MIDLAND 13862B Rig Pix Database 4 Watt 23 Channel Mobile Transceiver Owner’s Manual

June 13, 2024

MODEL 13-8628


Your new Midland 13-862B is a combination receiver-transmitter designed and built for licensed Class D operation on any of the 23 frequencies designated as citizens band channels by the Federal Communications Commission. You are required to read and understand Part 95 of the F.C.C. rules and regulations prior to operation of this unit. Part 95 regulations are available for $2.00 from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington D. C. 20402. You are also required to complete F.C.C. form 505 and submit it to the F.C.C. in order to receive your license to operate this unit. F.C.C. regulations will be violated if you transmit with this unit prior to receipt of your license.
The technical information, diagrams, and charts provided in this manual are supplied for the use of a qualified holder of a first or second class radiotelephone license in servicing this transceiver. It is the users responsibility to see that this unit is operating at all times in accordance with the F.C.C. Citizens Radio Service regulations.
If you instail or service your own transceiver, do not attempt to make any transmitter tuning adjustment. Transmitter adjustments are prohibited by the F.C.C. unless you hold a first or second class radiotelephone license or are in the presence of a person holding such a license. A Citizens Band or Amateur license is not sufficient.
Midland International Corporation hereby certifies that this unit has been designed, manufactured and type accepted in accordance with Vol. 6, Part 95 of the current F.C.C. rules and regulations as of the date of manufacture.
When service is performed by an authorized and licensed person, care must be taken in the replace- ment of parts to use only authorized parts in order not to void the type acceptance of this model.


Sensitive dual conversion circuit with all crystals supplied for 23-channel reception. One microvolt sensitivity, built-in controlled squelch circuit and noise limiting give noise-free operation. Active AGC. circuit eliminates fading and over driving.
TRANSMITTER: Precision crystal-controlled oscillator circuit with all 23 Citizens Band channels built in. A full 5-watt RF input power is effectively converted into radiated output power with a minimum of loss for a stronger signal. A maximum of TVI filtering is employed. Pi-network matching for exact loading to any standard CB antenna.
SIGNAL-TRANSMIT POWER METER: A combination meter on front panel provides a constant visual monitor of incoming ‘“‘Signal Strength” when receiving and “Relative Output Power” when transmitting.
CONTROLS: A full set of controls is employed, including volume ON-OFF switch, 23-channel selector switch, full variable squelch with PA.
POWER SUPPLY: The 13-862B is designed to operate on 12 volts DC. Any 12-volt (negative ground) automobile system is adequate. For base station application, use Midland 18-802 (optional extra) power supply which plugs into 110 volts AC and delivers 12 volts DC to your transceiver.
ANTENNA REQUIREMENT: This transceiver will operate with any standard 52 ohm ground-plane, vertical, mobile whip, or other CB antenna. A standard SO 239 type connector is provided on the back panel for use with popular PL259 antenna plug. An adjustable loading network is provided to match antenna impedance exactly.
FREQUENCY: Each unit is completely equipped with crystals for operation on any of the 23 Citizens Band channels. It is not necessary to purchase any additional crystals for this unit. Refer to part 95 of the F.C.C. rules and regulations to determine which channels may be used for various kinds of communication.


A location in the car or truck should be chosen carefully for convenience of operation and noninterference with normal driving functions. Mounting may be under the dash or instrument panel or any place a secure installation can be made. The carrying handle again serves as the mounting bracket or additional perforated straps or brackets may be used as desired.
This transceiver may be installed and used in any 12 volt DC negative or positive ground system vehicle.
Most newer U.S. and foreign made cars and small trucks use a negative ground system while some older cars and some newer large trucks may use a positive ground system.
A negative ground system is generally identified by the – battery terminal being connected to the vehicle motor block, but if you cannot determine the polarity system of your vehicle, it is suggested that you consult your vehicle dealer for definite information.
NEGATIVE GROUND SYSTEM: In the case of a negative ground system connect the red DC power cord from the transceiver to the positive or +battery terminal or other convenient point and connect the black power lead to the chassis or vehicle frame or – battery terminal.
POSITIVE GROUND SYSTEM: In the case of a positive ground system connect the black DC power cord from the transceiver to the negative or – battery terminal or other convenient point and connect the red power lead to the chassis or vehicle frame or tbattery terminal.
With regard to the connection of the power cords, it may be possible or desirable to connect the (red lead for negative ground system) or (black lead for positive ground system) to the ignition switch accessory terminal so that the transceiver is automatically turned off when the ignition switch (key) is turned off.
Alternately, the power lead may be connected to an available terminal on the fuse block or even to a point in the wiring harness. Care must be taken however to guard against a short circuit con- dition so when in doubt, please contact your vehicle dealer for specific information for your vehicle.
IGNITION INTERFERENCE: Engine ignition interference should not be a problem and vehicles equipped with standard broad- cast radios will have enough suppression to eliminate ignition interference. If interference is present, any skilled auto radio repairman should be able to eliminate it for you.


For base station use, the Midland model 18-802 power supply is recommended. When this power supply is used, simply connect the red (+) and black (—) terminals on the power supply to the (+) and (—) leads on your 13-862B. Do not attempt to operate this transceiver by connecting it directly to 110 Volts AC.


When the 13-862B is used as a base station, any Citizens Band beam, dipole, ground plane or vertical antenna may be used. A ground plane type will provide greater coverage and, since it is essentially non-directional, it is ideal in base station to mobile operation. From base station to base: station, or point to point operation, a directional beam will give greater distance even under adverse condition. The range of the transceiver depends basically on the height of the antenna and, whenever possible, select the highest location within F.C.C. limits.
A vertical whip antenna is best suited for mobile use. A non-directional antenna must be used for best results in any case. The base loaded whip antenna will normally provide effective com- munication. For greater range and more reliable operation, a full quarter-wavewhip should be used. Either of these antennas use the metal car body as a ground plane and the shield of the base lead as well as the metal case of the transceiver should be grounded. A standard antenna connector (type SO 239) is provided on the transceiver for easy connection to a standard PL 259 cable termination.


VOLUME CONTROL AND OFF-ON SWITCH: The volume control varies the sound output of the loudspeaker. It also functions as “off-on” switch. Clockwise rotation increases volume.
CHANNEL SELECTOR SWITCH: Tuning the receiver and transmitter is simultaneous by rotating the 23 channel selector switch. Set switch to desired channel | to 23 as indicated directly on switch knob.
The squelch control is designed to maintain a quiet standby operation. This control must be set when only noise, no signal is heard. Turn the control fully counterclockwise and increase the volume until noise or a signal is heard. When only noise is present, turn the squelch control clockwise until the noise is blanked out. In the “PA” position, your transceiver is converted to a public address system. A convenient pin jack on the back panel is provided for connection to any standard 8 ohms PA speaker.
PRESS-TO-TALK MICROPHONE: The receiver and transmitter are controlled by the press-to-talk switch on the microphone. Press in this switch and the transmitter is activated. Release this switch to receive. When transmitting, hold microphone 3 to 4 inches from mouth and speak clearly and in a normal voice.


Before operating this transceiver, you are required by law to read and thoroughly understand part 95 of the F.C.C. rules and régulations.
Check to see if the proper connections have been made on power cable, antenna system and microphone and that the correct cables have been used. Be sure that the transceiver is adequately grounded (if not mounted directly to a metal surface).
To transmit, press the push-to-talk switch and hold it down. Speak directly into microphone.
Release this switch to receive. Actual receive and transmitting power should be monitored by watching the SIGNAL-TRANSMIT POWER METER and using the switch provided for this purpose.
Select the channel on which you wish to operate by rotating the Channel Selector Switch to the desired channel.
The microphone should be held approximately 3 to 4 inches away from your mouth. Use a normal speaking voice. Speak slowly and clearly. Talking louder does not increase transmitting power and will only cause distortion. You will notice the SIGNAL-TRANSMIT POWER meter moving as you transmit. This indicates that you are transmitting. Always release the microphone switch when you complete your transmission.


The technical information, diagrams and charts provided in this manual are supplied for the use of a qualified holder of a first or second class radiotelephone license in servicing this transceiver. It is the users responsibility to see that this unit is operating at all times in accordance with the F.C.C. citizens radio service regulation.
If you install your own transceiver, do not attempt to make any transmitter tuning adjustments are prohibited by the F.C.C. unless you hold or are in the presence and under the supervision of a first or second class radiotelephone licensed person. A Citizens Band or Amateur license is not sufficient.




Circuitry : 17-transistor, 1 IC and 11 diode

Receiver Section:

Sensitivity at 10 db S/N| 1μv
Image Rejection Ratio| 40 db
Ist IF Rejection Ratio at 10.635 MHz| 45 db
2nd IF Rejection Ratio at 455 KHz| 100 db
Squelch sensitivity at maximum| 300 μV
Squelch sensitivity at threshold| 0.5 μV
A.G.C. (input 5,000 wV, output 10 db down)| 75 db
IF Response at 6 db down handwidth| 8 KHz
Adjacent channel selectivity| 35 db
Audio output power at maximum (input 60 db)| 4w
Audio output power at 10% distortion| 2.8W
Distortion at input 60 db| 10%
Audio fidelity at 1,000 Hz 0 db (6 db down)| 300 — 2,000 Hz
Current drain at no signal| 200 mA
Current drain at maximum output power| 900 mA
Transmitter Section:
RF output power| 4w
Modulation capability| 90%
Frequency tolerance| 0.01%
Spurious ratio| 50 db
Current drain at no modulation| 800 mA
Current drain at maximum modulation| 1,300 mA
Measurement Condition:
Audio output power| 0.5W
Audio output load| 8 ohm
Modulation frequency| 1,000 Hz
Modulation| 30%
Antenna impedance| 50 ohm
Power source| 13.8V DC




Midland International Corporation warrants each new Midland product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 90 days after delivery to the ultimate user and will replace or repair the product at our option, at no charge should it become defective and which our‘examination shall disclose to be defective and under warranty.
This warranty shall not apply to any Midland product which has been subject to misuse, neglect, accident, incorrect wiring not of our own installation, or to use in violation or instructions fur- nished by us, nor extended to units which have been repaired or altered outside of our factory.
This warranty does not cover carrying cases, earphones, batteries, antenna, broken or cracked cabinets, or any other accessory used in connection with this product.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and no representative or person is authorized to assume for us any other liability in connection with the sale of our products. Sales receipt must accompany product to validate the date of purchase.

Communications Division
P.O. Box 19032, Kansas City, Missouri 64141
Phone: 816/474-5080 ♦ Telex: 42-6344
Cable Address: MIDELEC-NKC
Copyright 1975, Communications Division,
Midland International Corporation,
North Kansas City, Missouri 64116
Made Exclusively for Midland International Corporation in Japan

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| MIDLAND 13862B Rig Pix Database 4 Watt 23 Channel Mobile Transceiver [pdf] Owner's Manual
13862B Rig Pix Database 4 Watt 23 Channel Mobile Transceiver, 13862B, Rig Pix Database 4 Watt 23 Channel Mobile Transceiver, Database 4 Watt 23 Channel Mobile Transceiver, Watt 23 Channel Mobile Transceiver, Channel Mobile Transceiver, Mobile Transceiver

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