novus N1040T Controller User Guide

June 17, 2024

N1040T Controller


  • Model: N1040T Controller

  • Inputs: Thermocouple J, Thermocouple K,
    Thermocouple T, Pt100

  • Outputs: 2 or 4 output channels

  • Output Types: Voltage pulse output, SPST-NO
    Relay, SPDT Relay

  • Control Modes: ON/OFF Mode, PID Mode

Product Usage Instructions

Safety Alerts

CAUTION: Read the manual completely before
installing and operating the equipment. All safety recommendations
must be followed to ensure personal safety and prevent damage to
the system.

Risk of Electric Shock: Follow safety
precautions to prevent electric shock.


Ensure a firm hold is obtained during installation.

Electrical Connections

The layout of the features on the back panel of the controller
is shown in Figure 1.

Signal Input

The input type must be defined during equipment configuration.
Refer to Table 1 for available input options.


The controller has multiple output channels that can be
configured as Control Output, Timer Outputs, or Alarm Outputs.
Refer to the manual for specific configurations of each output

Temperature Control Output

The process control output can operate in ON/OFF Mode or PID
Mode. Set parameters accordingly and utilize the Auto-tuning
function for PID mode.

Alarm Output

The controller has alarm functions that can be directed to any
output channel. Configure the alarms based on specific conditions
such as Absolute Minimum/Maximum Value Alarm, Differential Value
Alarm, or Open Sensor Alarms.


How do I configure the alarm functions on the N1040T


To configure alarm functions, refer to Table 2 in the manual for
different alarm trigger conditions such as Absolute Minimum/Maximum
Value Alarm, Differential Value Alarm, or Open Sensor Alarms. Each
alarm function has specific settings to be adjusted based on your

What are the available input options for the N1040T


The available input options for the N1040T Controller include
Thermocouple J, Thermocouple K, Thermocouple T, and Pt100. Ensure
the correct input type is defined during equipment

N1040T Controller

The following symbols are used on the equipment and throughout this manual to draw the user’s attention to important information related to the safety and use of the equipment.

Read the manual completely before installing and operating
the equipment.

CAUTION OR HAZARD: Risk of electric shock.

All safety recommendations appearing in this manual must be followed to ensure personal safety and prevent damage to the instrument or system. If the instrument is used in a manner other than that specified in this manual, the device safety protections may not be effective.

The controller should be attached to a panel, following the sequence of steps below: · Make a panel cutout, as shown in the SPECIFICATIONS section. · Remove the mounting clamp from the controller. · Insert the controller into the panel cutout. · Reattach the mounting clamp on the controller, pressing until a
firm hold is obtained.

The layout of the features on the back panel of the controller is shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1 ­ Electrical connections

· Input signal conductors must run through the plant separately from the supply and output conductors. If possible, in grounded conduits.
· The power supply for the electronic instruments must come from a proper instrumentation network.
· It is essential to use RC FILTERS (noise suppressors) at contactor coils, solenoids, etc.
· In control applications, it is essential to consider what can happen when any part of the system fails. The internal devices of the equipment do not guarantee full protection.



The input type to be used must be defined during equipment configuration.
Table 1 shows the available input options:

TYPE Thermocouple J Thermocouple K Thermocouple T



Tc j Range: -110 to 950 °C (-166 to 1742 °F)

Tc k Range: -150 to 1370 °C (-238 to 2498 °F) Tc t Range: -160 to 400 °C (-256 to 752 °F)

Pt Range: -200 to 850 °C (-328 to 1562 °F)

Table 1 ­ Input type

Available at terminals 15 and 16 on the back panel. It recognizes the closure of Dry Contact switches. The A3 flag indicates the Digital Input condition:
On = DI enabled (closed). Off = DI disabled (open).

The controller has 2 or 4 output channels, according to the model ordered. These channels must be configured to operate as Control Output, T1 Timer Output, T2 Timer Output, or Alarm 4 Output.
OUTPUT 1 Voltage pulse output type, 5 Vdc / 50 mA max. Available at terminals 4 and 5.
OUTPUT 2 SPST-NO Relay. Available at terminals 6 and 7.
OUTPUT 3 SPST-NO Relay. Available at terminals 13 and 14.
OUTPUT 4 SPDT Relay. Available at terminals 10, 11, and 12.



The process control output can operate in the following modes: 1) ON/OFF Mode or 2) PID Mode.
To operate in ON/OFF Mode, you must set the PB parameter to 0.0. The values of the PID parameters can be set automatically with the Auto-tuning function (ATvN).

The controller has an alarm, which can be directed to any output channel and can operate with one of the functions described in Table 2:

off Alarm off.

Absolute Minimum Value Alarm.
lo It triggers when the PV (temperature) value is below the value set by the Alarm Setpoint (SPA4).


Absolute Maximum Value
ki It triggers when the PV value SPA1 is above the value set by the
Alarm Setpoint.

Differential Value Alarm.

In this function, the SPA4 parameter represents a difference between PV and control SP.







Positive SPA4

Negative SPA4

Minimum Differential Value Alarm.
It triggers when the PV value is below the point set by SP-SPA4 (using alarm 1 as an example).







Positive SPA4

Negative SPA4

Maximum Differential Value Alarm.
It triggers when the PV value is above the point set by SP+SPA4.





Positive SPA4

Negative SPA4


Open Sensor Alarms (Sensor Break Alarm).
It operates when the input presents problems such as a broken sensor, poorly connected sensor, etc.

Table 2 ­ Alarm functions

Important note: Alarms configured with functions ki, diff, and diffk will also trigger the related output when the controller identifies and signals a sensor failure. A relay type output configured to act as a Maximum Alarm (ki), for example, will act when the SPAL value is exceeded and when the sensor connected to the controller input is broken.


N1040T Controller
The Initial Block feature inhibits the alarm from being activated if an alarm condition exists in the process when the controller goes into operation. The alarm will only be enabled after the process has passed a non-alarm condition. This function is useful, for example, at the beginning of the process control operation. At this point, the PV value is still far from the value set with SP. Thus, alarm situations are expected and often their signaling is unwanted. The Initial Block is not valid for the ierr function (Open Sensor).
Feature that allows you to make small adjustments to the PV indication. It allows you to correct measurement errors that appear, for example, when replacing a temperature sensor.
The lbd.t parameter sets a maximum time interval, in minutes, for PV to react to the command from the control output. If there is not a minimal and proper reaction throughout this interval, the controller will signal the occurrence of a LBD event on its display. This indicates problems in the control loop. If you set the lbd.t parameter to 0 (zero), this function is disabled. This function allows you to detect problems in the installation, such as a bad actuator or a failure in the power supply process to the load.
Function that puts the control output into a safe condition for the process when identifying an error in the sensor input. When identifying a sensor failure, the controller will set the percentage value (set in 1E.ov parameter) for the control output. The controller will remain in this condition until the sensor failure disappears. When in ON/OFF Mode, the values for 1E.ov are only 0 and 100 %. When in PID Mode, any values between 0 and 100 % are accepted.
The USB interface is used to CONFIGURE, MONITOR, or UPDATE the FIRMWARE. To do this, you must use QuickTune software, which offers features to create, view, save, and open configurations from the device or from files on your computer. The feature to save and open configurations in files allows you to transfer configurations between devices and create backups. For specific models, QuickTune allows you to upgrade the firmware (internal software) of the controller via USB interface. To MONITOR, you can use any supervisory (SCADA) or laboratory software that supports Modbus RTU communication over a serial communication port. When connected to the USB interface of a computer, the controller will be recognized as a conventional serial port (COM x). You should use QuickTune software or consult the Device Manager in the Windows Control Panel to identify the COM port assigned to the device. Refer to the Modbus memory mapping in the device communication manual and the supervisory software documentation. To use the USB communication, follow the steps below:
1. Download QuickTune software, free of charge, from our website and install it on the computer to be used. The USB drivers required for the operation of the communication will be installed with the software.
2. Connect the USB cable between the device and the computer. The controller does not need to be powered. The USB interface will provide enough power for the

communication to operate (other device functions may not operate). 3. Run QuickTune, configure the communication, and start the device recognition.
The USB interface IS NOT ISOLATED from the signal input (INPUT) and possible digital inputs and outputs of the controller. Its purpose is temporary use during CONFIGURATION and MONITORING periods. For the safety of people and equipment, it should only be used when the equipment is fully disconnected from the input/output signals. The USB interface can be used in any other situation, but it requires careful consideration by the people performing the installation. For MONITORING over long periods and with the inputs and outputs connected, it is recommended to use the RS485 interface, available or optional in most of our devices.
The controller has 2 timers, which can operate independently of the temperature control.
T1 is the main timer. It has several features that provide different modes of operation.
T1 Timer has 4 trigger modes:
RUN Allows you to start time counting when activating control (RvN = YES).
SP Allows you to start time counting when the PV value reaches the SP value set for the process.
F Allows you to start time counting by using the key. Once the timing has started, pressing the key again will interrupt the process.
To start a new cycle, press the key again.
DI Allows you to start time counting via Digital Input. When you trigger the DI (close contact), the time counting will start. If the DI is disabled (open contact) before the end of the timer, it will be interrupted. Returning to DI will start a new cycle.
Note: If you manually set the RvN parameter to NO (control disabled), the triggering options via key and DI will not allow you to re-enable control (RvN = YES).
T1 Timer has 3 operation modes:
off T1 output turns off at the end of T1. In this mode, T1 output turns on at the beginning of T1 and turns off at the end of T1. The A1 flag turns on at the beginning of the timer and flashes after the end of the T1 interval.
On T1 output turns on at the end of T1. When T1 timer starts, the T1 output remains off. At the end of the timer, T1 output is turned on and will remain in this condition until a new cycle starts. The A1 flag flashes during the timing of T1. After T1, it

N1040T Controller
turns on permanently, signaling that the output is still on. On.x T1 output remains on at the end of T1. The T1 output is switched on at the beginning of T1 timer and remains in this condition even at the end of the timing. The A1 flag turns on during the timing of T1. After T1, it starts flashing, signaling that the output is still on. The operation modes define the behavior of the outputs linked to the timer. You can link to any available output: OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, or OUT4. The A1 flag indicates the current stage of the timer.
Secondary timer. It starts its timing at the end of T1. It can also be linked to any available output on the controller. The linked output always turns on at the beginning of T2 and turns off at the end. The A2 flag indicates the condition of timing T2:
T2 in progress A2 on. T2 not started or already finished A2 off.
The time counting for the timers can occur in 2 modes: 1) Increasing Mode or 2) Decreasing Mode. In Increasing Mode (UP), counting starts at 0 and goes up to the programmed time interval (T1, T2) In Decreasing Mode (DOWN), it starts at the programmed time value and goes down to 0.
During the timing intervals of T1 and T2, the temperature control has normal operation. The output defined as Temperature Control acts to bring the PV value to the value set in SP. However, at the end of the T1 + T2 interval, it is possible to configure the controller to disable temperature control, setting the RvN parameter to NO. See T.E.(.0 Parameter (Timer Cycle).
The TBAS parameter (Timer Cycle) allows you to set the time base to be used. The options are:
Sec MM:SS. The time intervals T1 and T2 are shown in minutes and seconds.
Min HH:MM. The time intervals T1 and T2 are shown in hours and minutes.

The front panel of the controller can be seen in Figure 2:
Figure 2 ­ Front panel identification Display: Displays the measured variable, configuration parameter symbols, and their respective values/conditions. TUNE flag: Remains on while the controller is in the tuning process. RUN flag: Indicates that the controller is in operation. OUT flag: Indicates the status of the temperature control output. A1 flag: Indicates the status of the output linked to T1. A2 flag: Indicates the status of the output linked to T2. A3 flag: Indicates the Digital Input condition. A4 flag: Indicates the Alarm 4 condition.
Key: Key used to advance to successive parameters and parameter cycles.
Increment Key and Decrement Key: Keys used to change parameter values.
Key: Key used to move back parameters during configuration.
When powered up, the controller displays its software version number for the first 3 seconds. After that, it will show the measured process variable (PV) value (temperature) in the upper display and the SP value in the lower display. This is the Indication Screen. To be used in a process, you need to configure the controller. To configure it, you must define each of its parameters. The configuration parameters are gathered into affinity groups, called parameter cycles:
Operation / Tuning / Timer / Alarms / Input / Calibration The key gives access to the cycles and their parameters. By holding down the key, the controller jumps from one cycle to another every 2 seconds, displaying the first parameter of each cycle: PV >> atvn >> t1 >> fva4 >> type >> pass >> PV … To enter the desired cycle, simply release the key when its first parameter is displayed. To advance through the parameters of this cycle, press the key with short touches. At the end of each cycle, the controller will return to the Indication Screen. The symbol for each parameter will be shown in the upper display while its respective value/condition will be shown in the lower display.

N1040T Controller




PV Indication Screen.
The value of the measured variable (PV) temperature is shown in the upper display (red).
The control Setpoint value (SP) is shown in the lower display (green).


PV Indication screen and elapsed time. The upper display (red) shows the measured temperature value (PV).
The lower display (green) shows the countdown of the time interval set for T1 Time.
You cannot adjust this screen.

Timer 1

Allows you to set the T1 Time interval.
Adjustable between 00:00 and 99:59 (HH:MM or MM:SS).
This parameter will be displayed in this cycle when defined in T.en parameter.


Alarm SP. Allows you to define the actuation point of the alarm outputs.
For alarms programmed with Differential type functions, these parameters set deviations.
This parameter will be displayed in this cycle when defined in sp4 parameter.

Rvn Allows you to enable or disable the controller’s Run action on the process. It acts as a switch, turning the
controller on or off.

YES Enabled outputs.

NO Disabled outputs.

This parameter will be displayed in this cycle when defined in rvn.e parameter.


Atvn AUTO-TUNING. Allows you to enable the automatic Auto-tuning tuning of the PID parameters (pb, ir, dt).

off Auto-tuning is off.

Fast Perform tuning in Fast Mode.

Fv11 Perform tuning in Accurate Mode.


Proportional Band

Proportional Band. Value of the P term of the PID control mode. In percent of the maximum range of the input type.
Adjustable between 0 and 500.0 %.
When set to 0.0 (zero), it defines ON/OFF control mode.

ir Integral Rate. Value of the I term of the PID control Integral Rate mode. In repetitions per minute (Reset).
Adjustable between 0 and 24.00.

Displayed only if proportional band 0.

Derivative Time

Derivative Time. Value of the D term of the PID control mode. In seconds.
Adjustable between 0 and 250 seconds.

Displayed only if proportional band 0.

(t PWM Cycle Time. Value of the PWM Cycle period of Cycle Time the PID control. In seconds.
Adjustable between 0.5 and 100.0 seconds.

Displayed only if proportional band 0.



Soft Start
0vt1 0vt2 0vt3 0vt4

Control hysteresis. Hysteresis value for ON/OFF control. Adjustable between 0 and the measurement range width of the selected input type. Displayed if proportional band Pb = 0.
Allows you to set the control logic:
Reverse Action control. Suitable for re heating. Turns on the control output when
PV is below SP.
Direct Action control. Suitable for dir refrigeration. Turns on the control output
when PV is above SP.
Soft Start Function. Allows you to set the time interval during which the controller will limit the control output (MV) rise speed. Adjustable between 0 and 9999 s. The value zero (0) disables the Soft Start function.
Allows you to set the operation mode of the OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, and OUT4 output channels:
Off Not used.
(trl It acts as temperature control.
a4 It acts as an Alarm 4 output.
Lbd It acts as a LBD function output.
t1 It acts as a T1 Timer output.
t2 It acts as a T2 Timer output.


Timer 1

Allows you to set the T1 Time interval.
Adjustable between 00:00 and 99:59 (HH:MM or MM:SS).

T.en Allows you to display the T1 Time parameter (T1) also Timer Enable in the Operation Cycle.

Enables T1 to be displayed in the Operation Yes Cycle.

DOES NOT enable T1 to be displayed in the no Operation Cycle.

Timer Start

Allows you to set the timing direction of T1. up Progressive counting, starting from 0. Dn Countdown.
Allows you to set the T1 timer startup mode. di The DI starts and resets the timer.

f key starts, stops, and resets the timer.

sP It starts when PV reaches SP. It starts when you enable control (Rvn =
rvn YES).

T.end Allows you to set the behavior of the T1 output at the Timer End end of T1 timer.

Timer End Control Off

off T1 output turns off at the end of T1. On T1 output turns on at the end of T1.
On.x T1 output remains on at the end of T1. Allows you to set the temperature control behavior at the end of the T1 + T2 timers.
Finishes control at the end of the timer (RvN yes = no).

The temperature control continues to no operate.


N1040T Controller

Timer 2
time base

Allows you to set the T2 Time interval. Adjustable between 00:00 and 99:59 (HH:MM or MM:SS). Time interval where the T2 output will remain on after the end of T1 timer.
Allows you to set the time base for T1 and T2 timers.
Min Hours and minutes (HH:MM). Sec Minutes and seconds (MM:SS).


Fva4 Allows you to set the alarm functions according to the

Function Alarm

options in Table 2.


Alarm SP. Value that defines the actuation point of the alarm output.
For Differential type functions, this parameter defines the deviations between PV and SP.
This parameter is not used for the ierr alarm function.

Sp4.e SP Enable. Allows you to display the SP.A4 parameter in the Operation Cycle.

YES Displays the SP.A4 parameter in the Operation Cycle.


DOES NOT display the SP.A4 parameter in the Operation Cycle.

Blocking Alarm

Alarm 4 – Initial Block. YES Enables the Initial Block. NO DOES NOT enable the Initial Block.

Xya4 Alarm hysteresis. Allows you to set the difference
Hysteresis of between the PV value at which the alarm is turned on Alarm and the value at which it is turned off.

flsh Allows you to indicate the occurrence of alarm Flash conditions by flashing the PV indication on the
indication screen.

YES Enables the alarm signaling by PV flashing.


DOES NOT enable the alarm signaling by PV flashing.


Type Allows you to define the input type to be used.


J Tc J -110 to 950 °C / -166 to 1742 °F

K Tc k -150 to 1370 °C / -238 to 2498 °F

T Tc t -160 to 400 °C / -256 to 752 °F

Pt100 Pt -200 to 850 °C / -328 to 1562 °F


Input digital filter.
Used to improve the stability of the measured signal (PV).
Adjustable between 0 and 20. At 0, it means the filter is off. At 20, it means the filter is at maximum.
The higher the filter value, the slower the response of the measured value.

Dp.po Allows you to set the display mode of the decimal Decimal Point point.

Vni t Allows you to set the temperature unit to be used:


°f Fahrenheit.

°( Celsius.

0ffs Allows you to make corrections to the indicated PV Offset value.

Spll Allows you to set the lower limit to adjust SP.
SP Low Limit


Spxl Allows you to set the upper limit to adjust SP.
SP High Limit
Lbd.t Time interval for the LBD function. Loop break Maximum time interval for the PV to react to control detection time output commands. In minutes.
1e.ov Percentage value to be applied to the output when occurs a failure in the sensor connected to the controller input.


All input types are factory calibrated. When a recalibration is necessary, it must be performed by a specialized professional.
If you access this cycle by accident, do not change its parameters.

Pass Password field. This parameter is displayed before Password the protected cycles.

(alib Allows you to enable the controller calibration. Calibration When not enabled, the corresponding parameters are

inL( Declaration of the range start calibration signal

Input Low Calibration

applied to the analog input.

ink( Declaration of the range end calibration signal applied

Input High Calibration

to the analog input.

Rstr Allows you to restore the factory calibrations.

(j Cold junction temperature.
Cold Junction

Pas.( Allows you to set a new password, which must not be

Password Change

Prot Allows you to set the Protection Level. See Table 3.

Rvn.e Allows you to display the RUN (rvn) parameter also RUN Enable in the Operation Cycle.

Yes Displays RUN in the Operation Cycle.

no DOES NOT display RUN in the Operation Cycle.

Rvn Allows you to enable or disable the controller’s Run action on the process. It acts as a switch, turning the
controller on or off.

Yes Enables outputs.

no Disables outputs.

Serial Number

It displays the last 4 digits of the electronic serial number of the controller.

Serial Number

It displays the last 4 digits of the electronic serial number of the controller.

The controller allows you to protect your configuration and prevent undue changes.
In the Calibration Cycle, the Protection parameter (PROt) defines the protection level to be adopted, limiting access to the cycles, as shown in Table 3:


N1040T Controller




Only the Calibration cycle is protected.


The Input and Calibration cycles are protected.


The Alarm, Input, and Calibration cycles are protected.


The Timer, Alarm, Input, and Calibration cycles are protected.


The Tuning, Timer, Alarm, Input, and Calibration cycles are protected.


All cycles, except the SP screen in the Operation Cycle, are protected.


All cycles are protected.

Table 3 ­ Configuration Protection Levels

When accessing the protected cycles, you will need to enter the password to be able to change they configuration.
You must enter the password in the PASS parameter, the first parameter of the protected cycles. Without it, the parameters of the protected cycles can only be viewed.
The password is set in the Password Change parameter (PAS.(), presented in the Calibration Cycle.
The controller is supplied with the Access Password set to 1111.

The controller has a safety system. It helps prevent the input of several passwords in an attempt to get the correct password right. Once 5 consecutive invalid passwords are identified, the controller will stop accepting passwords for 10 minutes.

If you forget your password, you can use the Master Password feature. When inserted, this password allows you to change the Password Change parameter (PAS.() and set a new password for the controller.
The master password is composed of the last three digits of the controller’s serial number plus the number 9000.
For a device with serial number 07154321, for example, the master password is 9 3 2 1.
You can obtain the serial number of the controller by pressing for 5 seconds.

During automatic tuning, the process is controlled in ON/OFF mode at the programmed Setpoint (SP).
In some processes, automatic tuning can take many minutes to complete.
The recommended procedure for running it is:
· Set the desired SP value for the process.
· In the Atvn screen, enable automatic tuning by selecting between FAST or FULL options.
The FAST option performs the tuning in the shortest possible time. The FULL option prioritizes more precise tuning.
During automatic tuning, the TUNE flag will remain lit on the front of the controller. You must wait until the tuning process is finished before you can use the controller.
During the Auto-tuning, PV oscillations can be induced in the process around the Setpoint.
If the tuning does not result in satisfactory control, Table 5 gives guidelines for correcting the process behavior:


Proportional Band

Slow response Great oscillation

Decrease Increase

Integration Rate

Slow response Great oscillation

Increase Decrease

Derivative Time

Slow response or instability Great oscillation

Decrease Increase

Table 4 ­ Manual adjustment of the PID parameters

For more details, check

Connection errors and improper programming are the most common errors during controller operation. A final review can avoid wasted time and damage. The controller displays some messages that are intended to help you identify problems:



—- Open Input. No sensor or signal.

Err1 Err6

Connection and/or configuration problems. Review the connections and the configuration.

Table 5 ­ Error messages

Other error messages shown by the controller represent internal damage that necessarily implies sending the equipment for maintenance.

All controller input types leave the factory already calibrated, and recalibration is not recommended for inexperienced operators. If you need to recalibrate an input, proceed as described below: a) In the type parameter, set the input type to be calibrated. b) Configure the lower and upper SP limits for the maximum span of
the input type. c) Access the Calibration Cycle. d) Enter the password. e) Enable the calibration when setting the parameter (alib to
YES. f) Using an electrical signal simulator, apply to the input terminals a
signal level close to the lower limit of the configured input range.
g) In the inL( parameter, use the and keys to adjust the display reading such as to match the applied signal. Then press .
h) Apply a signal near the upper limit of the configured input’s measurement range to the input terminals.
i) In the ink( parameter, use the and keys to adjust the display reading such as to match the applied signal. Then press until you return to the PV Indication Screen.
j) Confirm the calibration done. Note: When checking the controller, make sure that the Pt100 excitation current required by the calibrator used is compatible with the Pt100 excitation current used in this instrument: 0.170 mA.

N1040T Controller

DIMENSIONS:…………………………………… 48 x 48 x 80 mm (1/16 DIN) Panel cut-out: ………………………….45.5 x 45.5 mm (+0.5 -0.0 mm) Approximated weight: ……………………………………………………..75 g
POWER SUPPLY: …………………. 100 to 240 Vac (50/60 Hz) / 48 to 240 Vcc / ±10 % Optional 24 V…………………12 to 24 Vdc / 24 Vac (-10 % / +20 %) Maximum consumption: ……………………………………………….. 6 VA
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: Operating temperature: ………………………………………… 0 to 50 °C Relative humidity: …………………………………………… 80 % @ 30 °C (For temperatures above 30 °C (86 °F), reduce by 3 % for each °C) Installation category II, Installation degree 2; Altitude < 2000 m
INPUT: Accepted types: ………………………………………………..J, K, T, Pt100 Internal resolution: ………………………………… 32767 levels (15 bits) Display resolution: ………………………………………… 0.1 / 1 (°C / °F) Input reading rate: ………………………………up to 10 per second (). Accuracy: …. J, K, T Thermocouples: 0.25 % of the span ±0.1 °C ………………………………………….. Pt100: 0.2 % of the span ±0.1 °C Input impedance: ……………………………………………………… 4.5 m Pt100 measurement: ……………………….. 3-wire type, (=0.00385) With cable length compensation, excitation current of 0.170 mA. () Value adopted when the Digital Filter parameter is set to 0. For Digital Filter values other than 0, the Input Reading Rate value is 5 samples per second.
DIGITAL INPUT (DIG IN)……………..Dry contact / NPN collector-open OUTPUT 1:………………………………….Voltage pulse, 5 V / 50 mA max. OUTPUT 2:………………………….SPST Relay; 1.5 A / 240 Vac / 30 Vdc OUTPUT 3:………………………….SPST Relay; 1.5 A / 240 Vac / 30 Vdc OUTPUT 4:……………………………SPDT Relay / 3 A / 240 Vac / 30 Vdc FRONT PANEL: ……………………. IP65, Polycarbonate (PC) UL94 V-2 HOUSING:……………………………………………. IP30, ABS+PC UL94 V-0 CONNECTIONS SUITABLE FOR PIN TYPE TERMINALS. PROGRAMMABLE PWM CYCLE FROM 0.5 TO 100 SECONDS. IT STARTS OPERATION 3 SECONDS AFTER BEING CONNECTED TO THE POWER SUPPLY. CERTIFICATIONS: CE, UKCA, and UL.


N1040T-PRRR N1040T-PRRR-24V

Standard model. Power Supply 100~240 Vac / 48~240 Vdc
Model with power supply 12~24 Vdc / 24 Vac

Warranty conditions are available on our website




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