CISCO Logging In to HX Data Platform Interfaces User Guide

June 15, 2024

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InterfacesLogging in to HX Data Platform Interfaces

  • HyperFlex Cluster Interfaces Overview, on page 1
  • AAA Authentication REST API, on page 6
  • Logging into HX Connect, on page 6
  • Logging into the Controller VM (hxcli) Command Line, on page 8
  • Logging Into Cisco HX Data Platform Installer, on page 10
  • Recovering the root password for the SCVM, on page 10
  • Recovering the admin password for the SCVM, on page 10
  • Accessing the HX Data Platform REST APIs, on page 12
  • Secure Admin Shell, on page 13
  • Diag User Overview, on page 14

HyperFlex Cluster Interfaces Overview

Each HyperFlex interface provides access to information about and a means to perform actions upon the HX Storage Cluster. The HX Storage Cluster interfaces include:

  • HX Connect―Monitoring, performance charts, and tasks for upgrade, encryption, replication, datastores, nodes, disks, and VM ready clones.

  • HX Data Platform Plug-in―Monitoring, performance charts, and tasks for datastores, hosts (nodes), and disks.

  • Admin Shell command line―Run HX Data Platform hxcli commands.

  • HyperFlex Systems RESTful APIs―Enabling authentication, replication, encryption, monitoring, and management of HyperFlex Systems through an on-demand stateless protocol.

  • For the most accurate read of performance, refer to the HX Connect Cluster Level performance charts.
    The other charts may not present the complete picture due to the manner in which storage is distributed in HyperFlex and consumed in the VMs via the datastores.
    Additional interfaces include:

  • HX Data Platform Installer―Installing HX Data Platform, deploying and expanding HX Storage Cluster, deploying stretched cluster, and deploying Hyper-V clusters.

  • Cisco UCS Manager―Tasks for networking, storage, and storage access, and managing resources in the HX Storage Cluster.

  • VMware vSphere Web Client and vSphere Client―Managing all the VMware ESXi servers in the vCenter cluster.

  • VMware ESXi ―Managing the individual ESXi host, providing host command line.

Guidelines for HX Data Platform Login Credentials

hxcli commands prompt for login credentials.
The Admin Shell password for the predefined users admin and root are specified during HX Data Platform installer. After installation you can change passwords through the hxcli command line.
When a user attempts to login with wrong credentials for 10 successive times, the account will be locked for two minutes. If the failed login attempts were made through SSH, the error message will not indicate that the account is locked. If the failed login attempts were made through HX Connect or REST API, the error message
during the 10th attempt will indicate that the account is locked.

Component| Permission Level| Username| Password| Notes
HX Data Platform Installer VM| root| root| Cisco123| Important Systems ship with a default password of cisco123 that must be changed during installation. You cannot continue installation unless you specify a new user supplied password.
FIX Connect| administrator or read-only| User defined through vCenter.| User defined through vCenter.|
Predefined admin or root users.| As specified during HX installation.|
Admin Shell| | User defined during HX installation.| As specified during HX installation.| Must match across all nodes in storage cluster.
Predefined admin user.| Strong| Support for SKI to the secure admin shell is limited to the user admin.
| password required.| Use the hxcli command when changing the password after installation.
vCenter| admin| zidnunistrator,ccvsphemlocal default.| SSO enabled.| Read only users do not have
SSO enabled.| As configured.| access to HX Data Platform
As configured, MYDOMAIN \name or| Plug-in.|
ESXi Server| root| SSO enabled. As configured.| SSO enabled.| Must match across all ESX rs
As configured.| servers in storage cluster.
Hypervisor| root| root| As specified during HX installation.| Use vCenter or esxcli command when changing the password after HX installation.
UCS Manager| admin| As configured.| As configured.|
Fabric Interconnect| admin| As configured.| As configured.|

HX Data Platform Names, Passwords, and Characters

Most printable and extended ASCII characters are acceptable for use in names and passwords. Certain characters are not allowed in HX Data Platform user names, passwords, virtual machine names, storage controller VM names, and datastore names. Folders and resource pools do not have character exceptions.
Passwords must contain a minimum of 10 characters, with at least 1 lowercase, 1 uppercase, 1 numeric, and 1 of the following characters: ampersand (&), apostrophe (‘), asterisk (*), at sign (@), back slash (\), colon (:), comma (,), dollar sign ($), exclamation (!), forward slash (/), less than sign (<), more than sign (>), percent (%), pipe (|), pound (#), question mark (?), semi- colon (;)
When entering special characters, consider the shell being used. Different shells have different sensitive characters. If you have special characters in your names or passwords, place them in a single quote, ‘speci@lword!’. It is not required to place passwords within single quotes in the HyperFlex Installer password form field.
HX Storage Cluster Name
HX cluster names cannot exceed 50 characters.
HX Storage Cluster Host Names
HX cluster host names cannot exceed 80 characters.
Virtual Machine and Datastore Names
Most characters used to create a virtual machine name, controller VM name, or datastore name are acceptable.
Escaped characters are acceptable for virtual machine, controller VM names, or datastore names.
Maximum characters―Virtual machine names can have up to 80 characters.
Excluded characters―Do not use the following character in any user virtual machine name or datastore name for which you want to enable snapshots.

  • accent grave (`)
    Special characters―The following special characters are acceptable for user virtual machine or datastore names:

  • ampersand (&), apostrophe (‘), asterisk (*), at sign (@), back slash (\), circumflex (^), colon (:), comma (,), dollar sign ($), dot (.), double quotation (“), equal sign (=), exclamation (!), forward slash (/), hyphen (-), left curly brace ({), left parentheses ((), left square bracket ([), less than sign (<), more than sign (>), percent (%), pipe (|), plus sign (+), pound (#), question mark (?), right curly brace (}), right parentheses ()), right square bracket (]), semi-colon (;), tilde (~), underscore (_)

Username Requirements
Usernames can be specific to the HX Data Platform component and must meet UCS Manager username requirements.
UCS Manager username requirements.

  • Number of characters: between 6 and 32 characters
  • Must be unique within Cisco UCS Manager.
  • Must start with an alphabetic character.
  • Must have alphabetic characters (upper or lower case).
  • Can have numeric characters. Cannot be all numeric characters.
  • Special characters: Limited to underscore (_), dash (-), and dot (.)

Controller VM Password Requirements
The following rules apply to controller VM root and admin user passwords.
General rule about passwords: Do not include them in a command string. Allow the command to prompt for the password.

  • Minimum Length: 10
  • Minimum 1 Uppercase
  • Minimum 1 Lowercase
  • Minimum 1 Digit
  • Minimum 1 Special Character
  • A maximum of 3 retry to set the new password

To change a controller VM password, always use the hxcli command. Do not use another change password command, such as a Unix password command.

  1. Log into the management controller VM.
  2. Run the hxcli command.
    hxcli security password set [-h] [–user USER]
    The change is propagated to all the controller VMs in the HX cluster.

UCS Manager and ESX Password Format and Character Requirements
The following is a summary of format and character requirements for UCS Manager and VMware ESXi
passwords. See the Cisco UCS Manager and VMware ESX documentation for additional information.

  • Characters classes: lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, special characters.
    Passwords are case sensitive.

  • Character length: Minimum 6, maximum 80
    Minimum 6 characters required, if characters from all four character classes.
    Minimum 7 characters required, if characters from at least three character classes.
    Minimum 8 characters required, if characters from only one or two character classes.

  • Start and end characters: An upper case letter at the beginning or a number at the end of the password do not count toward the total number of characters.
    If password starts with uppercase letter, then 2 uppercase letters are required. If password ends with a digit, then 2 digits are required.
    Examples that meet the requirements:
    h#56Nu – 6 characters. 4 classes. No starting upper case letter. No ending number.
    h5xj7Nu – 7 characters. 3 classes. No starting upper case letter. No ending number.
    XhUwPcNu – 8 characters. 2 classes. No starting upper case letter. No ending number.
    Xh#5Nu – 6 characters counted. 4 characters classes. Starting upper case letter. No ending number.
    Nu9 – 6 characters counted. 4 characters classes. No starting upper case letter. Ending number.

  • Consecutive characters: Maximum 2. For example, hhh###555 is not acceptable.
    Through vSphere SSO policy, this value is configurable.

  • Excluded characters:
    UCS Manager passwords cannot contain the escape (\) character.
    ESX passwords cannot contain these characters.

  • Cannot be the username or the reverse of the username.

  • Cannot contain words found in the dictionary.

  • Cannot contain the characters escape (\), dollar sign ($), question mark (?), equal sign (=).

  • Dictionary words:
    Do not use any words that can be found in the dictionary.

AAA Authentication REST API
Cisco HyperFlex provides REST APIs to access resources in storage cluster. The AAA Authentication RES API provides a mechanism to authenticate a user and exchange the provided credentials for an Access Token.
This access token can be used to invoke other REST API calls.
A rate limit is enforced on Authentication REST API (/auth): in a 15 minute window, /auth can be invoked (successfully) a maximum of 5 times. A user is allowed to create a maximum of 8 unrevoked tokens. Subsequent call to /auth will automatically revoke the oldest issued token to make room for the new token. A maximum of 16 unrevoked tokens can be present in system. In order to prevent brute-force attacks, after 10 consecutive failed authentication attempts, a user account is locked for a period of 120 seconds. Access Tokens issued are valid for 18 days (1555200 second).
HxConnect makes use of /auth call for login purpose and the limit applies there also.

Logging into HX Connect

Cisco HyperFlex Connect provides an HTML5 based access to HX Storage Cluster monitoring, and replication, encryption, datastore, and virtual machine tasks.
About Sessions
Each login to HX Connect is a session. Sessions are the period of activity between time when you log into HX Connect and when you log out. Do not manually clear cookies in a browser during a session, because this also drops the session. Do not close the browser to close a session, though dropped, the session is still counted as an open session. Default session maximums include:

  • 8 concurrent sessions per user
  • 16 concurrent sessions across the HX Storage Cluster.

Before you begin

  • If you are a read-only user, you may not see all of the options described in the Help. To perform most actions in HX Connect, you must have administrative privileges.
  • Ensure that the time on the vCenter and the controller VMs are in sync or near sync. If there is too large of a time skew between the vCenter time and the cluster time, AAA authentication will fail.

Step 1 Locate the HX Storage Cluster management IP address. Use fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the management IP address, rather than individual Storage Controller VM.
Step 2 Enter the HX Storage Cluster management IP address in a browser.
Step 3
Enter the HX Storage Cluster login credentials.

  • RBAC users―Cisco HyperFlex Connect supports role-based access control (RBAC) login for:
  • Administrator―Users with administrator role have read and modify operations permissions. These users can modify the HX Storage Cluster
  • Read only―Users with read only role have read (view) permissions. They cannot make any changes to the HX Storage Cluster. These users are created through vCenter. vCenter username format is: @domain.local and specified in the User Principal Name Format (UPN). For example, administrator@vsphere.local. Do not add a prefix such as “ad:” to the username.
  • HX pre-defined users―To login using the HX Data Platform predefined users admin or root, enter a prefix local/.
    For example: local/root or local/admin.
    Actions performed with the local/ login only affect the local cluster.
    vCenter recognizes the session with HX Connect, therefore system messages that originate with vCenter might indicate the session user instead of local/root. For example, in Alarms, Acknowledged By might list com.springpath.sysmgmt.domain-c7.
    Click the eye icon to view or hide the password field text. Sometimes this icon is obscured by other field elements. Click the eye icon area and the toggle function continues to work.

What to do next

  • To refresh the HX Connect displayed content, click the refresh (circular) icon. If this does not refresh the page, the clear the cache and reload the browser.
  • To logout of HX Connect, and properly close the session, select User menu (top right) > Logout.

Logging into the Controller VM (hxcli) Command Line

All hxcli commands are divided into commands that read HX Cluster information and commands that modify the HX Cluster.

  • Modify commands―Require administrator level permissions. Examples:
    hxcli cluster create
    hxcli datastore create
    Read commands―Permitted with administrator or read only level permissions. Examples:
    hxcli -help
    hxcli cluster info
    hxcli datastore info
    To execute HX Data Platform hxcli commands, log into the HX Data Platform Storage Controller VM command line.

Do not include passwords in command strings. Commands are frequently passed to the logs as plain text.
Wait until the command prompts for the password. This applies to login commands as well as hxcli commands.
You may log into the HX Data Platform command line interface in the Storage Controller VM in the following ways:

  • From a command terminal

  • From HX Connect Web CLI page
    Only direct commands are supported through HX Connect.

  • Direct commands―commands that complete in a single pass and do not require responses through the command line. Example direct command: hxcli cluster info

  • Indirect commands―multi-layered commands that require live response through the command line. Example interactive command: hxcli cluster reregister

Step 1 Locate a controller VM DNS Name.
a. Select a VM > Summary > DNS Name.
b. From vSphere Web Client Home > VMs and Templates > vCenter server > datacenter > ESX Agents > VVM.
c. Click through to the storage cluster list of controller VMs.
Step 2 From a browser, enter the DNS Name and /cli path.
a) Enter the path.

Assumed username: admin, password: defined during HX Cluster creation.
b) Enter the password at the prompt.
Step 3 From a command line terminal using ssh.
Do not include the password in a ssh login string. The login is passed to the logs as plain text.
Note a) Enter the ssh command string.
b) Sometimes a certificate warning is displayed. Enter yes to ignore the warning and proceed. ——————————————————–!!!
This service is restricted to authorized users only.
All activities on this system are logged. Unauthorized access will be reported. ——————————————————–HyperFlex StorageController 2.5(1a)# exit logout Connection to closed.]$ssh admin@
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
c) Enter the password at the prompt.

ssh admin@

HyperFlex StorageController 2.5(1a) admin@’s password:
Step 4 From HX Connect—Log into HX Connect, select Web CLI.
Note Only non-interactive commands can be executed from the HX Connect Web CLI.

Changing Storage Controller Password

To reset the HyperFlex storage controller password post-installation, do the following.
Step 1 Log into a storage controller VM.
Step 2 Change the Cisco HyperFlex storage controller password. # hxcli security password set
This command applies the change to all the controller VMs in the storage cluster.
If you add new compute nodes and try to reset the cluster password using the hxcli security password
set command, the converged nodes get updated, but the compute nodes may still have the default password.
Step 3 Type the new password.
Step 4 Press Enter.

Logging Into Cisco HX Data Platform Installer

Next, you install the HX Data Platform software.
Before launching the Cisco HX Data Platform Installer, ensure that all the ESXi servers that are in the vCenter cluster that you plan to include in the storage cluster are in maintenance mode.
Step 1 In a browser, enter the URL for the VM where HX Data Platform Installer is installed.
You must have this address from the earlier section on Deploying HX Data Platform Installer. For example
Step 2 Enter the following credentials:

  • Username: root

  • Password (Default): Cisco123
    Systems ship with a default password of Cisco123 that must be changed during installation. You cannot continue installation unless you specify a new user supplied password.
    Read the EULA. Click I accept the terms and conditions.
    Verify the product version listed in the lower right corner is correct. Click Login.
    Step 3
    The HX Data Platform Installer Workflow page provides two options to navigate further.

  • Create Cluster drop-down list—You can deploy a standard cluster, Stretched Cluster, or a Hyper-V cluster.

  • Cluster Expansion—You can provide the data to add converged nodes and compute nodes to an existing standard storage cluster.

Recovering the root password for the SCVM

The only option to perform a root password recovery is using Linux single user mode. Contact Cisco TAC to complete this process.
Recovering the admin password for the SCVM
For HX 4.5(2c) and HX 5.0(2x) and later, you can recover the Storage Controller VM (SCVM) Admin password, by using SSH from the ESXi host with the RSA key and running the recover-password command.
You will need to contact TAC to complete this process.
Before you begin
Contact TAC to support the Consent Token workflow.
Step 1 Log in to the ESXi host using SSH.
Step 2 SSH to the Storage Controller VM for which the password has to be recovered, from ESXi using the host_rsa_key command. Example
ssh admin@/opt/cisco/support/ -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:OkA9czzcL7I5fYbfLNtSI+D+Ng5dYp15qk/9C1cQzzk.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added ‘’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
HyperFlex StorageController 4.5(2c)
hostfile_replace_entries: link /.ssh/known_hosts to /.ssh/known_hosts.old: Function not implemented update_known_hosts: hostfile_replace_entries failed for /.ssh/known_hosts: Function not implemented
This is a Restricted shell.
Type ‘?’ or ‘help’ to get the list of allowed commands.
If you are running ESXi 7.0, normal login will not work. You will need to run the following command:
ssh -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa admin@/opt/cisco/support/getstctlvmip .sh -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
Step 3
Run the recover-password command. A prompt appears requesting Consent Token.
Contact TAC to help provide the Consent Token.
a) Enter Option 1 to Generate Challenge.
b) Copy the Consent Token.
c) Enter Option 2 to Accept Response.
d) Enter the Constent Token.
e) Enter the new password for admin.
f) Re-enter the new password for admin.
Example admin:~$ recover-password
Consent token is needed to reset password. Do you want to continue?(y/[n]): y ———————————–1. Generate Challenge 2. Accept Response 3. Exit ———————————–Enter Option: 1 Generating Challenge………………………………. Challenge String (Please copy everything between the asterisk lines exclusively): **BEGIN TOKEN** 2g9HLgAAAQEBAAQAAAABAgAEAAAAAQMACL7HPAX+PhhABAAQo9ijSGjCx+Kj+Nk1YrwKlQUABAAAAGQGAAlIeXBl cmZsZXgHAAxIeXBlcmZsZXhfQ1QIAAlIWVBFUkZMRVgJACBhNzAxY2VhMGZlOGVjMDQ2NDllMGZhODVhODIyYTY2NA== END TOKEN** ———————————–1. Generate Challenge 2. Accept Response 3. Exit ———————————–Enter Option: 2 Starting background timer of 30 mins Please input the response when you are ready: Gu4aPQAAAQEBAAQAAAABAgAEAAAAAQMBYnlQdnRGY1NiNkhtOUlyanlDQVJic0ZXYnp3MVpzdm1pcVh3ZzJLSlZZSVl yeXBydU9oejVQWkVXdlcvWWdFci8NCnBrVFVpS1d0dVRlczZ6TkdITXl0T3dNaFhaT2lrM3pKL1M5cDJqR0xxcGFOY Ruc05SVFNybCtQeGwvK1Z1b1gNCjBHYVVxcExXdUhtUUc0UG9ZU2FBL0lwelRFYzlaRmFNeUFmYUdkOThMSmliZnl2UF c2d0tNY1FCM3lPWmRjU1ENCklGeWZJTVpKL1RWd1lOaERZT001dXQveHZxUU1HN1hTbjdXb2R4Wng2NVNqVktWK2lId FMyZzdxZUIzc3R2TEgNCld1VWNYS3lWdFdOaXRiaHBvWUIwT1J0N2l3dHlrSkcyWldWbnk4KzZIUUNJbW9xdnFoSU91S kk4aElsWWNNaUENCnlEbEpkQ0wwcHVObSswNVVyTWM0M1E9PQ== Response Signature Verified successfully ! Response processed successfully. Consent token workflow is successful, allowing password reset. Enter the new password for admin: Re-enter the new password for admin: Changing password for admin… Password changed successfully for user admin. After using the recover-password command to change the password, passwords will no longer be synced on all nodes. You will need to use hxcli security password set to change and sync the password again on all nodes.
Step 4 To sync the password on all nodes, run the hxcli security password set command from any node, and enter the new password. Example admin:~$ hxcli security password set Enter new password for user admin: Re-enter new password for user admin:

Accessing the HX Data Platform REST APIs

Cisco HyperFlex HX-Series Systems provide a fully-contained, virtual server platform that combines all three layers of compute, storage, and network with the powerful Cisco HX Data Platform software tool resulting in a single point of connectivity for simplified management. Cisco HyperFlex Systems are modular systems designed to scale out by adding HX nodes under a single UCS management domain. The hyperconverged system provides a unified pool of resources based on your workload needs.
Cisco HyperFlex Systems RESTful APIs with HTTP verbs integrate with other third-party management and monitoring tools that can be configured to make HTTP calls. It enables authentication, replication, encryption, monitoring, and management of a  yperFlex system through an on-demand stateless protocol. The APIs allow for external applications to interface directly with the HyperFlex management plane.
These resources are accessed through URI or Uniform Resource Identifier and operations are performed on these resources using http verbs such as POST (create), GET (read), PUT (update), DELETE (delete).
The REST APIs are documented using swagger which can also generate client libraries in various languages such as python, JAVA, SCALA, and Javascript. Using libraries thus generated, you can create programs and scripts to consume HyperFlex resources.
HyperFlex also provides a built-in REST API access tool, the REST explorer. Use this tool to access HyperFlex resources in real time and observe responses. The REST explorer also generates CURL commands that can be run from command line.
Step 1 Open a browser to the DevNet address
Step 2 Click Login and enter credentials, if needed.
Secure Admin Shell
Starting with Cisco HX Release 4.5(1a), limiting access provides the following:

  • Controller VMs from outside the clusters through remote root access over SSH is disabled.
  • Admin users have limited shell access with only restricted commands available. To know the allowed commands in the admin shell, execute priv and help or ? commands.
  • Access is only available through local root Consent Token process.
  • Logging into the root shell of a controller, for troubleshooting purposes, requires Cisco TAC to be involved.
    Administrators of HX clusters deployed in air-gapped networks can enable a persistent root shell on the HX Controller VM command line interface (CLI) after a one-time authentication with Consent Token (CT) with assistance from Cisco TAC. This enables an authenticated user on the CLI to switch user to root thereafter without further intervention by TAC. For more information, see Facilitating Controller VM Root Access for Air-Gapped Clusters in the Cisco HyperFlex Systems Installation Guide for VMware ESXi, Release 5.0.

Guidelines and Limitations

  • Remote root access over ssh to any controller VM from outside the cluster is disabled. Only nodes part of the cluster can SSH as root to other nodes over the data network.
  • If an ESX node is put in Maintenance Mode (MM) during or before consent token generation, the token will not be available on that SCVM and the sync utility will have to be invoked after the node exists MM and the SCVM is back online.
  • If a root capable user exists in an HX Release 4.0(x) or earlier cluster, delete it before starting an upgrade to HX Release 4.5(1a). If the root capable user is not removed, the upgrade will not proceed.

Information About Consent Token
Consent Token is a security feature that is used to authenticate the system network administrator of an organization to access system shell with mutual consent from the administrator and Cisco Technical Assistance Centre (Cisco TAC).
In some debugging scenarios, the Cisco TAC engineer may have to collect certain debug information or perform live debug on a production system. In such cases, the Cisco TAC engineer will ask you (the network administrator) to access system shell on your device. Consent Token is a lock, unlock and re- lock mechanism that provides you with privileged, restricted, and secure access to the system shell.
For Secure Shell limited access, it is necessary for the network administrator and Cisco TAC to provide explicit consent. When logged in as admin, there is the option to run diagnostic commands as admin or request TAC assistance to request a root shell. root shell access is only intended to troubleshoot and fix issues within HyperFlex Data Platform.
Once TAC has completed the required troubleshooting, it’s recommended to invalidate the consent token to disable the root access.
Diag User Overview
Starting with HX 5.0(2a), a new “diag” user for the HyperFlex command line interface, HX Shell, is introduced.
This account is a local user account with escalated privileges designed for troubleshooting. Log into HX Shell remains restricted to the “admin” user account, and you must switch-user (su) to the “diag” user by providing the diag user password and passing a CAPTCHA test. When using the “diag” user, please note the following:

  • Has more relaxed privileges than the admin user, but is more restricted than the root user

  • Uses bash as the default shell, easing limitations of the lshell

  • You can only access it by running ‘su diag’ from admin shell. Direct ssh to diag is blocked.

  • After entering the password for diag, a CAPTCHA test appears. You will need to enter the correct CAPTCHA to enter the diag shell.

  • Write permission is limited to a pre-defined set of files for the diag user
    Any command that would cause changes to the system software are blocked for the “diag” user. The default list of blocked commands include:

  • sudo

  • apt-get

  • li

  • dpkg

  • apt

  • easy_install

  • setfacl

  • adduser

  • deluser

  • userdel

  • groupadd

  • groupdel

  • addgroup

  • delgroup

The following is sample output for the diag user command.
This is a Restricted shell.
Type ‘?’ or ‘help’ to get the list of allowed commands.
hxshell:~$ su diag

CISCO Logging In to HX Data Platform Interfaces - FigEnter the output of above expression: -1 Valid captcha diag#

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