SoulBaby B0BTQY9J6V Handprint And Footprint Set for Babies User Manual

June 16, 2024

SoulBaby B0BTQY9J6V Handprint And Footprint Set for Babies

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The SoulBaby®casting set for babies containse following components:

  • Round Bucket for handprints
  • Square cup for footprints
  • 340 g of alginate
  • 400 g of plaster
  • Wooden spoon
  • Wooden skewer
  • Sandpaper
  • Manual
Material required

In addition to the contents of the kit, prepare the following materials so that you have everything at hand:

  • Kitchen scale
  • Hand mixer (with only one stirring rod)
  • Bowl (for mixing the plaster)
  • Container (for tempering the water)
  • Container with lukewarm water (for dipping baby’s hand and foot)
  • Tablespoon
  • Pad (e .g. newspaper)
  • Baby oil or baby cream
  • Bath thermometer (optional)


This guide will help you quickly and safely create customised hand and footprints for your baby. We’ll show you everything step-by-step so that it all goes according to plan and you can create unique memories and beautiful prints that you can enjoy for many upcoming years.

Follow the instructions exactly for a perfect result.
Are you making a plaster hand and foot print of your baby for the first time? No problem, we’ve thought of everything. First read through the entire instructions and only then start implementing the individual steps.
If you still have questions despite the detailed instructions, we will be happy to help you. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, you can contact us by email at or by phone on 0 76 55 90 99 99 9. We are happy to receive any honest feedback.


The operating instructions are part of the SoulBaby® plaster cast set for babies. It contains important information on the procedure and handling.
Read the instruction manual carefully, especially the safety instructions, before you start using the handprint kit. Failure to follow these instructions may result in injury or incorrect use of the handprint kit and may adversely affect your results.
Follow our instructions exactly. This is the only way we can promise you a perfect result. No liability is accepted for incorrect use.


The following symbols and signal words are used in these operating instructions.
DANGER – This signal word indicates an imminent danger. If it is not avoided, serious injuries will result.
WARNING – This signal word indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk that can result in serious injury.
CAUTION – This signal word indicates a potentially imminent danger. If it is not avoided, minor or slight injuries may result.
NOTICE – This signal word warns of possible damage to property.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission.


Intended use
The Handprint Set is intended solely for molding hands to create a plaster handprint. It is intended for private use only and is not suitable for commercial use.
Only use the handprint set as described in this instruction manual. Any other use is considered improper and may result in damage to property or even personal injury.

The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage caused by improper or incorrect use.
The SoulBaby® alginate is free of harmful ingredients, dermatologically tested and suitable for delicate baby skin. It is characterized by the highest precision and detail reproduction.

Safety instructions
  • WARNING – Risk of poisoning Plaster and alginate are not suitable for consumption. Ingestion may cause damage to health. If plaster and / or alginate are swallowed. If plaster and / or alginate are swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.

  • WARNING – Irritation the Respiratory tract/ Eyes Take care when decanting plaster and alginate. Inhalation of dust may irritate the respiratory tract and/or cause severe eye damage.
    In case of emergency, rinse eyes under running water and seek medical attention immediately.

  • CAUTION – Material damage Remains of alginate and gypsum must not be flushed down the drain. Alginate and gypsum residues in the drain can lead to blockage of the pipes. Material residues must be disposed of in the residual waste.

  • DANGER – for children The SoulBaby® Handprint Set is not a toy. Not suitable for children. Keep out of the reach of children. Use only under adult supervision.


Open your set and take out all the supplied components. For the impression of your baby’s hands and feet, it is essential that there are two of you. For the impressions, choose a room with enough space (e.g. kitchen) where you can rock your baby while taking the impressions of the baby’s hands and feet to distract him during the impression.

The most important thing about baby casting is that parents and baby feel as comfortable as possible. We therefore recommend taking the impressions on a relaxed day. Your baby should be satisfied and full when the impression is taken. It is very helpful if your baby has already fallen asleep in the flyer grip on your arm.

Tip : Apply baby cream or baby oil to the baby’s hands & feet to make the prints even more detailed.

NOTE Alginate sets much faster in tap water with a high lime content.
We therefore recommend using distilled water to mix the alginate if the tap water contains a lot of lime. Under the following link the lime content of the tap water can be determined easily and quickly by location:


To make sure that your baby’s impressions succeed right on the first try, you can familiarize yourself with the instructions and positions in advance..

Dry exercise – Baby hand
In this step you will need: Round

To mold the baby’s hands, one of you holds the baby in a fly grip so that the hands dangle down vertically and you can freely grab one of the baby’s arms to dip it into the bucket. Some babies fidget a lot, in which case you’ll need to hold your baby’s arm during the molding process to avoid a lot of fidgeting.

Dry exercise – Baby foot
In this step you w ill need need:

Square mug
To mould a baby’s foot, one of you holds the baby in an upright position with the baby’s back to your torso so that the feet dangle down vertically and you can freely grab one of the baby’s legs to dip it into the cup.
Note : In both cases, make sure that the hand/foot of your baby to be molded has enough distance to the sides and the bottom of the container, otherwise unsightly impressions or dents in the impression may occur.


In the next step you will need:

  1. Round bucket (please use only the supplied round bucket for the impression of the baby hand. The amount of alginate and plaster are exactly matched to it).
  2. Bag labelled “STEP ONE ALGINATE”
  3. Hand mixer (with only one stirring rod)
  4. Bath thermometer (ideal for determining the optimal water temperature. Otherwise pleasantly warm use water)
  5. Measuring cup
  6. Container for warm water bath
  7. Kitchen scale

Have a pad (e.g., newspaper) ready to protect the work surface when mixing the alginate. It is quite normal that parts of the alginate or water may spill over while stirring. One of you will hold the baby in a bow tie grip and the other will do the stirring. Once the alginate is stirred, you will not have time to position yourselves properly with the baby. In order to distract the baby during the molding process, you can gently rock back and forth together during the molding. However, it is essential to keep the baby’s hand still in the bucket for a few minutes. For a perfect result, you should have a distance of approx. 1 cm from the sides of the bucket and the floor in your position afterwards.


  • Alginate is a natural product made from seaweed and tan.
    Therefore, the use of alginate is completely harmless and also perfectly suitable for delicate baby skin.

  • Liquid alginate can cause stains on clothing. We therefore recommend wearing old clothes.

  • Alginate can cause stains on the substrate.
    We therefore recommend spreading a dirt-resistant pad under the bucket.


Note : You have a maximum of 30-60 seconds to mix the alginate completely with the water. After that, the alginate begins to harden. The water temperature influences the setting time of the alginate. The warmer the water, the faster the alginate will begin to set.

Note : We recommend a water temperature of 24 C°. For very restless babies, you can increase the temperature to a maximum of 27 C°, the molding will then go much faster.
Setting time: Water temperature 24 C°: approx. 3-4minutes Water temperature 27 C°: approx. 1-2 minutes

Fill a container with approx. 500 ml of warm tap water. Now heat water on the stove or with the kettle and adjust the temperature of the water in your container by gradually adding the heated water to 24 to 27 °C at the most. If you don’t have a bath thermometer and can’t determine the temperature exactly, the water should be pleasantly warm when immersed.

Now weigh out exactly 85 g of the contents of the bag labeled “STEP ONE ALGINATE” and add the alginate to the round bucket provided. Next, measure exactly 300 ml of the heated water and add it to the alginate in the bucket. Immediately start mixing the alginate in circular motions with the hand mixer (only one stirring rod). The hand mixer should be set to level 1 (= slow) so that no air bubbles form during mixing. Smaller lumps will later dissolve by themselves and are not problematic. When stirring, make sure that no powder residues remain on the inside of the bucket. After approx. 30-60 seconds (depending on water temperature and lime content), the alginate begins to harden and you can immediately proceed to the next step.


Put the hand mixer aside, take the baby’s arm and briefly dip the baby hand into the container with the remaining warm water. Then immediately dip the baby hand as deep as possible into the bucket with the mixed alginate without touching the bottom and circle the hand back and forth in the mass about 2-3 times. For a perfect result, make sure not to touch the sides or the bottom of the bucket. Now position the baby hand about 1 cm above the bottom of the bucket.


Hold the baby’s arm as still as possible in this position for approx. 2-4 minutes until the alginate has solidified. To check whether the alginate has already solidified, you can press lightly on the surface with a finger. As soon as it feels firm and no residue remains on the finger, you can loosen the baby’s hand with light back and forth movements and carefully pull it out.

In the next step you w ill needed :

  1. The square cup (please only use the square cup supplied for the Impression the Baby feet use. The Crowd at Alginate and are plaster exactly tailored to this.)
  2. Bag labelled “STEP ONE ALGINATE”
  3. Hand mixer (with only one stirring rod)
  4. Bath thermometer (ideal for determining the optimum water temperature. Otherwise use pleasantly warm water)
  5. Measuring cup
  6. Container for warm water bath
  7. Kitchen scale

One of you holds the baby in an upright position with the baby’s back to your upper body, while the other does the stirring, because once the alginate is stirred, you no longer have time to position yourselves properly with the baby in peace.

To distract the baby during the impression process, it is advisable to rock back and forth slightly during the impression.
However, the baby’s foot must be held still in the cup for a few minutes.
For a perfect result, you should have a distance of approx. 1 cm from the sides of the cup and the bottom in your position.


Now fill again exactly 85 g of the contents of the bag with the label “STEP ONE ALGINATE” into the square beaker. Make sure that the water is still between 24 and 27°C and measure exactly 300 ml of water again and add it to the cup with the alginate.
Immediately start to mix the alginate in circular movements with the hand mixer (only one stirring rod). The hand mixer should be set to level 1 (= slow) so that no air bubbles form during mixing. Smaller lumps will dissolve by themselves later and are not problematic. When stirring, make sure that no powder residues remain on the inside of the beaker. After about 30-60 seconds (depending on water temperature and lime content), the alginate begins to harden and you can immediately proceed to the next step.


Put the hand mixer aside again, take your baby’s leg and dip the baby’s foot again briefly into the container with the remaining warm water. Then immediately dip the foot into the mixture as far as possible without touching the bottom. Circle the foot back and forth about 2-3 times. For a perfect result, again make sure not to touch the sides or the bottom of the cup.
Now position the baby’s foot about 1 cm above the bottom of the cup.


Hold the child’s foot in this position for approximately 2-4 minutes as still as possible until the alginate has set. Keep as still as possible until the alginate has set.
To check if the alginate has set, you can lightly press lightly on the surface again with your finger. As soon as it seems firm and there is no more residue sticking to your finger, you can release the baby’s foot with light back and forth movements and gently pull it out.


Put the bucket and the beaker in the sink and pour in some cold tap water. Gently rinse the impressions to wash out any loose alginate residue. Carefully pour off the water over the sink. Make sure that the impression does not come out of the container if you tilt or turn the container upside down.
In the next step you will needed:

  1. Bowl for the Touch of plaster (Ideally with Beak, the relieved the pouring out)
  2. Bag labelled “STEP TWO PLASTER”
  3. Bucket with the molded Baby hand
  4. cup with dem molded Baby foot
  5. wooden spoon
  6. Kitchen scale

Pour 40 ml of cold tap water into the bowl and add 100 g of the contents of the “STEP TWO GIPS” bag. Start mixing the plaster slowly and evenly with a wooden spoon (do not use a hand mixer). Stir and mix the plaster until there are no more plaster residues at the bottom of the bowl and there are no more lumps in the mass.


Pour approx. ⅓ of the plaster compound slowly (rapid pouring can cause unwanted bubbles) into the small bucket with the impression of the baby’s hand. Slowly swirl the bucket in gentle, large circular motions until the plaster just barely does not spill over the edge to wet the entire inner surface of the impression with plaster. Repeat these circular movements
about 10 times. The circling is very important so that the plaster is optimally distributed and the impression later shows all the details as desired and all the fingers are completely imaged.
Now pour in ⅓ of the plaster again and then tap the outside of the bucket gently with the heel of your hand to allow air bubbles to rise, which sometimes occur when pouring in plaster. Now fill the impression with the remaining plaster up to the rim and tap the outside of the bucket again against the bucket again so that the last air bubbles can rise.


Pour 40 ml of cold tap water into the bowl and add 100 g of the contents of the “STEP TWO GIPS” bag. Now begin to stir in the plaster slowly and evenly with the wooden spoon (please do not use a hand mixer). Stir and mix the plaster until there are no more plaster residues at the bottom of the bowl and there are no more lumps in the mass.


Slowly pour approx. 1/3 of the plaster mass (fast pouring can cause unwanted bubbles) into the small cup with the impression of the baby’s foot. Slowly swirl the cup in gentle, large circular motions until the plaster just barely does not overflow the rim to wet the entire inner surface of the impression with plaster. Repeat these circular motions about 10 times. The circling is very important so that the plaster is optimally distributed and the impression later depicts all details as desired (and all toes are also completely depicted).
Pour in 1/3 of the plaster again and then tap the outside of the cup gently with the heel of your hand to allow air bubbles to rise, which sometimes occur when pouring in plaster. Now fill the impression with the remaining plaster up to the rim and tap the outside of the cup again to allow the last air bubbles to rise.


Now let the impressions harden for 45 minutes at room temperature. After 1 hour at the latest, you must proceed to step 15. Place the cups in a place without sunlight or heat to dry. Clean all materials used (tablespoon, hand mixer, bowl, etc.).

CAUTION – damage Alginate and plaster residues must not be flushed down the drain. Alginate and plaster residues in the drain may lead to blockages in the pipes. Residual material must be disposed of in the residual waste.

In the next step you will needed :

  1. Little buckets and cups with the hardened hand and footprints
  2. Wooden skewer

After 60 minutes at the latest, the imprints should be removed. Turn the bucket and the cup carefully upside down to remove the entire imprint. If the imprints do not come out on their own, press gently on the bottom of the bucket and/or cup from above. As soon as you have removed the imprints, carefully peel off the alginate mass all around with your fingers. Step by step, remove all the alginate from the plaster casts.
Be very careful not to damage the plaster casts and accidentally break off a finger or toe. The wooden skewer helps you to remove even the smallest remnants of alginate from the spaces between the individual fingers or toes.

Note : To make the second impressions of the baby hand and baby foot, you can simply repeat steps 1-15.

In the next step you will need:

  1. Baby’s Handprint and footprint
  2. Sandpaper
  3. Wooden skewer

After a day, your baby’s plaster casts will be completely hardened. If there are still bubbles on your artwork, you can carefully remove them with sandpaper or a wooden skewer. Be careful not to accidentally sand away the detailed little skin wrinkles. It’s best to try out the sandpaper on an inconspicuous area first.

We wish you much joy with your unique baby hand and footprints made of plaster!
Best wishes from Black Forest.
Team SoulBaby®

Something didn’t work, even though you followed the instructions exactly?
We are very sorry about that! If you are not satisfied with the result, please send us an email or WhatsApp to the following address

• one photo
• Your order number
• Short description

to or 0156 78 42 01 93

We will get back to you as soon as possible!
Best wishes from Black Forest.
Team SoulBaby®

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