PHILIPS 929001987912 TrueForce LED Lamps Installation Guide
- June 4, 2024
- Philips
Table of Contents
929001987912 TrueForce LED Lamps
Installation Guide
Philips TrueForce LED lamps
Please take the time to read this installation guide. The guide contains
important information and notes regarding the installation and operation.
- Always switch off the power supply before commencing work!
- The LED lamp is suitable for direct main voltage input.
- 95W LED high bay lamp is compatible with BHUBSN 250W ballast and 140W LED high bay lamp is compatible with BHUBSN 400W ballast.
- The LED lamp is NOT compatible with dimmers.
- The product is NOT compatible to use with electronic ballasts.
- Check the ballast type before commencing the installation.
- Suitable for use in operating temperature range between -40°C to +55°C.
- If LED lamp is being used within a luminaire, the minimum dimensions requirement on the lamp compartment is (Hx0) 300mmx406mm. if the luminaire comes with a glass/cover, it’s recommended to detach it for optimal light efficiency and product lifetime. Please check the Tc temperature in the application guide for best performance.
- Do not change the structure or any components of the LED lamp to ensure safety.
- The LED lamp is designed to fit in standard IEC-compliant E40 lamp holders.
- The LED lamp should be installed by a qualified professional electrician .
- Perform inspection before installation to ensure the luminaire/lamp holder is in good condition to carry the weight and performance of the LED lamp.
- The LED lamps should be positioned so that prolonged staring into the luminaire at a distance closer than I m is not expected.
- Always install the safety sling provided in the package.
- The LED lamp fulfilled IP40 requirement. The LED lamp is designed for general lighting service.
- Please do not apply the LED lamp in applications that contain emergency or/and explosive-proof luminaires.
- The total system performance may vary depending on the lighting/luminaire system.
- For latest information, please refer to
- In case of doubt, please consult Signify representative.
Signify disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, or incidental damages in case of installation performed either not according to this guide or not performed by a professional electrician.
For replacing MH HID lamp, convert to mains voltage input
Perform a visual inspection to ensure the lamp-holder and integrated
wiring are not damaged. if the lamp-holder is damaged, corroded, charred,
blackened. or loose. the lamp holder should be replaced with a new lamp
holder. if the internal wire is damaged. it should be replaced with a new
- Switch off the power to luminaire.
- Remove diffuser/glass (if provided) and existing lamp from the luminaire.
- Bypass the gear including ballast/capacitor/ignitor and connect lamp-holder wires directly to AC supply leads. Use only on 220-240VAC circuits.
- Check the socket condition (replace it if the condition is poor) then screw in Philips TrueForce LED lamp Imo the E40 lamp holder firmly.
- Install the safety sling provided to the lamp.
- Attach the other end of the safety sling to the luminaire/fixed point. Adjust the sling length until suitable.
- Affix the sticker provided inside the luminaire where it is prominently visible to the future installers. The sticker serves to notify that the luminaire has been modified and does not accept traditional HID lamps any longer.
- Switch on the power.
For replacing MH HID lamp with gear directly
Perform a visual inspection to ensure the lamp-holder and Internal
wiring Are not damaged, If the lamp-holder is damaged, corroded, charred,
blackened, or loose, the lamp holder should be replaced with a new lamp-
holder. If the Internal wire Is damaged. It should be replaced with a new
- Switch off the power to luminaire.
- Remove diffuser/glass (if provided) and existing lamp from the luminaire.
- Check the socket condition (replace it if the condition Is poor) then screw In Philips TrueForce LED lamp into the E40 lamp holder firmly.
- Install the safety sling provided to the lamp.
- Attach the other end of the safety sling to the luminaire/fixed point. Adjust the sling length until suitable.
- Switch on the power.
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PHILIPS 929001987912 TrueForce LED
[pdf] Installation Guide
929001987912, TrueForce LED Lamps, 929001987912 TrueForce LED Lamps, LED
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