POTIS E1 Geared Motor Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

POTIS E1 Geared Motor


Product Information


Type Description

Product Usage Instructions


We are convinced that you will readily discover that your newly purchased appliance is safe to operate, reliable, cost-efficient, and produces amazing grilling results.

How to use the installation-, operating- and maintenance instructions

Dear customer, we kindly ask you to carefully read this manual to avoid improper handling and damage. Very important are chapter 4 and chapter 5.


Care is to be taken that all possible packaging remains, protection foils, etc. are taken off. Make sure that important safety measures (chapter 4) have been considered before connecting and starting the grill. The feed line power supply plug, for example, CEE plug or Perilex plug should be installed by an electrician.

Attention: On the bottom side of the released switch housing, you can find inside the retaining strip a potential equalizing screw, which must be connected during stationary operation with a potential equalizing conductor.

Function of switches

By using the appropriate switch(es), turn on the appliance. The indicator lamp is now on. Each switch on models E2 and E3 controls two heating elements. These switches function as follows:

  1. Position O – 0.5: grill off.
  2. Position 1.0: keep food warm (both heating elements glow weakly).
  3. Position 1.5: grill lightly (the top heating element burns on high – -red color, and the bottom element is off).
  4. Position 2.0: grill lightly (the bottom heating element burns on high-red color, the top element is off).
  5. Position 2.5-3.0: grill on high (both heating elements burn on high – red color).


Q: How many switches are there on each model?

  • Each model comes equipped with one, two, or three 7-speed switches and an indicator lamp.

Q: What is the function of the ceramic reflector?

  • The grill comes equipped with a ceramic reflector, whose heat-retention characteristics and special shape produce outstanding grill results.

Q: How should I clean the device and the accessories?

  • Refer to Chapter 5 for detailed cleaning instructions.

Q: How do I dispose of the device?

  • Refer to Chapter 6 for disposal instructions.

Q: What should I do in case of an error?

  • Refer to Chapter 7 for error analysis instructions.

Q: How can I contact the after-sales service?

  • Refer to Chapter 8 for after-sales service contact information.

Q: Is there a warranty for the product?

  • Refer to Chapter 9 for warranty information.

Q: Where can I find the wiring diagrams?

  • Refer to Chapter 10 for wiring diagrams.


Dear Sirs,

  • We are convinced that you will readily discover That your newly purchased appliance is safe to efficient, reliable, and cost-efficiently, and produces amazing grilling results.

How to use the installation-, operating- and maintenance instructions

  • Dear customer, we kindly ask you to carefully read this manual, to avoid improper handling and damages.
  • Very important are chapter 4 and chapter 5!

Range of use

  • This device is suitable for commercial as well as private use and may be operated anywhere.
  • Its material allows you to grill all types of meat, without restriction. The POTIS grill is TÜV-proved and meets all test-requirements for the CE-mark.

Mounting/short description

  • The grill consists of a stainless housing supported by a tubular metal frame. The bottom guide arm supporting the gyros skewer is welded to the tubular frame. The top guide arm, which also serves as the motor mount, is permanently connected to a metal heat shield. This heat shield protects the motor and keeps it from overheating. The guide arm/shield unit is inserted into the guide tube mounted to the tubular frame and is secured by tightening the provided bolts. The guide arms are offset, thus assuring an upright position of the skewer in the grill once the motor has been mounted. By slightly loosening the corresponding adjustment screws, the position of the sliding sleeves can be adjusted either at the same time or independently, allowing an infinite adjustment of the skewer angle relative to the heating element and the distance between the two.
  • This guarantees that the surface of the meat being grilled is as close to parallel to the heating surface as possible.
  • The switch housing is located on the right side of the grill housing and is constructed as a self-contained unit.
  • The switch housing is supported by two service work, the switch housing – complete with wiring- can be pivoted away from the grill housing by loosening the knurled screw. If necessary, the standardized switch housing can also be replaced.
  • Depending on the model, your grill comes equipped with one, two, or three 7-speed switches and an indicator lamp. All models are equipped with a ceramic reflector, whose heat-retention characteristics and special shape produce outstanding grill results.


First start-up

  • Care is to be taken that all possible packaging remains, protection foils, etc. are taken off. Make sure that important safety measures (chapter 4) have been considered, before connecting and starting the grill.
  • The feed line power supply plug, forex. CEE plug or Perilex plug should be installed by an electrician.
  • Attention: On the bottom side of the released switch housing you can find inside of the retaining strip a potential equalizing screw, which must be connected during stationary operation with a potential equalizing conductor.

Function of switches

  • By using the appropriate switches), turn on the appliance. The indicator lamp is now on. Each switch on models E2 and E3 controls two heating elements.

These switches function as follows:

  • Position O – 0,5 grill off.
  • Position 1,0 Keep food warm (both heating elements glow weakly).
  • Position 1,5 grill lightly [the top heating element! burns on high (red colour), the bottom element! is off]
  • Position 2,0 grill lightly [the bottom heating element! burns on high (red color), the top element! is off]
  • Position 2,5—- 3,0 grill on high [both heating elements bum on high (red color)]

The switch on model E1 functions as follows:

  • Position O grill off.
  • Position 0,5
  • keep food warm (all heating elements glow weakly).
  • Position 1,0 Keep food warm (both bottom heating elements glow weakly).
  • Position 1,5 grill lightly [the bottom heating element! burns on high (red color), the two top elements are off]
  • Position 2,0 grill lightly [the middle heating element! burns on high (red colour), the two top elements are off]
  • Position 2,5 grill on high [the two bottom elements bum on high (red color), the top eleven! is off]
  • Position 3,0 grill on high [all heating elements burn on high (red color)].
  • Special notes for model E1 400/230 V 2/N/PE:

The top switch functions as follows:

  • Position O grill off.
  • Position 0,5—3,0 the top element burns on high (red colour).
  • The bottom switch functions as shown for models E2 and E3.
  • Note: with the given settings, even smaller quantities of gyro meat can be grilled economically.
  • It is also possible to install a grill platter with multiple skewers for grilling shashlik with this appliance.
  • Motor operation
  • Attach the motor to the top guide arm using the top sliding sleeve, the fixing screw, and the t-shape countering handle. Adjusting the motor angle is simple: loosen the countering handle, set the motor to the desired angle, and re-tighten the countering handle to secure the adjustment. Place the gyros skewer onto the bottom sliding sleeve, adjusting the skewer angle until it is perpendicular to the ground.
  • Slide the top sleeve up onto the motor axle and insert the skewer head. Slide the top sleeve back down again. Hang the connection lead of the motor up to the heat shield.
  • Insert the shock-proof plug into the nearest available socket and set the switch to position 1 Using the rocker switch on the motor housing, the rotation direction can be set:
  • left-hand rotation (press up on the rocker switch)
  • off position (rocker switch in middle position)
  • right-hand position (press down on the rocker switch).
  • If you wish to change the distance between the heating surface and the meat being grilled, the fixing screw and the countering handle for the top sliding sleeve must be loosened along with the fixing screw of the bottom sliding sleeve. Move both sleeves together with the skewer until the desired distance is attained, making certain that the meat surface is parallel to the heating surface. Then tighten the fixing screws and the countering handle.

Manual operation

  • The cross handle can also be separately delivered as a special spare part so that the skewer can be used without a motor. After tightening the bottom fixing screw, place the gyros skewer onto the bottom sliding sleeve and adjust the skewer angle so that it is perpendicular to the ground. Next, loosen the top fixing screw, position the top sliding sleeve over the skewer head, and then tighten the fixing screw.
  • The cross handle can now be inserted from above through the welded ring of the top sliding sleeve and onto the head of the skewer.

Technical data

  • Description of the different types
  • The housing, tubular frame, sliding sleeves, motor housing, platter, skewer, grease pan, and cross handle are made of stainless steel.POTIS-E1GearedMotor-FIG-4

Surrounding temperatures while the grill is operated

  • Max. temperatures radiated from the heating elements of a F3-S
  • Front side, at a distance of 500 mm 51 ‘C
  • Housing, upper lateral side, at a distance of 150 mm 32’C
  • Housing, upper rear side, at a distance of 150 mm 31’C
  • Undercarriage bottom (near grease pan) 46’C

Electrical connections

  • Connection values for installation of 1,3 kW heating elements:


  • Mains voltage
    • Nominal frequency
  • Nominal capacity
    • Nominal current
  • E3-N E2-N
    • 380-400/230V
  • 3/N/PE 2/N/PE
    • -50-60 Hz -50-60 Hz
  • 7,8kW 5,2kW
    • 11,3A 11,3A
  • E1-N
    • 230V
  • 1/N/PE
    • -50-60 Hz
  • 3,9kW
    • 17,0A

Connection values for installation of 1,5 kW heating elements:

  • Mains voltage
    • Nominal frequency
  • Nominal capacity
    • Nominal current
  • E3-S E2-S
    • 380-400/230V
  • 3/N/PE 2/N/PE
    • -50-60 Hz -50-60 Hz
  • 9,0kW 6,0kW
    • 13,0A 13,0A
  • E1-S
    • 2/N/PE
  • -50-60 Hz
    • 4,5kW
  • 13,0A

Important safety measures

Mounting of the device

  • A ventilation hood must be positioned directly above the grill and the appliance must be placed on a horizontal, sturdy, and made of stainless steel. This has smooth beveled edges and a way to prevent grease operation. the grill must be equipped and may not be left unobserved.
  • Attention: When (partition) walls, kitchen decorations, etc., these must be made of non-combustible material otherwise they must be covered with non-combustible heat-insulated material, and the requirements of fire protection must be respected!

Authorized persons

  • Only persons who already read the installation -operating – and maintenance instructions or appropriate training use this appliance.
  • Safety notes regarding hot surfaces During operation, the temperature grill can rise up to a very high degree. upper lateral parts of the housing, the back wall, and the casing cover should not be touched.
  • However, the operating surface of the heating switch can be touched without taking any risk.
  • Attention: When touching the heating elements while they are switched on, you risk being burnt.
Electrical safety measures
  • The electrical connections are to be made under both the applicable local and the VDE requirements by a qualified technician. The mains connection is to be a conduit attached to the nation, a connector must appliance and the mains so that running to the appliance can be disrepair works and cleaned. The contact must at least be of 3 current ratings to the enclosed connection diagram (circuit diagram).
  • Care should be taken during installation so that N-type and grounded conductors are connected to the mains separately.
  • Attention: In case of exchanging the wiring cable, please use only cable made of silicon allowed for continuous operation from – 50 °C to + 180 °C.
  • In case of exchanging the mains lead please use oil-resistant and fire-proof rubber conduits such as HO7RN -F cable.

Handling in case of fire hazard

  • Should hot oil or similar inflame during operation, withdraw the power supply immediately or disconnect all corresponding fuses!
  • Attention: Do not try – under no circumstances – to extinguish the fire with water! if anything, then use a blanket, a towel, or something similar to extinguish the flames. But a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (Co2) would be best.

Cleaning of the device and the accessories

  • After use, thorough daily cleaning of the appliance is exceptionally quick and easy. The procedure is as follows: Disconnect the appliance. After loosening the triangular handle positioned at the housing, the housing and the heating elements can be swung open by 180° or simply be lifted off their hinges. This renders access to the ceramic reflector surface. We recommend the use of commercially available grill cleaning products for stainless steel. Our devices are splash-proof (IPX 4).
  • Attention: The appliance may not be cleaned with a water jet, for ex. a water hose or a pressure sprayer, nor may it be – under no circumstances – submerged.


When your appliance is worn out after reliable use over the years, you have the following possibilities at its disposal:

  1. Either dismount all electrical parts from the housing and take all appropriately separated parts to your local collecting offices
  2. Return the complete device to POTIS the manufacturer and we will take care of its expert disposal.

Error analysis

  • Should there be any electrical fault with your appliance, you may yourself carry out the following error analysis:
  • Please check the power supply of your connection box (are all corresponding fuses operating correctly and are they all switched on ?)
  • Please particularly check if the heating elements, the supply, or the plug show any possible external defects for ex. in the insulation, scorches, defective parts, or similar.
  • Are all operating errors excluded, i.e. is the appliance switched on, and are all switches correctly set? (Please have a look at the manual).
  • Should you not succeed in finding any errors, let the appliance be checked and if necessary be repaired by an electrician.
  • When exchanging defective parts and in order to guarantee a satisfactory repair, original POTIS parts are to be used only, as they do have a high-quality standard.

After-sales service

  • Of course, you may return the device to POTIS for repair and maintenance services, as we dispose of all appropriate measuring and testing instruments, in order to carry out and to guarantee a satisfactory repair.

Our recommendation:

  • Depending on the number of operating hours, your appliance should be checked by an electrician at least every two years.

Guarantee :

  • months guarantee on materials, provided the appliance is installed and operated properly.

Wiring diagrams E1

POTIS-E1GearedMotor-FIG-1 Wiring diagrams E1 (two phases connection) Wiring diagrams E2 N & E2 S

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| POTIS E1 Geared Motor [pdf] Instruction Manual
E1 Geared Motor, E1, Geared Motor, Motor


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