Commercial CHEF CHD200S Food Dehydrator User Manual

June 16, 2024
Commercial CHEF

Commercial CHEF CHD200S Food Dehydrator User Manual
Commercial CHEF CHD200S Food Dehydrator


DANGER – Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe personal injury or death.

WARNING – Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe personal injury or death.

CAUTION – Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in minor personal injury.


When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, and injury to persons:

  1. Read all instructions.
  2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.
  3. To protect against electrical shock do not immerse cord, plugs, or (unit base) in water or other liquid.
  4. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children.
  5. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool before putting on or taking off parts.
  6. Do not operate any appliances with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance malfunctions or has been damaged in any manner. Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjutsment.
  7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may cause injuries.
  8. Do not use outdoors.
  9. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter or touch hot surfaces.
  10. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven.
  11. To disconnect, press power button to off, then remove plug from wall outlet.
  12. Do not use appliance for other than intended use.



This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). To reduce the risk of electrical shock, the plug is intended to fit into a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MODIFY THE PLUG IN ANY WAY.

Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock.


a) A short power-supply cord (or detachable power-supply cord) is provided to reduce the risk resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
b) Longer detachable power-supply cords or extension cords are available and may be used if care is exercised in their use.
c) lf a longer detachable power-supply cord or extension cord is used:

  1. The marked electrical rating of the cord set or extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance;
  2. The cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally; and
  3. lf the appliance is of the grounded type, the cord set or extension cord should be a grounding-type 3-wire cord.

NOTE: Neither Commercial Chef nor the dealer can accept any liability for damage to the product or personal injury resulting from failure to observe the electrical connection procedures.


Used product should not be disposed as household waste. According to legislation, the product should be disposed of properly so that the materials can be recycled in an environmentally friendly manner. Further information is available from the responsible local authority or local disposal company. The product is equipped with the following logo:




  • Remove all packaging from the appliance.
  • Check that your mains voltage corresponds with that stated on the appliances rating label.
  • Wash the lid and tray sections of the appliance in warm soapy water. The base should be cleaned with a damp cloth.

CAUTION: Do not wash or immerse the base in water.


  1. Place the food flat on the trays. Do not completely cover the bottom of the tray as this will stop the air circulation. Overloading the trays or placing the food on top of each other will reduce the efficiency of the dehydrator.
    NOTE: There are 2 options for setting the tray heights:
    A. For a higher clearance, set the first tray on the base so that it seats properly. You may need to rotate it so that it fits precisely. Continue stacking the trays by lining them up with the same placement as the first tray using the tabs on the 4 corners as a guide.
    B. For a lower clearance, set the first tray on the base so that it seats properly. Then add the other trays by rotating them so that they slide over the tray below.
    To Begin Use

  2. Prepare the food as recommended and place on the trays. Always start by placing the food in the lower sections of the dehydrator. Leave the central hole uncovered.

  3. Place the trays on the power base.

  4. Place the lid onto the appliance. During the dehydrating process the upper lid should always be left on the appliance.

  5. Plug the dehydrator into an electrical socket and press the Power button.

  6. Set the temperature of the dehydrator to the desired setting by turning the temperature adjustment knob.

  7. Rotate the trays at intervals throughout, to ensure even drying. Unplug the appliance, rotate the trays, then plug the appliance back in and continue to dry.

  8. When you have finished using the appliance, turn it off by pressing the power button and unplug the appliance. Allow the food to cool down and then place it into a container or jar.

NOTE: It is recommended to use all 5 trays whenever you use the appliance no matter how many sections are left empty.


  • Vacuum packing dried foods extends the shelf life of the food by 3 times.
  • Store the foods in airtight, moisture-proof containers. Do not expose to light.
  • Store in cool (below 59˚F / 15°C), dark and dry areas. Dehydrated meat and fish are best stored in the refrigerator.


There are no absolutes and quite a few variables in food dehydration. The best way to become proficient is to experiment using this booklet as a guideline and then adjusting your drying technique according to your results.

Record keeping is helpful in food dehydration. Records of weight of produce before and after the dehydration, length of time required for drying, etc., can be useful information in attaining a good quality product. Information can be recorded on the labels of the food storage containers.

Tasty ready-to-eat snacks and confections are some of the versatile products you can create by drying fruits and vegetables at home. After soaking in water, the rehydrated foods can be used in favorite recipes for casseroles, soups, stews and salads. Re-hydrated fruits and berries can also make excellent compotes or sauces.

Drying is appealing because the procedure is relatively simple and requires little equipment. Only minimal storage space is needed.

Dehydrating is a method of heating the food to evaporate the moisture present, and removing the water vapor formed.

Most food products release moisture rapidly during early stages of drying. This means they can absorb large amounts of heat and give off large quantities of water vapor while remaining at a temperature well below that of the drying air.


Fruits and vegetables selected for drying should be the highest quality obtainable – fresh and fully ripened. Wilted or inferior produce will not make a satisfactory dried product. Immature produce lacks flavor and color. Overmature produce may be tough and fibrous or soft and mushy.

Prepare produce immediately after gathering, and begin drying at once. Wash or clean all fresh food thoroughly to remove any dirt or spray. Sort and discard defective food; decay, bruises, or mold on any piece may affect an entire batch.

For greater convenience when you use the food, and to speed drying, it is advisable to peel, pit, or core some fruits and vegetables. Smaller pieces dry more quickly and uniformly.


Enzymes in fruit and vegetables are responsible for color and flavor changes during ripening. These changes will continue during drying and storage unless the produce is pretreated to slow down enzyme activity.

Blanching can be used in the pretreatment of vegetables, as it helps set color and hastens drying by relaxing tissues. Blanching may also prevent undesirable changes in flavor during storage, and improve reconstitution during cooking.

Many light-colored fruits (especially apples, apricots, peaches, nectarines, and pears) tend to darken during drying and storage. To prevent this darkening, the fruit may be pretreated by blanching or by a suitable dip, but effectiveness of pretreatment methods varies.

Fruits may be dipped in one of the following:

  • Pineapple or lemon juice as a natural alternative to other pretreatments to reduce browning. Slice fruit directly into juice. Remove promptly (about 2 minutes) and place on trays. Fruits may also be dipped in honey, spices, lime or orange juice, or sprinkled with coconut to give them a snappy dried flavor. Use your imagination and make your own flavorful dip.
  • Sodium Bi-sulfite: Ask for food safe, (USP) grade only. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sodium bi-sulfite in one quart of water. Prepare small amounts of fruit and dip for 2 minutes in the solution. This helps prevent loss of Vitamin C and maintains a bright color. Sodium bisulfite may be obtained from a local pharmacy.
  • A solution of table salt.
  • A solution of ascorbic acid or citric acid. Commercial antioxidant mixtures containing ascorbic acid may also be used, but often are not as effective as pure ascorbic acid.

Fruits may be steam-blanched. However, blanched fruits may turn soft and become difficult to handle.

Syrup blanching may help retain the color of apples, apricots, figs, nectarines, peaches, pears and plums. A sweetened candied product will result.

Fruits with tough skins (grapes, prunes and small dark plums, cherries, figs and some berries) may be water-blanched to crack the skins. This will allow moisture inside to surface more readily during drying.

Before drying pretreated food, remove any excess moisture by placing the food on paper towels or clean cloths. Drying trays should be loaded with a thin layer of food as directed. If needed, clean cheesecloth can be spread on the trays to prevent food pieces from sticking or falling through.

The amount of food being dried at one time should not exceed roughly 3/4 of each tray‘s surface area and a 1/4“ thick.


All dehydrated foods need to be reconstituted. Most fruits are actually preferable in their dried form. Most vegetables, however, are most taste- tempting when reconstituted.

To reconstitute vegetables for cooking, merely wash product in clean water, then place in an amount of cold, unsalted water and cover. Soak 2 to 8 hours, if possible, then cook in same water used for soaking.

Add more water if necessary. Bring product to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer just until done. Add salt, if desired, at end of cooking time, as salt slows down the reconstitution process. As with fresh products, overcooking will diminish flavor and texture. To reconstitute vegetables like carrots, soak in ice water or soak in water in the refrigerator.

Dried foods can be reconstituted by soaking, cooking, or a combination of both and will resemble their fresh counterparts after reconstitution. However, dried foods are unique and should not be expected to resemble a fresh product in every respect.

Drying does not render the food free of bacteria, yeasts, and molds. Thus, spoilage could occur if soaking is prolonged at room temperature. Refrigerate if soaking for longer than 1 to 2 hours.

To conserve nutritive value, use the liquid remaining after soaking and cooking as part of the water needed in recipes.

One cup of dried vegetables reconstitutes to about 2 cups. To replace the moisture removed from most vegetables, barely cover them with cold water and soak 20 minutes to 2 hours. Cover greens with boiling water. To cook, bring simmer until done.

One cup of dried fruit reconstitutes to about 1 1/2 cups. Add water just to cover the fruit; more can be added later if needed. One to eight hours are required to reconstitute most fruits, depending on fruit type, size of pieces, and water temperature. (Hot water takes less time). Over-soaking will produce a loss of flavor. To cook reconstituted fruit, cover and simmer in the soak water.

Dried or reconstituted fruits and vegetables can be used in a variety of ways. Use dried fruit for snacks at home, on the trail, or on the ski slopes. Use pieces in cookies or confections.

Serve reconstituted fruit as compotes or as sauces. It can be incorporated into favorite recipes for breads, gelatin salads, omelets, pies, stuffing, milk-shakes, homemade ice cream and cooked cereals.

Add dried vegetables to soups and stews or vegetable dishes. Use as dry snacks or dip chips.

Include reconstituted vegetables in favorite recipes for meat pies and other main dishes, as well as gelatin and vegetable salads.

Powdered vegetables in the dried form make a tasty addition to broths, raw soups, and dressings.

For optimum maintenance of nutritional value, we suggest:

  • Blanching the correct length of time.
  • Packaging dried foods properly and storing containers in a cool, dry, dark place.
  • Checking dried foods periodically during storage to insure that moisture has not been reabsorbed.
  • Eating dried foods as soon as possible.
  • Using liquid remaining after reconstitution in recipes.


Fruits cut into a wide range of sizes should be allowed to “sweat” or condition for a week after drying to equalize the moisture among the pieces before placing in longterm storage. Place fruit in a non-aluminum, non-plastic container and put in a dry, well-ventilated and protected area.
Dried foods should be thoroughly cooled before packing. Package in small amounts so that food can be used soon after containers have been opened. Pack food as tightly as possible without crushing into clean, dry, insect-proof containers. Glass jars or moisture vapor proof freezer cartons or bags (heavy gauge plastic type) make good containers. Metal cans with lids can be used if the dried food is first placed in a plastic bag.
Your dehydrated food should be checked about once a month. Should you find mold growing on a piece of the dried food, please discard it.


Your new Food Dehydrator is designed to rely on natural heat convection to carry away moist air from the food. Trays should be rotated during the processing period to insure even drying.
Trays nearest the bottom exposed to the hottest, driest air will dry more rapidly. So simply move them up and move the ones on top to the bottom.


Drying time varies according to fruit or vegetable type, size of pieces, and tray load.
Before testing foods for desired dryness, remove a handful and cool for a few minutes. Foods that are warm or hot seem softer, moister, and more pliable than they will when cooled.
Foods should be dry enough to prevent microbial growth and subsequent spoilage.
Dried vegetables should be hard and brittle. Dried fruits should be leathery and pliable. For long-term storage, home dried fruits will need to be drier than commercially dried fruits sold in grocery stores.


  1. The best results are achieved when the quality of the food is high. Be sure to select ripe produce in good condition, as one bad food may give an off-flavor to the entire lot.
  2. Clean produce is important. Wash thoroughly, remove soft or spoiled areas, slice and pretreat if necessary. Be certain that your hands, your cutting utensils and your food preparing area are also clean.
  3. You can expect a variation in the drying times. Drying times are affected with the size of the load, thickness of the sliced products, humidity of the air, and the moisture content of the food itself.
  4. Be sure to let the produce cool before testing for dryness.
  5. Trays may be fully loaded, if desired, with pieces barely touching but not overlapping.
  6. About six to ten percent of the moisture may remain in your foods without danger of spoilage. Many dried foods will have a leathery consistency, rather like licorice.
  7. Rotate trays if you notice uneven drying or a very heavy load. Just move bottom tray up to the middle and top ones down.
  8. To remove seeds or pits from prunes, grapes, cherries etc., dehydrate 50% then pop seeds out. This prevents juice from dripping out.


The times are approximate. Your drying times will vary with room temperature, humidity, moisture content of the food and how thinly the food is sliced. The presence of natural juices in food will also vary. Some fruit sugars tend to be sticker than others. Dry best at 135˚F / 57˚C . Adjust temperatures as needed.

Apples Pare, core and cut in slices or rings. Dip in maltreatment for 2
minutes. Drain and place on tray. Pliable 4 – 10 hrs.
Apricots Dry in halves and turn inside out or cut into quarters. Pretreat to
help retain color without penetrating skin of fruit. Pliable 8 – 16 hrs.
Bananas Peel and cut into 1/8” slices. Crisp 5 – 14 hrs.
Berries Strawberries may be sliced in 3/8” slices. Leave other berries whole.
Bathe wax-coated berries in boiling water. No visible moisture 5 –14 hrs.
Cherries Do not stem until ready to prepare. Pitting is optional, or pit when
50% dry. Leathery but sticky 6 – 16 hrs.
Cranberries Wash well, chop for flakes or leave whole. No visible moisture

4 – 10 hrs.
Grapes (Raisins)| Wash, remove stems and leave whole.| Pliable & leathery| 6 – 16 hrs.
Nectarines| No need to peel. Dry with skin down on screen, or cut in 3/8” slices or circles.| Pliable| 6 – 14 hrs.
Orange Rind| Peel in long strips and dry. Do not grate until ready to use.| Brittle| 6 – 14 hrs.
Peaches| Remove peels during dehydration if desired. Pit when 50% dehydrated. Halve or quarter, with cup size up.| | 5 – 14 hrs.
Pears| Peel, remove core and woody tissue. Cut into slices or rings, halves, quarters or eights.| Pliable & leathery| 5 – 14 hrs.
Persimmons| Use only ripe fruit. Wash, remove cap, slice in 3/8” circles or slices.| Pliable| 5 – 10 hrs.
Pineapple (Fresh)| Remove core, cut in slices or wedges or chunks.| Pliable| 6 – 16 hrs.
Pineapple (Canned)| Drain and pat dry. Place on trays.| Leathery| 6 – 16 hrs.
Plums| Wash, leave whole or cut in half and remove pits or pop them out when half dried.| Pliable| 5 – 14 hrs.
Prunes| Same as plums, but soak in boiling water for twominutes first.| Leathery| 8 – 16 hrs.
Rhubarb| Use only tender stalks. Wash, cut in 1” lengths.| No visible moisture| 4 – 10 hrs.


The times are approximate. Your drying times will vary with room temperature, humidity, moisture content of the food and how thinly the food is sliced. The presence of natural juices in food will also vary. Dry best at 125˚F / 52˚C . Adjust temperatures as needed.

Artichoke Hearts Cut hearts into 1/8” strips. Boil 5-8 minutes in 3/4 cup
water containing 1 tablespoonful lemon juice. Brittle 4 – 8 hrs.
Asparagus Wash and cut into 1” pieces. Tips yield better product. Stems,
crushed after drying, make an excellent seasoning. Brittle 4 – 8 hrs.
Beans (Green or Wax) Cut into 1” pieces or cut French style. Steam blanch

until translucent. Stir beans on tray after partial drying, moving inside beans to outside for more even drying.| Brittle| 4 – 8 hrs.
Beets| Trim off all but one inch of tops and roots. Wash, blanch, cool, remove tops, skin and roots. Dice or slice.| Brittle, Dark| 4 – 8 hrs.
Brussels Sprouts| Cut sprouts from stalks, cut in half lengthwise through stem.| Brittle| 5 – 10 hrs.
Broccoli| Trim, cut as for serving, wash thoroughly. Steam tender, about 3-5 minutes.| Brittle| 5 – 10 hrs.
Cabbage| Trim, cut into strips 1/8” thick. Cut core into 1/4” strips. Use bottom shelf of dehydrator.| Leathery| 4 – 10 hrs.
Carrots| Select young tender roots. Steam until tender. Cut into slices, shreds, cubes or strips.| Leathery| 4 – 8 hrs.
Cauliflower| Dip cauliflowers into 3 tablespoons salt per 2quarts of water for 2 minutes. Steam until tender.| Leathery| 5 – 10 hrs.
Celery| Separate stalks from leaves. Wash both thoroughly. Cut stalks into 1/4” slices. Leaves dry first, so remove when dry. Flake leaves after drying for use in soups, stews, etc.| Brittle| 4 – 8 hrs.
Corn| Remove husks, silk and blemishes just before steaming. Blanch on cob until milk is set. Cut from cob and spread over tray. Stir several times for even drying.| Brittle| 4 – 10 hrs.
Cucumber| Pare, slice in 1/8” slices and dry.| Leathery| 4 – 10 hrs.
Eggplant, Kohlrabi, Summer & Italian Squashes, Zucchini| Trim, wash and slice 1/4” to 1/2” thick, and spread on trey.| Brittle| 4 – 10 hrs.
Onions and Leeks| Remove peels and cut into 1/2” slices, nuggets, or chop. Stir several times during drying.| Leathery| 4 – 8 hrs.
Okra| Use young, tender pods. Wash, trim, and slice into 1/4” discs.| Leathery| 3 – 6 hrs.


Pretreatment of meat, fish, and other foods:

  1. Lean meat (no fat meat): lt is recommended to marinate the meat to maintain its natural taste and make it tender before drying, Salted products should have salt to help absorb water from meat and keep it fresh.
    Pickling standard:
    1/2 cup soy sauce; 1 garlic, mashed; 2 tablespoons brown sugar; 2 tablespoons ketchup; 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce; 1-1/4 teaspoon of salt; 1/2 teaspoon onion powder; 1/2 teaspoon pepper; Mix all the above ingredients. The meat is cut into small cubes and then put into the machine. Drying time is about 2-8 hours until all moisture evaporates.

  2. Poultry meat: All poultry meat must be cooked before drying. Steaming or baking is the best way. Drying time is about 2-8 hours until all moisture evaporates.

  3. Fish: lt is recommended to steam or bake before drying (bake at 200 degrees in the oven for 20 minutes) for about 2-8 hours until all water evaporates.

Vanilla, etc.:
Rinse and spin off excess water and remove spoiled leaves. Spread the herbs loosely on the baking bucket, The drying time depends on the size and type, and the drying time is about 2-6 hours.
Bread, etc.:
Cut into small pieces (without crust). Loosely spread out on the baking bucket and dry for about 30 minutes-2 hours.
Shell and rinse with hot water. Scattered on the baking bucket, Store the nuts after they have cooled. The oil contained in the nuts will cause some rotten smell, so they must be put in the refrigerator to ensure their freshness. When the nuts need to be used, take them out and put the mat normal room temperature. The drying time is about 18-26 hours.


Making beef jerky in a food dehydrator is a simple and rewarding process that allows you to enjoy a flavorful and long-lasting snack. Here’s a step-by- step description of how to make beef jerky using a food dehydrator:

  1. Select the right cut of beef: Choose lean cuts of meat with minimal fat content. Good options include top round, bottom round, or flank steak. Trim off any visible fat before proceeding.

  2. Prepare the marinade: Create a marinade using your preferred combination of flavors. A classic recipe usually includes ingredients like soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, and any other desired seasonings. Mix the ingredients well in a bowl or a resealable bag.

  3. Slice the beef: Slice the beef into thin strips, aiming for consistent thickness. The strips should be around 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick. For easier slicing, you can partially freeze the meat for about 30 minutes to firm it up.

  4. Marinate the beef: Place the sliced beef strips into the marinade, ensuring they are fully coated. Allow the beef to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, but overnight marination will yield a more intense flavor.

  5. Drain and pat dry: Once the beef has finished marinating, remove it from the marinade and let the excess marinade drip off. Use paper towels to gently pat dry each strip, removing any excess liquid.

  6. Arrange the beef on the dehydrator trays: Place the beef strips in a single layer on the dehydrator trays, ensuring they don’t overlap. Leave a small space between the strips for proper airflow and even drying.

  7. Dehydrate the beef: Carefully place the loaded trays into the food dehydrator.
    Adjust the temperature and time settings according to the dehydrator’s instructions. Generally, beef jerky takes around 4 to 6 hours to dehydrate fully, but the drying time can vary depending on the thickness of the meat and the dehydrator’s specifications.

  8. Rotate the trays: During the drying process, it’s recommended to rotate the trays periodically to ensure even dehydration. This step helps to achieve uniformly dried beef jerky.

  9. Check for doneness: After the recommended drying time has passed, check the beef jerky for doneness. It should be firm and dry but still pliable. The meat should not be brittle or break apart easily.

  10. Cool and store: Once the beef jerky is done, remove it from the dehydrator and let it cool completely. If there is any excess moisture or oil on the surface, blot it with a paper towel. Store the beef jerky in airtight containers or resealable bags. It can be kept at room temperature for several weeks or refrigerated for even longer shelf life.

Enjoy your homemade beef jerky as a delicious and nutritious snack whenever you desire!

NOTE: It’s crucial to follow proper food safety guidelines when making beef jerky to prevent the risk of bacterial contamination. Ensure that the meat reaches a sufficient temperature during the drying process to kill any harmful bacteria.



Before cleaning switch off the appliance and remove the mains plug from the wall socket. Clean with a soft, dry or damp cloth, if required with a neutral detergent.
Do not use any abrasive cleaning agents, scourers etc. to clean the appliance. Wash the drying trays and top lid in hot water, clean with neutral detergent, rinse in potable water and let them dry. Switch the appliance on without any food inside and let it operate for minimum of 4 hours.
Switch the appliance off, let all parts of the food dehydrator cool down and air out.
This procedure is also recommended before using the appliance for the first time. Unplug from the wall socket if the appliance has not been used for a long time. Before putting the appliance in storage, clean thoroughly then cover with a plastic bag and store in a dry place. Keep the appliance away from children!




A) Check for a blown circuit fuse or a tripped main circuit breaker. If these seem to be operating properly, test the outlet with another appliance.
B) Check to make sure the power / temperature selector control is set in correct position.



If you have a problem with this product, please contact the W Appliance Co. Customer Satisfaction Center at 1-855-855-0294. DATED PROOF OF PURCHASE, MODEL # AND SERIAL # REQUIRED FOR WARRANTY SERVICE.

Commercial Chef brand is used under license.
Any repair, replacement, or warranty service, and all questions about this product should be directed to W Appliance Co. at 1 (855) 855- 0294 from the USA or Puerto Rico.

W Appliance Co. warrants to the original purchaser that the product will be free from defects in material, parts and workmanship for the period designated for this product. The warranty commences the day the product is purchased and covers up to a period of 1 year (12 months) for labor/1 year (12 months) for parts (manufacturing defects only).
W Appliance Co. agrees that it will, at its option, replace the defective product with either a new or re manufactured product equivalent to your original purchase during the warranty period. Should the Part warranty period exceed the Labor warranty period, W Appliance Co. will supply at no charge for the remainder of the Part warranty, any new or re manufactured replacement parts as required by the product. During this period all labor and service charges will become the responsibility of the customer.

Exclusions: This warranty does not apply to the below:

  1. If the appearance or exterior of the product has been damaged or defaced, altered or modified in design or construction.
  2. If the product original serial number has been altered or removed or cannot be readily determined.
  3. If there is damaged due to power line surge, user damage to the AC power cord or connection to improper voltage source.
  4. If damage is due to general misuse, accidents or acts of God.
  5. If repair attempts are done by unauthorized service agents, use of parts other than genuine parts or parts obtained from persons other than authorized service companies.
  6. On units that have been transferred from the original owner.
  7. On products that have been purchased as refurbished, like new, second-hand, in a “As-Is” or “Final Sale” terms.
  8. To products used in a commercial or rental setting.
  9. To products used in settings other than ordinary household use or used other than in accordance with the provided instructions.
  10. To damages for service calls for improper installations.
  11. To damages to decorative trims, finishes of the appliance or home incurred during installation.
  12. Transportation and shipping costs.
  13. Labor after the initial 12 months.
  14. Food loss for loss due to product failure or delay in service, repair or replacement.
  15. To charges occurred for after hour service, weekend, holiday charges, tolls or mileage expense for service calls to remote areas.
  16. Charges to make product available for service, such as removal of trim, shelves etc. that are not a part of the appliance.
  17. Service calls to install or correct the installation of your product.
  18. Service calls to instruct you how to use your product.
  19. Service calls to repair or replace the house fuse, reset the circuit breaker or correct the wiring in the house.


Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long the warranty lasts. In these cases the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

Obtaining Service: To obtain service, product literature, supplies or accessories please call 1 855-855-0294 to create a ticket for exchange/ repair. Please make sure to provide the date of purchase, model number and a brief description of the problem. Our customer service representative will contact you or send detailed return instructions.

W Appliance Co. does not warrant that the appliance will work properly in all environmental conditions, and makes no warranty and representation, either implied or expressed, with respect to the quality, performance, merchant ability, or fitness for a particular purpose other than the purpose identified within this user’s manual. W Appliance Co. has made every effort to ensure that this user’s manual is accurate and disclaims liability for any inaccuracies or omissions that may have occurred. Information in this user’s manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of W Appliance Co. W Appliance Co. reserves the right to make improvements to this user’s manual and/or to the products described in this user’s manual at any time without notice. If you find information in this manual that is incorrect, misleading, or incomplete, please contact us at 1- 855-855-0294.

  1. READ these instructions carefully before installing and operating the appliance. Keep them for further reference.
  2. Record in the space below the “SERIAL/MODEL NUMBER” found on the back or bottom of your appliance and retain this information for future reference.

Save and staple your sales receipt to your manual for warranty coverage.

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