GREISINGER electronic GmbH GMH3150 Handheld Digital Pressure Meter User Manual

June 17, 2024
GREISINGER electronic GmbH


GREISINGER electronic GmbH GMH3150 Handheld Digital Pressure Meter

Product Information

  • Product Name: GMH31xx – ex
  • Types: GMH3110 – ex, GMH3150 – ex, GMH3160-01 – ex, GMH3160-07 – ex, GMH3160-12 – ex, GMH3160-13 – ex, GMH3180-01 – ex, GMH3180-07 – ex, GMH3180-12 – ex, GMH3180-13 – ex
  • Manufacturer: GREISINGER electronic GmbH
  • Contact: Tel.: 09402 / 9383-0, Fax: 09402 / 9383-33,
  • e-mail:
  • Website:


  • The operation of serial interface is not allowed in Ex Protection-Zone.
  • The operation in Ex-Zone is only allowed in the accompanying leather case!
  • The device has been designed and tested in accordance with the safety regulations for electronic devices.

Product Usage Instructions

Safety Instructions
Please adhere to the following safety instructions when using the device:

  1. Trouble-free operation and reliability of the device can only be guaranteed if the device is not subjected to any other climatic conditions than those stated under Specification in the operating manual. If the device is transported from a cold to a warm environment, condensation may cause a failure of the function. In such a case, make sure the device temperature has adjusted to the ambient temperature before trying a new start-up.
  2. Consider the operating instructions and the regulations referring to the use of electrical equipment for hazardous areas (e.g., VDE0165).
  3. If the device is to be connected to other devices (e.g., via serial interface), the circuitry has to be designed most carefully. Internal connection in third party devices (e.g., connection GND and earth) may result in not-permissible voltages impairing or destroying the device or another device connected.
  4. If there is a risk whatsoever involved in running it, the device has to be switched off immediately and marked accordingly to avoid re-starting. Operator safety may be at risk if:
    • There is visible damage to the device.
    • The device is not working as specified.
    • The device has been stored under unsuitable conditions for a longer time.
  5. Any changes or repair of the device are not allowed. Please return the device to the manufacturer for repair or maintenance.


  1. Q: Can I use the serial interface in the Ex Protection-Zone?
    A: No, the operation of the serial interface is not allowed in the Ex Protection-Zone.

  2. Q: Can I use the device in the Ex-Zone without the accompanying leather case?
    A: No, the operation in the Ex-Zone is only allowed in the accompanying leather case.

  3. Q: Can I repair or make changes to the device?
    A: No, any changes or repair of the device are not allowed. Please return the device to the manufacturer for repair or maintenance.

Safety Instructions

Type/Types : GMH3110 – ex,

  • GMH3150 – ex,
  • GMH3160-01 – ex,
  • GMH3160-07 – ex,
  • GMH3160-12 – ex,
  • GMH3160-13 – ex,
  • GMH3180-01 – ex,
  • GMH3180-07 – ex,
  • GMH3180-12 – ex,
  • GMH3180-13 – ex

GREISINGER electronic GmbH
D – 93128 Regenstauf, Hans-Sachs-Straße 26

Operating Instructions

Battery operation:

  • Only the usage of zinc-carbon batteries of the type IEC6F22 is allowed! Battery exchange must only be made outside of the hazardous area!
  • Mains operation:
    • The mains adapter socket described in the users manual is not existing in members of the GMH31XX – ex series.
  • Pressure sensor: (for GMH3110 and GMH3150)
    • You must only use sensors of the GMSD…-ex series!
    • Usage of other sensors may result in destruction of sensor and device.
  • Alarm function: (for GMH3150-ex and GMH3180-…-ex)
    • The horn sound described in the users manual is not existing in these devices.
    • The setting Alarm “on” therefore is identical to setting Alarm “no. So.”
  • Serial Interface:
    • Only use convertors of the type GRS3100 and GRS3105!
    • The operation of serial interface is not allowed in Ex Protection-Zone.
  • Ex-Zone operation:
    • The operation in Ex-Zone is only allowed in the accompanying leather case!
  • Temperature range:
    • The operation is not allowed below 0°C.
    • The permissible ambient temperature range is 0°C to +50°C

Safety Instructions

This device has been designed and tested in accordance with the safety regulations for electronic devices. However, its trouble-free operation and reliability cannot be guaranteed unless the standard safety measures and special safety advises given in the operating manual will be adhered to when using the device.

  1.  Trouble-free operation and reliability of the device can only be guaranteed if the device is not subjected to any other climatic conditions than those stated under “Specification” in the operating manual. If the device is transported from a cold to a warm environment condensation may cause a failure of the function. In such a case make sure the device temperature has adjusted to the ambient temperature before trying a new start-up.
  2. Consider the operating instructions and the regulations refering the use of electrical equipment for hazardous areas (e.g. VDE0165)
  3. If device is to be connected to other devices (e.g. via serial interface) the circuitry has to be designed most carefully. Internal connection in third party devices (e.g. connection GND and earth) may result in not-permissible voltages impairing or destroying the device or another device connected.
  4. If there is a risk whatsoever involved in running it, the device has to be switched off immediately and to be marked accordingly to avoid re-starting.

Operator safety may be risk if :

  1. there is visible damage to the device
  2. the device is not working as specified
  3. the device has been stored under unsuitable conditions for a longer time. In case of doubt, please return device to manufacturer for repair or maintenance.
  4.  Any changes or repair of the device is not allowed. Please return device to manufacturer for repair or maintenance.

IMAGE-15 GREISINGER-electronic-GmbH-GMH3150-Handheld-Digital-Pressure-Meter-

Users Manual

  • Handheld Digital Pressure-Meter
  • GMH3150
  • Version 5.1
    • for GMSD Pressure Sensors


Safety Requirements
This device has been designed and tested in accordance with the safety regulations for electronic devices. However, its trouble-free operation and reliability cannot be guaranteed unless the standard safety measures and special safety advises given in this manual will be adhered to when using the device.

  1. Trouble-free operation and reliability of the device can only be guaranteed if the device is not subjected to any other climatic conditions than those stated under “Specification”.

  2. Device and sensors have to be handled with care (dont throw, hit, etc.). Protect plugs and sockets from soiling.

  3. If the device is transported from a cold to a warm environment condensation may cause in a failure of the function. In such a case make sure the device temperature has adjusted to the ambient temperature before trying a new start-up.

  4. If device is to be connected to other devices (e.g. via serial interface) the circuitry has to be designed most carefully. Internal connection in third party devices (e.g. connection GND and earth) may result in not-permissible voltages impairing or destroying the device or another device connected.
    Warning: If device is operated with a defective mains power supply (e.g. short circuit from mains voltage to output voltage) this may result in hazardous voltages at the device (e.g. at sensor socket or interface).

  5. If there is a risk whatsoever involved in running it, the device has to be switched off immediately and to be marked accordingly to avoid re-starting.
    Operator safety may be a risk if:

    • there is visible damage to the device
    • the device is not working as specified
    • the device has been stored under unsuitable conditions for a longer period of time.
      In case of doubt, please return device to manufacturer for repair or maintenance.

 Operation And Maintenance Advice

  • Battery Operation
    If ! and ´bAt´ are shown in the secondary display the battery has been used up and needs to be replaced. The device will, however, operate correctly for a certain amount of time. If ´bAt´ is shown in the upper display the voltage is too low to operate the device; the battery has been completely used up. The battery has to be taken out, when storing device above 50°C. Please note: We recommend to take out battery if device is not used for a longer period of time!

  • Mains Operation With Power Supply

    • Warning: When using a power supply please note that operating voltage has to be 10.5 to 12 V DC. Do not apply overvoltage!! Cheap 12V-power supplies often have excessive no-load voltage.
    • We, therefore, recommend using regulated voltage power supplies. Trouble-free operation is guaranteed by our power supply GNG10/3000.
    • Prior to connecting the power supply to the mains make sure that the operating voltage stated at the power supply is identical to the mains voltage.
  • Connecting/Changing Sensors

    • Do not use insuitable sensors. Connecting other devices/sensors as specificated may cause a damage to the instrument and device/sensor! Switch off device before changing the sensor.
    • Connect sensor before switching on the device, otherwise the sensor may not be detected correctly. When connecting the sensor the connector may not lock correctly. In such case take the plug not at the casing but at the buckling protection at the end of the plug. If plug is entered correctly, it will slide in smoothly. To disconnect sensor do not pull at the cable but at the plug (to open locking mechanism).


Connection for pressure sensors of the GMSD-family (p.r.t. chapter 10) Interface: Connection for el. isolated interface adapter (p.r.t. chapter 5) The mains adapter socket is located at the left side of the device.



Basic Operation

  • When switching on the device and the logger function is not off the time of the integrated clock will shortly be displayed. If a zero point adjustment was carried out the display shows shortly nuLL Corr.
  • After changing the battery the clock-setting menu is activated automatically (CLOC). Check the clock and adjust, if necessary (p.r.t. chapter 2).


  • Max Memory:

    • Pressing ´max´ (key 2) shows the maximum of the measured values. Pressing it again hides it. To clear the max memory press key ´max´ for >2 seconds.
  • Min Memory:

    • Pressing ´min´ (key 5) shows the minimum of the measured values. Pressing it again hides it. To clear the min memory press key ´min´ for >2 seconds.
  • Hold Function:

    • By pressing ´Store/Quit´ (key 6) the last measuring value will be held in the secondary display. Pressing it again hides it. (only when logger = off).
  • Tare Function:

    • By pressing ´Tara´ (key 3) the display will be set to 0. All measuring from then on will be displayed relatively to the set tare value. When tara function is activated, the arrow “Tara” appears in the display. To deactivate tare function press ´Tara´ for >2 seconds. Please Note: Activating/deactivating Tara clears the max- & min-memories.
  • Zero-Point Adjustment : (for rel. pressure sensors only) If there is no pressure applied to the pressure ports the device will display 0. If there is a permanent deviation (and device is operated under steady conditions), a permanent zero point adjustment can be carried out.

    • To carry out the adjustment press button 3 for approx. 5 seconds.
      (Please note: A zero-point adjustment can only be carried out if the difference between the value on display and the value calibrated on site is less than 2%! E.g. for the measuring range of 1.00 ..+25.00mbar, =>zero-point adjustment up to 0.50mbar possible)

    • To recall the manufacturer`s calibration press button 3 for approx. 7 seconds.

    • Note: If a zero-point adjustment was carried out, this will be signalled by the short displaying of NuLL Corr when switching on the device.


  • To change device settings, press Menu (key 4) for 2 seconds. This will call the configuration menu ( main display : SEt).
  • Pressing key Menu changes between the menues, pressing  (key 3) jumps to the referring parameters, which can be selected with key (key 3).
  • The parameters can be changed with 5 (key 2) or 6 (key 5).
  • Pressing Menu again jumps back to the main configuration menu and saves the settings.
  • Quit (key 6) finishes the configuration and returns to standard measuring operation.

IMAGE-4 GREISINGER-electronic-GmbH-GMH3150-Handheld-Digital-Pressure-Meter-

If the logger memory contains data already, the menues/parameters marked with (*) can not be invoked! If these should be altered the logger memory has to be cleared before!(key 6, p.r.t. chapter 4)

Different Kinds Of Measuring: rAtE-Slo, -P.dEt, -FASt
Three different kinds of measuring pressure are supported. Two of them are working with high measuring frequency of more than 100 measuring’s per second. If one of them was chosen in the configuration (see above), this will be displayed in the secondary display: P.dEt or FASt.

rAtE-Slo: Standard Measuring

  • Measuring rate 4Hz, averaging and filter functions are active.

    • Application: Measuring of slowly changing or static pressures, e.g. measuring of leak profess, atmospheric pressure…
    • Highest accuracy, high noise immunity (EMI and unstable measuring signals), low power consumption.
  • rAtE-P.dEt: Peak detection

    • Measuring rate >100Hz, the value is displayed unfiltered.
    • Application with logger function: Measuring of short pressure peaks or fast changing pressures with a resolution of < 10ms. The cyclic logger function records the arithmetic mean value, the highest and the lowest peak of the referring time interval.
    • Attention: higher power consumption, measuring is sensitive to noise (EMI,..).
  • rAtE-FASt: Fast filtered measuring

    • Measuring rate >100Hz, the value is filtered slightly (higher noise immunity than P.dEt, small peaks will be filtered out), apart from that identical behaviour like P.dEt.
  • Sea Level Correction For Absolute Pressure Sensors

    • The device displays the absolute pressure measured at the sensor. This is not necessarily the same like the values given by weather stations! The weather stations values are giving the pressure at sea level. Usually the sensor is placed above sea level and therefore, if the value at sea level(zero) is to be measured, the pressure loss resulting from the actual level above sea level has to be considered! To correct the measuring display activate the Sea-Level-Function (SL, p.r.t. chapter 2). Then enter the altitude above sea level of the sensors location in meters (Alti, p.r.t. chapter 2). When activated, the display shows the SL-arrow and the device displays the pressure value at sea level.
  • Averaging Function

    • The averaging function concerns the display values (LCD and interface). It is completely independent from the averaging of the logger function, please don’t mix them up!
    • The averaging integrates the measuring values during a selectable period of time and then calculates the average display value. It is independent from the selected kind of measuring (slow, fast, peak detect) .
    • As long as not enough values are collected (selected averaging time) to calculate a average value, the upper display shows , the lower display a countdown.
    • During an active low-power-logging procedure the averring is always deactivated
  • Function of min/max-value memory during averaging:

    •  If averaging is activated and slow measuring is selected (rAtE-Slo), the min-/max-value memory refers to the average display value.
    • If averaging is activated and fast measuring is selected (rAtE-FASt or P.dEt) , the min-/max-value memory refers to the internal measured values (fast peaks can be  detected).
  • Power Off Time
    If there wont be pressed any key and no interface communication takes place for the time of the power off time setting (P.Off), the device will be switched off automatically to save battery power.
    If P.oFF = oFF then the automatic switch off is deactivated.

  • Address
    Up to 10 devices of the GMH3xxx- handheld-family can be connected to a serial interface at once (depending on interface converter, e.g. GRS3105: 5 devices). To get access to each device the base addresses of the devices have to be different. For example choose 01 for the first, 11 for the second device and so on. See also chapter 5.

  • Alarm
    There are three possible settings: Alarm off (AL. oFF), on with horn sound (AL. on), on without sound (AL. no.So). Following conditions will display an alarm, when the function is activated (on or no.So):

    • Value is below lower (AL. Lo) or above upper alarm rail (AL.Hi).
    • Sensor error (Sens Erro)
    • Low battery (bAt)
    • Fe 7: System error (always with sound)
    • In case of an alarm and when polling the interface the prior-flag is set in the returned interface message.
  • Real Time Clock

    • The real time clock is used for the logger function: Recorded values are also containing the point of time, when they were measured. Please check the settings when necessary.
    • If the battery was replaced the referring menu CLOCK will automatically be started.
    • 3 Measuring Of Water Level  Display Unit [m] (only for devices with m printed below the display)
  • When using a suitable waterproof pressure sensor the unit [m] for meters of water can be set in the menu Unit. 10m of water are roughly 1 bar over pressure. Measuring’s can be made e.g. like described below :

    • With abs. pressure sensor (SL oFF!): Press Tara when sensor is at ambient air and then bring sensor to the depth to be measured. The display shows now the depth in [m].
      With rely pressure sensor: bring tube connection for lower press. in contact to ambient air by means of a tube (no water contact!) and bring the sensor with its open press. connection for higher pressure to water depth to be measured (display and is compensated for pressure changes in ambient air).
  • Operation Of Logger

    • The device supports two different logger functions:
    • „Func-Stor“: each time when store (key 6) is pressed a measurement will be recorded.
    • „Func-CYCL“: measurements will automatically be recorded each interval, which was set in the logger menu CYCL until the logger will be stopped or the logger memory is full. The recording is started by pressing Store 2 seconds.
  • The logger records 3 measurement results each time:
    current or mean value (depending on logger setting, see below), min peak and max peak.
    Min and max peak are the minimum resp. the maximum of the measured values since the last recording. Using them allows f.e. analysis of fluctuating pressures. For the evaluation of the data the software GSOFT3050 has to be used. The software also allows easy configuration and starting of the logger. When the logger is activated (Func Stor or Func CYCL) the hold function is no more available, the key 6 is solely used for the operation of the logger functions.

  • Func-Stor: Storing Single Measurements

    • Each time when store(key 6) is pressed a measurement and its time stamp will be recorded.
    • The recorded data can be viewed either in the display (when calling the configuration an additional menu Read LoGG is displayed, see below) or by means of the interface and a PC with GSOFT3050-software.
  • Max. number of measurings: A measuring contains:

    • current measuring value at the time of recording
    • min peak, max peak since the last recording
    • time and date of the recording
  • After each recording St. XX will be displayed for a short time. XX represents the number of the recording.

    • If logger memory contains recordings already:
  • When Store is pressed for 2 seconds, the choice for clearing the logger memory will be displayed:GREISINGER-electronic-GmbH-GMH3150-Handheld-Digital-Pressure-Meter-IMAGE-5

  • The selection can be made by 5 (key 2) and 6 (key 5). “Quit” (key 6) enters the choice.
    If the logger memory is full, the display will show:

  • Viewing Recorded Measurings
    Within the LoGG Stor function the measurings can be viewed directly in the display not only by means of a computer (like at Func CYCL): press 2 seconds Set (key 4): The first menu displayed now is read LoGG(read logger data). After pressing 4 (key 3) the measurement recorded last will be displayed, changing between the different values referring to the measurement also is done by pressing 4.
    Changing the measurement is done by pressing the keys 5 or 6.

  • Func-CYCL: Automatic Recording With Selectable Logger-Cycle-Time

    • The Logger-Cycle-Time is settable (p.r.t. Configuration). For example CYCL = 60: A measuring is recorded after each 60 seconds.
    • When the slow measurement “rAtE-Slo” is chosen, additionally a low power function is available: Lo.Po. If Lo.Po is on, the device only will take a measurement at the point of time of the recording. In between the recordings the measuring shuts down. This decreases the power consumption enormously and therefore is recommended e.g. for long time recordings where no mains adapter is available.
  • Max. number of measurings: Cycle time:

  • 9999
    1…3600 seconds (=1h), selectable in the configuration

  • A measuring contains:

  • ! rAtE SLo:

  • ! rAtE FASt,P.dEt

    • current measuring value at the time of recording
    • min peak, max peak since the last recording
    • arithmetic mean value since the last recording
    • min peak, max peak since the last recording
  • Starting a recording:

    • By pressing “Store” (key 6) for 2 seconds the recording will be initiated. After that the display shows
    • St.XXXX for a short time whenever a measuring is recorded. XXXX is the number of the measuring 1..9999.
    • If the logger memory is full, the display will show: The recording automatically will be stopped.
  • If Low-Power-Logger-Function Lo.Po = on the device switches itself off as soon as the memory gets filled.

  • Stopping the recording manually:

  • By pressing “Store” (key 6) the recording can be stopped manually. Then the following choice appears:GREISINGER-electronic-GmbH-GMH3150-Handheld-Digital-Pressure-Meter-IMAGE-10

  • The selection can be made by 5 (key 2) and 6 (key 5). “Quit” (key 6) enters the choice.

  • Note:

    • If you try to switch off the instrument in the cyclic recording operation You will be asked once again if the recording is to be stopped. The device can only be switched off after the recording has been stopped! The Auto-Power-Off-function is deactivated during recording!
  • Clear Recordings:
    When Store is pressed for 2 seconds, the choice for clearing the logger memory will be displayed:GREISINGER-electronic-GmbH-GMH3150-Handheld-Digital-

  • The selection can be made by 5 (key 2) and 6 (key 5). “Quit” (key 6) enters the choice.

The Serial Interface

  • By means of the serial interface and a suitable electrically isolated interface adapter (GRS3100, GRS3105 or USB3100) the device can be connected to a computer for data transfer.

  • With the GRS3105 up to 5 devices of the GMH3xxx- series can be connected to one interface (see also manual of GRS3100, GRS3105 or USB3100) To avoid transmission errors, there are several security checks implemented e.g. CRC.

  • The following standard software packages are available:

    • ! GSOFT3050: Operation and read out of logger function, data display in diagrams and tables
  • ! EBS9M:

  • ! EASYCONTROL: Universal multi channel software (EASYBUS-, RS485-, or GMH3000- operation possible) for real-time recording and presentation of measuring data of one GMH3xxx device in the ACCESS®-data base format
    In case you want to develop your own software we offer a GMH3000-development package including:

    •  a universally applicable Windows functions library (‘GMH3000.DLL’) with documentation that can be used by the most programming languages.
    • Programming examples Visual Basic 4.0, Testpoint (Keithley Windows measuring software)

In addition to the operation at a PC the device can be operated with the GAM3000-device, to use the alarm function for simple supervision and controlling applications. Just connect a GAM3000 to the interface, activate the alarm function of the GMH and the relays output is operating.
The device has 3 channels:

  1. current measuring value (base address)
  2. min peak (p.r.t. chapter 4)
  3. max peak (p.r.t. chapter 4)

The measuring-/ alarm- and display range values read back from the interface are always in the selected measurement unit (mbar, bar…)!

Supported functions:


Pressure Connection To The Sensors

  • The device is designed to be connected to the sensors of the GMSD…-series without a new calibration being necessary. Therefore a great variety of replaceable sensors of e.g. 1.999…2.500 mbar relative up to 0…400.0 bar absolute pressure can be connected to the device (p.r.t. chapter 10)

  • Relative Pressure Sensors (Types: GMSD…MR. GMSD…BR)

  • For measurements of over- or under pressure:

    • Connect plastic tube with internal dia of 4 mm to pressure port “B”. Port “A” will not be used!
      Pressure sensors GMSD 2,5 MR, GMSD 25 MR and GMSD 350 MR allow for measurements of under pressure up to the entire over pressure measuring range by re-plugging the tube to pressure port “A”. Please note that all values are displayed as positive values. No minus sign will be shown. (Example for GMSD 25 MR: For tube connection “B” the measuring range covers -19.99 to 25.00 mbar. If you replug to port “A” under pressure measurements down to -25.00 mbar could be carried out with the display showing the value 25.00 (no minus sign).
  • For measurements of pressure differences:

    • Connect both plastic tubes with an internal dia of 4 mm to pressure port “B” and “A”; make sure to apply higher pressure to port “B”.
    • Absolute pressure sensors: (types: GMSD…BA)
    • Connect plastic tube with an internal dia of 4 mm to pressure port “A”. (Port “B” is not used.)
    • Stainless steel pressure sensors: (types: GMSD…MRE, GMSD…BRE, GMSD…BAE)
    • For measurements of over-, under- or absolute pressure screw sensor to G1/4″ pressure terminal or plug plastic tube to a suitable adapter.

Error And System Messages


  • Display range : max. -1999…9999 digit, depending on connected sensor
  • Resolution: depending on connected sensor
  • Pressure units : mbar, bar, kPa, MPa, mmHg, PSI mH2O (only for devices with m printed below display), selectable depending on connected sensor
  • Accuracy: (typ.) ±0,1%FS (at nominal temperature) (FASt and P.dET: ±0.5%FS)
  • Measuring rate : slow: 4 meas./sec (ConF-Rate = Slow) fast: >100 meas./sec (ConF-Rate = FASt and P.dEt)
  • Nominal temperature : 25°C
  • Sensor: All sensors of the GMSD..-series without recalibration can be connected
  • Connection: Mini-DIN-Socket with locking mechanism The sensor will automatically be detected, the measurement range settings are set referring to to sensor data

Additional Functions

  • Power-Off-Function: Device will be automatically switched off if no key is pressed/no interface communication takes place for the time of the power-off delay. The power-off delay can be set to values between 1 and 120 min.; it can be completely deactivated.

  • Min/Max-Alarm : The measuring value is constantly monitored for the min. and max. rails set Alarming is done by integrated horn, display and interface

  • Real time clock : Integrated clock with date and year

  • Logger: 2 Functions: individual value logger (FuncStor) and cyclic logger (Func CYCL)

  • Memory: Stor: 99 data sets; CYCL: 9999 data sets

  • Cycle time CYCL: 1…3600 seconds

  • Display : 2 four digit LCDs (12.4mm high and 7 mm high) for measuring values, and for min/ max memories, hold function, etc. as well as additional functional arrows.

  • Pushbuttons : 6 membrane keys

  • Interface : Serial interface (3.5mm jack) can be connected to RS232 or USB interface of a PC via electrically isolated interface adapter GRS3100, GRS3105 or USB3100 (see accessories).

  • Power supply : 9V battery, type: IEC 6F22 (included in scope of supply) as well as additional d.c. connector (diameter of internal pin 1.9 mm) for external
    10.5-12V direct voltage supply. (suitable power supply: GNG10/3000)

  • Power consumption: Slow measuring rate: < 1.5 mA

  • Fast measuring rate : < 3.0 mA

  • Low-Power-Logger : < 0.1 mA (for cycle time>30s, without interface communication active and no alarm horn sounding) up to 0.4 mA (at cycle time 1s)

  • Low battery warning : ! -display and ’ bAt ’

  • Housing : impact-resistant ABS, membrane keyboard, transparent panel, Front side IP65

  • Dimensions : 142 x 71 x 26 mm (L x W x D)

  • Working temperature: -25…+50°C

  • Allowable rel. humidity: 0…95 % RH (not condensing)

  • Storage temperature: -25…+70°C

  • EMC : The device corresponds to the essential protection ratings established in the Regulations of the Council for the Approximation of Legislation for the member
    countries regarding electromagnetic compatibility (2004/108/EG

Sensors (03/2005)

Type Measuring Range Resolution Overload Description
GMSD 2.5 MR -1.999 … +2.500 mbar rel. 0.001 mbar 250 mbar rel. A
GMSD 25 MR -19.99 … +25.00 mbar rel. 0.01 mbar 350 mbar rel. A
GMSD 350 MR -199.9 … +350.0 mbar rel. 0.1 mbar 1 bar rel. A
GMSD 2 BR -1.000 … +2.000 bar rel. 1 mbar 4 bar rel. A
GMSD 10 BR -1.00 … +10.00 bar rel. 10 mbar 13.5 bar rel. A
GMSD 1.3 BA 0 … 1300 mbar abs. 1 mbar 4 bar abs. A
GMSD 2 BA 0 … 2000 mbar abs. 1 mbar 4 bar abs. A
GMSD 7 BA 0.00…. 7.00 bar abs. 10 mbar 10 bar abs. A
GMSD 350 MRE 0.0…. 350.0 mbar rel. 0.1 mbar 1.3 bar rel. B
GMSD 3.5 BRE 0 … 3500 mbar rel. 1 mbar 7 bar abs. B
GMSD 1 BAE 0 … 1000 mbar abs. 1 mbar 2 bar abs. B
GMSD 3.5 BAE 0 … 3500 mbar abs. 1 mbar 7 bar abs. B
GMSD 7 BAE 0 … 7000 mbar abs. 1 mbar 13.5 bar abs. B
GMSD 35 BAE 0.00…. 35.00 bar abs. 10 mbar 58 bar abs. C
GMSD 70 BAE 0.00…. 70.00 bar abs. 10 mbar 100 bar abs. C
GMSD 160 BAE 0.0…. 160.0 bar abs. 0.1 bar 600 bar. abs. C
GMSD 250 BAE 0.0…. 250.0 bar abs. 0.1 bar 600 bar. abs. C
GMSD 400 BAE 0.0…. 400.0 bar abs. 0.1 bar 600 bar. abs. C
  • Description A:

    • Sensor is suitable for air, non corrosive and non ionizing gases and liquids Pressure connection: 2 nylon pressure ports for connection to 6 x 1 mm tubes Housing ABS with mounting eyelet, dimensions 68 x 32.5 x 27.5 mm
  • Description B:

    • Stainless steel sensor. Suitable for aggressive media, water, etc.
    • Pressure connection: Threading G¼”, for open ended spanner size: 27 mm Housing ABS, dimensions ca. Ø26 (31) x 103 mm
  • Description C:

    • Stainless steel sensor. Suitable for aggressive media, water, etc.

    • Pressure connection: Threading G¼”, for open ended spanner size: 27mm Steel housing, dimensions ca. Ø26 (31) x 110 mm


  • GKK3000 Suitcase (275 x 229 x 83 mm) with punched lining suitable for the GMH3xxx-series.

  • GKK3100 Suitcase (275 x 229 x 83 mm) with foam lining for universal applications.

  • GMH1300 Magnet holder

  • GAK9V Rechargeable accu 9V

  • GLG1300 Accu charger for recharging 2 accus at one time

  • GNG10/3000 power supply 10V/10mA

  • GRS3100 Interface converter, electrically isolated

  • GRS3105 5-way interface converter, electrically isolated

  • GAM3000 Control device for GMH3xxx-devices with alarm function
    GSOFT3050 Operation and read out of logger function, data display in diagrams and tables

  • EBS9M 9-channel software to display the measuring values

  • GMH3000.DLL universally applicable windows functions library (’GMH3000.DLL’) with documentation for your own software applications

GREISINGER electronic GmbH Hans-Sachs-Straße 26


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