SleepPro Contour Stop Snoring Mouthpiece User Manual

June 1, 2024

SleepPro Contour Stop Snoring Mouthpiece

SleepPro Contour Stop Snoring Mouthpiece


Please read these instructions carefully before fitting your SleepPro

The SleepPro Contour is the latest addition to the SleepPro range of Mandibular Advancement Devices. In response to requests from doctors and patients, the SleepPro Contour has been designed with comfort, fi t and adjustability in mind.
The SleepPro Contour treats snoring and sleep apnoea in adults, under medical advice. It is compliant with EU Directive 93/42/EEC for Class1 Medical Device and registered with the MHRA under No CA012536.

Conditions suitable for the SleepPro Contour

  • Primary snoring

  • Mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea in adults, under the
    advice of a medical professional

  • CPAP intolerance

  • Intermittent use by patients unable to use CPAP when travelling under the guidance and advice of their medical professional


You should seek advice from your medical professional before fitting this device if you have any of the following:

  • TMJ dysfunction
  • Mobile teeth or crowns, periodontitis, large gaps between teeth
  • Over sensitive gag reflex
  • Central sleep apnoea
  • Limited mandibular advancement

Unique features

  • Ergonomic trays to fi t upper and lower dental arch
  • Adjustable tension straps giving 0-12mm of lower advancement
  • Easy attachment/removal of straps for precise adjustment
  • Thermopolymer liner for a fi rm and comfortable fi t
  • Unique alignment plate to aid easy fitting and ensure maximum benefit from the mouthpiece
  • Smooth contoured outer surfaces to prevent rubbing
  • Fixed breathing space for open mouth breathers

The SleepPro Contour consists of two hard trays, one made to contour the upper arch and one for the lower. Each tray is filled with a custom-blended, thermo- formable polymer. Interchangeable straps enable precise incremental advancement of the lower jaw, which restores the tension in the upper airway and prevents the soft tissues collapsing and obstructing the upper airway, thereby preventing snoring.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does SleepPro work?
The most common cause of snoring is air being passed through a partially constricted airway, causing vibration of the palate during breathing. A SleepPro mouthpiece works by moving the jaw forwards, which opens up the airway and stretches the palate so that it does not vibrate, or vibrates less.

Will it work for me?
SleepPro devices work for most users, but you may need to make a few adjustments to get it right, such as remoulding or using different length tension straps – see Troubleshooting for more information. Some people have no problems at all, but unfortunately you won’t know until you try. This is one of the reasons we suggest trying SleepPro Contour fi rst, as it is an inexpensive option.

How long before I stop snoring with my SleepPro?
The SleepPro should work immediately. If it does not, then you need to adjust the mouthpiece and try again – see Troubleshooting. If the SleepPro stops you snoring for even a short while, then you know that moving your jaw forward works. The task then is to fi nd a comfortable fi t. If our Troubleshooting tips above do not help, please contact us for advice.

How long will a SleepPro last?
There are many factors that can affect the life expectancy of your SleepPro. Grinding your teeth while you sleep, how clean you keep it and how you store it will all play a part. We have customers who regularly purchase every six months and others who come back once every two years.

How do I keep my SleepPro clean?
After removing your SleepPro, wash thoroughly in clean water using a toothbrush to help remove any deposits within the teeth imprints. Do NOT use toothpaste to clean your SleepPro, as this will score the surface and make it more susceptible to staining. A brief soak in mouthwash or denture cleaner will help keep it fresh, but over time some of the chemicals in those products may degrade the plastic and reduce its life expectancy. We do have our own brand of effervescent cleaning tablets, which have been formulated to gently clean your SleepPro and leave it minty fresh. These are well tested and do not accelerate the degrading of the plastic like some of the overthecounter products.

Can I wear a SleepPro if I have sleep apnoea?
Most people with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) snore, but only a small minority of snorers have OSA. If your partner has noticed pauses in your breathing whilst you sleep, or if you have signifi cant daytime tiredness, then you should mention this to your doctor and ask about a sleep study.
Both CPAP and mandibular advancement splints are a valid treatment for certain cases of OSA, but must be supervised by a physician knowledgeable in the area.

I breathe through my mouth when I am asleep. Will I be able to wear a SleepPro?
Yes. We have engineered large breathing holes into our SleepPro
mouthpieces to allow you to breathe easily. It is normal for your nose to become more blocked for a while when you fi rst lie down. This is caused by a change in blood pressure in the vessels around the nose. However, your body soon compensates for the sensation. As a general rule, everything reverts to normal within 15 minutes and you should then be able to breathe just as well lying down as you can sat up.

How many times can I remould my SleepPro?
You can remould your SleepPro Contour as many times as you like, but after the fourth or fifth time it will start to become less malleable.

When I wake in the morning my jaw feels as though it is pushed forward. Is this normal?
This is a common experience, but you will fi nd that your jaw moves back into place quite naturally and comfortably, shortly after you remove the mouthpiece. With time, you will become accustomed to this and notice it less.

Will it work if I have dentures?
We have numerous customers with dentures – some have had a successful outcome and some have not. Most of the load is carried by the front teeth with a SleepPro standard mouthpiece, so if these teeth are intact, then you may be OK. If not, then you might be best to try a SleepPro custom impression for one night to see if a custom-made mouthpiece will work for you. Visit www.sleeppro. com for more information.

Will I be able to wear it all night?
We fi nd that some people can keep a SleepPro in place all night with no problems. A minority of users fi nd they can only wear it for part of the night. If this is the case for you, try reheating and remolding your SleepPro for a better fi t.
Failing this, you may need to upgrade to a SleepPro custom.
These are made using a dental impression kit that provides a near perfect fi t to your teeth and substantially reduces the likelihood of it dropping out of your mouth while you are asleep. They are also more comfortable.
You may fi nd that you cannot sleep with a mouthpiece, but do give it a chance, as it may just take a little time to get used to.

My wisdom teeth are pressing against my gums when I push my jaw forward, causing pain and discomfort. How can I stop this?
Please stop using the device and consult your dentist. It may be that your wisdom teeth are preventing you from pushing your jaw forwards and this is, indirectly, making your snoring worse.

My doctor said…
As a general rule it is always best to follow the advice of your doctor or dentist as they know what is best for you. When you go for your dental check- up, do tell your dentist that you are using a mandibular advancement splint and ask him to check for any signs that it may be affecting your teeth or gums.

Fitting instructions


  • A Lower tray
  • B Upper tray
  • C Tension straps ×2
  • D Fitting handle

You will also need

  • A bowl of freshly boiled water
  • Cold water
  • A mirror
  1. 1a, b. Make sure you know which tray is for the upper teeth and which one is for the lower. The words ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ are etched on the rim of each tray. Secure the fitting handle the lower tray and then fi t the upper tray, taking care to hook the studs into the holes on the fitting handle. Forcing the handle straight down onto the studs can damage them.

  2. Immerse in freshly boiled water for three minutes or until the gel lining becomes soft., remove from the water and shake off any excess. Before placing in your mouth, hold the mouthpiece against the back of your hand to check it is not too hot.

  3. Place the tray in your mouth over the top teeth fi rst, with your front teeth as close as possible to the front edge, and keeping the central reference line (raised vertical bar) between your two front teeth. Then push your lower jaw forward slightly so that your lower teeth bite into the middle of the gel.

  4. Bite down firmly so that your teeth sink into the soft gel and you feel them make contact with the hard shell. If any excess gel is displaced, push and mould it with a wet finger to ensure firm contact with the teeth. Allow the gel to cool for 30-40 seconds, then carefully remove and briefly rinse in cold water to set the shape.

  5. When you are happy with the fi t, cool well in cold water for two minutes. Remove the fitting handle and store for future use, in case you need to remould your mouthpiece. 6a, 6b. Now attach a matched pair of tension straps taking care to hook them onto the studs rather than forcing them straight down. Start with fixing them to the lower tray (6a) and ensure they are curved correctly (6b) before you fi x the upper tray (6c). 2min 5.

  6. a. Try using the middle pair fi rst, as this setting is suitable for most users. If you fi nd this does not stop you snoring, move down to the next shorter pair. Or, should you fi nd the fi rst setting too far forward, select the next pair of longer straps. It might take
    a few nights of patience and perseverance to fi nd the optimum setting.
    b. Now attach a matched pair of tension straps taking care to hook them onto the studs rather than forcing them straight down. Start with fixing them to the lower tray (6a) and ensure they are curved correctly (6b) before you fi x the upper tray (6c).
    Try using the middle pair fi rst, as this setting is suitable for most users. If you fi nd this does not stop you snoring, move down to the next shorter pair. Or, should you fi nd the fi rst setting too far forward, select the next pair of longer straps. It might take a few nights of patience and perseverance to fi nd the optimum setting.

Troubleshooting guide

Problem Cause Solution
It doesn’t fi t comfortably. If you have some missing teeth or feel the

gel liner does not grip well enough, you may need to add some more gel. Please contact us and we send some for free.| Reattach the fitting handle to both trays. Immerse in hot water for 30 seconds to slightly soften the surface. Remove from the water and place the addition gel wherever you need to. Immerse in hot water for one minute and then repeat the fitting process as described overleaf.
It doesn’t work at all.| Your jaw may not be pushed far forward enough.| Select a shorter pair of tension straps or remould your mouthpiece to ensure a good fit.
It only works at the start of the night or falls out during the night.| Your jaw may be slipping out of the mouthpiece. This is a common problem with ‘boil and bite’ devices.| Reheat and remould your SleepPro. Ensure that you suck out the saliva, particularly when you fi rst put your mouthpiece in each night.
It used to work but now I’m snoring again.| Your device may have stretched.| Fit a shorter pair of tension straps or remould to ensure a good fi t.
My jaw muscles hurt when I wake in the morning.| Your jaw may be pushed too far forward.

Lots of people experience this when they start using a SleepPro mouthpiece.

| Fit a longer pair of tension straps.


While it is unlikely you will encounter any signifi cant problems with the use of a SleepPro mandibular advancement splint, please note that MEDITAS Ltd accepts no liability for problems arising from the use of SleepPro products. If you do experience any complications, then please stop using the splint immediately and contact us. Please note that the conditions of sale and use of this product relate to the laws of England and Wales and the regulatory guidelines of the United Kingdom.

SleepPro Products supplied by:

+44 (0) 203 302 6269
PO Box 6422
Milton Keynes MK10 1JY
United Kingdom


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