CISCO Catalyst 8000V Edge Software User Guide

June 15, 2024


Catalyst 8000V Edge Software


Product Information

  • Product: Cisco Catalyst 8000V
  • Supported Modes: Cisco IOS XE and Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN

Product Usage Instructions

Day 0 Configuration
The Cisco Catalyst 8000V supports both Cisco IOS XE and Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN functionalities. To access the Cisco IOS XE functionalities, boot the instance in autonomous mode. To access and use the Cisco SD-WAN functionalities, boot the instance in controller mode. The autonomous mode is the default mode for booting up a Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance. If you want to proceed with the day 0 configuration in autonomous mode, refer to the relevant chapter in the user manual. Cisco Catalyst 8000V supports both the Cisco IOS XE and the Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN functionalities. You can access the Cisco IOS XE functionalities by booting the instance in autonomous mode. Similarly, to access and use the Cisco SD-WAN functionalities, boot your instance in the controller mode. The autonomous mode is the default mode in which a Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance boots up. If you are a user who wants to proceed with the day 0 configuration in the autonomous mode, refer to this chapter.

If you wish to deploy the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance in the controller mode, see Install and Upgrade for Cisco Catalyst 8000V Controller Mode.

If the system is unable to detect any of the following four parameters – OTP, UUID, VBOND, ORG, the device boots in autonomous mode.

Bootstrap Support Across Hypervisors and Clouds
The following tables provide an overview of the bootstrap support across different hypervisors and clouds for the Cisco Catalyst 8000V in autonomous mode:

Hypervisor| iosxe_config.txt| ovf-env.xml| OVA Config-drive| Custom Data User Data on CD-ROM| Installation Format
VMware| Yes| Yes| Yes| No| No
KVM| Yes| Yes| No| Yes| No
AWS| No| No| No| No| Yes
Azure| No| No| No| No| Yes
GCP| No| No| No| Yes| Yes

Feature Support for Day 0 Configuration

Hypervisor| iosxe_config.txt on CD- ROM| ovf-env.xml on CD-ROM| OVA


| Config-drive Format| Custom Data| User Data
Raw configuration copy and paste| Yes| Yes| No| Yes| Yes| Yes
Availability of specific configuration fields| No| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes


| No| No| Yes| No| No| No
Guestshell Bootstrapping| Yes; via manual IOS configuration| Yes; via manual IOS configuration| No| Yes; via manual IOS configuration| Yes| Yes; via manual IOS configuration

  • Public clouds have one input mechanism through which you can provide the bootstrap information to a VM. However, on the device side, three bootstrap input formats are supported for each cloud –custom-data, user-data, and SDWAN (via the ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg file downloaded from vManage). For example, in AWS, you can provide the bootstrap information in any of the above-mentioned formats to the instance at launch via the EC2 user data text box or the File Upload option. Cisco Catalyst 8000V then determines and processes the configuration information that you provided.
  • The custom-data and the user-data columns in the table mentioned above refer to the bootstrapping input formats and not the cloud native bootstrap input mechanisms for which they were originally named. All the public clouds support both the formats, but the custom-data format is more mature and is the recommended option for most applications.
  • For private clouds, you can perform the bootstrap configuration by providing a configuration file in the iosxe_config.txtformat or the ovf-env.xmlformat. You must upload the configuration file to the VM during Cisco Catalyst 8000V installation through an attached CD-ROM.

Prerequisites for the Day0 Configuration

  • If you want to deploy the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance in the controller mode, generate the bootstrap config file from vManage and rename the generated config file to ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg. Use the same file for the device to automatically bootup in the Controller mode and register to vManage.
  • Do not manually edit the automatically generated config file from vManage. This might cause the controller to go out of sync and the device’s first power-on and bootup might not be successful.

Restrictions for the Day Zero Configuration

  • If you use the PayG licensing model, you cannot perform a mode switch as controller mode does not support the PayG licensing model.
  • Only the autonomous mode supports Dual-IOSd.
  • Images without payload encryption and NO-LI images are not supported in the controller mode.
  • After onboarding and determining the mode of operation, if you switch from the controller mode to the autonomous mode or vice versa, it results in the loss of configuration.
  • When you switch from the autonomous mode to the controller mode or vice versa, Cisco Federal Licensing and Smart Licensing registration does not work. You must reregister for the licenses to work.
  • When you deploy a Cisco Catalyst 8000V VM by using GUI, the order of network interfaces added to the VM may not match the order in which the interfaces are created. This is because the interface numbering order is based on the name of the driver and the PCI address. Due to this behavior, the Day Zero Configuration might be applied incorrectly for some network interfaces. If you encounter this scenario, you must manually configure the affected network interfaces after you deploy the VM.

Day 0 Configuration Feature Support
The following table shows the feature support for day 0 configuration:

Hypervisor| iosxe_config.txt| ovf-env.xml| OVA Config-drive| Custom Data User Data on CD-ROM| Installation Format| Raw Configuration Copy and Paste| Availability of Specific Configuration Fields| GUI Availability| Availability of Guestshell
VMware| Yes| Yes| Yes| No| No| Yes| Yes| No| No
KVM| Yes| Yes| No| Yes| No| Yes| Yes| No| No
AWS| No| No| No| No| Yes| Yes| Yes| No| No
Azure| No| No| No| No| Yes| No| No| Yes| No
GCP| No| No| No| Yes| Yes| No| No| No| Yes; via manual IOS configuration

Prerequisites for the Day 0 Configuration
Before performing the day 0 configuration, make sure to meet the following prerequisites:

  • The VM may not match the order in which the interfaces are created. If the interface numbering order does not match, you must manually configure the affected network interfaces after deploying the VM.

Selecting the Bootstrapping Mechanism
Now that you know the supported bootstrap methods across the hypervisors and clouds, the next step is to decide the mechanism that you should choose to perform the day 0 configuration. You can configure the day 0 settings for your device by using:

  • The GUI tool: If you have installed Cisco Catalyst 8000V on VMware, and you chose an OVA deployment, you can perform the configuration by using the OVA deployment wizard. This wizard supports the bootstrap-specific fields, and you don’t have to manually create a bootstrap configuration file.
  • txt file/.xml file: If you are in a private cloud and you want to configure the day 0 settings through IOS configuration commands, we recommend choosing the iosxe_config.txt file. This method allows you to take the CLIs that you wish to apply, paste them into a file, and provide it to the VM as a CD-ROM.
  • Custom data: When you deploy Cisco Catalyst 8000V on AWS, Microsoft Azure, or GCP, the custom-data formatted bootstrap configuration is the recommended method. This configuration method is more functional and flexible compared to configuration using user data. Configuring the day 0 settings using user data is primarily meant for users with an already established user-data deployment.

Read on to learn more about each of these mechanisms in detail.

Day 0 Configuration Using .txt or .xml Files
On a new, out-of-box device, during the installation, if you want to boot up the device in autonomous mode, you can provide the bootstrap-related configuration. In a private cloud such as the KVM environment, you can perform the bootstrap configuration by providing an iosxe_config.txt file or an off- env.xml file. This method allows you to gather the configurations that you wish to apply via the CLI, paste them into a file, and provide this content to the VM as a CD-ROM. Depending on the hypervisor environment, the data is then used for the bootstrap configuration.

The following sections explain this bootstrap configuration method in detail:

Creating the Bootstrap File
This procedure provides the steps that you need to perform to create a bootstrap configuration file. This file, which is either in the .txt or .xml format, allows you to provide the day0 configuration for your device in a simple and flexible manner. You can perform this procedure when you create the virtual machine in hypervisors such as KVM.

  • Step 1: Create the iosxe_config.txt or the off-env.xml file.

    • To create the isoxe_config.txt file, create a file with this name that contains the IOS conf t commands line by line.
    • To create the of-env.xml file, select the properties that you wish to configure from Bootstrap Properties, and place them in a file with the specified name.
    • Note: To know more about the individual properties in the .xml file.
  • Step 2: To convert the .xml or the .txt file to a consumable form for the virtual machine, create a disk image from the file using the following command:

    • Example:
      mkisofs -l -o /my/path/c8000v_config.iso
  • Step 3: Mount the c8000v_config.iso as an additional disk during the creation of the Cisco Catalyst 8000V virtual machine.

Bootstrap Properties

See the following table to learn about the individual bootstrap properties using which you can create the ovf-env.xml file.

Table 1: Bootstrap Properties

Note For a sample ovf-env.xml file.

Sample iosxe_config.txt File

  • hostname ultra-ios_cfg
  • license smart enable
  • username lab privilege 15 password lab
  • ip domain-name
  • crypto key generate rsa modulus 1024
  • interface GigabitEthernet1
  • ip address
  • no shut
  • exit
  • ip route
  • line vty 0 4
  • login local
  • exit

Sample iosxe_config.txt File for OpenStack Environment

  • hostname c8kv-ios_cfg
  • license smart enable
  • username lab priv 15 secret lab
  • ip domain-name
  • interface GigabitEthernet1
  • ip address
  • no shut
  • exit
  • ip route
  • line vty 0 4
  • login local
  • exit

Sample ovf-env.xml File

  • <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
  • <Environment
  • * * * * * * *
  • * * * * * * * * *
  • oe:value=”service_plane_medium”/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”logging buffered
  • 10000″/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”hostname
  • uut-ovf”/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”ip domain-name
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”crypto key generate
  • rsa modulus 1024″/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”interface
  • GigabitEthernet2″/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”ip address
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”no shut”/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”ip route

Sample ovf-env.xml File for OpenStack

  • <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
  • <Environment
  • dna-premier”/>
    •   * <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”virtual”/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”logging buffered 10000″/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”hostname uut-ovf”/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”ip domain name“/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”interface GigabitEthernet2″/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”ip address dhcp”/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”no shut”/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”ip route″/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”interface GigabitEthernet1″/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”ip address dhcp”/>
    • <Property oe:key=”″ oe:value=”no shut”/>

Day 0 Configuration for OVF Templates
OVF deployments with full support for Day 0 bootstrapping are only supported in VMware via the vCenter UI or the COT tool. The Day 0 configuration for Cisco Catalyst 8000V running on the ESXi hypervisor is available in Deploying the OVA to the VM. To know how to perform the day 0 configuration for deployments using the COT tool, see Editing the Basic Properties of Cisco Catalyst 8000V using COT.

Day 0 Configuration Using Config-drive
Use the –config-drive option to specify that the configuration is loaded when Cisco Catalyst 8000V is booting. CD-ROMs and the second hard drive can also contain configuration information in the config-drive format. In either of these cases, this information is a file with contents that match the format of either the iosxe_config.txtfile or the ovf-env.xmlfile. To use the config drive option for your day zero configuration, set the –config-drive option to true, and specify the name of the configuration file in which you enter the router configuration to be booted. You can provide the configuration information in the following ways:

As an XML/TXT File
In this option, you must provide the configuration file in one of the two possible formats:

  • As an xml file in the ovf-env.xml file format (for OVF deployments)
  • As a text file in the iosxe_config.txt file format

We strongly recommend that you use only one configuration file type, either the .txt file or the .xml file, and not both.
See the following sample configuration. Use one of these configurations to provide your configuration file in the filesystem:
nova boot c8000v-vm-174 –image c8000v-174 –flavor c8000v.2vcpu.4gb –nic port- id=6773be11-7b95-48cd-b372-fb8a3cae2b50 –config-drive=true –file ovf- env.xml=/home/stack/conf_files/ut/ovf-env.xml
nova boot c8000v-vm-174 –image c8000v-174 –flavor c8000v.2vcpu.4gb –nic port- id=6773be11-7b95-48cd-b372-fb8a3cae2b50 –config-drive=true –file iosxe_config.txt=/home/stack/conf_files/ut/iosxe_config.txt

Note These file names are hard-coded and are required for the config- drive settings to boot.

Using User Data
In certain environments such as OpenStack, use the user_data option to provide the file into the filesystem with the config-drive format. See the following sample user data for the OpenStack environment: openstack server create “admin-VK-C8KISOSerial-20210917”

  • config-drive true
  • image c8kv-image-176
  • flavor m1.large
  • network mgmt-nt
  • network prod-nt
  • block-device-mapping id=admin-VK-EmptyVolume-SerialTest:type=volume
  • user-data userdata.txt

Day 0 Configuration Using Custom Data

After you download the Cisco Catalyst 8000V installation files and deploy the image in your environment, the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance requires manual configuration before the device is fully functional. To automate the configuration steps or to connect to on-premise sites, you can upload the Cisco Catalyst 8000V custom data or user data in all the supported public and private clouds. By uploading the custom data for your cloud service provider or your private cloud, you can automate the day 0 and/or the bootstrap configuration. Upload or attach a bootstrap configuration file, (iosxe_config.txt file) or provide the user data to automate these processes to bring up the device into a functional state with minimal to no touch. The Day 0 bootstrap file allows you to run Cisco IOS XE configuration commands, install Python packages in Guestshell on Day0, run scripts in Guestshell on Day0, and provide licensing information to boot the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance with a desired technology package. To launch a Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance by using custom data, perform the following steps:

Editing the Day 0 Bootstrap File
To edit the bootstrap file, configure these properties: IOS Configuration, Scripts, Script credentials, Python package, and Licensing. The properties can be placed in the bootstrap file in any order. Dependencies between the properties are noted in each of the following property descriptions. See the example bootstrap files at: After you have defined the properties of the bootstrap file, upload the file .

Configuring the IOS Configuration Property
If you want to bootstrap certain IOS configurations on Day 0, configure the IOS Configuration property.

See the following example:

  • Section: IOS configuration
  • hostname C8000V1
  • interface GigabitEthernet1
  • description “static IP address config”
  • ip address
  • interface GigabitEthernet2
  • description “DHCP based IP address config”
  • ip address dhcp

After the first line that reads Section: IOS configuration, enter a list of Cisco IOS XE configuration commands to be run on theCisco Catalyst 8000V router. When you run this command, the above mentioned IOS configuration is applied to the Cisco Catalyst 8000V router on Day0.

Configuring the Scripts Property
Scripts property helps you to automate your deployment and achieve other automation goals. If you want to run a python or a bash script on Day0 under guestshell context, you can achieve the same by providing the public URL and arguments of the python or the bash script in Scripts property. A script must include a piece of code that includes the shebang (!) character in the first line of the script. This line tells Cisco IOS-XE which script interpreter (Python or Bash) must be used to parse the script code. For example, the first line of a python script can contain #!/usr/bin/env python, while the first line of a bash script can contain #!/bin/bash. This line allows the Python or Bash script to run as executable code in a Linux environment. When you execute the script, the script runs in the guestshell container of the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance. To access the guestshell container, use the guestshell EXEC mode command. For more information on guestshell commands, see the Programmability Configuration Guide.

To configure the Scripts property, follow the format given here:

  • Section: scripts
  • public_url

In this script, the first line of the property should read Section: Scripts. In the second line of the property, enter the URL of the script and the script’s arguments. The script can be either a python or a bash script. The script is run in guestshell in the first boot when the bootstrap file is uploaded when you create theCisco Catalyst 8000V instance.

To view more examples of the scrips, see the Scripts section in Also refer to the following two examples:

Example 1
Section: Script –idtoken””–throughput

The two lines in the scripts property retrieve the script from the custom data-examples repository at the specified URL. The script runs in the guest shell container of the Cisco Catalyst 8000V with the arguments id token and throughput.

Example 2
Section: Scripts -a arg1 -s arg2
These two lines in the Scripts property retrieve the script from the FTP server with the IP address and run the script with the ./ -a arg1 -s arg2 bash command in the guestshell container of the Cisco Catalyst 8000V using arguments arg1 and arg2.

If a script in the Scripts property requires a Python package that is not included in the standard CentOS Linux release (the CentOS Linux release that is used by the guestshell, which is currently CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503), you must include information about the Python package in the Python package property.  Prior to uploading the bootstrap file and running the bash or python script, Cisco recommends that you test the URL that you intend to use in the Scripts property. You can test the -a arg1 -s arg2 URL by first running the curl software tool to download the script file. In the guestshell, enter the curl command, as shown in the following example: curl -m 30 –retry 5 –user username:password If the curl command is successful, a copy of the python script is downloaded which verifies whether the URL is correct.

Configuring the Script credentials Property
If you have specified an FTP server in the Script property, and the server requires a user name and password credentials, specify the credentials using the Script credentials property. If the FTP server can be accessed anonymously, you need not use the Script credentials property. Configure the Scripts property with a URL and parameters that match those in the Script credentials property. To configure the Script credentials property, follow the format given below:

Section: Script credentials
Example 1
Section: Script credentials userfoo foospass

The second line in the Script credentials property specifies the values of the user name (userfoo) and password (foospass) credentials for the python script Include the name of the FTP server that is also in the Scripts property. An example line in the Scripts property is: -a arg1 -s arg2. See example 2 in Configuring the Scripts Property, on page 10.

Configuring the Python package Property
If a Python package is required by a script in the Scripts property and is not a part of the standard CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503, you must include information about the package in the Python package property. By including the Python package property in the bootstrap file, you ensure that the Cisco Catalyst 8000V downloads and installs the required Python package before running the script that you specified in the Scripts property.

Note Cisco Catalyst 8000V supports only Python3 in guestshell.

To configure the Python package property, follow the format as specified here:

  • Section: Python package package_name [ version ] [ sudo ] { [ pip_arg1 [ ..[ pip_arg9] ] ] }
  • The arguments: version, sudo, and pip_arg1 to pip_arg9 are optional. You must put the arguments to the pip command between the “{“ and “}” braces. If you specify the version argument, the specific version number is downloaded. If you specify the sudo argument, the package is downloaded as a sudo user.

Sample Configuration (Microsoft Azure )

Example 1

  • In this example, the second line of the Python package property specifies that the package_name is ncclient and the version is “0.5.2”. When the bootstrap file is uploaded, version 0.5.2 of the ncclient package is installed in the guest shell container of Cisco Catalyst 8000V.
  • Section: Python package ncclient 0.5.2

Example 2

  • Section: Python package
  • c8000v_azure_guestshell 1.1.2 sudo {–user}

In this example, the second line of the Python package property specifies that the package_name is “c8000v_azure_guestshell” and the version is “1.1.2”. When the bootstrap file is uploaded, version 1.1.2 of the c8000v_azure_guestshell package is installed in the guest shell container of Cisco Catalyst 8000V. The following command is executed as a sudo user: sudo pip install c8000v_azure_guestshell==1.1.2 –user.

Note If you do not specify an argument, –user is used as the default argument.

Sample Configuration (Google Cloud Platform)

Example 1

  • Section: Python package
  • client 0.5.2

In this example, the second line of the Python package property specifies that the package_name is “ncclient”, and the version is “0.5.2”. When the bootstrap file is uploaded, version 0.5.2 of the ncclient package is installed in the guestshell container of the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance.

Example 2

  • Section: Python package
  • c8000v_gcp_ha 3.0.0 sudo {–user}

In this example, the second line of the Python package property specifies that the package_name is “c8000v_gcp_ha”, and the version is “3.0.0”. When the bootstrap file is uploaded, version 3.0.0 of the c8000v_gcp_ha package is installed in the guest shell container of the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance. The following command is executed as a sudo user: pip3 install c8000v_gcp_ha=3.0.0 –user.

Note If you do not specify an argument, –user is used as the default argument.

Configuring the License property
Configure the license property to specify the license technology level for Cisco Catalyst 8000V.

Enter the first line of the property: Section: License. Enter the second line of the property which specifies the tech level of the license, using the following format: TechPackage:tech_level .

There must be no spaces between TechPackage: and the tech_level. The possible tech_level values include ax, security, appx, or ipbase) tech_level must be in lowercase.

Example 1

  • Section: License
  • TechPackage: security

Providing the Day 0 Bootstrap File
Provide the Day 0 bootstrap file which creates a Cisco Catalyst 8000V VM by executing the following Azure CLI command: az vm create –name C8000V-name –resource-group resource-group { [ arg1 [ ..[ arg9] ] ] } –custom-data bootstrap-file

For further information on the az vm create command, see: create.

See the following example:
az vm create -n c8000V-VM-Name -g MyResourceGroup –image cisco:cisco-c8000V- 1000v:16_6:16.6.120170804 –data-disk-sizes-gb 8 –availability-set myAvlSet –nics nic1 nic2 nic3 nic4 –admin-username azureuser –admin-password “+Cisco123456” –authentication-type password -l westus –size Standard_DS4_v2 –custom-data bootstrap.txt..

When you execute this command, a Cisco Catalyst 8000V VM is created. The router is configured using the commands in the bootstrap file: “bootstrap.txt”. Use the Cisco C8000V Settings option to provide the custom data bootstrap config file. For further information on managing Linux VMs, see: Tutorial: Create and Manage Linux VMs with the Azure CLI 2.0.

Verifying the Custom Data Configuration (Microsoft Azure)
After you upload the Day 0 bootstrap file, the VM is created and configuration commands are executed. Perform the following commands to verify the configuration commands of each property. To help determine if the license property worked, in Cisco IOS XE CLI on Cisco Catalyst 8000V, enter the show version command. For example, you should see a reference to the security license. To see if errors occurred after running the commands in the scripts property, look at the customdata.log file in the /home/guest shell/custom data directory. The scriptname.log file stores any output sent to STDOUT by the script. To check if the Python property worked, enter the pip freeze | grep package-name command to view the currently installed python packages. Search for the package package-name in which you are interested. To check if the Cisco IOS XE commands were successful in the IOS Configuration property, enter the show running-configuration command.

The following is a sample output for this command:

Router#show version

  • Cisco IOS XE Software, Version Copyright (c) 1986-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2020 by cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are licensed under the GNU General Public License (“GPL”) Version 2.0. The software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the documentation or “License Notice” file accompanying the IOS-XE software, or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE software.


  • Router uptime is 1 minute
  • The uptime for this control processor is 7 minutes
  • The system returned to ROM by reload
  • The system image file is “bootflash: packages.conf
  • Last reload reason: Unknown reason

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to

  • License Level: ipbase
  • License Type: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
  • Next reload license Level: ipbase
  • The current throughput level is 250000 kbps
  • Smart Licensing Status: Registration Not Applicable/Not Applicable cisco C8000V (VXE) processor (revision VXE) with 2271486K/3075K bytes of memory. Processor board ID 9MUG8CATY8R
  • Router operating mode: Controller-Managed
  • 1 Gigabit Ethernet interface
  • 32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
  • 8106756K bytes of physical memory.
  • 11530240K bytes of virtual hard disk at bootflash:.
  • Configuration register is 0x2102
  • [guestshell@guestshell~]$ pip3 freeze | grep gpg==1.10.0
  • gpg==1.10.0
  • [guestshell@guestshell ~]$
  • Router#show running-config
  • Building configuration…
  • Current configuration : 6982 bytes
    • Last configuration change at 14:34:36 UTC Fri Nov 6 2020 by NETCONF
  • version 17.3
  • service timestamps debug datetime msec
  • service timestamps log datetime msec
  • service password-encryption
    • Call-home is enabled by Smart-Licensing. service call-home
    • platform qfp utilization monitor load 80
    • platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core
    • platform console serial
  • hostname Router
  • boot-start-marker
  • boot-end-marker
  • vrf definition 65528
  • address-family ipv4
  • exit-address-family
  • no logging buffered
  • no logging rate-limit
    • aaa new-model
    • aaa authentication login default local
    • aaa authentication enable default enable
    • aaa authorization console
    • aaa authorization exec default local
    • aaa session-id common
    • fhrp version vrrp v3
    • no ip dhcp use class
    • no ip igmp ssm-map query dns
    • login on-success log
    • ipv6 unicast-routing
    • subscriber templating
    • multilink bundle-name authenticated
    • crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-2465303444
    • enrollment selfsigned
    • subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-2465303444 revocation-check none
    • rsakeypair TP-self-signed-2465303444
    • crypto pki trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint
    • enrollment pkcs12
    • revocation-check crl
  • crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-2465303444
    • certificate self-signed 01
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  • license udi pid C8000V sn 9MUG8CATY8R diagnostic bootup level minimal memory free low-watermark processor 69848 username admin privilege 15 secret 9
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Verifying the Custom Data Configuration (Google Cloud Platform)

After you run the custom data script, the VM is created and the configuration commands are executed. To verify the same, use the following commands and scripts:

  • show version: To help determine if the license property worked in Cisco IOS XE CLI on the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance, enter the show version command. For example, the output displays a reference to the security license.
  • To see if errors occurred after running commands in the scripts property, look at the customdata.log file in the /bootflash//directory. The scriptname.log file stores any output that is sent to STDOUT by the script.
  • To verify whether the Python property worked, enter the pip freeze | grep command from the Guestshell to view the currently installed Python packages. Here, package-name refers to the package that you are specifically searching for.
  • To verify the Cisco IOS XE commands in the IOS Configuration property, run the show running-configuration command.

Day 0 Configuration in the Controller Mode
If you want to perfrom the day 0 configuration for a Cisco Catalyst 8000V in the controller (SD-WAN) mode, you must provide the contents of the ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg file downloaded from vManage.
If you want to switch to the Controller mode, or if you are looking to bootstrap Cisco Catalyst 8000V with the Cisco SD-WAN functionalities, see Install and Upgrade for Cisco Catalyst 8000V Controller Mode.

For a Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance running on Cisco CSP-5000 hypervisor, when you enter the settings in the Day Zero Config screen, ensure that you maintain the format mentioned here:

  • Source File Name: Enter the value for this field in the format: day0_ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg.
  • Destination File Name: Enter the value for this field in the format: day0-dest-filename /openstack/content/ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg.

With the SD-WAN format configurations, if the confd cannot apply the config successfully at the first boot, the box might not have a working config at Day0. This is particularly critical in public cloud environments where SSH is necessary to login. Review the configuration carefully if you encounter issues upon provisioning.

Verifying the Router Operation Mode and Day 0 Configuration

To verify whether you’ve deployed or upgraded to the IOS XE 17.4 or later releases successfully, run the show version command. This command displays the version of your instance, and the operating device-mode parameter displays the mode in which your Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance is running.

Sample configuration output for a Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance in autonomous mode

  • Device# show version | inc operating
  • Router operating mode: Autonomous
  • Device# show platform software device-mode
  • Operating device-mode: Autonomous
  • Device-mode bootup status: ————————————-
    • Device# show platform software chasfs r0 brief | inc device_managed_mode
    • /tmp/chassis/local/rp/chasfs/etc/device_managed_mode : [autonomous]
    • /tmp/fp/chasfs/etc/device_managed_mode : [autonomous]
    • Device# show version | inc Last reload
    • Last reload reason: Enabling autonomous-mode

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the default mode of a Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance?
A: The default mode is autonomous mode.

Q: How can I access Cisco IOS XE functionalities?
A: You can access Cisco IOS XE functionalities by booting the instance in autonomous mode.

Q: How can I access Cisco SD-WAN functionalities?
A: You can access Cisco SD-WAN functionalities by booting the instance in controller mode.

Q: What are the supported bootstrap methods for the Cisco Catalyst 8000V in autonomous mode?
A: The supported bootstrap methods are iosxe_config.txt, ovf-env.xml, OVA Config-drive, Custom Data User Data on CD-ROM, and Installation Format.

Q: What are the prerequisites for the day 0 configuration?
A: The prerequisite is that the VM’s interface numbering order may not match the order in which the interfaces are created. If this occurs, you must manually configure the affected network interfaces after deploying the VM.

Q. I have been using Cisco IOS XE image until now. Which mode should I now choose?

A. If you have been using the Cisco IOS XE universalk9 image so far, deploy the IOS XE 17.4 image and enter the autonomous mode.

Q. If I am upgrading to the Cisco Catalyst 8000V 17.4 release, do I need to provide the bootstrap configuration?

A. If you are an existing non-SD WAN user and are upgrading to the IOS XE 17.4 release (autonomous mode), you can directly perform the upgrade. You need not perform the Day 0 or custom data configuration again. For a Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance running on Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform, the device uses the custom data that you provided the first time you configured your Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance. For Cisco Catalyst 8000V instances running on AWS, the device fetches the custom data from the cloud service provider.

Q. What happens to my custom data configuration after switching modes?

A. The existing configuration data is deleted. You must perform the bootstrap or custom data configuration just as you do for a fresh installation.

Q. What happens to my custom data after a factory reset?

A. When you perform a factory reset, the configuration and the files present on the disk are erased. The router boots up like a fresh install and looks for configuration files at the appropriate location. This action determines the mode and the associated configuration.

Q. Can I deploy my Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance in any mode with PayG license?

A. If you use the PayG licensing model, you cannot deploy the Cisco Catalyst 8000V instance in the controller mode or switch to the controller mode. This mode does not support the PayG licensing model.


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