Miele DGM7440 Steam Oven with Microwave User Manual

June 1, 2024

Table of Contents

Miele DGM7440 Steam Oven with Microwave

Miele DGM7440 Steam Oven with Microwave


Be sure to read the operating and installation manual before setting up, installing and commissioning. This is safe for you and prevents damage.

Safety instructions and warnings

The terms steam oven and oven are also used in this text for the steam oven with microwave.

This device complies with applicable safety regulations However, improper use may result in personal injury or property damage.

Read the operating and installation instructions carefully before using the steam oven. Here you will find important instructions regarding installation, safety, use and maintenance. This way you protect yourself and avoid damage to the device.

In accordance with the IE/ENC 60335-1 standard, Miele expressly recommends that you read and follow the chapter on the installation of the steam oven and the safety instructions and warnings.

If the safety instructions and warnings are not followed, Miele cannot be held liable for any resulting damage.

Keep the operating and installation manual and pass it on to any subsequent owner.

Safety instructions and warning

Responsible use

 This appliance is intended for private domestic use only (or similar).

 The appliance must not be used outdoors.

 The steam cooker is intended for domestic use only, i.e. for steam cooking, defrosting, heating and food preparation.

Use for other purposes is not permitted and may be dangerous.

 Risk of fire due to flammable materials.

If you dry flammable products inside the appliance, the moisture will evaporate. These materials can then dry out and ignite.

Never use the steam oven to store or dry flammable materials.

 This appliance may only be used by persons who are able to operate the appliance safely and who are fully aware of the contents of the operating instructions!

Persons operating the appliance must be aware of the dangers of incorrect operation.

 Due to special requirements (e.g. temperature, humidity, chemical resistance, wear resistance and vibrations), the oven is equipped with a special lamp. This lamp should only be used for this application. The lamp is not suitable for normal lighting purposes. The lamp may only be replaced by a specialist authorised by Miele or by Miele.

 This steam oven has 2 light sources with energy efficiency class E.

When there are children in the house

 Use the lock to prevent children from switching on the appliance unintentionally.

 Keep children under 8 years of age at a distance unless you are constantly supervising.

 Children aged 8 and over should only use the steam cooker unsupervised if they know exactly how to operate it safely. Children should be aware of the dangers of incorrect operation.

 Children must not clean or maintain the appliance unsupervised.

 Keep an eye on children when they are in the vicinity of the equipment. Never allow children to play with the appliance.

 Risk of suffocation due to packaging material. Children can wrap themselves in packaging material while playing (e.g. in foil) or pull the material over their heads and stitch it.

Keep packaging materials away from children.

 Risk of injury due to steam and hot surfaces. Children’s skin is more sensitive to high temperatures than adult skin. During operation, steam comes out of the extractor drain.

The glass plate of the door and the control panel of the steamers heat up.

Make sure that children do not touch the steam oven during use. Keep children away from the steam cooker until the appliance has cooled down sufficiently and there is no longer any risk of injury.

 Risk of injury due to the door being open.

The door may be loaded with a maximum of 8 kg. Children can injure themselves at the open door.

Prevent children from standing or sitting on or hanging on the open door.

Technical safety

 Installation, maintenance or repair work carried out incorrectly can expose the user to considerable risks. Installation, maintenance and repair work may only be carried out by a specialist authorised by Miele.

 Radiation hazard from microwaves:

Maintenance and repair work involving the removal of covers may only be carried out by a specialist.

 A damaged appliance can endanger your safety. Check it for visible damage before installation. Never use a damaged appliance.

 Check that the door and the door seal are damaged. In the event of damage, do not use the microwave function! Have the appliance repaired by Miele first.

 If a faulty steam cooker is switched on, microwaves may be released which can be dangerous for the user. Do not use the steam oven as a

  • does not close the door properly,

  • the front of the cavity is dented or crooked,

  • the door hinges are loose,

  • there are visible holes or cracks in the casing, door or interior walls of the appliance,

  • there is moisture between the glass panes of the door.

 Temporary or continuous use of an autonomous or non-grid energy supply (e.g. microgrids, back-up systems) is possible. The prerequisite for use is that the power supply complies with the provisions of EN 50160 or a similar standard.

The safety devices of the home installation and this Miele product must also work when a microgrid or a non-grid-synchronous power supply is used, or the safety devices in the power supply must be replaced by equivalent devices.

 The electrical safety of the appliance is only guaranteed if it is connected to an earthing system installed in accordance with the applicable regulations. This fundamental safety condition must be met. If in doubt, have the electrical system inspected by a professional.

 Before connecting the appliance, compare the connection data (voltage and frequency) on the rating plate with the values of the mains. This information must definitely match to prevent damage to the device. If in doubt, consult an electrician.

 A power strip or extension cord cannot ensure safe use of the appliance (risk of fire). Do not connect the device to the power supply.

 Only use the appliance when it is installed in order to ensure safety.

 This appliance must not be used in a non-stationary location (such as a boat).

 Risk of injury due to electric shock. When live parts are touched or when electrical and mechanical parts are changed, it is dangerous for the user. It can also cause the steam oven to malfunction.

Never open the body of the steam oven.

 The warranty will be void if the appliance is not repaired by a technician authorised by Miele.

 Defective parts may only be replaced with original Miele parts. We can only guarantee that Miele parts fully comply with safety requirements.

 If the plug is removed from the connecting cable or if the connecting cable does not have a plug, the steam cooker must only be connected to the mains by an electrician.

 If the connecting cable is damaged, it must be replaced by a special connection cable (see “Installation”, “Electrical connection”).

 During installation, maintenance and repair work, the appliance must be de- energised. To do this, follow these steps:

  • turn off the fuses in your fuse box or

  • Completely unscrew the fuses in your fuse box or

  • Unplug the power cord (if equipped) from the socket. Pull on the plug and not on the connecting cable.

 If the steam cooker is installed behind a furniture door, the door must not be closed when using the steam cooker. Behind a closed front, heat and moisture accumulate. Doing so may damage the appliance, cabinet, and floor. Do not close the door until the appliance has cooled down completely.

Safe use

 Risk of injury due to hot steam and hot surfaces. The steam oven gets hot when in use. You can burn yourself on the steam, oven cavity, guide rails, accessories and the dish.

Draag altijd ovenwanten als u gerechten in de oven zet of eruit haalt, of als u in de hete oven bezig bent.

 Gevaar voor letsel door hete gerechten.

Als u de ovenpan in de oven schuift of eruit haalt, kan het gerecht overlopen. U kunt zich eraan branden.

Let erop als u de ovenpan in de oven schuift of eruit haalt, dat het hete gerecht niet overloopt.

 Gevaar voor letsel door heet water.

Na afloop van een bereiding bevindt zich nog heet water in het stoomaggregaat. Dit wordt teruggepompt naar het waterreservoir. Zorg ervoor dat het waterreservoir niet kan kantelen als u het verwij- dert en neerzet.

 In afgesloten blikken en dergelijke ontstaat tijdens het inmaken of verwarmen overdruk. Hierdoor kunnen deze voorwerpen openbar- sten.

Gebruik het apparaat niet om voedingsmiddelen in afgesloten blik- ken en dergelijke in te maken of te verwarmen.

 Kunststof serviesgoed dat niet hitte- en stoombestendig is, smelt bij hoge temperaturen en kan de stoomoven beschadigen.

Gebruik alleen hitte- (tot 100 °C) en stoombestendig kunststof ser- viesgoed. Neem de aanwijzingen van de fabrikant van het servies- goed in acht.

 Gerechten die in de ovenruimte worden bewaard, kunnen uitdro- gen. Het vrijkomende vocht kan corrosie in de stoomoven veroorza- ken. Bewaar geen levensmiddelen in de ovenruimte en gebruik voor de bereiding geen voorwerpen die kunnen roesten.

 Letselrisico door de geopende deur. U kunt zich aan de open deur verwonden of erover struikelen. Laat de deur daarom niet onnodig open staan.

 De deur mag met maximaal 8 kg worden belast. Ga nooit op de geopende deur staan of zitten. Plaats er ook geen zware voorwerpen op. Er mag ook niets tussen de deur en de ovenruimte vastgeklemd raken. De oven kan anders beschadigd raken.

 Als u een elektrisch apparaat (bijvoorbeeld een mixer) in de buurt van het apparaat gebruikt, mag de aansluitkabel niet tussen de deur van het apparaat beklemd raken. De isolatie van de kabel kan be- schadigd raken.

‌Ovenfunctie “Magnetron ”

 Houd bij ontdooien, verwarmen of koken met een ovenfunctie met magnetron rekening met het feit dat de bereidingstijden vaak veel korter zijn dan bij ovenfuncties zonder magnetron. Bij te lange berei- dingstijden droogt het voedingsmiddel uit en kan vlam vatten.

 De functie Magnetron  is bestemd voor het verwarmen van ge- rechten en dranken. Gebruik de functie Magnetron  niet voor het drogen van bijvoorbeeld bloemen, kruiden, brood, broodjes en ande- re brandbare producten. Er bestaat verwondings- en brandgevaar.

 Het is belangrijk dat de temperatuur in het voedingsmiddel gelijk- matig wordt verdeeld en hoog genoeg is.

Roer het gerecht daarom regelmatig door of draai het om. Let bij het koken, verwarmen en ontdooien op de aangegeven doorwarmtijden. De doorwarmtijd is de rusttijd waarin de warmte zich gelijkmatig over het voedingsmiddel verdeelt.

 Gevaar voor letsel door hete voedingsmiddelen. Bij het verwar- men van voedingsmiddelen ontstaat de warmte in het voedingsmid- del zelf, waardoor het servies minder heet wordt (behalve bij oven- vast aardewerk). Het servies wordt alleen warm door de warmte die het voedingsmiddel afgeeft.

Controleer bij het uitnemen van het voedingsmiddel of de gewenste temperatuur bereikt is. Beoordeel de temperatuur niet op basis van de temperatuur van het serviesgoed!  Let vooral bij babyvoeding op de juiste temperatuur! Verwarmde babyvoeding goed doorroeren of schudden. Proef er zelf van, zodat u zeker weet dat de baby zich niet brandt.

 De functie Magnetron  is niet geschikt voor het reinigen en desinfecteren van gebruiksvoorwerpen, omdat hierbij de temperatu- ren hoog kunnen oplopen. U kunt zich verbranden wanneer u de voorwerpen uit de oven haalt.

 Letselrisico door overdruk in afgesloten potten en flessen. Als u gesloten potten of flessen verhit, wordt druk opgebouwd. Het voor- werp kan daardoor ontploffen.

Verhit daarom nooit voedingsmiddelen of vloeistoffen in afgesloten potten of flessen. Open de potten vooraf en verwijder bij zuigflessen eerst de dop en de speen.

 Bij het koken en vooral het naverwarmen van vloeistoffen bij de functie Magnetron  kan het kookpunt worden bereikt, zonder dat de typische luchtbelletjes opstijgen. De vloeistof kookt dan niet ge- lijkmatig. U kunt zich verbranden aan de hete vloeistof wanneer deze bij het uit de oven nemen ineens gaat borrelen en overkoken. In het slechtste geval kan de druk zelfs zo sterk zijn dat de deur vanzelf opengaat.

Roer de vloeistof voor het verwarmen/koken om. Wacht na het ver- warmen minstens 20 seconden, voordat u het glas uit de oven haalt. U kunt tijdens de bereiding ook een glazen staafje of een lepel in het glas zetten.

 Als u eieren zonder schaal met de magnetronfunctie verhit, kan het eigeel er na het koken onder hoge druk uit spuiten. Prik daarom van tevoren altijd enkele gaatjes in de dooier.

 Als u eieren met schaal met de magnetronfunctie kookt, ontplof- fen de eieren. Dat kan ook gebeuren, nadat u ze al uit het apparaat heeft gehaald.

Kook eieren met schaal alleen met de ovenfunctie “Stomen ” of met het betreffende automatische programma. Verwarm geen ge- kookte eieren met de magnetronfunctie.

 Als u voedingsmiddelen waarvan de schil of het vel hard is, zoals tomaten, worstjes, aardappelen in schil, aubergines, verhit of bakt, kunnen deze ontploffen.

Maak daarom eerst een paar gaatjes of inkepingen in de schil of het vel. Zo kan de vrijkomende damp ontsnappen.

 Kussens met kersenpitten, gel en vergelijkbare producten mogen niet met de ovenfunctie “Magnetron ” worden verhit. Zulke pro- ducten kunnen vlam vatten, ook nadat ze uit het apparaat zijn ge- haald.

 Laat de deur van de stoomoven dicht als de gerechten in de oven- ruimte rook ontwikkelen. Eventuele vlammen worden zo gedoofd.

Breek het proces af door de stoomoven uit te schakelen en de stek- ker uit het stopcontact te trekken. Open de deur pas als de rook is weggetrokken.

 Bij servies met holle handgrepen en dekselknoppen kan vocht in de openingen komen. Door het verdampen van dit vocht kan hierin druk ontstaat en kunnen de delen ontploffen (tenzij de betreffende delen goed ontlucht zijn).

Maak bij de functie Magnetron  geen gebruik van servies met holle handgrepen of dekselknoppen.

 Kunststof servies dat niet geschikt is voor de magnetron kan be- schadigd raken bij de functie Magnetron  en functies met de magnetron en daarbij ook de stoomoven beschadigen.

Gebruik geen metalen pannen, geen aluminiumfolie, geen bestek, geen servies met een metalen laagje, geen kristal dat lood bevat, geen schalen met een kartelrand, geen kunststof die niet hittebe- stendig is en geen houten serviesgoed. Gebruik ook geen metalen clips, geen kunststof en papieren clips waar ijzerdraad in zit en geen kunststof bekertjes waarvan het aluminium dekseltje niet helemaal is verwijderd (zie hoofdstuk “Magnetron”, paragraaf “Servieskeuze”).

 Brandgevaar door potten van ontvlambare materialen. Wegwerp- bakjes van kunststof moeten voldoen aan de eisen genoemd in het hoofdstuk “Magnetron”, paragraaf “Servieskeuze”.

Blijf bij de stoomoven als u gerechten bereidt in wegwerpbakjes van kunststof, papier of andere brandbare materialen.

 Isolatieverpakkingen bestaan onder meer uit een laagje alumini- umfolie, die de microgolven terugkaatst. Papier dat rond de alumini- umfolie zit, kan daardoor sterk verhit worden en vlam vatten.

Verwarm met de functie met magnetron geen voedingsmiddelen in een isolatieverpakking, zoals braadzakken voor kip.

 Als u de stoomoven gebruikt zonder gerecht of met een verkeerde belading met de functie Magnetron , kan de stoomoven bescha- digd raken. Gebruik de functie Magnetron  niet voor het voorver- warmen van serviesgoed of voor het drogen van kruiden. Start de ovenfunctie Magnetron  nooit als de ovenruimte leeg is.

‌Reiniging en onderhoud

 Kans op letsel door elektrische schok. De stoom van een stoom- reiniger kan terechtkomen op onderdelen die onder spanning staan en een kortsluiting veroorzaken. Gebruik voor de reiniging nooit een stoomreiniger.

 Door krassen kunnen de glasplaten van de deur beschadigd ra- ken. Gebruik voor de reiniging van de glasplaten dan ook geen schuurmiddelen, geen harde sponzen of borstels en geen metalen schrapers.

 You can remove the guide rails (see “Cleaning and maintenance” section, “Cleaning guide rails”).

Replace the guide rails correctly.

 The guide rails are inserted into plastic bushings. Check these bushings for damage. If the canisters are damaged, do not use the microwave oven until the bushings have been replaced.

 Remove food or liquids containing table salt as soon as they come into contact with the stainless steel walls of the interior. This will prevent corrosion from occurring.


 Only use Miele accessories to ensure that warranty claims do not lapse.

 Miele gives you a delivery guarantee of up to 15 years and a minimum of 10 years for essential components at the end of series production of the steam cooker.

Disposal of the packaging

The packaging makes it easy to handle and protects the device from transport damage. The packaging material has been selected with a view to minimising the impact on the environment and is generally recyclable.

By reusing packaging materials, raw materials are saved. Use material-specific collection and return options for recyclable materials. Your Miele dealer will take back the transport packaging.

Disposing of the appliance

Electrical and electronic equipment usually contain valuable materials. They also contain substances, mixtures, and parts that have been necessary for the devices to function properly and safely. If you dispose of your device or do not handle it properly, these substances can be harmful to health and the environment. Therefore, never dispose of the device to be disposed of in the general household waste.

Dispose of the appliance at a free, common collection depot for electronic and electronic devices, at your specialist dealer or at Miele. You are legally responsible for deleting any personal data on the device to be disposed of. You are legally obliged to dispose of used batteries and accumulators that are not completely installed and that can be disposed of without damage. Take them to a suitable collection location, where you can return them free of charge. The discarded appliance must be kept out of the reach of children until you take it away.

Steam oven

a Controls

b Extractor

c Automatic door opener for steam reduction

d LED interior lighting

e 4-level guide rails

f Steam supply

g Collection chute

h Door sealing

i Water tank with detachable overflow protection

j Suction tube

k Space for the water tank

l Temperature probe

m Front moulding with type plate

n Door

The models described in these operating and assembly instructions can be found on the back.

Rating plate

The nameplate is located behind the door, on the front part.

Here you will find the type designation, the serial number and the connection data (mains voltage/frequency/maximum input and connection value).

Have this information ready if you have any questions or problems. Miele will then be able to provide you with targeted assistance.

Included Accessories

If you wish, you can also reorder the supplied accessories (and other accessories) (see “Accessories to be ordered”).

DMGS 1/1-30 L

1 glass bowl

You can use the glass bowl for all functions.

Use the glass dish when steaming to collect the moisture that is created during cooking.

Always use the glass dish as a substrate for the Microwave  function. 375 x 394 x 30 mm (WxDxH)

The glass bowl may be loaded with a maximum weight of 8 kg.

The glass bowl can be damaged by large temperature fluctuations.

Do not place the hot glass dish on a cold surface, such as a riveted worktop or on tiles. Use a suitable coaster for this.

The oven pans and rack supplied are  not suitable for use with the Microwave  function.

DGG 1/2-40L

1 oven pan without holes, capacity 2.2 l /

Useful capacity 1.6 l

375 x 197 x 40 mm (WxDxH)

DGGL 1/2-40L

2 oven pans with holes, capacity 2.2 l /

Useful capacity 1.6 l

375 x 197 x 40 mm (WxDxH)

DMSR 1/1 L

1 rack to put your own crockery on

Descaling tablets

For descaling the steam oven

Miele cookbook “Steaming”

The best recipes from the Miele test cues

Miele cookbook “Cooking and confusion”

The best recipes from the Miele test cues

a On/Off button , recessed

This button allows you to switch the steam oven on and off

b Optical interface

(only for Miele technicians)

c Sensor control 

To control your steam engines via your mobile device

d Sensor control 

To start the Quick Microwave function

e Display

For the display of the time of day and information for operation

f Sensor control 

For step-by-step jumping back in the menu and changing menu items during preparation

g Navigation area with arrow keys 

and 

For “browsing” in the selection lists and changing values

h Sensor button OK

For calling up functions and saving settings

i Sensor control 

To set a cooking timer, a cooking time or a start or end time for the cooking process

j Sensor control 

For switching the lights on and off

k Sensor Keys

For selecting functions, automatic programs and settings

On/Off key

The On/Off button  is recessed and reacts to the touch of your finger.

This button switches the steam on and off. ‌


The display shows the time and information about the functions, temperatures, cooking times, automatic programs and settings.

After switching on the steam cooker using the On/Off button , the main menu appears with the request Select oven function.

Sensor keys

The sensor buttons respond to a light touch of your fingers. Each touch is confirmed by a keypad. This key signal can be used via

More  | Settings | Volume | Turn off the key.

If you want the sensor buttons to react even when the steam oven is switched off, select the Display |

QuickTouch | On.

Sensor buttons above the display

You can find more information about the functions and further functions in the chapters “Main and sub-menus”, “Settings”, “Automat. programmes’ and ‘Other uses’.

Sensor buttons under the display

Sensor key





If you want to control the steam oven via your mobile device, you will need the system Miele@home and you will need to turn on the Stand-off control setting and touch this sensor button. After that, the sensor button lights up orange and the Mobi-leStart function is available.

As long as this sensor button is lit, you can control the steam cooker via your mobile device (see the “Settings” section, page “Miele@home”).


This sensor button starts the Quick microwave function. The operation starts with the maximum power (1000 W) and a preparation time of 1 minute (see chapter “Quick microwave”). If you press the sensor button several times, you will gradually increase the cooking time.

You can only use this function when there is no other operation in progress.


Depending on the menu you’re in, this key will either take you to the higher menu or return to the main menu.

With the help of this sensor button, you can change values and settings during cooking, such as the temperature or the preparation time of the cooking process. You can also abort the current operation.

 

      


In the navigation section, use the arrow keys or the section in between to scroll up and down in the drop-down lists. As you browse, the menu items are highlighted consecutively. The menu item you want to choose must be marked.

Using the arrow keys or the area in between, you can change the highlighted values and settings.



If functions are highlighted in the display, you can call them up by pressing the OK button. You can then change the selected function.

If you confirm with OK, the changes will be saved.

If an information window appears in the display, confirm the message with OK.

Sensor key





If no cooking is active, you can use this sensor button to set a minute minder time at any time (e.g. to cook eggs).

During cooking, you can set a timer time, a cooking time or a start or end time for cooking.


You can use this sensor button to switch the oven lighting on and off.

Depending on the selected setting, the lighting goes out after 15 seconds or remains on or off continuously during cooking.


The following symbols may also appear in the display:






This symbol indicates that there is additional information or that there are instructions for operation. Confirm such information with OK.


Kitchen timer


The check mark indicates the current setting.

      


Settings, such as the brightness of the display and the volume of the sound signals, can be set using a bar.


The start-up protection prevents the steam cooker from being switched on incorrectly (see chapter “Settings”, section “Safety”).

Operate the steam cooker via the navigation area using the  and  arrow buttons and the                                         ‌

As soon as a value, indication or setting appears that you need to confirm, the OK sensor button lights up orange. ‌

Select menu item

  • Touch the  or  arrow key or swipe left or right in the        field until the desired menu item is marked.

Tip: If you hold down the arrow key, the pop-up list automatically

continues until you release the arrow key.

  • Confirm your choice with OK.

Change the setting in a drop-down list

  • Touch the  or  arrow key or swipe left or right in the        field until the desired value appears or the desired setting is highlighted.

Tip: The current setting is indicated by a check mark .

  • Confirm with OK.

The setting is saved. You will be taken back to the upper menu. ‌

Changing the setting with a segment bar

Some settings are represented by a segment bar       . When all segments are filled, the maximum value is set.

If no or only one segment is filled, the minimum value is set or the setting is disabled (e.g. in the case of volume).

  • Touch the  or  arrow key or swipe left or right in the        field until the desired setting appears.
  • Confirm your choice with OK.

The setting is saved. You will be taken back to the upper menu.

Select Function

The function sensor buttons (e.g. More ) are located above the display (see the “Operation” and “Settings” sections).

  • Touch the sensor button of the desired function.

The sensor button on the control panel lights up orange.

  • Under More , scroll in the drop-down menus until the desired menu item is highlighted.
  • Set the values for the cooking process.
  • Confirm with OK.

Choosing a different feature

You can change the function during cooking.

The sensor button of the selected programme lights up orange.

  • Touch the sensor button of the new function.

The display shows the modified function and the corresponding pre-programmed values.

The sensor button of the modified programme lights up orange.

Scroll down the drop-down lists under

More  until the desired menu item appears.

Entering numbers

The highlighted figures can be changed.

  • Touch the  or  arrow key or swipe left or right in the        field until the desired digit is highlighted.

Tip: If you hold down the arrow key, the values will automatically

continue until you release the arrow key.

  • Confirm with OK.

The changed digit is saved. You will be taken back to the upper menu. ‌

Entering Letters

In the navigation section, you can enter letters. Choose short, meaningful names.

  • Touch the  or  arrow key or swipe left or right in the        field until the desired character is highlighted.

The selected character appears in the top line.

Tip: A maximum of 10 characters are available.

 allows you to delete the characters one by one.

  • Choose the other signs in the same way.
  • If you have entered the program name, choose .
  • Confirm with OK.

The name will be saved.

Activate MobileStart

  • Touch the  sensor control to activate MobileStart.

The  sensor control lights up. You can use the Miele app to operate the steam cooker remotely.

The direct control of the steam oven takes precedence over the remote control via the app.

As long as the  sensor control is lit, you can use MobileStart.



The maximum capacity is 1.5 litres, the minimum capacity is 0.5 litres. There are markings on the water reservoir. Under no circumstances should the upper mark be exceeded.

The water consumption depends on the dish and the preparation time. During preparation, water must be added if necessary. If you open the oven door during use, the water consumption increases.

Removing the water tank works according to the push/pull system: press lightly on the tank if you want to remove it.

At the end of a preparation, there is still hot residual water in the steam agitate. This is pumped back to the water tank. Empty the water reserve after each steam preparation.


Some functions have a pre-programmed temperature. You can change this pre- programmed temperature for a single preparation, a preparation step or permanently within the specified range. You can change the pre-programmed temperature in 5 °C increments, and in 1 °C increments when cooking sous vide (see “Settings” section, “Pre-programmed temperatures”). ‌

Preparation time

You can set a cooking time between 1 minute (0:01) and 10 hours (10:00). If the cooking time is longer than

59 minutes, you must enter it in hours and minutes. Example: preparation time 80 minutes = 1:20.

When steaming, the cooking time does not start until the set temperature is reached. ‌


After switching on the appliance, when using it and after switching it off, you will hear a (humming) sound. This sound does not indicate a malfunction or malfunction of the device. The noise is generated when pumping the water in and out.

When the steam oven is in use, you will hear a fan sound.

Warm-up phase

While the steam oven is heating up to the set temperature, the display shows Heating up and the rising temperature.

In the case of steaming, the duration of the heating phase depends on the quantity and temperature of the dish. In general, the warm-up phase takes about 7 minutes. If you prepare refrigerated or frozen food, the time increases. Even with low cooking temperatures and when using the Sous-vide  function, the heating phase may take longer. ‌

Preparation phase

When the set temperature is reached, the cooking phase begins. During the cooking phase, you can read the remaining time in the display.

Steam reduction

If you have been working at a temperature of 80 °C or more, the door of the steam cooker will automatically open slightly just before the end of cooking so that the steam can escape. Steam Reduction appears in the display. The door closes automatically again.

The steam reduction can be switched off (see the chapter “Settings”, section “Steam reduction”). When the function is turned off, a lot of steam is released when you open the door.

Microwave function


In the steam oven there is a microwave that converts the current into electromagnetic waves (microwaves). The waves are evenly distributed in the oven cavity and are also reflected by the metal walls.

‌De microgolven komen van alle kanten bij en in de levensmiddelen. Levensmid- delen bestaan uit een grote verzameling van moleculen. Deze moleculen (vooral watermoleculen) gaan door de micro- golven sterk bewegen. Zo wordt het ge- recht van buiten naar binnen verwarmd. Hoe meer water een gerecht bevat, des te sneller wordt het verwarmd of gaar gekookt.

Voordelen van de magnetron

  • Gerechten kunnen over het algemeen met weinig of geen extra vloeistof of vet worden bereid.
  • De tijden voor ontdooien, verwarmen of bereiden zijn korter dan bij een kookplaat of oven.


De golven kunnen het voedingsmiddel alleen bereiken, als het gebruikte ser- vies microgolven doorlaat. Microgolven dringen bijvoorbeeld door porselein, glas, karton en kunststof heen, maar niet door metaal. Gebruik daarom geen metalen servies of servies dat metaal bevat. Metaal reflecteert de microgol- ven zodat vonken kunnen ontstaan en de microgolven niet worden opgeno- men.

 Risk of injury due to overpressure in sealed jars and bottles.

If you heat closed jars or bottles, pressure builds up. The object may explode as a result. Therefore, never heat solid or liquid foods in sealed jars or bottles.

Open the jars beforehand and remove the cap and teat for baby bottles first.

 Risk of fire due to the use of unsuitable crockery at the function Microwave .

Non-microwave safe crockery – items can be damaged and damage the steam oven.

For the Microwave  function, only use dishes that are suitable for use in the microwave oven.

The material and shape of the tableware affect the cooking and preparation times.

It is best to use round or oval flat dishes. The dishes are then heated more evenly than in rectangular dishes.

Suitable cookware

 Risk of fire due to flammable materials.

Disposable paper or plastic containers or other flammable materials may ignite and damage the steamers.

Stick to the steam oven when heating or preparing in disposable containers made of plastic, paper or other flammable substances.

You can use the following crockery and materials:

  • Refractory glass and ceramics Except crystal glass, as it may contain lead and burst.
  • Porcelain
    • without metal decorations Metal decorations (e.g. a gold rim or cobalt blue) can cause sparks.
    • without hollow handles

Moisture can get into the hollow hand grips and the damming of this moisture can create pressure in them and cause the hand locks to explode.

 Risk of injury due to hot crockery.

Earthenware can get hot.

Put on oven mitts when using earthenware tableware.

  • Unpainted pottery and pottery covered with glaze
  • Plastic tableware and disposable plastic containers for the Magne-tron function 

Tip: For environmental reasons, you should not use disposable containers.

Plastic tableware and plastic cooking bags that are not heat-resistant can deform or even fuse with the dish.

Only use heat-resistant plastic tableware and heat-resistant plastic cooking bags. The plastic crockery and the plastic cooking bags must be suitable for temperatures up to at least 110 °C.

  • Plastic tableware for microwave ovens Plastic tableware for magne-trons is available in specialist shops.
  • Plastic tableware made of polystyrene For short-term heating of foodstuffs
  • Plastic Cooking Bags

For heating and cooking the contents. First, poke holes in the bag. The steam can then escape. This prevents the pressure from becoming too high and the bag from shattering.

In addition, there are special steaming and cooking bags, in which no holes need to be poked. Please follow the instructions for use.

  • Roasting bags and foil

Observe the manufacturer’s instructions for use.

 Risk of fire due to metal parts.

Metal particles such as metal clips or clips made of plastic or paper that contain iron wire can heat flammable materials to such an extent that they ignite.

Do not use metal clips or clips made of plastic or paper that contain iron wire.

Tableware with hollow handles and lid knobs can cause moisture to enter the doors. The evaporation of this moisture can create pressure and cause the parts to explode (unless the parts in question are well vented).

Do not use dishes with hollow handles or lid knobs when cooking.

Unsuitable cookware

  • In principle, the supplied  rack and the supplied  oven pans are  only suitable for cooking with the Quick Steam  function and for functions without a microwave.
  • Aluminium trays without lids for defrosting and heating ready meals

The foods are only heated from above. If you remove the ready meal from the packaging and place it in a suitable dish, the heat will be distributed more evenly throughout the whole.

When using aluminium trays and

foil may cause crackling noises or sparks.

Place aluminium trays on the glass tray.

Aluminium trays and foil must not come into contact with the oven walls and must be at least

2 cm away from the inner walls of the appliance.

  • Metal pins, hooks

The piece of meat should be much larger than the metal pegs or hooks.

You may use the following crockery and material

Do not use:

  • Metal grids (including the grid supplied) are  generally not suitable for use with the Microwave  function.
  • Metal and stainless steel trays (including the oven pans supplied) are in principle  not suitable for use with the

Microwave function .

  • Aluminium foil

Exception: meat with irregular shapes, such as poultry, is defrosted, heated or prepared if you cover the flat parts with pieces of aluminium foil for the last few minutes.

  • Clips, metal, plastic clips, or paper clips, containing wire
  • Plastic cups, of which the aluminium lid has not been completely removed
  • Crystal glass
  • Cutlery and crockery with a metal decoration (e.g. a gold rim, cobalt blue)
  • Tableware with hollow handles
  • Plastic tableware made of melamine Melamine absorbs energy and therefore becomes hot.

When purchasing, find out what material the plastic tableware is made of.

  • Non-heat-resistant plastic tableware-goods and non-heat-resistant plastic-fabric cooking bags
  • Wooden bowls

During preparation, the water in the wood evaporates. As a result, it dries out and cracks appear.

Placing crockery in the appliance

  * Place the glass dish on level 1.
  * Place the crockery with the dish in the middle of the glass dish.

If you place the food at the bottom of the cavity, it will be heated unevenly and unevenly. The microwaves will then not be able to reach the dish from below.


Tip: A lid is commercially available.

  • It prevents too much water vapour from escaping during long operating times.
  • It ensures that the dish heats up faster.
  • It prevents the dish from drying out.
  • It keeps the oven cavity clean.
    • Use in preparations with func-

Microwave  a lid made of glass or plastic suitable for the microwave oven.

  *  **Do not** use a lid when mixing the following foods:
  • Breaded foods
  • Foodstuffs to be heated or prepared using the Quick Steam  function

You can also use special microwave foil. Be careful with regular household film. It can deform and merge with the rights due to the heat.

The lid must not close off the shell. If the shell has a small diameter, the steam may not be able to escape. The cover becomes too hot and can melt.

Use bowls with a sufficiently large diameter.

Glass bowl

Functions/preparations with steam: Slide the glass dish into the appliance on level 1 if you are using oven pans with holes.

Moisture droplets are collected in this and you can easily remove the moisture.

The condensation water cannot evaporate properly if the glass dish is placed at the bottom of the oven cavity.

Place the glass dish on level 1.

Microwave function :

Always use the glass bowl as a ground on level 1.

Oven lighting

To save energy, the steam oven is set by default so that the oven light goes out after starting.

If you want the cavity to be continuously illuminated during operation, you must change the default setting (see “Settings”, section “Lighting”).

If the door remains open at the end of a cleaning process, the lighting switches off automatically after 5 minutes.

If you touch the  button on the control panel, the illumination switches on for 15 seconds.


Your steam oven has an integrated WiFi module.

To use it, you’ll need:

  • a Wi-Fi network
  • The Miele app
  • a Miele user account. The user account can be created via the Miele app.

The Miele app helps you connect the steam cooker to your own Wi-Fi network.

After you have integrated the steam cooker into your Wi-Fi network, you can use the app to carry out the following tasks, for example:

  • Get information about the status of your steam cooker
  • Get information on the current operation processes of your steam cooker
  • Terminating Ongoing Cooking Processes

By including the steam oven in your WiFi network, the energy consumption increases, even when the steam oven is switched off.

Wi-Fi Connection Availability

The Wi-Fi connection shares a frequency range with other devices (such as microwave ovens, remote-controlled toys). This may cause temporary or complete disruptions in the connection. Therefore, constant availability of the functions offered cannot be guaranteed.

Availability of Miele@home

The use of the Miele app depends on the availability of the Miele@home services in your country.

The Miele@home service is not available in every country.

Information on availability can be found on the website www.miele.com.

Miele app

You can download the Miele app for free from the Apple App Store® or the Google Play Store™.

The signal from your Wi-Fi network must be sufficiently strong at the location of your steam oven.


The following settings must be made before first use. You can change these settings again at a later date (see chapter “Settings”).

 Risk of injury due to hot surfaces.

The steam oven gets hot when in use.

Only use the steam cooker when it is installed. Only then can safe use be guaranteed.

When the steam cooker is connected to the mains, it is automatically switched on.

Set Language

  • Choose the language you want.
  • Confirm with OK.

If you have accidentally chosen a language that you do not understand, follow the instructions in the “Settings” section, “Language “.

Setting the pitch

  • Choose the desired location.
  • Confirm with OK.

Miele@home Install

The display shows Miele@home installation.

  • If you want to set Miele@home up immediately, choose Continue and confirm with OK.
  • If you want to install this later, choose Skip and confirm with OK. Information on how to install this at a later date can be found in the “Settings” section, section “Miele@home”.
  • Choose the connection method you want if you want to install Miele@home immediately.

The display and the Miele app will guide you through the next steps.

Set date

  • Set the year, month, and day consecutively.
  • Confirm with OK.

Setting the time

  • Set the time of day in hours and minutes.
  • Confirm with OK.

The water company can provide you with information about the water hardness in your area.

You can find more information about the water hardness in the “Settings” section, “Water hardness”.

Setting water hardness

Cleaning the device for the first time

The device is tested at the factory. During transport, residual water can therefore run out of the pipes into the furnace cavity.

  • Remove any stickers and protective film from the steam oven and accessories.
  • Set the local water hardness.
  • Confirm with OK.

Closing the first commissioning

  • Follow any further instructions in the display.

The device is now ready for use.

Cleaning the water tank

  • Remove the water tank from the device.
  • Remove the overflow protection.
  • Rinse the water tank manually.

Cleaning accessories/oven cavity

  • Remove all accessories from the oven cavity.
  • Clean the accessories by hand or in the dishwasher.

The steam oven was treated with a maintenance product during production.

  • * Clean the cavity with a clean sponge cloth, washing-up liquid and warm water to remove the care product.  

Adjusting Boiling Point

Before preparing for the first time, adjust the appliance to the boiling point of the water. The boiling point depends on where the appliance is set up. During the adjustment of the boiling point, the water-conducting components are also flushed.

You should  definitely adjust the boiling point. Only then can the device function correctly.

Distilled water, carbonated water and other liquids can damage the steam oven.

Use  only fresh, cold drinking water (colder than 20 °C).

  • Remove the water tank from the device and fill it to the “max” mark.
  • Slide the water tank into the steam oven.
  • Turn on the steam oven for 15 minutes using the Steam  (100°C) function. Proceed as described in the “Operation” section.

Adjusting the boiling point after moving

After a move, the boiling temperature of the water must be adjusted in the steam if the new installation location differs by at least 300 altitude meters from the previous one. Carry out a descaling procedure here (see the section “Cleaning and maintenance”, section “Maintenance”).

Overview of settings

Menu item


Possible settings


Language 


… | Deutsch | English | …


Time of day



To* | Off | Night Switching Time Format

12 p.m. | 24 hours*







15 seconds “On”* Off




      


On | From*



Audible signals

Melody*       

Solo tone              

Button signal

      

Welcome Melody On* | From




g* | lb:oz | lb Temperature

°C* | °F

Quick-microwave oven



Preparation time



Preparation time

Keep Warm



On | From *


On | From *

Steam reduction


On* Off

*Factory settings

Menu item


Possible settings


Pre-programmed. Temperatures


Pre-programmed power


Water hardness


1 °dH | … | 21 °dH* | … | 70 °dH



Key Lock On | From*

Locking 

On | From*



Activate | Deactivate

Reset Connection Status Reset


Remote control


On* Off



On* Off





Demo Feature

On | From*

Factory settings


Device Settings Own Programs

Pre-programmed power

Pre-programmed. Temperatures

*Factory settings

Calling up the “Settings” menu

In the More menu  | Settings  you can adjust the factory settings of your steam cooker to your personal preferences.

  • Choose More .
  • Choose Settings .
  • Choose the setting you want.

You can check or change the settings.

You can only change settings if no preparation is taking place at that time.

Language 

You can set your own language and your location.

Once you have made your choice and confirmed, the selected language will immediately appear in the display.

Tip: If you have accidentally selected a language that you do not understand, select the  sensor button. Use the symbol

 to return to the Language  submenu.

Time of day


Select the desired display of the time for the switched off steam oven:

– At

The time is always shown in the display.

If you also select the Display | QuickTouch | On, all sensor keys respond immediately when touched.

If you also select the Display | QuickTouch | If you choose to do so, you must switch on the steam oven before you can operate it.

  • From

The display stays dark to save energy. You must switch on the steam cooker before you can operate it.

  • Night switching

To save energy, the day time only appears in the display from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The rest of the time, the display is dark.

Time format

You can display the time of day in a 24- or 12-hour format (24 hours or 12 hours).


This function allows you to set the hours and minutes.

If the steam cooker is connected to a Wi-Fi network and registered in the Miele app, the time is synchronised according to the location you have set in the Miele app.

After a power outage, the current time of day will be displayed again. The day time is kept for about 150 hours.


  • At

The oven light remains switched on throughout cooking.

  • 15 seconds “On”

The oven light is switched off after 15 seconds during cooking. Use the sensor button  to switch the oven lighting back on for 15 seconds.

  • From

The oven light is turned off. Use the  sensor button to switch the oven light back on for 15 seconds.


This function sets the date.



The brightness of the display is indicated by means of a segment bar.

–       

Maximum luminosity

–       

Minimum luminosity


Choose how the sensor buttons react when the steam oven is switched off:

  • At

If you also select the Day Time | View | If you select Night Switch, the sensor buttons will also respond if the steam cooker is switched off.

  • From

Independent of the Day Time setting | The sensor buttons only react when the steam is switched on and for a certain period of time after switching off the oven.


Audible signals

When Audible Signals is switched on, an audible signal sounds after the set temperature has been reached and after a set time has elapsed.


At the end of a preparation, a melody is played several times at intervals.

The volume of this melody is represented by means of a segment bar.

–       

Maximum volume

–       

melody is disabled

Solo Tone

At the end of a process, you will hear a continuous signal for some time.

The pitch of this signal is indicated by means of a segment bar.

–              

Maximum Pitch

–              

Minimum Pitch

Button signal

The volume of the key beeps you hear when you touch a key is represented by a segment bar.

–       

Maximum volume

–       

key signal is disabled

Welcome melody

You can turn the melody that you hear when you touch the  On/Off button off or on. ‌



The automatic programs allow you to set the weight of the foods in grams (g), pounds/ounce (lb:oz) or pounds (lb).


You can set the temperature in gra- den Celsius (°C) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

Quick-microwave oven

For immediate start of the microwave, an output of 1000 W and a cooking time of 1 minute are pre-programmed.

  • Ability

You can get a microwave power of 80W, 150W, 300W, 450W, 600W,

Set 850W or 1000W.

  • Preparation time

The maximum cooking time to be set depends on the selected power:

80–300 W: up to 10 minutes

450–1000 W: up to 5 minutes


A microwave power of 850 watts and a cooking time of 2:50 minutes are pre- programmed to start the magnon tron function for the preparation of popcorn corn immediately. This corresponds to the values that most manufacturers recommend for the

Preparation of popcorn in the microwave.

You can set a cooking time of up to 4 minutes.

The microwave power is fixed and cannot be changed.

Keep Warm

The Keep Warm function allows you to keep the food warm after cooking. The food is kept warm at a pre-set temperature or microwave capacity for a maximum of 15 minutes. By opening the door or touching the sensor buttons, you can abort the keep-warm phase.

Keep in mind that fragile dishes, such as fish, can still cook due to keeping them warm.


  • At

The Keep Warm function is enabled. If cooking takes place at a temperature of approx. 80 °C or more, this function starts after approx. 5 minutes.

The food is kept warm at a temperature of 70 °C.

  • From

The Keep Warm function has been disabled.


  • At

The Keep Warm function is enabled. If cooking is carried out with a microwave oven output of at least 450 W and a cooking time of at least 10 minutes, this function starts after approx. 5 minutes. The dish is kept warm with a microwave power of 150 W.

  • From

The Keep Warm function has been disabled.

Steam reduction

  • At

If you have been working at a temperature of 80 °C or more, the door of the steam cooker will be removed just before the

At the end of cooking, it will automatically open slightly. Due to this function, not as much steam escapes when the door is opened. The door closes automatically again.

  • From

If the steam reduction is switched off, the Keep Warm function is automatically switched off as well. When the function is turned off, a lot of steam is released when you open the door.

Pre-programmed. Temperatures

If you often work with non-standard temperatures, it may be useful to change the pre-programmed temperatures.

Once you have opened the menu item, the drop-down list of the functions appears.

  * Choose the function you want.

The pre-programmed temperature lights up. At the same time, the range from which you can choose will appear.

  * Change the pre-programmed temperature.
  * Confirm with OK.  

Pre-programmed power

If you often work with non-standard microwave powers, it may make sense to change the pre-programmed powers.

You can use the pre-programmed power for the Microwave  function and for the combined function of the Quick steam oven and microwave

Steam  change.

As soon as you have called up the menu item, the list of functions and the corresponding pre-programmed power appears.

  • Microwave :

80 W, 150 W, 300 W, 450 W, 600 W,

850 W, 1000 W

  • Quick Steam :

80 W, 150 W, 300 W

  * Choose the function you want.
  * Change the pre-programmed power.
  * Confirm with OK.  

Water hardness

To ensure that the steam cooker functions smoothly and is descaled at the right time, you must set the appliance to the water hardness of your region. The louder the water, the more often the appliance needs to be descaled.

The water company can provide you with information about the water hardness of the drinking water in your area.

If you use bottled drinking water, for example mineral water, use non- carbonated drinking water. In the same way, enter the calcium content setting. This is stated on

the label of the bottle in mg/l Ca2+ or ppm (mg Ca2+/l).

You can set a hardness between 1 °dH and 70 °dH. The hardness level is set to 21 °dH at the factory.

  * Set the local water hardness.
  * Confirm with OK.  

Water hardness


Calcium content mg/l Ca2+ or ppm (mg Ca2+/l)













































































Water hardness


Calcium content mg/l Ca2+ or ppm (mg Ca2+/l)



















































































































































































































Key Lock

The key lock prevents a cooking process from being switched off unintentionally or from changing settings for it. If the key lock is active, the sensor buttons and the fields in the display are locked only a few seconds after the start of a call, except for the On/

Off button .

  • At

The key lock is active. Press and hold the OK sensor button for at least 6 seconds to deactivate the key lock for a short time.

  • From

The key lock is not active. All sensor buttons react immediately when touched.

Locking 

The locking mechanism prevents the steam cooker from being switched on unintentionally.

If the lock is activated, you can still set a minute minder time and use the MobileStart function.

The lock remains active even after a power failure.

  • At

The lock is activated. Before you can use the steam cooker, press and hold the OK sensor button for at least 6 seconds.

  • From

The lock has been deactivated. You can use the steam oven as usual.


The steam cooker is one of the household appliances that are suitable for Miele@home. Your steam cooker is already equipped with a Wi-Fi communication module at the factory and is suitable for wireless communication.

There are several ways to integrate your steam cooker into your Wi-Fi network. We recommend that you connect your steam cooker to your Wi-Fi network using the Miele app or via WPS.

  • Activate

This setting is only visible if Miele@home is turned off. The WiFi function is switched back on.

  • Deactivate

This setting is only visible when Miele@home is enabled.

Miele@home will remain installed, the WiFi function will be disabled.

  • Connection Status

This setting is only visible when Miele@home is enabled. The display shows information such as the quality of the WiFi reception, the network name and the IP address.

  • Reset

The setting is only visible if a WiFi network is already installed. Reset the network settings and establish a new network connection.

  • Reset

The setting is only visible if a WiFi network is already installed. The WiFi function is switched off and the connection to the WiFi network is reset to factory settings. You will need to reset the connection to the WiFi network in order to use Miele@home.

Reset the network settings when disposing of, selling, or using a used steam oven. Only then can you be sure that you have deleted all personal data and that the previous owner no longer has access to the steam oven.

  • Set

This setting is only visible if you are not already connected to a WiFi network. You will need to reset the connection to the Wi-Fi network in order to be able to use Miele@home.

Remote control

If you have installed the Miele app on your mobile device, have the system Miele@home and activated the remote control (On), you can use the MobileStart function and e.g. instructions

with regard to the cooking processes in progress in your steam cooker or to end a slow cooking process.

In the networked standby, the steam oven has max. 2 W required. ‌

Activate MobileStart

  * Touch the  sensor control to activate MobileStart.

The  sensor control lights up. You can use the Miele app to operate the steam cooker remotely.

The direct control of the steam oven takes precedence over the remote control via the app.

As long as the  sensor control is lit, you can use MobileStart.


The RemoteUpdate menu item is only displayed and can only be selected if the conditions for the use of Miele@home are met (see the chapter “Using the device”, paragraph “Miele@home”).

The software of your steam oven can be updated with the RemoteUpdate. If an update is available for the steam oven, it is automatically downloaded by the steam oven. However, the installation of the update does not happen automatically. You’ll need to launch it manually.

If you don’t install an update, you can still use the steam oven. However, Miele recommends installing updates.


RemoteUpdate is enabled by default. An available update is downloaded automatically and must be started manually by you.

Turn off RemoteUpdate if you don’t want updates to download automatically.

How the Remote Update Is Done

Information about the content and scope of an update is available in the Miele app.

If an update is available, a notification will be shown in the display of the steam oven.

You can install the update right away or postpone the installation. You will be asked to do this when you switch on the steam cooker again.

If you don’t want to install the update, turn off RemoteUpdate.


The menu item “Software version” is for Miele Service. For private use, this information is not relevant. ‌


This function allows the specialist retailer to present the steam cooker without having to switch on the heating. For private use, this setting is not relevant.

If you switch on the steam cooker when the demo function is activated, the message “The demo function is enabled” appears. The heater does not work.

Demo Feature

The update may take a few minutes.

Please note the following with the RemoteUp date:

  • As long as you don’t receive a notification, there is no update available.
  • An update cannot be uninstalled.
  • Do not switch off the steam oven during the installation of an update. The update will then be aborted and will not be installed.
  • Some software updates can only be carried out by Miele.
  • At

The demo function is activated if you press and hold the OK sensor key for at least 4 seconds.

  • From

The demo function is deactivated if you press and hold the OK sensor button for at least 4 seconds. You can use the steam oven as usual.

Factory settings

  • Device Settings

All settings will be reset to factory defaults.

  • Own programs

All own programs are deleted.

  • Pre-programmed power

The modified microwave power is reset to the factory settings.

  • Pre-programmed. Temperatures

The modified pre-programmed temperatures are reset to the factory settings.

Using the Kitchen Timer function

The kitchen timer  can be used, for example, when you are working outside the oven, for example when cooking eggs.

You can also use the timer if you have already set the oven to switch on or off automatically (e.g. to remind you to add powders or moisture after a certain period of time).

  • You can set the timer for up to 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Setting a kitchen timer

If you turn on the Display | QuickTouch | Off, switch on the steam oven to set a minute minder time. The descending cooking time is then displayed while the steam oven is switched off.

Example: You want to boil eggs and set a timer time of 6 minutes and 20 seconds.

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • Select Kitchen Timer if the cooking is already active.

The display shows Settings 00:00 min.

  • Set this to 06:20 using the navigation section.
  • Confirm with OK.

The minute minder time is saved.

When the steam cooker is switched off, the minute minder time and the  symbol appear instead of the time.

If a cooking process is currently in progress, the descending cooking time and the  symbol appear on the bottom line.

When you’re in a menu, the timer continues to run in the background.

When the minute minder time has ended,  flashes, the time starts to increase and a beep sounds.

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • If necessary, confirm with OK.

The acoustic and optical signals are switched off.

Changing the timer time

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • Select Kitchen Timer if the cooking is already active.
  • Choose Change.
  • Confirm with OK.

The timer time appears.

  • Change the timer time.
  • Confirm with OK.

The changed time will be saved.

Delete minute minder time

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • Select Kitchen Timer if the cooking is already active.
  • Choose Clear.
  • Confirm with OK.

The minute minder time is cleared.



Pre-programmed value






Steaming 


100 °C


40–100 °C

Microwave 


1000 W


80–1000 W

Quick Steam 


300 W


80–300 W

100 °C


80–100 °C

Sous-vide 


65 °C


45–90 °C

Own programmes 

Heating 

| |



100 °C


80–100 °C



450 W


450–1000 W

Defrosting 

| |



60 °C


50–60 °C



150 W


80–150 W

Popcorn 

Automatic. Programmes 

More 





Cooking menu





90 °C


80–100 °C




Proofing the yeast dough





100 °C


40–100 °C



Pre-programmed value




More 






Settings 

Operating Hours

  • Turn on the device. The main menu appears. ‌
  • If you want to cook with a steam-powered function, fill the water container and slide it into the appliance.

Distilled water, carbonated water and other liquids can damage the steam oven.

Use  only fresh, cold drinking water (colder than 20 °C).

  • Place the dish in the oven.
  • Choose the function you want.

The feature appears. Depending on the selected function, the pre-programmed temperature and the cooking time are displayed in succession.

  • Change the pre-programmed values for cooking and set the cooking time if necessary.

The pre-programmed values can be changed successively using the  sensor button.

  • Confirm each choice with OK. For functions  without a microwave, start cooking by setting the temperature.

In the case  of functions with microwave, a summary of the settings appears and Start is highlighted.

  • For  microwave functions , start cooking using the OK sensor button.

The set values appear for all functions and the cooking process is running.

Once you have set a temperature, you can follow the rise of the temperature in the display. When the set temperature is reached for the first time, a signal sounds.

The microwave function is switched off as soon as you interrupt the cooking process or open the oven door. You can continue cooking with the OK sensor button.

  • After cooking, use the sensor button of the selected function to end the cooking.

 Risk of injury due to hot steam.

When cooking with steam, a lot of hot steam can be released when you open the door. You can burn yourself on the steam.

Take a step back and wait for the hot steam to volatilize.

  • Remove the dish from the oven.
  • Turn off the steam oven.

Cleaning the steam oven

 Risk of injury from hot water.

At the end of steam cooking, there is still hot residual water in the water tank. You can burn yourself on this.

Make sure that the water tank cannot tip over when you remove and put it down.

  • If necessary, remove the water tank from the appliance.
  • Remove the overflow protection and empty the water tank.
  • Clean and dry the entire steaming equipment as described in the chapter “Cleaning and maintenance”.

Make sure that the overflow protection clicks into place properly when you put it back.

  • Do not close the door until the cavity is completely dry.

Topping up with water

If the water runs out during cooking, an acoustic signal sounds and the display asks you to refill the water.

  • Take the water tank out of the steam oven and fill it with water.
  • Slide in the water tank. Preparation continues.

Changing values and settings for a cooking process

As soon as a cooking process is in progress, you can change the values or settings for this cooking process using the  sensor button, depending on the function.

  • Select the  sensor button.

Depending on the function, the following settings may appear:

  * Temperature

  * Ability

  * Preparation time

Changing values and settings

  • Choose the desired value or setting and confirm with OK.
  • Change the value or setting and confirm with OK.

The cooking process continues with the changed values and settings.

You can adjust the pre-programmed temperature with More  | Settings  | Pre- programmed temperatures can also be adjusted to your personal requirements.

Changing the temperature

Changing microwave power

You can control the pre-programmed power with More  | Settings  | Pre- programmed capabilities can also be permanently adapted to your personal needs.

You can change the microwave power in the Microwave  and Quick Steam  functions.

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • Choose Temperature and confirm with OK.
  • Change the set temperature from the navigation section.
  • Confirm with OK.

The cooking process continues with the changed set temperature.

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • Choose Power and confirm with OK.
  • Change the microwave power via the navigation section.

Depending on the function, you can set the following microwave power outputs: 80 W, 150 W, 300 W, 450 W,

600 W, 850 W, 1000 W

  • * Confirm with OK.

Starts up lightly.

  * Select the OK sensor key.

The cooking process continues with the modified microwave power.

Setting Cooking Times

The result can be negatively affected if there is a lot of time between the retraction of the dish and the start time. Fresh food can change colour and even spoil.

Choose the shortest possible time until the start of cooking.

You have placed the dish in the oven cavity, selected a function and selected the necessary settings, such as a temperature.

If you enter a value in the Cooking time, End at or Start at via the  sensor button, you can have the cooking process switched off automatically or switched on and off.

  * Preparation time

Enter the time required for the preparation of a dish. At the end of this time, the oven heating is automatically switched off. The maximum cooking time you can set depends on the selected function.

  * End at

Specifies the time at which a preparation must be terminated. At that time, the oven heating is automatically switched off.

  * Start at

This function will not appear in the me- nu until you have set Cook Time or End to. Start to set the time at which cooking should start. At that time, the oven heating is switched on automatically.

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • Set the desired times.
  • Confirm with OK.
  • Select the  sensor button to return to the menu of the selected function.

Tip: With the steam functions, you can also set the cooking time directly

via the navigation section.

In the case of steam cooking, the cooking time does not begin until the set temperature has been reached.

If you have been working at a temperature of approx. 80 °C or more, the message Steam reduction will appear just before the end of the cooking time and the door will automatically open slightly.

  • Wait for the Steam Reduction message to disappear before opening the door and removing the food from the oven.

You can only start a new preparation once the automatic deuropener has returned to its starting position. Do not manually push the door opener in, otherwise the system may be damaged.

Changing set cooking times

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • Choose the time you want.
  • Confirm with OK.
  • Choose Change.

This menu item does not appear if you want to change the cooking time for functions  with magne-tron, because a cooking time must always be set.

The time is selected.

  • Change the set time.
  • Confirm with OK.
  • Select the  sensor button to return to the menu of the selected function.

In the event of a power failure, the settings are deleted.

  • In the case  of microwave functions, allow cooking to continue using the OK sensor button.

Clearing set cooking times

With  a microwave function , you can only clear the set times for End at and Start at. A cooking time must always be set.

  • Select the  sensor button.
  • Choose the time you want.
  • Confirm with OK.
  • Choose Clear.
  • Confirm with OK.

If you clear Cooking Time for a function  without a microwave, the set times for End at and Start at are also cleared.

If you clear End or Start om, cooking starts with the set preparation time.

  • Select the  sensor button to return to the menu of the selected function.

Tip: You can also change the cooking time via the navigation section.

Tip: For the steam functions, you can also delete the cooking time via the

navigation section.

Preparation for functions with microwave interruption

You can use the Microwave  and Quick Steam  functions to interrupt the cooking process and stop the cooking time.

During preparation, Stop is marked.

  • Select the OK sensor key.

The cooking process is interrupted and the cooking time is conserved.

Starts up lightly.

  • Select the OK sensor key.

The preparation process continues and the preparation time continues to decrease. ‌

Interrupting cooking when using steam

Cooking for steam-powered functions is interrupted when you open the door. The oven heating is turned off. The set cooking times are saved.

 Risk of injury due to hot surfaces and hot dishes.

The steam oven gets hot when in use. You can burn yourself on the oven cavity, guide rails, accessories and dishes.

Always wear oven mitts when putting or removing utensils from the oven, or when working in the oven.

When you slide the oven pan into the oven or take it out, make sure that the hot ground does not overflow.

Cooking continues when you close the door.

After closing the door, the differential pressure is equalized. This may cause a whistling sound.

Cooking is terminated prematurely if you open the door in the last minute.

The heating is switched back on and the rising temperature can be seen in the display. When the set temperature is reached, the remaining remaining time expires.

 Risk of injury due to hot steam.

A lot of hot steam can be released when you open the door. You can burn yourself on the steam.

Take a step back and wait for the hot steam to volatilize.

Abort preparation

You can abort a cooking session using the sensor’s sensor, which is illuminated in orange, or via the  sensor button.

The heating and lighting are then switched off. The set cooking times are cleared.

Press the sensor’s button on the function to return to the main menu.

Abort cooking without a set operating time

  • Select the sensor button of the selected function.

The main menu appears.

  • Or: Select the  button.
  • Choose Abort Function.
  • Confirm with OK.

Abort cooking with set cooking time

  • Select the sensor button of the selected function.

Abort function? Appears.

  • Choose Yes.

  • Confirm with OK.

  • Or: Select the  button.

  • Choose Abort Function.

  • Confirm with OK.

  • Choose Yes.

  • Confirm with OK.

You can only use these functions when no other preparation is in progress. ‌

Always use the glass bowl.

Quick-microwave oven

With the  sensor button, the microwave starts with a certain power and cooking time, e.g. for heating liquids.

Pre-programmed are the maximum power of 1000 W and a response time of 1 minute.

You can change the microwave power and cooking time. The maximum time that can be set depends on the selected microwave oven performance (see chapter “Settings”, section “Quick microwave oven”).

  • Select the  sensor control.

If you touch the sensor button several times, you will gradually increase the cooking time.

The descending remaining time appears in the display.

You can pause and resume cooking at any time using the OK sensor button and aborting it with the  sensor button.

At the end of the preparation,

Stop and you will hear a signal.

  • Select the  sensor button. The main menu appears.


With the  sensor button, the magnetron starts at a certain power and cooking time.

Pre-programmed are a power output of 850 W and a response time of 2:50 minutes. This corresponds to the values recommended by most manufacturers for the preparation of popcorn in the microwave.

Observe the instructions on the delivery time on the manufacturer’s packaging. Change the default time if necessary.

You can set a cooking time of up to 4 minutes. The microwave oven power is fixed and cannot be changed (see chapter “Settings”, section “Popcorn”).

  • Select the  sensor button.

The descending remaining time appears in the display.

You can pause and resume cooking at any time using the OK sensor button and aborting it with the  sensor button.

Disposable paper containers or other flammable materials can ignite and damage the steam oven.

Stay near the steam cooker during cooking and follow the instructions on the package.

At the end of the preparation,

Stop and you will hear a signal.

  • Select the  sensor button. The main menu appears.

In this chapter you will find general instructions. If you have to observe any special features in food and/or applications, you will be alerted to them. ‌‌‌

The special thing about steam cooking

Hardly any vitamins and minerals are lost during steaming, because the food is not in the water.

Steaming preserves the food’s own flavour better than regular cooking. Therefore, do not add salt or only do so after preparation.

In addition, the products retain their fresh, natural color. ‌


Oven pans

The steam oven comes with stainless steel cookware. In addition, you can order other oven pans, with or without holes and with different sizes (see the chapter “Accessories to be ordered”). This way, you can use the most suitable oven pan for each dish.

If possible, use oven pans with holes. The steam then reaches the dish from all sides, making it evenly cooked.

Own crockery

You can also use your own crockery. Please note the following:

  • The crockery must be heat-resistant (up to

100 °C) and steam resistant. If you want to use plastic tableware, check with the manufacturer whether the material is suitable for the intended use.

  • Cookware with thick walls (e.g. porcelain, ceramics or earthenware) is less suitable for steaming. Thick walls conduct heat poorly, which can significantly increase the indicated cooking times.
  • Place the dishes on the retracted rack, not on the bottom of the steam oven.
  • Keep a sufficient distance between the edge of the cookware and the upper wall of the cavity. This ensures that the steam can reach the dish properly. ‌

Glass bowl

Slide the glass dish onto Variable 1 if using perforated oven pans.

The condensation water cannot evaporate properly if the glass dish is placed at the bottom of the oven cavity.

Place the glass dish on level 1.

Moisture droplets are collected in this and you can easily remove the moisture.


You can choose any level for the oven pans and rack and cook on multiple levels at the same time. As a result, the delivery time does not change.

If you are using several tall oven pans at the same time for steaming, do not place them directly on top of each other. It is preferable to leave a level empty between the oven pans.

Always slide the oven pans, the rack and the glass dish between the shelves of a level so that they do not tip over. ‌

Frozen products

The heating time for frozen foods is longer than for fresh foods. The larger the quantity, the longer the heating phase. ‌


When steaming, a maximum of 100 °C is reached. At this temperature you can prepare almost all dishes. Some fragile foods, such as berries, should be cooked at a lower temperature or they will explode. You will be made aware of this in the relevant chapters.

Preparation time

When steaming, the cooking time does not start until the set temperature is reached.

The preparation times for steaming are broadly the same as the preparation times in a saucepan. If the time of delivery is affected by certain factors, you will be informed in the following chapters.

The preparation time does not depend on the quantity. For example, the preparation time for 1 kg of potatoes is the same as for 500 g.

Cooking with liquids

At most, pre-fill oven pans ²/₃ if you are preparing dishes with a lot of moisture. This will prevent the dish from overflowing when you take it out of the oven. ‌

Own recipes

Foods and dishes that you prepare in a pan can also be cooked in the steam oven. The preparation times are about the same. Please note that dishes do not turn brown when steaming.


Use the Eco-steaming function for energy-saving stoating. This function is particularly suitable for the preparation of vegetables and fish.

We recommend using the cooking times and temperatures as stated in the tables in the “Steaming” section.

If you are preparing foods that contain a lot of starch, such as potatoes, rice and pasta, it is best to use the Steam  function.

You can extend the cooking time if necessary.

Notes on the adjustment tables

Observe the information on cooking times, temperatures and possible instructions for cooking.

Select the cooking time 

The indicated cooking times are indicative values.

  • First, choose the shortest time. You can extend the cooking time if necessary.


More  | Eco-steaming


Fresh products

Prepare fresh vegetables as you normally would, such as polishing, cleaning and chopping.

Frozen products

You don’t need to defrost frozen vegetables before they are ready. Except vegetables that have been frozen as a block.

Frozen and fresh vegetables with the same cooking time can be prepared at the same time.

Make large, frozen pieces smaller. The preparation time can be found on the packaging.

Steam oven pans

Foods with a small diameter (such as peas and asparagus) have hardly any hollow spaces, so that the steam can hardly penetrate. For an even cooking result, you should use flat oven pans for such products. Do not fill the oven pans higher than 3–5 cm. Divide large quantities over several flat oven pans.

Different types of vegetables with the same preparation time can be prepared in one oven pan.

For vegetables that are cooked in liquid (such as red cabbage), use oven pans without holes.


If you are cooking vegetables that give off colour (such as beetroot) in oven pans with holes, do not place other foods underneath. This prevents the other foods from freezing up.

Preparation time

The cooking time, as with conventional cooking, depends on the size of the dish and the desired doneness. Example:

waxy potatoes, cut into four pieces:

approx. 17 minutes

waxy potatoes, halved: approx. 20 minutes


Automatic programmes  | Vegetables | … |


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Preparation time: see table



 [min]





Cauliflower, whole



Cauliflower, florets



Green beans



Broccoli, florets



Carrot, whole



carrots, halved



Carrot, cut into small pieces



Chicory, halved



Chinese cabbage, sliced






Fennel, halved



Fennel, cut into strips



Kale, sliced



Potatoes, waxy, peeled








in 4 pieces



Potatoes, fairly waxy, peeled








in 4 pieces



Potatoes, floury, peeled








in 4 pieces



Kohlrabi, cut into markers



Pumpkin, diced



Corn on the cob



Swiss chard, sliced





 [min]


Bell peppers, diced or strips



Potatoes in their skins, waxy






Leeks (garlic), sliced



Leeks (garlic), stalk halved



Romanesco, very



Romanesco, roses



Brussels sprouts



Beetroot, whole



Red cabbage, sliced



Salsify, whole, inches thick



Celeriac, cut into sticks



Asparagus, green



Asparagus, white, thumb thick



Winter carrots, cut into small pieces






Pointed cabbage, sliced



Celery, sliced



Turnip, sliced



White cabbage, sliced



Savoy cabbage, sliced



Zucchini, slices






 bereidingstijd


Verse producten

‌Bereid verse vis voor zoals u dat nor- maal ook doet, bijvoorbeeld schubben en ingewanden verwijderen en reinigen.


‌Vis hoeft voor de bereiding niet hele- maal te worden ontdooid. Het is vol- doende als de buitenkant zacht genoeg is om de kruiden op te nemen.


Besprenkel de vis voor de bereiding met bijvoorbeeld citroen- of limoensap. Hierdoor wordt het vlees steviger.

‌U hoeft de vis niet te zouten, omdat het vlees bij stomen alle mineralen behoudt die voor een intensieve smaak zorgen.


‌Vet ovenpannen met gaten in.


Als u in geperforeerde ovenpannen vis bereidt en tegelijk in andere ovenpan- nen andere gerechten wilt bereiden, kunt u smaakbeïnvloeding vermijden (door druppelend vocht) door de vis meteen boven de opvang- of glazen schaal (afhankelijk van het model) in de oven te plaatsen.

‌Temperatuur 85–90 °C

Voor het behoedzaam bereiden van kwetsbare vissoorten, zoals zeetong.

100 °C

‌Voor het bereiden van vissoorten met stevig vlees, zoals kabeljauw en zalm. Voor het bereiden van vis in saus of bouillon.


De bereidingstijd is afhankelijk van de dikte en de hoedanigheid van het le- vensmiddel, niet van het gewicht. Hoe dikker het levensmiddel des te langer de bereidingstijd. Een stuk vis van

500 g dat 3 cm dik is, heeft een langere bereidingstijd dan een stuk van 500 g dat 2 cm dik is.

Hoe langer u vis kookt des te steviger wordt het vlees. Houd de aangegeven bereidingstijden aan. Als u de vis niet gaar genoeg vindt, kunt u de bereiding verlengen, maar hooguit met enkele mi- nuten.

Verleng de aangegeven bereidingstijden met enkele minuten als u vis in saus of bouillon bereidt.


  • Met specerijen en kruiden, zoals dille, kunt u de smaak van de vis intensive- ren.
  • Bereid grotere vissen in de zwem- stand. Voor de ondersteuning kunt u een klein kopje of iets dergelijks om- gekeerd in de ovenpan zetten. Zet de vis met de geopende buik hierop.
  • Met het visafval (graten, vinnen en viskoppen), soepgroente en koud wa- ter kunt u in een ovenpan  visfond maken. Stel een temperatuur in van 100 °C en houd een bereidingstijd aan van 60 tot 90 minuten. Hoe lan- ger de bereidingstijd, des te krachti- ger de fond.
  • Voor  blauw koken wordt de vis in water met azijn bereid (de vis wordt daarbij blauw). Voor de hoeveelheden water en azijn volgt u het recept. U mag voor deze bereidingswijze de huid van de vis niet beschadigen. Ge- schikte vissoorten zijn karper, forel, zeelt, paling en zalm.


Automatic programmes  | Fish | … |


Steaming  Temperature: see table Cooking time: see table



 [°C]


 [min]







Perch fillet





Dorade fillet





Trout, 250 g





Halibut fillet





Cod fillet





Carp, 1.5 kg





Salmon fillet





Salmon steak





Salmon trout





Pangasius fillet





Redfish fillet





Haddock fillet





Plaice fillet





Monkfish fillet





Sole fillet





Turbot fillet





Tuna fillet





Zander fillet





 Temperature,  Cooking time


Fresh products

Prepare the meat as you normally would.

Frozen products

Defrost frozen meat before cooking (see “Defrosting with Steam”).


Meat that needs to be browned and then braised, such as goulash, should be seared on the hob first.

Preparation time

The cooking time depends on the thickness and quality of the meat, not on its weight. The thicker the meat, the longer the cooking time.

A 500 g piece of meat that is 10 cm thick will have a longer cooking time than a 500 g piece that is 5 cm thick.


  • If the  aromas are to be preserved, use a perforated oven pan. Slide a cavity pan with no holes underneath to catch the concentrate. You can use the concentrate to refine sauces.

Also, you can freeze it to use it later.

  • For example, for a  powerful broth , you can use a soup chicken, a leg, breast meat, thick rib, or a beef bone. Put the meat with bones, soup vegetables and cold water in an oven pan. The longer the preparation time, the more powerful the stock.


Automatic programmes  | Meat | … |


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Preparation time: see table



 [min]


Bolt (piece), covered with water



ham on the bone



Chicken breast fillet






Thick rib, covered with water



Veal in strips



Casseler rib, slices



Lamb ragout






Turkey roulade



Turkey schnitzel



Rib steak, covered with water



Beef goulash



Soup chicken, covered with water



Beef, cooked



 Preparation time


Rice wells during preparation and must therefore be prepared in liquid. Depending on the type of rice, the moisture absorption is different and so is the ratio of rice to moisture.

The rice absorbs the moisture completely during preparation, so that no food is lost.

Steam oven pan

Use a steam oven pan without holes. Smaller quantities of rice (up to one cup, approx. 50–150 g) can also be prepared in a suitable stainless steel dish on the baking and roasting rack.


Wash the rice before cooking. Carefully drain the water again when washing the rice in the steamer pan.

Tip: You can determine the required amount of liquid with a scale or the

“cup method”.

For the “cuper” method, first put the desired amount of rice in a cup and then put the rice in the steamer pan. Then measure the required amount of liquid (see the table) with the cup and add it to the rice.

Make sure the rice is evenly distributed over the steamer pan.


Automat. programma’s  | Rijst | … |



Stomen  Temperatuur: 100 °C Bereidingstijd: zie tabel


 : 




Rijst met lange

| |


| |



1 : 1,5



Parboiled rijst


1 : 1,5



Volkoren rijst


1 : 1,5



Wilde rijst


1 : 1,5



Rijst met ronde

| |


| |



1 : 2,5





1 : 2,5



: verhouding tussen rijst en vocht,

 bereidingstijd


Cereals soak during preparation and must therefore be prepared in liquid. Depending on the type of grain, the moisture absorption is different and so is the ratio of grain to moisture.

Cereals can be prepared with whole grain or broken.


Automatic programmes  | Grain | … |


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Preparation time: see table


Ratio of grain to moisture


 [min]




1 : 1,5





1 : 1,5



Spelt, whole


1 : 1



Spelt, broken


1 : 1



Oats, whole


1 : 1



Oats, broken


1 : 1





1 : 1,5





1 : 3





1 : 1,5



Rye, whole


1 : 1



Rye, broken


1 : 1



Wheat, whole


1 : 1



Wheat, broken


1 : 1



 Preparation time


Dry pasta/pasta

Dry pasta and dry pasta soak during preparation. These products must therefore be prepared in liquid. The moisture should cover the paste well. If you use hot liquid, the cooking result will be better.

Increase the cooking time specified by the manufacturer by approx. ¹/₃.

Fresh products

Fresh pasta and fresh pasta (e.g. from the refrigerator) do not need to be eaten. Prepare these in a greased oven pan with holes.

Remove any pasta/pasta that sticks together and spread it evenly over the oven pan.


Automatic programmes  | Pasta | … |


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Preparation time: see table

Fresh products


 [min]

















Dry pasta/pasta, covered with water

Ribbon macaroni






 Preparation time


Ready-made dumplings in a cooking bag should be well covered with water, otherwise they will not absorb enough moisture and will fall apart, even if you have previously put them in water.

Prepare fresh dumplings in a greased oven pan with holes.


Automatic programmes  | Pasta | … |


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Preparation time: see table


 [min]


Steamed dough balls



Yeast dumplings



Potato dumplings in a cooking bag



Dough dumplings in cooking bag



 Preparation time

Legumes, dried

Dried legumes should be soaked in cold water for at least 10 hours before preparation. Soaking allows legumes to be digested better and reduces the preparation time. The soaked legumes must be coated with moisture during preparation.

You don’t need to soak lentils.

If the legumes have not been soaked, you should maintain a certain ratio of legumes to moisture (depending on the variety).


Automatic programmes  | Legumes | … |


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Preparation time: see table



 [min]


Kidney beans



Rode bonen (azukibonen)



Zwarte bonen



Bonte bonen



White beans




Yellow peas



Green peas



 Preparation time

Not soaked


Legumes ratio : moisture


 [min]


Kidney beans


1 : 3



Red beans (azuki beans)


1 : 3



Black beans


1 : 3



Variegated beans


1 : 3



White beans


1 : 3




Brown lentils


1 : 2



Red lentils


1 : 2




Yellow peas


1 : 3



Green peas


1 : 3



 Preparation time


Use a casserole pan with holes if you want to boil eggs.

You do not need to prick the eggs before cooking. Because the eggs are heated slowly during the reheating phase, they won’t crack during steaming.

Grease oven pans without holes if you want to cook egg dishes in them.


Automatic programmes  | Chicken eggs | … |


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Preparation time: see table


 [min]


Size S











Size M











Size L











Size XL











 Preparation time


To prevent juice from going to waste, it is best to prepare fruit in an oven pan without holes. If you are preparing fruit in a casserole pan with holes, slide an oven pan with no holes underneath into the oven. Even then, the juice will be retained.

Tip: You can use the collected juice for other purposes.


Automatic programmes  | Fruit | … |


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Preparation time: see table


 [min]


Apples, chopped



Pears, chopped









Nectarines/peaches, chopped






Quinces, cubes



Rhubarb, chopped






 Preparation time

Sausage products


Automatic. Programmes  | Sausage products

| … |


Steaming  Temperature: 90 °C Preparation time: see table

Sausage products


 [min]


Boiled sausage






Witte worst



 Bereidingstijd



Allow frozen shellfish to thaw before cooking. Clean the shellfish, remove the intestine and cleanse them.

Steam oven pans

Grease oven pans with holes in them.

Preparation time

The longer you cook shellfish, the firmer they become. Stick to the indicated cooking times.

If you are preparing shellfish in sauce or broth, extend the indicated cooking times by a few minutes.


Automatic programmes  | Crustaceans | … |


Steaming  Temperature: see table Cooking time: see table


 [°C]


 [min]












King prawns




















 Temperature,  Cooking time

Freshwater mussels

Fresh products

 Risk of poisoning due to spoiled mussels.

Spoiled mussels can cause food poisoning. Use only closed mussels.

Do not eat mussels that are still closed after preparation.

Before preparation, put fresh mussels in water for a few hours so that they can spit out any sand that may be present. Then brush the mussels well.

Frozen products

Frozen mussels must be thawed before cooking.

Preparation time

The longer you cook mussels, the harder the meat will become. Stick to the indicated cooking times.


Automatic programmes  | Freshwater mussels | … |


Steaming  Temperature: see table Cooking time: see table


 [°C]


 [min]






















Sword scabbards










 Temperature,  Cooking time

Cooking menu – manual

When cooking a menu manually, switch off the steam reduction (see “Settings” section, section “Steam reduction”).

When cooking a menu, you can combine different dishes with different cooking times in one menu, e.g. redfish fillet with rice and broccoli.

The dishes are placed in the steam oven at different times so that they are cooked at the same time.


Slide dripping (e.g. fish) or colour-releasing foods (e.g. beetroot) directly above the collection or glass tray (depending on the model) into the steam oven. This prevents taste influence and discoloration due to dripping moisture.


The temperature when preparing menus should be 100 °C, because most foods are only cooked at that temperature.

Never choose the lowest temperature if different temperatures are recommended for food, e.g. 85 °C for sea bream fillets and 100 °C for potatoes.

For example, if 85 °C is recommended for a food, test what the result will be when cooking at 100 °C. In vulnerable fish species with a loose structure, such as sole and plaice, the meat becomes very firm at 100 °C.

Preparation time

If you increase the temperature, reduce the cooking time by approx. ¹/₃.


Preparation times of foodstuffs __

(see preparation tables in the “Steaming” section)

Parboiled rice 24 minutes

Redfish fillet 6 minutes

Broccoli 4 minutes

Calculation of the preparation times to be set :

24 minuten min 6 minuten = 18 minuten (1e bereidingstijd: rijst)

6 minuten min 4 minuten = 2 minuten (2e bereidingstijd: roodbaarsfilet)

Rest = 4 minuten (3e bereidingstijd: broccoli)

Berei- dings- tijd


24 min. rijst


6 min. roodbaars- filet


4 min. broccoli

Instel- ling


18 min


2 min


4 min

‌Menu koken

  • Zet eerst de rijst in de oven.
  • Stel de eerste bereidingstijd in, dus 18 minuten.
  • Zet na die 18 minuten de roodbaarsfi- let in de stoomoven.
  • Stel de tweede bereidingstijd in, dus 2 minuten.
  • Zet na die 2 minuten de broccoli in de stoomoven.
  • Stel de derde bereidingstijd in, dus 4 minuten.

Gebruik uitsluitend verse voedings- middelen die in perfecte staat verke- ren.

Zorg voor voldoende hygiëne en on- derbreek de koelketen niet.

Gebruik alleen hittebestendige en kookvaste vacuümzakken.

Bereid geen voedingsmiddelen in de verkoopverpakking, zoals diepvries- producten in een vacuümverpakking, omdat die verpakking mogelijk niet aan de eisen voldoet.

Gebruik een vacuümzak niet op- nieuw.

Vacumeer het voedingsmiddel uit- sluitend met een vacumeerapparaat.

‌Bij deze behoedzame bereidingswijze worden de voedingsmiddelen in een va- cuümverpakking langzaam bij lage, constante temperaturen bereid.‌

Door de vacuümverpakking gaat tijdens de bereiding geen vocht verloren en blijven alle voedings- en aromastoffen behouden.

Het resultaat is een intensieve smaak en een gelijkmatig gaar voedingsmid- del.

Important instructions for use

For optimal preparation results, observe the following instructions:

  • Use fewer spices and herbs than you would with regular cooking, as the influence on the taste of the dish is greater.

You can also prepare the dish unseasoned and add spices only after cooking.

  • The addition of salt, sugar and liquids reduces the preparation time.
  • By adding acidic ingredients such as lemon and vinegar, the dish becomes firmer.
  • Do not use alcohol or garlic, as this can cause an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Only use vacuum bags that fit the size of the dish. If the vacuum bag is too large, it may leave too much air inside.
  • If you want to cook several foods in one vacuum bag, place them next to each other in the bag.
  • If you want to cook food in several bags at the same time, place the bags next to each other on the grid.
  • Cooking times depend on the thickness of the dish.
  • Keep the door closed during cooking. If you open the door, the cooking time increases and the result may be affected.
  • You can’t always copy the temperatures and preparation times from sous-vide recipes 1:1. Adjust these settings to your desired doneness.
  • If you work with a low temperature and a long cooking time, more water than usual can accumulate in the oven cavity. The result is not affected by this.
  • At high temperatures and/or a long cooking time, a water shortage may occur. Therefore, check the indication in the display from time to time.


  • To reduce the preparation time, you can vacuum seal food 1–2 days before cooking. Store the vacuumed food in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 5 °C. To preserve the quality and taste, the food should be prepared after 2 days at the latest.
  • Freeze liquids, such as marinas, before vacuuming so that the moisture cannot drain out of the vacuum bag.
  • Fold the edges of the vacuum bag outwards before filling. The sealing seam will then remain clean and good.
  • If you do not want to eat the food immediately after cooking, place it in ice water and let it dry completely. Then store the food at a temperature not exceeding 5 °C.

In this way, the quality and taste are preserved and the shelf life increases.

Exception: consume poultry immediately after cooking.

  • After preparation, cut open the vacuum bag on all sides so that you can easily access the food.
  • Sear meat and solid fish (such as salmon) very briefly over a high heat before serving. This allows fresh roasting aromas to develop.
  • With the liquid or marinade of vegetables, fish or meat you can prepare a sauce.
  • Serve the dish on preheated plates.

Using the Sous-Vide function

  * Rinse the food with cold water and pat it dry again.
  * Put the food in a vacuum bag and add any spices or liquid.
  * Vacuum seal the food with a vacuum sealer.
  * Place the glass dish on level 1.
  * For optimal cooking results, slide the rack into the appliance on level 2.
  * Place the vacuum-sealed food on the grid (if you have several bags, place them next to each other).
  * Choose Sous-vide .
  * If necessary, change the pre-programmed temperature.
  * Confirm with OK.
  * Carry out any further settings (see the “Operation” section).

‌Mogelijke oorzaken van een slecht eindresultaat

De vacuümzak is opengegaan:

  • De lasnaad was niet schoon of sterk genoeg en is losgegaan.
  • De zak is door een bot beschadigd.

Het voedingsmiddel heeft een onaange-   name bijsmaak of een vreemde smaak:

  • Het voedingsmiddel is niet goed be- waard, de koelketen is onderbroken.
  • Het voedingsmiddel bevatte al voor het vacumeren te veel bacteriën.
  • The ratio of the ingredients is not correct (for example, too many spices have been used).
  • The bag or the weld seam was not good.
  • The vacuum was inadequate.
  • The food is not eaten or refrigerated immediately after eating.

The times given in the tables are indicative values. We recommend that you first choose the shortest cooking time. You can extend the cooking time if necessary. The cooking time does not start until the set temperature is reached.





 [°C]


 [min]






Cod fillet, 2.5 cm thick

| |






Salmon fillet, 2–3 cm thick

| |






Monkfish fillet

| |






Pike-perch fillet, 2 cm thick

| |







Cauliflower florets, medium to large

| |






Hokkaido pumpkin, chopped

| |






Kohlrabi, sliced

| |






Asparagus, white, whole









Sweet potato, sliced

| |







Pineapple, cut into pieces



| |




Apples, sliced



| |




Baby bananas, whole

| | |




Peaches, halved



| |




Rhubarb, chopped

| | |




Plums, halved



| |





Beans, white, soaked in the ratio 1 : 2 (beans : moisture)

| |






Shrimps, peeled and without casings

| |






Chicken egg, whole

| | |




Scallops, loosened

| | |




Shallot, whole









 Temperature,  Cooking time





 [°C]


 [min]








Bake through*


Duck breast, whole

| |








Saddle of lamb with bone

| | |






Beef fillet steak, 4 cm thick

| | |






Beef steak (hip), 2.5 cm thick

| | |





Pork fillet, whole

| |








 Temperature,  Cooking time

  • Doneness

With the degree of doneness “well done”, the core temperature is higher than with “medium”. In the classical sense, the meat is not well done.

Warm up

Warm cabbages, such as kohlrabi and cauliflower, only in combination with a sauce. Without sauce, cabbage varieties often get an unpleasant aftertaste and a grey-brown colour when heated.

Foods with a short preparation time and foods where the doneness changes during heating (such as fish) are not suitable for heating.


Place the prepared foods in ice water for about 1 hour afterwards. The rapid cooling prevents the food from continuing to cook. This will maintain optimal doneness.

Then store the food in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 5 °C.

Keep in mind that the quality of food decreases the longer you store it.

We recommend that you do not store food in the refrigerator for more than 5 days before reheating it.


Sous-vide  Temperature: see table Time: see table

Warm up with the Sous-vide function

The times mentioned in the table are indicative values. Extend the time if necessary. The cooking time does not start until the set temperature is reached.



 [°C]


2 [min]






Saddle of lamb with bone







Beef fillet steak, 4 cm thick







Beef steak (hip), 2.5 cm thick






Pork fillet, whole








Cauliflower florets, medium to large3





Kohlrabi, sliced3






Ananas, in stukken






Bonen, wit, ingeweekt in de verhouding 1 : 2 (bonen : vocht)





Sjalot, heel





 temperatuur,  tijd

  1. Gaarheid

Bij de gaarheidsgraad “doorbakken” is de kerntemperatuur hoger dan bij “medium”. In de klas- sieke zin is het vlees niet doorbakken.

  1. De tijden gelden voor gevacumeerde levensmiddelen met een begintemperatuur van ca. 5 °C (koelkasttemperatuur).

  2. Alleen in saus opwarmen.

‌Verwarmen met stoom‌‌

Gebruik voor het opwarmen van sous- vide bereide gerechten de func-

tie Sous-vide  (zie het hoofdstuk “Sous-vide”, paragraaf “Opwarmen”).

Voedingsmiddelen kunnen in de stoom- oven behoedzaam worden verwarmd. Ze drogen niet uit en worden niet gaar- der. Het product wordt gelijkmatig ver- hit en hoeft niet te worden doorgeroerd.

‌U kunt bordmaaltijden (vlees, groente, aardappelen) net zo verwarmen als af- zonderlijke voedingsmiddelen.


‌Kleine hoeveelheden kunt u op een bord, grote hoeveelheden in een oven- pan verwarmen.


Het aantal borden of ovenpannen is niet van invloed op de tijd.

De in de tabel aangegeven tijd heeft be- trekking op een gemiddelde portie per bord. Verleng de tijd bij grotere hoeveel- heden.


  • Verwarm grote stukken (zoals braad- vlees) niet als geheel, maar in porties als bordmaaltijd.
  • Halveer compacte voedingsmiddelen, zoals gevulde paprika’s, een rollade of knoedels.
  • Verwarm sauzen apart. Uitzondering: levensmiddelen die in een saus wor- den bereid (zoals goulash).
  • Dek de levensmiddelen bij het ver- warmen af. Zo voorkomt u dat de stoom op het serviesgoed conden- seert.
  • ‌Gepaneerde levensmiddelen, zoals schnitzels, blijven niet krokant.

Gerechten verwarmen

  • Dek de te verwarmen gerechten af met een bord of een hitte- (tot

100 °C) en stoombestendige folie.

  • ‌Zet de gerechten op het rooster of in een ovenpan.


Verwarmen  | Stomen


Stomen 

Temperatuur: 100 °C Tijd: zie tabel

De in de tabel genoemde tijden zijn richtwaarden. Wij raden u aan om eerst de kortste bereidingstijd te kiezen. Verleng de tijd indien nodig.



* [min]



Wortels Bloemkool Koolrabi Bonen




Pasta Rijst



Aardappelen, in lengterichting gehalveerd






Vlees en gevogelte

Braadvlees, gesneden, 1,5 cm dik Rollade, in plakken gesneden Goulash







Kipschnitzel Kalkoenschnitzel




Visfilet, 2 cm dik



Visfilet, 3 cm dik




Spaghetti, tomatensaus



Gebraden varkensvlees, aardappelen, groente



Gevulde paprika (gehalveerd), rijst



Kippenragout, rijst











* [min]


Heldere soep






 Tijd

  • De tijden gelden voor levensmiddelen die op een bord worden verhit en die met een bord zijn afgedekt.

‌Ontdooien met stoom‌

De ontdooitijden in de stoomoven zijn aanzienlijk korter dan bij ontdooien op kamertemperatuur.

 Besmettingsgevaar door kiem- vorming.

Kiemen, zoals salmonella, kunnen leiden tot ernstige voedselvergifti- ging.

Let bij het ontdooien van vis en vlees (met name gevogelte) extra op de hy- giëne.

Gebruik het ontdooivocht niet. Verwerk de levensmiddelen direct na de doorwarmtijd.


De optimale ontdooitemperatuur is 60 °C.

‌Uitzonderingen: Gehakt en wild: 50 °C.

Voor en na het ontdooien

Verwijder voor het ontdooien de eventu- ele verpakking.

Uitzonderingen: ontdooi brood en ge- bak in de verpakking, omdat deze pro-

ducten anders vocht opnemen en zacht worden.

Laat de levensmiddelen na het ontdooi- en nog enkele minuten bij kamertempe- ratuur staan. Deze doorwarmtijd is no- dig zodat de warmte zich gelijkmatig kan verdelen (van buiten naar binnen).


Gebruik bij het ontdooien van druppe- lende levensmiddelen (zoals gevogelte) een ovenpan met gaatjes met daaron- der de opvang- of glazen schaal (afhan- kelijk van het model). De levensmidde- len liggen dan niet in het vrijkomende vocht.

‌Levensmiddelen die niet druppelen, kunt u in een ovenpan zonder gaatjes ontdooien.


  • Vis hoeft voor de bereiding niet hele- maal te worden ontdooid. Het is vol- doende als de buitenkant zacht ge- noeg is om de kruiden op te nemen. Afhankelijk van de dikte is 2–5 minu- ten voldoende.
  • Maak diepvriesproducten die aan el- kaar kleven (zoals bessen en stukken vlees) na de helft van de ontdooitijd los en verdeel ze zo goed mogelijk.
  • Vries eenmaal ontdooide producten niet weer in.
  • ‌Ontdooi ingevroren kant-en-klaarge- rechten volgens de aanwijzingen op de verpakking.


Ontdooien  | Stomen


Stomen 

Temperatuur: zie tabel Ontdooitijd: zie tabel Doorwarmtijd: zie tabel

De in de tabel genoemde tijden zijn richtwaarden. Wij raden u aan om eerst de kortste ontdooitijd te kiezen. Verleng de ontdooitijd indien nodig.





 [°C]


 [min]


 [min]



Kaas in plakken


125 g









250 g









250 g







Zachte kaas


100 g










250 g







Stukjes appel


250 g









500 g









300 g







Frambozen/rode bessen


300 g









150 g









500 g









250 g









250 g








Als blok ingevroren


300 g










400 g









500 g









300 g









300 g








Vlees, groente, bijgerecht/ eenpansgerecht/soep


480 g








Braadvlees, plakken


à 125–150 g









250 g







500 g











 [°C]


 [min]


 [min]




500 g







1000 g









250 g









500 g









1000 g







Schnitzel/karbonade/braad- worst


800 g










1000 g









150 g









500 g









500 g


















400 g
















Duits brood, gesneden


250 g







Volkorenbrood, gesneden


250 g







Witbrood, gesneden


150 g







 temperatuur,  ontdooitijd,  doorwarmtijd


Als u groente wilt invriezen, moet u de producten eerst blancheren. De kwali- teit van de voedingsmiddelen blijft dan tijdens de opslag in de vriezer beter.

Bij groentesoorten die voor verdere ver- werking geblancheerd worden, blijft de kleur beter behouden.

  • Doe de voorbereide groente in een ovenpan met gaatjes.
  • ‌Doe de groente na het blancheren in ijswater om snel af te koelen. Laat de groente daarna goed uitlekken.


Meer  | Blancheren


Stomen 

Temperatuur: 100 °C

Blancheertijd: 1 minuut

‌Koken menu – automatisch‌

Bij het automatisch koken van een me- nu kunt u maximaal 3 verschillende le- vensmiddelen in één menu combineren, bijv. vis met rijst en groente.

De levensmiddelen worden daarbij op verschillende tijdstippen in de oven- ruimte geplaatst, zodat ze tegelijkertijd gaar zijn.

U kunt de levensmiddelen in een wille- keurige volgorde kiezen. De stoomoven sorteert namelijk automatisch op berei- dingstijd en geeft aan wanneer welk le- vensmiddel in de oven moet worden geschoven.

De functies Einde om en Start om kun- nen bij Koken menu niet gekozen wor- den.

‌Speciale toepassing Koken menu ge- bruiken

  • Kies Meer  | Koken menu.

  • Kies en bevestig het gewenste le- vensmiddel.

Afhankelijk van het levensmiddel wordt gevraagd naar de grootte, het gewicht en de mate van gaarheid.

  • Kies en bevestig de gewenste waar- den.
  • Als u meer levensmiddelen wilt toe- voegen, kiest u Gerecht toevoegen en gaat u net zo te werk als bij het eerste levensmiddel.
  • Herhaal de procedure eventueel voor het derde levensmiddel.

Na de bevestiging van Koken menu starten wordt u gevraagd om het levens- middel met de langste bereidingstijd in de ovenruimte te schuiven.

  • Als u druppelende of kleur afgevende levensmiddelen in stoomovenpannen met gaatjes bereidt, schuif deze dan direct boven de opvangschaal of gla- zen schaal (afhankelijk van het model) in het apparaat. U voorkomt zo smaakbeïnvloeding en verkleuringen door druppelend vocht.

Na afloop van de opwarmfase geeft de stoomoven aan op welk tijdstip het vol- gende levensmiddel in de oven moet worden geschoven. Als dit tijdstip is be- reikt, hoort u een signaal.

Dit proces wordt eventueel herhaald voor het derde levensmiddel.

U kunt uiteraard ook een menu sa- menstellen van levensmiddelen die niet zijn genoemd. Meer informatie hierover vindt u in het hoofdstuk “Sto- men”, paragraaf “Koken menu – hand- matig”.


‌Gebruik alleen verse voedingsmiddelen, zonder lelijke en rotte plekken.


Gebruik alleen onbeschadigde, schone inmaakglazen en toebehoren. U kunt glazen met een twist-off-deksel gebrui- ken en glazen deksels met een rubbe- ren ring.

Gebruik alleen glazen die even groot zijn, zodat alles gelijkmatig wordt inge- maakt.

‌Reinig de rand van de glazen na het vul- len met een schone doek en heet water en sluit de glazen.


Selecteer het fruit zorgvuldig. Was het kort maar grondig en laat het goed uit- druppelen. Reinig bessen extra voor- zichtig. Bessen zijn zeer kwetsbaar en raken snel beschadigd.

Verwijder eventuele schillen, stelen, pit- ten, etc. Snijd groot fruit in kleinere stukken. Snijd appels bijvoorbeeld in partjes.

Als u grote steenvruchten met pit (prui- men, abrikozen) wilt inmaken, prik dan meermaals met een vork of houten prik- ker in de vruchten, omdat deze anders uiteenspatten.


Spoel groente af, reinig de groente en snijd deze fijn.

‌Blancheer groenten voor het inmaken, zodat de kleur behouden blijft (zie het hoofdstuk “Speciale toepassingen”, pa- ragraaf “Blancheren”).


Vul het glas losjes tot maximaal 3 cm onder de rand. De celwanden raken be- schadigd als u het voedingsmiddel erin drukt. Tik met het glas voorzichtig op een doek, zodat de inhoud beter wordt verdeeld. Vul de glazen met vocht op. Het product moet geheel bedekt zijn.

‌Gebruik voor fruit een suikeroplossing. Voor groenten kunt u een zout- of azijn- oplossing gebruiken.

Vlees en worst

Braad of kook het vlees voor het inma- ken bijna gaar. Gebruik voor het opvul- len van de glazen het braadvocht dat u met water kunt aanlengen of gebruik de bouillon waarin het vlees is gekookt. De rand van het glas moet vetvrij zijn.

Vul glazen met worst hooguit voor de helft, omdat de massa tijdens het inma- ken nog toeneemt.


  • Maak gebruik van de restwarmte van de oven en haal de glazen pas 30 mi- nuten na het uitschakelen uit de ovenruimte.
  • ‌Laat de glazen ca. 24 uur langzaam afkoelen, afgedekt met een doek.

Levensmiddelen inmaken

  • Schuif het rooster op niveau 1 in het apparaat.
  • ‌Zet de glazen op het rooster. De gla- zen mogen elkaar niet raken.


Meer  | Inmaken


Stomen 

Temperatuur: zie tabel Inmaaktijd: zie tabel

In te maken product


 [°C]


* [min]



Rode bessen










Rode bosbessen































































Rode biet
















 temperatuur,  inmaaktijd

  • De inmaaktijden gelden voor potten van 1,0 l. Voor potten van 0,5 l moet de inmaaktijd met 15 minuten worden verkort, voor potten van 0,25 l met 20 minuten.


In het apparaat kunt u ook serviesgoed en zuigflessen steriliseren. Na afloop van het programma zijn deze voor- werpen kiemvrij, zoals bij het bekende uitkoken. Controleer wel eerst of alle onderdelen (ook de speen) bestand zijn tegen temperaturen tot 100 °C en tegen stoom.

Haal zuigflessen helemaal uit elkaar. Zet de zuigflessen pas weer in elkaar als deze helemaal droog zijn. Alleen zo voorkomt u dat er opnieuw kiemvor- ming optreedt.

  • ‌Leg alle voorwerpen zo op het rooster of in een ovenpan met gaatjes dat deze elkaar niet raken (liggend of met de opening naar beneden). De hete stoom kan nu onbelemmerd alle voorwerpen bereiken.


Meer  | Steriliseren

Tijd: 1 minuut tot 10 uur of

Stomen 

Temperatuur: 100 °C

Tijd: 15 minuten

‌Gistdeeg laten rijzen‌

  • Bereid het deeg volgens het recept.
  • ‌Zet de onafgedekte schaal met deeg op het ingeschoven rooster.


Meer  | Gistdeeg laten rijzen

Tijd: zie recept of

Stomen  Temperatuur: 40 °C Tijd: zie recept

‌Vochtige handdoekjes verwar- men‌

  • Maak de handdoekjes vochtig en rol ze stevig op.
  • ‌Leg de handdoekjes naast elkaar in een ovenpan met gaatjes.


Automatic. Programmes  | Special |

Heating wet towels


Steaming 

Temperature: 70 °C

Preparation time: 2 minutes

Gelatin soaking or dissolving

  • Soak  leaf gelatin in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. The gelatin leaves should be completely covered by the water. Squeeze the gelatin sheets and empty the dish. Put the squeezed gelatin sheets back into the dish.
  • Put  gelatin powder in a bowl and add as much water as indicated on the package.
  • Cover the crockery and place it on the wire rack.


Automatic. Programmes  | Special | Melting latin


Steaming 

Temperature: 90 °C

Preparation time: 1 minute

Liquefaction honey

  • Open the lid slightly and place the pot in a steamer pan with holes.
  • Stir the honey once in between.

When liquefying (decrystallizing) honey at a temperature of 60 °C, the main goal is to make the honey spreadable again.


Automatic. Programmes  | Special | Liquefaction


Steaming 

Temperature: 60 °C

Time: 90 minutes (regardless of the size of the jar or the amount of honey in the jar)

Melting chocolate

You can melt all types of chocolate in the steam oven.

If using fat glaze, put it in the unopened package in a perforated oven pan.

  • Finely chop the chocolate.
  • Place larger amounts in a cavity-free oven pan and smaller amounts in a cup or dish.
  • Cover the oven pan or crockery with heat (up to 100 °C) and steam-resistant foil.
  • Stir larger amounts in between.


Automatic. Programmes  | Special |

Melting chocolate


Steaming 

Temperature: 65 °C

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Preparing yogurt

Milk is used for yoghurt preparation and yoghurt or yoghurt as a starting culture, e.g. from a re-form shop.

Use fresh yogurt with live cultures without additives. Pasteurized yogurt is not suitable.

The yogurt should be fresh. Do not store the yogurt for too long.

For the preparation of yogurt, unrefrigerated, long-life milk and fresh milk are suitable.

Long-life milk can be used without further handling. Fresh milk should first be heated to 90 °C (do not boil) and then cooled to 35 °C. If you use fresh milk, the yogurt will be slightly firmer than with long-life milk.

The yoghurt and the milk must have the same fat content.

Do not move or shake the glasses while solidifying.

After preparation, the yogurt should be cooled in the refrigerator.

The firmness, fat content and the yoghurt cultures used in the starter yoghurt influence the consistency of the homemade yoghurt. Not all yog hurts are equally suitable as starting yog hurts.

Tip: When using yogurt ferment, you can prepare the yogurt with a mixture

of milk and cream. Mix ³/₄ litres of milk with ¹/₄ litres of cream.

  • Stir 100 g yoghurt into 1 litre of milk or make the mixture with yoghurt ferment according to the instructions on the package.
  • Pour the milk mixture into glasses and seal the glasses.
  • Place the sealed glasses in an oven pan with holes or on the wire rack. The glasses should not touch each other.
  • Place the glasses in the refrigerator immediately after the preparation time has elapsed. Do not weigh the glasses unnecessarily.


Automatic. Programmes  | Special |

Preparing yogurt


Steaming 

Temperature: 40 °C

Time: 5:00 p.m.

Possible Causes of a Poor End Result

The yogurt is not firm enough:

The yoghurt starter has not been stored properly, the cold chain has been interrupted, the packaging has been damaged, the milk has not been sufficiently heated.

Moisture has been deposited:

The glasses have moved, the yogurt has not cooled down quickly enough.

The yogurt is grainy:

The milk was made too hot, the quality of the milk was not optimal, the milk and the starter yoghurt were not mixed properly.

Melting bacon

The bacon does not brown.

  • Put the bacon (in cubes, strips or slices) in an oven pan without holes.
  • Cover the oven pan with a heat (up to 100 °C) and steam-resistant foil.


Automatic. Programmes  | Special |

Melting bacon


Steaming 

Temperature: 100 °C

Preparation time: 4 minutes

Sautéing/stewing onions

In stewing, a food is prepared in its own juice, possibly with the addition of some fat (fruits).

  • Finely chop the onions and put the onions with some butter in an oven pan without holes.
  • Cover the oven pan with a heat (up to 100 °C) and steam-resistant foil.


Automatic. Programmes  | Special |

Sautéing onions


Steaming 

Temperature: 100 °C

Preparation time: 4 minutes

Preparing juice

You can make juice from soft and hard fruit in your steam oven.

Overripe fruit is the most suitable for this. The riper the fruit, the more juice and the more aromatic the juice.


Select and clean the fruit you want to juice and remove any damaged areas.

Remove the stems of wine grapes and sour cherries, as they contain bitter substances. The stems of berries do not need to be removed.

Cut large fruits, such as apples, into cubes of approx. 2 cm. The harder the fruit is, the smaller you should cut it.


  * For an even finer taste, mix sweet with less sweet fruit.
  * For most fruits, the amount of juice increases and the aroma improves when you add sugar. Mix the sugar into the fruit and let it soak for a few hours. Use 50–100 g of sugar for 1 kg of sweet fruit, 100–150 g for 1 kg of acidic fruit.
  * If you want to store the juice, put it hot in clean bottles and close them immediately.  

Juicing fruit

  • Put the prepared fruit in an oven pan with holes.
  • Slide a casserole pan without holes or the collection or glass dish (depending on the model) underneath to catch the moisture that is released.


Steaming 

Temperature: 100 °C

Time: 40–70 minutes

Peeling foodstuffs

  • Cut foods such as tomatoes, nectarines, etc. at the base of the stem (cross-shaped). This will make it easier for you to remove the sheet.
  • Put the food in an oven pan with holes.
  • Shock almonds immediately after cooking with cold water. Otherwise, you won’t be able to peel them.


Steaming  Temperature: 100 °C Time: see table



 [min]




















 Time

Preserving apples

You can make untreated apples last longer. The steam treatment reduces the formation of mould. When stored in a dry, cool, well-ventilated room, apples can be kept for 5 to 6 months. This can only be done with apples, not with other seeds.


Automatic. Programmes  | Fruit | Apples |



Steaming 

Temperature: 50 °C

Preservation time: 5 minutes

Eierstich (egg for soup)

  • Stir 6 eggs into 375ml milk (do not beat until foamy).
  • Season the egg/milk mixture and place it in a butter-smeared oven pan with no holes.


Steaming 

Temperature: 100 °C

Preparation time: 4 minutes

Operating Hours

Through More  | Operating hours, you can request the total number of hours of use of your steam oven.

You can defrost, heat and prepare food with the Quick Steam  function using a combination of steam and microwave. ‌

During the heating phase, the oven cavity is first heated to the set temperature using the steam oven function alone. Once this temperature is reached, the microwave also switches on, so that the steam and microwave functions are switched on during the entire cooking process.

As with steaming alone, the cooking time only starts when the set temperature is reached.

The combined Quick Steam  function has the advantage that dishes

  * require a shorter cooking time, because they cook faster than with the steam function alone,
  * do not overcook or dry out if you are only using the microwave function,
  * can be defrosted and heated in one go,
  * do not need to be stirred during cooking.

Defrosting and heating with the QuickSteam function


 [W]


 [min]


 [°C]




Heating a plate meal 1, 2

Pasta with tomato sauce, 400 g (ratio 5:3)








Deep board

Meatball with mashed potatoes and red cabbage, 450 g








Deep board

Defrosting and heating 1, 2

Frozen one-pot dishes/soups, 250 g









Frozen casseroles/soups, 500 g









 microwave power,  time,  temperature

1 Do not cover the dish.

2 Place the shelves on the glass dish on level 1.

Preparing potatoes in their skins (waxy)

  • Place the glass dish on level 1.
  • Place the washed potatoes next to each other in a perforated steam oven pan.


Automatic. Programmes  | Vegetables | Potatoes | Jacket potatoes | Waxy boiling

| … | Quick Steam


Quick Steam  Microwave power/temperature: 80 W + 100 °C Cooking time: see table

Potato size





 [min]


Small (40–60 g)


200 g (4 pcs)





600 g (12 pcs)





1,000 g (20 pcs)





Medium (90–110 g)


200 g (2 pcs)





600 g (6 pcs)





1,000 g (10 pcs)





Large (140–160 g)


300 g (2 pcs)





600 g (4 pcs)





900 g (6 pcs)





 level,  Preparation time

Cooking Rice

Rice wells during preparation and must therefore be prepared in liquid. Depending on the type of rice, the moisture absorption is different and so is the ratio of rice to moisture.

The rice absorbs the moisture completely during preparation, so that no nutrients are lost.

Steam oven pan

Use a steam oven pan without holes.


Wash the rice before cooking. Carefully drain the water again when washing the rice in the steamer pan.

Tip: You can determine the required amount of liquid with a scale or the

“cup method”.

For the “cup method”, first put the desired amount of rice in a cup and then put the rice in the steam oven pan. Then measure the required amount of liquid (see the table) with the cup and add it to the rice.

Make sure the rice is evenly distributed over the steamer pan.


Automatic programmes  | Rice | … | Quick Steam


Quick Steam  Microwave power/temperature: see table Cooking time: see table


Ratio of rice to moisture











Basmati rice


1 : 2











Parboiled rice


1 : 2











Milk rice


1 : 3











 level,  microwave power,  cooking time,  temperature

1 Add after cooking.

For defrosting and heating food, we generally recommend setting the following microwave powers:

 [W]






Very fragile foods: butter, cream and cream cake, cheese



All other foodstuffs





Baby, infant nutrition



Miscellaneous foodstuffs,

Frozen ready meals that don’t need to be browned





 microwave power

The time required for heating depends on the quality, quantity and initial temperature of the food. The times can be found in the tables on the following pages.


Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are largely preserved when frozen food is carefully thawed.

 Risk of contamination due to germ formation.

Germs such as salmonella can lead to severe food poisoning. When defrosting fish and meat (especially poultry), pay extra attention to hygiene.

Do not use the defrosting liquid. Process the food immediately after the heating time.


  * Allow the frozen product to thaw without packaging on the glass tray. For larger quantities, put the frozen food in microwave-safe crockery and place them on the glass dish.
  * Frozen ready meals can be defrosted and mixed at the same time. Please follow the instructions on the packaging.

Defrosting and defrosting frozen food

Use microwave-safe tableware.

  • Place the frozen food on the glass dish on level 1.
  • If necessary, cover the frozen food.
  • Select Defrost .
  • Choose Microwave and confirm with OK.
  • If necessary, change the pre-programmed microwave power and confirm this with OK.
  • If necessary, change the defrosting time and confirm it with OK.

Starts up lightly.

  • Start the process with the OK sensor button.
  • During defrosting:

Stir, turn or redistribute the food. Stir from the outer edge to the center, as the outer edge heats up faster.

The warm-through time is the resting time during which the heat is evenly distributed in the food.

  • After defrosting, leave the food at room temperature for a few minutes so that the temperature can spread more evenly.

Alternative settings

Microwave  Microwave power: see table Defrosting time: see table Reheating time: see table

Notes to the table

Observe the indicated power ratings, times and warm-up times. The properties, quantity and initial temperature of the products have been taken into account.

Choosing times

  • Basically, choose the mean time.

Defrosting with the microwave function

Frozen products










Stirring/ inverting/ rearranging




Dairy products



250 ml









5 minutes





250 g








Halfway through the delivery time



Slices of cheese


250 g







Scattering slices of cheese



3 minutes





500 ml








2 times after 7 minutes




Sand cake (1 piece)


100 g










Sand cake (1 piece)


300 g








Halfway through the delivery time



Fruit cake (3 pieces)


3 x 100 g









5 minutes



Butter cake (3 pieces)


3 x 100 g








Halfway through the delivery time



Cream cake / cream cake

(1 piece)


100 g










Cream cake / cream cake

(3 pieces)


3 x 100 g








Halfway through the delivery time



Sandwiches (4 pieces)


4 x approximately.

feather 50 g








Halfway through the delivery time




Strawberries, raspberries


150 g








Halfway through the delivery time



Frozen products










Stirring/ inverting/ rearranging




Red currants


250 g








Halfway through the delivery time





500 g








Halfway through the delivery time




Minced beef


500 g



+ 80



+ 17–19




2 times each after 10 minutes





1000 g








Every 10 minutes






250 g








Halfway through the delivery time





250 g









5 minutes





500 g








2 times each after 5 minutes



Red cabbage (por- tions)


500 g








2 times each after 5 minutes



Spinach (in portions)


300 g








2 times each after 5 minutes



 microwave power,  defrost time,  heating time

Risk of injury from hot liquids.

During cooking and especially when rinsing liquids in the Microwave  function, the boiling point can be reached without the typical air bubbles rising. The liquid will not boil evenly. You can burn yourself on the hot liquid if it suddenly bubbles and boils over when taken out of the oven. In the worst-case scenario, the pressure can even be so strong that the door opens on its own.

Stir the liquid before heating/cooking.

After heating, wait at least 20 seconds before removing the glass from the oven.

You can also put a glass rod or a spoon in the glass during preparation.


Be sure to observe the chapter “Safety instructions and warnings”, section “Correct use”.

 Risk of injury from hot food.

If you heat baby and toddler food too much, the children can get burned.

Heat baby and toddler food at 450 watts for up to 60–70 seconds.

Stir the food well after heating, especially for baby and toddler food, or shake it and then taste it briefly to prevent the children from getting burned.

 Risk of injury due to overpressure in sealed jars and bottles.

If you heat closed jars or bottles, pressure builds up. The object may explode as a result. Therefore, never heat food or liquids in sealed jars or bottles. Open the jars beforehand and remove the cap and teat from baby bottles first.


  • Always use a lid, except when heating beverages and pa- neered products.
  • Please note that it takes longer to heat food with an initial temperature of approx. 5 °C (refrigerator temperature) than to heat food at room temperature.
  • If you are unsure whether the food is warm enough, set a time again.
  • Frozen ready meals can be defrosted and mixed at the same time. Please follow the instructions on the packaging.

Heating dishes

Use microwave-safe tableware.

  • Place the food to be heated on the glass dish on level 1.
  • Cover the dishes if necessary.
  • Select Heat .
  • Choose Microwave and confirm with OK.
  • If necessary, change the pre-programmed microwave power and confirm this with OK.
  • If necessary, change the time and confirm with OK.

Starts up lightly.

  • Start the process with the OK sensor button.
  • During heating:

Stir, turn or divide the dishes again. Stir from the outer rim towards the center, as the outer rim heats up faster.

 Risk of scalding from hot surfaces.

The steam oven gets hot when in use. You can burn yourself on the oven cavity, guide rails and accessories. Water droplets may form at the bottom of the tableware.

Wear oven mitts when working in the cavity or removing dishes from the oven.

The warm-through time is the resting time during which the heat is evenly distributed in the food.

  • Leave the food at room temperature for a few minutes so that the heat can spread evenly.

Alternative settings

Microwave  Microwave power: see table Time: see table

Heating time: see table

Notes to the table

Observe the indicated power ratings, times and warm-up times. The properties, quantity and initial temperature of the products have been taken into account.

Choosing times

  • Basically, choose the mean time.

Heating with the microwave function











Stirring/ inverting/ rearranging





Coffee, drinking temperature 60–65 °C


1 cup

(200 ml)







before heating



Milk, drinking temperature 60–65 °C


1 cup/ pan (200 ml)







before heating



Bring water to a boil


1 cup

(125 ml)







before heating



Baby bottle (milk)


about 200 ml








before consumption



Mulled wine, toddy drinking temperature 60–65 °C


1 cup/ pan (200 ml)







before heating




Infant nutrition (room temperature)


1 jar

(190 g)








before consumption



Chops, roasts


200 g








Halfway through the delivery time



Fish fillet, fried


200 g








Halfway through the delivery time



Meat with gravy


200 g








Halfway through the delivery time



Side dishes


250 g








Halfway through the delivery time





250 g








Mid-term delivery time and pre-consumption













Stirring/ inverting/ rearranging




Meat gravy


250 g








Mid-term delivery time and pre-consumption



Soup/one-pot straight


250 g








Mid-term delivery time and pre-consumption



500 g








Mid-term delivery time and pre-consumption



 microwave power,  time,  heating time

1. Prevent the liquid from bubbling and boiling over by stirring it before mixing. After heating, wait at least 20 seconds before removing the cup/glass/beaker from the oven. You can also put a glass rod or a spoon in the cup/glass/cup while heating.

2. The times apply to foodstuffs with an initial temperature of approx. 5 °C. For food that is not normally stored in the refrigerator, we assume a room temperature of approx. 20 °C. Heat food (except baby food and unbound sauces) at a temperature of 70–75 °C.

With the many automatic programs, you get an optimal preparation result in a comfortable and safe way. ‌‌‌


The  automatic programmes are sorted according to category for a better overview. Simply select the right programme for your dish and follow the instructions in the display. ‌

Using Automatic Programs

  • Choose Auto Automation. Programs . The drop-down list appears.
  • Choose the desired category (e.g. Fish).

The automatic programs belonging to the category appear.

  • Select the desired automatic program.
  • Follow the instructions in the display.

Tip: Depending on the preparation, you can use  Info to call up information on how to position the right, for example.

Directions for use

  * After cooking, allow the oven cavity to cool down to room temperature before starting an automatic programme.
  * The weight indications refer to the weight per piece. So you can prepare one slice of salmon of 250 g each, but also ten slices of 250 g at a time.
  * The doneness can be read on a bar with seven segments. You can set the desired doneness via the navigation section.
  * In the Rice category, in addition to the programmes for long-grain and round-grain rice, you can also choose General. Use this automatic program if you want to prepare long-grain or round-grain rice varieties that do not have their own automatic program.
  * Some automatic programs allow you to change the start or end time via Start om or End om.
  * Under Show preparation steps in the menu, you will find the individual steps of the automatic program. Some automatic programs also have Show Actions in the menu. Necessary actions, such as putting the dish in the oven or adding ingredients, can be called up with this menu item. During the preparation, you can adjust the actions via

 Display info.

  * If you slide the food into the hot oven space, be careful when opening the door. Hot steam may be released. Stand back and wait for the steam to evaporate. Be careful not to come into contact with the hot steam or the hot walls of the oven cavity. You can burn yourself.
  * If a dish is not fully cooked after an automatic program, choose Cook.
  * Automatic programs can also be saved as Custom programs. To do this, select the sen-sor button  at the end of an automatic programme.

You can create and save up to 20 of your own programs. ‌

  * You can combine up to 9 preparation steps to record the preparation of your favourite recipes or frequently used recipes. For each cooking step, you can select settings such as a function, temperature and preparation time.
  * Finally, you can enter a program name for your recipe.

If you recall and start your program again, it will run automatically.

Other possibilities for creating your own programmes:

  * Afterwards, save an automatic program or a special application as your own program.
  * Afterwards, save a preparation with the set cooking time.

Next, enter a program name.

Compose your own programmes

  • Select Custom Programs .
  • Choose Compose Program.

You can now set the settings for the first cooking step.

Follow the instructions in the display:

  • Choose and confirm the desired settings.
  • Choose Exit Preparation Step.

All settings for the first step of operation have been recorded.

You can add even more cooking steps, for example because you want to use another function after the first function.

If you want to check the settings or change them afterwards, select the current cooking step.

  • If more preparation steps are required, choose Add cooking step and proceed as described in the 1st cooking step.
    • Once you’ve recorded all the cooking steps, choose Save.
    • Enter the program name.
    • Select .

The display will show you the confirmation that your program name has been saved.

  * Confirm with OK.

You can start the saved program with one or on a delayed basis, or change the action steps.

Starting your own programs

  • Place the dish in the oven.
  • Select Custom Programs .
  • Choose the program you want.
  • Choose Run.

Depending on the programme settings, the following menu items appear:

  * Start now

The program will start immediately. The oven heating is switched on immediately.

  * End at

Specifies the time at which the program should end. At that time, the oven heating will automatically turn off.

  * Start at

Specifies the time at which the program should start. At that time, the oven heating will automatically turn on.

  * View preparation steps

A summary of your settings will appear.

  • Select the desired menu item.

The program starts immediately or at the set time.

  • Select the  button when the programme is finished.

Changing Cooking Steps

You cannot change the cooking steps of automatic programs that you have saved under your own name.

  • Select Custom Programs .
  • Choose the program you want to change.
  • Choose Change Program.
  • Choose the cooking step you want to change or Add cooking step to add a cooking step.
  • Choose and confirm the desired settings.
  • If you want to start the changed program without changing it, choose Start Program.
  • Once you’ve changed all the settings, choose Save.

The display will show you the confirmation that your program name has been saved.

  • Confirm with OK.

The saved program has been changed and you can start it immediately or on a delayed basis.


  • Select Custom Programs .
  • Choose the program you want to change.
  • Choose Rename.
  • Change the program name.
  • Select .

The display will show you the confirmation that your program name has been saved.

  • Confirm with OK.

The name of the program has been changed.

Deleting your own programs

  • Select Custom Programs .
  • Choose the program you want to erase.
  • Choose Clear Program.
  • Confirm the question with Yes. The program has been cleared.

With More  | Settings  | Factory Reset | Own programs, you can delete all your own programs at the same time.

Test dishes according to EN 60350-1 (Steaming  function)

Testing dish


Oven pans


Quantity [g]





 [°C]


 [min]


Steam supply

Broccoli (8.1)


1x DGGL 1/2-40 L









Steam distribution

Broccoli (8.2)


2x DGGL 1/2-40 L









Device Capacity

Peas (8.3)


4x DGGL 1/2-40 L


875 each


No. 2, 4,4





 level(s),  temperature,  cooking time

  1. Slide the collection or glass tray (depending on the model) into the appliance on level 1.

  2. Place the test dish in the cold oven (before the reheating phase begins).

  3. Place 2x DGGL 1/2-40 L in a row on the level.

  4. Always place 2x DGGL 1/2-40 L in a row on the levels.

  5. The test is finished when the temperature at the coldest place is 85 °C.

Test Dishes MenuCooking 1 (Steaming Function )

Testing dish


Oven pans


Quantity [g]




 [°C]


Height [cm]


 [min]


Potatoes, solid, cut into 4 pieces3


1/2 DGGL 40 L










Salmon fillet, frozen, not thawed


1/2 DGGL 40 L


4 x 150






< 2.5

≥ 2.5 ≤ 3.2






Broccoli florets


1/2 DGGL 40 L










 level,  temperature,  cooking time

  1. Preparation see chapter “Steaming”, section “Cooking menu – manual”.

  2. Place the glass dish on level 1.

  3. Slide the first test dish (potatoes) into the cold oven (before the reheating phase begins).

Test dishes according to EN 60705 (QuickSteam function 1)

Testing dish
















Egg cream, 1000 g













Crockery: see description and Annex B, top dimensions

250 x 250 mm, uncovered

Sand pie, 475 g













Tableware: see description and Annex B, outer diameter top 220 mm, prepared uncovered

 level,  microwave power,  temperature,  defrosting or cooking time,  heating time

  1. Combined function of steaming and microwave.

  2. Use the glass bowl as a surface.

  3. Place the test dish in the cold oven (before the reheating phase begins).

  4. Leave the test dish at room temperature. During this time, the temperature in the product is distributed more evenly.

Test dishes according to EN 60705 (Microwave function )

Testing dish




 [W]


 [min]



 [min]




Egg cream, 1000 g











Crockery: see description and Annex B, top dimensions

250 x 250 mm, uncovered

Sand pie, 475 g






+ 300



+ 10–10:30




Tableware: see description and Annex B, outer diameter top 220 mm, prepared uncovered

Minced meat, 900 g






+ 450



+ 18–19




Crockery: see description and Annex B, top dimensions

250 x 124 mm, uncovered, place crockery transversely in the cavity

Defrosting meat (minced beef), 500 g (13.3)





+ 80



+ 17–19




Crockery: see description 13.3.2 and Annex B, defrost uncovered, turn after half the time

Raspberries, 250 g (A.3.2)










Container: see description A.3.2.2, defrost uncovered

 level,  microwave power,  defrosting or cooking time,  reheating time

  1. Use the glass bowl as a surface.

  2. Leave the test dish at room temperature. During this time, the temperature in the food is distributed more evenly.

Serious contamination can result in damage to the steam oven. ‌

Clean the cavity, the inside of the door and the door seal as soon as they have cooled down. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to remove the contaminants. Sometimes that doesn’t work at all.

If a faulty steam oven is switched on, microwaves may be released that can be dangerous for the user.

Check if the door and the door seal are damaged. In the event of damage, do not use the microwave function! Have the appliance repaired by Miele first.

 Risk of injury due to hot surfaces.

The steam oven gets hot when in use. You can burn yourself on the oven cavity, guide rails and accessories.

Allow the cavity, guide rails, and accessories to cool down before cleaning.

 Risk of injury due to electric shock.

The steam from a steam cleaner can get into parts that are under voltage and cause a short lock.

Never use a steam cleaner for cleaning.

All surfaces may discolour or change if you use unsuitable cleaning agents. All surfaces are sensitive to scratches. Scratches on glass surfaces can result in glass breakage.

Only use detergents for normal household use for cleaning.

Remove any residue from cleaning agents immediately.

Do not use detergents or detergents containing aliphatic hydrocarbons. This can cause the seals to swell.

  * Clean and dry the steam oven and its accessories after each use.
  * Do not close the door until the cavity is completely dry.

Tip: If you do not use the appliance for a longer period of time, clean it

thoroughly again to prevent odours, etc. After that, leave the door open.

Unsuitable cleaning agents

To avoid damage to the surfaces, the following products must not be used:

  • Detergents containing soda, ammonia, acid and chloride
  • Lime-dissolving cleaners
  • abrasive cleaning agents (such as scouring powder, liquid abrasives and polishing stone)
  • Solvent-based cleaning agents
  • Cleaners for stainless steel
  • Detergents for dishwashers
  • Glass cleaners
  • Cleaners for ceramic hobs
  • abrasive hard brushes and sponges (such as pan sponges and used sponges that still contain residues of abrasives)
  • stain sponges
  • Sharp Metal Scrapers
  • Steel wool
  • Stainless Steel Spiral Sponges
  • Spot cleaning with mechanical cleaning agents
  • Oven cleaners and sprays

Front cleaning

  * Clean the front with a clean sponge cloth, dish soap, and warm water.
  * Then dry the front with a soft cloth.  

Tip: You can also use a clean, damp microfibre cloth without detergent for


Cleaning the cavity

Clean and dry the oven cavity, door seal, the inside of the door and the drip tray after each use.

  * Remove:
  • condense with a sponge or sponge cloth,

  • Light grease residue with a clean sponge cloth, washing-up liquid and warm water.

  • Wipe the surfaces with clean water after each cleaning until all detergent residues have been removed.

  • Then wipe the surfaces dry with a soft cloth.

Automatic door opener cleaning

The door opener must not be contaminated.

  • Remove contaminants on the door opener  immediately with a clean sponge cloth, washing-up liquid and warm water.
  • Wipe the surfaces with clean water after each cleaning until all detergent residues have been removed.

Cleaning the water tank

  • Remove the water tank after each steam preparation.
  • Remove the overflow protection.
  • Empty the water tank.
  • Rinse the water tank by hand. Then dry it to prevent limescale deposits.
  • Place the overflow protection back on the water tank. Make sure that the overflow protection clicks into place properly. ‌

Cleaning Accessories

All accessories are dishwasher safe.

Cleaning the glass dish, rack and oven pans

  • Rinse the glass dish, wire rack, and oven pans after each use. Then dry the parts again.
  • Blue discoloration on the oven pans can be removed with vinegar.

Then rinse the oven pans with clean water.

Cleaning Guide Rails Maintenance

The guide rails are dishwasher safe.

The End Around and Start om functions are not offered with the maintenance programs.

  • Pull the front guide rails out of the fastener (1.) and remove the rails (2.).
  • Clean the guide rails in the dishwasher or with a clean sponge cloth, washing-up liquid and warm water.

Descaling the steam oven

Installation takes place in reverse order.

  • Carefully reinstall the guide rails.

If you do not place the guide rails correctly, the anti-tipping and pull-out protection will not work properly.

The guide rails are in plastic bushings. Check the buses for damages.

If the bushings are damaged, do not use any functions with the machine until the part has been replaced.

If the descaling agent gets on metal parts, stains may occur.

Wipe off any spilled descaling agent immediately.

We recommend that you use the Miele descaling tablets before descaling (see “Accessories to be ordered”). These have been specially developed for Miele products for an optimal descaling process. Other descaling agents containing not only citric acid but also other acids and/or other undesirable substances, e.g. chlorides, may damage the product. In addition, if the descaling solution is incorrectly concentrated, the desired effect cannot be guaranteed.

The steam cooker must be descaled after a certain period of use. When the time for descaling has been reached, the remaining number of items appears in the display. Only preparations with steam are counted. After the last preparation with steam, the steam oven is blocked.

We recommend descaling the appliance before it is blocked.

During the descaling program, rinse the water tank and fill it with fresh water.

  • Turn on the steam oven and choose

More  | Maintenance | Descale.

The message Please wait a while appears in the display. Descaling is being prepared. This may take a few minutes. When the preparation is complete, you will be asked to fill the water tank.

  • Fill the water tank up to the barrier  with lukewarm water and add

2 Miele descaling tablets.

  • Wait until the descaling tablets have dissolved.
  • Slide in the water tank.
  • Confirm with OK.

The remaining time will appear. Descaling begins.

Do not switch off the appliance before the end of the descaling programme, otherwise you will have to repeat the programme completely.

During the programme, rinse the water tank twice and fill it with fresh water.

  • Follow the instructions in the display. At the end of the remaining time,

Stop and you will hear a signal.

  • Turn off the steam oven.
  • Remove the water tank and remove the overflow protection.
  • Empty the water tank and dry it.
  • Allow the oven cavity to cool.
  • Then dry the oven cavity.
  • Do not close the door until the cavity is completely dry. ‌


You can soak in heavy dirt with this maintenance program.

  • Allow the oven cavity to cool.
  • Remove all accessories from the cavity.
  • Remove coarse dirt with a cloth.
  • Molar More  | Maintenance | Soaking. Soaking takes about 10 minutes.

Most of the malfunctions and problems that can occur in daily use can be solved by yourself. This not only saves you time, but also costs, because you don’t have to call in Miele. ‌

On www.miele.com/service you will find information on how to solve malfunctions yourself.

The following tables will help you identify the causes of a problem and fix it. ‌

Messages in the indications/display



Cause and solution




A technical malfunction has occurred.

  • Switch off the steam oven and turn it on again after a few minutes.

  • If the error message is still displayed, please contact Miele.

A message appears in the display that is not mentioned in this table.


There has been a malfunction in the electronics.

  • Disconnect the power supply to the steamers for approx. 1 minute.

  • If the problem has not been solved after the power supply has been restored, please contact Miele.

Unusual behavior



Cause and solution


The cavity does not get hot.


The demo feature has been activated.

The steam cooker can be operated, but the heating of the oven cavity does not work.

  • Deactivate the demo function (see chapter “Settings”, section “Trader”).

The oven cavity has become warm due to the use of a warming drawer.

  • Open the door and allow the oven cavity to cool.

After a move, the steam oven no longer switches from the heating to the preparation phase.


The boiling point of the water has changed, as the difference in altitude between the old and the new location is more than 300 meters.

  • To adjust the boiling point, you must carry out a descaling programme (see the section “Cleaning and maintenance”, section “Maintenance”).

When cooking, an unusual amount of steam is released or on different plates than usual.


The door is not closed properly.

  • Close the door.

The door seal is not in place.

  • Press the gasket in such a way that it fits snugly everywhere.

The door seal is damaged.

The gasket needs to be replaced.

  • Have the door seal replaced by Miele.

  • Do not use the microwave function until the part has been replaced.

The Start at functions

and End to do not appear in the display.


The temperature in the oven cavity is too high, for example after cooking.

  • Open the door and allow the oven cavity to cool.

These functions are generally not offered with the maintenance programs.



Cause and solution


The sensor buttons do not respond.


You have the Display | QuickTouch | Chosen. As a result, the sensor buttons do not respond when the steam oven is switched off.

  • As soon as you switch on the steam oven, the sensor buttons respond. If you want the sensor buttons to respond even when the steam oven is switched off, select the Display | QuickTouch | On.

The steam oven is not connected to the mains.

  • Check that the power source of the steam oven is plugged in.

  • Check that the fuse of the electrical installation has blown. Contact an electrician or Miele.

There is a problem with the controls.

  • Touch the On/Off button  until the display turns off and the steam oven is restarted.




Cause and solution


During use and after switching off the steam oven, a (humming) sound can be heard.


This noise does not indicate a malfunction or a defect. It is created by pumping up and unloading the water.

After turning off the oven, you will hear another fan noise.


The fan has an after-run time.

The oven has a fan that drains the vapours from the oven cavity. If you switch off the appliance, the fan will continue to run for some time. The fan will automatically turn off after some time.

When the preparation continues, a flurry sound can be heard.


After closing the door, the differential pressure is equalized. This may cause a whistling sound. This noise is normal and therefore there is no defect.

Unsatisfactory result



Cause and solution


At the end of the set time, the microwave  function is not sufficiently hot or cooked.


After interrupted cooking, the microwave oven is not switched on again.

  • Start cooking again until the dish is sufficiently warm or cooked.

A time that is too short is set for cooking or heating with the microwave.

  • Check that the correct time has been selected for the microwave oven setting. The lower the power, the longer the cooking time.

If the oven cavity is not sufficiently loaded, the steam oven automatically reduces the power to the level appropriate to the load for safety reasons. The originally set power remains in the display.

  • Start cooking again with a lower microwave power until the dishes are sufficiently warm or cooked.

After heating or cooking with the Microwave  function, the food cools down too quickly.


The heat always originates first on the outside of the dish and then moves to the middle. If dishes are heated with a higher power, they may already be warm on the outside, but not yet on the inside. Due to the subsequent temperature setting, the food becomes warmer inside and colder on the outside.

  • Therefore, heat dishes that consist of different ingredients, such as a menu, at a slightly lower power for a slightly longer period of time.

The popcorn was not properly popped (less than half) using the Popcorn  function.


The oven cavity was too hot and/or too humid.

  • Allow the oven space to cool down and/or dry the oven space with a cloth.

The preparation time was too short.

  • Change the default set time. You can set a processing time of up to 4 minutes (see “Settings” section, “Popcorn”).

General problems or technical glitches



Cause and solution


You cannot switch on the steam oven.


The fuse has responded.

  • Activate the fuse (minimum strength: see type plate).

There may be a technical malfunction.

  • De-energize the device for approx. 1 minute. Here’s how:

    • switch off the switch of the relevant seal/turn the fuse completely off or

    • Switch off the RCD.

  • After that, turn everything back on. If you are still unable to use the steamers, contact an electrician or Miele.

The oven lighting does not work.


The bulb is defective.

  • If the bulb needs to be replaced, contact Miele.

After prolonged use of the oven function “Microwave “, the oven cavity is very damp.


An ordinary microwave oven is an “open” system, from which moisture can be released. Your steam oven with microwave is also a full-fledged steam oven. That’s why the oven cavity is steam-proof. The steam-tight cooking space creates contact on the side walls and the inside of the door during prolonged repairs with the “Microwave ” oven function. The amount of condensation depends on the cooking time and the moisture content of the food in question.

Miele offers a wide range of accessories especially for your equipment, as well as cleaning and maintenance products. ‌

You can easily order these products via the webshop.

The products are also available from Miele (see the end of these operating instructions) and from your Miele retailer.


Miele offers a wide range of cookware. This cookware is perfectly matched to Miele appliances in terms of function and size. Detailed information on the individual products can be found on the Miele website.

The oven pans are  not suitable for use with the Magne-tron  function.

  • Oven pans with holes in different sizes
  • Oven pans without holes in different sizes

Cleaning and maintenance products

  • Descaling tablets (6 pieces)
  • Universal microfiber cloth

For removing fingerprints and light stains


The rack is  not suitable for use with the Microwave  function.

  • Grate
  • Glass bowl

On www.miele.com/service you will find information on how to repair faults yourself and on Miele parts. ‌

Contact in the event of malfunctions

If you are unable to remedy any faults yourself, please notify your Miele dealer or Miele.


The warranty period for this device is 2 years.

For more information see the attached warranty conditions.

You can book a visit from a technician online at www.miele.com/service.

The contact details of Miele’s customer contact department can be found at the end of this document.

Miele requires the type designation and serial number (Manufacturer/SN/No.). Both the data can be found on the type plate.

This information can be found on the type plate located behind the door on the front section.

Safety instructions for installation

 Damage caused by improper installation.

Improper installation can damage the steam oven.

Only have the steam cooker installed by a qualified specialist.

 The connection data (voltage and frequency) on the rating plate of the steam cooker must correspond to the values of the mains in order to prevent damage to the steam cooker.

Compare these details before connecting. If in doubt, consult an electrician.

 A multi-socket outlet or extension cable cannot ensure safe use of the appliance (risk of fire). Do not connect the steam oven to the power supply.

 Make sure that the socket is easily accessible after the steam oven has been installed.

 The appliance must be positioned in such a way that the user can see the contents of the oven pans on the upper level. This is the only way to prevent injuries caused by overflowing hot dishes.

Installation dimensions

All sizes are indicated in mm. ‌

There should not be a back wall of a cabinet behind the recess.

Installation in a tall cabinet

There should not be a back wall of a cabinet behind the recess.

Installation in a base cabinet

If you want to install the steam cooker under an electric hob or induction hob, pay attention to the instructions for installing the hob and the installation height of the hob.


A Glass front: 22 mm Metal front: 23.3 mm

Connection and ventilation

a Front view

b Connection cable, length = 2,000 mm

c Ventilation opening min. 180 cm2

d No connection in this section

Installing a steam oven

  • Connect the mains voltage connection cable to the steam oven.

Damage due to improper transport. The door may be damaged if you use the door handle to carry the steam oven.

For carrying, use the handles on the side of the case.

The steam oven must be level so that the steam generator can function without any problems.

The deviation may not exceed 2°.

  • Slide the steam oven into the kitchen cupboard and adjust the oven.

The connecting cable must not be pinched or damaged.

  • Open the door.

  • Attach the steam oven to the side walls of the cabinet using the supplied wood screws (3.5 x 25 mm).

  • Connect the steam oven to the electricity mains.

  • Check all the functions of the device according to the operating instructions.

Electrical connection

The steam oven is standard equipped with a connection cable with plug for connection to an earthed socket.

Position the steam oven in such a way that the socket is easily accessible. If the socket is not easily accessible, make sure there is an isolating switch for each pole.

 Risk of fire due to overheating. Using the steam oven via distribution plugs and extension cords may result in overloading of the cables.

For safety reasons, do not use distribution plugs and extension cables.

The electrical installation must be carried out in accordance with VDE 0100.

For safety reasons, we recommend using a residual current device (RCD) of the ty-pe  in the home installation in which you install the steam oven.

A damaged connection cable may only be replaced by a special connection cable of the same type (available from Miele). For safety reasons, only a Miele- authorised specialist or a Miele technician may replace the cable.

The rating plate and these operating instructions contain information on the nominal consumption and the corresponding consumption. Compare this information with the data of the electrical connection on site.

If in doubt, consult an electrician.

Temporary or continuous use of an autonomous or non-grid-synchronous energy supply (such as microgrids, back-up systems) is possible. The prerequisite for use is that the energy supply complies with the provisions of EN 50160 or a similar standard.

The safety devices of the home installation and this Miele product must also work when a microgrid or a non-grid-synchronous energy supply is used, or the safety devices in the energy supply must be replaced by equivalent devices.

This steam oven with microwave meets the requirements of the European standard EN 55011. The product is classified in Group 2, Class B. Group 2 means that the apparatus generates high-frequency energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, which is used to heat food. Class B means that the appliance is suitable for domestic use.

Miele hereby declares that this steam cooker complies with Directive 2014/53/EU. ‌

You can find the full text of this EU declaration of conformity at the following internet addresses:

Frequency band 2.4000 GHz – of the Wi-Fi module – 2.4835 GHz le

Maximum transmission power of the Wi-Fi module

< 100 mW

To operate and control the communication module, Miele uses proprietary or third-party software that is not subject to an open-source licence requirement. These software/software components are protected by copyright. The copyrights of Miele and third parties must be observed. ‌

In addition, this communication module contains software components that are distributed under open-source license terms. You can access these open-source components and the corresponding references to copyright rights, copies of the relevant license terms and possibly other information locally by IP via a web browser (https:/// Licenses). The liability and warranty rules described there in the open-source licensing terms and conditions apply only to the respective rightholders.

[Schedule a service appointment yourself now via

](http://www.miele.nl/)www.miele.nl. Quick and easy.

Visit the Miele online shop on www.miele.nl for a

complete overview of all accessories, accessories and cleaning and care products for your Miele appliance.

You can also call our Customer Relations Department, which can be reached on telephone number (0347) 37 88 88.

Miele Nederland B.V. P.O. Box 166


(0347) 37 88 88

Visit the Miele Experience Center: The Limit 2


nv Miele Belgium

Z.5 Mollem 480

1730 Mollem (Asse)

Home repairs and other information: 02/451.16.16 E-mail: contact@miele-support.be

Internet: www.miele.be

Make an appointment at the Miele Experience Center in Brussels, Mollem,

Antwerp or Hasselt

Germany – Miele & Cie. KG, Carl-Miele-Straße 29, 33332 Gütersloh

Product Specifications:

  • Product Name: Stoomoven met magnetron
  • Model Number: M.-Nr. 11 264 510
  • Language: nl-NL, BE
  • LED-binnenverlichting
  • Automatische deuropener voor stoomreductie
  • 4 niveaus geleiderails
  • Waterreservoir met afneembare overloopbeveiliging
  • Temperatuurvoeler
  • Frontlijst met typeplaatje

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How do I prevent injury while using the stoomoven?

Avoid direct contact with hot surfaces and steam. Follow safety instructions provided in the manual.

Can I use plastic dishes in the microwave function?

Only use microwave-safe dishes to prevent damage or melting of plastic items.


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