GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio Instruction Manual

June 14, 2024

25/1 Watt Marine Radio


The GX700 is a radio transmitting device.

  • When transmitting, keep any part of your head or body more than 20 cm fromthe antenna.
  • Do not transmit near electrical blasting equipment or in explosive atmospheres.
  • Do not allow children to operate a radio transmitter unsupervised.


Any person in Australia operating a VHF marine radio should possess at least a Marine Radio Operators VHF Certificate of Proficiency (MROVCP). Alternatively, operators may obtain a Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP), which covers the operation of both VHF and MF/HF equipment.
Many TAFEs and marine organisations offer courses leading to examination for the MROVCP and MROCP although such courses are not compulsory. Persons wishing to obtain the MROVCP or MROCP should first purchase a copy of the Maritime Radio Operator Handbook which is essential reading for every boat owner in Australia.
The Australian Maritime College (AMC) provides the marine examination and certificate service on behalf of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). The AMC can provide the details of organisations and individuals offering courses and or conducting exams. For further information visit:


Congratulations. You have just purchased one of the most technically advanced VHF marine radios in the world.
The GME GX700 is a VHF FM radio designed to operate in the 156–163 MHz marine band.
The GX700 has a number of enhanced features including fully user programmable Channel Scanning, Dual Watch and Triple Watch functions and two programmable ‘Instant’ channel memories.
With its compact size and IPX7* design it can easily be installed into almost any panel mounting location in your flybridge or cabin.
The GX700 is designed in Australia at our Sydney facility


  • Compact design, Ingress protected to IPX7*
  • Selectable International, USA, and Canadian channel sets
  • Selectable weather channels
  • Dual Watch and Triple Watch with two programmable priority channels
  • Programmable channel scanning
  • Selectable power 25/1 watt
  • Adjustable digital squelch



Cabin cover Microphone bracket
Mounting bracket and gimbal knobs DC power lead
Mounting hardware Instruction manual


The range of VHF transmissions depend on antenna height, transmitter power and the terrain over which the signals pass. Ship to ship communications should be possible over at least 8 nautical miles and up to about 27 nautical miles. Ship to shore ranges will often be greater due to the increased height of the shore antenna and communications of 25 to 50 nautical miles are possible.


Front Panel

GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio - Front Panel

LCD Display

GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio - LCD Display MC616 Microphone

GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio - Microphone


To turn the GX700 ON, briefly press the key.
To turn the GX700 OFF, press and hold the key again.
Rotate the volume control clockwise to increase the volume or counter- clockwise to reduce the volume.
NOTE: At minimum volume setting there is still sufficient volume to be heard in a quiet cabin environment.
To open the squelch, briefly press the SQL key. A low beep will be heard and the squelch will open. Briefly press the SQL key again to close the squelch. A high beep will be heard and the squelch will be restored to its preset level.
Setting the squelch preset level
The preset squelch level can be adjusted to suit local conditions. If you are in an electrically noisy location or unwanted weak signals keep opening the squelch, you can adjust the squelch setting so that the GX700 remains quiet. Note that increasing the preset squelch level will mean that stronger signals will be required to overcome the squelch and may result in missed calls from weaker signals. The best setting is the minimum one required to keep the receiver quiet.
To alter the preset squelch setting, press and hold the SQL key until a high beep is heard. The present squelch setting will be displayed in digits from 0 (minimum) to 9 (maximum) squelch. While in this mode, briefly press the or keys to increase or decrease the squelch level respectively as required. Press the SQL key again to exit the squelch setting mode (or wait 5 seconds and it will time out automatically). A low beep will be heard.
Standard marine channels
Select the required channel by briefly pressing the or keys. The selected channel number is displayed. Press and hold either key to quickly advance upwards or downwards through the channels. Release the key when the required channel is displayed.
The or keys are also duplicated on the front of the microphone.
Weather channels (USA and Canada only)
Weather channels are available only when the USA or Canadian Channel Set has been selected.
To access the weather channels press WX. The ‘WX’ icon is displayed. Now press the or   keys to select from the available weather channels. To return to normal channels press WX again. The ‘WX’ icon will disappear.
To transmit, press the PTT (Push to Talk) on the microphone. Hold the microphone about 3 – 5 cm from your mouth and speak at a normal voice level. The microphone is quite sensitive so it is not necessary to raise your voice or shout. Release the PTT when you have finished talking.
Transmission time is controlled by a time-out timer. If the PTT is held for more than 90 seconds, a low beep will be heard and the transmitter will be temporarily disabled to prevent accidental jamming of the channel frequency. To reset the timer simply release the PTT.
NOTE: The transmitter is permanently disabled on CH 70. If the PTT is pressed on CH 70, a low beep will be heard and the PTT will be ignored.
Briefly press the 16 key to switch straight to channel 16. The ‘SAFETY’ icon will be displayed, all  previous control settings (such as scanning or low transmitter power) will be cancelled and theradio will be restored to normal operation with high transmitter power selected. Press the 16 key again to return to the selected channel.
The 16 key is also duplicated on the microphone.
The GX700 is programmed with International, USA and Canada Channel Sets.
These Channel Sets support various channel and frequency allocations for other parts of the world. Once you have selected the required Channel Set for your location, you should not need to change it again unless you have moved to another country.
When using the GX700 in Australia or New Zealand, the International Channel Set should be selected.
To change the channel set

  • Switch the GX700 OFF
  • Press and hold the 16 key while turning the GX700 ON again.
  • Channel 16 will be selected and the presently selected Channel Set will flash on the display as INTL, USA or CAN.
  • Briefly press the 16 key to cycle through the Channel Set selections in the following order:GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio - InternationalThe selected Channel Set becomes active immediately.
  • Once the required Channel Set is selected, return to normal operation by either holding the 16 key, switching the GX700 OFF momentarily or waiting 20 seconds for the Channel-Set mode to time out automatically.

NOTE: When the USA and Canada Channel Sets are selected, weather channels are also available.
The LCD display and keys are backlit for easy viewing at night.
Brightness adjustment
To set the brightness of the LCD backlighting, briefly press the key. Each press will cycle the following lamp illumination settings.GME GX700 Compact
To switch between High and Low transmit power, briefly press the LO key. A high beep indicates that High power is selected (25 watts) while a low beep indicates Low power is selected (1 watt). When low power is selected ‘LO’ is displayed.
NOTE: Selecting channel 16 automatically resets the transmitter to high power.
The GX700 has two dedicated priority channel memories called that allow you to store and recall two often-used channels. These memories are accessed using keys labelled PR1 and PR2.
PR1 is also used as the priority channel for the Triple Watch function (see feature description later in this manual). These channel memories also allow faster channel switching across the band than would normally be possible using the or keys e.g. switching from CH16 to CH67.
Storing Priority Memories (PR1/PR2)
To store a channel in the PR1 or PR2 memory, select the required channel using the   or keys, then press and hold the PR1 or PR2 key. The channel number will flash then a high beep will be heard as the channel is stored.
Recalling Priority Memories (PR1/PR2)
Briefly press the PR1 or PR2 key. The radio will switch immediately to the channel stored in that memory and ‘PR1’ or ‘PR2’ is displayed. If the radio was scanning the scan will be cancelled.
The Dual Watch function is a two-channel scan feature where the GX700 switches between channel 16 and any other selected channel. This feature allows you to monitor a working or club channel while still being able to receive important broadcasts on channel 16.
Example of the Dual Watch sequenceGME GX700 Compact VHF Radio -
sequenceTo use the Dual Watch function, select your preferred operating channel either by using the or  keys or by selecting one of the stored PR1 or PR2 memories – then press the DW key.
A high beep will be heard and the ‘DW’ icon will appear on the display. The GX700 will now monitor both the selected channel AND channel 16 by alternating equally between them.
To cancel the Dual Watch
Briefly press the DW key to return to normal operation. A low beep will be heard.
Dual Watch features
If a signal appears on the selected channel
Scanning will pause on the selected channel but channel 16 will continue to be monitored every 2 seconds resulting in short breaks in the reception of the selected channel. During this time the PTT may be pressed for normal transmissions on the selected channel (monitoring of channel 16 pauses while transmitting). Once the selected channel has become inactive for 5 seconds the Dual Watch function will resume.
If a signal appears on channel 16
The radio will switch immediately to channel 16 and the selected channel will no longer be monitored because channel 16 has priority. During this time the PTT may be pressed for normal transmissions on channel 16. Once channel 16 has become inactive for 5 seconds the Dual Watch function will resume.
To transmit on the selected channel while Dual Watching
Simply press the PTT. The Dual Watch function will pause and the radio will transmit on the selected channel. Dual Watch will then resume 5 seconds after all activity has ceased on the channel.
To transmit on channel 16 while Dual Watching
Press the 16 key to switch to channel 16. Dual Watch will be cancelled and the radio will switch straight to channel 16 and the ‘SAFETY’ icon will be displayed. Now press the PTT and transmit in the usual way. When your conversation has ended, press the DW key to resume Dual Watching.
To change the working channel while Dual Watching
While Dual Watching, simply use the or keys to select another working channel.
Alternatively you can select one of the stored PR1 or PR2 memories. Dual Watching automatically continues using the newly selected channel.
Triple Watch is an extension of the Dual Watch feature. It allows the GX700 to monitor channel 16, a selected working channel AND the PR1 channel memory. Each channel is scanned equally for signals with priority given first to channel 16, then the PR1 channel and lastly the selected channel.
Example of the Triple Watch sequenceGME GX700 Compact VHF Radio -
channelWhen Triple Watch is selected, the ‘TW’ icon is displayed.
To use the Triple Watch mode, first program your priority channel into the PR1 memory, then select your preferred working channel using the or keys. Now press the TW key. A high beep will be heard and the ‘TW’ icon will be displayed. The GX700 will now monitor channel 16, the PR1 channel and the selected channel by alternating equally between them.
To cancel Triple Watch
Press the TW key to return to normal operation. A low beep will be heard.
Triple Watch features
If a signal appears on channel 16
The radio will switch immediately to channel 16 and ‘16’ will be displayed. At this point the selected channel and the priority channel are no longer being monitored because channel 16 has highest priority. During this time the PTT may be pressed for normal transmissions on channel 16. Once channel 16 has become inactive for 5 seconds the Triple Watch function will resume.
If a signal appears on the Priority channel
Scanning will pause on the priority channel BUT channel 16 will continue to be monitored every 2 seconds (the selected channel is not monitored). During this time the PTT may be pressed for normal transmissions on the priority channel (monitoring of channel 16 pauses while transmitting). Once the priority channel has become inactive for 5 seconds Triple Watch will resume.
If a signal appears on the selected channel
Scanning will pause on the selected channel BUT channel 16 and the priority channel will continue to be monitored every 2 seconds. During this time the PTT may be pressed for normal transmissions on the selected channel (monitoring of channel 16 and the priority channel pauses while transmitting). Once the selected channel has become inactive for 5 seconds the Triple Watch will resume.
To transmit on the selected channel while Triple Watching
Simply press the PTT. The Triple Watch function will pause during the transmission and remain paused until 5 seconds after all activity has ceased on the selected channel. Triple Watch will then resume.
To transmit on the Priority channel while Triple Watching
Briefly press the PR1 key. Triple Watch will be cancelled and the priority channel will be selected.
Now press the PTT and transmit in the usual way. When your conversation has ended, press the TW key to return to the Triple Watch function.
To transmit on channel 16 while Triple Watching
Press the 16 key. Triple watch will be cancelled and the radio will switch straight to channel 16.
Now press the PTT and transmit in the usual way. When your conversation has ended, press the TW key to return to the Triple Watch function.
The scan function allows the GX700 to scan a series of user selected channels looking for activity. Scanning is done in an ascending sequence at a rate of 10 channels per second.
Channels can be selected and stored for scanning from any of the available channels.GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio - scanninge.g. Scanning channels 1, 2, 3 & 4
NOTE: The transmitter is disabled while scanning. If the PTT is pressed, a low beep will be heard and the PTT is ignored.
To add or remove scan channels
Channels that are stored in the scan memory will display ‘M’ to the upper right of the channel number. To add or remove channels from the scan memory, first select the required channel using the or keys.

  • If ‘M’ is NOT displayed, press and hold the SCN key to add the channel to the scan memory.
    The channel number will flash, the radio will give a high beep and ‘M’ will appear.

  • If ‘M’ IS displayed, press and hold the SCN key to remove the channel from the scan memory. The channel number will flash, the radio will give a low beep and ‘M’ will disappear.

To begin scanning
Briefly press the SCN key. The GX700 will scan upwards through the stored channels at 10 channels per second and the display will show rapidly changing channel numbers. If a signal is located, scanning will pause and the receiver will remain on that channel until 5 seconds after the signal has gone. Scanning will then resume.
To stop scanning
Briefly press the SCN key again. The radio will return to the last selected channel.
Scanning features
If the scan is paused on a busy channel and you wish to remain there;
Briefly press the SCN key. The scan will be cancelled and the radio will remain on that channel.
To resume scanning, briefly press the SCN key again.
If the scan is paused on a busy channel and you wish to skip over that channel
Briefly press the or keys. The scan will resume from the next channel in sequence.
If the scan is paused on a busy channel and you wish to transmit on that channel Simply press the PTT. Scanning will be cancelled and the radio will remain on that channel.
NOTE: If the PTT is pressed at any other time while scanning, a low beep will be heard and the PTT will be ignored.
To switch immediately to channel 16
Briefly press the 16 key. channel 16 will be selected, scanning will be cancelled and the radio will be restored to normal operation with high transmitter power selected.
To switch immediately to a stored working channel (PR1 or PR2)
Briefly press the PR1 or PR2 key. Scanning will be cancelled and the radio will switch to the channel stored in the selected memory.

  1. Each channel set has its own independent scan memory. i.e. Scan channels stored under the International channel set can be different to those stored under the USA or Canadian channel sets.
  2. If the GX700 is switched OFF while it is scanning, it will resume scanning automatically when it is switched ON again.
  3. A minimum of 2 channels is required in the scan memory before scanning is allowed. If there are less that 2 channels in the scan memory, pressing the SCN key will give a low beep and the scan will be ignored.
  4. The PTT and LO keys are disabled while scanning

Scanning with Dual Watch
If Dual Watch is selected while scanning, the ‘DW’ and ‘SCN’ icons will be displayed and channel 16 will be inserted into the scan every 2 seconds.
Scanning with Triple Watch
If Triple Watch is selected while scanning, the ‘TW’ and ‘SCN’ icons will be displayed and both channel 16 and the PR1 channel will be inserted into the scan every 2 seconds.


NOTE: Your GX700 is designed for connection to negative earth electrical systems only.
It is advisable to spend a little time selecting the best location for your GX700. The radio can be mounted to a shelf or panel using the supplied gimbal bracket. Alternatively it can be flush mounted using an optional flush mount kit.
Keep the following points in mind when choosing a location

  • The GX700 is designed to meet IPX7* standard which protects against high pressure water spray. However we recommended you select a location that will minimise excessive exposure to continuous rain or spray.
  • Select a location that won’t expose your radio to continuous direct sunlight which could cause overheating.
  • Ensure the location allows a free flow of air around the heat sink on the back of the radio.
  • The microphone and all controls should be readily accessible and the loud speaker easily heard from the normal steering or driving position. An extension speaker can be installed if required.
  • Components and currents in the radio create magnetic fields. To avoid interference to  compasses, ships autopilot sensors etc, the GX700 should be mounted at least 300 mm fromsuch devices.

Gimbal Mounting
The mounting bracket can be rotated above or below the radio enabling the radio to be mounted to a wide range of locations.
After choosing a location, hold the unit with the mounting bracket attached, to the desired position and mark the location with a pencil. Remove the mounting bracket from the radio and drill the mounting holes. Bolt or screw the bracket in place using hardware suitable for the mounting surface. The unit is supplied with stainless steel screws; however, if the mounting surface is unsuitable for screws you may need to replace these with stainless steel bolts.
Remember the fixings for overhead mounted units may have to withstand heavy pounding when a vessel is in rough water or being towed on a trailer over rough road.GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio - Overhead
Mounting Flush Mounting
The GX700 can be flush mounted using the optional MK008 flush mounting kit. A cutting template and full mounting instructions are provided with the kit.
Flush Mounting using the optional MK008 mounting kitGME GX700 Compact VHF
Radio - optional MK008 DC CONNECTIONS
Connect the RED power lead to the Positive (+) side of the battery or to an accessory point in the vessel or vehicle’s fuse box.
Connect the BLACK power lead to the Negative (-) side of the battery or to a ground point in your vessel or vehicle.
IMPORTANT: The RED power lead is fitted with a 10 Amp fuse. If the fuse blows, use only a standard 10 Amp (3AG) fuse as a replacement. Use of a higher rated fuse or a slow-blow type could result in damage to your radio which would void the warranty.
If required, an extension speaker may be installed to improve sound levels in noisy environments or in locations further away from the steering or driving position.

GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio - VHF It is essential to select a good quality, high efficiency, VHF Marine antenna. A poor quality antenna or one not designed for the specific frequency band you are using will give very poor performance.
GME have a huge range of suitable VHF Marine antennas to suit most installations and applications. We recommend you contact your local dealer for advice.
Connect the antenna cable to the rear antenna socket using a PL259 coaxial connector.
NOTE: The antenna connector is not waterproof.
If required, an SPK45 extension speaker may be installed near the steering position or outside the cabin to improve the reception clarity in those areas.
The inherent design of VHF FM radios results in a high level of resistance to ignition and electrical interference. However in some installations it may be necessary to take additional steps to help reduce or eliminate noise interference. During installation, try to route the DC battery leads, the antenna lead or any accessory wires away from the engine compartment, ignition or alternator wiring. If the noise continues, it may be necessary to fit a suppression kit. Contact your local marine dealer for more information.
Similarly, if the interference you are experiencing is from other electronic equipment such as a depth sounder, try to keep the depth sounder’s DC leads and transducer cable well away from your GX700’s wiring.



Complies with: AS/NZS4415.2.2003.
Frequency Range: 155 – 165 MHz.
Channel Spacing: 25 kHz.
Modulation:  FM.
Channels Sets: International, USA, Canada, USA/Canada weather channels.
Supply Voltage: 12 volt nominal, 10.5 – 15.6 volt max. range negative earth.
Frequency Stability: ±1.5 kHz over environment extremes.
Scan Speed: 100 ms/channel (10 channels/sec).


Power Output: High: 25 watts max, Low: 1 watt max.
Spurious Emissions: < -75 dBc.
Frequency Deviation: ± 5 kHz max +20 dB limiting @ 1 kHz.
Frequency Response: + 6 dB per octave, 300 Hz – 3 kHz, +1 – 3 dB.
Demodulated S/N: > 50 dB weighted.
Current Consumption: High power: < 5 amps, low power: 850 mA.


IF Frequencies: 1st: 21.4 MHz, 2nd: 450 kHz.
Sensitivity: -121 dBm for 12 dB SINAD unweighted.
Squelch Sensitivity: Adjustable, 10 preset levels.
Spurious Rejection: > 70 dB.
Intermodulation Rejection: > 75 dB.
Adjacent Channel Rejection: > 74 dB.
Blocking Rejection: > 100 dB.
RF Bandwidth: < 4 MHz.
Switching Bandwidth: > 10 MHz.
Frequency Response: -6 dB per octave de-emphasis, 300 Hz – 3 kHz, +1 – 3 dB.
Audio Output Power:  4 watts average into external 4 Ohm speaker, 2 watts

average into internal speaker.
Audio SN:| > 50 dB weighted.
Conducted Spurious Emission:| < -70 dBm.
Current Consumption:| Muted: < 200 mA, full volume: 700 mA.


Dimensions: 164 (W) x 65 (H) x 77 (D) mm.
Flush Mounting: 46 mm panel depth minimum.
Weight: 545 grams.


Temperature Range: – 10°C to + 55°C.
Vibration: MIL STD 810E, procedure I 3.4.8.
Solar Radiation: Case UV stabilised.
Water and Dust Resistance: IPX7* excluding external cabling.
Compass Safe Distance: 300 mm.


Microphone: 6 pin socket.
DC Supply: 2 pin socket.
External Speaker: 3.5 mm phono line socket.

*Specifications are typical unless otherwise indicated and may be subject to change without notice or obligation.


This warranty against defects is given by GME Pty Ltd ACN 000 346 814
(We, us, our or GME). Our contact details are set out in clause 2.7. This warranty statement only applies to products purchased in Australia. Please contact your local GME distributor for products sold outside of Australia. Local distributor details at:

  1. Consumer guarantees
    1.1 Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
    1.2 To the extent we are able, we exclude all other conditions, warranties and obligations which would otherwise be implied.

  2. Warranty against defects
    2.1 This warranty is in addition to and does not limit, exclude or restrict your rights under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Australia) or any other mandatory protection laws that may apply.
    2.2 We warrant our goods to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the warranty period (see warranty table) from the date of original sale (or another period we agree to in writing). Subject to our obligations under clause 1.2, we will at our option, either repair or replace goods which we are satisfied are defective. We warrant any replacement parts for the remainder of the period of warranty for the goods into which they are incorporated.
    2.3 To the extent permitted by law, our sole liability for breach of a condition, warranty or other obligation implied by law is limited.
    (a) In the case of goods we supply, to any one of the following as we decide –
    (i) The replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods.
    (ii) The repair of the goods.
    (iii) The cost of repairing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods.
    (b) In the case of services we supply, to any one of the following as we decide –
    (i) The supplying of the services again
    (ii) The cost of having the services supplied again.
    2.4 For repairs outside the warranty period, we warrant our repairs to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for three months from the date of the original repair. We agree to re-repair or replace (at our option) any materials or workmanship which we are satisfied are defective.
    2.5 We warrant that we will perform services with reasonable care and skill and agree to investigate any complaint regarding our services made in good faith. If we are satisfied that the complaint is justified, and as our sole liability to you under this warranty (to the extent permitted at law), we agree to supply those services again at no extra charge to you.
    2.6 To make a warranty claim you must before the end of the applicable warranty period (see warranty table), at your own cost, return the goods you allege are defective, provide written details of the defect, and give us an original or copy of the sales invoice or some other evidence showing details of the transaction.
    2.7 Send your claim to:
    GME Pty Ltd.
    17 Gibbon Rd, Winston Hills, NSW 2153, Australia.
    Tel: (02) 8867 6000 Fax: (02) 8867 6199.
    2.8 If we determine that your goods are defective, we will pay for the cost of returning the repaired or replaced goods to you, and reimburse you for your reasonable expenses of sending your warranty claim to us.

  3. What this warranty does not cover
    3.1 This warranty will not apply in relation to:
    (a) Goods modified or altered in any way.
    (b) Defects and damage caused by use with non GME products.
    (c) Repairs performed other than by our authorised representative.
    (d) Defects or damage resulting from misuse, accident, impact or neglect.
    (e) Goods improperly installed or used in a manner contrary to the relevant instruction manual; or
    (f) Goods where the serial number has been removed or made illegal.

  4. Warranty period
    4.1 We provide the following warranty on GME and Kingray products. No repair or replacement during the warranty period will renew or extend the warranty period past the period from original date of purchase.

27 MHz and VHF marine radios 1 year

GME Pty Ltd
17 Gibbon Road, Winston Hills NSW 2153, Australia
Part Number: 310628 Drawing Number: 47122-6 GX700

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| GME GX700 Compact VHF Radio [pdf] Instruction Manual
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