Barmesa Pumps BMS60340242 Series Barmesa Ansi Centrifugal Process Pumps Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024
Barmesa Pumps

Installation, Operation &
Maintenance Manual
ANSI Process Pumps 911 series

IMPORTANT! – Read all instructions in this manual before operating or servicing a pump.

General Safety Information

BARMESA process pump series 911 is a centrifugal pump with horizontal suction and vertical discharge, open impeller, which meets ANSI B73.1 requirements. Itis made of the best materials and components, with continuous inspection, ensuring high quality. Through proper installation periodic inspection, monitoring its condition and careful maintenance, this pump will give you satisfyingand lasting service.
Maintenance operators must realize this and follow the appropriate safety precautions. This manual provides information for installation, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting and corrections,and the part list.
Itisimportantto consider the following:

  1. Always be sure to disconnect engine electric current power before performing maintenance to the pump.
  2. Never operate the pump in conditions beyond those with which the pump was sold.
  3. Never operate the pump without the flexible coupling guard
  4. Never apply heat to disassemble the pump or remove the drive, It can explode duetotrapped fluid.
  5. Never operate the pump without safety devices.
  6. Never operate the pump with the discharge and/orsuctionvalve closed.
  7. Neverstartthe pump without priming.

» Specifications
Volute: in horizontal suction and vertical discharge, foot design makes it resistant to slippage and the distortion due to piping loads. Packing is fully confined, the standard layout is serrated flanges with flat face, ASME/ANSI B16.5, for 1504, there are other alternatives such as: 150#RF, 300#FF and 3004RF. Impeller: fully open and threaded to the drive shaft, thread is isolated from the fluid pumpedbyteflonring.
Seal plate: manufactured in iron or stainless steel 316, machined to totally seal with the volute gaskets.
Adaptor: made of iron, with a machined socket to hold the volute and the seal plate, having holes to fit the bearings box.
Shaft:itis made of 4140 steel, comes with adjustable bearing set. This shaft can also be supplied in 316 stainless and in this caseitrequires nosleeve.
Bearing box: rigid construction and requires noadditional machining, to make lubrication oil to grease or oil mist, has a sight glass to check the oil level, the box is sealed using INPRO labyrinth seal “VBX”. This bearing box is made of iron for models 911M and 911L has two bearings box support sizes; according to the suction lift the supportsizeis selected.
Bearing support: made of iron material, slot holes for lubrication with oil, grease or oil mist.
Outer bearing: located in the bearing support, it is a two angular contact ball and its design is suitable to support combined load, meaning axial and radial loads acting simultaneously.
Bearing interior: a rigid single row bearings, simple design, suitable for high operating speeds besides requiring little serviceattention.
Data plate: each pump has a plate identification, which provides information about: model, pump size impeller diameter, building materials, serial No,, etc. (see Figurel); the plate is located on the frame. When requiring spare parts please identify the pump model, size, serial, number, plus the number of required parts.

» Pump reception
Upon receving ofthe pump; itisimportant to verify that there is no missing parts/components and has not suffered anydamage.
Any claim for shortage or management should be directed to the transportation company. This pump is rigid and heavy lifting equipment must be able to adequately support the entire asembly.
Lift pump using a suitable sling (see figures 2 and 3) are examples or proper lifting ofthese pumps.

» Pump instalation
All pumping equipment should be installed as close as possible to the source of liquid being pumped, in addition to a base that is able to absorb vibrations generated during the operation of the pump, this facility should de located in a space so that the work of operation, maintenance and repair can be performed properly and without risk of equipment damage orpersonalinjury.
» Base plate foundation and leveling
Foundation: a good foundation is made by pouring concretein the location area of the base plate, the type of anchor is usually sleeve type, since this allows a movement of the basis for the final adjustment. In Fig. 4 and 5 two types of anchoringare shown:

Recommendations & Warnings

Leveling: (seefigure6and7) a) Shall have two sets of shims on the sides of each anchor to reach a height of 12″ above the work floor level, and allow the appropriate application of pouring concrete, plus a uniform settle in the base plate, once the concreteis emptied. b) If you use anchor sleeve, remove the waste solids or liquids of the interior of each anchor sleeve andinsert paper or rag to prevent them from filling with concrete when pouring. ) Carefully install the base plate, ensuring that all anchors fit together into their respective holes, and sit on the shims evenly. d) Level the base with a tolerance of 1/8″ (3.17 mm ) length and 1/16″ (1.58 mm) width, adjusting shims. e) Install nuts, tightening them by hand. Once aligned the motherboard, the next stepisthe pump.

» Alignment procedure
Initial alignment: this is done before putting into operation the pump and is divided into three stages: .

  • Before pouring the concrete: To ensure base plate alignment, seen in the leveling section, subsections C andD. .
  • After pouring the concrete: in order to ensure that there are no sudden movements or abnormal contractions of concrete during casting. .
  • After connecting the pipes: checking that the stress on the pipeline have not altered the alignment, if any misalignment, modify the suction and discharge support system to reduce the stress in the flange of the pump.

Final alignment: after the first pump operation the alignment should be checked to ensure that everything is in order, starting from this, you should check the alignment periodically, to maximize the pump performance. A unitis in proper alignment when the angular and parallel alignment readings do not exceed 0.002″ (0.05 mm). Here we present some criteria and suggestions for achieving a proper alignment.
Angular alignment.
Vertical: Consists of installing a dial indicator (see Figure 8) in the top half of the coupling “X” leaving it fixed, then coupling “Y” is halfway rotated. If reading exceed 0.002″ (0.05 mm ), this means that the motor is offset from the top down, install shims at the motor feet to correct thereadings.

Horizontal: Consist of installing a dial indicator (see Figure 9) in the top half of the coupling “X” leaving it fixed, then coupling “Y” is halfway rotated. If the readings exceed 0.002″ (0.05 mm), this means that the motor is offset from the top down, install shims at the motor feet tocorrect the readings.

Parallel alignment.
Vertical: Consist of installing a dial indicator (see Figure 10) in the top half of the coupling “X” leaving it fixed, and four cardinal points in the half of the “Y” coupling are inspected. If readings exceed 0.002″ (0.05mm), means that the motor is offsetfromthe top down, install orremove equal amounts of shims at the motor feet, tocorrect the readings.

Horizontal: Consist of installing a dial indicator (see Figure 11) in the top half of the coupling “X’, leaving it fixed, and then proceeds to inspect the four cardinal points of the “Y” coupling. If readings exceed 0.002″ (0.05 mm), means that the motor is offset from the top down, so install or remove equal amounts of shims atthe motorfeet, to correct the readings.

» Concrete pouring application

  1. .Build a dam with particular area and height for concrete pouring (see Figure 12).
  2. Clean the areas that have direct contact with the concrete pouring with a damp cloth, wet thorougly.
  3. It is recommended that pouring be consistent (see distributor instructions).
  4. Pour the concrete in order to reach the dam level, then make sure there are no trapped airbubbles.
  5. Letfirstpourhardenfor 18 hours.
  6. Make the second concrete pouring filling the whole base plate (see Figure 13).
  7. Letharden the second concrete pouring atleast48hours.
  8. Tighten nuts anchoring the base plate.
  9. Verify pumpalignment.

» General piping

  1. Clean all pump piping, valves and accessories beforeassemble.
  2. The pipe must be connected to the pump until concrete pouring has completely hardened.
  3. The lengths of pipe should be as short as possible in order to minimize friction losses.
  4. Where hazardous liquids are handled, piping should allow pump to be washed before disassembling the unit.
  5. All piping must be supported independently apart from the pump, this support should be adequate to prevent misalignment of the pump.
  6. All the suction pipe must remain adequately submerged below the liquid level avoiding vortex and air pockets in thesuction.

Suction pipe
a) The suction pipe diameter should never be less than the suction flange of the pump, pipe diameter is recommended to be one or two times the suction flange diameter.
b) In addition, use an eccentric reducer withslopingside down.
c)Avoidinstalling short radius elbows.
d) At least there should be a straight equivalent of 2 or 3 long pipe diameters from the suction flange to the first side section.
e) When simultaneously having 2 pumps systems working on the same supply the suction pipe must be separated as much aspossible.
f) When the suction is negative, i.e. when the pump is above the suction level (see  Figure 18) all joints must be airtight,suction piping must be without air bags, thisrequiresinstallingafoot valve.
g) When the suction is positive, i.e. when the pump is with suction flooded, (see Figure 17) a gate valve should be installed inthesuctionlineat leasttwo diameters of the suction flange, no portion of the piping should extend below the suction flange.
Discharge pipe
a) The discharge must have gate valves and check valves, install the retention valve between the pump and the gate valve, this will permit inspection of the check valve, gate valve is required for the priming, flow regulation, inspection and pump maintenance.
b) If a reduction bell is used as a booster, it should be placed between the pump and thevalve.
c) Damping devices shall be used to protect pressure pulsations and water hammer.
Final verification
Turn the shaft by hand several times ensure that the parts are friction free, besides verifying alignmentinaccordance with section “Finalalignment”.
» Pump start up preparation
CAUTION! – Block the motor power supply before perfor- ming any maintenance, operation and repair or adjustment of the pump. (To prevent accidental starting and/or personalinjury).

» Pump rotation verification

  1. Make sure the coupling is securely fastenedtothe shaft.
  2. Verify that nobody can interfere with this operation.
  3. Tum on and off the motor quickly to verify the direction of rotation, rotation should correspond with the shaft on the bearing box. You may cause severe damage if the pump runs in the wrong direction.
  4. Block the motor power to proceed with thestart up preparation.

» Impeller clearance verification
Before operating or starting the pump you should verify the impeller. The efficiency of the pump maintains when having a properimpeller clearance.
The best way is obtained by fixing the clear frontimpeller in the factory, with the default limits that may be compatible with the service conditions. The minimum values for impeller adjustment are illustrated in the
“Impellers Clearance at Operating Temperatures” table, where you can find values for different temperatures, depending on themodel, these values are necessary to prevent the driver to touch thesurface of the body due todilatation of metal being a result of the pump operation, not being within these ranges may cause significant damage to the unit.




Up to 93° C (200° F)| 0.005″ (0.13 mm)| 0.008″ (0.20 mm)| 0.15″ (0.38 mm)
93° – 121° C (250° F)| 0.007″ (0.18 mm)| 0.010″ (0.26 mm)| 0.17″ (0.43 mm)
121° – 149° C (300° F)| 0.009″ (0.23 mm)| 0.012″ (0.30 mm)| 0.19″ (0.48 mm)
149° – 177° C (350° F)| 0.011″ (0.28 mm)| 0.014″ (0.36 mm)| 0.21″ (0.53 mm)

» Bearings lubrication
Oil lubrication : Fill the bearing oil by removing the oil filler cap located on top the box until the oil sight glass indicates half, use a high quality oil turbine type with rust and oxidation inhibitors. (See table: “Minimum Requirement for oil lubrication”).
Grease: Pumps are shipped grease free. (See Table “Minimum Requirements for grease lubrication”).
Bearings greased for life: These bearings are filled with grease and sealed by the manufacturer. If the pump is operated after a long idle time, flush the bearings and bearing frame with a light oil to remove contaminants. During washing, slowly tum the shaft by hand. Finally, flush the bearing boxwith properlubricating oil toensure oil quality after cleaning.


| TEMP. PUMPING UP 177° C (350° F)
Approx. SSU – 38° C (100° F)| 300
DIN| C68


| TEMP. PUMPING UP 177° C (350° F)

» Shaft seal
Mechanical seal: the pumps can be sent with or without mechanical seal installed at the factory, the common mechanical seal for BARMESA 911 series pump is the cartridge type; these are prefabricated at the factory and do not require field adjustment, for other types of mechanical seal see the installation instructions and manufacturer setting.
Packing gland: these pumps are shipped without packing rings, lantern rings, gaskets, etc., these are available as accessories and must be installed before starting the pump.
» Packing installation

  1. Perfectly clean seal plate cavity.
  2. Must twist packing and lantern rings, just to keep in touch with the sleeve, (see in Figures 14 and 15 the correct way to turntheseringsis shown).
  3. Insert packing, this should be done alternating the joints of each packing and following the sleeve contour.
  4. The arrangement of the packaging should be packing rings at the bottom of the chamber, a lantern ring intermediate and three packing rings at the end, then install the gland (see Figure 16, for example).
  5. Install the gland by placing the two halves, with studs and install the nuts (handtightened).

» Priming the pump
Never start the pump until it has been properly primed. You can use different priming methods depending of the type serviceand installation required. Providing suctions above the pump:

  1. Slowly open the gate valve located in thesuction pipe (see Figure 17).
  2. Open the vents in the suction and discharge pipe until water flows.
  3. Closeventvalves.

Providing suctions below the pump:
An aspiration valve and external liquid can be used in order to prime the pump, as shown in Figure 18 and 19. The external liquid can be obtained from a priming pump, a depressurized discharge pipe or anexternalsupply.

  1. Close the discharge valve and open the volutevents.
  2. Open external supplier valve just enought to have water escape the ventilation valves.
  3. Close vent valves first and the external supplier line.

» Pump operation

  1. Make surethe suctionvalve and another recirculation or cooling valves are open.
  2. Totally close or partially open the discharge valve, following the system conditions.
  3. Start the motor. It is important to observe the manometer. In case the discharge pressure is not reached, stop theengine, prime the pump asecond time andstartagain.
  4. Slowly open the discharge valve until thedesire flowis obtained.
  5. Always operate this pump at or near the flow regime, to prevent damage resulting from cavitations or recirculating conditions.
  6. Motor can be overload if the specific gravity (density) of the liquid being pumped is greater than the original stated liquid or if the maximum flow is exceeded. (See table: inimum Recommended Flow”forBarmesa 911 series pumps)

Operating pumps at reduced capacity: do not operate below the mi um flow requirement or with the discharge/suction valves closed. In this condition there is a risk of an explosion due to the pumping vaporization which may lead to pump a failure or a personal injury.
Operating pumps at freezing conditions: exposure to freezing conditons while the pump is out of service can cause the liquid to freeze and damage the pump. Liquid should be drained from the pump.
Damages occurring mainly for the following reasons:

  1. High radial thrusts (shaft or bearing stresses).
  2. High levels of vibration. (Affect bearings, mechanical seal, packing gland).
  3. Heat generation. (Vaporization causes inner components to rotate, jam or scratch).
  4. Cavitations. (These causes damage within the pump, especially with the pumpsimpeller).


RECOMMENDED MINIMUM FLOW (gallon per minute at the maximum diameter)

3560 RPM| 2 POLES / 50 Hz
2900 RPM| 4 POLES / 60 Hz
1780 RPM| 4 POLES / 50 Hz
1470 RPM| 6 POLES / 60 Hz
1180 RPM|

6 POLES / 50 Hz
960 RPM

1 x 1½ – 6| 911S| 10.04| 5.02| 2.9| 1.05| –| –
1½ x 3 – 6| 20.08| 8.9| 5.02| 2.11| –| –
2 x 3 – 6| 39.89| 25.88| 8.9| 2.9| –| –
1 x 1½ – 8| 20.08| 12.9| 5.02| 2.11| –| –
1½ x 3 – 8| 39.89| 22.98| 6.07| 2.11| –| –
3 x 4 – 7| 911M  & 911L| 124.95| 76.87| 12.9| 3.96| –| –
2 x 3 – 8| 59.96| 34.87| 8.9| 3.96| –| –
3 x 4 – 8| N/A| 180.95| 100.1| 30.9| 16.9| –
3 x 4 – 8 G| 189.93| 104.08| 25.88| 11.09| –| –
1 x 2 – 10| 39.89| 21.92| 5.02| 2.9| 2.9| –
1½ x 3 – 10| 80.05| 56.0| 14.0| 6.07| 5.02| –
2 x 3 – 10| 199.98| 72.91| 19.02| 6.07| 2.9| –
3 x 4 – 10| 199.98| 180.95| 49.92| 20.07| 11.88| –
3 x 4 – 10 H| N/A| N/A| 150.04| 76.08| 30.11| 11.09
4 x 6 – 10| N/A| N/A| 449.88| 117.02| 78.98| 24.03
4 x 6 – 10 H| N/A| N/A| 399.95| 152.95| 85.06| 45.96
1½ x 3 – 13| 179.9| 105.93| 44.9| 22.98| 11.09| –
2 x 3 – 13| 239.86| 170.91| 62.87| 36.98| 17.96| –
3 x 4 – 13| 399.95| 332.85| 168.01| 104.08| 67.09| 30.9
4 x 6 – 13| N/A| N/A| 369.84| 296.92| 150.04| 89.02
6 x 8 – 13| a 91 r 1LX| N/A| N/A| 849.84| 480.0| 374.86| 197.07
8 x 10 – 13| N/A| N/A| 1199.86| 974.79| 569.81| 383.04
6 x 8 – 15| N/A| N/A| 999.89| 725.94| 462.03| 276.85
8 x 10 – 15| N/A| N/A| N/A| 1399.84| 999.89| 769.79
8 x 10 – 15 G| N/A| N/A| 1399.84| 1374.75| 846.93| 603.89

» Final alignment

  1. Start the unit in real operating conditions enough time in order to bring the pump and engine into their operation temperature.
  2. Verifyaligmentwhile the unitis stillhot.
  3. Reinstall the coupling guard. L. . » Routine inspection + Periodically inspect the pump and pipelines, making sure there are no leakage.
    • Verify unusual sounds, vibrations or temperature onthe bearings.
    • Bearings constantly and periodically lubricated.
    • Sealinspection (noleakage).
    • Verifydischargeandsuction.
    • Vibrationsanalysis.
    •  Temperature verification.
    • Verifyoil levels on bearings box.
    • Packaging (any excessive leak requires  adjustments or a possible replacement).

» Bimonthly inspection

  • Foundation, anchor and hardware inspection verifying everything is well adjust.
  • Oil change, every two months (1850 hours) or before, depending on conditions where oil can be contaminated or decompose.
  • If the unit was idle, the packaging should be inspected and if needed replaced.
    Bearing periodically inspected and lubricated.

» Yearly inspection
Verify pump capacity, (pressure and power) if the pump efficiency doesn’t meet the needed requirements for the process, the pump should be disassembled, inspected and replaced any worn out pieces. In case this  !nspec_tlon results are OK, a system inspection should be done.
» Oil lubricated bearings
To fill the bearing box with oil, first oil cap located on top of the bearing is removed, add oil until the oil sight glass mark is located at the center, then install the oil cap.





911S| 1| 15.74
911M| 2.6| 49.21
911L| 3| 55.11
911LX| 6| 118.11

You should change the oil every 1850 hours or every two months, we recommend using high quality oil for mostoperating conditions suchas:



MOBIL| MOBIL DTE 26 300 SSU @ 100° F (38° C)

» Grease lubricated bearings

  1. Clean and wipe outall elements such as: the grease container, relief plugs, etc. to prevent dirt from entering the bearing support.
  2. Fill both grease cavities through the greased ducts until fresh grease comes out the reliefholes.
  3. Reinstall relief plugsin place.

» Gaskets
The area used for gaskets and packing glands is not always filled at the factory and must be filled before operating the pump, it can be provided in a box of accesories with the pump. Before installation make sure the gland is clean, checkthe sleeve for scratches or wear, if so replace if necessary. Begin by placing two packing rings, then the lantern ring, three packing, rings, finally adapt the gland (see figure 22).To place the packing and latern rings you must make a twist motion type, as shown in figure 14 and 15 lternating
90° and tightening each ring to ensure proper compression ofthe gland.
The gland should be tightened evenly to achieve a good seal, excessive tightening ofthe gland can cause premature wear on the packaging and/or sleeve. Upon completion of this process, the shaft should be turned by hand once the pump is working afinal gland adjustment can be made.

» Mechanical seal
If a mechanical seal is required a manufacturer catalog must be provided withis respective data. This catalog orplan shall be kept for future repairs or mantenance. It must also specify the required type of washing liquid and coupling points, every detail of installation, lubrication, pipes must be checked before starting the equipment (seeFigure23).
Because the mechanical seal service life depends on many factors such as: lubrication, maintenance, liquid being handled, operating conditions, etc is not possible to determine the lifetime of the mechanical seal.

IMPORTANT! – Never JA operate the pump when fluid is not supplied to the mechanical seal, this can cause damage to the mechanical seal, wearing on sleeve, besides being able to cause serious injury if these sealsfail.
» Impeller clearings adjustment
As time passes by a change may be noticed in pump performance, this decrease in the workload can be renewed by adjusting the impeller. Here are two techniques explained to perform this procedure.

  1. Remove guard.
  2. Loosen the leveling screw nut, back screwtwoorthreeturns.
  3. Tighten evenly each of the screws, then push the bearing supports into the bearing box when the impeller makes contact with the volute, rotate the shaft to ensure uniform contactis made.
  4. With a feeler gauge the distance between the three screws, they push the bearing supports should be fixed according to the table: “Impellers clearance atoperating temperature”.
  5. Tighten the leveling screws moving away the bearing support until it makes even contact with fasteners. (See Figure24).
  6. Tighten thelocknuts.
  7. Theshaft should turn freely.
  8. Installthe coupling guard.


  1. Remove guard and coupling.
  2. The dial indicator is setat the end of the shaft, the gauge sensor must make contact with the shaft’s flat face (see Figure 25).
  3. Loosen the leveling screw nut, back screw two orthree turns.
  4. Evenly tighten each of the screws, pushing the bearing support into the bearing box, when the impeller makes contact with the volute, rotate the shaft to ensure uniform contactis made.
  5. Gauge is set to zero, and the screws are loosenabout oneturn.
  6. Turn the leveling screws until they make even contact with the bearing.
  7. Tighten evenly the leveling screws removing the bearing support of the bearing box until the dial indicator marks the distance or theimpeller clearancesare appropriate according to the table “Impellers clearance for operating temperatures”.
  8. Tighten the screws keeping the indicatorreading at the proper setting.
  9. Tightenthelocknuts.
  10. The shaft should turn freely.
  11. Place coupling in position.
  12. Installthe coupling guard.

» Pump disassemble
Main precautions
Before starting the disassembly or performing any workonthe pump:

  • Power energy must be blocked or disconnected in order to avoid an accidental pumpstartup.
  • Use personal protective equipment when performing any maneuver on this pump.
  • This pump can handle dangerous and/or toxic liquids, you should never apply heat to remove the components of this pump also atall times you must use personal protective equipment to avoid injury.
  • Someelementsof thispumparestiffor heavy, extreme precaution is recommended when moving and lifting these parts, all lifting equipment should be resistent, lifting maneuvers and the moving of parts must be correctand careful.
  • Use heavy duty glove, impeller has sharp edges that removing or installing it could cause injuries.
  • Before starting any work on the pump you must close all valves and liquid connections, such as suction discharge, auxiliary piping, etc. Once the valves closed, the pump must be drainedand washed if necessary.
  • Make sure you have all the parts, spare parts and tools needed before disassembling the pump.

» Recommended spare parts

  • Impeler.
  • Sleeve.
  • Shaft/coupling.
  • Outer bearing.
  • Innerbearing.
  • Inner labyrinth seal.
  • Outer labyrinth seal.
  • Fastening nut.
  • Lockwasher.
  • Volute gasket.
  • “O”gasket bearing support.
  • Bearing box adaptor gasket.
  • Gland gasket.
  • ” impeller’s gasket.

» Tools required

  • Wrench7/16′,1/2′,9/16″, 3/4″,7/8″and 15/16″
  • Clampsforinterior locks.
  • Pressureclamps.
  • Softhammer.
  • Setofallenkeys.
  • Indoorsand outdoors micrometer.
  • Torquewrenches.
  • Dialindicator.
  • Wrench (SKF designations HN6, HN9, HN10).
  • Adjustablewrench.
  • Heavydutygloves.
  • Cleaning elements.

» Disassembly

  1. Close and fully drain the pump and piping, drain the volute and disconnect all auxiliary piping before starting.

  2. Remove the coupling guard.

  3. Disconnet the coupling.

  4. If using oil as a lubricant it should be drained by removing the plug from the bearing box and reinstalling the plug inmediately.

  5. Volute and the bearing box support screws areremoved.

  6. Attach the pump with a sling, make sure it is securely fastened to proceed to move ittoworkpleace.

  7. Move the bearing support to a work place.

  8. Remove the shaft’s coupling.

  9. Remove the impeller, the impeller is remove from the shaft, install a wrench at theend, rotate the impeller clokwise when viewed from the end of the impeller and make sure the wrench handle makes contact with the workbench, quickly rotate theimpeller
    counter clockwise until isloosen.

  10. Removethe “O” teflon gasket.

  11. Remove the volute gasket, this should be discarded and replaced with a new gasketduring reassembly.

  12. Remove the leveling screws from the volute adapter.

  13. Remove the packing system, either mechanical seal orgland.

  14. Removetheseal plate by loosening the nuts in the set crew, then seal plate is removed as well as the packing or mechanical seal.

  15. Shaft’s sleeveis removed.

  16. Loosen screws in bearing box.

  17. Bearing boxadapteris removed.

  18. Remove and discard the adapter’s gasket, replacing it with a new one during reassembly.

  19. Remove the inner labyrinth seal, located onthe bearingbox formodel 9115 and in the adapter for 911L and 911M models, this piece is part of the spare part kits.

  20. Once removed the inner labyrinth seal, remove the bearing support, backthe lock nuts, tightening evenly the leveling screws todetach the bearing support.

  21. Remove all leveling/fastening screws, and locking nuts from the bearing support, store them and inspect them for reassembly, if necessary replace them withnew ones.

  22. Remove the shaft and rotating elementsinside the bearing box.

  23. Once out of the bearing box, remove theinnerbearing.

  24. Remove gasket “O” from the bearing support.

  25. For the model 911L, loosenthe screws holding the fastening ringand remove the fastening ring bearing. For the 911M and 9115 models, remove the lock using tongs forinterior locks.

  26. Removelabyrinthseal installed on the bearing support.

  27. Remove the bearing box, shaft with bearings, locknutand washer installed.

  28. Remove the lock nut, using the respective wrench.

  29. Remove the washer.

  30. Remove the bearings.

  31. Finally the bearing box disassembly, remove all plugs (oil filler, oil drain, oil mist connection, both input and output plugs for oil cooler), plus the oil sight glass and thetwo guide pins.
    Completing this process of dismantling the pump, all parts will be available to proceedtoinspection.

» Inspections of pump parts
Must inspect all parts of the pump before being reassembled, using the following criteria noted here to achieve a suitable pump operation.
During inspection if any piece or component does not have the minimum requierements it should be replaced. Impeller: (see Figure 26)

  • You should inspect the impeller vanes checking if they are damaged, must be replaced if the slots are greater than 1/16″ deep or if they have a uniform wear over 1/32″ (point A).
  • Inspect the rear vanes, if they have morewearthan 1/32″ (point B), replace theimpeller.
  • Inspect the leading and trailing edges of the blades, if these presents corrosion or wear (point C), substitute foranewimpeller.


  • You should inspect the inside of the body and the gasket body surface, if you have slots than 1/8″ it should be repaired or replaced (see Figure 27).


  • When inspecting the adapter, you should check for any cracks or excessive corrosion damage, must be replaced (see Figure 28).

Seal plate:

  • When inspecting the seal plate should check the packaing chamber is cleaned and does not have excessive corrosion, in addition review the area of the flat place that makes direct contact with the volute’s inside should be replaced if you have any crack or
    more wear than1/8″ deep (see Figure 29).

Bearing support:

  • Check the bearing seat according to the “Table for bearing adjustment and tolerances’, replace if values exceed thoselistedinthetable (see Figure 30).
  • Inspectthe locksslot, it should not have any cracks, replace if necessary.


  • Review the shaft, reviewing courts bearings, the setting must match the tolerances specifiedin the table: “Table for bearing adjustment and tolerances”.
  • Inspect the righteousness of the shaft, replace the shaft it exceeds more than 0.002″ (0.050 mm) between centers.
  • Inspect the shaft, reviewing the general aspects, replace if you have grooves or pits (see Figure 31).


  • When inspecting the sleeve, review the outer and inner tracks, replace if you have grooves or pits (see Figure 32).

Bearingbox and bearing boxsupport:

  • Inspectthe bearingbox, make sureitis not cracked.
  • Inspectthe innerbearing according to the “Bearing adjustment and tolerances table”
  • Replaces if values exceed those listed inthistable.
  • Check all lubrication passages and make sure they are not clogged (see Figure33).
  • Ifthe bearing was exposed to the fluid pump, inspect for corrosion, replace if necessary.


  • Check the bearings, the condition of these is important in determining working conditions within the bearing box, note the condition of the lubricant, this information may be useful in determining future prevention.
  • If the wear cause is not normal, it must be corrected before installing new bearings.
  • Donotreusethebearings.


  • Check the status of the labyrinth seals, inspect so the gaskets have no cuts or cracks, replaceifnecessary.


Bearing box| Inner bearing| Outer bearing
911S| 6207| 5306 A/C3
911M| 6309| 5309 A/C3
911L| 6311| 7310 BE (DOUBLE)
911LX| 6313| 5313 A/C3


| MODEL 911S| MODEL 911M| MODEL 911L|


Outside diameter of the arrow| 1.3785| 1.7722| 2.166| 2.5597
1.2781| 1.7718| 2.1655| 2.5592
0.0010 tight| 0.0010 tight| 0.0012 tight| 0.0012 tight
0.0001 tight| 0.0001 tight| 0.0001 tight| 0.0001 tight
Inner diameter of the bearing (int. bearing)| 1.378| 1.7717| 2.1654| 2.5591
1.3775| 1.7712| 2.1648| 2.5585
Housing diameter (int. bearing)| 2.8346| 3.937| 4.7244| 5.5118
2.8353| 3.9379| 4.7253| 5.5128
0.0012 loose| 0.0015 loose| –| 0.0017 loose
0.0000 loose| 0.0000 loose| –| 0.0000 loose
Outside diameter of the bearing (int. bearing)| 2.8346| 3.937| 4.7244| 5.5118
2.8341| 3.9364| 4.7238| 5.5111
1.1815| 1.7722| 1.969| 2.5597
Outside diameter of the arrow (ext. bearing)| 1.1812| 1.7718| 1.9686| 2.5592
0.0008 tight| 0.0010 tight| –| 0.0012 tight
0.0001 tight| 0.0001 tight| –| 0.0001 tight
Inner diameter of the bearing (ext. bearing)| 1.1811| 1.7717| 1.9685| 2.5591
1.1807| 1.7712| 1.968| 2.5585
Housing diameter (ext. bearing)| 2.8346| 3.397| 4.3307| 5.5118
2.8353| 3.3979| 4.3316| 5.5128
0.0012 loose| 0.0015 loose| –| 0.0017 loose
0.0000 loose| 0.0000 loose| –| 0.0000 loose
Outside diameter of the bearing| 2.8346| 3.937| 4.3307| 5.5118
2.8341| 3.9364| 4.3301| 5.5111

» Pump reassembly
Before reassembly of the pump, check the threads of all parts of the pump and make sure they are clean and in good condition, otherwise you must inspect them before starting.
» Bearing box assembly

  1. Installinthe bearing boxall screw plugs (the oil drain plug, the four connection plugs oil mist, the two inlet plugs, cooling system outlet plug), in addition to the oil inspection glass and the two guide pins. (SeeFigure 34)
  2. Reinstall the bracket bearing box with screws and washers, hand tight.

» Mounting the coupling and rotating elements

  1. For the 911S and 911M models: Install the outer bearing on the shaft, before installing moisten the inner ring of the bearing with the same oil use during the pump operation. For installation, this bearing has one defense oriented impeller.
    For the 911L model: Install the outer bearing on the shaft, before installing, make sure your setup in on “O” (back to back, see SKF catalog for more information on this installation), moisten the inside track bearings with the same oil intended for use during pump operation.

  2. Place the washer on the shaft, locating tab washer in accordance with the shaft’s keyway.

  3. Screw the nut fixation on the shaft, once reached the top; help yourself with the respective spanner wrench for proper fit, then twist a washer in one of the nut notchesinthe correspondingfixation.

  4. For 9115 and 911M models: Place the lock throught the end of the impeller towards the outside bearing, this lock is beveled at its outer diameter, you must position the flat side toward the outer bearing (see Figure 35). For the 911L model: Place the retaining bearing ring checking side orientation embedded in the bearing support, this ring will remain loose for a few moments whiletheinner bearing isintalled.

  5. Install the inner bearing on the shaft, before installing brush the bearing inner track with the same oil intended to be use during pump operation

  6. Install a gasket type “O” on the bearing support in the outer track sealing within thebearingbox.

  7. Brush the outer track of the bearingand the innertrack of the bearing bracket with the same oil intended to be use during pump operation.

  8. Install the bearing bracket in the shaft withitsrotating parts.

  9. For911Sand 911Mmodels: Secure the lock into its slot with tweezers for interior locks, ensure that the oil return slot in the bracket bearing remains unobstructed by the padlock.
    For the 911L model: Snap the retaining ring into the bearing box, ensuring that lubrication grooves and screws match with the support, tighten the screws with their respective wrench (see Figure 36).

  10. After step 9 is concluded make sure theshaft turns freely.

  11. Before installing the exterior labyrinth seal, make sure the edges of the keyway on the shaft does not have burrs or sharp parts, in order to protect the outer packaginglabyrinth seal.

  12. Install the exterior labyrinth seal inthe bearing box, this is with an adjustment gasket type “O” slot oil drain must point downwards (see Figure 37).

  13. Moisten the outer track of the bearing box, the inner bearing and inner track of the bearing with the same oil to be use during pump operation, this to facilitate assembly.

  14. Install the shaft in the bearing with its rotating elements assembled, make sure theshaft turns freely.

  15. The orientation of the bearing support in the bearing box, must match the word “TOP” towards the top of the bearing box, put the screws and the leveling screws, withits respective nutand handtighten.

  16. Shaft and rotating elements already installed in the bearing, put a dial indicator on the end of the shaft move the shaft forward, then backward, getting the axial reading, if readings are higher than 0.011″ (0.28 mm) for the 911S model, or 0.019″ (049 mm) for 911L and 911M models, disassemble and determine the cause.

  17. Shaft eccentricity verification, install the sleeve and make sure it is properly installed, screw the drivein the shaft, hand tightening.

  18. Adapt a dial indicator, touching the sleeve track and turn the shaft, if the reading is greater than 0.002″ (0.05 mm) disassemble and determine the cause.

  19. Unscrew the impeller and remove the sleeve.

  20. Check the squareness of the face frame against shaft.

  21. Adapt a dial indicator on the shaft, touching the flat face of the frame, hand turn the shaft for 360° if the reading is greater than 0.001″ (0.025 mm), disassemble and determinethe cause.

  22. Install the gasket adapter.

  23. Install the adapter, ensure the correct position of the adapter through the two boltsand screws, tighten the screws witha torque approximately 45 Ibf-ft.

  24. Check the axial, perpendicular and eccentric adapter settings with a dial indicator adapted in the shaft, checking 360°, if the readings are greater than 0.005″ (0.013 mm), remove the adapter anddetermine the cause.

  25. Install thelabyrinth seal inthe bearing box, this is with an adjustment on the gasket type “0O’, the oil drain slot should face down (seeFigure37).
    Completed this procedure, we proceed with the two forms of sealing, which can bemechanical seal or packaging gland.

» Pump with mechanical seal

  1. Install the seal plate by holding the adapter, tightening the screws and nuts.
  2. Verify perpendicular and eccentric adjustments on seal plate with a dial indicator adapted on the shaft checking 360°if the readings are higher than 0.005″ (0.13 mm), remove the seal plate and determine the cause.
  3. Install the sleeve, ensure sleeve snaps inslotinthe bolthole ofthe shaft.
  4. Install theimpeller with gaskettype “0”, handtighten.
  5. Install the keywayin place.
  6. Install a spanner at the end of the shaft, ensure perfectly wedge pinch, rotate the impeller clokwise when viewed from the end of the drive and make sure the handle spanner wrench makes contact with the workbench, quickly turn the impeller clockwise, then tighten the impeller. With a soft hammer lightly tap the drive to achieve properfit.
  7. Atthe otherend, loosen the screws and leveling of the bearing box support, measure the clearance between the seal plate and impeller with a feeler gauge, when setting clearance to 0.030″ (0.76 mm), tighten the screws, leveling and lock nuts, this approximates the impeller position 0.015″ (0.38 mm) scroll, final adjustment should be done after installing the volute.
  8. Verify perpendicular and eccentric impeller adjustments, with a dial indicator, checking the 360° between the tips of each blade, ifthe readings are higher than 0.005″(0.13 mm), remove the impellerand determine the cause.
  9. Mark the sleeve on the outer face, this will serve as a reference when installing themechanical seal.
  10. Disassembly the impeller and the sleeve.
  11. Remove the seal plate.
  12. Install the mechanical seal according tomanufacturer’sinstructions.
  13. Install theimpeller withits new gasket type “0, hand tighten.
  14. Install a spanner at the end of the shaft, ensure perfectly wedge pinch, rotate the impeller clockwise when viewed from the end of the drive and make sure the handle spanner wrench contacts the workbench quickly turn the impeller clockwise, then tighten the impeller, then with a soft hammer lightly tap thedrive toachieve proper fit.
  15. Install seal flange with their nuts.

» Pump with gaskets

  1. Install the seal plate grasping it with the adapter, tightening with studsand nuts.
  2. Verify axial, perpendicular and eccentric adjustments on the seal plate witha dial indicator on the shaft, checking 360°, if the readings are higher than 0.005″ (0.13 mm), remove the plate seal and determine the cause.
  3. Install the sleeve, make sure the sleeve is properly seated.
  4. Install theimpellerwith gaskettype”O”, handtighten.
  5. Install the keywayin place.
  6. Install a spanner at the end of the shaft, ensure perfectly wedge pinch, rotate the impeller clockwise when viewed from the end of the drive and make sure the handle spanner wrench contacts the workbench, quickly turn the impeller clockwise, then tighten the impeller, then with a soft hammer lightly tap the drive to achieve properfit.
  7. Atthe other end loosen the screws and leveling of the bearing box support, measure the clearance between the seal plate and impeller with a feeler gauge, when setting clear to 0.030″ (0.76 mm), tighten the screws, leveling and locknuts, this approximates the impeller position 0.015″ (0.38 mm) scroll, final adjustment should be done afterinstalling the volute.
  8. Verify perpendicular and eccentric impeller adjustments, with a dial indicator, checking the 360° between the tips of each blade, ifthe readings are higher than 0.005″(0.13mm), remove the impellerand determinethe cause.

» Pump reinstallation

  1. Install the volute gasket on the seal plate.
  2. Clean adjustment tracks and gasket volute seating.
  3. Loosen the screws and leveling on the bearing box supports.
  4. Install the bearing box.
  5. Install all bolts holding the adapter to the volute, hand tighten, before the final torque, it is recommended to apply the screws an anti-galling compound, to help thedisassembly.
  6. Replace shims under bearing box support, adjust adial indicator to measure the distance between the top of the box and the base plate, it should not vary when the screws are tightened in the brackettothe rack.
  7. Tightenthebolts to 45 Ibf-ft.
  8. Install the leveling screws tight fit (do notovertighten).
  9. Verify the total length of the impellerin the volute, this measure should be 0.065″ (1.65 mm) with new elements, if not, the elements are inadequate. Determine the causeand correct.
  10. Set the impeller clearance according tosection factors.
  11. Fill the bearing box with proper lubricant according to the requirements of the table: “Minimum requirements for lubricating oil”.
  12. Finally verifed that theimpeller can be easilyrotated (by hand).


Spare Parts

Series: 9118

Series: 911S



100| 1| Casing 1×1.5-6| Cast iron| 03730010
CF8M| 03730011
Casing 1.5×3-6| Cast iron| 03730020
CF8M| 03730021
Casing 2×3-6| Cast iron| 03730030
CF8M| 03730031
101| 1| Impeller 1×1.5-6| Cast iron| 03750010
CF8M| 03750011
Impeller 1.5×3-6| Cast iron| 03750020
CF8M| 03750021
Impeller 2×3-6| Cast iron| 03750030
CF8M| 03750031
105| 1| Lantern ring 911 S| Teflon®| 31010026
106| 5| Cord ring 5/16″| Teflon®| 92010135
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 S| CF8M| 30300203
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020023
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft with sleeve| Steel 4140| 30300351
Shaft without sleeve| 316 SS| 30300356
126| 1| Sleeve| 316 SS| 30300681
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780001
136| 1| Safety nut M6| Steel| 91010451
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020022
184| 1| Seal plate 6″| Cast iron| 03770010
CF8M| 03770011
228| 1| Frame 911 S| Cast iron| 03720001
250| 1| Mechanical seal flange| CF8M| 30300301
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 S| Bronze| 31030202
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 S| Bronze| 31030201
351| 1| Body gasket 6″| EPDM| 92010194
353| 4| Stud screw 3/8″x 4″| 304 SS| 91010375
355| 4| Nut 3/8″| 304 SS| 91010433
357K| 2| Nut 5/16″| 304 SS| 91010432
358C| 1| Plug ¼”| Steel Galv.| 93010143
304 SS| S/N
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010176
361A| 1| Snap ring| Steel| 31010011
370B| 4| Screw 5/8″x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010282
304 SS| 91010354
370C| 3| Screw 3/8″x 1¼”| Carbon Steel| 91010243
370D| 3| Screw 3/8″x 1¼”| Carbon Steel| 91010243
370H| 2| Stud screw 5/16″ x 1-7/8″| 304 SS| 91010372B
382| 1| Lock washer MB6| Steel| 91010058
400| 1| Key 3/16″| Steel 1018| 30400631
408A| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010059
418| 2| Screw 3/8″ x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010346
423| 3| Nut 3/8″| Steel| 91010413
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010039
531| 1| Roll pin| Steel| 91010184



100| 1| Casing 1×1.5-8| Cast iron| 03730040
CF8M| 03730041
Casing 1.5×3-8| Cast iron| 03730050
CF8M| 03730051
101| 1| Impeller 1×1.5-8| Cast iron| 03750040
CF8M| 03750041
Impeller 1.5×3-8| Cast iron| 03750050
CF8M| 03750051
105| 1| Lantern ring 911 S| Teflon®| 31010026
106| 5| Cord ring 5/16″| Teflon®| 92010135
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 S| CF8M| 30300203
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020023
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft with sleeve| Steel 4140| 30300351
Shaft without sleeve| 316 SS| 30300356
126| 1| Sleeve| 316 SS| 30300681
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780001
136| 1| Safety nut M6| Steel| 91010451
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020022
184| 1| Seal plate 8″| Cast iron| 03770020
CF8M| 03770021
228| 1| Frame 911 S| Cast iron| 03720001
250| 1| Mechanical seal flange| CF8M| 30300301
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 S| Bronze| 31030202
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 S| Bronze| 31030201
351| 1| Body gasket 8″| EPDM| 92010195
353| 4| Stud screw 3/8″x 4″| 304 SS| 91010375
355| 4| Nut 3/8″| 304 SS| 91010433
357K| 2| Nut 5/16″| 304 SS| 91010432
358C| 1| Plug ¼”| Steel Galv.| 93010143
304 SS| S/N
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010176
361A| 1| Snap ring| Steel| 31010011
370| 8| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
304 SS| 91010351
370B| 4| Screw 5/8″x 1¼”| Carbon Steel| 91010289
370C| 3| Screw 3/8″x 1¼”| Carbon Steel| 91010243
370D| 3| Screw 3/8″x 1¼”| Carbon Steel| 91010243
370H| 2| Stud screw 5/16″ x 2¾”| 304 SS| 91010372
382| 1| Lock washer MB6| Steel| 91010058
400| 1| Key 3/16″| Steel 1018| 30400631
408A| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010059
418| 2| Screw 3/8″ x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010346
423| 3| Nut 3/8″| Steel| 91010413
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010039
503| 1| Adapter 8″ 911S| Cast iron| 03710001
531| 1| Roll pin| Steel| 91010184

Series: 911M


Series: 911M

Series: 911M



100| 1| Casing 3×4-7| Cast iron| 03730060
CF8M| 03730061
Casing 2×3-8| Cast iron| 03730070
CF8M| 03730071
Casing 3×4-8| Cast iron| 03730080
CF8M| 03730081
Casing 3×4-8G| Cast iron| 03730090
CF8M| 03730091
101| 1| Impeller 3×4-7| Cast iron| 03750060
CF8M| 03750061
Impeller 2×3-8| Cast iron| 03750070
CF8M| 03750071
Impeller 3×4-8| Cast iron| 03750080
CF8M| 03750081
Impeller 3×4-8G| Cast iron| 03750090
CF8M| 03750091
105| 1| Lantern ring 911 M| Teflon®| 31010027
106| 5| Cord ring 3/8″| Teflon®| 92010134
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 M| CF8M| 30300202
108| 1| Adapter 8″| Cast iron| 03710002
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020024
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft with sleeve| Steel 4140| 30300352
Shaft without sleeve| 316 SS| 30300360
126| 1| Sleeve| 316 SS| 30300682
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780002
136| 1| Safety nut M9| Steel| 91010453
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020025
184| 1| Seal plate 8″| Cast iron| 03770030
CF8M| 03770031
228| 1| Frame 911 M| Cast iron| 03720002
241| 1| Frame support 8¼”| Cast iron| 03790001
250| 1| Mechanical seal flange| CF8M| 30300302
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 M| Bronze| 31030203
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 M| Bronze| 31030204
351| 1| Body gasket 8″| EPDM| 92010196
353| 4| Stud screw ½”x 3¼” lgo.| 304 SS| 91010378
355| 4| Nut ½”| 304 SS| 91010435
357K| 2| Nut 3/16″| 304 SS| 91010431
358C| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
304 SS| 93010131
360D| 1| Adapter gasket| Vellumoid| 92010171
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010177
361A| 1| Snap ring| Steel| 31010012
370| 8| Screw 5/8″x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010282
304 SS| 91010354
370B| 4| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370C| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370D| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370F| 2| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370H| 2| Stud screw 3/16″ x 2½”| 304 SS| 91010371
382| 1| Lock washer MB9| Steel| 91010059
400| 1| Key ¼”| Steel 1018| 30400633
408A| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010058
418| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010351
423| 3| Nut ½”| Steel| 91010415
469B| 2| Dowel Pin Frame| Steel 1018| 30400864
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010040
529| 2| Spring washer| Steel| 91010014
531| 1| Roll pin| Steel| 91010184


100| 1| Casing 1×2-10| Cast iron| 03730100
CF8M| 03730101
Casing 1.5×3-10| Cast iron| 03730110
CF8M| 03730111
Casing 2×3-10| Cast iron| 03730120
CF8M| 03730121
Casing 3×4-10| Cast iron| 03730130
CF8M| 03730131
Casing 3×4-10H| Cast iron| 03730140
CF8M| 03730141
Casing 4×6-10| Cast iron| 03730150
CF8M| 03730151
Casing 4×6-10H| Cast iron| 03730160
CF8M| 03730161
101| 1| Impeller 1×2-10| Cast iron| 03750100
CF8M| 03750101
Impeller 1.5×3-10| Cast iron| 03750110
CF8M| 03750111
Impeller 2×3-10| Cast iron| 03750120
CF8M| 03750121
Impeller 3×4-10| Cast iron| 03750130
CF8M| 03750131
Impeller 3×4-10H| Cast iron| 03750140
CF8M| 03750141
Impeller 4×6-10| Cast iron| 03750150
CF8M| 03750151
Impeller 4×6-10H| Cast iron| 03750160
CF8M| 03750161
105| 1| Flashlight ring 911 M| Teflon®| 31010027
106| 5| Cord ring 3/8″| Teflon®| 92010134
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 M| CF8M| 30300202
108| 1| Adapter 10″| Cast iron| 03710003
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020024
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft with sleeve| Steel 4140| 30300352
Shaft without sleeve| 316 SS| 30300360
126| 1| Sleeve| 316 SS| 30300682
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780002
136| 1| Safety nut M9| Steel| 91010453
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020025
184| 1| Seal plate 10″| Cast iron| 03770040
CF8M| 03770041
228| 1| Frame 911 M| Cast iron| 03720002
241| 1| Frame support 8¼”| Cast iron| 03790001
Frame support 10″| Cast iron| 03790002
250| 1| Mechanical seal flange| CF8M| 30300302
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 M| Bronze| 31030203
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 M| Bronze| 31030204
351| 1| Body gasket 10″| EPDM| 92010197
353| 4| Stud screw ½”x 3¼” lgo.| 304 SS| 91010378
355| 4| Nut ½”| 304 SS| 91010435
357K| 2| Nut 5/16″| 304 SS| 91010432
358C| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
304 SS| 93010131
360D| 1| Adapter gasket| Vellumoid| 92010171
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010177
361A| 1| Snap ring| Steel| 31010012
370| 12| Screw 5/8″x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010282
304 SS| 91010354
370B| 4| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370C| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370D| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370F| 2| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370H| 2| Stud screw 5/16″ x 2¾”| 304 SS| 91010372
382| 1| Lock washer MB9| Steel| 91010059


400| 1| Key ¼”| Steel 1018| 30400633
408A| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010058
418| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010351
423| 3| Nut ½”| Steel| 91010415
469B| 2| Dowel Pin Frame| Steel 1018| 30400864
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010040
529| 2| Spring washer| Steel| 91010014
531| 1| Roll pin| Steel| 91010184


100| 1| Casing 1.5×3-13| Cast iron| 03730170
CF8M| 03730171
Casing 2×3-13| Cast iron| 03730180
CF8M| 03730181
Casing 3×4-13| Cast iron| 03730190
CF8M| 03730191
Casing 4×6-13| Cast iron| 03730200
CF8M| 03730201
101| 1| Impeller 1.5×3-13| Cast iron| 03750170
CF8M| 03750171
Impeller 2×3-13| Cast iron| 03750180
CF8M| 03750181
Impeller 3×4-13| Cast iron| 03750190
CF8M| 03750191
Impeller 4×6-13| Cast iron| 03750200
CF8M| 03750201
105| 1| Lantern ring 911 M| Teflon®| 31010027
106| 5| Cord ring 3/8″| Teflon®| 92010134
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 M| CF8M| 30300202
108| 1| Adapter 13″| Cast iron| 03710004
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020024
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft with sleeve| Steel 4140| 30300352
Shaft without sleeve| 316 SS| 30300360
126| 1| Sleeve| 316 SS| 30300682
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780002
136| 1| Safety nut M9| Steel| 91010453
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020025
184| 1| Seal plate 13″| Cast iron| 03770050
CF8M| 03770051
228| 1| Frame 911 M| Cast iron| 03720002
241| 1| Frame support 10″| Cast iron| 03790002
250| 1| Mechanical seal flange| CF8M| 30300302
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 M| Bronze| 31030203
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 M| Bronze| 31030204
351| 1| Body gasket 13″| EPDM| 92010198
353| 4| Stud screw ½”x 3¼” lgo.| 304 SS| 91010378
355| 4| Nut ½”| 304 SS| 91010435
357K| 2| Nut 5/16″| 304 SS| 91010432
358C| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
304 SS| 93010131
360D| 1| Adapter gasket| Vellumoid| 92010171
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010177
361A| 1| Snap ring| Steel| 31010012
370| 16| Screw 5/8″x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010282
304 SS| 91010354
370B| 4| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370C| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370D| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370F| 2| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370H| 2| Stud screw 5/16″ x 2¾”| 304 SS| 91010372
382| 1| Lock washer MB9| Steel| 91010059
400| 1| Key de ¼”| Steel 1018| 30400633
408A| 1| Plug de 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010058
418| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010351
423| 3| Nut ½”| Steel| 91010415
469B| 2| Dowel Pin Frame| Steel 1018| 30400864
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010040
529| 2| Spring washer| Steel| 91010014
531| 1| Roll pin| Steel| 91010184

Series: 911L

Series: 911L



100| 1| Casing 1×2-10| Cast iron| 03730100
CF8M| 03730101
Casing 1.5×3-10| Cast iron| 03730110
CF8M| 03730111
Casing 2×3-10| Cast iron| 03730120
CF8M| 03730121
Casing 3×4-10| Cast iron| 03730130
CF8M| 03730131
Casing 3×4-10H| Cast iron| 03730140
CF8M| 03730141
Casing 4×6-10| Cast iron| 03730150
CF8M| 03730151
Casing 4×6-10H| Cast iron| 03730160
CF8M| 03730161
101| 1| Impeller 1×2-10| Cast iron| 03750100B
CF8M| 03750101B
Impeller 1.5×3-10| Cast iron| 03750110B
CF8M| 03750111B
Impeller 2×3-10| Cast iron| 03750120B
CF8M| 03750121B
Impeller 3×4-10| Cast iron| 03750130B
CF8M| 03750131B
Impeller 3×4-10H| Cast iron| 03750140B
CF8M| 03750141B
Impeller 4×6-10| Cast iron| 03750150B
CF8M| 03750151B
Impeller 4×6-10H| Cast iron| 03750160B
CF8M| 03750161B
105| 1| Lantern ring 911 L| Teflon®| S/N
106| 5| Cord ring 3/8″| Teflon®| S/N
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 L| CF8M| S/N
108| 1| Adapter 10″| Cast iron| 03710003
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020028
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft with sleeve| Steel 4140| 30300353
Shaft without sleeve| 316 SS| 30300361
126| 1| Sleeve| 316 SS| 30300683
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780003
136| 1| Safety nut M10| Steel| 91010452
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020015
184| 1| Seal plate 10″| Cast iron| 03770060
CF8M| 03770061
228| 1| Frame 911 L| Cast iron| 03720003
236A| 10| Screw 5/16″ x ¾”| Steel| 91010221
241| 1| Frame support 8¼”| Cast iron| 03790001
Frame support 10″| Cast iron| 03790002
253B| 1| Clamp ring 911 L| Steel| 30400352
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 L| Bronze| 31030206
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 L| Bronze| 31030205
351| 1| Body gasket 10″| EPDM| 92010197
353| 4| Stud screw ½”x 3¼” lgo.| 304 SS| 91010378
355| 4| Nut ½”| 304 SS| 91010435
357K| 2| Nut 5/16″| 304 SS| 91010432
358C| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
304 SS| 93010131
360D| 1| Adapter gasket| Vellumoid| 92010171
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010185
370| 12| Screw 5/8″x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010282
304 SS| 91010354
370B| 4| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370C| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370D| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370F| 2| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370H| 2| Stud screw 5/16″ x 2¾”| 304 SS| 91010372
382| 1| Lock washer MB10| Steel| 91010067


400| 1| Key ½”| Steel 1018| 30400637
408A| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010058
418| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010351
423| 3| Nut ½”| Steel| 91010415
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010042
529| 2| Spring washer| Steel| 91010014


100| 1| Casing 1.5×3-13| Cast iron| 03730170
CF8M| 03730171
Casing 2×3-13| Cast iron| 03730180
CF8M| 03730181
Casing 3×4-13| Cast iron| 03730190
CF8M| 03730191
Casing 4×6-13| Cast iron| 03730200
CF8M| 03730201
101| 1| Impeller 1.5×3-13| Cast iron| 03750170B
CF8M| 03750171B
Impeller 2×3-13| Cast iron| 03750180B
CF8M| 03750181B
Impeller 3×4-13| Cast iron| 03750190B
CF8M| 03750191B
Impeller 4×6-13| Cast iron| 03750200B
CF8M| 03750201B
105| 1| Lantern ring 911 L| Teflon®| S/N
106| 5| Cord ring 3/8″| Teflon®| S/N
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 L| CF8M| S/N
108| 1| Adapter 13″| Cast iron| 03710004
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020028
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft 911 L| Steel 4140| 30300353
| | Solid shaft 911 L| 316 SS| 30300361
126| 1| Sleeve 911 L| 316 SS| 30300683
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780003
136| 1| Safety nut M10| Steel| 91010452
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020015
184| 1| Seal plate 13″| Cast iron| 03770070
184| | Seal plate 13″| CF8M| 03770071
228| 1| Frame 911 L| Cast iron| 03720003
236A| 10| Screw 5/16″ x ¾”| Steel| 91010221
241| 1| Frame support 10″| Cast iron| 03790002
253B| 1| Clamp ring 911 L| Steel| 30400352
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 L| Bronze| 31030206
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 L| Bronze| 31030205
351| 1| Body gasket 13″| EPDM| 92010198
353| 4| Stud screw ½”x 3¼” lgo.| 304 SS| 91010378
355| 4| Nut ½”| 304 SS| 91010435
357K| 2| Nut 5/16″| 304 SS| 91010432
358C| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
304 SS| 93010131
360D| 1| Adapter gasket| Vellumoid| 92010171
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010185
370| 16| Screw 5/8″x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010282
304 SS| 91010354
370B| 4| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370C| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370D| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370F| 2| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon Steel| 91010263
370H| 2| Stud screw 5/16″ x 2¾”| 304 SS| 91010372
382| 1| Lock washer MB10| Steel| 91010067
400| 1| Key ½”| Steel 1018| 30400637
408A| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010058
418| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010351
423| 3| Nut ½”| Steel| 91010415
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010042
529| 2| Spring washer| Steel| 91010014

Series: 911LX


Series: 911LX


Series: 911LX




100| 1| Casing 6×8-13| Cast iron| 03730210
CF8M| 03730211
Casing 8×10-13| Cast iron| 03730220
CF8M| 03730221
101| 1| Impeller 6×8-13| Cast iron| 03750210
CF8M| 03750211
Impeller 8×10-13| Cast iron| 03750220
CF8M| 03750221
105| 1| Lantern ring 911 LX| Teflon®| S/N
106| 5| cord ring 7/16″| Teflon®| S/N
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 LX| CF8M| S/N
108| 1| Adapter of 13″, 911 LX| Cast iron| 03710005
109C| 1| Cover for bearing support| Cast iron| 03790101
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020041
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft with sleeve| Steel 4140| 30300354
Shaft without sleeve| 316 SS| 30300362
126| 1| Sleeve 911 LX| 316 SS| 30300684
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780004
136| 1| Safety nut M13| Steel| 91010458
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020042
184| 1| Seal plate of 13″| Cast iron| 03770080
CF8M| 03770081
228| 1| Frame 911 LX| Cast iron| 03720004
241| 1| Frame holder 14½”| Cast iron| 03790003
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 LX| Bronze| 31030207
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 LX| Bronze| 31030208
351| 1| Body gasket 13″| EPDM| 92010198
353| 4| Stud screw 5/8″x 3½” lgo.| 304 SS| 91010385
355| 4| Nut 5/8″| 304 SS| 91010436
357K| 2| Nut ½”| 304 SS| 91010435
358C| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
304 SS| 93010131
358Y| 1| Impeller nut| 316 SS| 30400908
360| 1| Gasket stand cap| Vellumoid| 92010076
360D| 1| Adapter gasket| Vellumoid| 92010171
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010184
370| 16| Screw 5/8″x 2″| Carbon steel| 91010283
304 SS| 91010356
370B| 4| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon steel| 91010263
370C| 4| Screw 5/8″x 1½”| Carbon steel| 91010282
370D| 4| Screw 5/8″x 2″| Carbon steel| 91010283
370F| 2| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon steel| 91010263
370H| 2| Stud screw ½” x 3¼”| 304 SS| 91010378
371C| 1| Screw 3/8″x 1¼”| Carbon steel| 91010243
382| 1| Lock washer MB13| Steel| 91010068
400| 1| Key 5/8″| Steel 1018| 30400630
408A| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010073
418| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010351
423| 4| Nut 5/8″| Steel| 91010416
428D| 1| Impeller cap gasket| Teflon®| 92010074
469B| 2| Guide pin| Steel 1018| 30400864
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010075
529| 2| Spring washer| Steel| 91010014


100| 1| Casing 6×8-15| Cast iron| 03730230
CF8M| 03730231
Casing 8×10-15| Cast iron| 03730240
CF8M| 03730241
Casing 8×10-15G| Cast iron| 03730250
CF8M| 03730251
101| 1| Impeller 6×8-15| Cast iron| 03750230
CF8M| 03750231
Impeller 8×10-15| Cast iron| 03750240
CF8M| 03750241
Impeller 8×10-15G| Cast iron| 03750250
CF8M| 03750251
105| 1| Lantern ring 911 LX| Teflon®| S/N
106| 5| cord ring 7/16″| Teflon®| S/N
107| 1| Stuffing box 911 LX| CF8M| S/N
108| 1| Adapter of 15″| Cast iron| 03710006
109C| 1| Cover for bearing support| Cast iron| 03790101
112| 1| Outer bearing| Steel| 31020041
113A| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
122| 1| Shaft with sleeve| Steel 4140| 30300354
Shaft without sleeve| 316 SS| 30300362
126| 1| Sleeve 911 LX| 316 SS| 30300684
134| 1| Bearing support| Cast iron| 03780004
136| 1| Safety nut M13| Steel| 91010458
168A| 1| Inner bearing| Steel| 31020042
184| 1| Seal plate of 15″| Cast iron| 03770090
CF8M| 03770091
228| 1| Frame 911 LX| Cast iron| 03720004
241| 1| Frame holder 14½”| Cast iron| 03790003
319| 1| Oil sight glass| Steel/Glass| 31120011
332A| 1| Outboard lab’y seal 911 LX| Bronze| 31030207
333A| 1| Inboard lab’y seal 911 LX| Bronze| 31030208
351| 1| Body gasket 15″| EPDM| 92010204
353| 4| Stud screw 5/8″x 3½” lgo.| 304 SS| 91010385
355| 4| Nut 5/8″| 304 SS| 91010436
357K| 2| Nut ½”| 304 SS| 91010435
358C| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
304 SS| 93010131
358Y| 1| Impeller nut| 316 SS| 30400908
360| 1| Gasket stand cap| Vellumoid| 92010076
360D| 1| Adapter gasket| Vellumoid| 92010171
360Q| 1| Seal flange gasket| EPDM| 92010184
370| 24| Screw 5/8″x 2″| Carbon steel| 91010283
304 SS| 91010356
370B| 4| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon steel| 91010263
370C| 4| Screw 5/8″x 1½”| Carbon steel| 91010282
370D| 4| Screw 5/8″x 2″| Carbon steel| 91010283
370F| 2| Screw ½”x 1½”| Carbon steel| 91010263
370H| 2| Stud screw ½” x 3¼”| 304 SS| 91010378
371C| 1| Screw 3/8″x 1¼”| Carbon steel| 91010243
382| 1| Lock washer MB13| Steel| 91010068
400| 1| Key 5/8″| Steel 1018| 30400630
408A| 1| Plug 3/8″| Cast iron| 93010149
408H| 4| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408J| 1| Dry seal cap ¼”| Steel| 93010113
408L| 1| Dry seal cap ½”| Steel| 93010112
408M| 1| Dry seal cap 1″| Steel| 93010111
412A| 1| Impeller gasket| Teflon®| 92010073
418| 3| Screw ½”x 1½”| 304 SS| 91010351
423| 4| Nut 5/8″| Steel| 91010416
428D| 1| Impeller cap gasket| Teflon®| 92010074
469B| 2| Guide pin| Steel 1018| 30400864
496| 1| Support gasket| Buna-N| 92010075
529| 2| Spring washer| Steel| 91010014

Troubleshooting Chart

Risk of electric shock. Always disconnect the pump from the power source before handling inspections or repairs.




The pump does not carry nominal flow or height.| Partially clogged impeller.| Flush the pump reverse drain to clean the impeller.
Insufficient suction lift.| Make sure the suction valve is completely open and free of foreign matter.
Broken or worn impeller.| Inspect and replace if necessary.
Worn suction plate.| Replace the defective part.
Air entering throught the gasket.| Replace the gasket.
Air enter through the gland.| Replace or readjust gasket/mechanical seal.
Bearings warming.| The lubricant cooling system.| Inspect the cooling system.
Improper alignment.| Realign the pump and motor.
Inadequate lubrication.| Verify that the oil level is adequate.
Gland excessive leakage.| Mechanical seals overheated.| Verify lubrication and cooling lines.
Scratches on the surface of the sleeve.| Replace the sleeve.
The gland improperly adjusted.| Tighten bolts cap.
Worn mechanical seal parts.| Replace worn parts.
Gland improperly filled.| Verify gasket and refill the gland.
Pum a p is not de r livering l m iquid.| The pump is not primed.| Re-prime the pump and verifay that the pump and suction line are full of liquid.
Clogged suction line.| Remove obstructions.
Wrong direction of rotation.| Change rotation so that it follows with the direction indicated by the shaft on the bearing box or the pump volute.
Suction valve or suction tube not sufficiently submerged.| Consult factory for proper depth. Use a deflector to eliminate vortices.
Suction lift too high.| Shorten the suction pipe.
The engine requires excessive power.| Rotating parts touch against each other.| Verify internal wear parts checking for

the proper clearance.

Liquid heavier than expected.| Verify specific gravity and viscosity.
Height lower than regime. Pumping too much liquid.| Consult the factory, install throttle valve, adjust the impeller diameter.
The bearing gland too tight.| Readjust the gasket. Replace if worn.
Pump is noisy and vibrates.| Worn bearings.| Replace barings.
Broken or bend impeller/shaft.| Replace as needed.
No rigid foundation| Tighten the anchors securing the pump and motor or adjust the brackets.
The pump is cavitating| System problem.
Improper alignment of the pump/motor.| Align the shafts.
Partially clogged impeller causing imbalance.| Flush the pump drain reverse to clean the impeller.
Suction or discharge piping is not anchored or properly supported.| Anchor according to recommendations and standards.
The pump starts and after a while it stops pumping.| Air entering the suction line.| Repair leak.
Air pockets or vapor in suction line.| Arrange piping to eliminate air pockets.
Pump primed inappropriately.| Re-prime the pump.


Barmesa Pumps warrants that products of our manufacture will be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for 18 months from date of manufacture or 12 months from installation date whichever occurs first. This warranty givesyou specific legal rights, which vary from state to state.
This warranty is a limited warranty, and no warranty related claims of any nature whatsoever shall be made against Barmesa Pumps, until the ultimate consumer or his/her successor notifies us in writing of the defect and delivers the product and/or defective part(s) freight prepaid to our factory or nearest authorized service station as instructed by Barmesa Pumps. THERE SHALL BE NO FURTHER UABIUTY, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, NEGUGENCE OR OTHERWISE. PRODUCT SHALL BE EITHER REPLACED OR REPAIRED AT THE ELECTION OF BARMESA PUMPS. Guarantees relating to performance specifications provided in addition to the foregoing material and workmanship warranties on a product manufactured by Barmesa Pumps, if any, are subject to possible factory testing. Any additional guarantees, in the nature of certified performance specifications or time frame must be in writing and such writing must be signed by our authorized factory manager at time of order placement and/or at time of quotation. Due to inaccuracies in field testing and should a conflict arises between the results of field testing conducted by or for the user, Barmesa Pumps reserves the right to have the product returned to our factory for additional testing. This warranty shall not apply when damage is caused by (1) improper installation, (2) improper voltage, (3) lightning, (4) excessive sand or other abrasive material, (5) corrosion build-up due to excessive chemical content or (6) uncontrollable acts of god. Any modification of the original equipment will also void the warranty. We will not be responsible for loss, damage or labor cost due to interruption of service caused by defective pumps, parts or systems. Barmesa Pumps will not accept charges incurred by others without our prior written approval. This warranty is void if our inspection reveals the product was used in a manner inconsistent with normal industry practice and/or our specific recommendations. The purchaser is responsible for communication of all necessary information regarding the application and use of the product. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL WE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OTHER DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TRAVEL EXPENSES, CONTRACTOR FEES, UNAUTHORIZED REPAIR SHOP EXPENSES, LOST PROFITS, LOST INCOME, LABOR CHARGES, DELAYS IN PRODUCTION, IDLE PRODUCTION, WHICH DAMAGES ARE CAUSED BY ANY DEFECTS IN MATERIAL AND/OR WORKMANSHIP AND/OR DAMAGE OR DELAYS IN SHIPMENT. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPUED WARRANTY. No rights extended under this warranty shall be assigned to any other person, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without our prior written approval.
If you have a claim under the provision of the warranty, contact Barmesa Pumps or your authorized Barmesa Pumps Distributor:

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