VUBER Pulse Touch Battery User Guide

June 13, 2024

VUBER Pulse Touch Battery


THANK YOU for purchasing the VUBER PULSE TOUCH battery! Patented and designed in Seattle, Washington the PULSE TOUCH was engineered for those looking for a more compact and discreet version of our classic PULSE battery. Simply attach your favorite 510 thread cartridge, press the TOUCH bottom five times to turn the unit on, and enjoy!


The capacitive touch plate is located near the USB port at the bottom of the TOUCH. The plate only activates with skin contact, you do not have to worry about it activating with any other contact. Turn the unit on by tapping your finger firmly over the USB port button FIVE times rapidly until you see a purple light flash. Follow the same steps to turn the TOUCH off.


The PULSE TOUCH is suction activated. The battery will be activated by drawing on the cartridge mouthpiece without needing to push a button. This is very easy and convenient for users on the go.

  • STEP 1 – Turn the unit on by firmly tapping the bottom of the unit FIVE times with your fingertip; a purple light will flash.
  • STEP 2 – Remove the cartridge sleeve and attach your preferred cartridge by threading it on; a white light will flash as you connect the cartridge.
  • STEP 3 – Reattach the cartridge sleeve by sliding it on and connecting the magnets.
  • STEP 4 – Inhale through the mouth-piece on the cartridge to create vapor and ENJOY! The light on the bottom will glow showing activation.

The PULSE TOUCH only works in auto-adjust mode. You can not override this to manually change the settings – the classic PULSE has this feature. The PULSE TOUCH also features our “Never Burn” voltage taper technology, like the classic PULSE. The color scheme to the voltage is as follows:

  • GREEN – 2.8v
  • PURPLE – 3.2v
  • BLUE – 3.4v
  • RED – 3.7v


When the base blinks three times, it is time to charge your batter y. Plugin the battery using the Micro USB cable provided. The light on the base will light up and pulse, showing that the battery is charging. The light on the battery base will blink with the corresponding battery charge level. Once the battery is green and not longer blinking it is fully charged. You may check the battery level at any time by pressing your finger on the bottom of the TOUCH, or by plugging the battery into the charger.

The PULSE TOUCH features pass-through chaging. This will allow you to operate the battery while it is being charged.


  • The PULSE TOUCH electrode (connection point between battery and cartridge) is designed to keep any residue out of your battery, it is still necessary to clean the connections regularly. It is best to use a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean the connections of both the battery and cartridge.
  • If cartridge oil leaks onto the battery, make sure to clean any residue. Our airflow is placed on the sides of the electrode and while leaks won’t affect the internals of the battery, large leaks could cause the airflow to become clogged which will affect vapor production.
  • If your battery is fully charged and blinking constantly, try backing the cartridge off a half a turn. If this doesn’t work, try a different cartridge. If this still doesn’t fix the issue, please contact VUBER.


The PULSE TOUCH battery is a one of a kind sleeve battery with big features packed into a small shell. Featuring a magnetic sleeve for the ultimate cart protection, suction activation, VUBER’s patented “Never Burn” technology, and as as added bonus the TOUCH features pass-through charging allowing the user to charge while using.

PULSE TOUCH Batter y Cartridge Sleeve Micro-USB Charger “Never Burn” Technology: The PULSE TOUCH utilizes Vuber’s patented “Never Burn” heating technology, which assures that burning wicks are a thing of the past. It works by tapering the power output as you apply it to the atomizer/ cartridge. No matter the setting the battery chooses for you, the voltage and wattage will go down as you draw. This technol-ogy allows the user to efficient-ly bring out the flavor in what-ever cartridge or atomizer used, while decreasing the chances of the cartridge burning out. Look out for other Vuber products featuring the “Never Burn” technology.


Vuber Technologies is proud to offer a Limited Lifetime Warranty on all Vuber devices. To qualify for a warranty claim, register your product within 30 days of purchase. To register or submit a warranty claim, please visit our w ebsite.


  • Approved warranty claims are typically processed within 3-5 business days.
  • A shipping and handling fee applies to each item replaced.
  • Cartridges, atomizers, and heating coils will need to be replaced over time and are not covered under warranty.
  • Instructions videos are available under each product page, on the Vuber website.
  • Damage caused by improper use, physical abuse, moisture exposure, or any activity other than vaping – will not be covered under warranty.



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