STEM Invitation to Tender Instructions
- June 16, 2024
Table of Contents
- Summary
- Background
- Project overview and objectives
- Approach and methodology
- Intellectual property rights
- Deliverables and audience
- Timeline
- Costing and pricing
- Tender content
- Submission and format of proposals
- References
- Selection criteria
- Enquiries
- References
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STEM Invitation to Tender
Invitation to Tender: ‘deep dive’ into progression of knowledge and skill relating to programming in the NCCE.
STEM Learning is seeking a computing education expert to provide an independent review of curriculum content, student learning materials, and CPD, with a focus on programming.
Reflecting the aims and purpose of the Computing National Curriculum, and qualifications in Computer Science, the review seeks to establish the quality of NCCE content and CPD in relation to:
- Sequenced progression of knowledge, in terms of programming fundamentals, including (in the relevant key stage):
- Predicting the behaviour of programs
- sequence, selection and iteration
- various types of input and output, including controlling and modelling physical systems
- data types, simple and complex data structures
- problem decomposition and modular programming
- database programming
- recognition and understanding of different programming paradigms
- design (including pseudocode development), testing and debugging
- implementing algorithms in program code, and evaluating the result
- using block-based and textual programming languages
- algorithm and program efficiency
- Enabling young people to analyze problems computationally (computational thinking); to write computer programs to solve such problems; and to program creatively in a variety of engaging and culturally relevant contexts.
- Opportunities for repeated practical experience of developing computer programs aligned to the expectations of the National Curriculum at key stages 1-4, and GCSE and A-Level Computer Science.
- Support for young people in program comprehension; to build mental models; and to avoid misconceptions.
- Classroom strategies for teaching programming and their effectiveness in meeting stated learning objectives.
The report will inform the work of the National Centre for Computing Education.
STEM Learning is the largest provider of STEM
education and careers support across the UK.
Connecting with over 400,000 teachers, including teachers at every state
maintained primary and secondary school and post-16/FE college, we support
them through our extensive network of delivery partners and regional
coordinating hubs.
STEM Learning operates the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE). Aiming for every child in every school in England to have a world-leading computing education, the NCCE provides teacher CPD, curriculum and lesson materials, and a range of other educational support.
Project overview and objectives
To inform the NCCE Academic Board, and multiple strategic and operational teams working on NCCE delivery, we seek a detailed report on the quality of programming education through different parts of the NCCE offer.
The appointed expert will investigate:
- How knowledge of programming is developed through the Teach Computing Curriculum in key stages 1 – 3, and how this adequately supports progress into GCSE and, subsequently, A-Level Computer Science.
- Whether adequate, age-appropriate opportunities exist to apply programming knowledge to develop fluency, confidence, and self-efficacy, including evaluating programs and improving their function and efficiency.
- The links between programming, computational thinking and algorithmic understanding across curriculum.
- Whether such opportunities support creativity among young people and are culturally responsive.
- The integration of evidence-based pedagogies and teaching structures (such as PRIMM, or Use-Modify-Create) into curriculum materials and CPD content.
- The choice of programming languages used at different stages of the Teach Computing Curriculum, and Isaac Computer Science, and how these support progression into further study and computing careers.
The appointed expert will prepare and present a fully referenced report covering the breadth of the review, using style guidance and document templates provided by STEM Learning, for an audience of stakeholders including Department for Education and others in NCCE governance.
They will be expected to consult with expert practitioners in the NCCE specialist computing hubs, as well as subject specialists within STEM Learning, as part of the information gathering process. Through regular dialogue with the education strategy lead, an iterative approach will be taken to finalizing the report.
Approach and methodology
The project comprises three discrete but linked work packages (WP) as set out below. These are not fixed in terms of the approaches to evidence gathering suggested. Applicants should feel able to consider and propose alternative and more effective ways of reaching the same objective of producing a summative report.
Work package 1: Content review and mapping exercise
The appointed expert will evaluate the relevant content from across the Teach Computing Curriculum, Isaac Computer Science platform, and CPD suite (online, remote and face-to face). Mapping documentation will be developed, used as the basis for further evaluation. This documentation will specify the subject- knowledge content of programming-related learning as found in CPD, curriculum materials and student-facing resources. It will describe the teaching and learning approaches applied, showing the planned progression in a young person’s programming capability.
This will be documented in a format to be suggested by the appointed expert and agreed with the education strategy lead.
Work package 2: Development of a model for effective programming education.
Referencing peer-reviewed research, the pedagogy frameworks and guidance developed by the NCCE, and the expectations of this project specification, the expert will propose a model against which NCCE content will be evaluated. The model will ensure knowledge and skills development are aligned to the Computing National Curriculum for England, as well as Do Authored specifications for GCSE and A-Level Computer Science. The model will clearly state criteria against which the NCCE content will be evaluated.
Work package 3: Evaluation report
Combining the outputs of work packages 1 and 2, the expert will produce a detailed report. This will evaluate to what extent, at key stages 1 to 5, NCCE content and CPD supports effective development of programming knowledge and capability. Improvements will be suggested with a description of the potential impact, on teachers and learners, of the changes including training requirements, workload implications, attainment and progression improvements and other relevant factors.
Collaboration and iterative development, of the report, with the education strategy lead will be expected. A fully referenced written report, together with a verbal presentation to the NCCE Academic Board, will be developed.
Intellectual property rights
All intellectual property arising from any work will be vested in STEM Learning.
Deliverables and audience
This work will produce three documents or packages of documents:
- A detailed mapping of programming related content across the NCCE offer (WP1)
- A model for evaluating the quality and effectiveness of programming-related educational content and CPD (WP2)
- A report detailing the evaluation of NCCE content based on the quality model (WP3)
Each will be presented to a panel of stakeholders, preferably in-person on a mutually convenient date, using a clear and accessible presentation style and high quality presentation resources.
The audience for the reports will be the governance groups of the NCCE.
The proposed timeline for this work is as follows, and will be confirmed once the expert is appointed:
Activity | Milestone |
Open, competitive invitation to tender issued | 8″‘ January 2024 |
Deadline for submission of tenders | 2″• February 2024 |
Shortlisting proposals | 7″‘ February 2024 |
Potential interviews/follow-ups | 12″ – 16″ February 2024 |
Independent expert appointed and contracting process begins | 23″‘ February2024 |
Work commences: contract signed by independent expert; kick-off meetings with
STEM Leeming staff as appropriate| w/c 4″ March 2024
Potential for additional initial meetings| w/c 11″‘ March 2024
WP1draft| 29″‘March 2024
WP1 final version| 5″‘ April 2024
WP2 draft| 19″ April 2024
WP2 final version| 26″‘ April 2024
WP3 draft| 10″‘ May 2024
WP3 Report(final version, aligned to style guide and document templates)| 24″
May 2024
Summary presentation to stakeholders| To be agreed
Costing and pricing
Proposals should include a full budget plan for the whole costs, including any anticipated travel, expenses, and VAT. All costs should be clear and transparent, clarifying the number of days of each individual working on the activity that they provide. Decisions will be based on perceived value for money, rather than the lowest cost proposal.
In the region of £10,000 – £15,000 (exclusive of VAT) is available for the contract period (February 2024 to May 2024). Travel expenses will be met as appropriate to the requirements of the project.
Tender content
Tenders should show, as a minimum:
- Evidence of academic qualifications in computer science, and experience of school aged education in programming, by those within the tender team.
- Details of report writing experience, including multiple samples of previous work (where possible, links to recently published reports should be included).
- How the aims of the project will be addressed to ensure that it is carried out in an effective and ethical way.
- The project timeline, including evidence gathering, project management, and reporting.
- The roles, responsibilities and brief CVs of personnel involved.
- A breakdown of costs by staff and non-staff categories, office costs, travel and subsistence costs.
- Risk assessment and any plausible mitigating actions.
- The contact details of two referees
Submission and format of proposals
The deadline for receipt of submissions is 2 nd February 2024. Late
submissions will not be accepted. All submissions will be acknowledged with a
notification of receipt. An electronic copy of the proposal should be received
in PDF format by this deadline. This is an electronic only submission process,
therefore all documentation must be submitted in PDF format as a single zipped
folder if the size of the submission is greater than 10Mb.
Proposals should be no longer than 8 sides of A4 (excluding CVs of people
involved) and typed in Arial size 12 font. If the proposal exceeds this limit,
STEM Learning assessors will be advised to disregard any information outside
the limit.
Proposals with the subject line “Programming progression deep dive” should be
emailed to Dave Gibbs, Education Strategy Lead
A decision will be made as soon as possible after receiving the tenders, with a face-to-face clarification meeting if needed. STEM Learning reserves the right not to award a contract.
Tenderers should indicate the names of two current or recent clients or colleagues for whom similar or equivalent work has been carried out, and who would be prepared to act as referees.
Selection criteria
It is essential that applicants can provide evidence of:
- Well-developed research and analytic skills.
- Strong communication skills, particularly presenting to a live audience of stakeholders, and writing skills (as noted above, recent examples to be included with applications).
- Experience of delivering reports to time.
- Knowledge of computing education and related research in the UK
It is also desirable that they can show a good knowledge of the international computing education landscape alongside their notable experience of literature reviews and evidence evaluation methods.
Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria, which are not listed in order of importance
- Compliance with, and understanding of, the requirements outlined in this tender document.
- Understanding of computing / programming pedagogy and practice in English schools, aligned to the principles of the NCCE.
- Effectiveness of the proposed methodology for undertaking the work.
- Clarity and feasibility of the programme of work, work plans and risk assessment.
- A clear outline of outputs and deliverables.
- Relevant experience of the tendering individual / team.
- Demonstrable ability to meet the required timetable.
- Commitment to working with STEM Learning and appropriate stakeholders.
- The management of any existing or potential conflict of interest identified by the bidder.
- A realistic and appropriate budget.
- Value for money.
These instructions are designed to ensure that all tenders are given equal and fair consideration. It is important therefore that you provide all the information asked for in the format and order specified.
Please contact Dave Gibbs ( if you have any difficulty in providing the information requested. Pre-tender negotiations are not permitted. If you have any questions relating to the requirements, please contact Dave as above. We will aim to respond to any queries within five working days.
If we feel that the query relates to an issue of which all prospective bidders should be made aware, we reserve the right to communicate our response to all those who have requested tender documentation. If you consider any point you raise to be confidential to your own proposal, please make this clear.
Please note the last date for the submission of any queries is 26th January, 2024. Responses to queries will not be provided before the opening date of Jan 8th, 2024.
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