Adam MUW 300L Digital Health Scale User Manual

June 14, 2024

Adam MUW 300L Digital Health Scale


The MUW Health and Fitness scale provides the weight and height of a patient before calculating the BMI based on the results. Each result will be displayed on the Indicator and held until the result is cleared, the BMI result can be used to help evaluate some ones overall health. Units of weighing are Kg, Lbs, and Lbs and Ounces. Height measurements are displayed in cm, feet and inches, and inches. There is an internal rechargeable battery as well as wheels fitted to the base that make the MUW totally portable. The results can be sent to a printer or PC via the RS232 communication port, either manually or automatically.



The MUW has been packed in such a way to make it quick and easy for the USER to assemble, please follow the instructions as below.

  1. Remove the base and pillar sections from the packaging.
  2. Lift the lower pillar section and place it with the screw holes at the rear onto the back of the base allowing for the cable to hang freely in the open area.
  3. Fit and tighten the 4 x M5 x 15 bolts and washers through the fixing plate of the lower pillar section and into the base then slide the pillar cover down so that it locates securely. Fix the pillar cover at the rear using 2 x M4 x 10 screws.
  4. Lift the central pillar section into position and slide it with the screw holes at the rear onto the fixing insert ensuring the cable hangs freely inside the pillar.
  5. Fit and tighten 4 x M4 x 10 screws through the pillar and into the insert.
  6. Lift the top pillar section into position and slide it onto the fixing insert with the sensor housing facing the front, again ensuring the cable hangs freely inside the pillar.
  7. Fit and tighten 4 x M4 x 10 screws through the pillar and into the insert.

The MUW comes with 4 x wall fixing brackets that can be secured to the pillar before fixing to the wall. If the wall fixing brackets are being used attach these when you fix the M4 x 10 screws to the pillar fixing inserts. Fasten securely to the wall once you have selected the position the MUW will be used in.


  • Avoid extremes of temperature. Do not place in direct sunlight or near air conditioning vents.
  • Avoid unstable power sources. Do not use near large users of electricity such as welding equipment or large motors. Do not let the balance battery go flat. If you are not using it for a long time you should charge the battery periodically to make sure the battery does not lose its charge.
  • Keep free from vibration. Do not place near heavy or vibrating machinery.
  • Avoid high humidity that might cause condensation. Keep away from direct contact with water. Do not spray or immerse the balance in water.
  • Do not place near open windows, air-conditioning vents or fans that may cause a draft and unstable readings.
  • Keep the scale clean. Do not stack material on the top pan when it is not in use.


The keypad and display have a number of features as shown and explained below:

Adam MUW 300L Digital Health Scale-fig- \(2\)

To turn the scale On or Off.
To clear the readings on the display

ready for the next weighing

| To change the displayed height reading between cm, feet or feet and


| To save and escape back to the parameter settings
| To send a command to print the

current displayed readings

| To change the setting when in a USER


| To change the displayed weight

reading between Kg, Lb’s or Lb’s and Ounces

| To change the USER parameter
| To Zero the scale before weighing

To Tare any item to obtain net weight

| To enter the selected setting when in a USER parameter


The rear panel has a connector input for the external power adaptor (12 volts DC @800ma).


  • The scale can be operated from the internal rechargeable battery or using an adapter. The battery life is approximately 24 hours with the backlight off. Depending on the usage of the backlight the lifetime of the battery will reduce.
  • The display will show an indication when the battery needs to be charged. To charge the battery plug the adapter into the POWER input socket in the rear panel and connect it to the mains power supply. The charging indicator in the lower left corner of the LCD will be on to show it is charging and will turn green when the battery is fully charged.



Plug in the unit using the adapter or use the internal rechargeable battery. It is recommended that you charge the battery for at least 8 hours before first use.

  1. To turn on press the [On/Off] key once and release. The scale will show the software revision, the battery voltage, and then a self-test before showing the stable sign and zero weight on the display.
  2. The scale can now be used.
  3. To turn the scale off after use press the [On/Off] key again. There is an auto power-off function that will automatically turn the unit off if not used for a period of time. This can be set in the parameters section 6.0.


  • You can press the [Zero] key to set a new zero point and show a zero reading. This may be necessary if the weight reading is not indicating zero with nothing on the platform, and should be done if required before each new weighing takes place. The zero indicator will show up in the upper left corner of the LCD when the scale displays Zero.


  • To change the displayed weighing unit, press the [kg/lb] key which will then cycle you through the available options of weighing units. This can only be done before or after a weighing takes place.


  • To change the displayed height measuring unit, press the [cm/ft] key which will then cycle you through the available options of height measuring units. This can only be done before or after a weighing takes place.


  • To determine a person’s weight, height and BMI the patient should stand on the platform within the marked area and look straight ahead. The ultrasonic sensor will detect that a person is on the platform signified by the symbol in the upper right part of the display and start to determine the height. When a stable reading of weight is obtained the three readings will be displayed
  • The results will remain on the display until the [Clear] key is pressed. Results from a BMI measurement can be determined as the table below.
    BMI| Weight Status
    Below 18.5| Underweight
    18.5 – 24.9| Normal
    25.0 – 29.9| Overweight
    30.0 and Above| Obese


  • If a printer or other data collection device is being used the results will be sent automatically or manually depending on the printing control set up. The data transmission speed must be set correctly to allow the results to be received.
  • The Doctor and patients identity number can be programmed into the Indicator to give you a traceable record which also records date and time.
  • To enter the Doctors Id press and hold the [Print] key for 2 seconds. The display will show as below, use the [Print] and [Clear] keys to move the flashing digit and the [kg/lb] and [cm/ft] keys to enter the Id number you require and press [Zero] to save.
  • The display will now show the Patients Id screen, use the keys as above to set the Id number and press [Zero] to save and exit back to normal weighing.
  • See section 6.3 and 6.4 for printing controls and data transmission speed options


Once the results have been calculated and displayed they will remain displayed until the [Clear] key is pressed. When the patient has stepped off the platform and the results have been recorded or printed, the [Clear] key can then be pressed which will return the display to zero ready for the next patient to be weighed.


The balance has 8 parameters where options can be set by the user.

F1 EL See section 6.1 Sets the backlight operation

Default is AUTO

F2 OFF| See section 6.2| Auto off function Default is 10
F3 SER| See section 6.3| Sets the printing control and data transmission speed Default is 9600
F4 PT SEL| See section 6.4| Printing controls
F5 ULTRA| See section 6.5| Calibration of the height sensor
F6 HOLD| See section 6.6| Sets the HOLD function to ON or OFF
F7 D-T| See section 6.7| Setting the date and time
F8 SET UP| See section 6.8| Set up parameters
F9 TECH| Service only|


The backlight function can be set by the user.

AUTO| Sets the backlight to operate automatically when a weight is

placed on the platform or a key is pressed.

OFF| Sets the backlight to be on at all times.
ON| Sets the backlight to be off at all times.

  1. Switch on the scale then press the [kg/lb] key during the self-checking test of the display.
  2. The display will show the first function F1 EL….
  3. Press the [Zero] key to select F1 EL and show the current setting, default is AUTO.
  4. Press the [Print] key to change the setting for the backlight and press [Zero] to save, then [kg/lb] to select the next parameter.


An automatic power down time can be set so that the MUW turns off after a period where no activity is detected. This preserves the life time of the battery when used in this mode. Settings are OFF, 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes.

  • Switch on the scale then press the [kg/lb] key during the self-checking test of the display.
  • The display will show the first function F1 EL
  • Press the [kg/lb] key to select F2 OFF and then [Zero] to enter and show the current setting, default is 10.
  • Press the [Print] key to change the setting for the backlight and press  [Zero] to save, then [kg/lb] to select the next parameter.


The MUW can be set to automatically print “AUTO”, or print on demand “PrN” by pressing the [Print] button. The data transmission speed “Bps” of the MUW must match that of the Printer or other device being used to collect data information successfully.

The printing control and speed can be selected as follows.

  • Switch on the scale then press the [kg/lb] key during the self-checking test of the display.
  • The display will show the first function F1 EL
  • Press the [kg/lb] key to select F3 SER and then [Zero] to enter and show the current printing control setting “UArt”.
  • Either printing on demand (PrN), pressing the [Print] key following a weighing, or printing automatically (AUTO), automatically prints out when a stable reading and BMI calculation is displayed can be selected.
  • Press the [Print] key to change the setting for the printing control and press [Zero] to save.
  • The current setting for data transmission speed “Bps” will now be displayed. 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 are available. Default is 9600. Press the [Print] key to change the setting and press [Zero] to save. Test will be displayed, press the [Print] key to send a test print command.
  • Press [Zero] to save, [cm/ft] to exit, then [kg/lb] to select the next parameter.


The MUW can be programmed to provide a customised print out to give you the readings you require. Doctor, patient, DiSP1, DiSP2, DiSP3 details can all be enabled or disabled to suit the information you need to see.

  1. Switch on the scale then press the [kg/lb] key during the self-checking test of the display.
  2. The display will show the first function F1 EL….
  3. Press the [kg/lb] key to select F4 PTSEL and then [Zero] to enter and show the current settings.
dr.Id Doctors Id number ON/OFF
PAt.Id Patient Id number ON/OFF
DiSP 1 Display 1 shows the weight of the patient ON/OFF
DiSP 2 Display 2 shows the height of the patient ON/OFF
DiSP 3 Display 3 shows the BMI of the patient ON/OFF
CAL Print out following calibration ON/OFF
d-t Date and time ON/OFF
  • Press the [Print] key to change the setting for the printing detail control and press [Zero] to save.
  • Press the [kg/lb] key to exit and continue.


The Ultrasonic height sensor has been factory calibrated and should not require frequent calibration. If there is a problem with height measuring proceed as below.

  1. Switch on the scale then press the [kg/lb] key during the self-checking test of the display.
  2. The display will show the first function F1 EL….
  3. Press the [kg/lb] key to select F5 ULTRA and then [Zero] to enter the sensor calibration section “AdJUST” XX (XX being a factory set figure)
  4. Press the [Zero] key and the display will show “base- H 220”, press [Zero] to calibrate the “Zero” height reading.
  5. The display will show “test” and a 4 digit number. Press the [Zero] key from a position where the height sensor cannot detect you.
  6. When calibration is complete the display will show “AdJUST XX”.

If after calibration the height sensor is not measuring correctly, press [Print] or [Clear] at point 3 to change XX. A lower number will decrease the height measurement and a higher number will increase it. Then continue from point 4 on. *A print out with date and time can be issued following every calibration.


The Hold function can be set so that the height and BMI readings are visible as they are being calculated (OFF), or remain as dashes until the weight reading is stable upon where they will be displayed (ON).

  1. Switch on the scale then press the [kg/lb] key during the self-checking test of the display.
  2. The display will show the first function F1 EL….
  3. Press the [kg/lb] key to select F6 HOLD and then [Zero] to enter and show the current setting, default is ON.
  4. Press the [Print] key to change the setting for Hold, press [Zero] to save, then [kg/lb] to select the next parameter.


  1. Switch on the scale then press the [kg/lb] key during the self-checking test of the display.
  2. The display will show the first function F1 EL..
  3. Press the [kg/lb] key to select F7D-T and then [Zero] to enter the date setting display.
  4. The display will show the day, month and year.
  5. To change any setting press the [kg/lb] key to increment the flashing digit and either the [Print] or [Clear] key to move the flashing digit to the left or right.
  6. Press the [Zero] key to save the date and enter the time setting parameter
  7. To change the time press the [kg/lb] key to increment the flashing digit and either the [Print] or [Clear] key to move the flashing digit to the left or right.
  8. Press [Zero] to save, [cm/ft] to exit then [kg/lb] to select the next parameter.


  • Four performance parameters, Filter, Auto Zero, Stability and weight tracking are available to the USER.
  • These parameters influence the speed of the display update and have been factory set, the default settings should normally be used to optimise performance.

Available parameters and settings are as below.

FILT Filter settings of 1- 6 are available

1 is the fastest filter, 3 is the slowest.

| 6
ZERO| Automatic Re-zero range

Settings of 1 to 6 are available

| 2


| Stability symbol range Settings of 1 to 6 are available

1 is the smallest stability range and 6 is the largest.



ZTR| Weight Tracking Range

Settings of 1 to 6 are available

| 4

  1. Switch on the scale then press the [kg/lb] key during the self-checking test of the display.
  2. The display will show the first function F1 EL….
  3. Press the [kg/lb] key to select F8 SET UP and then [Zero] to enter and show the first parameter.
  4. Press the [Print] key to change the setting and [Zero] to save and move to the next parameter, press [cm/ft] to exit.

To return to normal operation turn the scale OFF and then ON again.


This is a menu available only to qualified service personnel for factory adjustments.


  1. Switch on the scale and whilst the display counts down press the [Clear] key.
  2. The display will show kg or lb, press [Print] to select the unit of weight being used for the calibration and then [Zero] to confirm.
  3. The display will show CAL XX (XX being the last calibration weight to be used).
  4. Press the [Print] key to change the value if required and [Zero] to confirm.
  5. The display will show the Zero A-D which should be stable.
  6. Press the [Zero] key to confirm the Zero point and the display will show LOd XX (XX being the calibration weight value to be loaded onto the top pan).
  7. Load the top pan with the calibration weight and press the [Zero] key.
  8. The display will show “PASS” for a successful calibration and return to normal weighing displaying the calibration weight value correctly.
  9. Remove the weight from the pan and the scale will return to Zero.

A print out with date and time can be issued following every calibration.

If an error code was displayed when calibrating please see the error code table in section 9.1


The balance comes equipped with an RS-232 Serial Interface. The connector is a DE-9P female fitting with the following connections.

  • Pin 2 TXD Transmitted data
  • Pin 3 RXD Received data
  • Pin 5 GND Signal ground

Printing Output:

The lines will include a heading for each detail then the value. A typical output when weighing is shown below. 6 lines of data are printed if all are enabled. All lines end with a carriage return and a line feed , (0dH and 0aH in

Doctor Id: 00001
Patient Id: 0000000123
Weight: 80.00 kg
Height: 183 cm
BMI: 23.9
D&T 30/07/2012   11.20

Input command format: The balance can be controlled by a PC with the following commands. The commands must be sent in upper case letters, i.e. “T” not “t”.

Z| Will Zero the scale, performs the same functions as pressing the [Zero] key.
P| Will send a Print command to a PC or Printer. Performs the same functions as

pressing the [Print] key.

C| Will clear the last recorded reading from the display. Performs the same

functions as pressing the [Clear] key

W| Will change the Weight measuring unit being used between kg, lbs and lbs

and ounces. Performs the same functions as pressing the [kg/lb] key.

H| Will change the Height measuring unit being used between cm, inches and

feet and inches. Performs the same functions as pressing the [cm/ft] key.



If an error message is shown, repeat the step that caused the message. If the error message is still shown then contact your dealer for support.

Err Measured height is above

210cm/82.5 inches

UNDER| Measured height is below

80cm/31.5 inches

Err H| Calibration weight value

used too high

Err L| Calibration weight value

used too low

– – – – – –| Weight on top pan exceeds



Model MUW 300L
Maximum Capacity 300kg/660Lbs
Readability 0.05kg/0.1Lbs
Repeatability (s.d.) 0.1kg/0.2Lbs
Linearity ± 0.1kg/0.2Lbs
Units of Height Cm, inches, feet and inches
Height range 80cm – 210cm/ 31.5 – 82.5 inches
Units of Weight Kg, lb’s, lb’s and ounces
Power Supply 12vDC 500mA or 800ma, or

Internal rechargeable 6vDC battery

Overall Dimensions

w x d x h

| 0.38m x 0.6m x 2.3m

15 x 23.6 x 90.2 inches


  • Adam Equipment offers a Limited Warranty (Parts and Labour) for any components that fail due to defects in materials or workmanship. Warranty starts from the date of delivery.
  • During the warranty period, should any repairs be necessary, the purchaser must inform its supplier or Adam Equipment Company. The company or its authorized Technician reserves the right to repair or replace the components at any of its workshops at no additional cost, depending on the severity of the problems. However, any freight involved in sending the faulty units or parts to the Service Centre should be borne by the purchaser.
  • The warranty will cease to operate if the equipment is not returned in the original packaging and with correct documentation for a claim to be processed. All claims are at the sole discretion of Adam Equipment.
  • This warranty does not cover equipment where defects or poor performance is due to misuse, accidental damage, exposure to radioactive or corrosive materials, negligence, faulty installation, unauthorized modifications or attempted repair, or failure to observe the requirements and recommendations as given in this User Manual. This product may include a rechargeable battery that is designed to be removed and replaced by the user.
  • Adam Equipment warrants that it will provide a replacement battery if the battery manifests a defect in materials or workmanship during the initial period of use of the product in which the battery is installed.
  • As with all batteries, the maximum capacity of any battery included in the product will decrease with time or use, and battery cycle life will vary depending on product model, configuration, features, use, and power management settings. A decrease in maximum battery capacity or battery cycle life is not a defect in materials or workmanship and is not covered by this Limited Warranty.
  • Repairs carried out under the warranty do not extend the warranty period. Components removed during warranty repairs become company property.
  • The statutory rights of the purchaser are not affected by this warranty. The terms of this warranty is governed by UK law. For complete details on Warranty Information, see the terms and conditions of sale available on our web-site.

EU Declaration of Conformity


Adam Equipment Co. Ltd.

  • Maidstone Road, Kingston
    Tel:  +44 (0) 1908 274545

  • Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD
    Fax:  +44 (0) 1908 641339

United Kingdom

We declare under our sole responsibility that the balance models listed below marked with “CE” are in conformity with the directives and standards mentioned.

Adam Equipment Model MDW 160 & 200 balances.

2001/95/EC General Product Safety Directive| EN 349:1993+A1:2008 Safety of machinery
2011/65/EC, RoHS 2| EN50581: 2012,

Signed for and on behalf of: Adam Equipment Company Ltd. United Kingdom, 20 Feb 2016 Clive Jones, Quality & Product Manager.

WEEE 2012/19/EU

This device may not be disposed of in domestic waste. This also applies to countries outside the EU, per their specific requirements. Disposal of batteries (if fitted) must conform to local laws and restrictions.

ADAM EQUIPMENT is an ISO 9001:2008 certified global company with more than 40 years of experience in the production and sale of electronic weighing equipment.

Adam products are predominantly designed for the Laboratory, Educational, Health and Fitness, Retail, and Industrial Segments. The product range can be described as follows:

  • Analytical and Precision Laboratory Balances
  • Compact and Portable Balances
  • High Capacity Balances
  • Moisture analyzers/balances
  • Mechanical Scales
  • Counting Scales
  • Digital Weighing/Check-weighing Scales
  • High-performance Platform Scales
  • Crane scales
  • Mechanical and Digital Electronic Health and Fitness Scales
  • Retail Scales for Price Computing

For a complete listing of all Adam products visit our website at

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© Copyright by Adam Equipment Co. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or translated in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Adam Equipment. Adam Equipment reserves the right to make changes to the technology, features, specifications, and design of the equipment without notice.

All information contained within this publication is to the best of our knowledge timely, complete, and accurate when issued. However, we are not responsible for misinterpretations that may result from the reading of this material The latest version of this publication can be found on our Website:


What is the maximum weight capacity of the Adam MUW 300L Digital Health Scale?

The maximum weight capacity indicates the highest weight the scale can accurately measure.

Is the MUW 300L suitable for medical or health-related use?

Confirm if the scale is designed and certified for medical or clinical use.

What is the resolution of the scale?

Resolution refers to the smallest change in weight that the scale can detect.

Does the MUW 300L have a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation feature?

Some health scales include a built-in BMI calculation feature. Check if the MUW 300L has this functionality.

Can the scale be connected to a computer or electronic health record (EHR) system?

Check for connectivity options if you need to transfer weight data to a computer or EHR system.

What units of measurement does the scale support?

The scale may support various units such as kilograms, pounds, ounces, etc.

Is the scale easy to clean and sanitize?

Given its use in healthcare settings, it's important to know if the MUW 300L is designed for easy cleaning and sanitation.

Does the scale have a tare function?

The tare function allows the removal of the weight of clothing or other items for more accurate measurements.

Is the scale equipped with a non-slip surface for patient safety?

Patient safety is crucial. Check if the scale has features to prevent slips.

What is the display type and size?

The display characteristics, such as type (LCD, LED) and size, are important for easy readability.

Does it have a hold function to stabilize the displayed weight?

A hold function can be useful when it's challenging for the patient to stand on the scale for an extended period.

What is the power source for the scale?

Check whether the MUW 300L is powered by batteries, an AC adapter, or both.

Does the scale have an automatic shut-off feature to conserve power?

Automatic shut-off helps conserve battery power when the scale is not in use.

Is the scale portable or designed for stationary use?

Determine if the MUW 300L is suitable for portability or if it is intended for stationary use.

Does it come with a height measurement feature?

Some health scales come with an integrated height measurement feature for calculating BMI accurately.

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