CHAMPION POWER EQUIPMENT 71001I Portable Inverter Generator Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

CHAMPION POWER EQUIPMENT 71001I Portable Inverter Generator


  • Congratulations on purchasing your invertor generator.
  • Please follow these instructions and maintain it correctly.

Portable Power Generator

  • This unit is a petrol engine driven AC generator used for supply electrical power.


  • CPE manufactures and supplies a series of accessories.
  • See local dealer for more information.

This Booklet

  • We reserve the right to change, alter or improve the product and this manual without prior notice.

Record the model and serial numbers as well as date and place of purchase for future reference. Have this information available when ordering parts and when making technical or warranty inquiries.

  • Champion Power Equipment Support
  • Model Number
  • Serial Number
  • Date of Purchase
  • Purchase Location
  • For Oil Type see ‘Add Engine Oil‘ section. For Fuel Type see ‘Add Fuel‘ section.

Please familiarize yourself with the following symbols. The safety symbol and key words are safety warnings. Follow all safety messages to avoid accidents or injury.

  • DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
  • WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
  • CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
  • CAUTION used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.


If you have questions regarding your generator, we can help. Please contact your local dealer.



  • Read this manual thoroughly before operating your generator. Failure to follow instructions could result in serious injury or death.
  • The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals that are known to cause serious health problems and even death.


  • Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a colourless, odourless, poison gas. Breathing carbon monoxide will cause nausea, dizziness, fainting or death. If you start to feel dizzy or weak, get to fresh air immediately.
  • Operate generator outdoors only in a well ventilated area.
  • DO NOT operate the generator inside any building, including garages, basements, crawlspaces and sheds, enclosure or compartment, including the generator compartment of a recreational vehicle.
  • DO NOT allow exhaust fumes to enter a confined area through windows, doors, vents or other openings.
  • DANGER CARBON MONOXIDE: using a generator indoors CAN KILL YOU IN MINUTES.


  • Rotating parts can entangle hands, feet, hair, clothing and/or accessories.
  • Traumatic amputation or severe laceration can result.
  • Keep hands and feet away from rotating parts.
  • Tie up long hair and remove jewelry.
  • Operate equipment with guards in place.
  • DO NOT wear loose-fitting clothing, dangling drawstrings or items that could become caught.


  • This product contains a button battery.
  • If swallowed, it could cause severe injury or death in just 2 hours. Seek medical attention immediately.


  • Generator produces powerful voltage.
  • DO NOT touch bare wires or receptacles.
  • DO NOT use electrical cords that are worn, damaged or frayed.
  • DO NOT operate generator in wet weather.
  • DO NOT allow children or unqualified persons to operate or service the generator
  • Use a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) in damp areas and areas containing conductive material such as metal decking.
  • Use approved transfer equipment to isolate generator from your electric utility and notify your utility company before connecting your generator to your power system.


  • Sparks can result in fire or electrical shock.
  • When servicing the generator:
  • Disconnect the spark plug wire and place it where it cannot contact the plug.
  • DO NOT check for spark with the plug removed.
  • Use only approved spark plug testers.


  • Running engines produce heat. Severe burns can occur on contact.
  • Combustible material can catch fire on contact.
  • DO NOT touch hot surfaces.
  • Avoid contact with hot exhaust gases.
  • Allow equipment to cool before touching.
  • Maintain at least 3 ft. (91.4 cm) of clearance on all sides to ensure adequate cooling.
  • Maintain at least 5 ft. (1.5 m) of clearance from combustible materials.


  • Medical and Life Support Uses.
  • In an emergency, call mergency services immediately.
  • NEVER use this product to power life support devices or life support appliances.
  • NEVER use this product to power medical devices or medical appliances.
  • Inform your electricity provider immediately if you or anyone in your household depends on electrical equipment to live.
  • Inform your electrical provider immediately if a loss of power would cause you or anyone in your household to experience a medical emergency.


  • Fuel and fuel vapours are highly flammable and extremely explosive. Unintentional start up can result in serious injury.

When adding or removing fuel

  • Turn the generator off and let it cool for at least two minutes before removing the fuel cap. Loosen the cap slowly to relieve pressure in the tank.
  • Only fill or drain fuel outdoors in a well-ventilated area.
  • DO NOT pump petrol directly into the generator at the petrol station. Use an approved container to transfer the fuel to the generator.
  • DO NOT overfill the fuel tank.
  • Always keep fuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat and other sources of ignition.
  • DO NOT light or smoke cigarettes.

When starting the generator

  • DO NOT attempt to start a damaged generator.
  • Make certain that the petrol cap, air filter, spark plug, fuel lines & exhaust system are properly in place.
  • Allow spilled fuel to evaporate fully before attempting to start the engine.
  • Make certain that the generator is resting firmly on level ground.

When operating the generator

  • DO NOT move or tip the generator during operation.
  • DO NOT tip the generator or allow fuel or oil to spill.

When transporting or servicing the generator

  • Make certain that the fuel shutoff valve is in the off position and the fuel tank is empty.
  • Disconnect the spark plug wire.

When storing the generator

  • Store away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat and other sources of ignition.


  • Operation of this equipment may create sparks that can start fires around dry vegetation.
  • A spark arrestor may be required. The operator should contact local fire agencies for laws or regulations relating to fire prevention requirements.


  • Rapid retraction of the starter cord will pull hand and arm towards the engine faster than you can let go which can result in serious injury.
  • When starting engine, pull the starter cord slowly until resistance is felt and then pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
  • DO NOT start or stop the engine with electrical devices plugged in.


  • Exceeding the generator’s running capacity can damage the generator and/or electrical devices connected to it.
  • DO NOT overload the generator.
  • Start the generator and allow the engine to stabilize before connecting electrical loads.
  • Connect electrical equipment in the off position, and then turn them on for operation.
  • Turn electrical equipment off before stopping the generator.
  • DO NOT tamper with the governed speed.
  • DO NOT modify the generator in any way.


  • Improper treatment or use of the generator can damage it, shorten its life and void your warranty.
  • Use the generator only for intended uses.
  • Operate only on level surfaces.
  • DO NOT expose generator to excessive moisture, dust, or dirt.
  • DO NOT allow any material to block the cooling slots.
  • If connected devices overheat, turn them off and disconnect them from the generator.
  • DO NOT use the generator if:
  • Electrical output is lost
  • Equipment sparks, smokes or emits flames
  • Equipment vibrates excessively


  • Your generator requires some assembly. This unit ships from our factory without oil. It must be properly serviced with fuel and oil before operation.
  • If you have any questions regarding the assembly of your generator, call your local dealer. Please have your serial number and model number available.

Remove the Generator from the Shipping Carton

  1. Set the shipping carton on a solid, flat surface.
  2. Remove everything from the carton except the generator.
  3. Using the carrying handles of the unit, carefully remove the generator from the box. (two people lifting is recommended)

Connecting the Battery (Electric start models)

  1. Using a screwdriver, remove the two (2) maintenance cover screws from the battery maintenance cover.
  2. Once the screws have been removed, the rubber pull-tab on the cover can be pulled out to help loosen and dislodge the maintenance cover. (A)
  3. Remove the battery maintenance cover. (A)
  4. Cut zip tie that is binding the battery cables together.
  5. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the battery bolt in the red, positive (+) battery terminal.
  6. Connect the red, positive (+) wire lead to the positive (+) terminal on the battery using the bolt.
  7. Pull rubber sheath over battery cable connection and battery terminal.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for the black, negative (-) battery wire lead and black, negative (-) battery terminal.


  • If the battery cables are not visible once the battery maintenance cover has been removed, please note that cables may be tucked up above the battery, not in plain view.


  • DO NOT attempt to crank or start the engine before it has been properly filled with the recommended type and amount of oil. Damage to the generator as a result of failure to follow these instructions will void your warranty.

No oil in unit

  • The recommended oil type is 10W-30 automotive oil.
  1. Place the generator on a flat, level surface.
  2. Loosen the cover screws and remove the maintenance cover.


  • Once oil has been added, a visual check should show oil about 1-2 threads from running out of the fill hole.
  • If using the dipstick to check oil level, DO NOT screw in the dipstick while checking.


  • Check oil often during the break-in period. Refer to the Maintenance section for recommended service intervals.
  • Remove oil fill cap/dipstick to add oil.
  • Add oil and replace oil fill cap/dipstick. DO NOT OVERFILL.
  • Check engine oil level daily and add as needed.



  • The engine is equipped with a low oil shut-off and will stop when the oil level in the crankcase falls below the threshold level.


  • The generator rotor has a sealed, pre-lubricated ball bearing that requires no additional lubrication for the life of the bearing.


  • We consider the first 5 hours of run time to be the breakin period for the unit. During the break in period stay at or below 50% of the running watt rating and vary the load occasionally to allow stator windings to heat and cool. Adjusting the load will also cause engine speed to vary and help seat piston rings. After the 5 hour break-in period, change the oil.


  • Synthetic oil may be used after the 5 hour initial breakin period. Using synthetic oil does not increase the recommended oil change interval.


  • Weather will affect engine oil and engine performance.
  • Change the type of engine oil used based on weather conditions to suit the engine needs.

Add Fuel

  1. Use clean, fresh, regular unleaded fuel with a minimum octane rating of 85 and an ethanol content of less than 10% by volume.
  2. DO NOT mix oil with fuel.
  3. Clean the area around the fuel cap.
  4. Remove the fuel cap.
  5. Slowly add fuel to the tank. DO NOT OVERFILL. Fuel can expand after filling. A minimum of 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) of space left in the tank is required for fuel expansion, more than 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) is recommended. Fuel can be forced out of the tank as a result of expansion if it is overfilled, and can affect the stable running condition of the product. When filling the tank, it is recommended to leave enough space for the fuel to expand.
  6. Screw on the fuel cap and wipe away any spilled fuel.


  • Use regular unleaded petrol with a minimum octane rating of 85.
  • Do not mix oil and petrol.
  • Fill tank to approximately 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) below the top of the tank to allow for fuel expansion.
  • DO NOT pump petrol directly into the generator at the petrol station. Use an approved container to transfer the fuel to the generator.
  • DO NOT fill fuel tank indoors.
  • DO NOT fill fuel tank when the engine is running or hot.
  • DO NOT overfill the fuel tank.
  • DO NOT light cigarettes or smoke when filling the fuel tank.


  • Pouring fuel too fast through the fuel screen may result in blow back of fuel at the operator while filling.


Our engines work well with 10% or less ethanol blend fuels. When using blended fuels there are some issues worth noting:

  • Ethanol-gasoline blends can absorb more water than gasoline alone.
  • These blends can eventually separate, leaving water or a watery goo in the tank, fuel valve and carburetor.
  • With gravity-fed fuel supplies, this compromised fuel can be drawn into the carburetor and cause damage to the engine and/or potential hazards.
  • There are only a few suppliers of fuel stabilizer that are formulated to work with ethanol blend fuels.
  • Any damages or hazards caused by using improper fuel, improperly stored fuel, and/ or improperly formulated stabilizers, are not covered by manufacture’s warranty.
  • It is advisable to always shut off the fuel supply, run the engine to fuel starvation and drain the tank when the equipment is not in use for more than 30 days.


  • Your generator must be properly connected to an appropriate ground to help prevent electric shock.


  • Failure to properly ground the generator can result in electric shock.
  • A ground terminal connected to the frame of the generator has been provided on the power panel.
  • For remote grounding, connect of a length of heavy gauge (12 AWG minimum) copper wire between the generator ground terminal and a copper rod driven into the ground.
  • We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified electrician to ensure compliance with local electrical codes.


Generator Location
Never operate the generator inside any building! (See safety warnings section). In some areas generators must be registered with the local utility company. Generators used on construction sites may be subject to local rules and regulations. Keep on a flat, level surface. Generators must have at least 5 ft (1.5m) clearance from all combustible material. In addition they must have at least 3 ft (91.4cm) of clearance on all sides to allow for adequate cooling, maintenance and servicing. Generators should never be started or operated in ant location that will not allow for adequate cooling of the generator and/ or the muffler. Allow generators to cool before storage or transportation. Do not place the generator near any vents or intakes. Carefully consider wind and air currents when placing generator. Failure to follow proper safety precautions may void manufacturer’s warranty.


  • Do not operate or store the generator in rain, snow, or wet weather.
  • Using a generator or electrical appliance in wet conditions, such as rain or snow, or near a pool or sprinkler system, or when your hands are wet, could result in electrocution.

During operation the muffler and exhaust fumes produced will become hot. If adequate cooling and breathing space are not supplied, or if the generator is blocked or contained, temperatures can become extremely heated and may lead to fire.


  • The generator system ground connects the frame to the ground terminals on the power panel.
  • The generator (stator winding) is isolated from the frame and from the AC receptacle ground pin.
  • Electrical devices that require a grounded receptacle pin connection will not function if the receptacle ground pin is not functional, unless the neutral wire is bonded to the frame.

Wireless Remote Start (Optional Feature)
Wireless remote starting is only possible within 80 feet of the generator. (Wireless signal may not pass through some solid objects.) Do not attempt to adjust the carburetor choke. The remote and electric system will automatically close and open the choke.

  1. Make certain the generator is on a flat, level surface.
  2. Turn off all electrical loads connected to the generator. Never start or stop the generator with electrical devices turned on.
  3. Turn the Fuel Valve to the “ON” position.
  4. Press the Battery Switch to “ON”.
  5. Press the Ignition Switch to “ON”.
  6. WIRELESS REMOTE START: press and release the “START” button on the handheld Remote Control device. DO NOT hold the button down, only press the button once. The engine will attempt to start six times.
  7. If the generator fails to start, check the battery condition and cable connections.


  • The supplied 12V 7AH battery does re-charge while the engine is running, but it is also recommended that the battery be fully charged at least once per month.


  • When the battery switch is in the “ON” position, the switch will light up if the battery is sending out a charge. If the switch does not light up while in the “ON” position, check that the battery connection is still good.

Electric (Optional) and Recoil Start

  1. Make certain the generator is on a flat, level surface.
  2. Disconnect all electrical loads from the generator. Never start or stop the generator with electrical devices plugged in or turned on.
  3. Turn the fuel valve to the “On” position.
  4. Turn the battery switch to the “On” position.
  5. Push the Choke button in to the “Choke” position.
  6. Turn the ignition switch to the “On” position.
  7. ELECTRIC START: Press and hold the ignition switch to the “START” position. Release as the engine begins to roll over. If the engine fails to start within five seconds, release the switch and wait at least ten seconds before attempting to start the engine again.
  8. RECOIL START: Pull the starter cord slowly until resistance is felt and then pull rapidly.
  9. As engine warms up, push the choke button to the “Run” position.


Keep choke button in “Choke” position for only 1 pull of the recoil starter. After first pull, push choke button to the “Run” position for up to the next 3 pulls of the recoil starter. Too much choke leads to spark plug fouling/engine flooding due to the lack of incoming air. This will cause the engine not to start.

Recoil Start – Alternate Model

  1. Make certain the generator is on a flat, level surface.
  2. Disconnect all electrical loads from the generator. Never start or stop the generator with electrical devices plugged in or turned on.
  3. Turn the fuel cap vent lever to the “On”position.
  4. Turn the fuel valve to the “On” position.
  5. Pull the Choke lever out when starting the generator.
  6. Turn the ignition switch to the “On” position.
  7. Pull the starter cord slowly until resistance is felt and then pull rapidly.
  8. As engine warms up, push the choke button to the “Run” position.


  • If the engine starts but does not continue to run make certain that the generator is on a flat, level surface. The engine is equipped with a low oil sensor that will prevent the engine from running when the oil level falls below a critical threshold.

Manual Choke Start

for the 73001i-P only. If the battery is dead or not able to produce enough current to power the push button choke, the choke itself can be operated manually to help start the engine. To manually choke and start the inverter, follow these steps:

  1. Loosen the screws and remove the maintenance cover. (A)
  2. Locate the yellow manual choke lever. (B)
  3. Turn the choke lever to the “CHOKE” (right) position. (B)
  4. Turn the fuel valve to the “ON” position.
  5. Turn the engine switch to the “ON” position.
  6. Pull the recoil rope until resistance is felt, then pull rapidly.
  7. As the engine starts to roll over, move the choke lever to the “RUN” (left) position.


  • Keep choke lever in “Choke” (right) position for only 1 pull of the recoil starter. After first pull, move the choke lever to the “Run” (left) position for up to the next 3 pulls of the recoil starter. Too much choke leads to spark plug fouling/engine flooding due to the lack of incoming air. This will cause the engine not to start.

Economy Control Switch

  • Using the Economy Control Switch will minimize fuel consumption and noise when the generator is not operating at full load. When the Economy Switch is off then the generator runs at normal speed continuously.


  • For periods of high electrical load or momentary fluctuations, the Economy Control Switch should be turned OFF.

Connecting Electrical Loads

  1. Let the engine stabilize and warm up for a few minutes after starting
  2. Plug in and turn on the desired 120/240 Volt AC single phase, 50 Hz electrical loads.
    • DO NOT connect 3-phase loads to the generator.
    • DO NOT connect 60 Hz loads to the generator.
    • DO NOT overload the generator.
    • DO NOT use both AC & DC at the same time.


Connecting a generator to your electric utility company’s power lines or to another power source may be against the law. In addition this action, if done incorrectly, could damage your generator and appliances and could cause serious injury or even death to you or a utility worker who may be working on nearby power lines. If you plan to run a portable electric generator during an outage, please notify your electric utility company immediately and remember to plug your appliances directly into the generator. Do not plug the generator into any electric outlet in your home. Doing so could create a connection to the utility company power lines. You are responsible for ensuring that your generator’s electricity does not feed back into the electric utility power lines. If the generator will be connected to a building electrical system, consult your local utility company or a qualified electrician. Connections must isolate generator power from utility power and must comply with all applicable laws and codes. When using 230v AC It is not recommended to use 12v DC together as this may damage generator or equipment.

12V DC Outlet
The 12V DC outlet can be used with the supplied charge cable and USB charger and other commercially available 12V DC automotive style plugs. The DC output is unregulated and can damage some products. Confirm your accessory input voltage range is at least 12-24V DC. When using the DC outlet turn the Economy mode switch to the “OFF” position.


  • Do not operate a device while it is plugged in to the 12V DC outlet.
  • Prolonged exposure to engine exhaust can cause serious injury or death.


  • While charging a device do not place on the exhaust side of the generator. Extreme heat caused by exhaust can damage the device, and cause a potential fire hazard.

Stopping the Engine

  1. Turn off and unplug all electrical loads. Never start or stop the generator with electrical devices plugged in or turned on.
  2. Let the generator run at no-load for several minutes to stabilize internal temperatures of the engine and generator.
  3. Turn the fuel valve to the “OFF” position.
  4. Let the engine run until fuel starvation has stopped the engine. This usually takes a few minutes.
  5. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
  6. Turn the battery switch to “OFF” position if applicable.

Important: Always ensure that the Fuel Valve and the ignition switch and battery switch are in the “OFF” position when the engine is not in use.


  • If the engine will not be used for a period of two (2) weeks or longer, please see the storage section for proper engine and fuel storage.


  • If the generator has a battery, always turn the battery switch to the “OFF” position when unit is not in use, this will stop the battery from being drained.
  • Follow the maintenance & storage instructions for the generator & battery when the unit will not be used for a period of 2 weeks or more.

Do Not Overload Generator Capacity

Follow these simple steps to calculate the running and starting watts necessary for your purposes.

  1. Select the electrical devices you plan on running at the same time.
  2. Total the running watts of these items. This is the amount of power you need to keep your items running.
  3. Identify the highest starting wattage of all devices identified in step 1. Add this number to the number calculated in step 2. Surge wattage is the extra burst of power needed to start some electric driven equipment. Following the steps listed under “Power Management” will guarantee that only one device will be starting at a time.

Power Management
Use the following formula to convert voltage and amperage to watts:
Volts x Amps = Watts
To prolong the life of your generator and attached devices, follow these steps to add electrical load:

  1. Start the generator with no electrical load attached.
  2. Allow the engine to run for several minutes to stabilize.
  3. Plug in and turn on the first item. It is best to attach the item with the largest load first.
  4. Allow the engine to stabilize.
  5. Plug in and turn on the next item.
  6. Allow the engine to stabilize.
  7. Repeat steps 5-6 for each additional item.


  • Never exceed the specified capacity when adding loads to the generator.

Overload Operation

  • The overload indicator light will turn on when the rated load is exceeded. When the maximum load is reached, the LED will blink and cut power to the receptacles. To recover the power, shut down the engine, wait until the light turns off and restart the generator.

Operation at High Altitude

  • Be aware that engine efficiency can reduce and exhaust emissions increase when working at high altitude. Other high altitude issues can include hard starting, increased fuel consumption and spark plug fouling. This is a natural trend and cannot be altered by engine adjustment.


  • Operation using the alternative main jet at elevations lower than the recommended minimum altitude can damage the engine. For operation at lower elevations, the standard main jet must be used. Operating the engine with the wrong engine configuration at a given altitude may increase its emissions and decrease fuel efficiency and performance.

An Important Message About Temperature
Your Champion Power Equipment product is designed and rated for continuous operation at ambient temperatures up to 40°C (104°F). When your product is needed your product may be operated at temperatures ranging from -l5°C (5°F) to 50°C (122°F) for short periods. If the product is exposed to temperatures outside this range during storage, it should be brought back within this range before operation. In any event, the product must always be operated outdoors, in a wellventilated area and away from doors, windows and other vents.


  • The owner/operator is responsible for all periodic maintenance.


  • Never operate a damaged or defective generator.


  • Tampering with the factory set governor will void your warranty.


  • Improper maintenance will void your warranty.


  • Maintenance, replacement, or repair of emission control devices and systems may be performed by any non-road engine repair establishment or individual.
  • Complete all scheduled maintenance in a timely manner.
  • Correct any issue before operating the generator.

Engine Maintenance

  • To prevent accidental starting, remove and ground spark plug wire before performing any service.

Change oil when the engine is warm. Refer to the oil specification to select the proper grade of oil for your operating environment.

  1. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick.
  2. Use pliers to slide the spring clamp down the oil drain hose and pull the hose off the plug bracket.
  3. Point the hose into a drain pan and allow the oil to drain completely. Note: The hose end must be lower than the engine base to allow the oil to drain.
  4. Replace oil drain hose onto plug bracket and slide spring clamp back into position.
  5. Add oil and replace oil fill cap/dipstick. DO NOT OVERFILL.
  6. Dispose of used oil at an approved waste management facility.


  • Once oil has been added, a visual check should show oil about 1-2 threads from running out of the fill hole.
  • If using the dipstick to check oil level, DO NOT screw in the dipstick while checking.


Spark Plugs

  1. Remove the spark plug cable from the spark plug.
  2. Use a spark plug socket tool (not included) to remove the plug.
  3. Inspect the electrode on the plug. It must be clean and not worn to produce the spark required for ignition.
  4. Refer to the spark plug recommendation chart when replacing the plug.
  5. Carefully thread the plug into the engine.
  6. Use the spark plug socket (not included) to firmly install the plug.
  7. Attach the spark plug wire to the plug.


For 73001i(EU), 73001i-P(EU)

  • OEM spark plug: F6RTC
  • Replacement spark plug: NGK BPR6ES or equivalent
  • Make certain the *spark plug gap is 0.7 – 0.8 mm or (0.028 – 0.031 in.).

Maintenance Valve Clearance

  • Intake: 0.06 – 0.12 mm (0.002 – 0.005 in.)
  • Exhaust: 0.08 – 0.14 mm (0.003 – 0.006 in.)

For 71001i(EU), 72301i(EU)

  • OEM spark plug: E6RTC
  • Replacement spark plug: NGK BPR6HS or equivalent
  • Make certain the *spark plug gap is 0.6 – 0.7 mm or (0.024 – 0.028 in.).

Maintenance Valve Clearance

  • Intake: 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
  • Exhaust: 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)

Note: Tech bulletin regarding the valve adjustment procedure is on

Charge the Battery
For a generator equipped with batteries for electric starting, proper battery maintenance and storage should be followed. An automatic battery charger (not included) with automatic charging capability should be used to charge the battery. Maximum charging rate should not exceed 1.5 amps. Follow the instructions included with the battery charger. The battery should be fully charged at least once per month.


  • A Float Charger will maintain the battery condition over long storage periods.

Disconnect the Battery

  1. Remove the battery panel cover.
  2. Remove the protective cover from the black/negative battery lead.
  3. Disconnect the black/negative lead from the black/ negative terminal on the battery and store the cap screw and nut.
  4. Repeat steps 1-2 for the red/positive battery lead.
  5. Store the battery in a cool, dry place.

Remote Control Battery


  • Always purchase the correct size and grade of battery most suitable for the intended use.
  • Clean the battery contacts and also those of the device prior to battery installation.
  • Remove batteries from equipment which is not to be used for an extended period of time.
  • Remove batteries if consumed or if product is to be left unused for a long time.

Generator Maintenance
Make certain that the generator is kept clean and stored properly. Only operate the unit on a flat, level surface in a clean, dry operating environment. DO NOT expose the unit to extreme conditions, excessive dust, dirt, moisture or corrosive vapours.


  • DO NOT use a garden hose to clean the generator.
  • Water can enter the generator through the cooling slots and damage the generator windings.
  • Use a damp cloth to clean exterior surfaces of the generator.
  • Use a soft bristle brush to remove dirt and oil.
  • Use an air compressor (25 PSI) to clear dirt and debris from the generator.
  • Inspect all air vents and cooling slots to ensure that they are clean and unobstructed.

The generator should be started at least once every 14 days and allowed to run for at least 20 minutes. For longer term storage, please follow these guidelines.

Generator Storage

  1. Add a properly formulated fuel stabilizer to the tank.
  2. Be sure all appliances are disconnected from the generator.
  3. Run the generator for a few minutes so the treated fuel cycles through the fuel system and carburetor.
  4. Turn the fuel valve to the “Off” position.
  5. Let the generator run until fuel starvation has stopped the engine. This usually takes a few minutes.
  6. The generator needs to cool completely before cleaning and storage.
  7. Remove the spark plug cap, then pull the recoil grip 3 times to drain the gasoline from the carburetor jets.
  8. Change the engine oil.
  9. Remove the spark plug and pour about a tablespoon of oil into the cylinder. Crank the engine slowly to distribute the oil and lubricate the cylinder.
  10. Reattach the spark plug.
  11. Store the unit in a clean, dry place out of direct sunlight.


Generator exhaust contains odorless and colorless carbon monoxide gas.

  • To avoid accidental or unintended ignition of your remote start generator during periods of storage, the following precautions should be followed:
  • When storing the generator for short periods of time make sure that the Ignition Switch, the Fuel Valve and the Battery Switch are set in the OFF position.
  • When storing the generator for extended periods of time make sure that the Ignition Switch, the Fuel Valve and the Battery Switch are set in the the the OFF position and the battery leads have been disconnected from the battery.

Maintenance Schedule

  • Follow the service intervals indicated in the following maintenance schedule.
  • Service your generator more frequently when operating in adverse conditions.

fig-17To be performed by knowledgeable, experienced owners or Champion Power Equipment certified dealers.




Wireless Remote Control
This generator is equipped with a wireless remote control system for starting and stopping. The system consists of (4) main components:

  • Receiver Control Module (RCM)
  • Wireless remote
  • Battery switch (button)
  • Ignition switch (button)

Both the ignition switch and the battery switch need to be turned on for the remote control functions to work. To start the generator press the “start” button once. The engine will attempt to start for up to 6 times. The RCM will engage the auto choke. If the generator does not start then call your local dealer. To stop the generator press the “stop” button once.

Remote Control Power Function
If the ignition switch (button) is left on then the battery can be completely drained. To prevent battery drain turn both the ignition switch and the battery switch to the off position.

Power Panel Load Management
When starting the generator by remote control there will be a 15 second delay before the power panel is operational. When using the remote control to stop the generator the power panel switches off immediately followed by the engine 5 seconds later. The on/off voltage delay at startup and shutdown only occurs when using the remote control. When using either the electric start button or the recoil start method the operator must ensure that all electrical loads (appliances) are turned off during start up and shut down. Failure to do so can damage the generator or attached appliances.

Wireless Set Button
The wireless set button is a feature that lets the user sync remotes to the generator. One can set up to two remote controls or reset a remote control with the generator. To reset a remote control or sync two remote controls follow these steps:

  1. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position.
  2. Turn the battery switch to the “ON” position.
  3. Push and hold the wireless set button next to the red light (located on the front panel) for approximately three seconds; the red light will turn on.
  4. Push and release the “STOP” button on the remote. The red light blinks once to erase the remote program.
  5. Push and release the START button. The red light blinks once to program the remote.
  6. Push and hold the programming button approximately three seconds until the red light turns off.
  7. Test Start & Stop features



  • Only two remote controls can be in sync with one generator at a time.


  • Changing a remote control battery may not require the user to reset the remote control.

Parallel Operation

  • Two (2) Champion model generators can be operated in parallel to increase the total available electrical power. A Champion parallel kit (optional equipment) is required for parallel operation. For kit availability, visit
  • Detailed instructions for parallel kit installation, operation, and rating of the connected generators are provided in the parallel kit owner’s manual and operating instructions.


EQUIPMENT-71001I-Portable-Inverter-Generator-fig-21 CHAMPION-POWER-EQUIPMENT-71001I-Portable-Inverter-
Generator-fig-22 CHAMPION-
EQUIPMENT-71001I-Portable-Inverter-Generator-fig-24 CHAMPION-POWER-EQUIPMENT-71001I-Portable-Inverter-






The part numbers above are used for both UK and EU versions of the generator.
Additional UK parts


Additional EU parts



EQUIPMENT-71001I-Portable-Inverter-Generator-fig-31 CHAMPION-POWER-EQUIPMENT-71001I-Portable-Inverter-



The part numbers above are used for both UK and EU versions of the generator.

Additional UK parts






The part numbers above are used for both UK and EU versions of the generator.

Additional UK parts





The part numbers above are used for both UK and EU versions of the generator.

Additional UK parts










Test Verification of Conformity

Verification Number: 220500634HZH-V1

  • On the basis of the referenced test report(s), sample(s) tested of the below product have been found to comply with the standards harmonized with the directives listed on this verification at the time the tests were carried out.
  • Other standards and Directives may be relevant to the product. This verification is part of the full test report(s) and should be read in conjunction with it. This verification replaces previous verification 190800418HZH-V1 dated on 2019-09-05.
  • Once compliance with all product relevant mark directives are verified, including any relevant e.g. risk assessment and production control, the manufacturer may indicate compliance by signing a Declaration of Conformity themselves and applying the mark to products identical to the tested sample(s).


This Verification is for the exclusive use of Intertek’s client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek’s responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Verification. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Verification. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test/inspection results referenced in this Verification are relevant only to the sample tested/inspected. This Verification by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program.

APPENDIX: Test Verification of Conformity

This is an Appendix to Test Verification of Conformity Number: 220500634HZH-V1.


This Verification is for the exclusive use of Intertek’s client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek’s responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Verification. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Verification. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test/inspection results referenced in this Verification are relevant only to the sample tested/inspected. This Verification by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program.

Test Verification of Conformity
Verification Number: 220500636HZH-V1

  • On the basis of the referenced test report(s), sample(s) tested of the below product have been found to comply with the standards harmonized with the regulation(s) listed on this verification at the time the tests were carried out. Other standards and Regulations may be relevant to the product.
  • This verification is part of the full test report(s) and should be read in conjunction with it. This verification replaces previous verification 210300686HZH-V1 dated on 2021-04-13.
  • Once compliance with all product relevant mark regulations are verified, including any relevant e.g. risk assessment and production control, the manufacturer may indicate compliance by signing a Declaration of Conformity themselves and applying the mark to products identical to the tested sample(s).


This Verification is for the exclusive use of Intertek’s client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek’s responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Verification. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Verification. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test/inspection results referenced in this Verification are relevant only to the sample tested/inspected. This Verification by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program.

  • For warranty and repair enquiries, please contact the retailer where you purchased your Champion product.
  • Champion Power Equipment Europe Service & Technical Contacts


United Kingdom





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