MCEVKELN G2 EV Charger Brochure User Guide
- June 14, 2024
Table of Contents
G2 EV Charger
Brochure User Guide
The quick start instructions fo operation are located on theback of the charging station.
Display interfacec
Device status | Indicator/color | Description |
Ready | Always blue | The wall side plug is plugged into the power supply but |
the EV connector is disconnected.
Connect| Blink blue| The wall side plug is plugged into the power supply and
the EV connector is connected.
Charge| Cycle blink blue| The device is charging.
Notice 1 The OLED will turn off automatically when the device is not operated
for 2 minutes.
Notice 2 The OLED will turn on automatically when the device status has been
changed or the device is operated.
EV Charging Instruction
Picture| | | | |
Step| I| II| III| IV| V
Description| Insert the wall side plug to the electrical outlet.| Press the ”
APMS” button to set chargingthe current.| Press the ” TIME” button to set the
delay time.| Plug the EV connector into the socket.| Pls confirm the device is
normal working status: the ring light is flashing.
Notice 3 The gears of the charging current is cyclic.
Notice 4 The maximum delay time is 9 hours. The default delay time is zero
when the device is delivered.
Notice 5 The default charging current is the minimum current
Warning message
When the IC-CPD work incorrectly, the corresponding parameters(i.e., ① Phase,
⑦ Transient voltage, ⑨ Temperature of figure 3) in the interface of the OLED
will blink (i.e., warning message).
Details refer to follow.
Parameters| Description|
Phase| Input voltage phase deviation exceeds 20°, or Power phase error.| check
the wiring of power supply.
Temperature| The temperature of the device beyond 70°C but less than the upper
temperature limit 80°C.| Check ambient temperature.
Voltage| Input voltage of the device beyond the upper voltage limit 265Va.c.
for single- phase systems or 450Va.c. for three-phase systems.| Close the
power supply and check distribution grid.
Input voltage of the device is less than the lower voltage limit 85Va.c. for
single-phase systems or 150Va.c. for three- phase systems.
Error message
The error messages will appear on the OLED when the IC-CPD failed.
Details refer to follow.
Error Message| Description|
Over temper!!!| The temperature of the device beyond the upper temperature
limits 80°C.| Close power supply and contact the manufacturer or agents.
Power leak!!!| The leak current of the device beyond the special limits.
Unknown board!!| Original board is not used.
Unknown cable!!!| The cables of the device was broken, or the cables can’t
match the device.
Hardware error!!!| The hardware of the device was broken.
Over current!!!| Output current of the device beyond the 1.3 time rated
current.| Close power supply and check electric vehicle.
No ground!!!| The device was not grounded.| Close power supply and check the
distribution grid.
Warranty term
The instrucons do not purport to cover all details or variaons in equipment
nor to provide for every possible conngency to be met in connecon with
installaon, operaon or maintenance. Should furt her informaon be desired or
should parcular p roblems arise whic
h are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’ s purposes, the mar should be
referred to the Mcevkeln company.
Aer sales services:
Mcevkeln provides life-long technical support. Pls feel free to contact us for
any quality issues via email: .
Khons makes charging easy and convenient.
Sichuan Mcevkeln Technology Co., Ltd
No.2,floor 26,unit 2,building 6,No.99,Tongbao street,
Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan
Tel:+86 028-62672768
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[pdf] User Guide
G2, G2 EV Charger Brochure, EV Charger Brochure, Charger Brochure, Brochure
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