ChuBu 5KW-8KW Diesel Heater All in One Instructions

June 16, 2024

User Manual for Diesel Heater

5KW-8KW Diesel Heater All in One

Read Carefully Before Use Keep for Future ReferenceChuBu 5KW-8KW Diesel
Heater All in One - CONTENTS

Safety Information


  • ONLY use this product in accordance with these instructions and ALL local regulations and guidelines related to the use of diesel fuel and heating equipment. Failure to do so may expose you to legal liability and risk serious property damage and severe personal injury. possibly including
  • DO NOT allow children or those unfamiliar with this product to use or install it. Do not use while under the influence of alcohol. drugs, or any medication that negatively affects your judgment or Keep children and bystanders away during installation.
  • Keep your work site clean and well lit. Cluttered and dark work areas invite accidents.
  • Disconnect the vehicle battery connections before any installation. adjustment, repair. or mainte­
  • ALWAYS turn off the heater before adding any fuel.
  • ONLY use DIESEL fuel for the heater. The use of low-quality diesel or other type of fuel may result in malfunctions or even involve risk of fire.
  • ALWAYS use personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable for your task. Always wear ANSI-ap­proved eye and hand protection while using this product. Nonslip footwear is also highly recom­ Other equipment. such as ear, head, and body protection, may also be necessary depending on your work and other equipment.
  • Dress properly for the installation of the heater. DO NOT wear loose clothing or jewelry and keep hair, clothing. gloves. hoses. and tools away from any moving parts.
  • The exhaust pipe must be routed to the outside of the vehicle or to an open outdoor area to prevent the accumulation of harmful gas in a enclosed space.
  • NEVER operate the heater in a confined space without proper ventilation. This can result in the buildup of harmful gases and pose a risk to human health. If you experience any symptoms such as headaches. dizziness. or unconsciousness while operating the heater, immediately stop using the heater and move to a well-ventilated area. If symptoms persist. seek medical attention prompt­ It is important to take these symptoms seriously and prioritize your health and safety.
  • The heater and its components can become hot during operation. Avoid touching them to prevent the risk of burns or injury. ALWAYS wait for components to cool down or use protective gear when
  • ALWAYS install this heater in a spacious compartment away from any combustible or flammable NEVER use the heater in hazardous locations such as fuel depots. carbon storage, and timber warehouses.
  • If a fuel leak occurs. turn off the heater IMMEDIATELY and disconnect the fuel line. ONLY use a trained and licensed technician to repair the leak.
  • Maintain this product. Check for misalignment. binding, wear. or other damage before use. If any damage is repair or replace the problematic components before further use. Only replace components with identical parts.
  • ‘Cotton and sponge have a combustion point of 150″C, paper has a combustion point of 130– fabric has a combustion point of 2711C, and diesel fuel has a combustion point of 220–C. The temperature of the hot air outlet should not exceed 85’C. while the exhaust pipe outlet temperature can exceed 270-C.

Parts List

ChuBu 5KW-8KW Diesel Heater All in One - Parts LisChuBu 5KW-8KW Diesel Heater All in One - Parts Lis
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Parts Lis 3


Main Body Heating Power 5 kW-8 kW
Rated Voltage 12V-24V
Fuel Type Diesel
Dimensions 15.7.16 in. 36.5×15.5×40.5 an
Fuel Consumption 0.03-0.07 gaUhr. 0.1-0.25 Uh
Working Temperatures -40 to 104°F -40 to 40°C
Fuel Tank Capacity 1.18 gal.
Air Outlet Hose Length 1 ft. 7.7 in.
Diameter 3.1 in. 8 cm
Air Intake Hose Length 1 ft. 7.7 in.
Diameter 1.2 in. 3 cm
Exhaust Pipe Length 1 ft. 7.7 in.
Diameter 1 in. 2.5 cm
Net Weight 2.2 lb.

Product Diagram

Main Body

ChuBu 5KW-8KW Diesel Heater All in One - Main Body


After drilling the holes necessary for the installation of this heater, it’s important to protect the underlying material from moisture and water damage. If any splintering occurs as the exhaust hole is created, ensure the area is covered with a sealing paint to  prevent water and moisture from getting in.
Main Body

  1. When installing a diesel heater in a vehicle, it’s important to consider the location and potential impact on surrounding materials and components. Typically, the heater is mounted in a protected area, such as in the storage compartment under a bed in a  transport truck or under a seat in a passenger vehicle. It can also be installed on walls or in protected compartments outside the operator’s cabin, as long as all regulations and installation instructions are followed. When choosing a location for the heater,  ensure that there is sufficient clearance around the heater, ducting, and exhaust to prevent damage to heat-sensitive materials. Ensure the heater is not exposed to outside elements and that it is properly enclosed if mounted outside the vehicle cabin.
    Ensure the mounting surface will allow for a complete seal between the heater and the floor. Avoid exposing the heater to excessive heat or hazardous chemicals and fuels. Depending on the installation conditions, the acceptable angular range for each side  is shown below:

Air Inlet & Outlet Vents

  1. Measure the size of the hole required for the air outlet vent to pass through the surface near the front of the diesel heater. Mark the location where the hole is to be cut.
  2. Cut a piece of the air outlet ducting that is just long enough to reach from the diesel heater to the newly cut hole. Secure one end of the ducting to the outlet vent and insert it into the hole. Use a hose clamp to attach the other end of the ducting to the diesel  heater. If necessary, use the inlet/outlet brackets to secure the ducting to the wall or floor.
  3. Cut the hole using a hole saw and/or power drill.
  4. Fix the vent casing in place using M6 screws and nuts and then attach the outside cover. Repeat the process for the air inlet ducting, which will be longer than the outlet ducting.
    Note: The above steps are for reference, and installation may differ depending on the specific setup and location.

Air Intake Pipe

  1. Connect the air intake pipe to the bottom of the diesel heater using a pipe clamp.
  2. Attach the air filter to the end of the air intake pipe.
  3. Position the pipe so it faces towards the rear of the vehicle to prevent dust buildup during transit.
  4. Mount the air intake pipe under the vehicle’s floor using a hose clamp.

ChuBu 5KW-8KW Diesel Heater All in One - Air

Exhaust Pipe

  1. Use two M6 screws, washers, and nuts to install the exhaust muffler and muffler bracket at a suitable position near the heater. Make sure it is directed away from the vehicle to ensure that the exhaust do not get trapped underneath the vehicle. Do not point it towards the awning area to avoid inhaling exhaust while sitting outside.
  2. Route the exhaust pipe from the heater to the exhaust muffler, using the pipe bend if necessary.
    Fasten it with a pipe clamp. Make sure to position the exhaust pipe on a slight downward slope from the diesel heater unit to allow for any condensation to drain out.
    *Please note that the above steps are for reference only, and the installation process may vary depending on specific settings and locations.

User Manual for Diesel Heater

The control panel is shown in the diagram below

1. Gear up button 7. Display of ambient temperature
2. Power on / off button 8. Timer symbol
3. Gear down button 9. Plateau mode symbol
4. Settings button 10. Fault symbol
5. OK button 11. Display of data and parameters
6. Working status symbol 12. Schematic diagram of the main unit

Operating Instructions

  1. Power On/Off Operation:ChuBu 5KW-8KW Diesel Heater All in One - Operating1.1 Power On Operation:
    In the power-off state, press and hold the power button for 2 seconds to turn on the device.
    The display will show the “Power On State” as shown in the diagram above.
    1.2 Power Off Operation:
    In the power-on state, press and hold the power button for 2 seconds to initiate the cool-down process before shutting down. The display will show the icon “Cooling Down” . After the cool-down process, the device will shut down and display the “Power Off  State”.
    Please note that when the device is in the cooling-down state, do not forcefully cut off the power directly, as the components need to cool down to prevent damage. Only disconnect the power when the machine is in the power-off state.
    1.3 Manual Mode Operation:
    The manual mode has 6 gears ( H1-H6 ), with H6 indicating the maximum power. In the “Power On State” as shown in the diagram above, use the Gear Up (▲) or Gear Down (▼) buttons to adjust the gear position. The current gear position is indicated by  the bar graph on the main unit schematic diagram.
    1.4 Auto Mode Operation:
    In the auto mode, as shown in the diagram above with the temperature set at 20°C, use the Gear Up (▲) or Gear Down (▼) buttons to adjust the temperature within the range of 5°C to 30°C. Press and hold the Settings button to switch between manual  and auto mode. The temperature range is displayed on the panel: -20°C to 40°C.

  2. In the power-on state, press the OK button to switch the display data in the following order: gear position (or set temperature) -> casing temperature -> operating voltage.
    Switching Display Data in Power-On State:

  3. In the power-off state, simultaneously press and hold the Gear Up (▲) and Gear Down (▼) buttons for 2 seconds to manually control the fuel pump. Release the buttons to stop the fuel pump operation. Please use with caution.
    Manual Fuel Pump Operation:

  4. Simultaneously press and hold the Settings button and the OK button for 2 seconds to enter the plateau mode. The icon “Plateau Mode” will be displayed, indicating that the wind-to-oil ratio is adjusted to adapt to high-altitude areas with low oxygen levels.  To exit the plateau mode, simultaneously press and hold the Settings button and the OK button for 2 seconds. Please use with caution.
    Plateau Mode Operation:

  5. Setting Timer for Power-On/Off:
    Simultaneously press and hold the OK button and the Gear Down (▼) button for 2 seconds to enter the timer setting interface, as shown in the diagram. The symbol “ ” will blink, indicating a scheduled power-on time of 10.1 hours. ON: Set the timer for power-on.
    OFF: Set the timer for power-off.
    Use the Gear Up (▲) or Gear Down (▼) buttons to adjust the time value.
    Time adjustment range: 0.1~24.0 hours
    5.1 Press the Settings button to toggle between adjusting the power-on and power-off time values.
    Press the power button to switch to the next digit.
    5.4 Press the OK button to save the settings and exit the interface.
    5.5 Press and hold the Settings button for 2 seconds to exit the interface without saving the settings.

  6. Simultaneously press and hold the Settings button and the Gear Up (▲) button to activate the timer function. In the power-off state, the timer will initiate the power-on process, and in the power-on state, it will initiate the power-off process. The symbols  “ON” or “OFF” will blink, indicating the respective timer status. Press the Settings button to view the remaining time. Initiating Timer for Power-On/Off:

  7. In the power-off state, simultaneously press and hold the Gear Down (▼) button for 2 seconds to enter the remote control pairing mode, as shown in the diagram.
    Remote Control Pairing: 7.1.Use the Gear Up (▲) or Gear Down (▼) buttons to adjust the third digit to set the remote control number, ranging from 1 to 5, corresponding to five different remote controls.
    7.1 Once the desired remote control number is selected, press any button on the remote control to complete the pairing process.
    7.2 Press the Settings button to exit the remote control pairing mode.
    *Remote control requirements: 433MHz frequency band, 24-bit code.

  8. The diagram shows the corresponding fault symbols blinking, indicating the occurrence of a fault in the respective component. The displayed data represents the fault code. Please refer to the fault table for the specific meanings of the fault codes.
    Blinking symbols for spark plug, fuel pump, fan, sensor, power supply, etc., indicate a fault in the corresponding component.
    Fault Alarms:

Upgraded Remote Control User Manual

If you have chosen the standard version, there is no need to consult this user manual.

Panel Overview:

  1. Display: Environmental temperature
  2. Device Status
  3. Battery Voltage Indicator
  4. Operational Data and Parameters
  5. Gear Up Button
  6. Gear Down Button
  7. Power On/Off Button
  8. Confirm Button

Operating Instructions

  1. Device Status:
    HEAT – Heating mode
    COOL – Cooling mode
    STOP – Power off

  2. Operational Data and Parameters:
    PV – Power supply voltage
    SG – Gear level
    ST – Set temperature
    FT – Casing temperature
    ALM – Fault indication

  3. Long-press the Power On/Off button for 2 seconds to turn the device on or off.
    In the Power On state, use the Gear Up (▲) or Gear Down (▼) buttons to increase or decrease the gear level or set the temperature. Long-press the OK button to switch between manual and automatic mode.
    In the Power On state, press the OK button to toggle the display: gear level (or set temperature) ->casing temperature -> operating voltage.
    In the Power Off state, simultaneously long-press the Gear Up and Gear Down buttons to activate the fuel pump for priming. Release the buttons to stop the priming process.
    Usage Instructions:

  • The battery symbol indicates low battery power. Please replace the batteries.
    *To extend battery life and conserve power, the remote control will automatically power off if there is no button press for 30 seconds. Press any button to power it on again.


Fault Code Fault Reason Troubleshooting
E-2 Power supply
voltage range Check voltage range (24V: 18-32V, 12V: 9-16V), inspect the

battery or generator for normal operation, and check if the fuse is broken.
E-3| Ignition plug failure| 1.Check for loose ignition plug connectors and/or possibly wire short-circuit with the housing.
2.Check if the ignition plug is damaged.
E-4| Fuel pump failure| Inspect the fuel pump connection harness and connectors for damage, looseness, oxidation, short-circuits, or open circuits.
E-5| High-temperature alarm (Inlet > 50 C;
Housing > 230 C)| 1.Check if the heating airflow path is clear.
2.Verify if the fan is operating correctly.
3.Inspect if the temperature sensor is functioning properly.
E-6| Fan failure| 1.Check if the impeller is jammed.
2.nspect for any loose connection plugs.
3.Ensure proper gap between the magnet on the fan wheel and the Hall sensor on the controller.
4.Check for short-circuit or open circuit on the harness; check for motor leak electricity.
0.00E+00| Stall| 1.Check if any of the following circumstance is being found: low fuel, low-temperature solidification of fuel, fuel pipe blockage, or fuel pump jamming.
2.Inspect if the intake and exhaust airflow paths are clear.
3.Ensure sufficient contact between the housing temperature sensor and the

During the installation process or in your day-to-day usage, if you encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out to our customer service on the purchasing platform. We are here to assist you and will make every effort to resolve any problems you may have.


Poorly ventilated exhaust can be fatal. Follow all ventilation maintenance procedures carefully.

  • Periodically inspect the electrical connections, if loose connection found, tighten them if necessary.
  • Regularly check the fuel levels of the fuel tank to ensure there is enough diesel to keep the heater running. If fuel level is low, top up the tank with diesel, being careful to avoid overfilling.
  • Clean the air filter regularly by removing it from the heater and tapping it gently against a hard surface to remove debris. Use a clean cloth or brush to remove smaller dirt or debris. Finally, reattach the air filter to the heater. It is recommended to clean the  air filter every few months during normal use and more frequently in polluted areas or after heavy use.
  • Check the fuel pipe and connections for any signs of leaks, such as fuel spots on the floor or a strong diesel odor. If there are leaks, tighten the connections to prevent further leakage. If you are unsure how to tighten, consult your vehicle’s manual or seek  assistance from a trained and licensed technician.
  • Check the exhaust pipe regularly for blockages, clearing and cleaning the line if needed.
  • If the heater has not been used for an extended period, it is important to perform a test run before actual using. This will ensure that the heater is functioning properly and that there are no leaks or other issues that could be harmful. To perform a test run,  turn on the heater and let it run for a few minutes while observing the fuel and temperature, and exhaust pipe. If everything appears to be working correctly, the heater is ready for use. If you notice any issues, such as dirty or broken components, clean or  replace them as needed. For significant issues, seek assistance from a trained and licensed technician.

Product Warranty

Product Warranty
Thank you for choosing our company’s product. We adhere to the principle of emphasizing both quality and reputation, and we provide excellent after-sales service and technical support to our valued customers.

  1. Our company provides a 12-month free warranty service for the main unit of the product from the date of receipt. (Excluding non-manufacturing defects)
  2. Please note that damages resulting from improper use, expiration of the warranty period, or due to human factors or natural wear and tear are not covered by the free warranty. However, we understand that accidents happen, and we are here to assist you.  If you encounter any issues with your product, please reach out to us, and we will provide guidance and support to resolve the problem.
  3. For product warranty or replacement, please contact the customer service of the purchasing platform for further assistance.

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