Mercedes-Benz ALD00001293 Electronic Data Interchange User Manual
- June 16, 2024
- Mercedes-Benz
Table of Contents
Electronic Data
Interchange Manual (EDI)
ALD00001293 Electronic Data Interchange
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Mercedes-Benz AG
SC/WT department
Phone: +49 (0)30 / 887 215 588
Mercedes-Benz AG
Stuttgart, Germany
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Call-off messages
VDA 4905 → Call-off
VDA 4915 → Detailed call-off
VDA 4916 → JIS call-off
DELFOR D96A → Call-off
DELJIT D96A → Detailed call-off
EDI transmission of call-off data is the part of the process chain starting
from the customer request and proceeding through the issuing of purchase order
or call-off data to goods receipt of the ordered material.
The demand data is sourced from different upstream systems, so the delivery
intervals vary, and in some cases there can even be multiple deliveries in a
single day.
The required data is generated at individual locations, according to the
following VDA recommendations:
VDA 4905 | EDI for call-offs |
VDA 4915 | EDI for detailed call-offs |
VDA 4916 | EDI for JIS call-offs |
You should consult with the relevant plant MRP controller on whether messages
according to VDA 4915 or VDA 4916 are to be generated in addition to the VDA
4905 call-off message.
Call-off according to VDA 4905
- VDA recommendation VDA 4905 is used for call-offs for productive material.
- In general, purchase orders for non-productive material (ancillary materials and supplies, capital goods, etc.) will be processed using eDOCS wherever possible. Please consult your MRP controller.
Objectives of call-off
- Along with the general benefits of EDI communication (e.g. fast, paper-free data transmission), the interchange of call-offs in this way results in the following specific benefits:
- immediate availability of the data for further processing
- rapid response to changes in requirements
- better service
- enhanced competitiveness
A call-off notifies the supplier of requirement quantities in the near,
medium and distant future. This provides the supplier with the basis for
production scheduling and primary material scheduling and shipping management.
EDI data has the same legally valid status as data in hard-copy documents.
The party generating the data is responsible for checking the completeness of
the information in call-offs sent by electronic channels. On receipt of the
communication, the data is saved and checked, and in-house data required for
further computer processing is added.
We recommend that you store the data on a data carrier for a certain time.
The data received can be uniquely assigned via the following sort criteria:
- Customer plant
- Customer part number
- Unloading point
- New LAB (call-off) replaces old LAB
Issuing a call-off
Call-offs are based on the Mercedes-Benz AG production program for:
- JIT,
- JIS,
- Warehouse and
- Frequency.
The VDA 4905 standard is used for standard deliveries to warehouses.
The VDA 4915 or 4905 standard applies to standard JIT deliveries.
The VDA 4905 message
The VDA 4905 message comprises the following records:
Record type | Contents |
511 | Call-off data header record (1x per EDI run) |
512 | One-off data elements for call-off (1x per sort criterion) |
513 | Demarcation and call-off data (1x per sort criterion) |
514 | Other call-off data (x times per sort criterion) |
515 | Additional LAB (call-off) information (1x per sort criterion) |
517 | Packing material data (x times per sort criterion) |
518 | Text data (x times per sort criterion) |
519 | Call-off trailer record (1x per EDI run) |
Note on record type 512, pos. 4, LAB number:
Definition: The LAB number is used to identify the call-off.
It is a 9-character term, structured as follows:
Position | Meaning | Example |
1 | Plant number | 10 |
3| |
4| Last digit of year| “6” for 1996
5| Month according to PTB| “7” for PTB run month 7
6| |
7| LAB serial number| Numbering begins with “00” for PTB main carriage run
8| |
9| Requirement origin identifier| P → Main carriage run
N → On-carriage run
H → HTS run
A → ATB/TBE run or daily run for differently managed positions
C → BTD run
M → Manual MRP
Z → LAB for changed MDI/TPM or ABS
S → Cancellation call-off for unloading point change
- → Online requirement input
(see examples on following pages)
Form contents and explanation of fields
Note: Up to and including 2006, this section was part of Mercedes-Benz
Special Terms, Appendix 17 (MBST 17 Anlage). The information has been removed
from that document following its inclusion here.
Form header
Field no.| Field name/data element| Mandatory Optional|
Characters| Alpha/ num.| Explanation
(1)| Orderer’s word/pictorial mark| M| –| A| Name/acronym and additional
characterization of orderer completing call-off.
(1.1)| KN| C| 9| A/N| Customer number, i.e. the ID
number the supplier has assigned to the orderer.
(1.2)| Orderer’s postal address| M| –| A|
(5)| Supplier’s postal address| M| –| A| 40 x 85 mm, with reference mark
(5.1)| LN| M| 9| | Supplier number, i.e. the ID number the orderer has
assigned to the supplier.
Reference character section
Field no.| Field name/data element| Mandatory Optional| Characters| Alpha/
num.| Explanation
(10)| Orderer characters| M| 4| A| Department acronym, ref., MRP controller
ID, or similar.
(15)| Addit. orderer data| C| 4| A| Additional data for field 10
(26)| Unloading point| M| 5| A| Delivery location within plant specified in
field 25.
(31)| Quantity unit| M| 2| A/N| Codes used:
ST = pieces
M = meter
M2 = square meter
M3 = cubic meter
L = liter
T = ton
KG = kilogram
KM = kilometer
Package-based quantity units (e.g. dozen, gross, set, bag, box, sack, etc.)
are not permitted. Such items must be converted into the permitted quantity
units – which may involve the assignment of a new part number. The package-
based unit may be stated, if
required, in the description of goods/services (field 29).
(50)| Call-off no.| M| 9| A| Assigned by party generating the call-off in
ascending order/for each call-off document 1)
(51)| Call-off date| M| 8| A| DD.MM.YY
(52)| Replaces call-off no.| C| 9| A| Indication of the preceding call-off,
which is being replaced by this one.
(52.)| Replaces call-off date| C| 8| A| Indication of the most recent call-off
date, DD.MM.YY
(25)| Shipping address| C| 30| A| Goods recipient’s address if different from
orderer’s address.
(11)| Contract/purchase order no. 1| C| 12| A| Indication of the contractual
for the call-off.
(11.1)| Contract/purchase order date 2| C| 8| A| DD.MM.YY
(53)| Name/phone number of contact person in orderer’s organization| C| 15/5|
A| For any subsequent enquiries
- The following identifiers may be used as the last character:
A = ATB requirement (= ordered parts requirement)
H = HTS requirement (= in-house parts management)
P = Main carriage run
N = On-carriage run
C = CIMOS requirement
- = LAB (call-off) with manual changes (computerized timeframe)
M = Manual LAB (quantity and date (if applicable) entered manually)
J = Recoded manual LAB (01 replaced by “M” in main carriage run)
Z = LAB for change in master data (change in means of transport or MDI change [= material purchasing MRP controller])
1. With this character, plant 010 sends the internal call-off no. from SAP, which is not the same as the purchasing contract no. (contractual basis).
2. With this character, plant 010 sends the internal call-off creation date in the form DD.MM.YYYY
Field no.| Field name/data element| Mandatory Optional|
Characters| Alpha/ num.| Explanation
(28)| Orderer’s part number| M| 22| A| The part number is used to identify a
material/sales article. Appears as print format/template (as specified by
orderer, with special marks, spaces, etc.)
(54)| Name/phone
number of supplier contact person| C| 15/5| A| Left free for entry of supplier
(28.)| Supplier’s part number| C| 22| A| Supplier part numbers
administered by the orderer are printed in this field. Appears as print
format/template (as
specified by supplier, with special marks, spaces, etc.)
(29)| Identification of
goods/services| M| 3 x 50| A| Text field for identification of material/sales
article, including Mercedes-Benz AG delivery rules.
(55)| Left free for supplier| C| –| –| Reserved field for supplier’s in-house
processing remarks.
(56)| Total call-off cumulative quantity/old| C| 10| N| Cumulative quantity
shown under last “call-off quantity” field of previous call-off..
(57)| Difference between total call-off cumulative quantity/old and new| C|
10| N| The difference (+/—) shows the variance between the total call-off
cumulative quantity in this call-off invoice (new) and the previous one (old).
(58)| Production release (mth)| M| 10| N| The orderer assumes an
acceptance obligation for the material/sales article identified in field 29
for the quantities shown in this period.
(59)| Additional material release (mth)| M| 10| N| The orderer assumes an
acceptance obligation for part-related input material for the quantities shown
in this period.
(61)| Other| C| 50| A| Text field, e.g. non-serial part, payment or delivery
Body of form
Field no.| Field name/data element| Mandatory Optional|
Characters| Alpha/ num.| Explanation
(62)| Date of last recorded
delivery| M| 8| A| Shipping date, DD.MM.YY
(30)| Quantity of last recorded
delivery| M| 13| N| 3 decimal places are provided.
(63)| Cumulative received
quantity (from date)| M| 10| N| Cumulative quantity comprising all
positive/negative posted deliveries to orderer from a particular date (e. g.
from 1.1. of current year) until date of this call-off invoice.
(64)| Delivery note no.| C| 8| A|
(18)| Dates| M| 8| A/N| Dates may be expressed as days, weeks or months.
A day specified for call-off quantities refers to the date for arrival of the
shipment at the orderer’s premises. Special forms for dates are “backlog’
[Ruckstand], “immediate requirement”
[Sofortbedarf] and “remainder” [Rest].
A backlog is the positive difference between the cumulative quantity as of the
date of this call-off invoice minus the cumulative received quantity.
The call-off cumulative quantity as of the call-off date is always taken as
the smaller of the values from the mathematical comparison between the old and
new call-off cumulative quantities.
The call-off cumulative quantity/old [AbrufFz/alt] is the value forecast in
the previous call-off invoice for the date of the present call-off invoice,
whereas the call-off cumulative quantity/new [Abruf-Fz/neu] is the value
stated as of the date of the present call-off invoice for that same date.
any backlog is diminished by retrospective program reductions, but not
increased by retrospective program
(18)| Deadlines
(continued)| M| 8| A/N| An immediate requirement is generally only indicated
if the call-off cumulative quantity/new is higher than the call-off cumulative
quantity/old on the call-off date.
The immediate requirement is then the positive difference between the call-off
cumulative quantity/new [Abruf-Fz/neu] and the sum total of the cumulative
received quantity [Eingangs-Fz] and the backlog.
Also added to the immediate requirement may be further call-off quantities
whose arrival date falls within an “immediate requirement period”
[Sofortbedarfs-Frist] set at the orderer’s discretion.
Examples of an immediate requirement period could include:
– the period up until the date of the next call-off invoice
– the period up to the end of the week or plan period in which the date of the
present call-off invoice falls
– a certain number of workdays within the period up to the date of the next
call-off invoice Negative values for backlog and immediate
requirement are not shown, but instead netted off against other requirement
quantities until such time as the balance is again positive. This positive
remainder then forms the first dated call-off quantity of the present call-
The remainder may be the sum total of forecast quantities for several
subsequent months beyond the month specified in the immediately preceding
call-off field.
(30)| Quantity| M| 10| N| No decimal places
(63)| Call-off cumulative
quantity (AbrufFz)| M| 10| N| Cumulative quantity that must have been met by
all deliveries posted by the orderer from a date (e.g. 1.1. of the current
year) up to the specified
call-off deadline date. The call-off cumulative quantity is formed on the
basis of the cumulative received quantity by ongoing accumulation of the
call-off quantities (including backlog and immediate requirement).
(65.1)| Difference (D)| C| 10| N| The difference [Differenz] indicates
significant changes in the orderer’s requirement structure.
(67)| Container| C| 20| A| Field showing load carrier type and notional
capacity (67.1) and load carrier identification (67.2)
(68)| Remarks| C| 50| A| Additional field for notes to supplier.
Example of generating a VDA 4905
Record type | Pos. | Data element | Example |
511 | 01 | Record type | 511 |
02 | Version number | 02 | |
03 | Customer number | 123456789 | |
04 | Supplier number | 123456789 | |
05 | Interchange no. old | 00860 | |
06 | Interchange no. new | 00861 | |
07 | Transmission date | 040813 | |
08 | Date of resetting Cumulative received qty | 040125 | |
Record type | Pos. | Data element | Example |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
512 | 01 | Record type | 512 |
02 | Version number | 01 | |
03 | Customer plant | 10_ | |
04 | Call-off no. new | 10_40703A | |
05 | Call-off date new | 040813 | |
06 | Call-off no. old | 10_40702A | |
07 | Call-off date old | 040810 | |
08 | Customer part number | A1112223344 | |
09 | Supplier part no. | Empty (opt. field) | |
10 | Contract/PO no. | Empty (opt. field) | |
11 | Unloading point | 913A_ | |
12 | Customer characters | 51_ | |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
13 | Quantity unit | ST | |
14 | Delivery interval | L | |
15 | Production release | 1 | |
16 | Material release | 1 | |
17 | Use code | S | |
18 | Account assgnmt code | 31 | |
19 | Warehouse | Empty | |
Record type | Pos. | Data element | Example |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
513 | 01 | Record type | 513 |
02 | Version no. | 01 | |
03 | Last recorded goods entry date | 040723 | |
04 | Delivery note no. for last goods entry | 00515943 | |
05 | Delivery note date for last goods entry | 040722 | |
06 | Quantity of last goods entry | 000010188 | |
07 | Cumulative rec. qty | 0000000675782 | |
08 | Call-off date 1 | 33333 (backlog) | |
09 | Call-off quantity 1 | 000069914 | |
10 | Call-off date 2 | 44444 (immed. req.) | |
11 | Call-off quantity 2 | 000015976 | |
12 | Call-off date 3 | 040814 | |
13 | Call-off quantity 3 | 000095290 | |
14 | Call-off date 4 | 040815 | |
15 | Call-off quantity 4 | 000101905 | |
16 | Call-off date 5 | 040816 | |
17 | Call-off quantity 5 | 000087250 | |
Record type | Pos. | Data element | Example |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
514 | 01 | Record type | 514 |
02 | Version number | 01 | |
03 | Call-off date 6 | 040819 | |
04 | Call-off quantity 6 | 000044913 | |
05 | Call-off date 7 | 040820 | |
06 | Call-off quantity 7 | 000108640 | |
07 | Call-off date 8 | 040821 | |
08 | Call-off quantity 8 | 000070172 | |
09 | Call-off date 9 | 040822 | |
10 | Call-off quantity 9 | 000006333 | |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
11 | Call-off date 10 | 960913 | |
12 | Call-off quantity 10 | 000058720 | |
13 | Call-off date 11 | 861014 | |
14 | Call-off quantity 11 | 000060221 | |
15 | Call-off date 12 | 961115 | |
16 | Call-off quantity 12 | 000058432 | |
17 | Call-off date 13 | 999999 (remainder qty) | |
18 | Call-off quantity 13 | 000050000 | |
Record type | Pos. | Data element | Example |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
515 | 01 | Record type | 515 |
02 | Version no. | 02 | |
…* | |||
13 | For reset of cumulative quantity reached |
- Positions 03–12 are filled with an initial value.
→ For alphanumeric defined fields: blank
→ For numeric defined fields: “0”
Record type| Pos.| Data element| Example
517| 01| Record type| 517
| 02| Version number| 01
| 03| Cust. packing material no.| 4314
| 04| Suppl. packing mat. no.| Empty (opt. field)
| 05| Capacity| 0010000
Record type| Pos.| Data element| Example
518| 01| Record type| 518
| 02| Version number| 01
| 03| Call-off text 1| abcdefgh…
| 04| Call-off text 2| Opt. field
| 05| Call-off text 3| Opt. field
Record type| Pos.| Data element| Example
519| 01| Record type| 519
| 02| Version number| 03
| 03| Counter for record type 511| 0000001
| 04| Counter for record type 512| 0000004
| 05| Counter for record type 513| 0000004
| 06| Counter for record type 514| 0000005
| 07| Counter for record type 517| 0000004
| 08| Counter for record type 518| 0000004
| 09| Counter for record type 519| 0000001
| 10| Counter for record type 515| 0000001
Note: In record type 512, a cancellation is indicated with an “S” at
character 29, and the correct data is then provided in the same file.
For LLZ: Record type 515
Position 14 (character 111): Indicator for interchange type minimum coverage
Position 15 (characters 112–123): Minimum stock in workdays/stock
Detailed call-off according to VDA 4915
Objectives/area of application of a detailed call-off
Objective of detailed call-off:
- The aim is to generate call-offs for a selected range of parts, daily or even several times a day, in response to changing production and assembly requirements, in order to optimize information and material flow.
The following are particularly suitable areas of application:
- Parts families where the volumes involved require timely deliveries close to one or more user locations without the use of interim depots.
- Parts families subject to wide fluctuations in demand, requiring frequent updates to ensure deliveries are made according to production requirements.
Detailed call-offs can also serve a number of purposes for the supplier:
- precise shipping instructions
- where applicable, as a tool for fine-tuning production schedules
- advance notification of JIS call-offs (VDA 4916)
Advantages of detailed call-offs:
- ability to process demand data in response to current requirements
- ability to post special requirements arising within a workday
- preliminary planning on hourly basis
- timetable management
- same-day call-off invoice
- flexible interchange of demand data
- flexible calendar management
- early EDI dispatch (as VDA 4905)
- low interchange volume (5 to 15 days)
The VDA 4915 message
The VDA 4915 message comprises the following records:
Record type | Content |
551 | Detailed call-off header record (1st record of EDI run) |
552 | One-off data elements of detailed call-offs (1x per sort criterion) |
553 | Detailed call-off demarcation data (max. 3x per sort criterion) |
554 | Detailed call-off data (x times per sort criterion ) |
555 | Additional data for detailed call-off (1x per sort criterion) |
556 | Packing material data for detailed call-offs (max. 3x per sort |
557| Detailed call-off text data (max. 3x per sort criterion)
559| Detailed call-off trailer record (last record in EDI)
Notes on individual record types
Record type 552
Field| Field format| Field length| Optional/mandatory|
Designation| Example of an entry
Pos: 15| N| 10| C| Cumulative quantity difference|
The calculation of quantities for delivery must take account of over- and
under-deliveries. In the example shown below, this is done in the “UL/ÜL”
field (= under- and over-delivery respectively).
If a negative value is shown in the “UL/ÜL” field, you have to add this value
to the ordered quantity.
For example:
The value “–10” appears in the “UL/ÜL” field. For your delivery operation,
this means that on 28.11.95 you are required to deliver a further 10 items in
addition to the specified quantity of 14 (= 24). Over-deliveries:
If a positive value appears in “UL/ÜL”, this quantity has to be subtracted
from the ordered quantity.
For example:
The value “439” appears in the “UL/ÜL” field. For your delivery operation,
this means that you will not have delivered anything on 28.11.95, and only 19
items on 29.11.95.Any quantities already
delivered that are not shown in the purchase order also have to be deducted
from the ordered quantity.
Referral to the correct last goods received data
Record type 553 shows the last three deliveries:
The first data fields (characters 16 to 48) contain the third to last
The second data fields (characters 49 to 81) contain the second to last
The third data fields (characters 82 to 114) contain the last delivery.
Example record type 553, characters 16 to 48
Record type 553
Field| Field format| Field length| Optional/Mandatory|
Designation| Example of an entry
Pos: 04| N| 6| M| Arrival date 1| 091202
The customer posted the delivery as incoming goods on this day. Format: YYMMDD
Field| Field format| Field length| Optional/mandatory|
Designation| Example of an entry
Pos: 05| N| 8| M| Delivery note no. 1| 23456789
ID number that the supplier assigns to a delivery note. Right-justified with
leading zeroes.
Field| Field format| Field length| Optional/mandatory|
Designation| Example of an entry
Pos: 06| N| 6| M| Delivery note date 1| 091130
Shipment date for the delivery posted at the customer’s site. Format: YYMMDD
Field| Field format| Field length| Optional/mandatory|
Designation| Example of an entry
Pos: 07| N| 12| M| Delivery quantity 1| 000000300000
Quantity that the supplier reports in the delivery note; right-justified with
leading zeroes. Three decimal places.
Record type 552
Field| Field format| Field length| Optional/mandatory|
Designation| Example of an entry
Pos: 08| A| 5| C| Unloading point| 999
Specifies the point in the customer’s plant where the goods are to be
unloaded. Customer’s codes used.
Unloading point display variants in the call-off (VDA 4905) and associated
detailed call-off (VDA 4915)
Part number with one unloading point:
a) Call-off and detailed call-off with the same 5-character unloading point.
Example: Call-off Detailed call-off
Unload. point: 470S0 470S0
b) Call-off has the dummy unloading point “9999”, indicating that this call- off is to be used solely for planning purposes. The detailed call-off then has the actual 5-character unloading point.
Example: Call-off Detailed call-off
Unload. point: 9999 470S0 -
Part number with several unloading points:
a) There is a call-off for every detailed call-off. The unloading points are filled in in exactly the same way for each call-off/detailed call-off, with five characters.
Example: Call-off Detailed call-off
1st unload. point: 332X0 332X0
2nd unload. point: 386C0 386C0
3rd unload. point: 470S0 470S0
b) In this case there is only one call-off, assigned the dummy unloading point “9999”, representing the sum total of all planned requirements for the unloading points in question.
Example: Call-off Detailed call-off
Unload. point: 9999 1.: 332X0
2.: 386C0
3.: 470S0
Variants a) and b) are available both for part numbers with one unloading point and for those with multiple unloading points, by arrangement.
Record type 554
Field| Field format| Field length| Optional/mandatory|
Designation| Example of an entry
Pos: 06| A| 1| C| Requirement status – code 1| B
Use and explanation of requirement status
Code “B”. One field for each call-off time and call-off quantity:
“Bedarfsstatus bis “Bedarfsstatus Schlüssel 1″ Schlüssel x” [= “requirement
status to “requirement status code 1″ code x”] This field is an optional
field, i.e. it need not be filled in. It is, however, frequently used by MBAG
by arrangement with the suppliers involved.
The “B” code indicates, for the relevant call-off time/quantity, that there
has been no change with respect to the preceding call-off invoice, i.e. for a
specified period these requirement quantities are “frozen”, and the supplier
can therefore take them from the previous call-off.
How requirements are frozen, and for how long, depends on two parameters,
which are defined and entered in the “detailed call-off” system in
consultation with the supplier.
Time parameter
AV (call-off lead time)
This is the time between the call-off invoice EDI and shipment from the
supplier (delivery note EDI).
3. TV (transport lead time)
This is the time between shipment from the supplier (delivery note EDI) and
arrival at goods receipt.
The timeframe for frozen requirement numbers comprises AV + TV.
Timetable (delivery time per day):
AV: 2 hrs TV: 4 hrsDeadline dates between AV +
TV are given requirement status code = “B”.
This means that these deadline dates (requirement quantities) will not now be
changed, because the supplier’s response time is 6 hours, and the supplier is
therefore unable to react to any further fluctuation in requirements within AV
- TV.
Example of generating a VDA 4915
Record type | Pos. | Data element | Example |
551 | 01 | Record type | 551 |
02 | Version number | 01 | |
03 | Customer number | 123456789 | |
04 | Supplier number | 12345678_ | |
05 | Interchange no. old | 00389 | |
06 | Interchange no. new | 00390 | |
07 | Interchange date | 960620 | |
08 | Year changeover date | 960126 | |
Record type | Pos. | Data element | Example |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
552 | 01 | Record type | 552 |
02 | Version number | 01 | |
03 | Customer plant | 67 or 50 | |
04 | Detailed call-off no., new, poss. several per day | 6720061 or |
| 05| Detailed call-off date| 960260
| 06| Customer part number| A2026900362_ 00007167
| 07| Supplier part no.| Empty
| 08| Unloading point| 123D1 or 12340
| 09| Customer storage location| Empty
| 10| Critical stock code| C
| 11| Use code| S
| 12| Detailed call-off horizon| 000000
| 13| Deadline date code| Empty
| 14| Completion order number| Empty
| 15| Progress number difference| -000000009
| 16| Assembly location| 9003OTVU10
Recor d type| Po s.| Data element| Example
553| 01| Record type| 553
| 02| Version no.| 01
| 03| Cumulative received qty| 0000010900
| 04| Arrival date 1| 960617
| 05| Delivery note no. 1| 96511312
| 06| Delivery note date 1| 960614
| 07| Delivery quantity 1| 000000300000
| 08| Delivery status code| I
| 09| Arrival date 2| 960618
| 10| Delivery note no. 2| 96511407
| 11| Delivery note date 2| 960617
| 12| Delivery quantity 2| 000000220000
| 13| Delivery status code 2| I
| 14| Arrival date 3| 960619
| 15| Delivery note no. 3| 96511523
| 16| Delivery note date 3| 960618
| 17| Delivery quantity 3| 000000260000
| 18| Delivery status code 3| I
Record type| Pos.| Data element| Example
554| 01| Record type| 554
| 02| Version number| 01
| 03| Call-off date 1| 960620
| 04| Call-off time 1| 0700
| 05| Call-off quantity 1| 000000280
| 06| Requirement status 1| B
| 07| Call-off date 2| 960621
| 08| Call-off time 2| 0700
| 09| Call-off quantity 2| 000000240
| 10| Requirement status 2| –
| ff.| As per pos. 07-10|
Record type| Pos.| Data element| Example
555| 01| Record type| 555
| 02| Version number| 01
| 03| Intermediate supplier|
| 04| Additional part no.|
| 05| For reset of cumulative quantity reached| 0000007200
- These fields are filled with blanks.|
Record type| Pos.| Data element| Example
557| 01| Record type| 557
| 02| Version number| 01
| 03| Text 1|
| 04| Text 2|
| 05| Text 3|
Record type| Pos.| Data element| Example
559| 01| Record type| 559
| 02| Version number| 01
| 03| Counter for record type 551| 0000001
| 04| Counter for record type 552| 0000020
| 05| Counter for record type 553| 0000020
| 06| Counter for record type 554| 0000020
| 07| Counter for record type 556| 0000020
| 08| Counter for record type 557| 0000005
| 09| Counter for record type 559| 0000001
| 10| Counter for record type 555| 0000001
Alternative EDI web
For VDA messages – for example a call-off – participants without EDI
facilities can also use the Web EDI process. For further information on Web-
based EDI, go to:
Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedesstr. 137
70327 Stuttgart
Mercedes-Benz AG
EDITION October 2022
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