TPS Ranger Waterproof Precision Measurement User Manual

June 17, 2024


TPS Ranger Waterproof Precision Measurement

Out of the box

  1. Sensor ports – Push/Pull connectors. IP67 waterproof. Keep protector caps on when ports are not in use to  reduce fouling from debris
  2. Charge / Data port – Magnetic connector. IP67 waterproof.
  3. MEASURE – Shows Measurement screen
  4. CAPTURE – Short press Captures measurements at that point in time. Long press for data logging.
  5. CALIBRATE – Enters Calibration mode
  6. Power – Long press (3 seconds) on/off
  7. Settings
  8. Navigation
  9. Selection
  10. Wall plug
  11. Charge/Data Cable Power Adapter
  12. Sensor Sensor cable


  • Sensor
  • Sensor cable

Measurement screen

  1. Current date/time
  2. Battery indicator
  3. Symbol of parameter connected
  4. Channel
  5. Temperature reading for the sensor and Automatic (ATC) or Manual (MTC) Compensation
  6. Primary reading
  7. Secondary reading (if selected)
  8. Most recent calibration date/time
  9. Most recent calibration buffers/standards used
  10.  Data logging icon (if active)

Taking measurements

  • To take measurements on the TPS Ranger, connect the cable to the sensor and handheld. The Ranger will auto-detect, initialise the sensor, and display the sensor values. As you connect more or less sensors the screen will adjust to fit. The sensors are shown on the screen in order of the port number they were connected to. Remove the protective cover from the sensor and add the sensor to the sample to measure.
  • Note : TPS recommends sensors be calibrated before use.

Ranger settings
Press the settings button to go to the settings screen. This screen shows all the options for the Ranger device and sensors.


Displays information about the Ranger

  • HW VERSION – Hardware version
  • FW VERSION – Firmware version
  • FW Update – This option is for updating the Ranger firmware. See instructions at the end of the manual.
  • FACTORY RESET- This option will reset the Ranger to factory settings and shutdown. Calibration is saved to the sensors. Factory reset will not reset sensor calibration.


  • DATE – Change the date
  • TIME – Change the time
  • DATE FORMAT – Choose between DDMMYYY and MMDDYYY
  •  TIME FORMAT – Choose between 12hr and 24hr


  • BATTERY HEAL TH – Describes the condition of the battery
  • AUTO SLEEP TIME – On/Off. Adjust between 30 seconds – 9990 seconds. Sets the amount of time until the screen automatically enters sleep mode to save battery. Default 180 seconds
  • AUTO OFF TIME – On/Off Adjust between 5 mins – 180 mins. Sets the time for the Ranger to automatically power down. Default 15 minutes.


  • APPEARANCE – Choose between LIGHT/DARK
  • BRIGHTNESS – Adjust the brightness of the screen


  • DISK SIZE – Shows how much space is available
  • FILE EXPORT – This option is for downloading captured measurement data to a computer. See instructions at the end of the manual.
  • TOTAL POINTS – Total data points saved
  • LOGGING ACTIVE – Select on/off
  • INTERVAL – Select between minutes and seconds. Adjust the value between 1 and 60
  • END AFTER – Choose between INDEFINITE (Keep logging until memory is full) and # of SAMPLES (Number of samples)
  • DURATION – Choose the range (x1 x10 and x100) and set the value. The Ranger will automatically calculate the total time.


  • When logging is active an icon will appear on the measurement screen.
  • The Ranger will also display the logging status in the logging menu.
  • Aside from these settings, logging will stop if
    • Memory is full
    • Unit shuts down
    • Cable is unplugged
    • User enters calibration mode

pH settings

  • PRIMARY UNITS – Select the primary unit of measurement
  • SECONDARY UNITS – Enable/disable the display of secondary units on the measurement screen. The ranger will default to the opposite of the primary units.
  • RESOLUTION – Set the number of displayed decimal points. Affects pH units only. Does not affect accuracy.
  • TEMPERATURE – Set the type of temperature compensation. ATC (Automatic) compensates based on the sensor built-in temperature sensor. MTC  (Manual) compensates based on user-defined temperature. Choose between 0°C – 100°C
  • BUFFER SET – Select the buffer set that you will be using for calibration.


  • STABILITY THRSH – The speed at which the stability function operates
    • SLOW = Less than 0.005 pH change per 10 seconds
    • MEDIUM = Less than 0.015 pH change per 10 seconds
    • FAST= Less 0.05 pH change per 10 seconds
    • OFF – No stability function


Press CALIBRATE to enter calibration mode. The sensor selection screen displays sensors that are currently connected. Select the sensor you wish to calibrate.
The pre calibration screen shows

  • Sensor parameter
  • Sensor health status
  • Option to begin calibration
  • Calibration history
  • Information about the sensor
  • Option to restore factory calibration. This restores the sensor to its original non-calibrated state.

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  1. Select BEGIN CAL. Ensure you have the same buffer set and primary buffer displayed on the screen. If not, change the buffer set or change the pH settings on the Ranger to match the buffers you have .
  2. Rinse the sensor with DI water and blot dry, being careful not to touch the glass tip.
  3. Place in a fresh sample of the primary buffer you are using. First buffer must be pH 7 or pH 6.86.
  4. Wait until the reading has stabilised and select CAPTURE FIRST POINT.
  5. Rinse the sensor with DI water.
  6. At this point, you can choose to APPLY 1-POINT CAL, CANCEL or continue on with a 2-point calibration. For the 2-point calibration place the sensor in the second buffer. The Ranger will auto­detect and begin stabilising. Once stabilised select CAPTURE SECOND POINT
  7. Rinse the sensor with DI water.
  8. At this point you can choose to APPLY 2-POINT CAL, CANCEL or continue on with a 3rd point calibration. For the 3rd point calibration place the sensor in the tertiary buffer. The Ranger will auto detect and begin stabilising. Once stabilised select CAPTURE THIRD POINT. The Ranger will then ask you to APPLY the calibration or CANCEL. Rinse the sensor with DI water.
  • When the calibration process is complete you can review the record from the calibration menu.

  • Auto-detection of buffers/standards means that if the sensor is faulty the calibration will not proceed.

ORP settings


    • ORP Calibration is supported
    STABILITY THRSH – The speed at which the stability function operates

    • SLOW = Less than 0.5 mV change per 10 seconds
    • MEDIUM = Less than 1 mV change per 10 seconds
    • FAST= Less than 3 mV change per 10 seconds
    • OFF – No stability function


  • Press CALIBRATE to enter calibration mode.
  • The sensor selection screen displays sensors that are currently connected.
  • Select the sensor you wish to calibrate.

The pre-calibration screen shows

  • Sensor parameter
  • Sensor health status
  • Option to begin calibration
  • Calibration history
  • Information about the sensor
  • Option to restore factory calibration. This restores the sensor to its original non-calibrated state.
  1. Select BEGIN CAL. Ensure you have Zobell 229mV @ 25°C to calibrate with.
  2. Rinse the sensor with DI water and blot dry.
  3. Place in a fresh sample of the buffer. Wait until the reading has stabilized and select CAPTURE. The Ranger will then ask you to APPLY the calibration or CANCEL.

When the calibration process is complete you can review the record from the calibration menu.

EC settings

  • EC – See below
  • TDS – See below
  • Salinity – See below
  • PRIMARY UNITS – Select the primary unit of measurement
  • SECONDARY UNITS – Enable/disable the display of secondary units on the measurement screen. The Ranger will default to the opposite of the primary units.


STABILITY THRSH – The speed at which the stability function operates

  • SLOW = Less than 0.1% change of max value in current range per 10 seconds
  • MEDIUM = Less than 1% change of max value in current range per 10 seconds
  • FAST = Less than 10% change of max value in current range per 10 seconds
  • OFF – No stability function


  • EC UNITS – Choose between S/cm and S/m. Default  S/cm

  • RANGING – Choose between Auto or lock to mS/cm  (millisiemens) or uS/cm (microsiemens). Default Auto TEMPERATURE – Set the type of temperature  compensation. ATC (Automatic) compensates based on the sensor built-in temperature sensor. MTC
    (Manual) compensates based on user defined temperature. Choose between 0°C – 100°C Default Auto

  • TEMP COMP – Enable/Disable. Set between 0.00% and  4.00% Temperature correction based on known coefficient. Increases the EC reading by the set % per degree of temperature. Default 2.00%

  • TEMP REFERENCE – Enable/Disable. Set at 15°C, 20°C,  25°C or 30°C Changes the reference temperature at which the EC reading is calculated. Default 25°C.


  • SALINITY UNITS – Choose between PPT (Parts Per Thousand) and %. Default PPT
  • SAL TYPE – Default seawater


  • TDS UNITS – Choose between ppM (Parts Per Million) and mg/L (Milligrams per Litre)
  • TDS CURVE – Linear Indicates the method used to calculate TDS
  • TDS CONSTANT – Set between 0.00 and 0.99. Coefficient used for determining the TDS reading. Default 0.50

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  • Press CALIBRATE to enter calibration mode. The sensor selection screen displays sensors that are currently connected. Select the sensor you wish to calibrate.
  • The pre-calibration screen shows
    • Sensor parameter
    • Sensor health status Option to begin calibration
    • Calibration history
    • Information about the sensor
    • Option to restore factory calibration. This restores the sensor to its original non-calibrated state.
    •  Select BEGIN CAL. Rinse the sensor with DI water and blot dry.
    •  Starting with the lowest standard you have, place the sensor in the first sample, and the Ranger will auto-detect.
    • Confirm it is the correct standard and wait for it to stabilise.
    • When stabilised, press CAPTURE FIRST POINT. You then have the option to apply the 1-point calibration or go on to complete a 2, 3 or 4- point calibration.
  • When the calibration process is complete you can review the record from the calibration menu.
  • Note the compatible EC standards are 84 uS/cm, 1413 uS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm, and 111.8 mS/cm

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  • PRIMARY UNITS – Select the primary unit of measurement
  • SECONDARY UNITS – Enable/disable the display of secondary units on the measurement screen. SALINITY COMP – Choose manual/off. Set between 0.1 PPT and 55 PPT Default 35.0. Coefficient used for determining the Oxygen reading in salt water.
  • STABILITY THRSH – The speed at which the stability function operates
    • SLOW = Less than 0.05 mg/L change per 10 seconds
    • MEDIUM = Less than 0.1 mg/L change per 10 seconds
    • FAST = Less than 0.2 mg/L change per 10 seconds
    • OFF – No stability function

Press CALIBRATE to enter calibration mode. The sensor selection screen displays sensors that are currently connected. Select the sensor you wish to calibrate. The pre calibration screen shows

  • Sensor parameter
  • Sensor health status Option to begin calibration
  • Calibration history
  • Information about the sensor
  • Option to restore factory calibration. This restores the sensor to its original non­calibrated state.TPS-Ranger-Waterproof-Precision-Measurement- \(25\)
  1.  Select BEGIN CAL. Rinse the sensor with DI water. You can place the sensor in either air saturated water or water saturated air
  2.  Wait until the reading has stabilised and select CAPTURE. The Ranger will then ask you to APPLY the calibration or CANCEL. Rinse the sensor with DI water.

When the calibration process is complete you can review the record from the calibration menu.

Data / Updates

This option is for downloading captured measurement data to a computer.

  1. Connect the Ranger to the computer via the charge/data USB-C cable.
  2. From the Logging settings select FILE EXPORT. The Ranger will now make itself available on the computer as a drive.
  3. Copy off the files you want to keep. Any files no longer needed can be manually deleted from the drive.
  4. Select Confirm. The Ranger will then disconnect from the computer ready for more measurements.

This option is for updating the Ranger firmware.

  1.  Download an updated firmware file from onto a computer.

  2. Connect the Ranger to the computer via the charge/data USB-C cable and keep it connected for the entire process.

  3. From the ABOUT screen select FW UPDATE, the Ranger will now make itself available on the computer as a drive.

  4. Copy the updated firmware file onto the Ranger drive. Select Confirm.

  5.  The Ranger will then proceed to update the firmware and shutdown. Once completed, power on and the new firmware will be installed.

Accessories / spare parts listing

Each TPS Ranger comes with a charge/data cable and wall plug included .

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Service information TPS recommends the Ranger be serviced at the factory on a yearly basis for verification and temperature calibration. The service form can be found at

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Warranty The Ranger and sensors are covered by a 12 month warranty. Contact us for more information.

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  • Website:
  • Ph: +61 7 3205 8027
  • Address: Unit 1, 8 Bult Drive, Brendale QLD 4500 Australia

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