Enelion Charger User Manual

May 15, 2024


Enelion Charger


Product Information


  • Manufacturer: Enelion Sp. z o.o.
  • Email: support@enelion.com
  • Revision: V 3.3
  • Release Date: March 03, 2024

Product Usage Instructions

1. Important Information

1.1 General Provisions

Before using the charging station, ensure you have read the manual thoroughly.

1.2 Safety Instructions

Follow all safety instructions provided to prevent accidents and ensure safe operation.

2. Use the Charging Station

2.1 Preparation for Use

Ensure all necessary elements are available before initiating the charging process.

2.2 Charging

Connect your device to the charging station following the provided guidelines.

2.3 Completion of Charge

Once the charging is complete, safely disconnect your device from the station.

2.4 Emergency Stop

In case of an emergency, use the emergency stop feature to halt the charging process.


  • Q: Where can I find the latest version of the operation manual?
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User Manual
Complete charger operation manual
Enelion Sp. z o.o.

Congratulations on the purchase of the Enelion product and thank you for your trust. Before installation, please make sure that the module packages contain all the elements. Up to date version of the operation manual can be accessed at https://enelion.com/support/ Please note the contents of the manual before initiating any activities related to the installation, or activation.
Copyright Enelion Sp. z o. o. The manual may change as the product develops. The information provided may not be correct. All rights reserved. Revision: V 3.3 Number of pages: 52 Release date: March 03, 2024

Important information

1.1. General Provisions
The Enelion charger (hereinafter referred to as the device, charger, or charging terminal) is a charging station designed for electric vehicle charging within the meaning of the `Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels’ dated January 11, 2018, in paragraphs 5, 12, 13, and 27 of Article 2 of the aforementioned act.
The installation and servicing of the device must be carried out by qualified and authorized individuals, and repairs may only be performed by the manufacturer or entities authorized by the manufacturer. During the warranty period, only authorized service centers and the manufacturer are allowed to perform warranty repairs.
Interference with mechanical, electrical, and electronic components, as well as the device’s software, is strictly prohibited and may void the warranty. Exceptions are actions described in the following instruction manual or those agreed upon in writing with the manufacturer.
The manufacturer is not responsible for property damage resulting from prohibited interference with the product.
The electrical installation to be used during device operation must meet the conditions described in the installation manual. The manufacturer is not responsible for incorrect execution and/or protection of the electrical installation to which the device is connected.
The manufacturer is not responsible for the improper functioning of the electrical installation to which the device is connected.
The electrical installation to be used during device operation must comply with the legal standards applicable at the installation and operation location of the device.

off during the charging process.
It is prohibited to power on the device when the device housing is open.
It is prohibited to use a charger that is mechanically damaged or indicates a critical error.
Objects not intended for this purpose must not be placed in the charger socket. The only object intended for insertion into the charger socket is a functional power cable with the appropriate power and type for the electric vehicle, terminated with a functional type 2 plug according to EC 621962.
The use of extension cords, adapters, and charging cable extensions is prohibited.
The manufacturer is not responsible for loss of health or life resulting from non-compliance with the above recommendations.
During the warranty period, the manufacturer allows the purchase of support packages for the device (extended warranty/service) subject to a qualifying review before purchasing the package. Details can be obtained from the Enelion sales department.
The charging station does not support ventilation functions.
The nameplate present on the device is an integral part of it and must not be removed or damaged, as this may result in the loss of the manufacturer’s warranty.
Three self-adhesive labels with information about the current value have been included in the set. Please select the appropriate one according to the specifications and affix it next to the nameplate.

The manufacturer is not responsible for damages caused by an electrical installation that does not comply with legal standards.

The device does not have a built-in power switch.

The device is activated when the power supply voltage is applied. Power disconnection must be ensured by appropriate devices in the electrical installation described in the installation manual. Except in emergency situations, the device should not be switched

Important information


User manual
1.2. Safety instructions
Do not carry out external installation during atmospheric precipitation or strong winds if there is a risk of water or contaminants entering the device.
All actions described in this manual should be performed after ensuring that there is no voltage in the power cable.
If any damage to components such as the socket, charging cable, plug, plug holder, or any other fixed/ permanent component is observed, it should be reported to the charging station operator.

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Important information

User manual

03 – 2024

Use the charging station

2.1. Preparation for use
Before the first use of the charger, make sure that:
1. The charger has been correctly installed and poses no danger to the user. More information may be found in the assembly manual available at http://enelion.com/en/help/.
2. The charger has been initialized with the configuration card. See chapter 3 Device configuration for more information.
3. The charger has been activated correctly and is ready for use. See chapter 4 User interface for more information.
2.2. Charging
To start charging the car, place the user card on the RFID reader located behind the display, or and in the top cover ­ in case of the Stilo charger. The use of a correct card shall be signaled with the diodes of the light bar lighting green one after another in one direction (see chapter 4.3 LED bar). After the card has been accepted:

or to unplug the vehicle. The plug design ensures that the communication contacts are disconnected first, interrupting the charging process. Next, the power contacts are disconnected, with the voltage already disconnected, and finally the protective conductor contact is disconnected. With such configuration of the station, checking the correct operation of the mechanical interlock should be skipped.
2.3. Completion of charge
To complete the charging process, disconnect the charging cable from the car. This unlocks the cable lock on the charger and brings the charger to standby. In the case of RFID configuration, placing the appropriate card on the reader again also terminates charging and unlocks the lock. See chapter 3 Device configuration for more information.
For Online chargers, you may need to use the appropriate card to unlock the cable lock on the charger.

1. Connect the cable to the charger1,
2. Connect the cable to the car
3. Make sure the lock is closed properly2 and charging process has started.
After performing these steps, the charger switches to charging status, communicating the fact with a green light on the light bar and showing the status on the dis-play. While charging, the light bar flashes from the center towards the edge, and there is a charging icon in the status bar of the graphic interface. If there is no charging icon and/or there is an unchanging green color on the light bar, the charger is ready to charge and waiting for the car to respond. See chapter 4 User interface. For more information. When configuring the station as Plug&Charge, at the operator’s request, it is possible to disable the locking of the plug in the station before charging. This solution is used at times in public chargers and it allows one to stop charging without the need to use an RFID card
1Applicable to devices with a socket. 2Not applicable to devices with Plug&Charge configuration or devices with cable.

2.4. Emergency stop
The charging process can be interrupted by using the RFID card again or removing the plug from the vehicle. While charging, when the lock in the station is closed, it is not possible to pull out the plug from the socket. When configuring the station in Plug&Charge mode with the lock disabled, it is possible to interrupt the charging process by removing the plug from the charging station.
2.5. Procedure in the event of irregularities, fault and fire
When a defect, damage or irregularity occurs, the use of the station should be stopped immediately and the situation should be reported to the station operator. In the event of a fire on the charging station, disconnect the charging station’s power supply as soon as possible, then disconnect and if possible

Use of the charging station


User manual

03 – 2024

move the vehicle to a safe distance.
Call the relevant services. Fire extinguishing should be carried out with tools intended for electrical devices up to 1000V­a carbon dioxide (CO2) or powder extinguisher or sand.

Incorrect use may result in damage to property, fire, and in extreme cases, loss of health or life as a result of an electric shock.

2.6. General rules for safe operation

2.7. Health and Safety

The device should be used in accordance with the recommendations included in the manufacturer’s documentation and the principles of common sense. Electric vehicles may be charged only with the use of properly operating stations, charging cables and the vehicle.
It is forbidden to use extension cords, adapters or branch-joints.

The device must be used in accordance with the health and safety requirements related to electrical devices.
The device installation manual requires the installation of a residual current device (RCD) in the switchgear. The device is a form of anti-shock and fire protection.
Servicing may be performed only by authorized persons and in accordance with the Service Manual. See chapter 8 Operation for details.
2.8. Disposal and environmental protection

After charging is complete, the charging cables must be put back to its designated storage location. Avoid driving over any cables or plugs while maneuvering the vehicle at all cost.
Do not use plugs that are clearly dirty or wet.
The vehicle must be parked so that the charging cable is not stretched excessively, since this may cause the user or a bystander to trip over and fall.
It is forbidden to open the station (especially when live), to place any objects in plugs and sockets.

Electrical and electronic waste must not be disposed of together with normal household waste. According to the WEEE directive in force in the EU, separate methods of disposal must be used for electrical and electronic waste.
In accordance with the provisions on waste electrical and electronic equipment, in Poland it is forbidden to put waste equipment (marked with the symbol of a crossed out bin) with other waste. The user who in-tends to get rid of such product is obliged to return the above-mentioned waste to the equipment waste collection point.
The collection points are run by wholesalers and retailers of such equipment and by communal organizational units operating in the field of waste collection, to name a few.

i INFO The device meets the IP54 standard.

Due to the IP54 class of the device, it is forbidden to wash the charger with pressure washers, garden hoses, a shower or any other stream of water.


Use of the charging station

User manual

03 – 2024

Device configuration

3.1. Available variants
The system of configuring the settings of Enelion chargers consists in reading the settings from the configuration card attached to the device. This allows for personalizing particular settings depending on what the client requires. The settings are read into the card by the Dealer after receiving a request from the client, who must give some basic information.
Available variants resulting from the configuration of the device are presented below:
· Type of power system
­ One­phase power system — only the first phase connected to the device will be used for charging. The power range may be set between 1,4 kW ­ 7,4 kW.
­ Three­phase power system — three phases will be used for charging. The power range may be set between 4,1 kW ­ 22 kW.
· The charger power — Available power capacity: 1,4 kW ­ 22 kW This is set depending on the type of power system of the user. Allows the power used for charging the car to be limited in order to protect the mains against overload.

­ Only with an initiating card — Ending the charging process is possible only after applying the same card which was used to initiate the charging
­ With each card issued for the charger — This configuration is used in offline chargers. It allows to finish the charging process with the use of any card which was issued for a specific charger.
· The charger number in a network All chargers in a network need an individual identification number. This parameter is important when creating a network of online chargers or chargers supporting DLB.
Additional parameters related to the operation of Dynamic Load Balancing:
· Current limits Given in amps. Limits current available for a single phase in the power connection. It is the border value of power which will not be exceeded by the total power of all chargers operating at the same time.
· Phase interlacing
The sequence of connecting phases to the charger. There are three possible connection sequences: L1 L2 L3, L2 L3 L1 and L3 L1 L2. It allows for the power of the connection in a network of chargers to be used more effectively.
3.2. Initiating the device

· Authorizing methods


­ Plug and Charge — User authorization is not required: connecting the car will initiate the charging process

Before the configuration is read into the device, the charger is locked and unable to initiate the
charging process.

­ RFID — The charging process will initiate only
after applying the correct RFID card. In case
of offline chargers only the card dedicated to a specific charger will be accepted. Authorization in online chargers requires the user to
be accepted by the administrating system.

Once the charger is switched on for the first time it will wait for user configuration to be read into it. This will be signaled with a pulsing white light on
the light bar and when the charger is equipped with
a OLED display, a proper message will be displayed
(the Unconfigured status):

· De-authorizing methods
The above options are applicable only with offline chargers. De-authorizing the user in an online charger must be processed by the administrating system.

Device configuration


User manual

03 – 2024

To configure the charger you need to:
1. Install the charger according to the fitting instruction available on https://enelion.com/support/
2. Turn power supply on.
3. Apply the RFID card attached to the charger to the reader.
4. Wait a few seconds for the charger to respond. A properly read configuration will cause the light bar to flash four times in white light.
5. In case of chargers with displays you can check if the read configuration is the same as the one provided when you were buying the device. The charger configuration should be displayed on the screen (Configuration).

5. In case of a charger with a display you may check if the read configuration is the same with the configuration which was requested to be issued on the configuration card order.
After changing the configuration the charger will restart and after a restart it will be ready for use.

After the device has been configured, the configuration card may be used as the user card.

3.3. Changing the configuration
The process of initializing the device is carried only once at first initiation. Upon each next start the charger will read the configuration which was initialized. When needed it is possible to change the configuration of the charge which was already initialized. This requires a new configuration card to be read into a given charger. It may be connected with requesting the new card to be issued by the Dealer who sold the charger.
In order to change the configuration using a new configuration card issued for a specific device, you must follow the steps below:
1. Disconnect the car from the charger,
2. Make sure the charger is ready for use,
3. Apply the new configuration card to the RFID reader,
4. Wait a few seconds for the charger to respond,
A correctly read configuration card will cause the light bar to flash four times with white light.


Device configuration

User manual

03 – 2024

User interface

4.1. Display
The user display includes three elements:
1. Status bar — includes general information about the charger status,
2. Display area — includes messages depending on the charger status,
3. Banner — includes additional information useful for the operation of the charger.

On the right side of the bar there are icons designating the status of particular elements of the charger:


Meaning The plug is locked

The plug is unlocked

Some elements of the interface may differ depending on the model or the charger configuration.
4.1.1. Status bar
The status bar is located in the top part of the display. It is shown in each state the charger is in, except for the sleep mode, when the charger is blocked, reserved and when information about the status of reading the card is displayed.

Charging in progress Warning: line voltage on the socket pins. Be careful when disconnecting the plug.
In the Wallbox DUO charger there is an additional icon which shows the socket currently selected for charging. When the left socket (A) is selected, the icon showing an arrow and the correct letter is shown on the left, and when the right socket (B) is chosen, the icon appear on the right.

The left side of the bar shows the maximum available power with which the charger is able to charge. The value will change dynamically according to the below charging power limits:
· Charging power limit set in the configuration,


Selected socket Left Socket (A)

· Charging power limit set remotely,
· Charging current limit related to the charging cable plugged into the socket3,

Right Socket (B)

· Charging current limit related to the dynamic

load balancing (DLB)4.

4.1.2. The display area

The currently used charging power limit is the lowest value of all the limits mentioned above. The value serves for information purposes and is not the guaranteed power with which the connected car will be charged. In case of threephase chargers the available power will always be given for charging a car which has a threephase on-board charger.

The display area includes messages informing about which actions should be taken by the user in order to start the charging process or informing about the cur-rent status of the charger.

3In case of chargers with a socket. 4In case of chargers with the additional DLB function enabled.

User Interface


User manual

03 – 2024

Unconfigured charger

Starting the charging process

The Unconfigured state means waiting for the configuration card. In this state the charging function is locked.
The only option to unlock the charger is to apply the
RFID card supplied with the charger. Upon applying
the card the charger will display the configuration read out from it and will restart. More information
in Chapter 3 Device configuration.

The instructions displayed before the charging process is initiated will differ depending on the charger configuration.
In case of chargers unlocked with a card the following message will appear:

Information about the charger configuration is displayed. It is shown for the first 6 seconds after the configured charger is initialized or after a configuration card is applied.

Once the card is verified correctly the charger will wait for the car to be connected. The timer located under the message shows time within which the user should connect the car in order to start the charging process. When the time elapses, you should place the card on the display again. When the car is correctly connected and the lock in the chargers equipped with sockets are locked, the charging process will begin.

It includes the following information:
· Device model: Wallbox, Wallbox DUO, Vertica, Adspace,
· Maximum charging power: from 1,4 kW to 22 kW,
· Current limit per phase: from 6 A to 32 A, · The type of connection with the car: cable
or socket, · Network addressing: address/number of
connectors in a network of chargers, · The means of unlocking the charging pro-
cess: any card, a dedicated card or Plug And Charge, · Type of inbuilt RCD: type A or type B, · Optional DLB configuration: the connection current limit per phase and the phase (onephase charger) or rotation of phases connected to the charger (three-phase charger), · Software version.

Chargers with Plug And Charge configuration only wait for the car to be connected. Once the cable is properly connected the charging process will start.
Charging The charging status includes the following information:
· Total charging energy, · Current charging power, · The total time of the charging process.


User Interface

User manual

03 – 2024

In case of chargers configured in Plug And Charge the charging may be stopped by unplugging the charging cable from the car or the charger.

Error detection
In case of an error a message with the error code and source will be displayed. In some cases a timer counting down to error reset will appear below.


In case of chargers configured to be unlocked with the use of cards, the charging may be stopped by
placing the card to the display or by unplugging
the charging cable from the car.


In this state the charger allows for charging, but it is the car that decides it will be charged or not. The actual charging state is displayed as an icon on the status bar.
Once the charging process is finished the summary in-formation will appear. The display will go back to the charging initialization status after 5 minutes of being idle, after the plug is connected to the charger once more or the card is placed on the display.
The summary includes the following information:
· Charging time — the time during which there was transfer of energy to the care,
· Total charging time — the time elapsed from the beginning to the end of the charging process,
· Energy — total energy supplied to the car, · Average power — average car charging

You will find more information about the errors in the section 10.1 Error codes.
Card reading status
The card reading area in Enelion chargers is located in the display area in case of chargers with a display or on the cover in case of the Stilo charger. The message in-forming about the RFID card reading status is displayed when the card is placed in the card reading area. The message is shown for 5 seconds from the moment the card was last placed on the display. When the card is placed while a current card reading status is showing the message content will be updated.
The following messages may be displayed:
· Card accepted — the card placed on the display was accepted by the charger. The charging will start or end depending on the previous status.
· Card reading error Try again — there was an error while reading the card. The card must be placed on the display once again. It may mean that the applied card is wrong or damaged.

User Interface


User manual

03 – 2024

· Wrong card Use different card — the card placed on the reader was denied locally by the charger in the offline mode. You must use a different card.
· The time for connecting is over Try again –the time for connecting the car elapsed. To start the charging process use the same card again.
· Connecting to the server… — The chargeris waiting for the card to be accepted by the server.
· Card denied Use different card — the card was denied by the administrating system. You must use a different card.
· Connection error Try again — an error in · connecting to the administrating system oc-
curred. You must wait for the connection to be re-established and try to use the card again.
· Connection terminated Try again — the time for the administrating system to respond elapsed. You must wait for the connection to be re-established and try to use the card again.
· Car disconnected — the car has been disconnected during the charging process. The plug in the charger has been unlocked.
In case of chargers with the Plug And Charge mode the following message may appear:
· Initializing the charging — shown when the car has been connected to an online charger. The charger is being accepted by the administrating system and the charging process will soon begin.
· Charging forbidden — the charger has been blocked in the administrating system and it cannot initialize the charging process.
Sleep mode
The sleep mode activates after 5 minutes of the charger being idle. By showing scrolling messages the charger informs about the available power and the means of deactivating the sleep mode.
Any of the following actions taken by the user will deactivate the sleep mode:
· Connecting or disconnecting the charging cable plug,
· Connecting the car, · Placing the card on the display.
A charger to which a car is connected will not activate the sleep mode.

Reservation The reservation of a charger may only be done remotely from the administrating system. The reserved charger will display its number in order to facilitate identification of the reserved device.
Deactivating the reservation status takes place after the reserved time has elapsed or when the correct card is placed.
Charger unavailable The situation when the charger is blocked by the opera-tor in the administrating system. This state may be connected with a software update or maintenance works. The charger is blocked until the administrating system operator makes it available.
4.1.3. Banner
The banner is placed in the bottom part of the display and includes additional scrolling information.
· Website / text — one of the banners is a personalized text which is entered by the dealer. It may be a web page address or a phone number. When the dealer does not enter any text the banner will not show.
· Total energy: 000000.0 kWh — the total energy consumption counter reader in the charger. The counter shows the total energy which was measured by the charger. In the Wallbox DUO charger it is the total energy of the currently active charging socket.
· The car is overheating! Ventilation required! –The battery inside the car is overheating. The battery needs to be ventilated.


User Interface

User manual

03 – 2024

· Connector #01 — number of a charger in the net-work. Displayed when the charger is in the online mode.
· Use card to unlock — use the card to finish the charging process and release the socket lock.
· Disconnect the car to unlock — disconnect
the car to finish the charging process and release the socket lock.
· To change the connector press A — displayed in DUO chargers. Informs about the possibility to change the displayed socket by pressing A button.
4.2. Wallbox DUO Charger
In the Wallbox DUO charger the display and the card reader serve to operate both charging connectors. The display shows information only about an active connector and the current selection is signaled by a proper icon on the status bar.

The charging and authorization processes in the charger are supported independently and have no influence on one another. This allows for the Wallbox DUO charger to be used by two separate users.
The card reader is active only for the currently selected connector. To initialize or finish charging with the use of a card first make sure that a proper connector is active.


Selected socket Left Socket (A)

Right Socket (B)

In an online charger both connectors have their own unique addresses and are visible in the administrating system as two separate charging point.

The active connector will switch over upon pressing the button located on the left under the display or automatically upon connecting or disconnecting the cable to the charger. During the switch the display will show a letter informing which connector the user interface has been switched to.

User Interface


User manual

03 – 2024

4.3. LED bar

All Enelion chargers are equipped with a line of LED diodes called the light bar, which informs about the cur-rent state of the device with the use of light signals.
Light signals may be distinguished into Continues charger states or Signaling actions.

4. Reservation: When in the reservation state, the charger shows a dimmed light bar which flashes with green light every three seconds. The char-
ger is waiting for the adequate card of the user
who made the reservation to be applied.

4.3.1. Continuous charger states

1. Uninitialized charger. In the event when the
charger has not been initialized yet, after five seconds the light bar will remain white. The char-
ger will wait for applying the configuration card. More information in Chapter 3 Device configuration.

2. Availability. In the Available state the light bar will light in a uniform green color. The charger is ready to begin the charging process and, depending on the configuration, will wait for applying the adequate RFID card or connecting the car.

5. Charger locked. A charger which has been locked by the administrating system has a fully dimmed light bar. The charger remains locked until it is unlocked by the operator.

4.3.2. Signaling actions

3. Charging in progress The light bar will light in blue, pulsating in a radiant manner from the center toward the edges. The pulsation rate depends on the charging power. When the power is smaller than 0,5 kW , the pulsation rate is 6 seconds, and for the maximum charging power (22 kW) the pulsation rate is 1 second. In a situation when the charger allows for charging, but the car does not draw power, the light bar will light in a uniform blue light.

Some user actions are signaled by light effects on the light bar. Colors of some light signals depend on the continuous state the chargers is in.
· Connecting or disconnecting the charging cable: Results in one flash of a light bar in the current color of the charger’s continuous state.

· Connecting or disconnecting the cable to
the car Results in two flashes of the light bar in the current color of the charger’s continu-
ous state, the same as in “Connecting or dis-
connecting the charging cable”.


User Interface

User manual

03 – 2024

· Accepting the applied RFID card. The diodes on the light bar light up subsequently in green in one direction. After this the charger will wait for the car to be connected.

· Reading the configuration card correctly. After the configuration card has been correctly read the light bar will turn white. The time for restart is signaled with four flashes at one second intervals.
It is possible to change configuration so that the color blue and green are swapped. In this case the charging point will show its availability with a green color and it will flash in blue when charging.

· Rejecting the applied RFID card: The diodes on the light bar light up subsequently in one direction in red. The reason for rejecting the card may result from an error in reading the card, applying the wrong card or exceeding the time limit for connecting after a correct authorization.

· Waiting for the card to be accepted by the Administrating System. Waiting for response from the administrating system is signaled with a moving animated light dot. The color of the dot depends on the current state the charger is in. Waiting for response from the administrating system is signaled with a moving animated light dot. The color of the dot depends on the current state the charger is in.

User Interface


User manual

03 – 2024

Enelion Bridge LTE

5.1. Features
Enelion Bridge module installed in the Enelion charger enables:
· Preview and basic management of charging points:
­ Reading the status of the charging point, including its meter, charging power, available power

1. USB socket 2. Main antenna SMA socket 3. Main antenna UFL socket 44. Diversity antenna SMA socket 5. Diversity antenna UFL socket 6. WiFi antenna socket

­ Socket lock management

­ Charging point restart · Internet connectivity:

­ WiFi

­ GSM · Connectivity with Management Systems
compliant with OCPP 1.6 (JSON)
­ User authorization and billing

fig. 2: Enelion Bridge (reverse) and sim installation direction

­ Monitoring the status of chargers and charging power
­ Reservations
­ Charging power profiles ­ Management of access to the charging point

For information on installing Enelion Bridge in the devices, see the installation instructions.

­ Remote diagnostics and software update
5.2. Structure

5.3. Connection
Enelion Bridge allows you to connect to the configuration panel in three ways:

11. Broadcasted WiFi network 22. USB Cable

fig. 1: Enelion Bridge (obverse)

5.3.1. WiFi hotspot
In order to connect to the WiFi hotspot, use a computer or telephone to scan the available WiFi networks. The broadcast network is named “EnelionChargerXXX” where XXX stands for the last three characters of the serial number of the communication module. By default, the broadcast network is not password protected. Selecting this network will connect to the device.


Enelion Bridge LTE

User manual

03 – 2024

5.3.2. USB cable

After connecting USB type B cable to a Bridge module and a computer the module will be recognized as a network card.

5.3.3. Access to the configuration panel
After connecting to the device’s network, it is possible to access the configuration panel via a web browser. Enter the address in the address bar ad log in. There are accounts for the user (user) and administrator (admin) in the configuration panel. The default password for each of these users is the same as the username and can be changed in the settings.
In case a password to the configuration panel is lost it is possible to reset the device to factory settings. To do so please choose Forgot password? link and confirm the choice.

fig. 4: Dashboard site of the configuration panel.
The interface is responsive, which means it adapts to the different screen sizes of the devices on which it is used. On small screens, the side menu is hidden, and to eject it, touch the dedicated button.

fig. 3: Log in page of the configuration panel
5.4. Navigation in the configuration panel
The interface of the configuration panel consists of an upper bar with the Enelion logo, common to all sub-pages, a side menu with the name of the logged in user and access to individual subpages, and the proper content of a given subpage.

fig. 5: Mobile version of the Dashboard site

Enelion Bridge LTE


User manual
5.6. Dashboard
The Dashboard tab contains basic information about the overall status of the Bridge and the charging net-work and presents them in the form of tiles. Depending on the situation, not all tiles will be visible. The available tiles are:

03 – 2024

· Warning of an unsecured WiFi hotspot · OCPP status · Ethernet connection status · WiFi connection status · WiFi hotspot status · Device operation time from startup (uptime) · Number of charging points on the network · EnergyGuard’s presence in the network
5.5. Network

fig. 7: WiFi section of the Network tab.
The Available WiFi networks section presents a list of WiFi networks detected by the Bridge module in its vicinity, along with information about the signal level and type of security. Clicking the button with the re-fresh icon on the right side of the section header will rescan the surroundings for WiFi networks. Clicking on any of them will open a window that allows you to enter the password (in the case of secured networks) and save the settings in order to connect to the network.

5.5.1. Overview
View the status of all available network interfaces. Clicking on any of them will take you to the corresponding subpage.

fig. 8: View of connecting to the WiFi network

5.6.1. GSM

Enelion Bridge is equipped with LTE cat4 module. To connect the module with GSM internet please, before powering the charging station on, make sure that the SIM card is properly inserted in the SIM slot.

fig. 6: Overview section of the Network tab.
5.5.2. WiFi
Enelion Bridge enables WiFi connectivity in the 802.11 b/ g / n, 2.4 GHz standard. The WiFi subpage allows you to manage the Bridge’s connection to the WiFi network. The switch on the right side of the subpage header can disable the WiFi interface, and the Status section shows detailed information about the WiFi connection.

After powering the station on please go to the GSM sec-ion in the configuration and turn the GSM module on with the switch found in top-right corner. After a short moment you will see the SIM card state. If the PIN code is not necessary and the SIM card is activated and in GSM network coverage, then the GSM section will be filled with SIM card and network details, and State field will show the Ready text.
To type a PIN code in and configure a GSM connection please click a pencil icon found in the right side of SIM card settings section. The configuration window will open. After typing the configuration in please save the changes using a Save button.


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fig. 9: GSM section of the Network tab
To change configuration please chooseapencil icon. A configuration window will open. After typing in the chosen configuration please click a Save button.

fig. 12: Hotspot settings.
5.7. OCPP
Connection to the management system is via the protocol OCPP 1.6 JSON over websocket. Activating the OCPP connection on the Bridge will change the behavior of the charging points as follows:

· Charging points configured for Plug And Charge will begin sending the serial number of the charging point to the management system for authorization purposes. To enable charging, the appropriate number must be entered in the management system. With Enelink this happens automatically.

fig. 10: GSM configuration window
5.6.2. Hotspot
The hotspot section shows the status of the emitted WiFi network and its settings. As with the WiFi interface, the hotspot can be turned off with the switch on the right.

· Charging points configured in RFID mode will be-gin to authorize user cards by the management system. Users who have been able to charge so far may lose the ability to charge. Appropriate cards must be added to the management system to enable charging at the charging points.
· Using the Emergency start charging buttons shown in the charging point settings will send the management system’s serial number to that point, same as for Plug And Charge setup.

fig. 11: Hotspot section of the Network tab.
Hotspot settings include name, password and the possibility to hide the network. The password must be at least eight characters long.

· No cards will be accepted while Bridge is not communicating with the OCPP server. However, offline authorization settings can be changed from the management system.
· The communication module will start to record the status of the applied cards. The cache can be cleared from the management system.
5.7.1. Connection

On the Connection subpage, you can choose one of the following connection options to the OCPP server:

Enelion Bridge LTE


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· Don’t connect to Management System – selected by default, this option disables the Bridge module from connecting to the management system. The behavior of the chargers, including card authorization, will remain unchanged.
· Connect to specified Management System connection to a third-party management system. If you choose this option, complete the “OCPP URL” item to indicate the server address and StationID as the station name.

5.7.2. Configuration keys
The Configuration keys subpage allows you to check and edit the values of configuration keys defined in the OCPP 1.6 specification. Using the pencil icon, you will open the window for editing the value of a given configuration key. For read-only keys it is not possible to change the value.
Changing the value of these keys can change the behavior of the charging stations undesirably. Only use this feature if you know what you are doing.

fig. 13: Connection section of the OCPP tab.
The selected changes are saved with the Save button. The result of the saved changes (server response) can be checked on the Dashboard page on the OCPP Status tile. Possible statuses:

OCCP status OCPP status description


The device correctly connects to the management system.


The device is connecting to the server, but the system is not ready to accept the device.


The device connects to the server but is not accepted by it. If this status occurs, contact the management system vendor.


OCPP communication is enabled, but not connected to the server. On the Logs page in the System section, you can check the details of the connection attempt.


OCPP communication is disabled.

Tab. 1: Status OCPP

fig. 14: Configuration keys section of the OCPP tab.
5.8. Charging points
5.7.3. Overview
The Charging Points section allows you to manage devices present in the charging network, i.e. charging points and the Energy Guard module. The Overview page presents a list of charging points on your network with details about each of them. Bridge automatically detects the number of charging points. If all devices are listed, check that the charging stations are properly connected to each other.


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Socket status SuspendedEVSE

Standby on charger side. It may mean a hold due to dynamic balancing of the charging power or due to the limitation of the charging profile.


Unavailability status. Locked charger will not start charging. State forced by the management system.


Reservation status. Forced by the management system.


Station error. Please check the device interface for more information.

Tab. 2: Possible connectors status
Possible lock states are explained in the table below:

fig. 15: Charging point view in the Charging tab Points.
The available states of each charging panel are described in the table below:

Socket status Description


Lock is open


Lock is closed


The charger does not have or does not allow the use of a socket lock

Socket status Available

Description Availability status.


Charging ready state. A car is connected to the panel or the station is waiting for it to be connected after proper authorization in order to start charging.

Tab. 3: Possible lock status.
The buttons to the right of the name of the loading panel allow it to restart and change its settings. In the set tings, you can change the lock mode and start or stop charging in an emergency in case other methods of starting/stopping charging fail.


Charging status


Car side charging pause state. It may occur when the car is fully charged or charging is paused for other reasons.

fig. 16: Charger point settings

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The available lock settings are described below:

Locked mode Description

Automatic lock

The lock will be managed by the charger. Correct user verification and connecting the charging cable will close the lock. Completing charging or disconnecting the cable from the car will open the socket lock.

5.9.2. Update
The Update section allows you to update the charging station software using an update file. To update, after selecting the file with the gray button, click the Submit button. The Bridge module will start the update process, and the configuration panel will count down for about 3 minutes and then restart with the new software version.

Always open

The lock will always be open, regardless of the connection and charging status of the car.

Always closed

The lock will always be closed, regardless of the connection and charging status of the car. Enables permanent locking of the cable on the charger side.

fig. 19: Update section of the System tab.
After file upload and verification the Bridge module will present a window with update details to confirm the choice.

Tab. 4: Available lock modes.

5.9. System
The System section allows for managing the Bridge module settings.

fig. 18: An example of update details

5.9.1. Overview
In the Overview section, we can check information about the serial number of the Bridge module, its software version and the operating time since launch.

The Bridge module will start an update. The process should not last longer than 3 minutes. After the update
the configuration panel will reload wit ha new firm ware. In case the update is performed through the device’s WiFi hotspot, you might need to connect to it again.

fig. 17: Overview section of the System tab.

5.9.3. Users
The configuration panel has two user accounts: user and admin.
The tabs that the user does not have access to are: OCPP and Update. Other functions to which the user has limited rights are: viewing logs and changing the administrator password.


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fig. 20: Users section of the System tab.

The Users subpage allows you to change the users’ password. In order to change the password of a given user, enter his previous password in the corresponding
fields and enter the new password twice, and then confirm the change with the Change password button.

5.9.4. Time
The Bridge module uses both the appropriate OCPP and NTP time server commands for time synchronization. The Time tab allows you to check the current time used by the Bridge module and synchronize it with the time of the device from which you access the configuration panel.

fig. 22: Logs section of the System tab.
The Download diagnostics button allows you to download a diagnostic file to the disk, which, in case of possible problems with the Bridge module, will help the Enelion technical support diagnose their causes. The Download diagnostics button allows you to download a diagnostic file to the disk, which, in case of possible problems with the Bridge module, will help the Enelion technical support diagnose their causes.

5.9.6. Reboot
The Reboot button allows you to restart the Bridge module. After two minutes, the configuration panel will display the Dashboard section.

fig. 21: Time section of the System tab.
5.9.5. Logs
The list of events that occurred in the Bridge module is available on the Logs subpage. Depending on whether we are interested in logs from the system or OCPP communication and inside the charging network, we can choose the appropriate category from the list signed Displayed logs type. The event list only re-freshes when it is scrolled to the recent events view.
Enelion Bridge LTE

fig. 23: Reboot section of the System tab.

User manual
5.10. Technical data

Technical data


2.4 GHz, 802.11 bgn

GSM Modem

LTE Cat 4, Max. 150 Mbps (DL), Max. 50 Mbps (UL)

OCPP version

OCPP 1.6 JSON over websocket

Network used


TCP 20 i 21 – FTP protocol used for down-loading firmware updates and uploading diagnostics data TCP 80 i 8080 – OCPP connection TCP 443 – Secured OCPP connection TCP iUDP 53 – DNS protocol UDP 123 – NTP protocol TCP 20 i 21 – FTP protocol used for down-loading firmware updates and uploading diagnostics data TCP 80 i 8080 – OCPP connection TCP 443 – Secured OCPP connection TCPiUDP 53 – DNS protocol UDP 123 – NTP protocol

Number of charging points supported in a network

To 100

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Enelion Bridge LTE

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Enelion Bridge

All Enelion Bridge modules with software version 3.0.0 and newer don’t support GSM 2G. To enable communication with any GSM network, an external LTE module is required (sold separately).

6.2. Structure

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6.1. Features
Enelion Bridge module installed in the Enelion charger enables:

· Preview and basic management of charging points:
­ Reading the status of the charging point, including its meter, charging power, available power
­ Socket lock management
­ Charging point restart
· Internet connectivity:
­ Ethernet
­ WiFi

fig. 24: Enelion Bridge
1. LAN socket 2. INTERNET (WAN) socket 3. Reset button 4. Reset to factory settings switch
For information on installing Enelion Bridge in the devices, see the installation instructions.

· Connectivity with Management Systems compliant with OCPP 1.6 (JSON)
­ User authorization and billing

6.3. Communication
Enelion Bridge allows you to connect to the configuration panel in three ways:

­ Monitoring the status of chargers and charging power
­ Reservations
­ Charging power profiles

11. Broadcasted WiFi network
22. Ethernet wired network
33. Through the network the Bridge is connected to

­ Management of access to the charging point ­ Remote diagnostics and software update

The third connection option is only possible after configuring the network connection as described in the Network section.

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6.3.1. WiFi hotspot
n order to connect to the WiFi hotspot, use a computer or telephone to scan the available WiFi networks. The broadcast network is named “EnelionChargerXXX” where XXX stands for the last three characters of the serial number of the communication module. By default, the broadcast network is not password protected. Selecting this network will connect to the device.

6.3.2. LAN network
To connect to a wired network, connect the computer to the LAN port with an Ethernet cable. After a few seconds, the computer should detect a wired network without Internet access.

fig. 25: Dashboard site of the configuration panel.
The interface is responsive, which means it adapts to the different screen sizes of the devices on which it is used. On small screens, the side menu is hidden, and to eject it, touch the dedicated button.

6.3.3. Access to the configuration panel
After connecting to the device’s network, it is possible to access the configuration panel via a web browser. Enter the address in the address bar and log in. There are accounts for the user (user) and administrator (admin) in the configuration panel. The default password for each of these users is the same as the username and can be changed in the settings.

After configuring the Internet connection, in the LAN network it is also possible to open the configuration panel inside the network to which the device is connected. To do this, enter the IP address of the Bridge module assigned by the router into the browser bar.

fig. 26: Mobile version of the Dashboard site.
6.4. Navigation in the configuration panel 6.5. Dashboard

The interface of the configuration panel consists of an upper bar with the Enelion logo, common to all sub-pages, a side menu with the name of the logged in user and access to individual subpages, and the proper con-tent ofa given subpage.

The Dashboard tab contains basic information about the overall status of the Bridge and the charging network and presents them in the form of tiles. Depending on the situation, not all tiles will be visible. The available tiles are:


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· Warning of an unsecured WiFi hotspot · OCPP status · Ethernet connection status · WiFi connection status · WiFi hotspot status · Device operation time from startup (uptime) · Number of charging points on the network · Energy Guard’s presence in the network

6.6. Network
6.6.1. Overview
View the status of all available network interfaces. Clicking on any of them will take you to the corresponding subpage.

fig. 28: Ethernet section of the Network tab.
Press the pencil icon to change the configuration. This will open a window for entering a new configuration. After entering it, save the changes with the Save button.

fig. 27: Overview section of the Network tab.

6.6.2. Ethernet
In order to connect the Enelion Bridge with an Ethernet cable, just connect the cable to the INTERNET (WAN) connector, and after a few seconds the device should connect to the network. Before connecting, make sure that the cable is connected to a router or switch with Internet access and that firewall blocks are not activated.
The Ethernet tab shows a detailed view of the Ethernet connection status and IP addressing configuration.

fig. 29: Ethernet interface IP addressing settings.
6.6.3. WiFi
Enelion Bridge enables WiFi connectivity in the 802.11 b/g / n, 2.4 GHz standard. The WiFi subpage al-lows you to manage the Bridge’s connection to the WiFi network. The switch on the right side of the subpage header can disable the WiFi interface, and the Status section shows detailed information about the WiFi connection.

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6.6.4. Hotspot
The hotspot section shows the status of the emitted WiFi network and its settings. As with the WiFi interface, the hotspot can be turned off with the switch on the right.

fig. 32: Hotspot section of the Network tab.
Hotspot settings include name and password. The password must be at least eight characters long.

fig. 30: WiFi section of the Network tab.

The Available WiFi networks section presents a list of WiFi networks detected by the Bridge module in its vicinity, along with information about the signal level and type of security. Clicking the button with the re-fresh icon on the right side of the section header will rescan the surroundings for WiFi networks. Clicking on any of them will open a window that allows you to enter the password (in the case of secured networks) and save the settings in order to connect to the network.

fig. 33: Hotspot settings.
6.6.5. LTE
The Bridge module does not have a built-in GSM modem, an external LTE modem can be purchased separately. To the charging stations ordered with the LTE modem, a 2.5m Ethernet cable with RJ45 connector and an additional, short RJ45 connector for installation are added during the installation.

fig. 31: View of connecting to the WiFi network.
In order to change the IP addressing configuration, press the pencil icon on the right side of the IP settings section header. This will open a window for entering a new configuration. After entering it, save the changes with the Save button.

The necessary condition for the correct operation of the LTE modem is to install the station in a localization with available cellular network coverage.
6.7. OCPP
Connection to the management system is via the protocol OCPP 1.6 JSON over websocket. Activating the OCPP connection on the Bridge will change the behavior of the charging points as follows:


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· Charging points configured for Plug And Charge will begin sending the serial number of the charging point to the management system for authorization purposes. To enable charging, the appropriate number must be entered in the management system. With Enelink this happens automatically.

· Charging points configured in RFID mode will be-gin to authorize user cards by the management system. Users who have been able to charge so far may lose the ability to charge. Appropriate cards must be added to the management system to enable charging at the charging points.
· Using the Emergency start charging buttons shown in the charging point settings will send the management system’s serial number to that point, same as for Plug And Charge setup.
· No cards will be accepted while Bridge is not communicating with the OCPP server. However, offline authorization settings can be changed from the management system.

fig. 34: Connection section of the OCPP tab.

The selected changes are saved with the Save button. The result of the saved changes (server response) can be checked on the Dashboard page on the OCPP Status tile. Possible statuses:

OCCP status OCPP status description


The device correctly connects to the management system.

· The communication module will start to record the status of the applied cards. The cache can be cleared from the management system.


The device is connecting to the server, but the system is not ready to accept the device.

6.7.1. Connection
On the Connection subpage, you can choose one of the following connection options to the OCPP server:
· Don’t connect to Management System – selected by default, this option disables the Bridge module from connecting to the management system. The behavior of the chargers, including card authorization, will remain unchanged.
· Connect to Enelion Enelink Management System-The Bridge communication module will connect to the Enelink management system. Register the device network with the name specified in “Station identity: XYZ”
· Connect to specified Management System connection to a third-party management system. If you choose this option, complete the “OCPP URL” item to indicate the server address and StationID as the station name.


The device connects to the server but is not accepted by it. If this status occurs, contact the management system vendor.


OCPP communication is enabled, but not connected to the server. On the Logs page in the System section, you can check the details of the connection attempt.


OCPP communication is disabled.

Tab. 5: OCPP Statuses

6.7.2. Configuration keys
The Configuration keys subpage allows you to check and edit the values of configuration keys defined in the OCPP 1.6 specification. Using the pencil icon, you will open the window for editing the value of a given configuration key. For read-only keys it is not possible to change the value.

Enelion Bridge


User manual
! WARNING Changing the value of these keys can change the behavior of the charging stations undesirably. Only use this feature if you know what you are doing.

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fig. 35: Configuration keys section of the OCPP tab

fig. 36: Charging point view in the Charging tab Points.
The available states of each charging panel are described in the table below:

6.8. Charging points
6.8.1. Overview
The Charging Points section allows you to manage devices present in the charging network, i.e. charging points and the EnergyGuard module. The Overview page presents a list of charging points on your network with details about each of them. Bridge automatically detects the number of charging points. If all devices are listed, check that the charging stations are properly connected to each other.

Status Available

Availability status
Charging ready state. A car is connected to the panel or the station is waiting for it to be connected after proper authorization in order to start charging.
Charging status


Car side charging pause state. It may occur when the car is fully charged or charging is paused for other reasons.


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User manual

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The available lock settings are described below:


Standby on charger side. It may mean a hold due to dynamic balancing of the charging power or due to the limitation of the charging profile.


Unavailability status. Locked charger will not start charging. State forced by the management system.

Lock mode Description

Automatic lock

The lock will be managed by the charger. Correct user verification and connecting the charging cable will close the lock. Completing charging or disconnecting the cable from the car will open the socket lock.

Reserved Faulted

Reservation status. Forced by the management system.
Station error. Please check the device interface for more information.

Tab. 6: Possible connectors status.

Always open

The lock will always be open, regardless of the connection and charging status of the car.

Always closed

The lock will always be closed, regardless of the connection and charging status of the car. Enables permanent locking of the cable on the charger side.

Possible lock states are explained in the table below:

Socket status Description


Lock is opened


Lock is closed

Tab. 8: Possible connectors status.
6.9. System
The System section allows for managing the Bridge module settings.


The charger does not have or does not allow the use of a socket lock

Tab. 7: Possible lock status.

6.9.1. Overview
In the Overview section, we can check information about the serial number of the Bridge module, its soft-ware version and the operating time since launch.

The buttons to the right of the name of the loading panel allow it to restart and change its settings. In the set tings, you can change the lock mode and start or stop charging in an emergency in case other methods of starting/stopping charging fail.

fig. 38: Overview section of the System tab.

fig. 37: Charger point settings.

6.9.2. Update
The Update section allows you to update the charging station software using an update file. To update, after selecting the file with the gray button, click the Submit button. The Bridge module will start the update process, and the configuration panel will count down for about 3 minutes and then restart with the new software version.

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fig. 39: Update section of the System tab.

Bridge can also be factory reset using as witch on the device. With the charger unplugged, slide the restore switch to factory settings. When restarting, Bridge will revert to default settings.

A reboot is recommended before performing a firmware update of the device. In case the update operation is failing please temporarily disconnect the device from OCPP server (use “Don’t connect to management system” option in OCPP section).

6.9.4. Users
The configuration panel has two user accounts: user and admin.
The tabs that the user does not have access to are: OCPP, Update, Settings Management. Other functions to which the user has limited rights are: viewing logs, changing the NTP server address, changing the administrator password.

6.9.3. Setting Management
The Settings Management subpage allows you to ex-port and import settings and restore the Bridge module to the factory settings. The Download settings file but-ton will download the file with Bridge settings. By selecting this file in the Import settings section and clicking the Submit button, we will import the settings to the Bridge module. Using the Import StationID field, we can specify whether we want the Bridge module to import StationID in the OCPP connection settings, and using the Import hotspot settings field – whether we want to import the hotspot settings. These settings can be useful depending on whether you are importing a backup of the settings from the same device or as a settings template to a new device.

fig. 41: Settings section of the System tab.
The Users subpage allows you to change the users’ password. In order to change the password of a given user, enter his previous password in the corresponding fields and enter the new password twice, and then confirm the change with the Change password button.

6.9.5. Time
The Bridge module uses both the appropriate OCPP and NTP time server commands for time synchronization. The Time tab allows you to check the current time used by the Bridge module, synchronize it with the time of the device from which you access the configuration panel, and configure automatic time synchronization with the NTP server.

fig. 40: Settings section of the System tab.

Restore to factory settings button results in restoring the Bridge module to factory settings.


Enelion Bridge

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The Download diagnostics button allows you to down-
load a diagnostic file to the disk, which, in case of possible problems with the Bridge module, will help
the Enelion technical support diagnose their causes.

6.9.6. Reboot

fig. 42: Time section of the System tab.

The Reboot button allows you to restart the Bridge
module. After two minutes, the configuration panel will display the Dashboard section.

Select the pencil icon to change the NTP server. This
will open a window with a text field where you can enter a new NTP server address and confirm the change with the Save button.

fig. 45: Reboot section of the System tab.

fig. 43: NTP time synchronization server settings.

6.10. Technical data

6.10.1. Logs
The list of events that occurred in the Bridge module is available on the Logs subpage. Depending on whether we are interested in logs from the system or OCPP communication and inside the charging network, we can choose the appropriate category from the list signed Displayed logs type. The event list only re-freshes when it is scrolled to the recent events view.

Technical data


2.4 GHz, 802.11 bgn

GSM Modem

LTE Cat 4, Max. 150 Mbps (DL), Max. 50 Mbps (UL)

OCPP version

OCPP 1.6 JSON over websocket

fig. 44: Logs section of the System tab.

Network ports used
Number of charging points supported in a network

TCP 20i21 – FTP protocol used for down-loading firmware updates and uploading diagnostics data TCP 80 i 8080 – OCPP connection TCP 443 – Secured OCPP connection TCPiUDP 53 – DNS protocol UDP 123 – NTP protocol
To 100

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The manufacturer recommends conducting a device inspection once every 12 months for safety and maintenance reasons. The inspection is not mandatory.


The device is designed to operate in temperatures from -35°C* to 55°C. The manufacturer does not guarantee the proper functioning of the charging station in temperatures outside the specified range. Chargers that are damaged because of exposure to temperatures below
-25°C or above 55°C are not covered under the warranty. In case it is necessary to open the device, make sure that it is disconnected from the power source. With the device installed outdoors, make sure that there is no precipitation or strong wind.
The device may only be opened by a qualified and authorized person.
7.1. Cleaning
The correct way to clean the charger is to wipe the housing with a microfiber cloth using a cleaning agent dedicated to anodized aluminum. Plexiglas elements (front panel) and plastic elements (socket) should be cleaned with a microfiber cloth using a cleaning agent dedicated to cleaning windowpanes. Other cleaning methods (e.g. wire brush) may lead to the damage of the device housing. Damage resulting from improper cleaning of the device does not constitute grounds for warranty claims.
The device meets the IP 54 standard. There-fore, it is forbidden to wash the charger with pressure washers, garden hoses, shower or any other water stream sources.

03 – 2024 Maintenance

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8.1. Operation and maintenance of charging station.
Service inspection is performed once a year.
Mechanical elements such as a socket, charging cable, plug lock, require only a superficial inspection. Solid/durable components are not expected to wear out and to require replacement during the lifetime of station. During the visual inspection, one should pay attention to potential corrosion sources, traces of water, precipitated salts or other symptoms that may indicate deterioration of the station’s condition.
Service work may only be performed when the voltage is turned off. The exact procedure is described in the manuals for the given models of charging stations.
Fault diagnosis is carried out by reading the information on the screen, which displays error codes and the description of the problem. In stations without a screen, this information is transmitted by means of light pulses of the LED interface (chapter 4 User interface).
The wiring diagram and structure of the device can be found in the installation manual of the given charger model.

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8.2. Technical test
The charging station should be subject to a full electrical test at least every 5 years. The proper operation of the residual current device should be tested every year. Tests checking the efficiency of the station, electric shock protection, etc. should be performed in accordance with the standards and regulations currently in force. Tests may only be performed by authorized personnel.
Below are some recommendations for the performance of the most important tests.

fig. 46: The main potential equalization point of the Vertica pole.

8.3. Measurement of housing earthing resistance
In the Vertica pole the main potential equalization point is a screw connector where the PE conductors of the charging modules and the PE conductors supplying the pole are connected. At this point, the device grounding resistance should be measured.



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fig. 48: The main potential equalization point of the Wallbox.

fig. 47: The main potential equalization point of the Vertica pole (obverse of the Vertica pole).

fig. 49: The main potential equalization point of the Stilo.
8.3.1. Continuity measurement of the protective conductors
The measurement should be made between the main potential equalization point and PE contact in the charging socket, or in the case of a cable station charger, in the plug.
The measurement should be made according to the PN-EN 61667-4:2007 standard.
The open circuit test voltage should be between 4 and 24 V (AC or DC). Continuity measurement should be performed with a current greater or equal to 200 mA The required accuracy of the measurement should be better than 30%. The maximum acceptable resistance is 3.



User manual
8.3.2. Measurement of housing earthing resistance
The charging stations have an aluminum, grounded housing ­ protection class 1. For aesthetic reasons, the surface is anodized, which makes it a poor conductor. Measurements should be taken in exposed places, that is, on the cut edge of the aluminum profiles visible after removing the top cover. The probes should be pressed firmly against the metal surface to break through the oxide layer. The measurement should be performed three times.
The measurement should be made according to the PN-EN 61557-4:2007 standard.
The open circuit test voltage should be between4and 24V(AC or DC). Continuity measurement should be performed with a current greater or equal to 200 mA. The required accuracy of the measurement should be better than 30%. The maximum acceptable resistance is 3.

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fig. 51: The ground resistance measurement point of the Stilo housing.

fig. 50: The ground resistance measurement point of the Vertica pole.

fig. 52: The ground resistance measurement point of the Wallbox housing.
8.3.3. Operational ground resistance measurement
Perform the measurement if the operational grounding has been completed. Measurements can be made using the technical, compensation, clamp or the other methods permitted by applicable regulations PN-EN 61557-5. The maximum acceptable resistance is 30.



User manual
8.3.4. Effectiveness of electric shock protection measurement
The measurement should be made at the charging station’s connection terminals. In the Vertica station, these terminals are in the form of a screw strip or springle connectors.

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fig. 54: Vertica pole springle connectors.

fig. 53: Vertica pole connecting terminals.

fig. 55: Wallbox connection terminals. Operation

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possible to connect the measuring system directly to the socket supplying power to the charging module using the WAGO 831-3205 connector.


fig. 56: Stilo connection terminals.
The measurement should make according to the PN-HD 60364-6:2016-07, PN-HD 60364-4-41:2017 standards, for each powering phases of the charging point.
The test should be carried out using a meter which en-ables making an operation in the circuits with an RCD switch.
Possibly: The measuring tool can be able to make the measurement in a circuit which contains the residual current device without it’s tripping.
It should be checked if the short-circuit current at the measurement site will be sufficient for the operation of the over-current protection in the required time. Use the most favorable result to access the effectiveness of protection.
The condition must be met:
Zs × Ia U0 for t 0, 4s
Zs – short-circuit impedance

When measuring the insulation resistance, the supply voltage absolutely must be disconnected without any possibility of it being accidentally reconnected!
If over voltage protectors have been used in the tested installation, the connection of the protector with the phases L1, L2, L3 and the N conductor should be dis-connected before starting the measurements, and re-connected after the measurement. If the station is equipped with energy meters, disconnect the wires from the input terminals of the meter and use them as a measuring point. Failure to disconnect the meter will lower the phase-to-phase resistance values to approximately 1500 k and the phase-neutral resistance values to approximately 750 k. The method of measuring and the required values of test voltages and minimum insulation resistance for the electrical installation during acceptance and periodic tests are specified in the PN-IEC 60364-6-61 standard. Typically, the test volt-age is 500 VDC and the minimum insulation resistance is 1 M. Measurements should be made between the leads as specified in the attached table.
Resistance in [M] L1- L1- L2- N- N- N- PE- PE- PE- NL2 L3 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 PE

I a – the value of current which is able to automatic power-off in the time t 0, 4s,

[M] [M] [M] [M] [M] [M] [M] [M] [M] [M]

U0 – nominal phase voltage (230V)
8.4. Testing insulation resistance
8.4.1. Testing the insulation resistance of the electrical installation supplying power to the charging station
During the test, the charger must be disconnected from the mains or the charging module removed from the Vertica pole. The test should be performed in a3or 5 wire mode, depending on the installation. It is recommended to use devices dedicated to measuring insulation resistance with a valid calibration certificate. The meter can be connected e.g. to the output terminals of the over current circuit breaker installed in the switchgear, to the bottom part of the post or any other convenient place. In Vertica stations, it is

8.4.2. Testing the insulation resistance of the charging station with a charging module
Additionally, the values of the insulation of the entire charging station can be checked. The test should be performed in a similar way to the test of the condition of insulation of the power supply circuits, i.e. without voltage being applied, in a 5-wire mode and with the overvoltage protection circuit disconnected. It is recommended to use tools with a valid calibration certificate dedicated to measuring insulation resistance. The maximum permissible test voltage is 500 VDC. When testing the insulation resistance of the charging station, attention should be paid to the polarization of the test voltage. It is important due to the measuring and protection systems used inside the device. The polarization of the insulation resistance meter can be easily



User manual

03 – 2024

checked with a universal multimeter on a DC voltage measurement. If this is not possible, the measurement of the insulation between N and PE on the charging station socket will indicate the polarization of the meter. When the result is around 90 k­ 400 k the applied voltage has N-PE+ polarization. Otherwise, the meter will show >500 M, which means N+ PE- polarization. For convenience, mark the test probes appropriately and take the remaining measurements with the correct polarization from the table. When performing measurements with the Sonel MPI 520/530 Meter with an AUTO ISO-1000 adapter or similar in automatic mode, all measurements will have the correct polarization. It is sufficient to take N-PE measurement in one polarization only. When taking measurements with the Gossen Metrawatt PROFITEST MXTRA meter anda 2-pole adapter, the measurement polarization is marked in the photo below.

Measurement configuration and polarization

Insulation resistance rated value

Minimum acceptable value

PE+ L1PE+ L2PE+ L3 N+ L1N+ L2N+ L3N- PE+ N- PE+ L1-L2+ L1- L3+ L3+ L2-

1 M 1 M 1 M >500 M >500 M >500 M >500 M 400 M 2 M 2 M 2 M

800 M 800 M 800 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 90 M 90 M 900 M 900 M 900 M

Insulation resistance is measured with direct voltage. Various manufacturers of measuring devices adopt different polarization conventions for measurements and this is not standardized. For example, the Sonel MPI 520/530 meter gives negative voltage to phase conductors and positive voltage to N/PE. With reverse polarization (plus on L, minus on N), an internal power supply through the socket is activated in the device. This system is used to test devices. As a result, the measuring device is loaded with the starting converter and the resistance results are at the level of several k, which does not correspond to the actual condition

8.4.3. Adapter
An additional factor is the adapter used: charging station­ measuring device. The Metrawatt device (PRO-TYP II Z525A) uses LED voltage indicators, which are useful during functional tests of the charger. Unfortunately, these diodes together with the current limiting resistors (80 k) significantly affect the results of insulation resistance measurements (results below 80 k) depending on the polarization. For this reason, do not use this and other adapters with voltage indicators for insulation measurements as that may affect the value of the measured resistance. It is allowed to use adapters, which do not contain additional circuits ­ that are adapters for the measuring system. Otherwise, the measurement should be carried out directly on the station socket/plug contacts, observing appropriate safety rules.

The table with the criteria for assessing the insulation status and the measurement polarization has been presented below.

fig. 57: Pin designation of the Type 2 socket of the charging station.



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03 – 2024

8.5. Measurement of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock
The station is tested prior to the first over-current protection. Measurements are taken with the station/ charging module disconnected.
In the case of Vertica or Wallbox Adspace stations, where each panel is powered by a separate cable, the fuse is located in the appropriate switchgear. The fuse must be properly selected for the location and configuration conditions of the device when preparing the electrical installation. When the Vertica Post with two modules is power supplied with one, thicker wire, the over-current protection and branching are located in the lower part of the station.
This splitter is called Vertica Splitter and is offered as an accessory in the Enelion offer. Circuit breakers with B or C characteristics and rated currents of up to 32 A are used. The power cord must be protected in the switchgear in accordance with the guidelines included in the installation manual for a specific Enelion device model.
8.6. Testing the operation of residual current devices
Each charging point must be protected against type B residual current (devices with the EU declaration of conformity with the PN-EN IEC 61851-1: 2019-10 standard). This requirement can be met by installing a type B residual current device (RCD B30 mA/40 A) or an RCD EV (30 mA/40 A) in the switchgear. It is also possible to use the Enelion RCM B ­ Residual Current Monitor type B accessory. Enelion RCM Bin combination with the RCD A used in the switchgear meet all safety requirements. In the case of supplying power to the Vertica Post with two charging modules by one wire (Verica Spliter accessory applied), the over-current and residual current protections are located in the lower part of the Vertica Post. The test can be carried out when the charging process is started ­ voltage is on at the socket, status C. For this purpose, an appropriate RCD tester and a vehicle simulator ­ adapter should be used. During the tests, access to the switchgear or the lower part of the station should be ensured in order to enable lifting the protection. Any activation of the switches during the tests will turn off power to the station. After powering the station again, start the charging process anew.

interrupting the charging process, and the appropriate information is displayed on the screen. The warning contains information about the reason for the interruption of charging, the error number whose detailed description is contained in the manual, and the LED interface blinks in a specific way (see Chapter 4.3 LED bar), o draw the user’s attention. The charging process is suspended until the user’s action.
To reset the system and enable recharging again, pull out the plug from the station socket. For chargers with RFID identification, the identification must be used to open the plug lock. In public chargers ­ in Plug & Charge configuration­ the vehicle must be disconnected­this also opens the lock in the station.
After the charging process has been completed, the station is ready for the next charging. In the event that the protection in the switchgear is activated ear-lier, the voltage should be reinitiated by lifting the lever and starting the next charging process. The process should be repeated until all necessary tests have been performed.
8.6.1. Functional test of the device ­ methods of execution
Functional tests must be carried out with a suitable tester. The charging point should be handled as in the standard charging process. The entire procedure for the initiation and termination of charging etc. is provided in Chapter 2 Use of the charging station. Attention should be paid to the different operation of the station depending on the configuration: with RFID authorization and Plug&Charge. Chapter 10 Troubleshooting describes the error codes and the situations diagnosed by the station. On their basis, it can be determined whether the station correctly diagnoses damage on the vehicle end. Examples of damage are the lack of a diode, CP short-circuit, PP short- circuit, etc. Such situations can be simulated with an appropriate test system dedicated to the AC charging station.

The procedure looks similar for stations protected by RCD A cut-out switches and equipped with Ene-
lion RCM B. The difference appears when testing the protections in mode B. When the built-in protection RCM B is triggered, the relays are immediately opened,



User manual

03 – 2024

9. Technical description
9.1. Form with boxes to fill in

Charging Station/General Access Charging Station

Charging point, an element of public road transport infrastructure

Type Post Model Number Module Model Number Post serial Number Module Serial Number Number of charging points Connection power Supply voltage Network type Output voltage Charging current Protection class IP class Mechanical strength class Dimension (diameter x height) Post weight Module weight with socket Interface height Charging connector Working temperature Device location – WGS84

……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. 1/2 22 kW/44 kW 3 x 230 V/400 VAC TN, TT (IT per request) 3 x 230 V/400 VAC 50 Hz/60 Hz Maximum 3 x 32 A Class I IP54 IK10 250 mm x 1310 mm 22 kg ± 5% 2,7 kg/8,5 kg 1220 mm Socket/Cable From -25°C to 50°C

Latitude Longitude

N S ………….° …………………….., ……………. EW ………….° …………………….., …………….


Technical description

User manual

03 – 2024

Trouble shooting

10.1. Error codes

Error codes consist of three elements correspond-

ing respectively to: error category, source of error

and error number.



Where :

· W ­ error category (in this case: a warning),

· 01 ­ source of error (communication with the car error),

is an error of this sort the light bar will be dimmed and will flash with impulses of red light. The number of flashes depends on the source of the error.
10.2.3.Failure F
Errors from the category of failure are critical errors detected by the charger which prevent any further operation of the device. After detecting an error of this category the charger should be sent to a servicing point. When there is an error of this sort the light bar will light in solid red light and will flash with impulses of red light. The number of flashes depends on the source of the error.

· / ­ Separator,
· 02 ­ error number (short circuit on the CP signal line).
10.2. Error categories

10.3. Source of errors
The source of error signaled as the first number in the error code should be read according to the table below:

Error category is marked with the first letter in the error code and indicates how serious the error which occurred in the charger is. There are three error categories:
· W ­ warning,
· E ­ error
· F ­ failure
10.2.1. Warning W
Errors from the warning category are the errors which the charger will try to fix on its own or once the error is eliminated the charger will be able to return to the state before the error occurred. The display will show the time counting down to the moment the occurring error is reset. Light bars will light in a solid yellow light and will flash with impulses of green light. The number of flashes depends on the source of the error.

Number Source of errors


Communication with the car


Locking system


Residual current detected


Residual current detected


Device failure

In case of STILO chargers it is only possible to define the error category and the source of error.

10.2.2.Error E
Error in this category are the errors which require user intervention in order to have the charger return to operation. To reset the error the user must disconnect the car from the charger. After the car is disconnected the charger should return to a default state. When there

10.4. Error number
A detailed error number may be read from the charger display. Each source of error has its own set of errors which may occur when the charger is in operation. The tables below include all possible errors:




User manual


Source Number Type of error

01 Short circuit on the PP line

02 Short circuit on the CP line

03 Diode failure in the car



Wrong status in the communication protocol

PP signal disappeared 05 during the charging

Possible solution
Check the cable connection to the charger or replace charging cable.
Wait for another attempt to communicate with the car or try to disconnect and reconnect the car
Wait for another attempt to communicate with the car
Wait for another attempt to communicate with the car or press the charging cable plug with greater force.

Light bar response

06 No PP signal detected

Disconnect and reconnect the charging cable.

Phase loss on the first 01 phase connected to the

Check the circuit breakers which supply the charger and wait for the error to be reset.


Overvoltage in the power Wait for the power grid to stabilize and the

grid detected

error to be reset.


Voltage dip in the power grid detected

Wait for the power grid to stabilize and the error to be reset.



Overvoltage in the car

The charging will be stopped and retaken

charging process detected after some time.

Turn off the charger and check the power

connection. The power supply can only be


Incorrect phase connection connected in the order: L1, L2, L3 or in the

to the charger

appropriate sequence. An error in the instal-

lation can lead to improper operation of the

dynamic load balancing (DLB) function.

03 – 2024

Trouble shooting

User manual



Source Number Type of error
01 Socket lock error 02
02 Socket unlock error

Possible solutions

Light bar response

Adjust the cable plug in the charger socket. If necessary, re­authorize

Adjust the cable plug in the charger socket and wait for another attempt to unlock the socket.


Residual current AC 30 mA type

A detected when charging

Detection of the residual current causes


the charging to stop. To reset the error,


Residual current DC 6mA type disconnect the car from the charger. B detected when charging


Source Number Type of error

Possible solutions

Residual current type A or B The charger may be damaged. The device


05 detected at any moment when should be immediately switched off and

no car is charging.

sent to the servicing point.

Turn off the charger and check the power



Incorrect phase connection to connection. The power supply can only be

the charger

connected in the order: L1, L2, L3 or in the

appropriate sequence.

Turn off the charger and disconnect the

cables connecting the charger to the


01 Communication module failure network. If the error still appears after

switching on, the charger may require

service. Contact the Dealer.

Light bar response

03 – 2024

User manual
10.5. Frequently Asked Questions
10.5.1. Enelion Bridge
Make sure the WiFi password was entered correctly and that the proper security method was chosen (“Authentication type” box). Positioning the WiFi router closer to the charger may also prove helpful.
Check in the OCPP tab if the number in “Number of panels” reflects the real number of panels connected to the network. Check if the network was set properly, if there is connection between the proper cables and if all charging panels were connected to the network correctly.

03 – 2024
10.6. Repair
The manufacturer allows for the repair of public accessible charging stations without the need for UDT re-inspections (provided that the charger’s parameters remain unchanged). The manufacturer permits modular repair by replacing the entire module or device instead of repairing individual components.

Make sure the COM module is connected to the same network as your device. If you are connected to the WiFi network created by the charger or via Ethernet to the COM’s LAN connection, try entering “” into the ad-dress bar in the browser. If your device and the charger are both connected to the same different network, try entering “” or the charger’s local IP address obtained from the network.

In other cases contact technical support. Describe in detail the situation in which the problem occurs,
which will help the technicians locate the source of
the problem quicker and help you more effectively. If possible attach the file with the charger operations log (you can download it by pressing “Download logs”
in the configuration panel “Logs” tab).



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