container and lid with warm drinking water (40°C). 2. Soak the components in warm water (40°C) and washing up liquid for at least 30 minutes. Do not use scented detergents. 3. Clean the inside of the container and the lid with a clean sponge and washing up liquid, removing any visible dirt. 4. Rinse all components with warm drinking water (40°C). 5. Dry all components with a clean, dry cloth or paper towels, then reassemble. 6. Wash the lid in the dishwasher once a week. The metal container is not dishwasher safe.

Rivelia Hot water
1. Push down the flap of the accessories compartment and attach the hot water spout (fig. 6). Press “Next”.
2. Place a cup under the hot water spout. 3. On the homepage: · press directly on the image corresponding to hot water: delivery
begins; · press the customization bar at the bottom of the image and select
the quantity to be delivered, then press”Brew”: delivery begins; 4. Delivery will stop automatically. Please note · To stop delivery manually, press “Stop” or “Cancel” · Immediately after delivery has stopped automatically, the quanti-
ty can be increased by pressing “Extra”.

Rivelia “My” function
With the”my”function, you can select the quantity of each single ingredient used for preparation of the hot drink you want to make. 1. Check that the profile selected is the profile for which you want to
customize the drink; 2. Press the customization bar under the image of the desired drink
(e.g. espresso, fig. 21). 3. Press ; 4. Press “Start”, 5. When preparing coffee based drinks, select the intensity or the
“Bean Adapt”function: press “Next”; 6. Make sure that a cup of the right size is placed under the coffee
spout, and press “Brew”; 7. As the drink is delivered, a progress bar will fill up gradually. Once
the minimum programmable quantity is reached, the “Stop” button will be enabled. The” “symbol indicates the previous quantity. 8. When the quantity in the cup is as desired, press “Stop”; 9. Press “Save” to store the new parameters for the drink under the selected profile: if “Coffee Routine” is enabled, the machine will suggest the option of saving the drink for that particular time of the day.
Please note · If saved, the new settings will be stored ONLY in the selected
profile. · Customizing a single drink, the respective double version of the
drink is automatically customized as well. · It is possible to exit programming mode at any given moment
by pressing “X”: the values will not be saved. · To disable the function and prepare the drink using other pa-
rameters, press the customization bar relative to the drink: press my on the page to disable the function ( my ) and
revert to the factory default values. · To reprogramme the My drink, the parameters must be reset to
the factory default values: press the customization bar of the drink and check that the function is enabled ( my ). Press “Reset” to restore the factory default values for the drink. The drink can now be reprogrammed.

Quantities table


Standard quantity Programmable




20-180 ml


2X Espresso 40 ml + 40 ml

Espresso lungo 120ml





Americano 150ml

Hot water 250ml

20-180 ml + 20-180 ml 60-180 ml 100-270 ml 115-250 ml 70-480 ml 20-420 ml


Bean switch Choose a drink Grind & Empty

Switch the bean hopper to enjoy a different blend of coffee beans Proceed as follows: 1. Twist the bean hopper to the unlocked position (fig. 42) and
leave it there until the end of the procedure; 2. The display shows the options for the “Bean Switch”: select one of
the options and follow the procedure (fig. 43):
Choose the drink (Use the beans left in the coffee grinder to make a drink): 3. Select “Choose the drink”. 4. Press”Start”: the homepage displays the drinks you can choose from
(the intensity is already set and cannot be changed). 5. Press”Ok”and prepare the drink as usual (Tick the box; the message
will not be displayed again).
Coffee Grind & Empty (Run a grinding cycle without preparing any drink, to empty the grinder of its contents) 3. Select “Grind & Empty” 4. Press”Start”and wait for the machine to finishing grinding.
You can now switch the bean hopper 5. Remove the bean hopper (fig. 44); 6. Insert the new hopper and twist clockwise to secure it in the socket.
To carry out the operation correctly, align the unlock symbol with the notch on the adjuster ring (fig. 45) and, when inserted, twist the bean hopper into the locked position (fig. 46).
Please note If the bean hopper is switched without emptying the coffee grinder, the coffee delivered subsequently will be made with a blend of old beans and new beans. Important! · The presence of powdery coffee residues in the bean hopper sock-
et is perfectly normal. · If the bean hopper proves difficult to fit, make sure there are no
coffee beans in the socket on the machine that holds the bean hopper. If traces of coffee are found, clean the bean hopper socket with the brush provided and wipe with a soft clean cloth. Remove powdery coffee residues with a vacuum cleaner.


Rivelia Cleaning the machine











Please note · Do not use solvents, abrasive detergents or alcohol to clean the
machine. With De’Longhi superautomatic coffee machines, no chemical additives are required for cleaning purposes. · Do not use metal objects to remove encrustations or coffee deposits as they could scratch metal or plastic surfaces.

1 2 3

Which items are dishwasher-safe
4 1 Grounds container
2 Drip tray grille
3 Drip tray
4 Hot Lattecrema Carafe
(all components must be disassembled)

Internal circuit of the machine If the machine has not been used for more than 3-4 days, it is strongly recommend that before any further use, it should be switched on and rinsed 2 or 3 times, selecting the relative function “Rinsing”. Please note Water may find its way into the grounds container during the above cleaning procedure: this is quite normal.
Bean hopper Clean the bean hopper periodically. Proceed as follows: 1. Twist the bean hopper to the unlocked position (fig. 42) and
leave it there until the end of the procedure: the machine is now in “Bean Switch” mode (fig. 43); 2. Select one of the modes available (Choose the drink (Use the beans left in the coffee grinder to make a drink):or Grind & Empty (Run a grinding cycle without preparing any drink, to empty the grinder of its contents) and carry out the procedure; 3. Next, remove the bean hopper;

4. Remove the lid from the bean hopper. Empty out the hopper, transferring any remaining beans to another recipient;
5. Wipe the inside and the outside of the hopper clean with a soft moist cloth, removing all residual traces of coffee.
6. Clean the bean hopper socket on the machine, using the brush and a soft clean cloth. Remove powdery coffee residues with a vacuum cleaner.
7. Dry the bean hopper and the lid thoroughly, using a clean dry cloth or absorbent paper: make certain all the surfaces are completely dry.
8. Fill the hopper with coffee beans and close with the lid. To carry out the operation correctly, align the unlock symbol with the notch on the adjuster ring (fig. 45) and, when inserted, twist the bean hopper into the locked position (fig. 46).
Coffee grounds container When required by the machine, this must be emptied and cleaned. The machine cannot be used to make coffee until the grounds container has been cleaned. The machine will display the message indicating the need to empty the grounds container 72 hours after the first coffee has been prepared, even if the container is not full (for the 72 hours to be calculated correctly, the machine must never be disconnected from the mains power supply).
Important! Danger of scalding If several milk-based drinks are prepared one after the other, the metal cup grille becomes hot. Wait for it to cool down before touching it, and handle from the front only.
To clean (with the machine on): 1. Remove the drip tray and coffee grounds container; 2. Empty the drip tray and the grounds container and clean them, taking
care to remove all residues that may have collected on the bottom. 3. Reposition the drip tray in the machine, complete with grille and
grounds container.


When removing the drip tray, the coffee grounds container must always


be emptied, even if it has not filled up noticeably. If this is not done, it

can happen that when further coffees are prepared, the grounds con-

tainer will fill up more than expected and clog the machine.

Drip tray and drip tray grille The drip tray is fitted with a float level indicator (colour red) showing the amount of water it contains (fig. 47).


The drip tray must be emptied and cleaned before the indicator starts to project from the cup tray, otherwise the water may spill over the rim and damage the machine, the surface on which the machine is placed, or the surrounding area. To remove the drip tray, proceed as follows: 1. Remove the drip tray with all its components; 2. Separate the grounds container from its support: empty the grounds
container; 3. Remove the cup grille and the drip tray grille and wash all compo-
nents thoroughly: the cup grille cannot be put in a dishwasher; 4. Reposition the drip tray in the machine, complete with all its
Important! When removing the drip tray, the coffee grounds container must always be emptied, even if it has not filled up noticeably. If this is not done, it can happen that when further coffees are prepared, the grounds container will fill up more than expected and clog the machine.
Inside of the machine
Danger of electric shock! Before carrying out cleaning operations on internal parts, the machine must be turned off (see “Turning the machine off”) and unplugged from the mains power supply. Never immerse the machine in water
1. Check periodically (about once a month) that the inside of the machine (accessible after removing the drip tray) is not dirty.
2. Remove all residues with a vacuum cleaner Water tank Periodically (about once a month) and whenever the water softener filter is replaced, clean the water tank. 1. Take out the water tank, remove the water softener filter (if in-
stalled) and rinse with drinking water; 2. Empty the water tank and clean with warm water (40 °C approx), wiping
if necessary with a clean, non-abrasive cloth. Rinse thoroughly under running water; 3. Reinstate the filter, if removed previously, then fill the water tank with fresh drinking water up to the MAX level and return it to the machine. 4. (Only if a water softener filter is installed) release 100ml of hot water to reactivate the filter.


Please note:

If the machine has not been used for more than 3 days, clean the water

tank as described above.

Coffee spouts

1. Clean the coffee spout regularly with a sponge or cloth (fig. 48); 2. Check that the holes in the coffee spout are not blocked. If necessary,
remove coffee deposits with a toothpick (fig. 49).

Pre-ground coffee funnel


Clean the removable pre-ground coffee funnel regularly (about once a

month). Proceed as follows:

1. Switch off the machine (see”Turning the machine off”);

2. Lift the lid of the accessories compartment (fig. 22).

3. Remove the scoop/brush; 4. Take out the removable funnel; 5. Wash the funnel under warm running water (40 °C approx) and dry
with a clean cloth. The funnel can also be washed in a dishwasher, in which case a 50 °C is suitable. 6. Return the funnel to the housing and put away the brush; 7. Close the lid.

Important! After cleaning, check that no accessories have been left in the funnel. The presence of foreign matter in the funnel during operation could cause damage to the machine.


Removable brewing unit

The brewing unit must be cleaned at least once a month.

Important! The brewing unit cannot be removed while the machine is on.

1. Make sure the machine has run the shutdown procedure correctly

(see section”Turning the machine off”);

2. Remove the water tank (fig. 3);

3. Open the brewing unit flap (fig. 50) on the right side of the machine,


by releasing the top catch;

4. Press the two coloured release buttons inwards (fig. 51) at the same

time pulling the brewing unit outwards;

5. Immerse the brewing unit in fresh drinking water for about 5 min-

utes, then rinse under the tap;






6. Do not use detergents when cleaning the brewing unit, as they could damage it.

7. Use the brush to remove any coffee residues left in the brewing unit

housing, visible through the flap.


8. After cleaning, replace the brewing unit by sliding it into its housing,

then apply pressure to the component until it clicks into place;

Please note: If the brewing unit is difficult to fit, adapt it to the right size (before insertion) by applying pressure to the two levers (fig. 52).

9. Once inserted, make sure the two coloured buttons have snapped


10. Close the brewing unit flap and ensure it is firmly in place;

11. Reposition the water tank in the machine. 54
Thorough cleaning of milk carafe

This operation will guarantee optimum results over time. Proceed as


1. Remove the lid of the milk carafe (fig. 53);

2. Detach the milk spout, the milk spout extension and the milk intake

tube (fig. 54);

3. Turn the froth adjustment dial clockwise to the “Insert” position (fig.

  1. and pull off;


4. Turn the connector-coupling of the milk carafe anticlockwise and

pull out (fig. 56).

5. Wash in a dishwasher (recommended) or by hand, as indicated


· In a dishwasher: Rinse all components under warm drinking

water (at least 40 °C), then place them in the top basket of the dish-

washer and run a programme at 50 °C, e.g. Eco standard.

· By hand: Rinse all components carefully with warm drinking water

(at least 40 °C) to ensure that all visible residues are removed: make


sure the water passes through the holes (fig. 57). Immerse all

components (including the milk container) in a solution of warm

drinking water (at least 40° C) and washing-up liquid for at least

30 minutes. Rinse all components thoroughly with warm drinking

water, rubbing them individually between fingers and thumbs.

6. Make sure there are no milk residues left in the cavity and the chan-

nel on the underside of the dial (fig. 58). If necessary, scrape with

a toothpick.



7. Check that the intake tube and the outlet tube are not clogged with

milk residues;

8. Dry the components with a clean dry cloth;

9. Reassemble all components of the milk carafe.

Please note: The machine will give a reminder periodically of the need for thorough cleaning of the milk carafe, and indicate the full sequence of steps.



Rivelia Descaling


59 60

Important! · Before use, read the instructions and the labelling on the descaler
pack. · Use only descaler supplied by De’Longhi. If unsuitable descaler is
used, or descaling is not carried out properly and when required, the machine may develop faults not covered by the manufacturer’s guarantee. · Descaler can cause damage to delicate surfaces. If the product is accidentally spilt, dry immediately.

To descale

Descaler De’Longhi descaler

Container Recommended capacity: 1.5 litres



Descale the machine when the corresponding message appears on the homepage: to proceed with descaling straight away, press “Ok” and follow the instructions step by step as indicated on the machine display. To delay descaling until later, press “Cancel”: the homepage will continue
to show the symbol as a reminder that descaling needs to be carried out. (The message reappears every time the machine is turned on). To access the descaling menu: 1. Press on the homepage; 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Descale” appears; 3. Press “Start” to enter the guided descale procedure; 4. Press “Yes”to start; 5. Attach the hot water spout (fig. 6) (this is kept in the accessories
compartment on top of the machine); 6. Remove and empty the drip tray and the coffee grounds container
(fig. 16): then reposition both in the machine and press “Next”; 7. Remove the water tank, lift the lid and remove the filter (if in place).
Empty the tank completely. 8. Pour the descaler into the water tank up to the level A marked on the
inside of the tank (which is equivalent to one 100ml pack), then add drinking water (one litre) up to level B (fig. 59). Reposition the water tank (with lid) on the machine and press “Next”; 9. Position an empty container of at least 2 litres capacity under the spouts (fig. 60). Press “Done”to start the procedure (or “Back” to go back to the previous screen, or “X” to abort and exit the procedure, but in this instance remembering to remove the descaler solution from the water tank).



Important! Danger of scalding Hot water containing acid flows out of the spouts. Accordingly, take care to avoid contact with this solution.
10. The descale programme starts and the descaler liquid comes out of the hot water spout and the coffee spout; a succession of rinses is performed automatically at set intervals to remove all the scale residues inside the coffee machine;
After about 20 minutes, the descaling action ceases; 11. The machine is now ready to be rinsed out with cold water. Empty
the container used to collect the descaler solution. Remove and empty the water tank, rinse thoroughly under running drinking water, then fill the tank with fresh water up to the MAX level (fig. 61) and return it to the machine. Press “Next” 12. Having emptied the container used previously to collect the descaler solution, reposition it under the spouts and press “Yes” to start the first rinse; 13. Hot water is released both from the hot water spout and from the coffee spout; 14. When the water in the tank has run out, empty the container used to collect the rinsing water; 15. Take out the water tank and reposition the water softener filter, if removed previously. Press “Next” to continue; 16. Fill the tank with fresh water to the MAX level, and return it to the machine; 17. Having emptied the container used previously to collect the descaler solution, reposition it under the spouts and press “Yes” to start another rinsing cycle; 18. When the water in the tank has run out, empty the container used to collect the rinsing water, then remove the drip tray and the grounds container, empty them and return them to the machine; 19. Detach the water tank, top up to the max level, return it to the machine and press “Next”; 20. The descaling procedure is now complete: press “Ok”; 21. The machine performs a rapid preheat cycle and then goes back to the homepage.


Please note: · If the descaling cycle is not completed correctly (e.g. electrical
power failure) it is advisable to repeat the procedure; · Water may find its way into the grounds container during the rinse
procedure: this is quite normal. · If the water tank has not been refilled to the MAX level, the ma-
chine prompts for a third rinse to ensure that the descaler solution has been completely eliminated from the internal circuits. Before starting the rinse, remember to empty the drip tray.

Rivelia Water softener filter

To ensure the performance of the machine remains constant over time, the use of a De’Longhi water softener filter is recommended. For further information, visit www.delonghi.com.
EAN: 8004399327252

62 2
0,5 L

To ensure correct use of the filter, proceed as follows:
Installing the filter 1. Press on the homepage; 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Water filter”is displayed; 3. Press “Yes” to enter the guided procedure 4. Remove the filter from the packaging and turn the date indicator to
view the next 2 months (fig. 62); Please note: The filter lasts about two months assuming normal use of the machine; if on the other hand the machine remains idle with the filter installed, it will not last more than three weeks, at most.
5. Press “Next” to continue (“Back” to go back to the previous screen); 6. To activate the filter, run tap water through the hole in the centre of the
filter until water comes out of the openings at the side for more than a minute (fig. 63). Press”Next”,”Back”or”X”; 7. Remove the water tank from the machine and fill with drinking water; insert the filter in the water tank, immersing the bottom part and squeezing the middle of the element 2-3 so that the air bubbles can escape (fig. 64). Press “Next”; 8. Finally, locate the filter in the special housing (fig. 65) and push fully home; press “Next”. Close the water tank with the lid; 9. Return the tank to the machine and press “Yes”; 10. Position an empty container of at least 0.5 litres capacity under the hot water spout and press “Yes”. 11. The machine delivers hot water, then stops automatically. Press”OK”to go back to the homepage; 12. The filter is now active and the machine can be used.
Replacing or removing the filter Replace the filter when the corresponding message appears on the homepage: to proceed with replacement of the filter straight away, press “Ok” and follow the instructions from point 3 of the previous heading. To delay replacing the filter until later, press “Cancel”: the display continues to show the symbol as a reminder that the filter needs replacing. To replace, proceed as follows:


1. Press on the homepage; 2. Scroll through the pages until the item “Water filter”is displayed: press
“Read more”; 3. Press “Yes” to enter the guided procedure; 4. Remove the water tank and the spent filter: press “Ok”. 5. To remove the filter, press “Ok” (“Back” to go back to the previous
screen; “X” to cancel the operation); 6. To replace the filter, press”Yes”. Follow the steps described in the previ-
ous heading, proceeding from point (4). Please note: After two months (see date indicator), or after 3 weeks if the machine has not been used, the filter should be replaced even if the warning message has not yet been displayed.

Rivelia Frequent and alarm messages

· Time to fill the water tank with fresh
water and then insert it.

Insufficient water in the tank Remove the tank (fig. 3), fill the tank with fresh drinking water up to the MAX level (fig. 4), and return it to the machine
Tank not correctly in place Fit the tank correctly

· There is not enough water in

Can you empty the drip tray and the

the tank to make a drink, and

grounds container? Fill water tank with

the machine will soon be asking

fresh water and then insert it.

for the grounds container to be


The machine asks for both

operations to be done straight

away so that multiple drinks can

be prepared, without interruption

Can you insert the unità di erogazione? ???

· Unità di erogazione ??? not
refitted after cleaning. Fit the brewing unit as described in section “Removable brewing unit”

· Time to empty the grounds container
and the drip tray. Even if not full, it is
important to clear them out regularly

The grounds container is full. Clean as described in heading
“Coffee grounds container”


Empty the grounds container and drip tray. · Once done, if you still see this message, ensure the side door is closed.

Grounds container and/or drip tray not correctly in place or missing completely. Grounds container and/or the drip tray not correctly in place or missing completely.
Side flap missing or not correctly in place. Position the flap or ensure it is properly shut. Empty the grounds container so the machine can continue counting correctly.

· Preparation of a drink using

Are you sure you have the added

pre-ground coffee has been

pre-ground coffee?

selected, but the amount of

Add it now One scoop only!

pre-ground coffee inserted is

not sufficient

Check that the funnel is not

blocked, then add one level

scoop of pre-ground coffee,

press “Ok” on the display

and follow the instructions in

heading “Preparation with pre-ground


Oops! it looks like you’re out of coffee beans. Time to add some

· Coffee beans have run out. Fill the bean hopper and press “Done”.


The new settings have not been saved

· In the course of customizing a drink (see section “”My”function”) , preparation has been deliberately interrupted by pressing “X”, or an alarm has been tripped. Press “OK” to go back to the homepage (C) and view the alarm that has caused the interruption. Follow the instructions corresponding to the alarm displayed (see section “Frequent and alarm messages”)

Just doing a little cleaning. I’ll be back in a few seconds

· The machine has detected impurities in its internal circuits. Wait until the machine is ready for use again and reselect the required drink. Contact an authorized Service Centre if the problem persists.

I am unable to complete your drink. Please reduce the pre-ground coffee
quantity and try again ·

Too much pre-ground coffee has been used Reduce the amount of preground coffee (1 scoop, max). Press “Ok” to go back to the homepage If the water softener filter is present, an air bubble may have been released inside the circuit, obstructing delivery. Press “Ok” and release a little water (see section “Hot water”) until the flow is regular. If the problem persists, remove the filter (see section “Replacing or removing the filter”)


· I am unable to complete your drink. Please
reduce the pre-ground quantity, empty the
grounds container and try again

Too much pre-ground coffee has been used Reduce the amount of preground coffee (1 scoop, max). Carry out the cleaning procedure as described in section . “Coffee grounds container”

Sorry, I am unable to complete your drink. Increase the grind setting by
1 (+1).

The beans are too finely ground, so that the coffee is delivered too slowly or not at all. Press “Ok”, “Next” and proceed to adjust the coffee grinder as appropriate (see heading “Coffee grinder settings”).

Sorry, I am unable to complete your drink. Please reduce the intensity and try again

Too much coffee has been used. Select a milder “intensity” (see “customised coffee-based drinks”) Press “Ok” to go back to the homepage.


Remember to store the milk carafe · in the fridge

A milk-based drink has been prepared and the milk carafe is still on the machine Remove the milk carafe and put it in the refrigerator.



A descale is needed. Ready to start? (~ 30 min)



· Indicates that the machine needs descaling. To proceed with descaling, press “Yes” and follow the guided procedure, otherwise press “Cancel”: in this case the homepage continues to display
the symbol as a reminder that descaling is required (see section “Descaling”).

· Oops, the process has been interrupted

Descaling interrupted or not completed correctly Press Ok to continue (see section “Descaling”).

The water filter needs to be replaced. Ready to start?

Water softener filter spent. Press “Yes” to replace the filter, or “Cancel” if the intention is to replace it later. Follow the instructions in section “Replacing or removing the filter”.



Something’s not right: can you refer to the user manual please?

The inside of the machine is very dirty. Clean the inside of the machine thoroughly, as described in the section “Description of the machine”. If the message is still displayed after cleaning, contact De’Longhi Customer Services and/or an approved Service Centre


The water circuit is out of water. Ready to refill?

· The water circuit is empty Press “Yes” to fill the circuit: the flow of water will stop automatically. If the problem persists, make sure the water tank is correctly in place.
· A new water softener filter has been fitted Make sure the instructions for installing the new filter have been followed correctly (section “Installing the filter” and “Replacing or removing the filter”). If the problem persists, remove the filter.

Prepare at least 3 coffees before changing again

· The machine needs to brew 3 drinks before an adjustment can be changed using “Bean Adapt” Make at least 3 coffees, then proceed with the adjustment/ tuning.


Reminder that the filter

must be replaced

Replace the filter, or remove it,

as described in section “Replacing

or removing the filter”.


Reminder that the

machine must be descaled.

The descaling procedure needs

to be carried out without delay,

see section . “Descaling”


Reminder that the milk carafe needs to be cleaned.

See section Cleaning the milk carafe after use


Indicates that energy saving is activated.

To deactivate energy saving, proceed as described in section “General”.


Rivelia FAQ

· Difficulty removing the water tank
Tilt the tank away from the machine: once released, it will detach easily.
· Steam comes out of the top after delivering coffee
This is water vapour that escapes from the dose of coffee utilized and is released automatically by way of the grounds container.
This happens as part of normal and correct operation.

· Difficulty fitting the bean hopper Make sure that the bean hopper socket is clean and free of loose
beans: use the brush to remove any residual traces of coffee.
Locate the bean hopper in the socket, being sure to align the unlock position with the notch on the machine
Twist the bean hopper clockwise to the point at which the lock position aligns with the notch on the machine

· Coffee not hot (1) It has been 2-3 minutes since the last preparation and the
internal circuit of the machine has cooled down: in this situation, a hot rinse is advisable.
On the homepage, press to enter the settings menu:


Espresso lungo

Coffee Americano

Scroll through the pages until the item “Rinse” is displayed and press “Yes” to start the procedure: after a few seconds, hot water will begin flowing to clean and heat up the internal circuit of the



· Coffee not hot (2) The temperature set for preparation of the coffee is too low. Select a higher temperature as indicated below: on the homepage, press to enter the settings menu:


Espresso lungo

Coffee Americano

Scroll through the pages until the item “Coffee temperature” is displayed and press “Set” to change the temperature.
Coffee temperature

. Select a higher temperature (Medium or Max).
· Coffee not hot (3) Descaling is required: proceed as illustrated in sectionDescaling. This done, check that the water hardness setting is right for the
water provided by your local supplier (see Check the hardness of the water and Setting water hardness).


· Milk presents large bubbles, or splashes from the milk spout, or is under- frothed (1).

Cow’s milk

Whole (fat >3,5%)

Semi-skimmed (fat between 1.5 and 1.8%)

Skimmed (fat <0.5%)

Vegetable drinks



Use cow’s milk or vegetable drinks at refrigerator temperature (about 5° C).
If the result is still not as expected, try changing the brand of milk.
In the case of vegetable drinks, use “Barista” versions for best results.

· Milk presents large bubbles, or splashes from the milk spout, or is under- frothed (2). Clean the lid of the milk carafe thoroughly, as indicated in sections “Cleaning the milk carafe after use” and “Cleaning the milk carafe”.




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