Com Block COM-1808SOFT RX DVB S2 Receiver User Manual

June 16, 2024
Com Block

Com Block - logo COM-1808SOFT_RX DVB-S2 Receiver
VHDL source code overview / IP core


The COM-1808SOFT_RX is a DVB-S2 compliant receiver written in generic VHDL.
The entire VHDL source code is deliverable. It is portable to a variety of FPGA targets.

Key features and performance:

  • Flexible programmable features:
    • Modulation symbol rate, frequency offset, SRRC filter roll-off.
    • Output type: BBFRAME or stream (transport stream, generic stream packetized, generic bit stream)
  • Provided with IP core:
    • VHDL source code
    • GNU radio project and Matlab conversion .m program for generating DVB-S2 waveforms.
    • VHDL testbench
    • PRBS11 test sequence generator, AWGN noise generator

Supported features

Feature Supported
Inputs two DDR complex (I,Q) baseband samples, 16-bit precision. ADC sampling

rate is twice the clock frequency fCLK_RXg
Maximum payload bit rate| > 675 Mbits/s (8-PSK, rate 9/10, Xilinx Ultrascale+ -2)
FEC frame| Automatic detection on a frameto-frame basis: normal (64800 bits) short (16200 bits)
Modulation type| Automatic detection on a frameto-frame basis: QPSK, 8-PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK
Error correction encoding| LDPC + BCH
Encoding rate| Automatic detection on a frameto-frame basis:
1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
SRRC filter roll-off| 0.35, 0.25 and 0.20, user programmable
Input stream synchronizer| Yes
Null packet deletion| Yes
Maximum modulation symbol rate (ultrascale+ -2 speed grade)| > 250 MS/s
Output| • Single or multiple MPEG Transport Stream. 188-Byte fixed length frames, Bytewide.
• Single or multiple Generic Stream (packetized or continuous). Byte-wide.

Com Block COM 1808SOFT RX DVB S2 Receiver - overview 1

Extract from reference document [1]


Synthesis-time configuration parameters
The following constants are user-defined in the DVBS2_RX.vhd component generic section and in the DVB2_RX_PKG package prior to synthesis.
These parameters generally affect the size of the receiver embodiment.

Synthesis-time configuration parameters Configuration
BBFRAME_OUTPUT_EN true when the internal TS_DEMUX is bypassed and output

consists of BBFRAMEs This is the receiver symmetric equivalent to enabling the mode adaptation input interface at the transmitter.
See [1] I.2 Mode Adaptation input interface with in-band signaling (optional)
SIMULATION| True during simulation, false during deployment.
Goal is to shorten some long timers during simulation.
RX_N_TS| number of Transport and/or Generic Streams

Run-time configuration parameters
The user can set and modify the following controls at run-time through the top level component interface:

Modulation Parameters Configuration
AGC RESPONSETIME Adjust the AGC response time.

approximately log2(NSymbols)

RATE(31:0)| Nominal (expected) symbol rate expressed as 2^32 symbol rate / ADC sampling rate.
Since the input is DDR, the ADC sampling rate is 2
fCLK_Rxg Example: 10 MSymbols/s @ 600 MSamples (300 MHz fclk_rxg) => x”04444444″
Note: maximum symbol rate is 0.99fCLK_Rxg (need 1% margin for symbol tracking loop)
FREQ 31:0)| modulated signal center frequency.
Expressed as fc/modulator processing clock
MOD_RO(2:0)| Square root raised cosine filter roll-off factor:
0= 35%, 1 = 25%,
2 = 20%, 4 = 15%,
5 = 10%, 6 = 5%
MOD_CONTROL (7:0)| bit 0: spectrum inversion enabled (1) or not (0)


Two independent clock domains are used in DVBS2_RX.vhd:
CLK_RXg for waveform input, ADC (DDR) sampling rate and demodulation.
CLK for bit de-interleaving, LDPC decoding, BCH decoding, mode adaptation and output. These functions process 8-bit wide data samples.
Of course, each clock timing period must be constrained in the constraint file (.xdc for Xilinx Vivado) associated with the project.
There is no need for inter-clock timing constraints between CLK_RXg and CLK. (use set_false_path tcl command in the constraint file).
These clocks must be global clocks (i.e. use BUFG before supplying the clock to the transmitter).
Two sync resets ( SYNC_RESET_CLK_RX and SYNC_RESET) must be supplied, one for each clock domain. The recommended use is to keep the resets high until both clocks are stable.
In general, it is recommended to reset the receiver when changing the key configuration parameters (nominal symbol rate, nominal receiver center frequency, RRC filter rolloff).

Com Block COM 1808SOFT RX DVB S2 Receiver - overview 2

Data Path

Receiver inputs
Two 16-bit precision complex baseband DDR input samples from the ADC. DATA1 is sampled before DATA2. Read at the rising edge of the CLK_RXg half-rate sampling clock when ADC_DATA_IN_VALID = ‘1’
In the event of lower precision ADC samples, the LSbs should be set to zero.
Format: 2’s complement (signed). Trick: if the samples are in binary offset format, just invert the most significant bit.
AGC_DAC(11:0): output to an external DAC to control an external AGC. Gain control for the external analog/IF/RF front-end. May need to be inverted depending on the analog front-end. 12-bit unsigned. FFF represents the minimum gain, 000 the maximum gain.
Read when AGC_DAC_SAMPLE_CLK is ‘1’ The above signals are clock-synchronous with ADC sampling clock CLK_RXg.

Receiver output streams
DATA_OUT is an array of RX_N_TS byte-wide output streams. Bit order: MSb first.
DATA_OUT_VALID(RX_N_TS-1:0): 1 CLKwide pulses indicating that the associated DATA_OUT stream output Byte is valid.
SOF_OUT(RX_N_TS-1:0): output Start Of Frame. 1 CLK-wide pulse. The SOF is aligned with DATA_OUT_VALID. The first DATA_OUT byte in each user packet is typically the sync byte (x47 for transport stream, any user-value for generic packetized stream)
DATA_OUT_CTS: input. Clear-To-Send flow control. ‘1’ indicates that the data sink is ready to accept another output byte.

Receiver BBFRAME output
When BBFRAME_OUTPUT_EN is enabled.
Note1: padded bytes are included in the BBFRAME
Note2: BBHEADER is not checked for valid CRC8

BBFRAME_DATA_OUT_VALID: 1 CLK-wide pulses indicating that the associated
BBFRAME_DATA_OUT output Byte is valid.

BBFRAME_EOF_OUT: 1 CLK-wide pulses marking the start and end of BBFRAME. Aligned with BBFRAME_DATA_OUT_VALID.

BBFRAME_OUT_CTS: CTS = Clear-To-Send, flow control signal. Data source will stop sending data when BBFRAME_OUT_CTS = ‘0’

Software Licensing

This software is supplied under the following key licensing terms:

  1. A nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the VHDL source code internally, and
  2. An unlimited, royalty-free, nonexclusive transferable license to make and use products incorporating the licensed materials, solely in bit stream format, on a worldwide basis.

The complete VHDL/IP Software License
Agreement can be downloaded from


The VHDL source code is written in generic VHDL and thus can be ported FPGAs from various vendors.

Configuration Management

The current software revision is 011324

Directory Contents
/doc Specifications, user manual, implementation documents
/src .vhd source code,.pkg packages, .xdc constraint files (Xilinx)

One component per file.
/sim| VHDL test benches
/matlab| GNU radio configuration files + Matlab .m file for generating stimulus files for VHDL simulation and for end-to-end BER performance analysis at various signal to noise ratios

Project files:
Xilinx Vivado v2020 project file: project_1.xpr

VHDL development environment
The VHDL software was developed using the following development environment:
Xilinx Vivado 2020 for synthesis, place and route and VHDL simulation

Device Utilization Summary
Receiver device utilization
Device: Xilinx xcku5p-ffvb676-2-i
LDPC parallel decoders: N_PAR_DEC = 45

Resource Utilization Available Utilization…
LUT 39596 216960 18.25
LUTRAM 885 99840 0.89
FF 34219 433920 7.89
BRAM 275 480 57.29
DSP 98 1824 5.37
10 181 256 70.70
BUFG 3 256 1.17

Clock and decoding speed
The receiver operates in two clock domains: global clock CLK_RXg (half the ADC sampling rate) is mostly for demodulation.
Global clock CLK is mostly for error correction and formatting.
Typical maximum clock frequencies for various FPGA families are listed below:

Device family CLK_Rxg CLK

Xilinx Kintex7
ultrascale+ -2
speed grade| 334 MHz| 300 MHz

VHDL components overview

Receiver top level

Com Block COM 1808SOFT RX DVB S2 Receiver - overview 3

DVBS2_RX.vhd is the receiver top level component.
Inputs consist of two (DDR) baseband complex (I,Q) samples from the A/D converter synchronous with the CLK_RXg clock. The maximum modulation symbol rate is 0.99*fclk_RXg symbols/s.
RECEIVER2.vhd performs non modulation-specific tasks such as AGC, DC bias removal, frequency translation to baseband, anti-aliasing filtering and decimation.
DVBS2_DEMOD.vhd performs the demodulation based on three tracking loops: carrier tracking (for coherent demodulation), symbol timing tracking, and AGC. Each output bit’s quality is expressed as Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) for use by the followon LDPC error correction decoder DVBS2_LDPC_DEC.vhd.
BCHDEC.vhd is the BCH error correction decoding (outer coding), as per [1] section 5.3.1.
The PRBS15_8B.vhd component generates the BB frame de-scrambling sequence.

Ancillary components
BRAM_DP2.vhd is a generic dual-port memory, used as input and output elastic buffers. Memory is inferred (no Xilinx primitive is used).
INFILE2SIM.vhd reads an input file. This component is used by the testbench to read a modulated samples file generated by GNU radio and follow-on read_waveform.m Matlab program for various modulation and coding types.
SIM2OUTFILE.vhd writes three 12-bit data variables to a tab delimited file which can be subsequently read by Matlab (load command) for plotting or analysis.

VHDL simulation
VHDL testbenches are located in the /sim directory.
The tb_dvbs2_rx.vhd testbench uses the /sim/input.txt DVBS2 modulated waveform file as input and demodulates and decodes the received bit stream.
The tb_dvbs2_txrx.vhd testbench consists of back-to-back DVBS2 transmitter and receiver. The transmitter generate a single DVBS2 generic packetized stream of length STREAMS_UPL with VCM: coding and modulation can change frequently between frames.

Matlab simulation
Matlab programs are located in the /matlab directory.
The dvbs2_firrcos.m program helps selecting the minimum size FIR filter to comply with the standard spectral masks for various root raised cosine filter rolloff factors.
The resample_waveform.m program resamples waveform files generated by the transmitter with the receiver sampling clock. The resulting input.txt file can be used by tb_dvbs2_rx.vhd testbench to assess the receiver performance.
The read_waveform.m program opens a waveform.dat complex samples file generated by GNU radio, reformats it to 2 columns of signed integers 12-bit precision then saves it to the input.txt file for import by the tb_dvbs2_rx.vhd testbench. It can also add white Gaussian noise to the waveform as needed.

GNU radio waveform generation

GNU radio can be used to generate DVB-S2 waveforms.
An example GNU configuration is provided in /matlab/dvbs2_tx312MS.grc for the following configuration: 645.16 Msamples/s input sampling rate 8PSK modulation, 39.0625 Msymbols/s, short frame, rate 3/4 (see block diagram further down)

Reference documents
[1] DVB-S2 specifications, ETSI EN 302 307-1 V1.4.1 (2014-11)
[2] DVB-S2 Extensions (DVB-S2X) specifications ETSI EN 302 307-2 V1.1.1 (2015-02)


Acronym Definition
ACM Adaptive Coding and Modulation
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
CCM Constant Coding and Modulation
CTS Clear-To-Send flow control flag
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DDR Dual Data Rate
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GS Generic Stream
GbE Gigabit Ethernet
LLR Log Likelihood Ratio
LSb Least Significant bit in a word
MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group
MSb Most Significant bit in a word
RF Radio Frequency
SRRC Square Root Raised Cosine (filter)
TS Transport Stream
tx Transmit
VCM Variable Coding and Modulation

ComBlock Ordering Information
COM-1808SOFT_RX DVB-S2 receiver, VHDL source code / IP core

Contact Information
MSS • 845-N Quince Orchard Boulevard • Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878-1676 • U.S.A.

Com Block COM 1808SOFT RX DVB S2 Receiver - overview 4

GNU radio project for stimulus waveform generation:
645.16 Msamples/s input sampling rate
8PSK modulation, 39.0625 Msymbols/s, short frame, rate 3/4

MSS • 845 Quince Orchard Boulevard Ste N
• Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878-1676 • U.S.A.
Telephone: 240-631-1111
© MSS 2024 Issued 1/13/2024


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