CISCO ENCS 5400 Enterprise NFVIS User Guide
- June 14, 2024
- Cisco
Table of Contents
- Install Cisco Enterprise NFVIS
- Install NFVIS Through CIMC
- Default System Configuration on the Cisco ENCS
- Install NFVIS on USC C-Series Servers and CSP Platforms
- Default System Configuration on the Cisco UCS C220 M4 Server and Cisco
- Install NFVIS on UCS-E Series Servers
- Default System Configuration on the Cisco UCS E-Series Servers
- Install NFVIS Through USB
- Documents / Resources
Install Cisco Enterprise NFVIS
This chapter describes how to install Cisco NFVIS through Cisco IMC and USB for the supported hardware platforms.
Install NFVIS Through CIMC
Install NFVIS on ENCS 5400 Platform
Software or hardware RAID controller setup is not supported on Cisco ENCS 5400
platform devices. NFVIS is not installed on RAID disk group. RAID disk group
on ENCS 5400 platform devices is used for extdatastore only.
Step 1
Log in to CIMC.
The recommended CIMC version for ENCS 5400 platforms is 3.2(7) or later
Step 2
To launch KVM Console, Select Launch KVM from the CIMC homepage.
You can choose Java or HTML based KVM. It is recommnded to use HTML based KVM.
Ensure that the pop-up blocker is disabled as KVM Console opens in a separate
Step 3
To map virtual media from the KVM Console:
a) To know if a downloaded file is safe to install, it is essential to compare
the file’s checksum before using it. Verifying the checksum helps ensure that
the file was not corrupted during network transmission, or modified by a
malicious third party before you downloaded it. For more information see,
Virtual Machine
b) Select Virtual Media and then Activate Virtual Devices.
c) Select Virtual Media again and then Map CD/DVD. Browse and select the Cisco
Enterprise NFVIS ISO image.
Click Open and Map Drive to mount the image.
d) Select Virtual Media again to ensure the NFVIS ISO image is now mapped to
Step 4
To configure Boot Order:
a) From the CIMC Compute, select BIOS.
b) Select Configure Boot Order and the Configure Boot Order dialog box
c) From the CD/DVD page, select Cisco vKVM-Mapped vDVD, and select Add.
d) From HDD, select RAID Adapter, and then click Add.
a) Set the boot order sequence using the Up and Down options. The Cisco vKVM-
Mapped vDVD boot order must be the first choice. Save Changes to complete the
boot order setup.
To configure Boot Order for UEFI through CIMC, the supported BIOS version is
2.10 or later. If any other BIOS version is used, you must configure UEFI Boot
Order through the BIOS setup menu and set BootOrderRules to Loose.
To configure Boot Order for UEFI:
a) From the CIMC Compute, select BIOS.
b) Select Configure Boot Order and the Configure Boot Order dialog box
c) Use >>, <<, up and down buttons to make UEFI Image Map as the first option
in the right-hand column of the user interface.
d) Use the >>, <<, up and down buttons again to make UEFI OS as the second
option in the right-hand column of the user interface.
e) Click Save changes.
You can also configure Boot Order for UEFI using CLI. The following is an
example to configure Boot Order for UEFI using CLI:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # set boot-order uefimap,uefios
To manage boot-order:
– Reboot server to have your boot-order settings take place
– Do not disable boot options via BIOS screens
– If a specified device type is not seen by the BIOS, it will be removed from
the boot order configured on the BMC
– Your boot order sequence will be applied subject to the previous rule.
The configured list will be appended by the additional device types seen by
the BIOS
Server /bios *# commit
Server /bios #
Server /bios # show detail
BIOS Version:”UCSEDM3.2.10b5 (Build Date:02/27/2020)”
FW Update/Recovery Status: None, OK
Active BIOS on next reboot: main
UEFI Secure Boot: enabled
Step 5
Power cycle server to start the installation: From CIMC homepage, select Host
Power. Reboot the server by selecting the Power Off option. After the server
is down, select the Power On option.
When the server reboots, the KVM console automatically installs Cisco
Enterprise NFVIS from the virtual CD/DVD drive. The entire installation might
take 30 minutes to one hour to complete.
Step 6
For ENCS 5400 platforms, auto-upgrade the firmware.
Starting from NFVIS 3.8.x release, firmware auto-upgrade is supported. After
the NFVIS installation is complete, BIOS or CIMC is upgraded to the
corresponding versions automatically. CIMC and NFVIS is rebooted multiple
times. The firmware upgrade might take 30 minutes to one hour to complete. Do
not use the system during the firmware upgrade.
Step 7
After the installation is complete, the system automatically reboots from the
hard drive. Log into the system when the command prompt nfvis login is
displayed after the reboot.
Use admin as the login name and Admin123# as the default password.
Note The system prompts you to change the default password at the first
login attempt. You must set a strong password as per the on-screen
instructions to proceed with the application. You cannot run API commands or
proceed with any tasks unless you change the default password at the first
login. API returns a 401 unauthorized error if the default password is not
Step 8
Verify the installation using the System API, CLI, or by viewing the system
information from the Cisco Enterprise NFV portal.
Step 9
Configure hostname and assign a management IP address to access NFVIS.
Connect ethernet management port to the network for management access. To
enable IP address based access over ethernet for NFVIS, use the serial console
connection port.
Default System Configuration on the Cisco ENCS
The diagram below illustrates the default network configuration of Cisco
Enterprise NFVIS with the Cisco ENCS.
Figure 1: Default Network Configuration of Cisco Enterprise NFVIS with the
Cisco ENCS 5400
Figure 2: Default Network Configuration of Cisco Enterprise NFVIS with the Cisco ENCS 5100
- LAN ports—Eight physical Gigabit Ethernet ports for inbound and outbound traffic.
- WAN port—You can use one of the dual media Ethernet ports (wan-br and wan2-br) for DHCP connection.
- Bridges—They form a Layer 2 domain between virtual network interface controllers (vNICs) of VMs. A vNIC is used by a virtual machine to provide virtual network interfaces by defining a range of MAC addresses. The default management IP address ( for the NFVIS host is configured on the management port. Multiple VMs can use the same LAN port for local connectivity.
- Network—It is a segment Layer 2 bridge domain where only the specific VLAN traffic is allowed.
- Reserved VLANs in the LAN network on the ENCS 5400 platform—The VLAN range 2350-2449 is reserved for internal use and should not be used on the external switch ports and for virtual machines in the LAN ports”. Note that this limitation doesn’t apply to the WAN ports.
- Internal and networks—The IP subnet and are used for the ENCS-5400 internal networks. A user should not use this IP subnet on the NFVIS management network. In the future NFVIS releases, this internal subnet will be isolated so that users can use this for NFVIS management.
The following networks and bridges are automatically configured. You can
configure more as required.
- A LAN network (lan-net) and a LAN bridge (lan-br)
- A WAN network (wan-net) and a WAN bridge (wan-br) wan2-net and wan2-br are the default configurations for ENCS 5400 and ENCS 5100.
The default networks and bridges cannot be deleted.
Install NFVIS on USC C-Series Servers and CSP Platforms
UCS-C series devices has to configure RAID disk group before installing NFVIS.
UCS-C supports only single RAID disk group for fresh installation.
Starting from NFVIS 4.6 release, USC C-Series Servers and CSP Platforms
support upto 3 RAID groups.
The first raid group is reserved for OS installation and the other RAID groups
can be used as external storage drives.
Step 1 Log in to CIMC.
The recommended CIMC version for USC-C Series Servers and Cisco CSP platforms
is 3.0(3c) or later version.
Step 2
To launch KVM Console, Select Launch KVM from the CIMC homepage.
You can choose Java or HTML based KVM. It is recommnded to use HTML based KVM.
Ensure that the pop-up blocker is disabled as KVM Console will open in a
separate window.
Step 3
To map virtual devices from the KVM Console:
a) To know if a downloaded file is safe to install, it is essential to compare
the file’s checksum before using it. Verifying the checksum helps ensure that
the file was not corrupted during network transmission, or modified by a
malicious third party before you downloaded it. For more information see,
Virtual Machine Security.
b) Select Virtual Media and then Activate Virtual Devices.
c) Select Virtual Media again and then Map CD/DVD. Browse and select the Cisco
Enterprise NFVIS ISO image. Click Open and Map Drive to mount the image.
d) Select Virtual Media again to ensure the NFVIS ISO image is now mapped to
Step 4
To configure boot order:
a) From the CIMC Compute, select BIOS.
b) Select Configure Boot Order and the Configure Boot Order dialog box
c) Select Advanced.
d) The Add Boot Device page appears. Select Add Virtual Media, and the Add
Virtual Media dialog box appears.
e) Enter a name and select KVM Mapped DVD. Set state to Enabled and order as
1, and Save Changes.
f) The Add Boot Device page appears again, select Add Local HDD, and Add
Virtual Media dialog box appears.
g) Enter a name, set state to Enabled and order as 2, and Save Changes.
h) Click Close.
Step 5
Power cycle server to start the installation:
From CIMC homepage, select Host Power. Reboot the server by selecting the
Power Off option. After the server is down, select the Power On option.
When the server reboots, the KVM console automatically installs Cisco
Enterprise NFVIS from the virtual CD/DVD drive. The entire installation might
take 30 minutes to one hour to complete.
Step 6
After the installation is complete, the system automatically reboots from the
hard drive. Log into the system when the command prompt nfvis login is
displayed after the reboot.
Use admin as the login name and Admin123# as the default password.
Note The system prompts you to change the default password at the first
login attempt. You must set a strong password as per the on-screen
instructions to proceed with the application. You cannot run API commands or
proceed with any tasks unless you change the default password at the first
login. The API commands will return 401 unauthorized error if the default
password is not reset.
Step 7 Verify the installation using the System API, CLI, or by viewing the system information from the Cisco Enterprise NFV portal.
Default System Configuration on the Cisco UCS C220 M4 Server and Cisco
CSP 2100
Configuring the networks in Cisco Enterprise NFVIS allows inbound and outbound
traffic and VMs to be service chained. The following diagram illustrates the
default network configuration:
Figure 3: Default Network Configuration with Cisco UCS C220 M4 and Cisco
CSP 2100
The following networks and bridges are created by default, and cannot be deleted. You can configure more as required.
- A LAN network (lan-net) and a LAN bridge (lan-br)—The default static management IP address ( for the NFVIS host is configured on the LAN bridge. One of the ports for inbound and outbound traffic are associated with the LAN bridge. Any LAN port can be used to access the default static IP address. By default, the hostname is set to “nfvis”.
- A WAN network (wan-net) and a WAN bridge (wan-br)—This is created with the “eth0” port, and is configured to enable the DHCP connection.
By default, the first port on the device is associated with the WAN bridge.
One of the other ports on the device are associated with the LAN bridge.
For more details about the initial setup, see the Installing the Server
chapter in the Cisco UCS C220 M4 Server Installation and Service Guide or
Cisco Cloud Services Platform 2100 Hardware Installation Guide.
Install NFVIS on UCS-E Series Servers
UCS-E Single-Wide supports only single RAID disk group for fresh installation. UCS-E Double-Wide series supports single or dual RAID disk groups for NFVIS 4.1 fresh installation, or one RAID disk group for NFVIS 3.X fresh installation.
• Single disk group (4 disks): RAID0/RAID1/RAID10/RAID5. If FDE disks are used, you can also enable Secured RAID0/RAID1/RAID10/RAID5.
• Dual disk groups (2 disks each): RAID0/RAID1 or Secured RAID0/RAID1 if FDE disks are used. NFVIS installation does not support any configuration with JBOD disk.
For more information, see Managing Storage Using RAID for UCS-E devices -
Configure the Gigabit Ethernet interface on the Cisco ISR router.
Configure the UCS E interface on the Cisco ISR router. The following sample configuration shows the basic configuration performed on the Cisco ISR 4451 router with DHCP enabled.
Last configuration change at 02:36:37 UTC Thu Feb 18 2016
version 15.5
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core
hostname NFVIS-ISR4451
boot system bootflash:isr4300-universalk9.03.16.01a.S.155-3.S1a-ext.SPA.bin
vrf definition Mgmt-intf
address-family ipv4
address-family ipv6
no aaa new-model
ip domain name
subscriber templating
multilink bundle-name authenticated
license udi pid ISR4331/K9 sn FDO192207MN
ucse subslot 1/0
imc access-port shared-lom console
imc ip address default-gateway
spanning-tree extend system-id
mode none
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
ip address
media-type rj45
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
no ip address
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
no ip address
negotiation auto
interface ucse1/0/0
ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0/0
negotiation auto
switchport mode trunk
no mop enabled
no mop sysid
interface ucse1/0/1
no ip address
no negotiation auto
switchport mode trunk
no mop enabled
no mop sysid
interface GigabitEthernet0
vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf
no ip address
negotiation auto
interface Vlan1
no ip address
ip default-gateway
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip tftp source-interface GigabitEthernet0
ip route
ip route ucse1/0/0
ip ssh version 2
line con 0
stopbits 1
line aux 0
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
password lab
login local
transport input all
transport output all
Ensure that following supported firmware versions or above are available:
- BIOS UCSED. or later for UCS-E160D-M2/K9 and UCS-E180D-M2/K9
- BIOS UCSES. or later for UCS-E140S-M2/K9
- BIOS UCSEM3_2.5 or later for UCS-E160S-M3
- BIOS UCSEDM3_2.5 or later for UCS-E180D-M3 and UCS-E1120D-M3
Step 1
Log in to CIMC.
Note The recommended CIMC version for USC-E Series Servers is 3.2(7) or
later version.
Step 2
To launch KVM Console, Select Launch KVM from the CIMC homepage.
You can choose Java or HTML based KVM. It is recommnded to use HTML based KVM.
Ensure that the pop-up blocker is disabled as KVM Console will open in a
separate window.
Step 3 To map virtual media from the KVM Console:
a) To know if a downloaded file is safe to install, it is essential to compare
the file’s checksum before using it. Verifying the checksum helps ensure that
the file is not corrupted during network transmission, or modified by a
malicious third party before you downloaded it. For more information see,
Virtual Machine
b) Select Virtual Media and then Activate Virtual Devices.
c) Select Virtual Media again and then Map CD/DVD. Browse and select the Cisco
Enterprise NFVIS ISO image. Click Open and Map Drive to mount the image.
d) Select Virtual Media again to ensure the NFVIS ISO image is now mapped to
Step 4
Configure boot order.
a) From the CIMC Compute, select BIOS.
b) Select Configure Boot Order and the Configure Boot Order dialog box
c) From the CD/DVD page, select Cisco vKVM-Mapped vDVD, and select Add.
d) From HDD, select RAID Adapter, and then select Add.
e) Set the boot order sequence using the Up and Down options. The Cisco vKVM-
Mapped vDVD boot order must be the first choice. Save Changes to complete the
boot order setup.
To configure Boot Order for UEFI through CIMC, the supported BIOS version is
2.10 or later. If any other BIOS version is used, you must configure UEFI Boot
Order through the BIOS setup menu and set BootOrderRules to Loose.
To configure Boot Order for UEFI:
a) From the CIMC Compute, select BIOS.
b) Select Configure Boot Order and the Configure Boot Order dialog box
c) Use >>, <<, up and down buttons to make UEFI Image Map as the first option
in the right-hand column of the user interface.
d) Use the >>, <<, up and down buttons again to make UEFI OS as the second
option in the right-hand column of the user interface.
e) Click Save changes.
Step 5
Power cycle server to start the installation:
From CIMC homepage, select Host Power. Reboot the server by selecting the
Power Off option. After the server is down, select the Power On option.
When the server reboots, the KVM console automatically installs Cisco
Enterprise NFVIS from the virtual CD/DVD drive. The entire installation might
take 30 minutes to one hour to complete.
Step 6
For ENCS 5000 series platforms, auto-upgrade the firmware.
Starting from NFVIS 3.8.x release, firmware auto-upgrade is supported. After
the NFVIS installation is complete, BIOS or CIMC is upgraded to the
corresponding versions automatically. CIMC and NFVIS is rebooted multiple
times. The firmware upgrade might take 30 minutes to one hour to complete. Do
not use the system during the firmware upgrade.
Step 7
After the installation is complete, the system automatically reboots from the
hard drive. Log into the system when the command prompt nfvis login is
displayed after the reboot.
Use admin as the login name and Admin123# as the default password.
Note The system prompts you to change the default password at the first
login attempt. You must set a strong password as per the on-screen
instructions to proceed with the application. You cannot run API commands or
proceed with any tasks unless you change the default password at the first
login. API will return 401 unauthorized error if the default password is not
Step 8 Verify the installation using the System API, CLI, or by viewing the system information from the Cisco Enterprise NFV portal.
Default System Configuration on the Cisco UCS E-Series Servers
Figure 4: Default Network Configuration with a Cisco UCS E-Series Server
The following networks and bridges are created by default, and cannot be deleted. You can configure more as required.
- A LAN network (lan-net) and a LAN bridge (lan-br)—The default static management IP address ( for the NFVIS host is configured on the LAN bridge. All other ports for inbound and outbound traffic are associated with the LAN bridge. By default, the hostname is set to “nfvis”.
- A WAN network (wan-net) and a WAN bridge (wan-br)— The physical WAN ports are on the Cisco ISR module. They are not externally available on the Cisco UCS E server. The WAN traffic comes from the ISR WAN ports, and goes through the backplane to the Cisco UCS-E server. The backplane has one internal WAN interface (GE0) to establish connection with the Cisco UCS-E server. By default, the “GE0” interface is enabled for the DHCP connection.
For more details on the initial setup, see the Getting Started Guide for Cisco UCS E-Series Servers and the Cisco UCS E-Series Network Compute Engine.
Install NFVIS Through USB
Install Cisco Enterprise NFVIS on Cisco ENCS 5104 and Cisco Catalyst 8200 UCPE
Before you begin
For Cisco Catalyst 8200 UCPE installation ensure that you install NFVIS only
on one drive and only that drive be present at the time of installation.
For Cisco Catalyst 8200 UCPE, it is recommended to set the BIOS password after
you log in to NFVIS.
To set the BIOS password, use the hostaction change-bios-password command.
Without this step, you will not be able to select the device to install NFVIS.
Step 1
Create bootable USB with NFVIS image.
In this example, we used rufus utility in Windows environment. Rufus utility
can be downloaded
For this example, following parameters were used to burn bootable NFVIS USB
- Device: USB stick
- Partition scheme: MBR
- Filesystem: FAT32
- Cluster size: use default
- Volume label: use default
- Quick format: checked
- Create bootable: select “ISO Image” and click next icon then choose NFVIS image.
- Create extended label: checked
Press Start and wait for completion.
Eject USB thumb drive
Step 2 Insert USB device in one of USB slot in ENCS5104.
Step 3 Power on system.
Step 4 During system boot up, press F6 key.
Press or
Step 5 Once you press F6, you will see the following screenshot to select
which device you want to boot from. Select your USB device.
In the following screenshot example, there is STEC USB being used. That
display will vary depending on your usb device vendor. Use the arrow key to
select that device.
Step 6 Wait until installation is completed. System will be rebooted once
installation is done.
Step 7 Log into the system with username admin and Admin123# as a default
Step 8 You will be prompted and asked to change password at the first
login. You must set a strong password per the on-screen instruction to
Step 9 You can verify the installation status using the System API or
command line interface per the NFVIS user guide.
What to do next
You can verify the default configuration, and set up initial IP configuration
to launch the Cisco Enterprise NFV portal.
Default System Configuration on Cisco Catalyst 8200 UCPE
The diagram below illustrates the default network configuration of Cisco
Enterprise NFVIS with the Cisco ENCS.
- NFVIS can be accessed by default through the WAN port or GE0/2 LAN port for management.
- WAN network (wannet and wan2net) and WAN bridge (wanbr and wan2br) are set to enable DHCP by default. GE0 is associated to WAN bridge and WAN2 bridge by default.
- The management IP address on Cisco Catalyst 8200 UCPE is accessible through GE0/2.
- GE0/2 is associated to LAN bridge.
- An internal management network (int-mgmt-net) and bridge (int-mgmt-br) is created and internally used for system monitoring.
Install Cisco Enterprise NFVIS
Documents / Resources
CISCO ENCS 5400 Enterprise
[pdf] User Guide
ENCS 5400 Enterprise NFVIS, ENCS 5400, Enterprise NFVIS, NFVIS
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