PetSafe GL-Q-HC-M-BLK Gentle Leader No Pull Dog Headcollar User Guide

June 14, 2024

PetSafe GL Q HC M BLK Gentle Leader No Pull Dog Headcollar

Why and how the Gentle Leader® works

The Gentle Leader head collar allows you to communicate with your dog clearly and effectively. This humane head collar is a training tool to help eliminate unwanted behaviors and to produce the desired behavior. Once the behavior is achieved, you can reward. This combination sets you and your dog up for success.
Dogs have an opposition reflex which encourages them to pull even if they are choking. Uniike traditional collars, the Gentle Leader places the pressure on the back of the neck instead of the front of the throat. This shift in pressure location allows the Gentle Leader to take advantage of the opposition reflex. Your dog will instinctively lean back into the pressure when the leash is tight from pulling. This will decrease pulling and remove unsafe pressure from your dog’s trachea.
Where the nose goes, the body follows! That’s why head halters are used on horses – it takes very little strength to control a large animal by the head halter vs. the collar. The head collar works in the same way, allowing you to gently direct the head in the direction
you want it to go. You can also redirect the dog away from situations and distractions when needed.

Positive motivation and rewards

Help your dog learn quickly and have fun!


Your reward MUST be given directly following the desired behavior so your communication is clear and precise. Keep treats in a pouch or your pocket for quick access. Having good timing may take practice at first, but no matter what, always remember to reward!
Rewards: Below are examples of rewards for most dogs. They can be paired or used separately.

  • Treats! Use small pieces of a very tasty treat – it helps if your dog is somewhat hungry.
  •  Praise your dog in a calm and pleasant voice – never yell or harshly scold as this may frighten your dog, hindering the learning process.
  • Release ALL tension on the leash the instant your dog does what you want (walks calmly, sits quietly, etc.) – this is very important because the lack of tension is part of the reward.

Proper use of your leash:

  • Never keep constant tension on the leash.
  •  Never jerk or yank the leash. A smooth, gentle pull followed by a release of tension is all that is needed.

Encourage your dog to follow you by using positive verbal cues, body language. treats or a toy. As he walks, praise in a friendly, cheerful voice and offer a treat. If your dog tends to hang back and not want to walk with you, don’t pull on the leash. The pressure at the back of the neck will make your dog want to slow down, If he doesn’t seem to want to move even with the treat, you may want to try walking in a different direction or using a tastier treat.

Winer Sroila Your Dag Wear Gert e Leader?
Begind tga cutly as 8 TO weeks of age, the Gentle Leader can be wom by your puppy ar dsq Pred oad tae Ole CEs AGRON Ole “210-2210 Ol ee mm Sale (UT Brg namiag etc yc. are aeaing saith Gehreor probleens, Goc8 aS aqganessia, that neces. state the use of tte Gentle Leager corsa tain YOL! VEtenadean Or darima’ berawer orofessiaral

Introducing your dog to the Gentle Leader

For most dogs. the Gentle Leader will produce positive results within the first few minutes. The fit and fee! are a new experience for your dog, and we recommend that you take your time introducing the head collar slowly. Taking smail steps and getting your dog used to the Gentle Leader is an excellent toot in maxumizing the etfectiveness and success of the halter We want your dog to love putting on his Gentle Leader! Try these helpful hints during the first week betore actual use:

  • Have your dog wear the Gentle Leader during meal time. Put it on immediately before they eat and take it off immediately after they are finished,
  •  Hold the nose loop open and invite your dog to place his snout through the loop. When your dog puts his nose even partially in the loop  Say “yes” and give him a treat Don’t move toward the dog during this process, just let him choose. If he doesn’t move to place hrs nose in the loop, just remove the Gentle Leader for a few seconds, then try again. If your dog 1S Still hesitant,  you might want totry having your dog simply touch the Gentie Leader and then receive a reward Remember you are notina hurry.
  •  Put the Gentle Leader on your dog twice a day for three minutes or tess During those three minutes, do not go for a walk, but grve your dog treats and praise or playtime. When you take the head collar off. the treats and praise should stop.
  •  After about a week, or after the dog is eager to wear the Gentle Leader. put the head collar on, include treats and praise, then go for a short 5-10 minute walk – consistently giving praise and rewards. Consider doing this at home or in the yard for the first
    couple of times. Do this for the following two days.

PetSafe GL Q HC M BLK Gentle Leader No Pull Dog Headcollar -

Refer to the section “Taking your dog for a walk with the Gentle Leader” for the §-10 minute waiks. The following may prohibit the Gentle Leader from working to its best ability:

  • Improper fit (Neck Strap too loose, Nose Loop too tight. Refer back to fitting instructions)
  •  Lack of a strongly motivating reward (food and praise)
  •  Failure to release ALL tension on the leash immedi- ately following a desired behavior

CAUTION: A dog needs to open his mouth to pant’breathe dunng physical activity or stress Do nat keep a constant pull on the leash for more tnan about 20-30 seconds. Your dog will be able to open his mouth as needed when there 1s no tension on are (cye tial

Taking your dog for a watk with the Gentle Leader

Be sure to read ALL fitting instructions before you begin to walk with your dog. Stand to one side of your dog, and grasp the leash. Allow enough slack in the leash for the dog to be able to move his head freely but not so much he can move several feet away from you. Begin by walking forward and encouraging your dog to come alongside you. saying, “Let’s Go,” “Walk” or another cue you may use. When your dog ts walking calmly next to your side, there should be ABSO- LUTELY NO tension on the leash! As he walks
at your side, give a treat and encouraging praise.
Stop pulling and lunging easily with the Gentile Leader
To prevent pulling in front or lunging, keep a short leash when you begin your walks. When your dog attempts to lunge or pull, simply hold the leash firmly (don’t jerk) and his nose and head will turn back to look at you. Immediatety release ALL the tension (the most important part of the training process!) as he stops pulling and slows his pace. Reward with a treat and praise.
It your dog succeeds in pulling out ahead of you, this means you’ve allowed too much slack in the leash. Quickly take up all the slack (don’t jerk!), and very gently redirect his head towards you and release when your dog turns to you. This will prevent him from pulling farther ahead. Keep walking at your normal pace, and as you walk alongside him, immediately reward by releasing the tension on the leash, along with a treat and praise.
Converting the Gentie Leader to a traditional style collar
Many families enjoy such ease when using the Gentle Leader that they won’t use anything else! Others prefer to use a head collar for only a short period of time. and  then transitbon back to a traditional style collar. The Gentle Leader offers the unique ability to convert from a head collar to a regular collar. When you are happy with your dog’s behavior on walks, simply use the neck strap of the Gentle Leader as you would a regular collar, without placing the Nose Loop around your dog’s nose. Attach the leash to the O Ring, and the nose loop becomes an extension of the leash. Whenever you need more contral, just slip the nose loop back over your dog’s nose, Adjust the fit as needed as we recommend when using the nose loop as an extension of the leash to slide the snap clamp all the way up to the Center Bar to prevent the dog from chewing at the snap.
Working with your local trainer, veterinarian or behavior specialist
If you are experiencing more complicated behavior problems, or simply would like additional hands-on assistance, we encourage you to consult with your veterinarian, local trainer or behavior specialist. When dealing with more difficult problems such as anxiety or aggression, your pet professional may give instructions for using Gentle Leader that differ from those here. In these cases, you shouid still closely follow our instructions for fitting Gentle Leader to avoid unnecessary complications.

Aggression problems

There are many different reasons why a dog may exhibit signs of aggression – fear. pain, medical prodlems, territorial instinct. etc. While the Gentle Leader can be an extremely effective and important tool in dealing with many aggression problems, it is not a “cure.” We highly advise you seek the services of a profess-onal (behaviorist, veterinarian or trainer) with experience in diagnosing and prescribing treatment programs for aggression problems. Your regular veterinarian can provide you with a referral to such a specialist.
Fearful and shy dogs are more secure with Gentle Leader. Leading behaviorists and trainers report that the Gentle Leader is particularty effective in helping fearful and shy dogs feel more secure and calm in situations that produce anxiety.
For acd tiona traning? tips:
Go to petsafe neat ncludes m-Gepthestruchans and futcooar custrations for fittmg and use Alsa inudes details cromativator revearnts contra! nq Lh San ERSTE Se OTE CAS ne | ang one carman proces

Gentle Leader’ fitting step by step
Throughout the fitting process and during initial use of Gentle Leader, motivate and encourage your dog with praise and special tasty treats.
if your dog is especially active, have someone help you by feeding treats while you fit and adjust. Pleaee fit your dog in a quiet indoor space to ensure a stress free and safe environment.

PetSafe GL Q HC M BLK Gentle Leader No Pull Dog Headcollar -

Fitting Checklist:

  • Neck Strap
    • Snug fit
    • Does not rotate
    • Positioned just behind the ears
  • Nose Loop
    •  Cannot be pulled or rubbed off by the dog
    •  Loose enough for dog to freely open his mouth
    •  Snap Clamp closed completely

NOTE: When your dog has reached full growth, you can remove any excess length of Neck Strap. With Gentie Leader off your dog, cut end of strap with scissors and use match or lighter flame to seal cut edge and prevent fraying. Be cautious not to remove too much of the strap.
Caution: Fotiow instructions carefully when fitting and using on bulldogs and other breeds with genetically limited airways or flat noses. It is typical for these dogs to frequently experience breathing difficulties when exercising or under stress because of thelr physically limited airways. If their usual breathing difficulties increase when weering the headcollar, immediately diecontinue and consult your veterinarian.

Protect. teach. fove.
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