atop Technologies IEC61850 Protocol Gateway Client or Server Configuration User Manual
- June 12, 2024
- atop Technologies
Table of Contents
Atop Technologies, Inc.
Protocol Gateway
IEC61850 Client/Server
Protocol and
eNode Designer configuration
eNode Configuration
December 8 th , 2022
IEC61850 Protocol Gateway Client or Server Configuration
This PDF Document contains internal hyperlinks for ease of navigation.
For example, click on any item listed in the Table of Contents to go to that
- IEC 61850 Configuration Guide
- IEC 61850 Interoperability
Published by:
Atop Technologies, Inc.
2F, No. 146, Sec. 1, Tung-Hsing Rd,
30261 Chupei City, Hsinchu County
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-3-550-8137
Fax: +886-3-550-8131
Important Announcement
The information contained in this document is the property of Atop
technologies, Inc., and is supplied for the sole purpose of operation and
maintenance of Atop Technologies, Inc., products.
No part of this publication is to be used for any other purposes, and it is
not to be reproduced, copied, disclosed, transmitted, stored in a retrieval
system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form, by any
means, in whole or in part, without the prior explicit written consent of Atop
Technologies, Inc.Offenders will be held liable for damages and prosecution.
All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a
utility model or design, are reserved.
We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware
and the software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we
cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual is reviewed
regularly and any necessary corrections will be included in subsequent
Suggestions for improvement are welcome.
All other product’s names referenced herein are registered trademarks of their
respective companies.
Documentation Control
Author: | Charlie Yeh |
Revision: | 1.5 |
Revision History: | Features improvement |
reation Date: | 12 September |
Last Revision Date: | 8-December -22 |
Reviewer | Simon Huang |
Product Reference: | PG59XX Protocol Gateways |
Document Status: | Release |
Thank you for Buying Atop’s Protocol Gateway.
The product is bundled with the following three user manuals:
- Hardware specific installation user manual- not covered in this document. It covers Atop’s hardware installation procedure, wiring, power connection etc.
- Getting started with Atop’s Protocol Gateway user manual – configuration tool introduction, web configuration, software architecture introduction– not covered in this document. This manual covers the introduction, installation, network set-up aintenance and using of the configuration tool software, including the procedure to be followed for uploading new configurations to Atop’s device.
- Protocol specific user manual (This Manual). One protocol-specific manual will be provided for each protocol installed on the device. This manual covers:
a. Basic device network configuration
b. Step-by-step protocol set-up for in eNode designer
c. Description of the protocol-specific software features, the device profile and the implementation table of supported functionalities.
This manual is for IEC 61850 Client/Server and describes how to use the IEC
61850 eNode Designer Module to configure Atop’s IEC 61850 ADH Application
within the eNode Designer configuration tool.
1.1 Scope
This document is divided into 3 major sections:
- Overview with General Description; and a
- IEC 61850 ADH Application Configuration Guide
- IEC 61850 ADH Application Interoperability
EC 61850 Standard related information and the IEC 61850 Standard itself is not
part of the scope of this document, so it is assumed the user to have some
basic knowledge about the protocol. For more detailed information on the IEC
61850 Standard visit the official IEC website on
This manual assumes that reader has some basic knowledge of the IEC 61850
standard documents and protocol. The following is the document list:
IEC 61850 Document Part | Description |
IEC 61850-1 | Introduction and overview |
IEC 61850-2 | Glossary |
IEC 61850-3 | General requirements |
IEC 61850-4 | System and project management |
IEC 61850-5 | Communication requirements for functions and device models |
IEC 61850-6 | Configuration description language for communication in |
electrical substations related to IED’s
IEC 61850-7-1| Basic communication structure for substation and feeder
equipment – Principles and models
IEC 61850-7-2| Basic communication structure for substation and feeder
equipment – Abstract
communication service interface (ACSI)
EC 61850-7-3| sic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment
– Common data classe
IEC 61850-7-4| Basic communication structure for substation and feeder
equipment – Compatible logical
node classes and data classes
IEC 61850-8-1| Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Mappings to MMS
(ISO/IEC 9506-1 and
ISO/IEC 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3
IEC 61850-9-1| Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Sampled values
over serial unidirectional
multi-drop point-to-point link
IEC 61850-9-2| Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Sampled values
over ISO/IEC 8802-3 2
IEC 61850-10| Conformance testing
IEC 61850-801
1.0| Communication networks and systems for power utility automation
– Part 80-1: Guideline to exchange information from a CDC based data model
using IEC
1.2 Overview
1.2.1 Document Reference
- Document Title: 197-0100 eNode Designer User Manual Revision: Version 1.00
1.2.2 List of Abbreviations
ADH | =Application Data Hub |
DA | =Data Attribute |
IEC | =International Electrotechnical Commission |
IED | =Intelligent Electronic Device |
SCL | =Substation Configuration Language |
General Description
The IEC 61850 eNode Designer Module uses a pre-existing SCL file for
configuration; the configuration tool’s primary action is to select which data
points should be added to or mapped from the ADH database.
When an SCL file is loaded into eNode Designer, a copy is automatically saved
in the eNode Designer project file.
This allows the project file to be sent (e.g. email) and opened anywhere
without the need to send the SCL file as well.
The generation or the editing of the SCL file (ICD designer) is not covered
inside this manual. For SCL file creation or editing, please contact an Atop
Technologies representative
2.1 General Screen Description
Once an SCL file has been imported, a view similar to the following will be
shown. The tab section allows the user to browse the local IED versus the
connected remote IEDs.
In the client, there are no configuration options for the local IED so that
tab will not be displayed. It just has a tab of remote IEDs showing all the
servers connected.
In the server, the local IED is configurable so that tab is shown. In 61850
servers, the only data points should be accessed access from remote IEDs are
those published on GOOSE, so the remote IEDs tabbed is named “GOOSE
subscription”. Tabs – Local IEDs will be separate from Remote IEDs.
See details above.
SCL Tree Windowpane – This shows the Project Tree of the currently selected
IED. The tick-boxes allow for selection of data points for mapping. Expand the
branches to view further down the project tree.
Mapped Points – This is where the points that have been mapped will appear.
Each row in this table corresponds to a single “ticked” leaf DA node in the
2.2 SCL Tree Explanation
The SCL file given is expanded into a tree-view showing different levels of
IED, Logical Devices, Logical Nodethen into Data Objects and Data Attributes.
The “final” nodes are mappable data points. A screen shot is shown
below.Each mappable point has a description of its
data type, which is extracted from the SCL file. A zoomed-in portion of the
tree is shown below along with a more detailed description of the
For example with this
BoolGGIO0/SPCSO1/stVal, the tree node text contains information about its node
type (DA), node name (stVal), ADH Data Type (Single Point), and in this case
also some square bracket notation. The square bracket notation shows that the
q and t DAs are bound with the stVal data point. This is explained further in
section 2.3.
The data type of the point is extracted from the IEC 61850 data type (e.g.
“BOOLEAN” becomes “Single Point”). A special case is 61850 enumerated types,
which are placed in the eNode Database as “Unsigned 8”. Data types that the
ADH does not support, such as string types, are not shown in the SCL tree at
2.3 Associated DAs are Combined into a Single Data Point
Every eNode Designer data point has an associated timestamp (when the data
value changed) and quality flags.
This is similar to how IEC 61850 works with q (quality) and t (timestamp) DAs
being updated together with DAs such as stVal. Thus eNode Designer groups the
q and t with the appropriate values according to the 61850 specification to
the single eNode (a.k.a. ADH) data point. This means that the with the stVal
eNode data point, the associated quality and time are mapped with the 61850
data attributes q and t.
Multi-stage commands (such as Select Before Operates) are represented as a
single data point for mapping in eNode Designer. Thus, the 61850 Operate
structures are combined to a single structure: the “Oper”.
Figure 2-4 – Combined DAs, example one.
This figure contains a screenshot from ICD Designer and a screenshot from
eNode Designer to illustrate how data points are grouped together within eNode
Designer. Both images show the same Pos Data Object in a XCBR Logical Node.
DA: Oper – Shown in the ICD designer image as DA – SBOw, DA – Oper and DA –
Cancel, these data attributes are all grouped as DA: Oper within eNode
Designer. This point contains the ctlVal data points of DA – SBOw, DA – Oper
and DA – Cancel. This is shown using the square brackets notation.
DA: stVal – According to IEC 61850 specification, q and t apply to stVal. They
are separate DAs but they are grouped together in eNode Designer. This is
shown using the square bracket notation after the “stVal”: [q, t].
DA: ctlModel – This is only a single Data Point in both ICD designer and eNode
Another example is shown below. In this example, the q and t apply to the mag
according to the 61850 specification. Any selected point “inside” this mag
will have the q and t values associated with the mag combined into one data
For example, in this case, the mag$i has its quality and time mapped with the
61850 q and t DAs adjacent to the mag. 2.4 Replaces Ethernet Properties
When generating and sending the configuration to the target platform, the
SCL’s local IED Ethernet properties are modified to match those specified in
eNode Designer.
That is, the following attributes are changed in the Access Point associated
with the first IED in the SCL file that is sent to the target device.
Attribute | Modification |
… |
Replaced by Ethernet’s property in eNode Designer |
… |
Replaced by Ethernet’s property in eNode Designer |
… |
Replaced by Ethernet’s property in eNode Designer |
… |
Removed. Obtained automatically. |
Table 2-1 – Automatic IP Setting Modifications.
IEC 61850 ADH Application Configuration Guide
3.1 Adding the Module in eNode Designer
The IEC 61850 module can only be added to Ethernet ports. An IEC 61850 ADH
Application can be set up as a Client or a Server. The choice will be
presented when adding it to the project. Atop device supports one server
application per protocol per device.
To add the module to the project, follow the steps explained below. Click
Add ADH Application.
Click IEC61850.
This dialogue box will appear asking whether the new application is to be
configured as a Client or a Server.
Select either Client or Server from the drop down menu.
Click OK to add the application.
3.2 Common Configuration Details
After a new IEC61850 Server or Client is added, an SCL file needs to
selected. The following pane will appear at the top centre of the screen for
both IEC61850 Servers and Clients. SCL file – Shows location and name of the SCL file
once it has been added to eNode Designer.
Browse – This button will bring up an Open File dialogue box to select the SCL
file to be loaded for the ADH Application, see: Open SCL File Dialogue Box.
Reload File – This option is only available once a file has been loaded.
Reload file is explained further in Changing and Reloading SCL Files.
3.2.1 Changing and Reloading SCL Files
When an SCL file is loaded into eNode Designer, it is saved into the eNode
Designer project file. If the SCL file has been changed, a warning will appear
next to Reload File, Left clicking the reload file button will load the
changes into eNode Designer. Browse – This button can be used to change the
current SCL file, however this will require confirming login details. This
will bring up the Open File dialogue box to select the SCL file to be loaded
for the ADH Application, see: Open SCL File Dialogue
Box. Altered File Warning – The exclamation mark within the yellow triangle
will be shown when the currently loaded SCL file has been changed externally.
This indicates that it will need to be reloaded to reflect those changes
within eNode Designer.
3.3 Client Configuration
3.3.1 IEC 61850 Client – Select which data points to use in eNode
Once a Client SCL file has been imported, the following view will be shown. In
this example, some of the SCL Tree has been expanded and some data points
Selecting data attributes in the tree assigns eNode Data points to them. Each
eNode data point is shown in the table on the right. All the data points in
the table are those available in eNode Designer for mapping. All data point
values have default values automatically assigned based on the SCL file. The
Tag and Description are, however, changeable by the user.
Checking (or unchecking) a tree node will check (or uncheck) all tree nodes
“inside” it.
Remote IEDs – This shows the Remote IED’s connected to the client, all Remote
IED’s will show in this area under their respective IED tree nodes within the
Project Tree Windowpane.
Project Tree Windowpane – This shows a tree view of all remote IEDs. The tick-
boxes allow for selection of data points to be made available for mapping in
the database. Expand the branches to view further down the project tree.
Selected Data Points – This is where the points selected for inclusion in the
database will appear. Points that show in this area have been made available
to the database and can be utilised by other applications.
3.4 Server Configuration
If the server SCL file has more than one IED in the file, the first one is
the Local IED, and the rest are remote IEDs. The GOOSE subscription tab shows
all remote IEDs. The way 61850 works, the only data points accessible in a
server from remote IEDs are those that are published on GOOSE.
The IEC 61850 server application in some way acts like a server and a client.
It is able to reference “client” points to and from the local IED, but also
“produces” client points it puts in to the eNode Database from the remote
3.4.1 IEC 61850 Server – Mapping Data Points to the Local IED
To select a DA to map, expand the tree down to the final level (the final DA)
and tick the checkbox. Selecting a point for mapping from eNode will bring up
the following window. This window allows you to select which data point value
to map to. Points are live mapped within the dialogue: as soon as a mapping is
changed in this window, it is changed within eNode Designer.
Project Tree Windowpane – This shows the eNode Designer project view. Use this
to filter the list of available data points.
Available Points – This shows the list of possible points which can map to the
given point.
Mapped Points – Shows the applications the selected point in (2) is currently
mapped to.
Once points have been mapped they are added to the table.
Reference Guide
4.1 Mass Tree Expanding and Collapsing
There are several options for expanding and collapsing many tree nodes at
Right click a tree node:
Expand All | Expands all tree nodes inside the tree node. |
Collapse All | Collapses the tree nodes inside it and the tree node itself. |
Collapse Below | Collapses the tree nodes inside it |
click empty space in the SCL tree pane:
Expand Entire Tree| Expands the entire SCL tree. For very large files, it
enforces a limit as a maximum number
of nodes it will expand.
Collapse Entire Tree| Collapse the entire SCL tree.
Protocol Implementation Conf. Statement (PICS)
5.1 IEC 61850 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements (PICS) contain information
regarding the Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI) {IEC61850-7-2
edition 2.0 2010-08} components that may be tested. This tick list is a
summary of the ACSI that has not been implemented and has been implemented by
Atop Technologies Inc.
The following ACSI conformance statements are used to provide an overview and
details about the Atop implementation for IEC 61850 software:
- ACSI basic conformance statement
- ACSI models conformance statement
- ACSI service conformance statement
5.2 ACSI Basic Conformance
The basic conformance statement shall be as defined in Table 1.
Table 1 – Basic conformance statement
| Client/ subscriber| Server/ publisher| Value/ comments
Client-server roles| | |
SCSMs supported| | |
B21| SCSM: IEC 61850-8-1 used| | |
B22| SCSM: IEC 61850-9-1 used| | |
B23| SCSM: IEC 61850-9-2 used| | |
B24| SCSM: other| | |
Generic substation event model (GSE)| | |
B31| Publisher side| | |
B32| Subscriber side| | |
Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)| | |
B41| Publisher side| | |
B42| Subscriber side| | |
5.3 ACSI Models Conformance Statement
The ACSI models conformance statement shall be as defined in Table 2. |
Table 2 – ACSI models conformance statement
| Client/
subscriber| Server/
publisher| Value/
If Server side (B11) supported| | |
Ml| Logical device| | |
M2| Logical node| | |
M3| Data| | |
M4| Data set| | |
M5| Substitution| | |
M6| Setting group control| | |
| Reporting| | |
M7| Buffered report control| | |
M7-1| sequence-number| | |
M7-2| report-time-stamp| | |
M7-3| reason-for-inclusion| | |
M7-4| data-set-name| | |
M7-5| data-reference| | |
M7-6| buffer-overflow| | |
M7-7| entrylD| | |
M7-8| BufTm| | |
M7-9| IMgPd| | |
M7-10| GI| | |
M8| Unbuffered report control| | |
M8-1| sequence-number| | |
M8-2| report-time-stamp| | |
M8-3| reason-for-inclusion| | |
MB-4| data-set-name| | |
M8-5| data-reference| | |
M8-6| BufTm| | |
M8-7| IMgPd| | |
M8-8| GI| | |
| Logging| | |
M9| Log control| | |
M9-1| IMgPd| | |
M10| Log| | |
M11| Control| | |
If GSE (B31/B32) is supported| | |
M12| GOOSE| | |
M13| G SSE| | |
If SVC (B41/B42) is supported| | |
M14| Multicast SVC| | |
M15| Unicast SVC| | |
For all IEDs| | |
M16| Time| | |
M17| File Transfer| | |
5.4 ACSI Service Conformance Statement
The ACSI service conformance statement shall be as defined in Table 3 (depending on the statements in Table 1).
Table 3 – ACSI service conformance statement
| Services| AA:TP/MC| Client/ subscriber| Server/
publisher| Comments
Server (Clause 7)
S1| ServerDirectory| TP| | |
Application association (Clause 8)
S2| Associate| | | |
S3| Abort| | | |
S4| Release| | | |
Logical device (Clause 9)
S5| I Logical DeviceDirectory| TP| | |
Logical node (Clause 10)
S6| LogicalNodeDirectory| TP| | |
S7| GetAllDataValues| TP| | |
Data (Clause 11)
S8| GetDataValues| TP| | |
S9| SetDataValues| TP| | |
S10| GetDataDirectory| TP| | |
S11| GetDataDefinition| TP| | |
Data set (Clause 12)
S12| GetDataSetValues| TP| | |
S13| SetDataSetValues| TP| | |
S14| CreateDataSet| TP| | |
S15| DeleteDataSet| TP| | |
S16| GetDataSetDirectory| TP| | |
Setting group control (Clause 16)
S18| SelectActiveSG| TP| | |
S19| SelectEditSG| TP| | |
S20| SetSGValues| TP| | |
S21| ConfirmEditSGValues| TP| | |
S22| GetSGValues| TP| | |
S23| GetSGCBValues| TP| | |
Reporting (Clause 17)
Buffered report control block (BRCB)
S24| Report| TP| | |
524.1| data-change (dchg)| | | |
S24.2| gchg-change (dcag)| | | |
S24-3| data-update (dupd)| | | |
S25| GetBRCBValues| TP| | |
S26| SetBRCBValues| TP| | |
Unbuffered report control block (URCB)
S27| Report| TP| | |
S27-1| data-change (dchg)| | | |
S27-2| gchg-change (dchg)| | | |
S27-3| data-update (dupd)| | | |
S28| GetURCBValues| TP| | |
S29| SetURCBValues| TP| | |
Logging (Clause 17)
Log control block
S30| GetLCBValues| TP| | |
S31| SetLCBValues| TP| | |
S32| QueryLogByTime| TP| | |
S33| QueryLogAfter| TP| | |
S34| GetLogStatusValues| TP| | |
Generic substation event model (GSE)
GOOSE (Clause 18)
S35| SendGOOSEMessage| MC| | |
S36| GetGoReference| TP| | |
S37| GetGOOSEElementNumber| TP| | |
S38| GetGsCBValues| TP| | |
S39| SetGsCBValues| TP| | |
S40| SendGSSEMessage| MC| | |
S41| GetGsReference| TP| | |
S42| GetGSSEElementNumber| TP| | |
S43| GetGsCBValues| TP| | |
S44| SetGsCBValues| TP| | |
Transmission of sampled value model (SVC) (Clause 19)
Mulacast SVC
S45| SendMSVMessage| MC| | |
S46| GetMSVCBValues| TP| | |
S47| SetMSVCBValues| TP| | |
S48| SendUSVMessage| TP| | |
S49| GetUSVCBValues| TP| | |
S50| SetUSVCBValues| TP| | |
Control (Clause 20)
S51| Select| | | |
S52| SelectWithValue| TP| | |
S53| Cancel| TP| | |
S54| Operate| TP| | |
S55| Command-Termination| TP| | |
S56| TimeAct ivated-Operate| TP| | |
File transfer (Clause 23)
S57| GetFile| TP| | |
S58| SetFile| TP| | |
S59| DeleteFile| TP| | |
S60| GetFileAttributeValues| TP| | |
Time (5.5)
T1| Time resolution of internal clock| Nearest negative power of 2 in seconds
T2| Time accuracy of internal clock| TO
| | T1
| | T2
| | T3
| | T4
| | T5
T3| Supported TimeStamp resolution| Nearest value of 2**-n in seconds
Atop Technologies, Inc.
2F, No. 146, Sec. 1, Tung-Hsing Rd,
30261 Chupei City, Hsinchu CountyTaiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-3-550-8137
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Tel: +86-21-64956231
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Tel: +91-80-4920-6363
Jopson Li
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Tel: +62-857-10595775
Bhaskar Kailas (BK)
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Tel: +91-988-0788-559
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