EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale User Manual

June 16, 2024

EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale


Thank you for purchasing the EatSmart Precision GetFit Bathroom Scale. The EatSmart Precision GetFit Bathroom Scale measures weight and uses bio- electricalimpedance analysis (BIA) technology to estimate body fat, total body water percentage, bone mass and muscle mass in generally healthy children 10-17 years old and healthy adults. It is intended for use in the home only.

Your EatSmart GetFit Bathroom Scale comes with the following:

  • EatSmart GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale
  • Instruction Manual
  • 4 AAA batteries
  • 2 Year EatSmart Guarantee

Please read this instruction manual carefully before use.

Please fill out your purchase information for future reference:

  • Date Purchased: ………………………………………………………………….
  • Place Purchased: ………………………………………………………………….
  • Order ID (if any) …………………………………………………………………..

If you have any questions regarding the operation of your GetFit Bathroom Scale, please call 866-843-3905 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, Mountain Standard Time.


  • Your GetFit Bathroom Scale uses BIA (bio-electrical impedance analysis) technology to calculate body fitness.
  • In bare feet, this technology sends a low-level electrical signal through your body and then measures the resistance the signal encounters. This signal is perfectly safe and will not be felt. The lower the body fat, the faster the signal will travel.
  • You will be given a final reading of your weight, % body fat, % total body water, % muscle mass and bone mass. This scale stores up to 8 different users’ personal profiles and will be able to recognize these users as soon as they step onto the scale, after the initialsetup.


Precaution: People with implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers, metal plates/ screws or contraceptive appliances should not use this device. If in doubt, consult your physician. This scale is not intended for children under the age of 10 and pregnant women.

The below signs might be in the user manual, labeling or other component. They listed in order for you to use this product safely and correctly as well as to prevent product damage, risk and injury to you and others.

The icons and meanings are as follows:

| Caution:Consult accompanying| | Type B|
documents| applied part
| Manufacturer|

| DISPOSAL: Do not dispose this product as
unsorted municipal waste. Use separate

| CE Mark: conforms to essential requirements of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.| collection faculties. Contact your local

government for information regarding the collection systems available. If electrical appliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous substances can leak into

| Specifies serial number| the groundwater and get into the food chain,

damaging your health and well-being.

Professional medical guidance should always be sought before embarking on diet and exercise programs.



  • The EatSmart Body Fat Analyzer measures weight and uses bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology to estimate body fat, total body water percentage, bone mass, and muscle mass in generally healthy children 10-17 years old and healthy adults.
  • It is intended for use in the domestic setting only.


  • To receive the most accurate weight measurement, please weigh yourself first thing when you get up in the morning.
  • To receive the most accurate body fat, total body water, muscle mass and bone mass estimate, please weigh yourself in the evening, before eating.
  • To receive the most accurate results, please remove all articles of clothing Stepping on the scale with shoes, socks or slippers will display your weight only.
  • Factors such as eating, drinking, showering, exercise, very dry or very wet feet or menstruation may vary your results, so try to keep these factors consistent when you compare your fitness results.



Before First Use

Inserting Batteries and Selecting Measurement Unit

  • Open the battery compartment door on the back of the scale.
  • Put the batteries in, flat end against the spring. The LCD will display.
  • Close the battery door and wait until is shown on the LCD.
  • Press “UNIT” button (located underneath scale) to select the desired measurement unit; pounds, kilograms, or stones. To set the scale to pounds, you want the display to read lb only (not st lb for stone pounds – a British measurement system). The default setting is pounds.

Weight Operation Instruction Only

  1. Calibration
    Place the scale on a hard, flat surface. After placing the scale down the display may read ~4 lbs briefly then it will go to 0 (zero). If you do not see the 4 lbs briefly register, press down on the scale platform to activate the backlight, get off, and wait for it to shut off. You can then step on the scale and get an accurate reading.

  2. Weight Reading
    Step on the scale, placing both feet evenly on each side and standing as still as possible. After a few seconds, you will see the weight flash three times to indicate a weight reading has been calculated.

Your Precision GetFit operates via “Step-On” technology but still needs to be calibrated upon first use or after the scale is moved to ensure accuracy.

After installing batteries, immediately place the scale on solid, flat surface (avoid carpet or softer flooring).

  1. If the scale is on when it is placed on the floor you should see the scale read ~4lbs for 3 seconds then go to 0.0. Your scale is now calibrated and ready for use
  2. If the scale does not turn on when placed down press the glass platform with one foot to turn the scale on (but do not step on fully). Allow the scale to go to 0.0 and turn off.

Note: When you pick up the scale, move the scale or replace batteries, the scale may lose calibration. You can either recalibrate (see above) or disregard the first weight after the scale is moved.

Operation Instruction

Setting up Your Personal Profile

The GetFit Scale can store personal user profiles for up to eight users. Before doing a body composition analysis you must first set up a user profile.

  • Touch “SET” to turn scale on. The profile number will flash.
    Note: If scale is already turned on, touch “SET” and hold for 2 seconds.

  • The profile number will flash. Touch to select a desired profile number. Touch “SET” to confirm.

  • The gender icon will flash. Touch to select user gender. The options are male, female, athletic male and athletic female. Touch “SET” to confirm.
    Note: Due to muscle mass and hydration levels, the body type of an athletic adult physiologically differs from that of a standard adult. Choose athletic mode if you exercise +15 hours of strenuous/ aerobic activity per week. Our definition of an athlete also includes those who have been consistently working out for years but currently do not hit the 15 hr/week mark. If you recently starting exercising +15 hrs/ week, it is recommended that you wait a minimum of 6 months before switching to athletic mode.

  • The value of height will flash. Touch to adjust your height and then touch “SET” to confirm.

  • The age value will flash. Touch to select your age and touch “SET” to confirm. The display will then register 0.0. Allow the scale to turn off.
    Note: If there is no operation after five seconds and you have not completed the set-up the scale will turn to 0.0 and the process must be started again by following procedure a).

Initiating Your Profile for Auto-Recognition

After setting up your user profile the scale can now calculate your weight and body composition metrics by doing the following:

  • Please place the scale on a hard, flat floor.

  • Leaving the scale on the floor, touch and hold “SET” for 2 sec to activate profiles. Use the buttons to select the profile number you have set up previously.

  • Wait until the LCD displays “0.0”.

  • Stand on the platform with bare, dry feet.

  • Stand still and the scale will automatically register and display your current weight.

  • A few seconds after your weight appears on the LCD, the body composition analysis will start automatically with the “o” signal moving from left to right.

  • Once finished estimating, you will receive a final reading of your body fat %, total body water %, muscle mass % and bone mass which will cycle three times before turning off automatically.

Note: During the body fat percentage reading a symbol will appear at the bottom of the display. This indicates ranges based upon the user’s gender and body type.

  • Minus sign (-) = The body fat % reading is below the normal range for the user’s gender and body type.
  • Circle (o) = The body fat % reading is within the normal range for the user’s gender and body type.
  • Plus (+) = The body fat % reading is above the normal range for the user’s gender and body type.
  • Double plus (++) = The body fat % reading is well above the normal range for the user’s gender and body type.

Automatic User Identification

After you have programmed your information and weighed yourself once (steps 1 & 2), the GetFit will automatically recognize you by your weight and automatically pull up your user profile. There is no need to reprogram any information or manually select a user profile if this is done correctly, except if you have lost or gained6 lbs from your last weigh-in.

  • Please stand on the platform directly with bare, dry feet to turn the scale on.

  • Stand still and the scale will automatically register and display your current weight.

  • The measuring will start automatically with the”0”signal moving from left to right.

  • If there is only one user profile whose last weight data is close to the person being weighed, the scale will select the user automatically. The body composition results will then display and cycles three times before the scale turns off.

  • If there is more than one user profile whose weight is close to the person being weighed (within +- 6 lbs.), both profile options will appear before the body metrics are calculated.
    For example:

  • Please use or to select user. Touch to select “P1” and for “P2”.
    Note: If a user is not selected, the scale will turn off after about 40 seconds.

  • After finishing user selection, the body composition results will be shown and cycle three times before turning off.
    Note: For automatic user identification to work you must first select a profile, input your profile data and measure your weight at least once. If a user profile isn’t automatically located, please re-do steps 1 and 2 carefully or call for support.

How to Delete a User Profile

In the event that two profiles conflict (within +- 6 lbs of each other) it is possible to delete one of the profiles by doing the following.

  • Step on the scale. Your weight will appear.
  • The scale will try to pull up a user profile. If there are two or more conflicting profiles the screen will display something similar to P1P2 (or P2P3).
  • Touch and hold the “SET” button for 3 seconds and the display will show “DEL”.
  • Press the button to select P1 or press the button to select P2. The display will then show the following for 5 seconds and then shut off. Next time the scale is turned on, all information pertaining to the deleted user will be cleared.


Body Fat is a vital measurement of your overall health and fitness. A normal body fat level varies with age, activity level and gender. For example, it is normal for women to record up to 10% higher values than men. With increasing age, the body breaks down muscle mass which causes an increase in body fat levels. It is important to monitor your body fat as health problems can arise from either having too little or too much body fat.

The tables below may be used as guides:


Age Low Optimal Moderate High
20-29 <13 14-20 21-23 >23
30-39 <14 15-21 22-24 >24
40-49 <16 17-23 24-26 >26
50-59 <17 18-24 25-27 >27
60+ <18 19-25 26-28 >28


Age Low Optimal Moderate High
20-29 <19 20-28 29-31 >31
30-39 <20 21-29 30-32 >32
40-49 <21 22-30 31-33 >33
50-59 <22 23-31 32-34 >34
60+ <23 24-32 33-35 >35

Short term fluctuations are normal. We recommend you chart your progress over time rather than focus on a single day reading.

Total Body Water is the amount of fluid in a person’s body expressed as a percentage of their total body weight. Approximately 45-65 percent of your body weight is water. Water plays a vital role in your body and is found in every cell, organ and tissue. In order to achieve reliable results over a period of time that help you to evaluate your progress, we strongly recommend consistent measuring conditions, as mentioned earlier.

As a general guideline, the average % total body water for healthy adults is:


Age Low Normal High
10-15 <58 58-72 >72
16-30 <53 53-67 >67
31-60 <47 47-61 >61
61-80 <42 42-56 >56


Age Low Normal High
10-15 <57 57-67 >67
16-30 <47 47-57 >57
31-60 <42 42-52 >52
61-80 <37 37-47 >47

Note: The best time for obtaining an accurate reading of your % Total Body Water is in the early evening, before your meal. This is when your hydration level will be more stable.

Readings in the morning will show lower levels of hydration because the majority of fluid in your body will be stored in the central torso area. As the day progresses, the fluid becomes more evenly distributed through the limbs, increasing the accuracy of the readings.

Other factors which can affect your hydration level and accuracy of the readings include:

  • Temperature
  • The amount of exercise performed during the day
  • Menstruation
  • Medical conditions and medications
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Bathing patterns

Muscle Mass plays an important role in overall health because muscle acts as the body’s engine in consuming calories. As you exercise more, your muscle mass increases thus helping you reduce body fat and lose weight the healthy way. Additionally, increased muscle mass accelerates the rate at which calories are burned. Muscle uses energy while fat simply stores it. The more muscle mass you have, the more energy you will burn and maintaining a healthy body weight will become easier.

As a general guideline, the% muscle mass will range between 25% and 75%.


Age Average
10-80 >40%


Age Average
10-80 >34%
  • Bone Mass indicates the weight of non-living bone mineral in the body. This should not be confused with bone density which your doctor monitors in regards to osteoporosis.
  • While bone structure is unlikely to undergo a noticeable change in a short period, it is important that you develop and maintain healthy bones by following a healthy diet and a routine exercise program.
  • The bone mass reading on your scale will range anywhere from 4 lbs. – 8.5 lbs. It is important not to focus solely on this number but to keep an eye on long term trends. With increasing age, you can expect to have a lower bone mass relative to overall body weight.

Note: The sum of your percentage body fat, total body water and muscle mass will not equal 100%. A large component of your muscle mass is water therefore these two parameters overlap.


The following tips will help make your readings more accurate and consistent:

  1. Weigh yourself in the morning (either daily or weekly) to get weight only before you start your day. Test yourself for body composition before you eat your evening meal to get accurate readings of your body metrics.
  2. Only use your scale to measure your progress. Optimally, users consult with their doctors in setting long term goals.
  3. Choose the correct parameters when setting up your user profile. If you’re an athlete (+15 hrs of strenuous/aerobic exercise a week), choose this setting.
  4. Drink a glass of water one hour before you test yourself. Make sure that you always drink this same amount of water one hour before.
  5. Measure yourself at the same time of day for each test.
  6. Your skin temperature affects the electrical current used by the scale. A more consistent room temperature will help with accuracy.
  7. Don’t test yourself immediately after exercising. When you exercise you sweat and when you sweat you lose hydration which will affect readings adversely.
  8. Thoroughly clean the glass platform to ensure that you have a clean, dry contact surface with the skin when measuring in Fitness Mode.
  9. Remember that this scale gives a trend of body fat percentage and is not an exact number. It is important to use the scale at the same time of day and under the same conditions to see an accurate trend.


  • Low Battery Indicator
    When “Lo” is shown, the scale will turn off after a few seconds.
    Solution: Change the batteries:

  • Overload Indicator
    Solution: Please remove the weight on the scale to protect the load cells.

  • Measuring Error Indicator
    Only the weight data is shown and the weight does not lock in. The scale will turn off after a few seconds.
    Solution: Please stand still with bare feet while measuring again.

  • Failed Automatic Identification Indicator
    Only the weight data is shown-the Person no. does not appear and the scale will turn off after a few seconds.
    Solution: Please select your Person No. manually and step on scale to measure, at least once, while standing in bare feet.

Helpful Hints:

  • If the scale is not being used for a long period, please remove the batteries.
  • Clean the scale with a damp cloth.
  • Please stand on the platform with bare feet to calculate the correct fitness estimates.
  • Use dry feet – the glass top can be slippery when wet.
  • The condition of your skin on the bottom of your feet can affect readings after shower and exercise.

WARNING: The estimates provided are not substitutes for physician assessments. Always consult your physician to determine appropriate goals for your body.


  • Capacity: 180kg / 400 lb
  • Incremental weight: 0.1kg /0.2 lb
  • Weight unit: kg/lb
  • Minimum weight accuracy: 11lbs
  • Function keys: , , SET, UNIT(on the back of scale)
  • Display: Blue LCD with white backlight
  • Battery: 4 x AAA
  • Stores personal data for 8 users
  • Age range: 10 ~ 80
  • Height range: 3 ft.3.5 inches to 7 ft 2.5 inches.
  • Athlete measuring mode for people over 18 yrs old
  • User identification: Identify user automatically according to the last measuring weight
  • % Body Fat,% Total Body Water,% Muscle Mass and Bone Mass measuring function
  • Body Fat grade indication
  • Auto on or press UNIT or touch SET to switch on
  • Auto off function


  1. Do not disassemble the scale other than for replacing the batteries; it contains no user serviceable parts. Damage to the scale may occur as a result of improper handling.
  2. Remove the batteries when the scale is not used for a prolonged period of time.
  3. Clean the scale after use with a dampened cloth. Do not use solvents or immerse the unit in water.
  4. Avoid excessive impact or vibration to the scale, such as dropping it onto the floor.
  5. When replacing batteries, always replace all batteries at the same time; do not mix old and new batteries. Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (ni-cad, ni-mh, etc)batteries.
  6. Do not store anything on the scale, as it is a sensitive weighing device.
  7. Do not store the scale where you store cleaning chemicals. The vapors from some household products may affect the electronic components of your scale.

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FCC User Guide Information

Radio Frequency Interface Requirements – FCC

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna;
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver;
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected;
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help.

Radio Transmitters (Part 15)

  • This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
    Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

FCC RF Exposure Guidelines

Safety Information

Reducing RF Exposure – Use Properly

Only operate the device in accordance with the instructions supplied. This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid the possiblity of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 8 inches (20 cm) during normal operation.


What is the brand and model of the digital bathroom scale described in the details?

The digital bathroom scale is the EatSmart ESBS-06.

What is the color of the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale?

The color of the scale is black.

What are the recommended uses for the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale?

The recommended use is for adults.

What special features does the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale have?

The special features include measuring body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, and a backlit display.

What type of display does the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale use?

The scale uses an LCD display.

What are the product dimensions of the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale?

The dimensions are 12.5 x 12.5 x 1 inches.

How much does the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale weigh itself?

The weight of the scale is 4.3 pounds.

What is the item model number of the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale?

The item model number is ESBS-06.

How many batteries does the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale require, and what type?

The scale requires 4 AAA batteries, and they are required.

What is the design of the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale?

The scale features a sleek, modern look with a black glass platform and silver accents on a 12.5 inches square platform, which is only 1 inch thick.

How large is the LCD readout on the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale, and what information does it display?

The LCD readout is 2.25 inches square, featuring two lines to display more data at the same time. It is easier for user setup.

What body composition measurements can the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale calculate, and how does it achieve this?

The scale calculates body fat, body water, muscle mass, and bone mass percentages using reliable BIA technology. It can calculate in either normal or athlete mode.

What recommendation is provided regarding fluctuations in weight and body composition throughout the day with the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale?

Weight and body composition can fluctuate throughout the day, so it is recommended to weigh at the same time of day in similar clothing.

How does the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale automatically identify users, and how many users can it recognize?

After inputting personal data, the scale auto-recognizes up to 8 users based on previous weight. No more buttons need to be pressed after the initial setup.

What is included with the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale?

The scale includes an easy-to-follow manual (which also defines body fat, body water, body muscle, and bone mass), and 4 AAA batteries.

What mode options are available for calculating body composition with the EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale?

The scale offers the option to calculate body composition in either normal or athlete mode.

DOWNLOAD THE PDF LINK:EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale User Manual

REFERENCE:EatSmart ESBS-06 Digital Bathroom Scale User Manual- Device.Report

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