SIEMENS 1MB1.33 SIMOTICS XP Low Voltage Motors Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

SIEMENS 1MB1.33 SIMOTICS XP Low Voltage Motors

SIMOTICS XP Low-voltage motors – Product Information

This manual provides operating instructions for the SIMOTICS XP Low-voltage motors, specifically the 1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71…315. For more information, please visit

The SIMOTICS XP Low-voltage motors are designed to provide reliable motor operation. This product is suitable for various applications and is available in different shaft heights ranging from 71 to 315.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Safety information
  3. Operating Instructions
  4. Description
  5. Preparing for use
  6. Assembly
  7. Electrical connection
  8. Commissioning
  9. Operation
  10. Maintenance
  11. Spare parts
  12. Disposal
  13. Technical data
  14. Quality documents
  15. Translation of the original instructions 08/2023

Safety Information

This section provides important safety information that must be followed to ensure personal safety and prevent damage to property. The notices are graded according to the degree of danger:

  1. DANGER: Death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
  2. WARNING: Death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
  3. CAUTION: Minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
  4. NOTICE: Property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

Qualified Personnel

The SIMOTICS XP Low-voltage motors should only be operated by personnel qualified for the specific task. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, can identify risks and avoid potential hazards when working with these products/systems.

Proper use of Siemens products
It is important to note the following regarding the proper use of Siemens products:

  • The contents of this publication have been reviewed for consistency with the described hardware and software. However, due to possible variances, full consistency cannot be guaranteed. The information in this publication is regularly reviewed, and necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
  • The product/system described in this documentation should only be used as intended and in accordance with the provided warning notices and safety instructions.

Edition 08/2023


Low-voltage motors
1MB1.33 Eagle Line Shaft heights 71… 315

1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71 … 315



Safety information


Low-voltage motors 1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71 … 315
Operating Instructions



Preparing for use




Electrical connection








Spare parts




Technical data


Quality documents


For applications in hazardous zones according to NEC 500/505/506 Class I, Division 2, Group A/B/C/D Class I, Zone 2, AEx ec IIC T. Gc Class II, Division 2, Group F/G Zone 22, AEx tc IIIC T…°C Dc
Translation of the original instructions 08/2023

Legal information

Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
CAUTION indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
NOTICE indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.
Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products Note the following:
WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
Trademarks All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG Digital Industries Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG GERMANY

08/2023 Subject to change

Copyright © Siemens AG 2023. All rights reserved

1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71 … 315

Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A






SIMOTICS is the Siemens family of electric motors addressing the complete motor spectrum in Digital Industry.


About this manual


To illustrate possible application areas for our products, typical use cases are listed in this product documentation and in the online help. These are purely exemplary and do not constitute a statement on the suitability of the respective product for applications in specific individual cases. Unless explicitly contractually agreed, Siemens assumes no liability for such suitability. Suitability for a particular application in specific individual cases must be assessed by the user, taking into account all technical, legal, and other requirements on a case-by-case basis. Always observe the descriptions of the technical properties and the relevant constraints of the respective product contained in the product documentation.


These Operating Instructions inform you about the motor and its components. You will learn how to handle the motor properly and safely from delivery to disposal: · Transporting and storing · Assembly and mounting · Connecting · Commissioning · Checking · Operation · Troubleshooting · Disassembling · Disposal This documentation should be kept in a location where it can be easily accessed and made available to the personnel responsible.

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Introduction 1.2 About this manual
Information regarding third-party products
Note Recommendation relating to third-party products This document contains recommendations relating to third-party products. Siemens accepts the fundamental suitability of these third-party products. You can use equivalent products from other manufacturers. Siemens does not accept any warranty for the properties of third-party products.


Target group


These operating instructions are intended for: · Fitters · Commissioning engineers · Machine operators · Service and maintenance personnel · Warehouse personnel · Personnel decommissioning the motor · Personnel disposing of the motor


Avoiding dangers


Avoid dangers. Ensure safe, problem-free operation and a maximum service life: · Before you start using the motor, you must read these Operating Instructions. · Always follow the safety instructions and notices in these operating instructions. The warning notice system is explained at the beginning of this document.

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Introduction 1.3 SIMOTICS documentation


Standard scope


This documentation describes the functionality of the standard scope. This scope may differ from the scope of the functionality of the system that is actually supplied. Please refer to the ordering documentation only for the functionality of the supplied drive system.
Further functions may be executable in the system, which are not explained in this documentation. However, there is no entitlement to these functions in the case of a new delivery or service.
This documentation does not contain all detailed information on all types of the product. Furthermore, this documentation cannot take into consideration every conceivable type of installation, operation and service/maintenance.
The machine manufacturer must document any additions or modifications they make to the product themselves.


Websites of third-party companies


This document may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites. Siemens is not responsible for and shall not be liable for these websites and their content. Siemens has no control over the information which appears on these websites and is not responsible for the content and information provided there. The user bears the risk for their use.


SIMOTICS documentation


Comprehensive documentation on SIMOTICS, SIMOGEAR and on the SINAMICS converter family are provided in Internet (
You can display documents or download them in PDF and HTML5 format.

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Introduction 1.4 Service and support

The documentation is divided into the following categories:

Table 1- 1 SIMOTICS / SIMOGEAR / SINAMICS documentation

Information General information
Device information Basic information

Documentation class1) Configuration Manual
Installation Instructions Operating instructions Compact instructions Product Information
Online help


Target group

Rules, guidelines, and tools for configuring products, systems, and plants. Also contains information on the operating and ambient conditions for hardware and software, the use of functions, as well as on circuit diagrams and terminal diagrams and the installation of software insofar as this is necessary for commissioning.

Planners, configuration engineers

All relevant information on setting up, installing and cabling, as well as the required dimensional drawings and circuit diagrams

Installation personnel, commissioning engineers, service and maintenance personnel

Comprehensive collection of all

Machine operators, plant operators

information necessary for the safe

operation of products, plant/system

parts and complete plants (IEC 82079)

Essential contents of the operating instructions in a reduced and condensed form

Machine operators, plant operators

Information that only becomes known Planners, configuration engineers, shortly before or even after start of technologists, installation personnel, delivery and is therefore not included constructors; commissioning in the associated user documentation engineers, machine operators,
programmers, service and maintenance personnel

Instructions for configuring, programming, and commissioning

Configuration engineers, programmers, commissioning engineers

  1. Not all documentation classes are available for every SIMOTICS / SIMOGEAR / SINAMICS product.


Service and support


Siemens Industry Online Support on the Web


The following is available via Siemens Industry Online Support (, among others:
· Product support
· Global forum for information and best practice sharing between users and specialists
· Local contact persons via the contact person database ( Contact)

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· Search for product info · Important topics at a glance · FAQs (frequently asked questions) · Application examples · Manuals · Downloads · Compatibility tool · Newsletters with information about your products · Catalogs/brochures


Siemens Industry Online Support on the road


Introduction 1.4 Service and support

Figure 1-1 “Siemens Industry Online Support” app
The “Industry Online Support” app supports you in the following areas, for example: · Resolving problems when executing a project · Troubleshooting when faults develop · Expanding a system or planning a new system Furthermore, you have access to the Technical Forum and other articles that our experts have drawn up: · FAQs · Application examples · Manuals · Certificates · Product announcements and much more There is a data matrix code or QR code on the nameplate of your product. Scan the code using the “Industry Online Support” app

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Introduction 1.4 Service and support
( to obtain technical information about the device. The app is available for Apple iOS and Android.


Feedback on the technical documentation


We welcome your questions, suggestions, and corrections for this technical documentation. Please use the “Provide feedback” link at the end of the entries in Siemens Industry Online Support.

Figure 1-2 Requests and feedback


mySupport documentation


With the “mySupport documentation” web-based system, you can compile your own individual documentation based on Siemens content and adapt this for your own machine documentation.
To start the application, click the “My Documentation” tile on the mySupport homepage (

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Introduction 1.4 Service and support

Figure 1-3 mySupport
The configured manual can be exported in the PDF or XML format. Siemens content that supports the mySupport documentation can be identified by the “Configure” link.


Technical support


Your routes to technical support (
· Support Request (
· Contact person database (
· “Industry Online Support” mobile app
The Support Request is the most important input channel for questions relating to products from Siemens Industry. This will assign your request a unique ticket number for tracking purposes. The Support Request offers you:
· Direct access to technical experts
· Recommended solutions for various questions (e.g. FAQs)
· Status tracking of your requests
Technical support also assists you in some cases via remote support ( to resolve your requests. A Support representative will assist you in diagnosing or resolving the problem through screen transfer.
More information on the Support service packages is available on the Internet via the following address (

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Introduction 1.5 Important product information




SITRAIN ­ Digital Industry Academy offers a comprehensive range of training courses on Siemens industrial products ­ directly from the manufacturer, for all industries and use cases, for all knowledge levels from beginner to expert.
More information can be found on the Internet via the following address (


Spare parts services


By using the online spare parts service “Spares on Web”, you ensure the smooth operation of your product. The spare parts service is aimed at the following:
· Improved spare parts inventories by balancing stock and spare parts on call
· Minimized downtimes during a plant standstill
· Reduced costs
More information can be found on the Internet via the following address (


Important product information

Intended use of the machines
These machines are intended for industrial installations. They comply with the harmonized standards of the series EN / IEC 60034 (VDE 0530). It is prohibited to use these motors in hazardous zones if the marking on the motor rating plate does not explicitly permit line or converter operation. If other/more wide-ranging demands (e.g. protection so that they cannot be touched by children) are made in special cases ­ i.e. use in non-industrial installations ­ these conditions must be ensured by the customer.
EU Machinery Directive
Low-voltage motors are components designed for installation in machines in accordance with the EU Machinery Directive. Commissioning is prohibited until it has been absolutely identified that the end product is in conformance with this Directive. Comply with standard EN / IEC 60204-1.

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Safety information



Information for those responsible for the plant/system
This motor is a partly completed machine in the sense of directive 2006/42/EC (“machinery directive”), and has been designed and built in compliance with the applicable’s health and safety protection requirements of this directive, including the protection goals of directive 2014/35/EU (“Low-Voltage Directive”) regarding electrical hazards. It is intended for use in industrial plants and systems. Please observe the country-specific regulations when using the motor outside the European Union. Comply with local and industry-specific safety and installation regulations.
The persons responsible for the plant must ensure the following:
· Planning and configuration work and all work carried out on and with the machine is only to be done by qualified personnel.
· The operating instructions are always available when performing any work.
· The technical data as well as the specifications relating to the permissible installation, connection, ambient and operating conditions as well as the other safety-related data and notes in these operating instructions are taken into account at all times.
· The specific setup and safety regulations as well as regulations on the use of personal protective equipment are strictly complied with.
Engage the services and support provided by the local service center (Page 12) for planning, installation, commissioning and service work.
Further, this machine has been designed, built and tested in accordance with Directive 2014/34/EU (“Explosion Protection Directive”) and is intended for use in industrial plants with a potentially explosive atmosphere (corresponding to the data on the rating plate).
Commissioning in hazardous areas
Only commission the machine if it has been absolutely confirmed that the plant or system is in full conformance with the valid directive.
When using the machine, carefully comply with country-specific regulations relating to protection against explosion.


The 5 safety rules
To ensure your own personal safety as well as to avoid material damage, always comply with the safety-relevant instructions when carrying out any work. Also carefully comply with the 5 safety rules according to EN 50110-1 “Working in a no-voltage state” in the specified sequence.

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Safety information 2.3 Qualified personnel

5 safety rules

1. Disconnect the system. Also disconnect the auxiliary circuits, for example, anti-condensation heating.
2. Secure against reconnection. 3. Verify absence of operating voltage. 4. Ground and short-circuit. 5. Provide protection against adjacent live parts. To energize the system, apply the measures in reverse order.


Qualified personnel

All work at the machine must be carried out by qualified personnel only. For the purpose of this documentation, qualified personnel is taken to mean people who fulfill the following requirements:

· Through appropriate training and experience, they are able to recognize and avoid risks and potential dangers in their particular field of activity.

· They have been instructed to carry out work on the machine by the appropriate person responsible.


Safe handling
Workplace safety depends on the attentiveness, care, and common sense of the personnel who install, operate, and maintain the machine. In addition to the safety measures cited, as a matter of principle, the use of caution is necessary when you are near the machine. Always pay attention to your safety.
Also observe the following to prevent accidents:
· General safety regulations applicable in the country where the machine is deployed.
· Manufacturer-specific and application-specific regulations
· Special agreements made with the operator
· Separate safety instructions supplied with the machine
· Safety symbols and instructions on the machine and its packaging

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Safety information 2.4 Safe handling

Danger as a result of stationary parts under voltage (live parts)
Live parts represent a hazard. Touch protection against active (live) parts is no longer guaranteed if covers are removed. The minimum clearance and creepage distances may be violated when coming close to live parts. Touching or coming close to them can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
· Ensure that all live parts are suitably covered.
· Switch off and disconnect the machine first if you want to remove covers. Observe the “5 safety rules”.

Risk of injury due to rotating parts
Rotating parts are dangerous. Touch protection against rotating parts is no longer guaranteed if covers are removed. Touching rotating parts can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
· Ensure that all rotating parts are reliably covered.
· Switch off and disconnect the machine first if you want to remove covers. Observe the “5 safety rules”.
· Only remove covers when the rotating parts have come to a complete standstill.

Risk of burns due to hot surfaces
Individual machine parts can become hot in operation. Burns can result when coming into contact with these parts.
· Never touch machine parts during operation.
· Allow the machine to cool before starting work on the machine.
· Check the temperature of parts before touching them. If required, wear suitable protective equipment.

Health hazard due to chemical substances
Chemical substances required for the setup, operation and maintenance of machines can present a health risk.
· Observe the product information provided by the manufacturer.

Flammable substances hazard
Chemical substances required for the setup, operation and maintenance of machines may be flammable. These substances can ignite if handled incorrectly. They can cause burns and property damage.
· Observe the product information provided by the manufacturer.

See also

Inspection and maintenance (Page 124)

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Safety information 2.5 Use in hazardous areas
Noise emissions
During operation, the machine’s noise emission levels can exceed those permitted at the workplace, which can cause hearing damage. · Ensure that nobody is in the area of increased noise emissions during machine operation. · Take steps to reduce noise so that the machine can be operated safely within your system.
The following measures may help to reduce noise. ­ Covers ­ Noise insulation ­ Hearing protection measures
Prevention of hearing damage If the permissible sound pressure level is exceeded, hearing damage can occur when operating three-phase motors at their rated power. The permissible sound pressure level is 70 dB (A).
Electromagnetic fields when operating electrical power equipment Electrical power equipment generate electromagnetic fields during operation. Potentially lethal malfunctions can occur in medical implants, e.g. pacemakers, in the vicinity of electrical power equipment. Data may be lost on magnetic or electronic data carriers. · Protect the personnel working in the plant by taking appropriate measures, such as
erecting identifying markings, safety barriers and warning signs and giving safety talks. · Comply with all of the national health and safety regulations. · It is forbidden for people with pacemakers to be close to the machine. · Do not carry any magnetic or electronic data media.


Use in hazardous areas

Electrical installations in hazardous zones must be mounted, installed and operated by the applicable responsible persons in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations.

The basic requirements relating to electrical installations and their operation in hazardous areas are described, for instance, in directive 1999/92/EC as well as in standard IEC / EN 60079-14 or when using the electrical machine outside the European Community, in country-specific regulations, for example in USA and Canada according to NEC500/505/506 or CEC Section 18

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Safety information 2.6 Explosion hazard from hybrid mixtures
Ignition hazards
The assessment of operating risks and local operating conditions and the necessary monitoring methods must be clarified and made binding by the system operator in consultation with the responsible supervisory authority. Apply the necessary measures. Regarding this topic, the machine manufacturer cannot provide any generally applicable recommendations. Comply with the information provided in these operating instructions.
Note The basic requirements relating to the assessment of ignition hazards arising from electrical equipment and their operation in hazardous zones are specified in the 2014/34/EU and 1999/92/EC directives as well as in the IEC/EN 60079 series of standards; or when using the electrical machine outside the European Community, provided in the country-specific regulations.
If a third-party certification is available for the machine, then carefully comply with the technical data defined in it and any special conditions. The certificate must be available before commissioning.


Explosion hazard from hybrid mixtures

Explosion hazard from hybrid mixtures
Hybrid mixtures are mixtures of flammable dusts with explosive gas/air atmospheres which can together create a dangerous explosive atmosphere if they occur at the same time. Changes can arise in the safety performance characteristics here, such as a change in the zonal classification, increase in the explosion pressure, reduction in the minimum ignition energy and a reduction in the maximum temperatures to be complied with.
An explosion can occur. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
· As a consequence, when hybrid mixtures occur, carefully observe the relevant parameters both for gas (Zones 0, 1 and 2 or Class I) as well as also for dust (Zones 20, 21 and 22 or Class II). It is necessary for a competent assessing body to determine in individual cases whether the parameters determining ignition are unfavorably influenced in a particular hybrid mixture.
· Motors with dual plates for G “Gas” and D “Dust” or Class I and Class II may only be used where these two occur after prior careful examination of the properties of the hybrid mixtures by the user.
· These explosion-protected machines are not suitable for hybrid explosive environments. Use in atmospheres where there is a risk of explosion caused by both gas and dust simultaneously is absolutely prohibited.

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Safety information 2.7 Electrostatic sensitive devices


Electrostatic sensitive devices

Material damage due to electrostatic discharge
Electronic modules contain components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge. These components can be damaged or destroyed if they are not handled correctly. To protect equipment against damage, follow the instructions given below.
· Only touch electronic modules if you absolutely have to work on them.
· The body of the person concerned must have been electrostatically discharged and grounded immediately before any electronic modules are touched.
· Electronic modules should not be brought into contact with electrically insulating materials, such as:
­ Plastic film
­ Plastic parts
­ Insulating table supports
­ Clothing made of synthetic fibers
· Always place the modules on conductive and grounded surfaces.
· Always pack, store and transport electronic modules or components in conductive packaging, such as:
­ Metallized plastic or metal containers
­ Conductive foam material
­ Domestic aluminum foil
The ESD protective measures required for components that can be destroyed due to electrostatic discharge are shown in the following drawings:

a = conductive floor surface d = ESD overall

b = ESD table e = ESD wristband

c = ESD shoes f = cabinet ground connection

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Safety information 2.8 Electromagnetic compatibility
Risk of explosion due to electrostatic discharge
Electrostatic discharge poses a potential ignition source. Dangerous electrostatic charging can occur, for example as a result of mechanical friction, flowing air that contains particles, processes that generate significant levels of charge ­ or persons that are not appropriately grounded, e.g. when carrying out maintenance or cleaning work.
In an explosive atmosphere, there is a risk of an explosion. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
· When cleaning, ensure that there is absolutely no explosive atmosphere present.
· Comply with ESD protective measures.
· Avoid carrying out work specified above on non-metallic parts, e.g. foam rubber for noise dampeners/attenuators.
· Use the tested, original paint when recoating or touching up.
· Carefully check repaired or subsequently applied coating systems to ensure that they strictly comply with the electrostatic requirements according to IEC/EN 60079-0.
· Do not subsequently attach any additional plates or labels to the machine that do not comply with the electrostatic requirements relating to protection against explosion.
· Clean the plastic parts and components so that absolutely no static charging occurs.
· Do not use compressed air for cleaning.
· Minimize the risk of electrostatic charging by applying effective measures according to IEC 60079-32-1.


Electromagnetic compatibility

Electromagnetic compatibility
This machine is designed in accordance with IEC/EN 60034, and when used as specified it satisfies the requirements of European Directive 2014/30/EU on Electromagnetic Compatibility.


Interference immunity

By selecting suitable signal cables and evaluation units, ensure that the interference immunity of the machine is not diminished.

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Safety information 2.10 Influence on the line power supply through a strongly irregular torque


Influence on the line power supply through a strongly irregular torque
A strongly irregular torque, for example with the drive of a reciprocating motor, forces a nonsinusoidal motor current. The emerging harmonics can have an impermissible influence on the line power supply via the connection lines.


Interference voltages when operating the converter

Interference voltages when operating the converter
When a converter is in operation, the emitted interference varies in strength depending on the converter (manufacturer, type, interference suppression measures undertaken). On machines with integrated sensors (e.g. PTC thermistors), interference voltages caused by the converter may occur on the sensor lead. This can cause faults which can result in eventual or immediate death, serious injury or material damage.
· Comply with the EMC information provided by the manufacturer of the converter. This is how you prevent limit values according to IEC/EN 61000-6-2 …. IEC/EN 61000-6-4 for the drive system (consisting of the machine and converter) from being exceeded.
· You must put appropriate EMC measures in place.


Special designs and construction versions
Before carry out any work on the machine, determine the machine version.
If there are any deviations or uncertainty, contact the manufacturer, specifying the type designation and serial number (see the rating plate), or contact the Service Center (Page 12).


Certificate with special conditions
The certificate with special conditions is provided under the Quality documents press (Page 171). To do this, under field “Enter search term”, enter the certificate number and select the appropriate document from the documents that are listed.
The machine has an “X” marking (for EACEx in the Ex marking, for ATEX, IECEx and UKCA, in the certificate number). To ensure safe operation in potentially explosive zones, the special conditions of the certificate specified on the nameplate must be strictly complied with:
EPS 18 ATEX 1 202 X, EPS 18 ATEX 1 203 X, IECEx EPS 18.0104X, RU C-DE.AA81.B.0015619, EPS 21 UKEX 1 250 X, EPS 21 UKEX 1 255 X:
· It is not permissible to operate groups of motors connected to a converter. The rated converter current may correspond as a maximum to twice the rated motor current. It is only permissible to operate the motor with a SINAMICS converter or a converter that is comparable. When commissioning the system, with reference to the rated voltage (UN) of
1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71 … 315 Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A

Safety information
2.13 Certificate with special conditions
the winding insulation, carefully ensure that no converter-related overvoltages with a peak value exceeding (1.1 2 UN) occur at the terminals of the electric motor.
· If anti-condensation heating is used, then an interlock circuit must ensure that the anticondensation heating can only be operated when the motor is shut down. Once the motor has been shut down, the anti-condensation heating may only be switched on after a specified wait time has elapsed.
· The information provided in the Operating Instructions must be strictly complied with.
· If the three-phase motor is cooled using a separately driven fan, then it must be strictly ensured that the three-phase motor can only be operated when the separately driven fan is switched on.
· It is only permissible to use these motors if they are in full compliance with local regulations (e.g. energy efficiency, product safety) in the country in which they are being used.
DMT 01 ATEX E 014X, RU -DE.58..02301-22, EPS 21 UKEX 1 310 X:
· It is not permissible that the motors are operated if they have an excessively thick layer of dust on them.
· When installing motors with the free shaft stub facing upwards, the mounting method must prevent foreign bodies from falling into vent holes.
· For motors with a fixed connecting cable: The free end of the cable must be connected according to valid regulations for electrical installations.
· If the three-phase motor is cooled using a separately driven fan, then it must be strictly ensured that the motor can only be operated when the cooling is switched on.
· Before commissioning, it must be carefully ensured that when fed from a converter, no inadmissibly high overvoltages occur at the motor terminals.
· The clearances and creepage distances in the terminal box do not permit overvoltages as a result of converter operation with a periodic peak value of more than 1500 V for rated voltages 500 V. The motor insulation system may mean that it is necessary to further limit periodically occurring overvoltages.
BVS 14 ATEX E 081 X, BVS 14 ATEX E 082 X, IECEx BVS 14.0052X, 2020312301002068, RU C-DE.AA81.B.00156-19, EPS 21 UKEX 1 301 X, EPS 21 UKEX 1 303 X:
· It is only permissible that the motor is fed from a voltage-source DC link converter with pulse width modulation when the performance characteristics listed in Section 15.3 (ATEX) /”parameters” (IECEx) are strictly maintained.
· Before commissioning, it must be carefully ensured that when fed from a converter, no inadmissibly high overvoltages occur at the motor terminals.
· The clearances and creepage distances in the terminal box do not permit overvoltages as a result of converter operation with a periodic peak value of more than 1500 V for rated voltages 1000 V. The motor insulation system may mean that it is necessary to further limit periodically occurring overvoltages. If the motor is operated with a plastic fan, a circumferential velocity of less than 50 m/s must be strictly maintained.

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Safety information 2.13 Certificate with special conditions

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Area of application
The rotating electrical motors of this series are used as industrial drives. They are designed for a wide range of drive applications both for line operation as well as in conjunction with frequency converters. They are characterized by their high power density, extreme robustness, long service life and outstanding reliability. CE – European Low-Voltage Directive
Machines without CE marking are intended for operation outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Within the EEA, only use machines with CE marking. UKCA – United Kingdom Conformity Assessed
In England, Wales and Scotland, only use machines with UKCA marking. EAC = Eurasian Conformity
EAC machines are appropriately marked on the rating plate, and are intended for operation within the Eurasian customs union. Within the Eurasian Customs Union, only use machines with EAC marking. CCC – China Compulsory Certification
Explosion-proof machines with CCC marking (China Compulsory Certification) are intended for the Chinese market. In China, only use explosion-proof machines with CCC marking. cQPSus – Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory for Canada and the USA
Using machines without US and CSA marking: Only use machines with cQPSus marking for the North American and Canadian market.

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3.1 Area of application
Use in hazardous areas
Explosion-proof electrical machines correspond to standards of the IEC/EN 60034 and IEC/EN 60079 series. Only operate the machine in hazardous areas, strictly complying with the specifications of the responsible supervisory authority. The relevant supervisory authority is responsible for determining the hazard level of each area and classifying the zones. The type of protection as well as special regulations are stamped on the rating plate or in the test certificate. If the certification number is supplemented by an X, to safely operate the machine, observe the special notes in the operating instructions – or if available, in the EC type examination certificate or in the IECEx Certificate of Conformity. Converter operation must be certified. It is crucial that you carefully observe the specific manufacturer’s information and instructions.
Type of protection Ex nA or ex ec
This machine has type of protection “non-sparking” Ex nA according to IEC / EN 60079-0 and IEC / EN 60079-15 – or type of protection “Increased safety” Ex ec according to IEC / EN 600790 and IEC / EN 60079-7. Only operate the machine in hazardous Zone 2 according to IEC / EN 60079-10-1.
Type of protection Ex e or Ex eb
This machine has type of protection “Increased safety” Ex e or ex eb according to IEC / EN 60079-0 and IEC / EN 60079-7. Only operate the machine in hazardous Zones 1 and 2 according to IEC / EN 60079-10-1.
Type of protection Ex tb, Ex tc
This machine has optionally (or exclusively) “Protection through enclosure” (Ex t) type of protection according to IEC / EN 60079-0 and IEC / EN 60079-31. Only operate the machine in hazardous Zones 21 and 22 in type of protection Ex tb – and only in Zone 22 in type of protection Ex tc according to IEC / EN 60079-10-2.
Use in the US or CANADIAN market Explosion protected electrical machines correspond to NEC 500/505/506 standards.
Only operate the machine in hazardous areas, strictly complying with the specifications of the responsible supervisory authority. The relevant supervisory authority is responsible for determining the hazard level of each area and classifying the zones. The type of protection as well as special regulations are stamped on the rating plate or in the test certificate. Converter operation must be certified. Observe the specific manufacturer’s information and instructions.
Type of protection AEx ec or Class I, Div. 2 This machine has type of protection “Increased safety” AEx ec according to NEC 505 or Class I, Div. 2 according to NEC 500.
Only operate the machine in hazardous Zone 2 or Class I, Div. 2 according to NEC 500/505.
Type of protection AEx tc or Class II, Div. 2 This machine version is optionally available in type of protection “Protection by enclosure” AEx tc or Class II, Div. 2 according to NEC 500/506.
Only operate the machine in hazardous Zone 22 or Class I, Div. 2 according to NEC 500/506.

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Description 3.2 Rating plates


Rating plates

The rating plate shows the identification data and the most important technical data. The data on the rating plate and the contractual agreements define the limits of proper and intended use.

Data on the rating plate

Item Description
General data 1 Type of machine 2 Machine type 3 Serial number (incl. date of manufacture YY.MM) 4 Standards 5 Additional details (optional) 6 Customer data (optional) 7 Country of origin 8 Production location 9 Identification number of testing agency (optional) 10 Regulations (optional) 49 Company logo 52 Marine regulation 53 Motor family type 54 Data for explosion-protected machines
Mechanical data 11 Frame size 12 Type of construction 13 Degree of protection 14 Machine weight kg 15 Temperature class 16 Ambient temperature range (optional) 17 Installation altitude (only if higher than 1000 m) 18 Vibration severity grade 19 Bearing sizes 20 Relubrication data/specifications (optional) 24 Feather key arrangement



Electrical data


Electrical data


Rated voltage V


Winding connections


Frequency Hz


Rated power kW


Rated current A


Power factor cos


Rated speed rpm


Efficiency class




Torque Nm (optional)


Starting current ratio (optional)


Operating mode (optional)


Anti-condensation heating (optional)


Converter data


Temperature class

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Description 3.3 Installation
Line operation (DOL) rating plate
Converter operation (VSD) rating plate



Machine design
The regulations and standards used as the basis to design and test this machine are stamped on the rating plate.
The machine design basically complies with the subsequent standards. Please refer to the EU Declaration of Conformity for the versions of the harmonized standards referenced.

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Description 3.3 Installation



Table 3- 1 Applicable general regulations

Feature Dimensioning and operating behavior Procedure for determining the losses and the efficiency of rotating electrical machines and inspections
Degree of protection Cooling Type of construction Terminal designations and direction of rotation Noise emission Integrated thermal protection Starting characteristics of rotating electrical machines Vibration severity grades Efficiency classification of three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors IEC standard voltages Vibration limits

Standard EN/IEC 60034-1 EN/IEC 60034-2-1 EN/IEC 60034-2-2 EN/IEC 60034-2-3
EN/IEC 60034-5 EN/IEC 60034-6 EN/IEC 60034-7 EN/IEC 60034-8
EN/IEC 60034-9 EN/IEC 60034-11 EN/IEC 60034-12
EN/IEC 60034-14 EN/IEC 60034-301 IEC 60038 ISO 10816-3

EAC GOST IEC 60034-1 GOST IEC 60034-2-1 GOST IEC 60034-2-2 GOST IEC 60034-2-3
GOST IEC 60034-5 GOST R IEC 60034-6 GOST R IEC 60034-7 GOST 26772
GOST IEC 60034-9 GOST 27888 GOST IEC 60034-12
GOST IEC 60034-14 GOST IEC 60034-301 GOST R IEC 61800-1 GOST ISO 10816-1

GB GB 755 GB/T 1032
GB/T 4942.1 GB/T 1993 GB/T 997 GB/T 1971
GB 10069.3 GB/T 13002 GB/T 21210
GB 10068 GB 18613
GB/T 156 GB/T 6075.3

BS IEC 60034-1 BS EN 60034-2-1 BS EN 60034-2-2 BS EN IEC 60034-23 BS EN IEC 60034-5 BS EN 60034-6 BS EN 60034-7 BS EN 60034-8
BS EN 60034-9 BS EN 60034-11 BS EN 60034-12
BS EN IEC 60034-14 BS EN 60034-30-1
BS EN 60038 BS ISO 10816-3

Table 3- 2 Regulations applied for explosion-protected machines

Feature Electrical equipment for hazardous zones – Part 0: General requirements Electrical equipment for hazardous gas atmospheres ­ Part 1: Device protection provided by flameproof enclosure “d” Electrical equipment for hazardous gas atmospheres, Part 7: Equipment protection provided by increased safety “e” Electrical equipment for hazardous zones – Part 11: Device protection provided by intrinsic safety “i” Electrical equipment for hazardous zones – Part 14: Configuring, selection and installation of electrical systems Electrical equipment for hazardous gas atmospheres, Part 15: Equipment protection provided by increased safety “n”

Standard EN/IEC 60079-0 EN / IEC 60079-1
EN / IEC 60079-7
EN / IEC 60079-11 EN / IEC 60079-14
EN / IEC 60079-15

EAC GOST 31610.0
GOST IEC 60079-1

GB GB/T 3836.1
GB/T 3836.2

BS BS EN IEC 60079-0
BS EN 60079-1

GOST 31610.7

GB/T 3836.3 BS EN IEC 60079-7

GOST 31610.11

GB/T 3836.4 BS EN 60079-11

GOST IEC 60079-14 GB/T 3836.15 BS EN 60079-14

GOST 31610.15

GB/T 3836.8 BS EN 60079-15

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Description 3.3 Installation

Feature Electrical equipment for hazardous zones – Part 17: Checking and maintaining electrical installations Electrical equipment for hazardous zones – Part 19: Repairs and overhauls Potentially explosive atmosphere Part 31: Device dust explosion protection by enclosure “t” Electrical equipment for hazardous zones – Part 32-1: Electrostatic risks, guidelines Electrical equipment for hazardous zones – Part 32-2: Electrostatic risks Test techniques Directive regarding the harmonization of legislation of the Member States for devices and protection systems for correct use in hazardous zones

Standard EN / IEC 60079-17

EAC GOST 31610.17

GB GB/T 3836.16

EN / IEC 60079-19 GOST 60079-19

GB/T 3836.13

EN / IEC 60079-31

GOST R IEC 60079-31 GB 12476.1, GB/T 3836.31

IEC / TS 60079-32-1 GOST 31610.32-1 GB/T 3836.26

EN / IEC 60079-32-2 GOST 31610.32-2 GB/T 3836.27

Directive 2014/34/EU TR CU 012/2011


BS BS EN 60079-17 BS EN IEC 60079-19 BS EN 60079-31 IEC/TS 60079-32-1 BS EN 60079-32-2 UK S.I. 2016 No. 1107

Guidelines for the US/Canadian market

Generally applicable regulations:

· UL1004-1 Rotating electrical machines – General requirements

· UL1004-8 Inverter Duty Motors

· CSA C22.2 No. 100 Motors and generators

Regulations for explosion protected machines (hazardous zones):

· NFPA70, Article 500 National Fire Protection Association, Article 500 Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Classes I, II, and III, Divisions 1 and 2

· NFPA70, Article 505 National Fire Protection Association, Zone 0, 1, and 2 Locations

· NFPA70, Article 506 National Fire Protection Association, Zone 20, 21, and 22 Locations for Combustible Dusts or Ignitible Fibers/Flyings

· CSA C22.2 no. 60079-0 + UL 60079-0 Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – General requirements

· CSA C22.2 no. 60079-7 + UL 60079-7 Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety “e”

· CSA C22.2 no. 60079-31 + UL 60079-31 Explosive atmospheres – Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure ‘t’

· UL 1836-5th ed. Outline of Investigation for Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Class I, Division 2, Class I, Zone 2 Class II, Division 2 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations

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Description 3.3 Installation


Cooling and ventilation
The machines of this series are three-phase induction machines with a closed primary (internal) cooling circuit and an open secondary cooling circuit (surface cooling). The surface cooling varies depending on the version.

Machines with a fan

Self-ventilation (standard): Cooling method IC 411 according to EN / IEC 60034-6
Located at the ND end of the stator housing is an air intake cowl that guides the external air on its way to the motor. The external air is drawn in through openings in the air intake cowl and flows axially across the outer cooling ribs of the motor frame. The fan wheel for the external flow of cooling air is attached to the machine shaft. The fan wheels are bidirectional. Check the cooling effect below rated speed in the case of frequent switching or braking ­ or if the speed is controlled continually below the rated speed.

Forced ventilation (optional): Type of cooling IC 416 in accordance with EN / IEC 60034-6
Cooling that does not depend on the speed is achieved by means of a unit that is independent of the motor operating state (forced ventilation). This unit is closed to the outside by a fan cover. It has its own main drive with fan impeller which creates the cooling air flow required for cooling the motor.

Machines without a fan (optional)
Cooling method IC 410 Surface cooling by free convection: Cooling method IC 410 according to EN / IEC 60034-6
Cooling method IC 418 Surface cooling by relative movement of cooling air: Cooling method IC 418 according to EN / IEC 60034-6

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Description 3.3 Installation


To support the machine shaft and maintain its position in the non-moving part of the machine, DE and NDE rolling bearings are used. One end performs the function of a locating bearing that transfers axial and radial forces from the rotating machine shaft to the nonmoving part of the machine. The opposite end is implemented as a floating and support bearing to allow thermal expansion inside the machine and transfer radial forces. The nominal (theoretical) service life of the bearings according to ISO 281 is at least 20,000 hours when the permissible radial/axial forces are complied with, and the machine is operated on 50 Hz line supplies. However, the achievable useful life of the bearings can be significantly longer in the case of lower forces (e.g. operation with self-aligning couplings).
Rolling bearings with permanent lubrication are maintenance-free.


Axial and radial forces
Permissible values for axial and radial forces are listed in the catalog or stamped on the rating plate depending on the type of construction / mounting type. The data stamped on the rating plate have priority.
Damage to bearings or the shaft
Large output masses and their centers of gravity outside the shaft extensions can lead to resonance in operation. This can result in damage to the bearings and shaft. In an explosive atmosphere, there is a risk of explosion. Death, serious injury, or material damage can result. · Ensure that the permissible loads for the forces on the shaft extension are adhered to in
accordance with the catalog data or configuration data. · Under all circumstances, maintain the minimum radial load of cylindrical rolling bearings
of 50 % of the permissible radial force.
The machine is equipped with grease-lubricated rolling bearings.
· In the standard version, the bearings of machines up to shaft height 250 are permanently lubricated.
· The bearings of machines from shaft height 280 and above are equipped with a relubrication system.


As standard, the machine is designed with vibration severity level A. The rotor is dynamically balanced with a half feather key (code “H”). Vibration severity level B can be ordered as option, and stamped on the rating plate.

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Types of construction/method of installation
The type of construction of the machine is stated on the rating plate.

Table 3- 3 Type of construction

Basic type of construction code IM B3 (IM 1001)


Other methods of installation IM V5 (IM 1011)

Description 3.3 Installation

IM V6 (IM 1031) IM B6 (IM 1051) IM B7 (IM 1061) IM B8 (IM 1071)

Basic type of construction code IM B5 (IM 3001)


Other methods of installation IM V1 (IM 3011)

IM V3 (IM 3031)


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Description 3.3 Installation
Basic type of construction code IM B14 (IM 3601)


Other methods of installation IM V18 (IM 3611)

IM V19 (IM 3631)


Basic type of construction code IM B35 (IM 2001)
IM B34 (IM 2101)


IM V15 (IM 2011)

IM V35 (IM 2031) IM V17 (IM 2111) IM V37 (IM 2131)

Types of construction/Installation conditions for explosion-proof machines
The type of construction of the machine is stated on the rating plate.
In the case of explosion-proof machines where the shaft extensions point downwards (types of construction IM V5, IM V1 or IM V18 ) a protective top cover is mandatory. Explosion-proof machines with IM V5, IM V1 and IM V18 types of construction are fitted with a canopy at the factory.

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Table 3- 4 Construction type with canopy Conditions of installation IM V5 (IM 1011)
IM V1 (IM 3011)
IM V15 (IM 2011)
IM V17 (IM 2111)
IM V18 (IM 3611)

Description 3.3 Installation

Motors up to shaft height 200 may be operated in a vertical or horizontally inclined position. Vertical types of construction may be inclined through ±45 ° from the vertical axis, and horizontal types of construction ±45 ° from the horizontal axis. When doing this, forces listed in the catalog for vertical types of construction or the configured forces should be taken into consideration.
A canopy may be necessary for explosion-proof motors.
If condensation drain holes are provided, ensure that condensate can be freely discharged or that sealed condensate holes are also opened.


Degree of protection
The machine has a type of protection as stamped on the rating plate, and can be installed in dusty or humid environments.

Degree of protection for explosion protected machines
Machines intended for use in Zone 1 (increased safety “e” or “eb”) or in Zone 2 type of protection “nA” or “ec” / Class I, Div. 2 have degree of protection IP55.
Machines intended for use in Zone 21, dust explosion protection “tb” and Group IIIC have degree of protection IP65. Machines intended for use in Zone 22, dust explosion protection

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Description 3.3 Installation
“tc” and Group IIIB have degree of protection IP55 and can be used in dusty environments such as in mills, silos, animal feed plants, and malthouses, as well as in certain areas of the chemical industry.
Machines intended for use in Zone 22 (dust explosion protection “AEx ec, Group IIIC” or Class II, Div. 2, Group F/G) have degree of protection IP65 and can be used in environments containing coal dust and metal dust as well as in environments containing non-conductive dusts, e.g. mills, silos, animal feed plants and malthouses as well as in certain areas of the chemical industry.


Environmental conditions
Limit values for the standard version

Relative humidity for ambient temperature Tamb 40 °C Ambient temperature Installation altitude Air with normal oxygen content, usually

Max. 55 %
-20 °C to +40 °C 1000 m 21 % (V/V)

The standard machines are not suitable for use in corrosive atmospheres, atmospheres with a high salt content, or outdoor applications.

Limit values for the special versions

If the environmental conditions are different from the details listed here, then the values on the rating plate or in the catalog will apply.


Optional built-on and built-in accessories
Machines can be equipped with the following integrated components/devices: · Temperature sensors integrated in the stator winding in order to monitor the temperature
and protect the stator winding from overheating. · Anti-condensation heating for machines whose windings are subject to a risk of
condensation due to the climatic conditions. Machines can be equipped with the following mounted components/devices: · Brake · Rotary pulse encoder · External fan (forced ventilation) · Measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse measurement for bearing monitoring · Backstop · Bearing temperature sensors

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Description 3.3 Installation
Note Further documents Observe all of the other documents provided with this machine.
Supplementary devices
Depending on the order, various supplementary devices can be installed or mounted. These include temperature sensors for monitoring bearing temperatures or winding temperatures, for example.
DANGER Risk of explosion during operation due to too high surface temperature This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage. · Prevent the maximum surface temperature from being exceeded by maintaining the specified operating conditions. · Monitor the coil temperature. Use the temperature sensor that is built into the stator winding for this as specified on the rating plate or extra rating plate.

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Description 3.3 Installation



Table 3- 5 For applications in Zone 1 – IEC/EN/BS/GOST 60079-10-1, GB3836.14


II 2G Ex eb IIB T. Gb

FTZU 18 ATEX 0016 … 0019, PTB 20 ATEX 3006

Ex eb IIB T. Gb Ex eb IIC T. Gb

II 2G Ex eb IIC T. Gb II 2G Ex eb IIB T. Gb

FTZU 18 ATEX 0016 … 0019, PTB 18 ATEX 3005 … 3013, PTB 20 ATEX 3006 IECEx FTZU 18.0024 … 0027 IECEx FTZU 18.0024 … 0027, IECEx PTB 19.0001 … 0009 EPS 21 UKEX 1 254, EPS 22 UKEX 1 047 … 050

8507 1Ex e IIB T. Gb X

II 2G Ex eb IIC T. Gb

EPS 21 UKEX 1 254, EPS 21 UKEX 1 273 … 281, EPS 22 UKEX 1 047 … 050 EAC RU C-DE.AA87.B.00156/19, EAC RU C-DE.A58.B.02301/22

1Ex e IIC T. Gb X

Table 3- 6 For applications in Zone 2 – IEC/EN/BS/GOST 60079-10-1, GB3636.14

II 3G Ex ec IIA T. Gc II 3G Ex ec IIB T. Gc II 3G Ex ec IIC T. Gc

BVS 14 ATEX E 081 X, EPS 18 ATEX 1 202 X, PTB 12 ATEX 3014 BVS 14 ATEX E 081 X, EPS 18 ATEX 1 202 X, FTZU 13 ATEX 0040, FTZU 13 ATEX 0055, FTZU 15 ATEX 0084, PTB 12 ATEX 3014, PTB 12 ATEX 3016

Ex ec IIA T. Gc Ex ec IIB T. Gc
Ex ec IIC T. Gc

II 3G Ex ec IIA T. Gc

IECEx EPS 18.0104X, IECEx PTB 17.0009 IECEx EPS 18.0104X, IECEx FTZU 13.0029, IECEx FTZU 13.0031, IECEx FTZU 15.0034, IECEx PTB 17.0009 IECEx BVS 14.0052X, IECEx FTZU 13.0029, IECEx FTZU 13.0031, IECEx FTZU 15.0034, IECEx EPS 18.0104X, IECEx PTB 17.0009 EPS 21 UKEX 1 255 X, …303 X, …304, …305

II 3G Ex ec IIB T. Gc II 3G Ex ec IIC T. Gc

EPS 21 UKEX 1 255 X, …256, …257, …258, …303 X, …304, …305

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2Ex nA IIB T. Gc X 2Ex nA IIC T. Gc X Ex ec IIB T. Gc Ex ec IIC T. Gc

EAC RU C-DE.AA87.B.00156/19

Description 3.3 Installation

2020312301002066 … 068, 2020312301002073 … 076, 2020312301002087 … 089

Table 3- 7

For applications in Zone 21 – IEC/EN/BS/GOST 60079-10-2, GB/T3836.35

1026 1026

II 2D Ex tb IIIA T… °C Db II 2D Ex tb IIIB T… °C Db

BVS 14 ATEX E 082 X, PTB 12 ATEX 3018, EPS 18 ATEX 1 203 X

Ex tb IIIA T… °C Db Ex tb IIIB T… °C Db Ex tb IIIC T… °C Db

II 2D Ex tb IIIC T… °C Db

BVS 14 ATEX E 082 X, DMT 01 ATEX E 014 X, EPS 18 ATEX 1 203 X, FTZU 13 ATEX 0039, FTZU 13 ATEX 0054, FTZU 15 ATEX 0083, FTZU 18 ATEX 0016 … 0019, PTB 12 ATEX 3018, PTB 18 ATEX 3005 … 3013 IECEx EPS 18.0104X, IECEx PTB 17.0010

II 2D Ex tb IIIA T… °C Db

IECEx BVS 14.0052X, IECEx EPS 18.0104X, IECEx FTZU 13.0027, IECEx FTZU 13.0030, IECEx FTZU 15.0033, IECEx FTZU 18.0024 … 027, IECEx PTB 17.0010, IECEx PTB 19.0001 … 0009 EPS 21 UKEX 1 250 X, …301 X, …302


II 2D Ex tb IIIB T… °C Db

8507 Ex tb IIIC T… °C Db X Ex tb IIIA T… °C Db Ex tb IIIB T… °C Db

II 2D Ex tb IIIC T… °C Db

EPS 21 UKEX 1 250 X, …251, …252, …253, …273 … 281, …301 X, …302, …310 X, EPS 22 UKEX 1 047 … 050 EAC RU C-DE.AA87.B.00156/19, EAC RU C-DE.A58.B.02301/22
2020312301002066 … 068, 2020312301002077 … 078, 2020312301002082 … 086

Ex tb IIIC T… °C Db

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Description 3.3 Installation

Table 3- 8

For applications in Zone 22 – IEC/EN/BS/GOST 60079-10-2, GB/T3836.35

II 3D Ex tc IIIA T… °C Dc II 3D Ex tc IIIC T… °C Dc

BVS 14 ATEX E 081 X, EPS 18 ATEX 1 202 X, PTB 12 ATEX 3016

Ex tc IIIA T… °C Dc Ex tc IIIC T… °C Dc Ex tc IIIB T… °C Dc

II 3D Ex tc IIIB T… °C Dc

BVS 14 ATEX E 081 X, EPS 18 ATEX 1 202 X, FTZU 13 ATEX 0040, FTZU 13 ATEX 0055, FTZU 15 ATEX 0084, PTB 12 ATEX 3016 IECEx EPS 18.0104X, IECEx PTB 17.0009

II 3D Ex tc IIIA T… °C Dc

IECEx BVS 14.0052X, IECEx EPS 18.0104X, IECEx FTZU 13.0029, …0031, IECEx FTZU 15.0034, IECEx PTB 17.0009 EPS 21 UKEX 1 255 X, …303 X, …304

II 3D Ex tc IIIB T… °C Dc

Ex tc IIIB T… °C Dc X Ex tc IIIA T… °C Dc Ex tc IIIB T… °C Dc

II 3D Ex tc IIIC T… °C Dc

EPS 21 UKEX 1 255 X, …256, …257, …258, …303 X, …304
EAC RU C-DE.AA87.B.00156/19, EAC RU C-DE.A58.B.02301/22
2020312301002066 … 068, 2020312301002073 … 076, 2020312301002087 … 089

Ex tc IIIC T… °C Dc

Note If the certificate number ends with an “X”, then strictly comply with the information in Chapter Certificate with special conditions (Page 24).
Table 3- 9 For use in Zone 2 – NEC 500/505, CEC Sec. 18 Class I, Div. 2, Gr. A/B/C/D, T3 temp. code Class I, Zone 2, AEx ec IIC T3 Gc
Table 3- 10 For use in Zone 22 – NEC 500/506, CEC Sec. 18 Class II, Div. 2, Gr. F/G, T4 temp. code Zone 22, AEx tc IIIC T135°C Dc

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Description 3.3 Installation
Terminal box
As an option, additional connecting terminals are available in the terminal box for monitoring equipment. For larger machines, an additional terminal box can be optionally mounted. You can see the number of available terminals in the circuit diagrams. It is possible to turn the top side of a machine terminal box 4 x 90 degrees (if screwed on).


Paint finish

Paint finish

The machine is painted according to the instructions in your order.

Suitability test of the paint system for hazardous areas
For the paint systems ordered as standard on explosion-protected machines, verification of the electrostatic suitability is available.
Such verification is not available for paint systems that are non-standard or specifically requested by customers. Take into consideration that the provided verification is not valid for repainting/recoating.
· Use the tested, original paint when recoating or touching up.
· The operating company is responsible for carrying out an electrostatic test of the complete system.

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Description 3.3 Installation

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Preparing for use


Good planning and preparation of machine applications are essential in terms of keeping installation simple and avoiding errors, ensuring safe operation, and allowing access to the machine for servicing and corrective maintenance.
This chapter explains how you should proceed when engineering a plant or system in relation to this machine and the preparations you need to make before the machine is delivered.


Safety-related aspects to consider when configuring the plant

A number of residual risks are associated with the machine. These are described in the chapter titled “Safety information” (Page 17) and in related sections.

Take appropriate safety precautions (covers, barriers, markings, etc.) to ensure the machine is operated safely within your plant.


Observing the operating mode

Observe the machine’s operating mode. Use a suitable control system to prevent overspeeds, thus protecting the machine from damage.


Machines without final paint coating

Machines without final paint coating
For machines, which are only delivered with primer, you must paint them to comply with the applicable guidelines for the specific application. The primer alone does not provide adequate corrosion protection.
The paint applied must conform to the requirements to avoid electrostatic charging, see CSA C22.2 no. 60079-0 + UL 60079-0.
Please contact the Service Center (Page 12) for recommendations relating to painting.

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Preparing for use 4.4 Delivery



Checking the delivery for completeness
The drive systems are put together on an individual basis. When receiving the delivery, immediately check whether the scope of delivery matches the accompanying documents. No claims relating to defects/items missing from the delivery will be accepted if these are submitted at a later date.
· Report any apparent transport damage to the delivery agent immediately.
· Immediately report any apparent defects/incomplete delivery to your local sales partner.
· Put the operating instructions included in the scope of supply in a secure place.
The rating plate optionally enclosed as a loose item with the delivery is provided to enable the motor data to be attached on or near the machine or installation.


Transport and storage

Comply with the following when carrying out any work on the machine:

· Comply with the general safety instructions (Page 17).

· Comply with the applicable national and sector-specific regulations.

· When using the motor within the European Union, comply with the specifications laid down in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of electrical equipment.


Safety instructions for transport
The information required to correctly attach, lift and transport the machine – such as weight, center of gravity and attachment points – is provided here:
· Machine dimension drawing and the associated explanations or the technical specifications
· Transport data
· Rating plate and lifting plate, if available
· Shipping parts list
· Packaging

Danger when incorrectly lifting and transporting
Danger of death, serious injury, or substantial material damage caused by tipping or falling transported goods. Comply with the following safety instructions:
· All work must be performed with due caution and care.
· Comply with any notes in the shipping papers.

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Preparing for use 4.5 Transport and storage
· Carefully comply with all of the handling information and markings on the packages whenever transporting and putting the equipment into storage according to ISO 780.
· Only use suitable and correctly dimensioned lifting equipment, conveying equipment and transport vehicles.
Danger due to incorrect attachment and lifting
· Ensure that suitable lifting equipment is available. · Only hoist the goods using the designated hoisting points and/or at marked positions. The
attachment points are not dimensioned for additional loads. · Use suitable strap guiding or spreading devices. · If not specified otherwise in the transport data, always transport the machine in the
position associated with its specific type of construction.
Danger due to damaged attachment points
· Carefully check the attachment points provided on the motor unit, e.g. attachment eyes, lifting lugs or ring bolts for possible damage. Replace damaged attachment points.
· Before using, carefully ensure that the attachment points are correctly attached.
Danger when incorrectly transporting the motor suspended from cables or ropes
If you transport the motor suspended from cables or ropes, the cables or ropes can break, e.g. as a result of damage. Further, if not adequately attached, the motor can swing. This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage. · Use additional, suitable lifting equipment for transport and during installation. · Two cables alone must be able to carry the complete load. · Prevent the lifting equipment from sliding by appropriately securing it. · When using 2-cable lifting equipment, ensure that the maximum angle of inclination is
45° according to ISO 3266 (DIN 580). · Align the eyebolts so that the cables used for lifting are aligned with the planes of the
Danger when incorrectly lifting and transporting
The motor can slide or topple over if it is not correctly lifted or transported. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage. · Use all the lifting eyes on the machine. · When using the lifting eyes on the machine, do not attach any additional loads or weight.
The lifting eyes are only designed for the weight of the machine itself. · Any eyes that are screwed in must be tightly fastened. · Eyebolts must be screwed in right up to their supporting surface.

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Preparing for use 4.5 Transport and storage
· Comply with the permissible eyebolt loads. · When necessary, use suitably dimensioned lifting equipment, for example hoisting slings
(EN1492-1) and webbing load restraints (EN12195-2). · Never remain under or in the immediate vicinity of the machine when it is lifted.
WARNING Danger to life as a result of a machine falling If the lifting gear or load handling attachments were to fail, the machine could fall. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage. · In order to gain easy and safe access to the underside of the machine, place it in a
secure and raised position.
Note When lifting the machines for transport, only lift them in a position that corresponds to their basic construction type.
The type of construction of the machine is stated on the rating plate. If any transport locks are in place, remove them before commissioning. Store the transport locks or disable them. Use the transport locks when transporting the motors again or reactivate the transport locks. The machines are packed in different ways depending on how they are transported and their size. If not otherwise contractually agreed, the packaging corresponds to the packing guidelines according to ISPM (International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures). Comply with the graphic symbols provided on the packaging. Their meaning is as follows:

This way up

Fragile goods

Protect against moisture

Protect against heat

Center of Hand hooks



Attach here

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Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A

Preparing for use 4.5 Transport and storage



Storing outdoors

Damage to the motor
Damage can occur if incorrectly stored.
Take all precautions to protect the motor under extreme climatic conditions, e.g. salt-laden and/or dusty, moist/humid atmospheres.
Choose a dry storage location which is safe from flooding and free from vibration. Repair any damage to the packaging before putting the equipment into storage if this is necessary to ensure proper storage conditions. In order to ensure protection against ground moisture, locate machines, equipment and crates on pallets, wooden beams or foundations. Prevent equipment from sinking into the ground. Do not impede air circulation under the stored items.
Covers or tarpaulins used to protect the equipment against the weather must not come into contact with the surfaces of the equipment. Use wooden spacer elements to ensure that air can circulate freely around the equipment.

Storing indoors
The storage rooms must provide protection against extreme weather conditions. They must be dry, free from dust, frost and vibration and well ventilated.

Bare metal surfaces
For transport, the bare surfaces (shaft ends, flange surfaces, centering edges) should be coated with an anti-corrosion agent which will last for a limited amount of time (<6 months). Apply suitable anti-corrosion measures for longer storage times.

Condensation drain hole
Open any condensation drain holes to drain the condensation depending on the environmental conditions, every six months at the latest.

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Preparing for use 4.5 Transport and storage


Temperature limits during storage
The materials used are specially designed for the temperature range required by the customer. The relevant temperature limits are specified on the rating plate.

Risk of explosion due to damaged sealing materials
Storing machines at temperatures that do not fall within the specified limits can damage the material of the seals and cause them to no longer seal correctly. The certified type of protection of the machine can no longer be complied with.
As a result, a potentially explosive gaseous atmosphere can enter the machine and be ignited during commissioning. Explosions can occur. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage. · Do not store the machine in conditions that lie outside the specified temperature limits.

Storage temperature
Permissible temperature range: -20 °C to +50 °C
Maximum permissible air humidity: 60%
For machines that have a special design regarding the ambient temperature in the operating state or the installation altitude, other conditions could apply regarding the storage temperature. In this case, refer to the machine rating plate for data on the ambient temperature and installation altitude.

Storage time

Turn the shaft once every year to avoid bearing brinelling. Prolonged storage periods reduce the useful life of the bearing grease (aging).
Open bearings
· For open bearings, e.g. 1Z, check the status of the grease when stored for longer than 12 months.
· Replace the grease if it is identified that the grease has lost its lubricating properties or is polluted. The consistency of the grease will change if condensation is allowed to enter.
Closed bearings
· For closed bearings, replace the DE and NDE bearings after a storage time of 48 months.

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Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A

Preparing for use 4.5 Transport and storage
NOTICE Storage The motor can be damaged if you use it or store it unprotected outdoors. · Protect the motor against intensive solar radiation, rain, snow, ice and dust. Use a
superstructure or additional cover, for example. · If required, contact the Service Center (Page 12) and/or technically coordinate outdoor


Securing the rotor
Depending on the version, the machine is fitted with a rotor shipping brace. This protects the bearings against damage due to shock and vibration during transport or storage.
Motor damage due to vibrations
Not using the rotor shipping brace can cause damage to the machine if it is jolted during transport or storage. Material damage can result. · If the machine is fitted with a rotor shipping brace, this should always be used when
transporting the machine. The rotor shipping brace must be attached during the transport. · Protect the motor against strong radial shocks and vibration when storing, as the rotor shipping brace cannot completely absorb these forces. · Do not remove the rotor shipping brace until you are ready to push on the output element. · If the customer already has mounted parts, such as a coupling or belt pulley, the bearings can be damaged during transport. In this case, make sure that the customer uses a rotor shipping brace. · For machines with a vertical type of construction: ­ Do not remove the rotor shipping brace until the machine is in a vertical position. ­ If a machine has to be transported in a horizontal position, the rotor must be fixed in
position before the machine is turned onto its side. Vertical machines can be supplied in the horizontal position from the manufacturing plant.

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Preparing for use 4.5 Transport and storage
Alternative rotor bracing
· If you transport the machine after the output element has been pulled on, then you must axially fix the rotor in another way.

Thread in the shaft extension M16 M20 M24 M30

Tightening torque 40 Nm 80 Nm 150 Nm 230 Nm

Tightening torques for other rotor shipping brace types

· The thread in the shaft extension indicates the rotor weight. This indirectly specifies the required preload force when axially fastening the rotor.

Thread in the shaft extension M16 M20 M24 M30
Axial preload force for other rotor shipping brace types

Preload 13 kN 20 kN 30 kN 40 kN

Storing the rotor locking device
Store the rotor locking device in a safe place. It must be remounted if the machine is removed and shipped on further.

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Preparing for use 4.5 Transport and storage
Commissioning after storage
Insulation resistance and polarization index
Measuring the insulation resistance and polarization index (PI) provides information on the condition of the machine. It is therefore important to check the insulation resistance and the polarization index at the following times: · Before starting up a machine for the first time · After an extended period in storage or downtime · Within the scope of maintenance work The following information is provided regarding the state of the winding insulation: · Is the winding head insulation conductively contaminated? · Has the winding insulation absorbed moisture? From this, you can determine whether the machine needs commissioning or any necessary measures such as cleaning and/or drying the winding: · Can the machine be put into operation? · Must the windings be cleaned or dried? Detailed information on testing and the limit values can be found here: “Testing the insulation resistance and polarization index” (Page 68)
Lubricating the rolling bearings
If you correctly store the machine for a longer period of time, it can be assumed that within a period of 2 years, the grease in the bearings will not deteriorate. · For motors with thermal class 155, for normal ambient temperatures, use a lithium-soap
rolling bearing grease with a dropping point of at least 180 °C. · For machines with thermal class 180, and for certain special machines, use the special
grease specified on the machine lubricant plate.
Regreasing rolling bearings after storage periods of up to two years
· For machines with regreasing systems, briefly lubricate both bearings after commissioning with the machine running as a precautionary measure.
· Grease type, grease quantity and relubrication intervals for the regreasing system are stamped on the rating plate attached to the machine.
Releasing the rotor shipping brace before commissioning
If one is being used, release the rotor shipping brace before commissioning.

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Preparing for use 4.6 Ensure adequate cooling


Ensure adequate cooling

Overheating and failure of the motor
Death, severe injury or material damage can occur if you do not strictly comply with the following points, for explosion-proof machines, an explosion can occur. · Do not obstruct the ventilation. · Prevent the air expelled by neighboring equipment from being immediately sucked in
again. · For vertical types of machine construction with the air intake from above, protect the air
intakes from the ingress of foreign bodies and water. · If the shaft extension is facing upwards, liquid must be prevented from entering by
moving along the shaft.

Damage to the ventilation system
Material damage and injury can occur if the fan is destroyed and therefore the machine overheats. · Prevent foreign bodies from falling into the fan cover. For vertical machine installation
with the shaft end facing downwards, attach a protective canopy. · Take suitable measures to prevent water from entering the ventilation system. The
optional canopy is not suitable as protection against water ingress. · Ensure that the cooling air flow is not reduced as a result of covers and that the
minimum air clearances are maintained.

Table 4- 1

Air guidance Incorrect


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Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A


Preparing for use 4.7 Thermal protection

Minimum dimension “x” for the distance between neighboring modules and the air intake of the machine

Table 4- 2

Minimum dimension “x” for the distance between adjacent modules and the air intake of the machine

Shaft height



63 … 71


80 … 100








180 … 200


225 … 250


280 … 315





Thermal protection

Explosion hazard if the temperature class is exceeded
Protect explosion-protected machines against overload according to NFPA70, Article 500, CSA/IEC/EN 60079-14, Section “Rotating electrical machines”.

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Preparing for use 4.7 Thermal protection
Use a motor circuit breaker, directly monitor the winding temperature or use equipment to provide the same functionality corresponding to the explosion type of protection.
For pole-changing motors, in addition to the circuit breaker, use temperature sensors in the windings.
Ex d and Ex t
Line supply
· Set the protective device (e.g. circuit breaker) to the rated current (see the rating plate).
· Or protect the machine using the certified temperature monitoring specified on the supplementary plate .
· Always operate explosion-protected machines fed from converters with temperature sensors that directly monitor the temperature.
Ex e and Ex eb
Line supply
· Set the protective device (e.g. circuit breaker) to the rated current (see the rating plate), IA/IN and the locked rotor time (tE).
· Or protect the machine using the certified temperature monitoring specified on the supplementary plate.
· Always operate explosion-protected machines fed from converters with temperature sensors that directly monitor the temperature.
· Converter operation for these machines must be expressly certified. It is crucial that you carefully observe the specific manufacturer’s information and instructions. Converter, machine and protective devices must be marked as belonging together and the permitted operating data must be defined in the common EC-type examination certificate.
Ex n and Ex ec
Line supply
· Set the protective device (e.g. circuit breaker) to the rated current (see the rating plate).
· Or protect the machine using the certified temperature monitoring specified on the supplementary plate .
· Always operate explosion-protected machines fed from converters with temperature sensors that directly monitor the temperature.
· Converter operation for these machines must be expressly certified. Observe the specific manufacturer’s information and instructions

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Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A

Preparing for use 4.8 Interlock circuit for anti-condensation heating


Interlock circuit for anti-condensation heating

If the anti-condensation heating is operated while the machine is running, this can increase the temperatures inside the machine.

· Install an interlock circuit that switches off the anti-condensation heating once the main machine is switched on.

· Only switch on the anti-condensation heating after the motor has been switched off. Comply with the data stamped on the plate of the anti- condensation heating, if available.


Noise emission

Prevention of hearing damage
If the permissible sound pressure level is exceeded, hearing damage can occur when operating three-phase motors at their rated power. The permissible sound pressure level is 70 dB (A).


Voltage and frequency fluctuations during line operation
Unless otherwise stated on the rating plate, the permissible voltage/frequency fluctuation corresponds to Zone B in IEC / EN 60034-1.
Material damage due to excessively high winding temperature rise
Do not exceed the winding temperature tolerances. Inadmissibly high winding temperatures can damage the machine over the long term.
Keep within the permissible tolerance for voltage and frequency.
Every machine must be protected against an inadmissible temperature rise. Observe the following notes:
· Protect every machine according to IEC/EN 60079­14 using a current- dependent, delayed circuit breaker with phase failure protection according to IEC/EN 60947 or a similar device in all phases.
· Set the protective device to the rated current (value is stamped on the rating plate).
· Protect the windings in a delta connection in such a way that the tripping unit or relay is connected in series with the winding phases. When selecting and setting the tripping unit, define the rated value of the phase current. The phase current is 0.58 times the rated machine current. Any thermal machine protection via direct temperature monitoring to be used in addition to the machine circuit breaker is specified on the rating plate if required.
· For USA/CANADA: CSA C22.2 or NFPA70, Article 500.

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Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A


Preparing for use 4.11 Rotational speed limit values


Rotational speed limit values

Danger as a result of resonance within certain speed ranges
At over-critical speeds, machines encounter resonance within certain speed ranges. Such vibrations can reach impermissibly high levels. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
· The controller must ensure that those speed ranges are blocked when the converter is in operation. Please comply with the data on the blocked speed ranges specified in the electrical data.
· The blocked speed ranges must be run through rapidly.

Machine damage due to excessively high speeds
Excessive rotational speed can lead to serious damage to the machine. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
· Avoid operation above the permissible speed by using the appropriate control function.
· Comply with the speeds stamped on the rating plate and in the electrical data.


System-inherent frequencies
Excessively high vibration levels and system resonances can damage the machine set.
· Configure and match the system consisting of the foundation and machine set in such a way that no system resonances can arise and result in the permissible vibration levels being exceeded.
· Do not exceed the vibration values according to DIN ISO 10816-3.


Electromagnetic compatibility
Note If the torque levels are very unequal (e.g. when a reciprocating compressor is being driven), a non-sinusoidal machine current will be induced whose harmonics can have an impermissible effect on the supply system and cause impermissible interference emissions as a result.

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Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A

Preparing for use 4.14 Converter operation
Note Converter · If operated with a frequency converter, the emitted interference varies in strength,
depending on the design of the converter (type, interference suppression measures, manufacturer). · Avoid that the specified limit values stipulated for the drive system (consisting of the motor and converter) are exceeded. · You must observe the EMC information from the manufacturer of the converter. · The most effective method of shielding is to conductively connect a shielded machine supply cable to the metal terminal box of the machine (with a metal screw connection) over a large surface area. · On machines with integrated sensors (e.g. PTC thermistors), disturbance voltages caused by the converter may occur on the sensor cable.
When used in accordance with their proper and intended purpose and operated on an electrical supply system with characteristics according to EN 50160, the enclosed machines comply with the requirements of the EC Directive regarding electromagnetic compatibility.
Immunity to interference
The machines fulfill the requirements of interference immunity in conformity with EN / IEC 61000-6-2. For machines with integrated sensors, e.g. PTC thermistors, the operating company must ensure sufficient interference immunity by selecting a suitable sensor signal cable (possibly with shielding, connected in the same way as the machine feeder cable) and a suitable evaluation unit. When operating the machines from a converter at speeds higher than the rated speed, carefully comply with the mechanical speed limits (safe operating speed EN / IEC 60034-1).


Converter operation


Parameterizing the converter
· If the design of the motor requires connection to a particular converter type, the rating plate will contain corresponding additional information.
· Correctly parameterize the converter. Parameterizing data can be taken from the machine rating plates. You can find parameter data here:
­ In the converter operating instructions
­ In the TIA selection tool
­ In the SINAMICS Configuration Manual if available
­ For explosion-proof machines, also in the declaration of compliance with the order 2.1.

1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71 … 315

Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A


Preparing for use 4.14 Converter operation
· Do not exceed or fall below limit speed nmin or nmax. If no other value is specified, the minimum speed limit is nmin 5 Hz. The speed limits are either stamped on the rating plate or the supplementary plate for converter operation as the highest or lowest specified speed.
· Carefully check that it is guaranteed that the machine is cooled when it is being commissioned.


Converter input voltage
The insulation system of SIMOTICS LV machines always complies with the requirements of stress category C (IVIC C = high stress). If voltage peaks higher than those specified according to IVIC C can occur, contact the Service Center (Page 12).
· For a line supply voltage (converter input voltage) up to max. 480 V, and when controlled from a SINAMICS converter with uncontrolled/controlled infeed: Comply with the guidelines for configuring motor and converter.
· For line voltages (converter input voltages) higher than 480 V, motors have an appropriate insulation system when ordered for converter operation.
· Operation with a converter from another manufacturer: Comply with the permissible voltage peaks according to IEC 60034-18-41 in accordance with stress category C, dependent on the particular line voltage (converter input voltage) and the motor insulation system.
Material damage caused by an excessively high supply voltage
The insulation system will be damaged if the supply voltage is too high for the insulation system. This can completely destroy the machine. · Comply with the peak voltages as laid down in the guidelines above.


Reducing bearing currents
To prevent damage due to bearing currents, you must carefully assess the complete system, i.e. the motor, converter and driven machine.
· In addition to grounding the motors via the solid grounding conductor, use low impedance grounding in the high frequency range using braided flat copper straps or RF stranded wire conductors. Connect these conductors through a large contact surface. Solid copper cables are not suitable for RF grounding because of the skin effect.
· Use symmetrically structured, shielded connecting cables to connect the motor to a converter. The protective braided shield, comprising many strands, must have a high electrical conductivity. Braided shields made of copper or aluminum are well suited. Connect the shielding at both ends on the motor and on the converter. Keep unshielded cable ends short.

1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71 … 315


Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A

Preparing for use 4.14 Converter operation

Concentric copper or aluminum shield

Steel armor

· To ensure that high-frequency currents are appropriately discharged, establish a contact through the largest possible surface area at both ends. Establish a 360° contact of the cable shielding on the motor enclosure and on the protective grounding bar of the converter, for example, as follows:

­ Motor side: EMC glands at the cable entries

­ Converter side: EMC shield clips

· In the overall system, set up a properly meshed grounding system with low impedance for high-frequency currents.

· No potential difference between the motor, converter, and working machine.

­ Use equipotential bonding cables between the terminal box and the high- frequency grounding point on the motor enclosure.

­ Use a separate high-frequency equipotential bonding cable between the motor enclosure and the protective grounding bar of the converter.

­ Use a separate high-frequency equipotential bonding cable between the motor enclosure and the driven machine.

· Use the common-mode filter (damping cores) at the converter output. The SIEMENS sales partner is responsible for selecting and dimensioning.

· Limit the rise in voltage by using output filters. Output filters dampen the harmonic content in the output voltage.

· Use the motor reactors.

· Preferably use an IT line supply with an insulated neutral point.

The operating instructions for the converter are not part of this documentation. Carefully comply with the instructions in the converter configuring information.


Insulated bearings for converter operation
If you control the machine from a low-voltage converter, depending on the machine type, use an insulated bearing at the NDE.

Shaft height 100 … 280 315 … 450
An insulated speed encoder can be optionally mounted.

Insulated bearings NDE Optional Standard

1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71 … 315

Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A


Preparing for use 4.14 Converter operation
Comply with the information provided on the machine plates relating to bearing insulation and possible jumpers.

Driven machine



Figure 4-1 Schematic representation of a single drive

Insulated bearings Insulated tachometer fitting

NOTICE Bearing damage The bearing insulation must not be bridged. Bearing currents can damage bearings. · Do not bridge the bearing insulation for subsequent installation work, such as the
installation of an automatic lubrication system or a non-insulated vibration sensor. · If you have any questions, please contact the Service Center (Page 12).
If you connect 2 motors in series in “tandem operation”, install an insulated coupling between the motors.

Driven machine Motor Coupling

Insulated bearings Insulated tachometer fitting Insulated coupling

Figure 4-2 Schematic representation of a tandem drive

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Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A

Preparing for use 4.14 Converter operation
NOTICE Bearing damage Bearing currents can flow if the coupling between the motors of the tandem drive is not insulated. This can damage the DE bearings of both motors. · Use an insulated coupling to couple the motors.


Tandem operation
If you connect two motors in series in “tandem operation”, locate a coupling between the motors; this coupling should satisfy the Directive 2014/34/EU or the regulations that apply in the country where the equipment is installed.
· For USA/CANADA: CSA C22.2 or NFPA70, Article 500.


Speed limits for converter operation
Observe the information on the rating plate regarding the speed limits for converter operation.

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Preparing for use 4.14 Converter operation

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Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A



Comply with the following when carrying out any work on the machine:
· Comply with the general safety instructions (Page 17).
· Comply with the applicable national and sector-specific regulations.
· When using the motor within the European Union, comply with the specifications laid down in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of electrical equipment.


Safety instructions for installation

Injury and material damage caused by inappropriate fastening material
If screws of an incorrect property class have been selected or if they have been fastened to an incorrect tightening torque, they may break or become loose. This will cause the machine to move, which could damage the bearings. The rotor could smash into the machine enclosure and machine parts could be flung out of place. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
· Comply with the required property classes for screwed connections.
· Tighten the screwed connections to the specified tightening torques.

Injury and material damage caused by incorrect machine alignment
If the machine has not been properly aligned, this will mean the fastening parts are subjected to stress/distortion. Screws may become loose or break, the machine will move, machine parts could be flung out of place. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
· Carefully align the machine to the driven machine.

Material damage caused by improper handling
Mounting parts such as temperature sensors or speed sensors are attached to the machine and could be ripped off or destroyed as a result of improper handling. This could lead to machine malfunctions, extending even to total loss of the machine.
· Use suitable steps when carrying out installation work on the machine.
· Do not stand on cables or attachments during installation. Do not use attachments as steps.

1MB1.33 Eagle Line shaft heights 71 … 315

Operating Instructions, 08/2023, A5E52990459A


Assembly 5.2 Preparing for installation
Loss of conformity with respect to the applied directives
In the delivery state, the machine corresponds to the requirements according to the directives stamped on the type plate or in the documentation provided. Unauthorized changes or modifications to the machine lead to the loss of conformity with the applicable directives and the loss of the associated warranty.
Explosion hazard when making modifications to the machine
Modifications to the machine, such as drilling holes or additional mechanical work, are not permitted or may only be performed by the manufacturer. Otherwise an explosion can occur in an explosive atmosphere. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage. · Where necessary, contact the Service Center (Page 12).


Preparing for installation


Requirements for installation
The following requirements must be satisfied prior to starting installation work: · Staff have access to the operating and installation instructions. · The machine is unpacked and ready for mounting at the installation location. · Measure the insulation resistance of the winding before starting any installation work. If
the insulation resistance lies below the specified value,


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