Hantek HBT3566A Internal Resistance Tester User Manual

June 1, 2024


Hantek HBT3566A Internal Resistance Tester


Product Information


  • Product Name: Internal Resistance Tester
  • Version: 1.0
  • Manufacturer: Qingdao Hantek Electronics Co., Ltd.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of the: ABSolute command?
    • The: ABSolute command is used to set the absolute value function.
  • How to read the latest measurement value using the: FETCh? command?
    • To read the latest measurement value, use the query command: FETCh? and it will return the measurement values.

Product Overview

Qingdao Hantek Electronics Co., Ltd..

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  1. Please contact the local dealers of Qingdao Hantek Electronics Co., Ltd.;
  2. Please contact the local direct office of Qingdao Hantek Electronics Co., Ltd.;

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Company contact method:

  • Qingdao Hantek Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • http://www.hantek.com
  • Address: Building, Building, Building, No. 780, Baoyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Shandong
  • Province: 266114
  • Tel: 0532-55678770, 55678772, 55678773 Fax: 0532-88705691
  • Email:service@hantek.com

Technical Support

Introduction to SCPI command

SCPI (Standard Commands for ProgrammMable Instruments abbreviation), that is, the standard command set of program control instruments (programmable instruments). SCPI is a standardized instrument based on the existing standard IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2, and follows the standardized instruments of the floating-point computing rules of the IEEE 754 standard, ISO 646 information exchange 7-bit encoding symbols (equivalent to ASCII programming). programming language. The SCPI command is a tree-like structure, including multiple subsystems. Each subsystem consists of a root keyword and one or several layers of keywords.

Command format

The command usually starts with the colon “:”. The keywords are separated by the colon “:”, followed by the optional parameter settings behind the keywords. Add a question mark “?” Behind the command line, indicating that this function is queried. The command keyword and the first parameter are separated by space, for example:

  • :ACQuire:TYPE
  • :ACQuire:TYPE?

Acquire is the root keyword of the command, and Type is the second-level keyword. The command line starts with the colon “:”, and at the same time use the colon “::” to separate the keywords at all levels. indicates the settable parameter. The question mark “?” Indicates the query. Command keywords: Acquire: Type and parameters are separated by spaces. In some commands with parameters, the comma “,”, “separate multiple parameters, for example: [:TRACe[]]:DATA: VALue volatile,,

Symbol Description

The following symbols are not sent with commands.

  1. Braces {}
    The content in the brackets is the parameter option. Parameters are usually separated by vertical lines “|”. When using the command, one of the parameters must be selected.

  2. Vertical line |
    The vertical line is used to separate multiple parameter options, and one of the parameters must be selected when using the command.

  3. Square bracket []
    The content in square brackets is omitted

  4. Triangle bracket <>
    The parameters in the triangular bracket must be replaced with an effective value.

Parameter Type

  1. Bool
    The parameter is ON, OFF, 1 or 0. For example: :MEASure:ADISplay :MEASure:ADISplay? Among them: can be set to:{{1|ON}|{0|OFF}}. Query back 1 or 0

  2. Discrete
    The parameter takes the option listed. For example: :ACQuire:TYPE :ACQuire:TYPE? Among them: can be set as: NORMal|AVERages|PEAK|HRESolution. Query Return to abbreviations: NORM, AVER, PEAK or HRES.

  3. Integer
    Unless there is another instructions, the parameters can be an arbitrary integer (NR1 format) within the effective value range. Note that at this time, please do not set the parameter as a decimal format, otherwise there will be abnormalities.
    For example: :DISPlay: GBRightness :DISPlay: GBRightness? Among them: can be set to: Our integer between 0 and 100. The query returns an integer between 0 and 100.

  4. Real
    The parameters can be arbitrarily numbered within the valid value range. The command accepts the parameter input of the decimal (NR2 format) and the scientific count (NR3 format) format.
    For example: :TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe :TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe? Among them: The parameter can be set to a real number between 1.6e-08 (ie 16ns) and 1e+01 (ie 10s). The query returns a real number in the scientific counting format.

  5. ASCII String
    The combination of the parameter is the combination of ASCII characters, for example: :SYSTem:OPTion:INSTall Among them: can be set to: PDUY9N9QTS9PQSWPLAETRD3UJHYA

All commands are not sensitive to the case, you can use uppercase or lowercase. However, if you want to abbreviate, you must lose all the capital letters in the command format.

  • For example: :MEASure:ADISplay? Can be abbreviated as MEAS:ADIS?

Measuring command


This command is used to set the sampling rate. Command grammar

  • Command grammar

  • Exemplary example

  • Query command

  • Return parameter


This command is used to set the average number of times.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:AVERage <1|2|4|8>
  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:AVERage 2
  • Query command :CALCulate:AVERage?
  • Return parameter 1|2|4|8


This command is used to set the trigger mode.

  • Command grammar :TRIGger:SOURce<INT|EXT|MAN>
  • Exemplary example :TRIGger:SOURce MAN
  • Query command :TRIGger:SOURce?
  • Return parameter INT|EXT|MAN

This command is used to set the trigger delay time(ms).

  • Command grammar
    :TRIGger:DELay<1 – 9999>

  • Exemplary example
    :TRIGger:DELay 10

  • Query command

  • Return parameter


This command is used to set the absolute value function.

  • Command grammar :ABSolute <ON|OFF>
  • Exemplary example :ABSolute OFF
  • Query command :ABSolute?
  • Return parameter ON|OFF


This command is used to read the latest measurement value.

  • Query command

  • Return parameter

    • , (ΩV function)
    • (Ω function)
    • (V function)
  • Exemplary example
    Example: Query: FETC?
    Response 288.02E-3, 1.3921E+0 (ΩV function)
    The resistance measurement value is 288.02mΩ, and the voltage measurement value is1.3921V.


Make a trigger and read the measurement value.

  • Query command :READ?
  • Return parameter
    • , (ΩV function)
    • (Ω function)
    • (V function)
  • Exemplary example
    Example: Query :READ?
    Response 288.02E-3 , 1.3921E+0 (ΩV function)

The resistance measurement value is 288.02mΩ, and the voltage measurement value is1.3921V.

Range command


This command is used to set the measurement type.

  • Command grammar FUNCtion< RV|VOLTage|RESistance>
  • Exemplary example FUNCtion RV
  • Query command FUNCtion?
  • Return parameter RV


This command is used to set the measurement voltage range.

  • Command grammar
    • VOLTage:RANGe < Range | AUTO>
    • Range(Low voltage):6| 60 | >60
    • Range(High voltage):15 | 150 | >150
  • Exemplary example VOLTage:RANGe 6V
  • Query command VOLTage:RANGe?
  • Return parameter 6E+0


This command is used to set the measurement resistance schedule.

  • Command grammar
    • RESistance:RANGe <Range|AUTO>
    • Range:3E-3 | 3E-2 | 3E-1 | 3 | 3E1| 3E2 | >3E2
  • Exemplary example RESistance:RANGe 3E-3
  • Query command RESistance:RANGe?
  • Return parameter 3E-3

Statistical command


This command is used to set the statistical function to open and close.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:STATistics:STATe <ON|OFF|1|0>
  • Exemplary example  :CALCulate:STATistics:STATe OFF
  • Query command :CALCulate:STATistics:STATe?
  • Return parameter ON|OFF


  • This command is used to clear the statistical operation results


This command is used to query the data of the resistance.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:RESistance:NUMBer?
    • Response
    • <Total data number(NR1)>, <Effective data number(NR1)>
    • <Total data number (NR1)> = 0 – 1000
    • <Effective data number (NR1)> = 0-1000
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:RES:NUMB?
    • Response 22 , 20


This command is used to query the voltage measurement data.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:VOLTage:NUMBer?
    • Response
    • <Total data number(NR1)>, <Effective data number(NR1)>
    • <Total data number(NR1)> = 0 – 1000
    • <Effective data number(NR1)>= 0 – 1000
  • Example
    • Response 22 , 20


This command is used to query the average value of resistance measurement data.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:RESistance:MEAN?
    • Response <Average(NR3)>
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:RES:MEAN?
    • Response 30.370E+0


This command is used to query the average value of the voltage measurement data.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:VOLTage:MEAN?
    • Response <Average(NR3)>
  • Example
    • Response 0.000124E+0


This command is used to query the maximum value in the measurement of resistance measurement data.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:RESistance:MAXimum? Response <Maximum value (NR3)>, <Data number of the maximum value (NR1)
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:RES:MAX?
    • Response 3.5044E+0 , 142

:CALCulate:STATistics:VOLTage: MAXimum?

This command is used to query the maximum value in the voltage measurement data.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:VOLTage:MAXimum?
    • Response <maximum value (NR3)>, <data number of the maximum value (NR1)
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:VOLT:MAX?
    • Response 30.384E+0 , 26


This command is used to query the minimum value in the resistance measurement data.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:RESistance:MINimum?
    • Response < Minimum value (NR3)> , < Minimum data number (NR1)
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:RES:MIN?
    • Response 3.5044E+0 , 142


This command is used to query the minimum value in the voltage measurement data.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:VOLTage: MINimum?
    • Response < Minimum value (NR3)> , < Minimum data number (NR1)>
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:VOLT:MIN?
    • Response 30.384E+0 , 26


This command is used to query the results of the resistance comparator under the statistical interface.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:RESistance:LIMit?
    • Response ,,,< test exception number>
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:RES:LIMit?
    • Response 6 , 160 , 0 , 2


This command is used to query the result of the voltage comparator under the statistical interface.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:VOLTage:LIMit?
    • Response ,,,< test exception number>
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:VOLT:LIMit?
    • Response 2 , 110 , 0 , 2


This command is used to query the standard deviation under the statistical interface.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:RESistance:DEViation??
    • Response <σn(NR3)>,<σn-1(NR3)>
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:RES:DEV?
    • Response 0.0195E-3 , 0.0196E-3


This command is used to query the standard deviation under the statistical interface.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:VOLTage:DEViation?
    • Response <σn(NR3)>,<σn-1(NR3)>
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:VOLT:DEV?
    • Response 0.000000E+0 , 0.000000E+0


This command is used to query the statistical resistance process capability index.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:RESistance:CP?
    • Response <Cp(NR2)>,<CpK(NR2)>
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:RES:CP?
    • Response 99.99 , 99.99


This command is used to query the statistical voltage process capability index.

  • Command grammar
    • Query :CALCulate:STATistics:VOLTage:CP?
    • Response <Cp(NR2)>,<CpK(NR2)>
  • Example
    • Query :CALC:STAT:VOLT:CP?
    • Response 99.99 , 0.00

Comparison command

This command is used to set the comparator to open and close.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:STATe<ON|OFF|1|0>
  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:STATe ON
  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:STATe?
  • Return parameter ON|OFF


This command is used to set the comparator decision buzzer

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:BEEPer <OFF|HL|IN|BT1|BT2>
  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:BEEPer OFF
  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:BEEPer?
  • Return parameter OFF|HL|IN|BT1|BT2


This command is used to set the comparator comparison mode.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:COMParator <AUTO| MANUAL>
  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:COMParator AUTO
  • Query command
    • :CALCulate:LIMit:COMParator?
    • Return parameter AUTO| MANUAL


This command is used to set the resistor mode.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:MODE <HL|REF>
  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:MODE HL
  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:MODE?
  • Return parameter HL| REF


This command is used to set the voltage comparator mode.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:MODE <HL|REF>
  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:MODE HL
  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:MODE?
  • Return parameter HL| REF


This command is used to set the resistance of the resistor comparator.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:UPPer <0 – 99999>

  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:UPPer 20200
    (When the current instrument is 3Ω, the upper limit value is set to 2.0200 Ω; if the resistance of the current instrument is 30Ω, the upper limit value is set to 20.200Ω)

  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:UPPer?

  • Return parameter 20200


This command is used to set the lower limit of the resistor comparator.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:LOWer <0 – 99999>
  • Exemplary example
    • :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:LOWer 10100
    • (When the resistance of the current instrument is 3Ω, the upper limit value is set to 1.0100Ω; if the resistance of the current instrument is 30Ω, the upper limit value is set to 10.100Ω)
  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:LOWer?
  • Return parameter 10100


This command is used to set the benchmark value of the resistor comparator.

  • Command grammar: :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:REFerence <0 – 99999>

  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:REFerence 10000
    (When the current instrument is 3Ω, the upper limit value is set to 1.0000 Ω; if the resistance of the current instrument is 30Ω, the upper limit value is set to 10.000Ω)

  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:REFerence?

  • Return parameter 10000


This command is used to set the setting of the resistance range.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:PERCent <0 – 99.99>
  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:PERCent 0.5
  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:RESistance:PERCent?
  • Return parameter 0.5


This command is used to set the upper limit of the voltage comparator

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:UPPer <0 – 999999>
  • Exemplary example
    • :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:UPPer 100000
    • (Low – voltage version: If the voltage range of the current instrument is 6V, the upper limit value is set to 1.00000V;
    • If the voltage range of the current instrument is 60V, the upper limit value is set to 10.0000V
    • High – voltage version: If the voltage range of the current instrument is 15V, the upper limit value is set to 10.0000V; If the voltage range of the current instrument is 150V, the upper limit value is set to 100.000V)
  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:UPPer?
  • Return parameter 100000


This command is used to set the lower limit of the voltage comparator.

  • Command grammar :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:LOWer <0 – 999999>

  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:LOWer 100000

    •   * (Low – voltage version: If the voltage range of the current instrument is 6V, the lower limit value is set to 1.00000V; If the voltage range of the current instrument is 60V, the lower limit value is set to 10.0000V  

      High – voltage version: If the voltage range of the current instrument is 15V, the lower limit value is set to 10.0000V; If the voltage range of the current instrument is 150V, the lower limit value is set to 100.000V)

  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:LOWer?

  • Return parameter 100000


This command is used to set the benchmark value of the voltage comparator.

  • Command grammar: :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:REFerence <0 – 999999>
  • Exemplary example :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:REFerence 120000
    • (Low -voltage version: If the voltage range of the current instrument is 6V, the benchmark value is set to 1.20000V;
    • If the voltage range of the current instrument is 60V, the benchmark value is set to 12.0000V
    • High -voltage version: If the voltage range of the current instrument is 15V, the benchmark value is set to 12.0000V; If the voltage range of the current instrument is 150V, the benchmark value is set to 120.000V)
  • Query command :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:REFerence?
  • Return parameter 120000


  • This command is set to set the voltage range.

Command grammar

  • :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:PERCent <0 – 99.99>

Exemplary example

  • :CALCulate:LIMit:VOLTage:PERCent 1.523

Query command

Auxiliary command


This command is used to set the system key sound.

Command grammar

  • :SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe<ON|OFF|1|0>

Exemplary example


Query command

  • :SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe?

Return parameter

  • ON|OFF


This command is used to set the key lock.

Command grammar

  • :SYSTem:KLOCk <ON|OFF|1|0>

Exemplary example


Query command

  • :SYSTem:KLOCk?

Return parameter

  • ON|OFF


  • This command is used to set the instrument date.

Command grammar

  • :SYSTem:DATE

Exemplary example

  • :SYSTem:DATE “2024-2-22”

Query command

  • :SYSTem:DATE?

Return parameter

  • 2024-02-22


This command is used to set the instrument time.

Command grammar

  • :SYSTem:TIME

Exemplary example

  • :SYSTem:TIME “13:14:15”

Query command

  • :SYSTem:TIME?

Return parameter

  • 13:14:15


This command is used to set the machine from the remote state (the upper right corner is Remote) to the local state (the Local can be pressed in the upper right corner


This command is used to set the automatic zero-zero and return the zero-zero result.

  • Query command :ADJust?
  • Return parameter <0 ,1>

Note: 0 Represents success 1 represents failure It takes a certain amount of time to adjust the zero process. After the input command is entered for about eight seconds, the zero-adjustment result is returned


This command is used to remove zero-adjusting data.


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