VEVOR BM8902-A Bread Maker Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024


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This is the original instruction, please read all manual instructions carefully before operating. VEVOR reserves a clear interpretation of our user manual. The appearance of the product shall be subject to the product you received. Please forgive us that we won’t inform you again if there are any technology or software updates on our product.

| Warning-To reduce the risk of injury, user must read instructions manual carefully.
| Indoor Use Only
**| Correct Disposal**
This product is subject to the provision of European Directive 2012/19/EC. The symbol showing a wheelie bin crossed
through indicates that the product requires separate refuse collection in the European Union. This applies to the product and all accessories marked with this symbol. Products marked as such may not be discarded with normal domestic waste, but must be taken to a collection point for recycling electrical and electronic devices


When using the electnical applance,basie satety precautions should aiways be folowed inouding the tolowing.Read at instrucions:

  1. Read al and save these instructions.
  2. Before using check thstthe voltage of wal outletcoresponds to theone shown on the rating plste.
  3. This appliance is not intended for used by persons (including children) with reduced physical,sensory or mental capsbilties, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been givensupervision or instruction conceming use of the appliances by a person responsible for their safety.
  4. Close supevision is necessary when any sppiance is used by or nesr chidren. Children should besupervised to ensure that they do notplay with the appliance.
  5. Do nottouch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs. Always use oven mitts to handle hot bresd pan orhotbread.
  6. Do not put hand inside oven chamber after bread pan is removed. Hesting unit wil stil be hot.
  7. Toprotect sgsinst electic shock do notimmerse cord, plugs, orbread mskerin wateror otheriquid.
  8. Unplug from outet when not in use and cleaning. Allow to cool before putting or tsking of parts,orbefore cleaning the appliance
  9. Do notoperste any appiance with a damaged cord or plug or afer the appliance malfuncfons,or isdropped or damagedin any manner. Retum the sppliance to manufacturer orthe nesrest authorizedservice agentforexsminaton, repsir or electicsl/mechanical adjustment.
  10. The use of aocessory atachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may cause injunies.
  11. Do not use outdoors and household use only.
  12. Do not let cord hang over edge oftable or counteror touch hot surface.
  13. Do not placeon or nesr a hot gas or electic bumer, or in a hested oven.
  14. Extreme caution must be used when moving an appiance containing hot oi orother hot iquids.
  15. Never switch on the appliance without propeny placed bresd pan fled ingredients.
  16. Never beatthe bread pan on the top or edge to remove the pan, this may damsge the bread pan.
  17. To disconnect, tum al controls off(START/STOP);then remove plug from wal outet.
  18. Do not place eyes or face in close proximity with tempered glass viewing window, in the event that the safety glass bresks.
  19. This appliance has been incorporsted with a grounded plug. Please ensure the wal outlet in your house is wel earthed.(for model BM8901-A)
  20. Do not touch any moving or spinning parts ofthe machine whenbsking.
  21. Do not operste the appliance for other than intended use.
  22. Clean oven inteniorcarefuly. Do not scratch ordamsge hestingelementtube.



a) A short power-supply cord should be used to reduce the risk resulting from becoming entangled in ortripping overa longercord.
b) Longer extension cords are available and may be used if care is exercised in their use.
c) If a longer extension cord is used:

  1. The marked electical rsting of the cord set or extension cord should be at least as grest as theelectrical rating of the sppliance; and
  2. The cord should be arranged so that it will no drape over the countertop or table top where it can be pulled on by chidren or tripped over unintentionally.

If the appliance is of the grounded type,the extension cord should be a grounding-type 3-wire cord.
NOTICE:(only formodel BM8901)
This appliance has a polarzed plug (one blade is wider than the other). To reduce the risk of electricshock, this plug is intended to fit into a polarized outet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into theoutlet,reverse the plug. Ifit still does not ft, contsct s qualified electricisn. Do not modity the plug in anyway.

Bread Maker Parts: VEVOR BM8902-A Bread Maker - Bread Maker
PartsVEVOR BM8902-A Bread Maker - Bread Maker Parts

Control panel

VEVOR BM8902-A Bread Maker - Control panel After power-up
As soon as the bread maker is plugged into the power supply, a beep will be heard and “3:00” will be displayed. But the colon between the “3” and “00” don’t flash constantly. And “1” is the default program. The arrows point to “1500g” and “MEDIUM” as they are default settings.
The button is used for starting and stopping the selected baking program.
To start a program, press the START/STOP button once. A short beep will be heard, the indicator will light up, and the two dots in the time display begin to flash and the program starts. Any other button is inactivated except the START/STOP button after a program has begun.
To pause the program, press the START/STOP/PAUSE button for approx.
0.5 seconds, then the program will pause, after 3 minutes of not having any operation, the program will continue to work.
To stop the program, press the START/STOP button for approx. 3 seconds, then a beep will be heard, meaning the program has been switched off.
This feature will help prevent any unintentional disruption to the program’s operation.

The MENU button is used to set different programs. The program will vary each time it is pressed (accompanied by a short beep). Press the button discontinuously, the 15 menus will be cycled to show on the LCD display.
Select your desired program. The functions of the 15 menus will be explained below.
Program 1: Basic
For white and mixed bread mainly consists of wheat flour or rye flour. The bread has a compact consistency. You can adjust the bread brown by setting the COLOR button.
Program 2: French
For light bread made from fine flour. Normally the bread is fluffy and has a crispy crust. This is not suitable for baking recipes requiring butter, margarine or milk.
Program 3: Whole Wheat
For bread with heavy varieties of flour that require a longer phase of kneading and rising (for example, whole wheat flour and rye flour). The bread will be more compact and heavy.
Program 4: Sweet
For bread with additives such as fruit juices, grated coconut, raisins, dry fruits, chocolate or added sugar. Due to a longer phase of rising the bread will be light and airy.
Program 5: Buttermilk Bread
Kneading, rise and baking loaf with butter and milk to make bread.
Program 6: Gluten free
Kneading, rise and baking GLUTEN-free loaf, normally for gluten-free flour, rice flour, sweet potato flour, comn flour and oat flour.
Program 7: Super rapid
Kneading, rising and baking loaf within a time less than basic bread. But the bread baked in this setting is usually smaller with a dense texture.
Program 8: Cake
Kneading, rise and baking, but rise with soda or baking powder.
Program 9. Knead
Setting the kneading time by a user with different qty.
Program 10: Dough
Kneading and rising but without baking. Remove the dough and use it for making bread rolls, pizza, steamed bread, etc.
Program 11: Pasta dough
To make the flour and water or some others can well commix.
Program 12: Yogurt
Ferment and make the yogurt.
Program 13: Jam
Boiling jams and marmalade.
Program 14: Bake
For additional baking of bread that is too light or not baked through. In this program, there is no kneading or raising.
Program 15: Homemade
Press the HOMEMADE button to use this setting and cycling.
You can customize how many minutes in each phase for kneading, rising, baking, keeping warm…every step. The time range of each program is in the timetable.

Light, Medium, or Dark crust and quick bread for your selection. When pressing COLOR, it will display these 4 modes in the circle. Menu 1 to 4 with Rapid bread for selection; quick bread without crust color for choice; direct with “A”. The default crust color is Medium, but not available for Rapid bread in Menu 1 to 4.
Menu 9,10,11,12,13 can’t choose the bread weight; there are 3 weight modes for choice:1000g, 1250g, and 15009, When pressing the WEIGHT button will display 1000g—1250g—1500g in the circle, default 1250g. The weight function is only available on Menu 1 to 8.
Delay function( TIME+, TIME-)
You can use this delay function if you don’t want the bread maker to work at once. The longest delay time is 15 hours.
Firstly select the menu and color, then press the TIME button to change the time showing on LCD. Press the TIME button once, and increase or decrease 10 min delay time. Menu 9,11,12,13 without delay function.
Press the TIME button continuously, and the time will increase or decrease always in a circle—the setting time means including the program time and the delay time. When pressing the TIME button >1S, time will display quickly. “ **“ will indicate DELAY TIME.
Example: Now it is 8:30 p.m. Suppose you want your bread ready the next morning at 7 o’clock, i.e., in 10 hours and 30 minutes. Select your menu, color, and loaf size, then press the “or” to add the time until 10:30 appears on the LCD. Then press the START/STOP button to activate this delay program, and the indicator will light up. You can see the dot flashed, and LCD will count down to show the remaining time. You will get fresh bread at 7:00 in the morning.
Note: For time-delayed baking, avoid using perishable ingredients such as eggs, fresh milk, fruits, onions, etc.
The delay time is shown on LCD= time you want to complete – current time.
Keep warm function
Bread can be automatically kept warm for 1 hour after baking. LCD will show 0:00. During keeping warm, “ “ indicates to KEEP WARM until 60min keep great time complete.
Suggest the room temperature should be within the range of 15 ‘C to 34°C to use the appliance. The bread ferment will turn acid if the temperature is too high. If too low will affect the bread rising. The difference in environmental temperature and the bread size may have a difference.
If the power supply has been interrupted while making bread, the process of making bread will be continued automatically within 10-15 minutes, even without pressing the START/STOP button. If the interruption time exceeds 10-15 minutes, the memory cannot be kept, you must discard the ingredients in the bread pan and add the ingredients into the bread pan again, and the bread maker must be restarted. But if the dough has not entered the rising phase when the power supply breaks off, you can press the START/STOP directly to continue the program from the beginning.
“HHH”-This warning means that the temperature inside the bread pan is too high. Press the START/STOP button(see below Figure 1)to stop the program, unplug the power cord, open the top lid, and let the machine cool down completely for 10-20 minutes before restarting.
“EE0”-This warning means that the temperature sensor is disconnected. Press the START/STOP button(see below Figure 2) to stop the program, and unplug the power cord. Please check the sensor by the nearest authorized service agent for examination, repair or electrical /mechanical adjustment.VEVOR BM8902-A
Bread Maker - Figer

The appliance may emit a little smoke and/or odor when you turn it on for the first time. In manufacturing, it is necessary to lightly grease some parts of the appliance. This is normal.

  1. Clean all the parts according to “CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE”.

  2. Set the bread maker on bake mode and bake empty for about 10 minutes. Or put 200ML water into the bread pan to bake for 10 minutes.
    This action is in order to subside the smell of the heating element and bread pan. The beep will be heard after complete.

  3. Unplug then let it cool down and clean all the detached parts again.
    Make sure the appliance has sufficient ventilation

Operation Instructions

  1. Place the bread pan in the bread maker, and press downward. Place the kneading paddle on the shaft, pushing it down as far as it will go, making sure flat surfaces are lined up.
    Note: It’s recommended to grease the kneading blade with oil to avoid the dough sticking to the kneading blade. Also, this enables the kneading edge to be easily removed from the baked item.

  2. Pre-measure all ingredients; normally, add water or other liquid ingredients, sugar, salt, flour, and yeast. If making high-content wheat flour dough, it’s recommended change the adding order: yeast and wheat flour firstly, secondly, add sugar and salt, and lastly, add water or other liquids to get a better effect.
    Note: When adding flour, try to let it cover the water. Make a small indentation on the top of the flour with a finger, and add yeast to the indentation. Make sure that yeast does not come into contact with salt or liquids.

  3. Close the lid, then plug it in.

  4. Press the MENU button until your desired program is displayed.

  5. Press the CRUST to move the arrow to desired setting: Light, Medium, or Dark crust.

  6. Press the WEIGHT to move the arrow to desired weight.

  7. If desired, set the DELAY TIMER button. Press the + and — buttons to increase the cycle time shown on the LCD. You can ignore this process if you want to make the bread immediately.

  8. Press START/STOP to work. If setting to crust color and weight, press this button to confirm the setting, and press it again to activate the program. “ “indicates the current working progress. Meanwhile, the colon start flashing constantly, and the time is counting down. The program starts working.
    Note: If you want to stop the program, press the START/STOP button for 3 seconds.

  9. For add-ins(fruits, nuts, raisins),the machine will be ten beeps,” “ indicates to ADD. Open the lid and pour your add-ins. A bread maker will rework. The nuts don’t put in too early, or they will lose favor.
    Note: ADD function-only appliance to menu Base, quick, sweet, French, whole wheat, Rice, Gluten free.

  10.  When 0:00 display on LCD, 10 beeps will be heard to indicate the program is complete; press START/STOP for 38S to close the bread maker.
    Note: If you don’t press START/STOP, the program will start 1 hour and keep warm automatically. If you want to stop supporting social progress, press START/STOP for 3S. The program does not stop until LCD shows out the default display.

  11. Open the lid, wear oven mitts, hold tight to the panhandle, then lift upward.
    Note: Extreme caution must be used when operating; the bread pan and the bread are boiling.

  12. Using oven mitts, turn the bread pan upside down (with the bread pan handle folded) onto a wire cooling rack or clean surface and gently shake until the bread falls out. Use a non-metal spatula to scrape the sides of the bread pan gently.
    Note: If the kneading blade remains in the bread, gently pry it out using a hook, don’t take it by hand in case of scald.


  1. Disconnect the machine from the power outlet and let it cool down before cleaning.

  2. To clean the bread pan: Wipe the inside and outside of the pan with a damp cloth, do not use sharp or abrasive agents to protect the non-stick coating. The bread pan must be dried completely before installation.

  3. If the kneading blade is difficult to remove from the bread pan, add some warm water to dip for 30mins. Then can be put out easily. Use a wet rag to clean it.

  4. To clean the top lid: Allow the unit to cool afterward. Use a damp cloth to wipe the lid and interior of the viewing window. Do not use abrasive cleaners for cleaning since this will degrade the high polish of the surface.
    Note: It is suggested not to disassemble the lid for cleaning.

  5. Gently wipe the outer surface of the housing with a wet cloth, then use a dry cloth. Never use petrol or other liquids. Never immerse the housing in water for cleaning.

  6. Before the bread maker is packed for storage, ensure that it has completely cooled down, is clean and dry, and the lid is closed.


  1. Bread Flour
    Bread flour is the most important bread ingredient recommended in most yeast- bread recipes. It has a high gluten content (so it can also be called high- gluten flour, which contains high protein) and keeps the size of the bread from collapsing after rising. Flour varies by region. The gluten content is higher than the all-purpose flour, so it can make bread large and with higher inner fiber.

  2. All-Purpose Flour
    Flour containing no baking powder is suitable for “quick” bread or bread made with the Quick settings. Bread flour is better suited for yeast bread.

  3. Whole-Wheat Flour
    Whole-wheat flour is ground from the entire wheat kernel. Bread made with all or part whole-wheat flour will have higher fiber and nutritional content. Whole-Wheat flour is heavier, so loaves may be smaller in size and have a heavier texture.
    It contains wheat skin and gluten. Many recipes combine with Whole -Wheat flour or Bread Flour to achieve the best result.

  4. Black Wheat Flour
    Black Wheat Flour, also named “Rye Flour,” is a kind of high-fiber flour, and itis similar to whole-wheat flour. It must be combined with a high proportion of bread flour to obtain the large size after rising.

  5. Self-rising flour
    Flour that contains baking powder, used especially for making cakes. Do not use self-rising flour in combination with yeast.

  6. Corn flour and oatmeal flour
    Corn flour and oatmeal flour are ground from corn and oatmeal separately.
    They are the additive ingredients of making rough bread, which are used for enhancing flavor and texture.

  7. Sugar
    Sugar is “food” for yeast and increases bread’s sweet taste and color. Itis a very important element in making the bread rise. White sugar is normally used; brown sugar, powdered sugar, or cotton sugar may also be called for in some recipes.

  8. Yeast
    Yeast is a living organism and should be kept in the refrigerator to remain fresh. It needs carbohydrates found in sugar and flour as nourishment. The yeast used in bread maker recipes will be sold under different names:
    Bread machine yeast(preferred), active dry yeast, and instant yeast.
    After the yeasting process, the yeast will produce carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide will expand the bread and make the inner fiber soften.
    1 tbsp dry yeast =3 tsp dry yeast
    1 tbsp dry yeast =15ml yeast
    1 tsp dry yeast =5ml
    Before using, check the expiration date and storage time of yeast. Return to the refrigerator inmediately after each use. The fungus will be killed at high temperatures. Usually, the failure of bread rising is caused by bad yeast.
    TIP: To check whether your yeast is fresh and active:
    (1) Pour 1 cup (237ml) of warm water (45-500C) into a measuring cup.
    (2) Add 1 teaTsp(5ml) white sugar into the cup and stir, then 1 tableTsp(15ml) yeast over the water.
    (3) Place the measuring cup in a warm place for about 10min. Do not stir the water.
    (4) Fresh, active yeast will begin to bubble or “grow”. If it does not, the yeast is dead or inactive.

  9. Salt
    Salt is necessary to improve bread flavor and crust color. It is also used to restrain yeast activity. Never use too much salt in a recipe. But bread would be larger if without salt.

  10. Egg
    Eggs can improve bread texture, make the bread more nourishing and larger in size. The egg must be whisked in with the other liquid ingredients.

  11. Grease, Butter and Vegetable Oil
    Grease can make bread soften and delay storage life. Butter should be melted or chopped into small pieces before adding it to liquid.

  12. Baking Powder
    Baking powder is used for raising the Ultra Fast bread and cake. As it does not need rise time and it can produce air, the air will form bubbles to soften the texture of bread utilizing the chemical principle.

  13. Baking Soda
    It is similar to baking powder. It can also be used in combination with baking powder.

  14. Water and Other Liquids(always add first)
    Water is an essential ingredient for making bread. Generally speaking, water should be at room temperature between 20°C and 25°C. Some recipes may call for milk or other liquids purpose of enhancing bread flavor. Never use dairy with the Delay Timer option.

TIPS: One of the most important steps in making good bread is the proper measurement of ingredients. Measure each ingredient carefully and add to your bread pan in the order given in the recipe.
It is strongly suggested that we use a measuring cup or measuring Tsp to obtain an accurate amount. Otherwise, the bread will be largely influenced.
Adding Sequence
Always add ingredients in the order given in the recipe.
FIRST: Liquid ingredients
SECOND: Dry ingredients
LAST: Yeast
The yeast should only be placed on the dry flour and never come in contact with the liquid or salt.
When you use the Delay Timer function for a long time, never add perishable ingredients such as eggs or milk.
After the flour is completely kneaded for the first time, a beep will be heard, and put fruit ingredients into the mixture. If the fruit ingredients are added too early, the flavor will be diminished after a long time of stirring.
Liquid Ingredients
Water, fresh milk, or other liquids should be measured with measuring cups with clear markings and a spout. Set the cup on the counter and lower yourself to check the liquid level. When measuring cooking oil or other ingredients, clean the measuring cup thoroughly without any other ingredients.
Dry measurements
Measure dry ingredients by gently Tsping flour, etc., into the measuring cup and then, once filled, leveling off with a knife. Never use the measuring cup to Tbsp your dry ingredients directly from a container as this could add up to one tabletop of extra ingredients. Do not tap the bottom of the measuring  cup or pack down.
HINT: Before measuring, stir the flour to aerate it. When measuring small
amounts of dry ingredients, such as salt or sugar, use a measuring Tsp,
making sure it is leveled off.

Accessories Instruction
Measuring cup:
In the Recipe, measuring unit “CUP” means full cup, 240ML; below is a picture for reference.

  1. Measuring the liquid ingredients: When measuring the liquid, the cup should be put on a horizontal flat surface and viewed at eye level(not on an angle) to check the degree. If you add egg, milk, or other liquids, put them into the cup first, then add water to the degree according to the Recipe. (i.e., the total liquid amount is the same as the Recipe’s request, but the water is reduced))
  2. Measuring the powder ingredients: Measure them into the cup, then shake them gently until leveling off to read the degree. Don’’t shake long and hard; the powder will be too compact to over-measure.
    Measuring Tsp: Including tea Tsp and table Tsp.
    Tea Tsp (Tsp) use to measure yeast and salt.
    Table Tsp (Tbsp) use to measure the sugar and oil.
    Hook: Use to pull out the kneading blade from the bread. VEVOR BM8902-A
Bread Maker - kneading blade

Sometimes, the kneading blade would stay in the bread when putting out the bread. Use the hook to pull out the blade.

VEVOR BM8902-A Bread Maker - Hook


Below trouble shooting only for your reference when during in the use, if appliance has damage, for avoid danger or more loss, please send to maintenance station or dial advice line for help.

NO. Problem Cause Solution
1 Smoke from ventilation hole when baking Some ingredients adhere to the

heat element or nearby, for the first use, oil remained on the surface of heat element| Unplug the bread maker and clean the heat element, but be careful not to burn you, during the first use, dry operating and open the


2| Bread bottom crust is too thick| Keep bread warm and leave bread in the bread pan for a long time so that water is losing too much| Take bread out soon without keeping it warm
3| It is very difficult to take bread out| Kneader adheres tightly to the shaft in bread pan| After taking bread out, put hot water into bread pan and immerse kneader for 10 minutes, then take it out and clean.
4| Stir ingredients not evenly and bake badly| 1.selected program menu is improper| Select the proper program menu
2.after operating, open cover several times and bread is dry, no brown crust color| Don’t open cover at the last rise
3.Stir resistance is too large so that kneader almost can’t rotate and stir adequately| Check kneader hole, then take bread pan out and operate without load, if not normal, contact with the authorized service facility.
5| Display “HHH” after pressing START/ST OP button| The temperature in bread maker is too high to make bread.| Press START/STOP button and unplug bread maker, then take bread pan out and open cover until the bread maker cools down
6| Hear the motor noises but dough isn’t stirred| Bread pan is fixed improperly or dough is too large to be stirred| Check whether bread pan is fixed properly and dough is made according to recipe and the ingredients is weighed accurately
7| Bread size is so large as to push cover| Yeast is too much or flour is excessive or water is too much or environment temperature is too high| Check the above factors, reduce properly the amount according to the true reasons
8| Bread size is too small or bread has no rise| No yeast or the amount of yeast is not enough, moreover, yeast may have a poor activity as water temperature is too high or yeast is mixed together with salt, or the environment temperature is lower.| Check the amount and performance of yeast, increase the environment temperature properly.
9| Dough is so large to overflow bread pan| The amount of liquids is so much as to make dough soft and yeast is also excessive.| Reduce the amount of liquids and improve dough rigidity
10| Bread collapses in the middle parts when baking dough| 1.used flour is not strong powder and can’t make dough rise| Use bread flour or strong powder.
2.yeast rate is too rapid or yeast temperature is too high| Yeast is used under room temperature
3.Excessive water makes dough too wet and soft.| According to the ability of absorbing water, adjust water on recipe
11| Bread weight is very large and organizatio n construct is too dense| 1.too much flour or short of water| Reduce flour or increase water
2.too many fruit ingredients or too much whole wheat flour| Reduce the amount of corresponding ingredients and increase yeast
12| Middle parts are hollow after cutting bread| 1. Excessive water or yeast or no salt| Reduce properly water or yeast and check salt
2.water temperature is too high| Check water temperature
13| Bread surface is adhered to dry powder| 1.there is strong agglutination ingredients in bread such as butter and bananas etc.| Do not add strong agglutination ingredients into bread.
2.stir not adequately for short of water| Check water and mechanical construct of bread maker
14| Crust is too thick and  baking color is too dark when making cakes or food with excessive sugar| Different recipes or ingredients have great effect on making bread, baking color will become very dark because of much sugar| If baking color is too dark for the recipe with excessive sugar, press START/STOP to interrupt the program ahead 5-10min of intended finishing time. Before removing out the bread you should keep the bread or cake in bread pan for about 20 minutes with cover closed


Menus| | Ingredient| Volume| Volume| Volume| Remark
1 Basic Bread| | bread weight| 1000g/2LB| 1250g/2.5LB| 1500g/3LB|
[1]| water| 350ml| 430ml| 520ml|
[2]| salt| 1Tsp| 2 Tsp| 3 Tsp| put on the corner
[3]| sugar| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| 5 Tbsp| put on the corner
[4]| oil| 2 Tbsp| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp|
[5]| high gluten flour| 4 cups/ 560g| 5 cups/ 700g| 6 cups/ 840g|
[6]| milk powder| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| 5 Tbsp|
[7]| instant yeast| 0.5 Tsp| 0.8 Tsp| 1 Tsp| put on the dry flour, don’t touch with any liquid
2 French bread| | bread weight| 1000g/2LB| 1250g/2.5LB| 1500g/3LB|
[1]| water| 350ml| 430ml| 520ml|
[2]| salt| 1 Tsp| 2 Tsp| 3 Tsp| put on the corner
[3]| sugar| 2 Tbsp| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| put on the corner
[4]| oil| 2 Tbsp| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp|
[5]| high gluten| 4 cups/ 560g| 5 cups/ 700g| 6 cups/ 840g|
[6]| instant yeast| 0.5 Tsp| 0.8 Tsp| 1 Tsp| put on the dry flour,don’t touch with
3 Whol e-wheat bread| | bread weight| 1000g/2LB| 1250g/2.5LB| 1500g/3LB|
[1]| water| 350ml| 430ml| 520ml|
[2]| salt| 1 Tsp| 2 Tsp| 3 Tsp| put on the corner
[3]| sugar| 2 Tbsp| 3Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| put on the corner
[4]| oil| 2 Tbsp| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp|
[5]| high gluten flour| 2cups/ 280g| 2.5cups/ 350g| 3 cups/ 420g|
[6]| whole-wh eat flour| 2cups/ 280g| 2.5cups/ 350g| 3 cups/ 420g|
[7]| instant yeast| 1 Tsp| 1.5 Tsp| 1.75 Tsp| put on the dry flour,don’t touch with any liquid。
[8]| milk powder| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp|
4 Sweet bread| | bread weight| 1000g/2LB| 1250g/2.5LB| 1500g/3LB|
[1]| water| 330ml| 420ml| 510ml|
[2]| salt| 0.5 Tsp| 1Tsp| 1.5 Tsp| put on   the corner
[3]| sugar| 0.25 cup| 0.5 cup| 0.75 cup| put on the corner
[4]| oil| 2 Tbsp| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp|
[5]| milk powder| 3Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp|
[6]| high gluten flour| 4 cups/ 560g| 5 cups/ 700g| 6 cups/ 840g|
[7]| instant yeast| 0.5 Tsp| 0.8 Tsp| 1 Tsp| put on the dry flour, don’t touch with any liquid.
5 Butter milk| | bread weight| 1000g/2LB| 1250g/2.5LB| 1500g/3B|
[1]| Milk| 200ml| 300ml| 400ml|
[2]| Butter oil| 150ml| 150ml| 180ml|
[3]| salt| 1.5 Tsp| 2 Tsp| 2.5 Tsp| put on the corner
[4]| sugar| 2 Tbsp| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| put on the corner
[5]| high gluten flour| 4 cups| 5 cups| 6 cups|
[6]| instant yeast| 1Tbsp| 1.5 Tbsp| 1.75 Tbsp| put on the dry flour, don’t touch with any liquid.
6 Gluten free bread| | bread weight| 1000g/2LB| 1250g/2.5LB| 1500g/3LB|
[1]| water| 350ml| 430ml| 520ml|
[2]| salt| 1Tsp| 2Tsp| 3 Tsp| put on the corner
[3]| sugar| 2Tbsp| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| put on the corner
[4]| oil| 2Tbsp| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp|
[5]| gluten free flour| 2cups/280 g| 2.5cups/35 0g| 3cups/420 g|
[6]| corn flour| 2cups/280 g| 2.5cups/35 0g| 3cups/420 g| can replace of oat flour
[7]| instant yeast| 0.5Tsp| 0.8 Tsp| 1 Tsp| put on the dry flour, don’t touch with any
7 Quick Bread| | bread weight| 1000g/2LB| 1250g/2.5LB| 1500g/3LB|
[1]| water| 350ml| 430ml| 520ml| water temperature 40-50’C
[2]| salt| 1.5Tsp| 2 Tsp| 2.5 Tsp| put on the corner
[3]| sugar| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| 5 Tbsp| put on the corner
[4]| oil| 3 Tbsp| 4 Tbsp| 5 Tbsp|
[5]| high gluten flour| 4 cups/ 560g| 5 cups/ 700g| 6 cups/ 840g|
[6]| instant yeast| 1.5Tsp| 2 Tsp| 2.5 Tsp| put on the dry flour,don’t touch with any liquid.
8 Cake| | time| 1:35| | | dissolve sugar in egg and water,mix well by electric egg-beater to as a bulk, then put the other ingredients together into bread barrel, then start this menu.
[1]| water| 30ml| | |
[2]| egg| 8 pcs| | |
[3]| sugar| 1 cup| | |
[4]| butter| 2 Tbsp| | |
[5]| self-rising flour| 4cups/560 g| | |
[6]| instant yeast| 1 Tsp| | |
9 Knead| | time| 0:10| | |
[1]| water| 330ml| | |
[2]| salt| 1Tsp| | | put on the corner
[3]| oil| 3 Tbsp| | |
[4]| high gluten flour| 4 cups/560g| | |
10 Dough| | time| 1:40| | |
[1]| water| 610ml| | |
[2]| salt| 3 Tsp| | | put on the corner
[3]| oil| 5 Tbsp| | |
[4]| high gluten flour| 7cups/ 890g| | |
[5]| instant yeast| 2 Tsp| | | put on the dry flour,don’t touch with any liquid.
11 Pasta dough| | time| 0:15| | |
[1]| water| 620ml| | |
[2]| salt| 1Tsp| | |
[3]| oil| 3Tbsp| | |
[4]| high gluten flour| 8 cups| | |
12 Yogurt| | time| 8:00| | |
[1]| milk| 1800ml| | |
[2]| lactic acid bacteria| 180ml| | |
13 Jam| | Time| 1:20| | |
[1]| pulp| 5 cups| | | stir to mushy, can put some water or not
[2]| starch| 1 cups| | |
[3]| sugar| 1cups| | | up to flavor
14 Bake| [1]| time| 1:00|
adjust baking temperature by pressing crust button :100°C(light);150°C(medium);200°C(dark),default 150 °C
15 Home made| [1]| Press this button enter to home-made menu.,in this menu, user can set each process’ time e.g. knead, ferment, bake. Suitable for DIY bread

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