RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance User Guide

June 16, 2024

Application Note
Renesas RA Family
High Performance with
RA8 MCU using Arm®
CortexM85 core with Helium™


This application note describes the creation of applications with improved performance with Renesas RA8 MCUs using Cortex-M85 (CM85) core with Helium™. It is intended to highlight the performance advantages of the Arm® Cortex-M85 core, including low latency operation. Helium, Arm’s M-Profile vector extension with integer and floating-point support enables advanced Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Machine Learning (ML) capabilities and helps accelerate compute-intensive applications such as endpoint Artificial Intelligence (AI), ML.
This application note walks you through all the steps necessary to achieve higher performance, including:

  • Application overview
  • Application highlights
  • Tool configuration
  • Application confirmation

Required Resources
Development Tools and Software

  • IAR Embedded Workbench (IAR EWARM) version or later
  • Renesas Flexible Software Package (FSP) v5.0.0 or later.


  • Renesas EK-RA8M1 kit (RA8M1 MCU Group)

Reference Manuals

  • RA Flexible Software Package Documentation Release v5.0.0
  • Renesas RA8M1 Group User’s Manual Rev.1.0
  • EK-RA8M1-v1.0 Schematics

Application Overview

The application projects accompanying this document showcase the performance advantages of the Renesas RA8 MCU with CM85 core. Helium intrinsics and Arm® CMSIS DSP Library functions are benchmarked to highlight the improvements versus the scalar version of these intrinsics.
The applications also utilize Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM) and cache together with Helium for further performance improvement.

Arm® Cortex® -M85 Core and Helium™ Technology

Arm® Helium™ technology is the M-profile Vector Extension (MVE) for the Arm Cortex-M processor series. It is part of the Arm v8.1-M architecture and enables developers to realize a performance uplift for DSP and ML applications. Helium™ technology provides optimized performance using Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) to perform the same operation simultaneously on multiple data. There are two variants of MVE, the integer and floating- point variant:

  • MVE-I operates on 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit data types, including Q7, Q15, and Q31.

  • MVE-F operates on half-precision and single-precision floating-point values.
    MVE operations are divided orthogonally in two ways, lanes, and beats.

  • Lanes
    Lane is a portion of a vector register or operation. The data that is put into a lane is referred to as an element. Multiple lanes can be executed per beat. There are four beats per vector instruction. The permitted lane widths, and lane operations per beat, are: – For a 64-bit lane size, a beat performs half of the lane operation.
    – For a 32-bit lane size, a beat performs a one lane operation.
    – For a 16-bit lane size, a beat performs a two-lane operation.
    – For an 8-bit lane size, a beat performs four lane operations.

  • Beats
    Beat is a quarter of an MVE vector operation. Because the vector length is 128 bits, one beat of a vector add instruction equates to computing 32 bits of result data. This is independent of lane width. For example, if a lane width is 8 bits, then a single beat of a vector add instruction would perform four 8-bit additions. The number of beats for each tick describes how much of the architectural state is updated for each architecture tick in the common case. Systems are classified by:
    – In a single-beat system, one beat might occur for each tick.
    – In a dual-beat system, two beats might occur for each tick.
    – In a quad-beat system, four beats might occur for each tick.

Cortex® -M85 implements a dual-beat system, and it supports overlapping up to two beat-wise MVE instructions at any time so that an MVE instruction can be issued after another MVE instruction without additional stall . Refer to Arm® Cortex® -M85 Processor Devices for more information.

2.1 Arm® Cortex® -M85 core
Main features of Arm® Cortex® -M85 core in Renesas RA8 MCU are as follows.

  • Maximum operating frequency: up to 480 MHz

  • Arm® Cortex® -M85 core
    – Revision: (r0p2-00rel0)
    – Armv8.1-M architecture profile
    – Armv8-M Security Extension
    – Floating Point Unit (FPU) compliant with the ANSI/IEEE Std 754-2008 Scalar half, single, and double-precision floating-point operation
    – M-profile Vector Extension (MVE) Integer, half-precision, and single- precision floating-point MVE (MVE-F)
    – – Helium™ technology is M-profile Vector Extension (MVE)

  • Arm® Memory Protection Unit (Arm MPU)
    – – Protected Memory System Architecture (PMSAv8)
    — Secure MPU (MPU_S): 8 regions
    — Non-secure MPU (MPU_NS): 8 regions

  • SysTick timer
    — Embeds two Systick timers: Secure instance (SysTick_S) and Non-secure instance (SysTick_NS)
    — Driven by CPUCLK or SYSTICKCLK (MOCO/8).

  • CoreSight™ ETM-M85

Figure 1 shows the block diagram of Arm® Cortex® -M85 core. RENESAS RA8 MCU
High Performance - Figure 1

2.2 Renesas RA8 MCU
The RA8M1 MCU group incorporates a high-performance Arm® Cortex® -M85 core as shown in the previous section with Helium™ running up to 480 MHz with the following features.

  • Up to 2 MB code flash memory
  • 1 MB SRAM (128 KB of TCM RAM, 896 KB of user SRAM)
  • Octal Serial Peripheral Interface (OSPI)
  • Ethernet MAC Controller (ETHERC), USBFS, USBHS, SD/MMC Host Interface
  • Analog peripherals
  • Security and safety features.

RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 2

2.3 Single Instruction Multiple Data
Most Arm® instructions are Single Instruction Single Data (SISD) instructions. The SISD instruction only operates on a single data item. It requires multiple instructions to process data items.
The Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD), on the other hand, performs the same operation on multiple items of same data type, concurrently. It means invoking/executing a single, multiple operations are being performed simultaneously.
Figure 3 shows the operation of VADD.I32 Qd, Qn, Qm instruction that adds the four pairs of 32-bit data together. Firstly, the four pairs of 32-bit input data are packed into separate lanes in two 128-bit Qn, Qm registers. Then, each lane in the 1st source register is then added to the corresponding lane in the 2nd source register. The results are stored in the same lane in the destination register Qd.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure

2.4 Helium™ Applications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Machine Learning (ML) are the main target applications for Helium™. Helium™ offers significant performance increases in these applications. Typically, Helium applications are created using Helium intrinsics.
Helium instructions are made available as intrinsic routines through the arm_mve.h in IAR EWARM installation, located in IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench x.x\arm\inc\c\aarch32. They give users access to the Helium instructions from C and C++ without the need to write assembly code.
Many functions in CMSIS-DSP and CMSIS-NN libraries have been optimized by Arm to use the Helium instructions instead. Renesas FSP supports both libraries, making it easier for users to develop applications based on these libraries. In the FSP configuration, select Arm DSP Library Source (CMSIS5-DSP version 5.9.0 or later) and Arm NN Library Source (CMSIS-NN version 4.1.0 or later) when generating projects to add CMSIS-DSP and CMSIS-NN supports to your project. RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 4CMSIS-DSP and CMSIS-NN can also be added using Stacks tab in FSP configurator, as shown below.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure

Helium™ Support in Renesas FSP and IAR EWARM

IAR EWARM supports Helium™ instructions with the compiler settings. When generating a RA8M1 project using Renesas RA Smart Configurator and Flexible Software Package (FSP), CPU settings and software settings are pre-optimized for Cortex-M85 core and the CMSIS Helium™ support. Refer to the Renesas RA Smart Configurator Quick Start Guide for creating an IAR EWARM project for RA8 MCU.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 6 Figure 6. Create an EK-RA8M1 Project using Renesas RA Smart Configurator
The Cortex-M85 core will be selected in IAR EWARM settings, as shown below. RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 7Check Project > Options > General Options to confirm if SIMD (NEON/HELIUM) is selected.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 8Even though, the project settings are pre-optimized for Cortex-M85, they can be customized if needed. Macro definitions can be added to select project configurations to enable and disable some portions of the code in an IAR EWARM project. Go to Project > Options to change setups for the project if needed. The project settings can be confirmed using the Build Messages window on IAR EWARM. Some highlight settings for RA8 MCUs are marked in red below. RENESAS
RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 9

Application Project

There are three projects accompanying this application note. All have the scalar code equivalent to Helium functions.

  • The Vector Multiply Accumulate (VMLA) and the scalar code equivalent.
  • The Vector Multiply Accumulate Add Accumulate Across Vector (VMLADAVA) and the scalar code equivalent.
  • The ARM DSP Dot Product function and the scalar code equivalent.

The projects are configured in various settings to utilize DTCM, ITCM, and cache to showcase the performance improvements of Helium technology compared to scalar code.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
10The available configuration for each project is as follows. RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 11Where I32_SCALAR is for the scalar code, I32_HELIUM is for the Helium code, I32_HELIUM_DTCM is for the Helium code that utilizes DTCM, and I32_HELIUM_ITCM is for the Helium code placed ITCM.
The projects in this application note are set to “High” and “Balanced” as shown in the following screenshot. RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
12The _CONFIGHELIUM symbol is preset to select scalar operation, Helium Operation, or enable the code to utilize DTCM and ITCM.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 13 4.1 Vector Multiply Accumulate Instruction VMLA Example In VMLA instruction, each element in the input vector2 is multiplied by the scalar value. The result is added
to the respective element of input vector1. The results are stored in the destination register.
The steps of VMLA.S32 Qda, Qn, Rm instruction are shown in the following figure.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 14 The intrinsic function vmlag_n_s32 in Figure 15 is used to showcase the performance of VMLA.S32 Qda, Qn, Rm instruction versus the scalar equivalent.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
15Figure 16 shows the scalar code equivalent to the Helium code in Figure 15. RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
164.2 Vector Instruction VMLADAVA Example
The VMLADAVA instruction multiplies the corresponding lanes of two input vectors, then sums these individual results to a produce a single value.
The steps of VMLADAVA.S32 Rda, Qn, Qm instruction are shown in the following figure.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 17The intrinsic function vmladavaq_s32 in Figure 18 is used to showcase the performance of VMLADAVA.S32 Rda, Qn, Qm instruction versus the scalar equivalent.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
18Figure 19 shows the scalar code equivalent to the Helium™ code in Figure 18.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
19 4.3 ARM DSP Dot Product Example
The dot product example uses the arm_dot_product_f32 function in the Arm DSP library to calculate the dot product of two input vectors by multiplying element by element and sum them up. The performance of the
Helium version of arm_dot_product_f32 will be compared with its scalar version.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 20Renesas Flexible Software Package FSP supports Arm DSP Library Source for Cortex-M85 that uses Helium intrinsics. It will improve performance significantly compared to scalar code. Select Arm DSP Library Source in Project Configurator to add the DSP source to your project, as shown in Figure 21.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 21Click Generate Project Content, the Arm DSP library source will be added to the project.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 22 4.4 Performance Improvement
You can utilize Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM) and Cache together with Helium™ to achieve higher performance. Typically, TCM provides single-cycle access and avoids delays in data access. Critical routines and data can be placed in TCM areas to ensure faster access. TCM does not use caches.
4.4.1 Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)
The 128 KB TCM memory in RA8 MCU consists of 64 KB ITCM (Instruction TCM) and 64 KB DTCM (Data TCM). Note that accessing TCM is not available in CPU Deep Sleep mode, Software Standby mode, and Deep Software Standby mode.
Figure 23 shows ITCM and DTCM in the Local CPU Subsystem.RENESAS RA8 MCU
High Performance - Figure 23FSP initializes both ITCM and DTCM areas by default. The linker script has defined sections for ITCM and DTCM areas, making it easy to utilize in user applications.
Figure 24 and Figure 25 are snapshots of ITCM and DCTM locations in RA8 MCU.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 24RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
25 4.4.2 Improve Performance Using DTCM
You can place data in the DTCM section (.dtcm_data) in an FSP-based project using the attribute directive, as shown in Figure 26.RENESAS RA8 MCU High
Performance - Figure 26The above data placement can be confirmed using the memory map generated by the compiler.RENESAS RA8 MCU
High Performance - Figure 27 4.4.3 Improve Performance Using ITCM
One of the methods to place some portions of the code in the ITCM section (.itcm_data) is using the #Pragma directive, as shown in Figure 28.RENESAS
RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 28You can confirm code placement using the .map file generated by the compiler or using the Disassembly Window on the debugger.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance -
Figure 29 4.5 Improve Performance by Utilizing Data Cache
When a function utilizes long loops, it executes the same code repeatedly. Furthermore, in many applications, data access may be repeated and sequential. Performance in these scenarios can improve significantly with cache enabled.
In FSP, the instruction cache enable is done in a function named SystemInit in system.c, as shown in Figure 30 and Figure 31.RENESAS RA8 MCU High
Performance - Figure 30RENESAS RA8 MCU High
Performance - Figure 31 Figure 31. Code to Enable Instruction Cache in FSP
The application projects have a setting to enable data cache. Set the _DCACHEENABLE symbol in the project option to 1 to enable data cache. Even though data cache improves performance, it can cause concurrency and coherency issues. It is good practice to enable the cache for application code that has repeated access to the same set of data. RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance -
Figure 32Example code to enable and disable data cache are shown in Figure 33 and Figure 34.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance -
Figure 34Another method to enable data cache is using FSP Configurator: BSP > Properties > Settings > MCU (RA8M1) Family > Cache settings > Data cache, as shown in Figure 35.RENESAS RA8 MCU High
Performance - Figure 35 4.6 Using General Purpose (GPT) Timer for Benchmarking
In the projects, GPT0 timer is used to measure time for performance benchmarking.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance -

Verify the Project

5.1 Open Project Workspace
The software tools required to run the application projects are as follows:

  • IAR Embedded Workbench (IAR EWARM) version or later
  • Renesas Flexible Software Package (FSP) v5.0.0 or later
  • SEGGER RTT Viewer v7.92j or later

From IAR EWARM, open the HELIUM_EK_RA8M1.eww. RENESAS RA8 MCU High
Performance - Figure 37The HELIUM_EK_RA8M1 workspace consists of three projects named HELIUM_VMLA_EK_RA8M1, HELIUM_VMLADAVA_EK_RA8M1 and HELIUM_DOT_PRODUCT_EK_RA8M1.
Three projects that appear on the workspace when it opens, as shown in Figure 38.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 38To enable data cache support in the application project, change _DCACHEENABLE symbols in Options > Preprocessor from 0 to 1, as shown in Figure 39.RENESAS
RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 39 5.2 Build Project
There are several configurations in each project. Select a project, then a project configuration you wish to run before going to the next step.RENESAS
RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 40On IAR EWARM, launch RA Smart Configurator from Tools > RA Smart Configurator, and click “Generate Project Content” to generate project content.RENESAS RA8 MCU
High Performance - Figure 41Build the active project by selecting Project > Make or Project > Rebuild All . RENESAS RA8 MCU High
Performance - Figure 42

5.3 Download and Run Project
The EK‑RA8M1 kit has a few switch settings that must be configured before running the projects associated with this application note. These switches must be returned to the default settings per the EK‑RA8M1 user manual. In addition to these switch settings, the board also contains a USB debug port and connectors to access the J-Link programming interface.

Table 1. Switch Settings for EK-RA8M1

Switch Setting
J8 Jumper on pins 1-2
J9 Open

Connect J10 on EK-RA8M1 kit to USB port on your PC, open and start SEGGER RTT Viewer with the following settings.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
43Click Download and Debug to start running the project.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 44The operation results will be printed on SEGGER RTT Viewer, as shown in Figure 45.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 45 5.4 Confirm Instructions Generated For Helium™ Extension
Use the Disassembly window of EWARM to check the Helium™ extension code generated by IAR EWARM compiler.
Figure 46 shows the disassembly of scalar code.RENESAS RA8 MCU High
Performance - Figure 46Figure 47 shows the disassembly of Helium code generated using the Helium™ extension.RENESAS RA8
MCU High Performance - Figure 47 5.5 Benchmarking Performance
Use the “Timer counter cycle” printed on SEGGER RTT Viewer for performance benchmarking. It shows how many GPT0 counter cycles have elapsed since the function was executed. RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
The performances of the function vmladavaq_s32 in various configurations are as follows.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
49Following are the performances of the vmlaq_n_s32 function with data cache enabled in various configurations. To enable data cache in the project, follows steps in section 4.5, build and download it .RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 50 5.5.2 VMLA Project HELIUM_VMLA_EK_RA8M1
The performances of the function vmlaq_n_s32 in various configurations are as follows.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure 51RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
52Below are the performances of the vmladavaq_s32 function with data cache enabled in various configurations. To enable data cache in the project, follows steps in section 4.5, build and download it . 5.5.3 DSP Dot Product Project HELIUM_DOT_PRODUCT_EK_RA8M1
The performances of the ARM DSP Dot Product arm_dot_prod_f32 function in various configurations are as follows.RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance -
Figure 57Below are the performances of the ARM Dot Product arm_dot_prod_f32 function with data cache enabled in various configurations. To enable data cache in the project, follows steps in section 4.5, build and download it .RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance - Figure
59RENESAS RA8 MCU High Performance -


The Renesas RA8 MCU with Arm Cortex-M85 supports significant scalar performance uplift. Furthermore, the Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM) support in Renesas FSP makes it easier to utilize Helium intrinsics and TCM for further improvement.

Website and Support
Visit the following vanity URLs to learn about key elements of the RA family, download components and related documentation, and get support.

RA Product Information
RA Product Support Forum
RA Flexible Software Package
Renesas Support

Revision History

Rev. Date Description
Page Summary
1.0 Oct.25.23


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