Lupine Betty TL2 Pro Torch Owner’s Manual

June 15, 2024

Lupine Betty TL2 Pro Torch

Lupine Betty TL2 Pro Torch

Safety instructions

Warning! Avoid looking directly into the light emitted by the light or shining the light into your own eyes or the eyes of another person. If the light accidentally shines into your eyes, close your eyes and move your head out of the light beam. Do not use any strongly focusing optical device to look at the light beam. In cases where the light is used in a public or commercial setting, users should be provided with training concerning the safety measures for laser light.

This device may then be used by children 8 years of age or older, persons with limited physical, sensory or mental capabilities, as well as persons with no previous experience in handling such devices, if they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety .

Attention! Risk group 2: Proven optical radiation! Do not look into the lamp for a long time during operation. May be harmful to the eyes. Danger of glare: The strong glare of the lamp can be temporary Eyesight and afterimages feel dying Irritation, authorizations or treatment commands can.

Re-charge you battery before using the light. Carry a spare light with you at all times, as the product can potentially fail unexpectedly at any time. In the event of any physical or internal battery failure, do not attempt to repair. No user-serviceable parts!

Heat generation: The housing of Betty may heat up; so make sure that you always keep the light at a safe distance to any combustible or flammable materials. Could cause fire or death! However, quiescent operation (without cooling the light housing) is possible at any time and will not damage the product. When the light is being used in a stationary state, the light will be dimmed after a few minutes to reduce the light’s temperature. Continuous operation at 45 watts is only possible with air flowing over the housing!

Important! Always disconnect the battery from the light at transport or storage! Otherwise the small amount of power used by the electronics will discharge the battery, and the lamp may be switched on accidentally.

Water resistance: All components are waterproof and can of course be used under extremely severe conditions. The lamp complies with IP protection class 67 but is NOT a diving lamp and is NOT suitable for use under water.


Charger One:

Before seriously using your flashlight for the first time, the battery requires charging. For this purpose, please unscrew the battery tank from the flashlight head. The charging socket is located on top of the battery. You can either use the Charger One with the power adapter or the 12 V charging cable.

The Charger One comes with four different charging modes. At the push of the button you can switch between these.


  1. Li-Ion “charging” mode (standard)
    The Charger One automatically stops the charging process.
    The display will show “Full”.

  2. Li-Ion “discharge” mode
    In order to discharge the battery. The display will show you the discharged capacity.
    Attention: Do not store an empty battery!!!

  3. Li-Ion “discharge/charge” mode
    This mode gives you the possibility to discharge and charge the battery in one go. The program can be used after recalibrating a Smartcore battery.

  4. Li-Ion “50% storage” mode
    With this program the battery will be charged to 50% of the capacity.
    This is perfect for storing the battery over a longer period of time.


Initialization & voltage display:

When the lamp is connected to the battery, the software will run a self test.
All RGB LEDs will flash up and the lamp itself will flash once.

The battery voltage is then indicated by a blue and green LED, as follows:

→  The blue LED flashes once for each volt; and then
→  the green LED flashes once for each 1/10 of a volt.

To display the battery voltage again, unplug the light from the battery and then plug it in again.


Example: The blue LED flashes seven times and the green LED then flashes five times; this means that the measured voltage under load is 7.5 V. This display helps you assess the actual state of the battery prior to use.


Interpreting the voltage display:
More than 8.0 V: the battery is fully charged. 7.1 to 7.9 V: the battery needs charging. 6.5 to 7 V: the battery is not ready for use.
Note: To deactivate this display, simply press the button. In other words, you needn’t let the display go through its whole cycle in order to use the lamp.
The control electronics measures the voltage under load. Thus, measurements using a voltmeter will not be comparable.

Switching on:
Press the power switch (DoubleClick) to turn the light on; two blue LEDs will glow, indicating the 22W dimming level. Press the button rapidly to cycle through other power levels. Refer to the chart on page 26 for the exact meaning of the five (RGB) monitor LEDs, as well as instructions for programming options additional to the factory-set 3-step mode.


Note: The red center LED will only run in a special mode, while otherwise just the outer 6 LEDs will shine.

Luminous performance:

The ambient temperature and the use of high power levels can reduce power to the LEDs, thus reducing their brightness, to avoid overheating the LEDs and other electronics. The actual reduction is indicated by the status LEDs: e.g., after a certain period of time, 4 of the 5 blue status LEDs will be lit, indicating that the power has been reduced from 45W in order to protect the unit from heat damage.

Switching off:

Hold the button down (for more than one second) to switch off the lamp.

Discharged battery capacity:

When you shut off the lamp, the discharged battery capacity is shown via flashing of the blue LED and then the green LED. This information can only be displayed once as it is deleted when you unplug the battery

The →  blue LED blinks once for each Ah (ampere hour); and then
the →  green LED blinks once for each 1/10 of an Ah.

Example: The blue LED flashes once and then the green LED flashes five times. This indicates that 1.5 Ah have been drawn from the battery.

Battery warning:

The LEDs on the back of the lamp-head change color to indicate decreasing voltage. When battery voltage drops below a certain level, the Backlight LED changes from blue to green. Near the end of the battery’s charge, the light turns red.

Safety advisory: When the battery is completely discharged (all 5 red LEDs blink with a red backlight on), the light will shut down after flashing a few times. In such a case, you should be careful,

Note: When permanently operating the lamp at high power, the battery warnings may be issued in very quick sequence

Reserve power:
When the battery is completely discharged (all 5 red LEDs blink with a red backlight on), the light will shut down after flashing a few times. To activate the battery’s reserve power, double click the switch. This will give you a few minutes more light, whose exact amount depends on the age of your battery. The light emitted in reserve-power mode is a very low beam so as to conserve power and keep the light going as long as possible. The red 5 LEDs slowly flash when reserve power mode is activated and the backlight will be red. When the reserve power has been completely discharged, the light will shut down – so be careful.

Note: When operating the lamp only with 2 W or less, no reserve power will be available.

Warning: Do not switch on the light when the battery is discharged, as this will invariably damage the battery. Recharge the battery as soon as possible to avoid a deep discharged battery.

Customizing the brightness levels

You have the option to setup up to 4 brightness levels, in any sequence.

  1. Press and hold the button until one green   LED lights up. → release the button
  2. The range of brightness levels you can select will begin automatically to cycle, as shown below.
  3. Press the button at the brightness level you want. → the first power-on click is presented
  4. Upon releasing the button, the sequence of
    brightness levels automatically restarts, allowing you to set a second level in the same manner as the first click set-up. This process can be repeated up to four times, but will stop when you quit making further selections, thus allowing your light to operate in 1-step, 2-step, 3-step,-or 4-step modes.

0.3 W brightness lvl|
2 W brightness lvl|
3 W brightness lvl|
8 W brightness lvl|
12 W brightness lvl|
16 W brightness lvl|
22 W brightness lvl|
28 W brightness lvl|
34 W brightness lvl|
45 W brightness lvl|
center (0.8W)*|
dbl click|

  • If in use, shown by green LED
    ** Will not be signalised by a status LED

Default setting

Special Functions


This setting activates the center LED to produce a low red light. The outer 6 LEDs will be disabled.


The SOS sign is an emergency signal! Use it carefully and only in case of a real emergency. Due to the lamp’s high light output, this signal is visible for several miles; the operating time is several hours.
Misuse may be prosecuted!


This mode is extremely irritating and may by no means be misused.

Double click:

If this function is activated, the lamp may only be switched on with a quick double click.
Useful for anybody who wants to avoid that the lamp is switched on accidentally in particular during transport (e. g. in a backpack)


In stealth mode, initialization, voltage display, and battery warning usually indicated by the button’s LEDs are partly deactivated. Of course “stealth on“ does not mean that our Betty TL will no longer give light or will even become invisible, however, LED indications will be reduced to a minimum.

Police-Mode (Special-Mode):

In the Police-Mode, the lamp only lights up, while the button is kept pressed. The lamp stops shining at once, when you get off the button. To prevent an activation by mistake, this mode is chosen in a special way. Press the button 8 times quickly during 2.5 – 3 seconds. To change back to the standard mode, press the button again 8 times quickly

Alternative Capacity Indicator (lamp head)

  1. Before activating the alternative capacity indicator, your battery must be fully charged.
  2. Press and hold the button until 2 green LEDs light up. → release the button
  3. The range of battery capacities you can choose from will start automatically
  4. You must approximate the correct range for your battery; e.g., for an 6.6 Ah you would select 7 Ah (5 green LEDs)

Similar to our Smart core batteries the red LEDs on the lamp head will now approximately show the remaining capacity.
Attention! When the lamp head is disconnected from a battery, the indicator will not work correctly until the battery is fully recharge.

Example: 70% Remaining capacity = 3 red LEDs on, 1 red LED blinking

3 Ah|
4 Ah|
5 Ah|
6 Ah|
7 Ah|
8 Ah|
9 Ah|
10 Ah|
Disable indicator|

Adjusting backlight low-battery warning:

Use this program to adjust the onset of the low-battery warning.

  1. Press and hold the button, until 3 green LEDs light up. → release the button
  2. The threshold can be selected as shown below.

Backlight:| Blue| Green| red|
| 6.0 V| 5.6 V| 5.2 V|
| 6.2 V| 5.8 V| 5.3 V|
Default setting| 6.4 V| 6.0 V| 5.4 V|
| 6.6 V| 6.2 V| 5.5 V|
| 6.8 V| 6.4 V| 5.6 V|

Recover factory settings:

  1. Press and hold the button, until 5 red LEDs turn on. →  release the button
  2. Disconnect the battery, and all factory settings will be restored.


1/4 Inch Adapter:

The adapter allows to mount the light on a tripod.
Use the screws which came with the adapter to connect it to the light.

The special cap comes with an additional thread.
Thanks to the cap 55 mm filters, such as available as foto accessories can be used.

Diffusor for camera:

Art. No. 892 Diffusor

The hand sewed leather holster is attached by a strong leather strap. The width of the belt can be up to 45 mm

Product care and storage

Cleaning :
Only clean the lamp when it is fully assembled. If required, use warm water and add some mild dishwashing detergent.
Caution! Always separate the battery from the lamp!
Otherwise, the small amount of power used by the electronics will discharge the battery. Furthermore, the lamp may be switched on accidentally. The uncontrolled heat buildup could cause a fire or melt adjacent plastic material.
Storage :
When the lamp will not be used for a longer period of time, fully charge the battery and leave it connected to the charger. Choose a cool, dry place for storage (basement etc.).

Opening the lamp housing:

Note! The lamp housing may be opened for installing an upgrade kit or a lens.
Open the lamp housing’s front screw-on cover. Hold the rear of the lamp with one hand while rotating the front cover to the left (counterclockwise) with the other hand. Once you have removed the cover, you will see the 7-array lens. Please avoid touching the lenses directly.

Closing the lamp housing:

Check to ensure that the o-ring on the rear of the housing is correctly positioned. The housing will only be waterproof if its o-ring is intact. After completing this check, carefully screw down the housing cover. Important! The thread must always run smoothly, otherwise, screw off the cover again immediately and try again. The fine thread will not excuse any mishandling – therefore, be extremely careful! Fully screw down the cover.


Problem: Cause Solution

The light does not come on and the button’s LEDs do not flash when the flashlight head is connected to the battery| → Deep discharged battery
→ Battery not or not properly connected to the light head. Faulty LED unit.| → Charge the battery
→ Properly screw on the flash light
The power LEDs do not come on, the button’s LEDs flash when the flashlight head is connected to the battery| → Faulty LED unit.| → Replace the LED unit
The battery life is too short| → Discharged battery.
→ Old battery. è Very low temperatures. è Faulty charger| → Charge the battery.
→ Replace the battery.
→ Keep the battery warm. è Replace the charger
The light does only work if I keep the button pressed.| → Police mode enabled| → see page 27.
Light Output:| Runtime: Betty TL2:| Betty TL
45 W| 5800 Lumens| 1 h| 30 Min.
34 W| 4200 Lumens| 1 h 25 min.| 40 Min
28 W| 3600 Lumens| 1 h 45 min.| 50 Min.
22 W| 3050 Lumens| 2 h 10 min.| 1 Std. 5 Min
16 W| 2200 Lumens| 3 h| 1 Std. 30 Min.
12 W| 1700 Lumens| 4 h| 2 Std.
8 W| 1200 Lumens| 6 h| 3 Std.
3 W| 470 Lumens| 16 h| 8 Std.
2 W| 330 Lumens| 24 h| 12 Std.
0.3 W| 50 Lumens| 160 h| 80 Std.
0.8 W| Center-L| 60 h| 30 Std.

Battery life may vary depending on battery age, condition, and temperature.

Default setting

Charging time:

Betty TL2: 2h 45min
Betty TL2 S : 1h

Operating temperature:

–25 °C – +55 °C

Weight: incl. battery

BTL 2: 425 g
BTL 2 S : 300g

Protection class : IP67

Battery capacity/nominal voltage:

Betty TL2: 6.9 Ah/7.2 V Li-Ion
Betty TL2 S: 3.5Ah / 7.2V Li


6 x Cree XM-L3
1 x Cree XP-E2 (with red center LED)

More informations at
EC Declaration of Conformity:




lm (Lumens) = Unit of luminous flux

Usually differentiated in measured and calculated values. Calculated values often differ considerably from the actual light output.

Our lumen values are measured in our own calibrated integrating sphere.

The measurement takes place after 30 seconds, the so called ANSI method.


The laws governing the allowable application domain for this lighting system may vary from one country to another. We recommend that you inform yourself about the relevant laws in this domain in your country.

The product’s two year warranty applies to all components, as well as any manufacturing defect.
The warranty does not include the battery. In addition, any modification or improper use of the product will void the warranty

Customers Support

Lupine lighting systems GmbH
Im Zwiesel 9, 92318 Neumarkt, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 91 81 – 50 94 90
Fax: +49 (0) 91 81 – 50 94 915



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