CASIO TE2400 Cash Register Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024


CASIO TE2400 Cash Register

Product Information

The CASIO TE2400 Hospitality is a versatile cash register designed for use in hospitality establishments. It offers various features and functions to streamline sales and transactions, including making sales, processing multiple tenders, handling multiple sales of the same product, making corrections, issuing refunds, applying percentage and dollar discounts, printing receipts, and more.
For detailed information and instructions on how to use the CASIO TE2400 Hospitality, please refer to the OPERATION MANUAL provided by the manufacturer.

Product Usage Instructions

Making a Sale

  1. Ensure the register is turned to REG mode.
  2. Press the key corresponding to the item purchased or enter the amount using the numeric keys and then the department key.
  3. Press SUBTOTAL for the total amount due.
  4. Enter the amount of cash given by the customer and press the TOTAL or CASH key. If the customer is paying by cheque or EFTPOS, press CHQ or EFTPOS instead of CASH.
  5. The amount of change to be given to the customer will display on the screen, and a receipt will print if enabled.

Multiple Tender

  1. If the customer pays using more than one method (e.g., part cash, part EFTPOS), enter the amount to be paid by the first method.
  2. Press the key corresponding to the method of payment (e.g., CASH).
  3. Enter the amount to be paid by the second method.
  4. Press the key corresponding to the second method of payment (e.g., EFTPOS).

Making Multiple Sales Of Same Product

  1. Enter the number of items being sold.
  2. Press the X key.
  3. Press the key corresponding to the items purchased.
  4. Press SUBTOTAL to calculate the total amount due.
  5. Enter the amount of cash given by the customer and press the TOTAL or CASH key. If the customer is paying by cheque or EFTPOS, press CHQ or EFTPOS instead of CASH.
  6. The amount of change to be given to the customer will display on the screen, and a receipt will print if enabled.

Making Corrections To A Transaction

  1. To clear the last transaction before pressing the subtotal key, press the ERR CORR/CANCEL key.
  2. Once the subtotal key is pressed, press ERR CORR/CANCEL to cancel the entire transaction.
  3. The C key clears the screen.


  1. Press the RF key, then the key for the corresponding item being refunded.
  2. Press SUBTOTAL to calculate the total amount due/owned.

Multiple Refunds

  1. To refund multiple items, turn the key to RF mode and enter the items as you would for a regular sale.
  2. After completing the transaction, remember to turn the key back to REG mode; otherwise, the next transaction will be processed as a refund.

To Give A % Discount (e.g., 15%)

  1. Press the key corresponding to the item purchased or enter the amount using the numeric keys and then the PLU.
  2. Enter the amount to be discounted (e.g., 15 for 15%).
  3. Press the % key to display the dollar amount discounted.
  4. Press the SUBTOTAL key to display the total amount due.

To Give A $ Discount (e.g., $5)

  1. Press the key corresponding to the item purchased or enter the amount using the numeric keys and then the PLU.
  2. Enter the amount to be discounted (e.g., $5).
  3. Press the SUBTOTAL key to display the total amount due.

To Give A $ Or % Discount For A Whole Transaction
To be added.

To Print A Receipt
Push the receipt on/off key to print receipts for every transaction. When receipts are set to print, a light will be displayed on the button.

Making a Sale

  1. Press the key that corresponds to the item purchased, or use the keys to enter in the amount and then the department.
  2. Press SUBTOTAL for the total amount due
  3. Enter amount of cash given by customer and press the TOTAL or CASH key. If the customer is paying by cheque or eftpos then instead of pressing CASH press CHQ or EFTPOS
  4. The amount of change to be given to the customer will display on the screen and receipt will print if turned on.

Multiple Tender

  1. When your customer pays by more then one method (eg part cash, part eftpos), first enter the amount to be paid by the first method
  2. Press the key corresponding to the method of payment (eg CASH)
  3. Enter the amount to be paid by the second method
  4. Press the key corresponding to the second method of payment (eg EFTPOS)

Making Multiple Sales Of Same Product

  1. Enter the number of items you are selling (eg 4)
  2. Press the X key
  3. Press the key that corresponds to the items purchased.
  4. Press SUBTOTAL to give the total amount due
  5. Enter amount of cash given by the customer and press the TOTAL or CASH key. If the customer is paying by cheque or eftpos then instead of pressing CASH press CHQ or EFTPOS
  6. The amount of change to be given to the customer will display on the screen and receipt

Making Corrections To A Transaction

  1. To clear the last transaction (before the subtotal key is entered) press the ERR CORR/CANCEL key.
  2. Once the subtotal key is pressed, press ERR CORR/CANCEL to cancel the entire transaction
  3. The C key clears the screen


  1. Press the RF key then the key for the corresponding item that is being refunded
  2. Press SUBTOTAL to give the total amount due/owned

Multiple Refunds

  1. To refund multiple items you can turn the key to RF mode then enter the items as you normally would to process a sale.
  2. Once the transaction is completed it is important to turn the key back to REG mode, if it isn’t then the next transaction would be processed as a refund.

To Give A % Discount (eg 15%)

  1. Press the key that corresponds to the item purchased, or use the keys to enter in the amount and then the PLU
  2. Enter the amount to be discounted (eg 15 for 15%)
  3. Press the % key. This will display the dollar amount that has been discounted
  4.  Press the SUBTOTAL key and this will display total amount due

To Give A $ Discount (eg $5)

  1. Press the key that corresponds to the item purchased, or use the keys to enter in the amount and then the PLU
  2. Enter the amount to be discounted (eg 500)
  3. Press the – key. This will display the dollar amount that has been discounted
  4. Press the SUBTOTAL key and this will display the total amount due

To Give A $ Or % Discount For A Whole Transaction

  1. Enter all items in normally the press the SUBTOTAL key
  2. Enter discount amount either for $ or % discount
  3. Press corresponding discount key, % for % discount and – for $ discount

To Print A Receipt

  1. Push the receipt on/off key to print receipts for every transaction. When receipts are set to print a light will be displayed on the button.
    If the receipt function is switched off a receipt can still be printed by pressing the RECEIPT key


No Eftpos Interface

  1. This needs to be processed as a separate transaction
  2. Enter the amount of cash to be given out
  3. Press the CASH OUT key on the register

Eftpos Interface

  • Cash Out with a Purchase
    1. Enter Items
    2. Press SUBTOTAL
    3. Enter Amount of Cash Required
    4. Press EFTPOS
  • Cash Out (no Purchase)
    1. Enter the amount of Cash Required
    2. Press EFTPOS

Assigning A Clerk

To assign a clerk press one of the clerk keys above the keyboard (eg CLERK 1 or CLERK 2 etc)

Explanation Of Correction Keys

    Used to take off last item before CASH key has been pressed. Only takes off last sale item.

    Used to clear any item before CASH key has been pressed. Press refund key then press preset price department, or press REFUND key, enter amount to be refunded then department.

    Cancels whole transaction.

    Used to register a % off discount. Enter amount then press % key.

    Used to register dollar discounts. Enter $ amount then – key

    Used to enter cash out sales. Enter amount and press CASH OUT key, is made separately from a sale transaction


  • Opening and Adding Items to Tabs
1.  **ENTER** Table Number
2.  **PRESS** OPEN TABLE button
3.  **ENTER** Items to be charged
  • Printing Out Tab Accounts
1.  **ENTER** Table Number
2.  **PRESS** RECEIPT button
  • Cashing Table Off
1.  **ENTER** Table Number
2.  **PRESS** OPEN TABLE button
3.   **ENTER** Amount being paid
4.   **PRESS** Tender type – Cash, Eftpos, Credit Card etc.
5.  **PRESS** RECEIPT button
  • Open Table Report
1.  **TURN** Key to X
2.  **PRESS** 25
3.  **PRESS** CASH twice
4.  **TURN** Key back to Reg
  • Pay By Item
1.  **ENTER** Table Number
2.  **PRESS** Pay by Item (This will display the first item)
3. For each item:
4.  **PRESS** Next Item to scroll to the next item OR
5.   **PRESS**
  * Pay by Item to select that item
  * When you reach the end you can go through the tems again
6.  **PRESS**
  * Close Table when you have selected the items
  * You can then pay off the items as normal

Programming Notes:

  • The new Casio range of cash registers are the most advanced ECR system on the market, it incorporates easy programmability with complex functions, to form a system that can suit any retail requirements. While basic programming changes can be performed by the end user (price changes and descriptions), it is advised that more advanced features should be programmed by an authorised CASIO dealer. The use of specialised back up and programming software enables us to safeguard your valuable data before changes are made. If you are unsure about the steps you are about to attempt, we suggest you seek professional help from our support staff. Important please read this:
  • The incorrect programming of LINKS to GROUPS , DEPT’s and PLU’s can cause abnormal REPORT information. We advise that unless you know exactly how LINKS are set up for your machine, do not attempt to program these items. This also applies to the changing of PLU and DEPT names, an example of an incorrect name change that would conflict with LINKS is if a PLU or DEPT were to be programmed from a food item to a drink item: eg changing a DEPT name from CHOC CAKE to COLA the LINK would also have to be changed from a food group to a drink group. While this manual is correct to the best of our knowledge, we take no responsibility whatsoever, including: mis-interpretation, programming errors, loss of income and machine failure.

Changing Prices

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position
  2. DISPLAY Should show P01
  3. SIGN ON Press Clerk key, if applicable
  4. ENTER New price (without using decimal point)
  5. PRESS Preset item button that you wish to change
  6. REPEAT Steps 3 to 4 until finished
  7. PRESS Subtotal button to finish
  8. TURN Key back to REG1

Name Changes

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position
  2. SIGNON Press Clerk key, if applicable
  3. ENTER 2
  4. PRESS Subtotal button
  5. DISPLAY Should show P02
  6. TYPE New description (using the typewriter keyboard sheet on the reverse side of the item keyboard) of up to 16 characters
  7. PRESS 00 button
  8. PRESS Preset item button that you wish to change
  9.   REPEAT Steps 6 to 8 until finished
  10. PRESS Subtotal button to finish
  11. TURN Key back to REG1

Clerk Name Changing

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position
  2. SIGN ON Press Clerk key
  3. ENTER 2
  4. PRESS Subtotal button
  5. DISPLAY Should show P02
  6. ENTER XX07 Where XX stands for the memory number of each clerk. Ie. 01 Jeannie, 02 Leanne, 03 Holly, 04 Tania
  7. PRESS Subtotal button
  8.   TYPE New clerk name (using the typewriter keyboard sheet on the reverse side of the item keyboard) of up to 16 characters.
  9. PRESS 00 button
  10. PRESS CASH (or TOTAL) button
  11. PRESS Subtotal button to finish
  12. TURN Key back to REG1

Group Read

When it comes to programming a new item onto the keyboard, or when making changes to the category or type of keyboard item, you may need to also change the group and department code to which the sales figures are entered into. ie a button earlier labelled beer is programmed as steak meal. In this case you will need to change the group and department links to enter the sales totals into the correct category. To assist in programming these changes you will need to know the following information:-

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position
  2. SIGN ON Press Clerk Key
  3. ENTER 6
  4. PRESS Subtotal button
  5.   ENTER 205 ( department printout )
  6. ENTER Subtotal
  9. ENTER 206 ( group printout )
  10. PRESS Subtotal
  11. TURN Key back to REG1

Adding/Changing Group and Departments

This job will set up Groups & Department Names.

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position

  2. ENTER 2

  3. PRESS Subtotal

  4. ENTER 0105
    01 = That it is the 1st Department

  5. PRESS Subtotal key

  6. ENTER Department description ie Haircuts using alpha keysheet ( up to 12 characters )

  7. PRESS 00 key Then CASH key

  8. REPEAT Steps 6 and 8 until all group names entered

  9. PRESS Subtotal key

  10. TURN Key back to REG1

Group and Department Linking

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position
  2. SIGN ON Press Clerk Key
  3. ENTER 3
  4. PRESS Subtotal button
  5. DISPLAY Should show PGM3
  6. ENTER 1166
  7.   PRESS Subtotal
  8. ENTER Group code XX, Department code XX (ie to set as linking to group 5 and department 2 enter 0502)
  9. PRESS Item button to be linked
  10. REPEAT Steps 7 and 8 until all links completed
  11.   PRESS CASH
  12. PRESS Subtotal key to finish
  13. TURN Key back to register

Printer Linking

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position
  2. SIGN ON Press Clerk Key
  3. ENTER 3
  4. PRESS Subtotal button
  5. DISPLAY Should show PGM3
  6. ENTER 1666
  7.   PRESS Subtotal
    To link items to printer, go to step 8. To de-link items, go to step11


  1. ENTER 100
  2. PRESS Item button to be linked to the printer
  3. REPEAT Press any other buttons to be linked
    If you now want to de-link items, go to step 11, otherwise go to step 14.


  1. ENTER 0
  2. PRESS Item button to not be linked to the printer
  3. REPEAT Press all buttons to not be linked
  4. PRESS Subtotal key to finish
  5. TURN Key back to register

Linking clerks for end of night reports.

You will need to have a report of what items are already coming up on the end of night reports.

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position
  2. SIGN ON Press Clerk Key
  3. ENTER 6
  4. PRESS Subtotal button
  5. ENTER 330
  6. PRESS Subtotal button

Adding / Changing items on clerk reports for end of night reports.

Once you have the report you can then add or change what is coming up on the reports

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position

  2. SIGN ON To clerk number that needs to be changed
    You will need to individually do every clerk.

  3. ENTER 3

  4. PRESS Subtotal button

  5. ENTER Record number ( from list ) followed by 30 ie. 0630

  6. PRESS Subtotal button

  7. ENTER Department number from keyboard, followed by 05 ie. Department 98 enter 9805

  8. PRESS CASH key

  9. ENTER Next clerk number

  10. REPEAT Steps 5 to 9 until all clerks have been programmed

  11. PRESS Subtotal key to finish

  12. TURN Key back to REG

Date and Time Programming

  1. TURN Turn key to the PROGRAM position
  2. SIGN ON Press the Clerk Key
  3. ENTER 1
  4. PRESS Subtotal key
  5. DISPLAY Should show PGM1
  6. ENTER Date in the following format:- (for days 1 to 9, be sure to enter them as 01 to 09. Enter months 1 to 9 as 01 to 09)
    • YYMMDD
    • YY = Year
    • MM = Month
    • DD = Day
  7. PRESS X / Date Time button
  8. ENTER Time in the following format:- (for hours 1 to 9, be sure to enter them as 01 to 09. Enter minutes 1 to 9 as 01 to 09)
    • HHMM
    • HH = Hour
    • MM = Minute
  9. PRESS X / Time Date button
  10. TURN Key back to REG1


  • X Report – Daily Read
1.  **TURN** Turn key to the X1 position
2.  **SIGN** ON Press Clerk Key
3.  **PRESS** CASH button
4.  **TURN** Key back to REG
  • PLU Report
1.  **TURN** Turn key to the Z1 position
2.  **SIGN** ON Press Clerk Key
3.  **ENTER** 14
4.   **PRESS** CASH button
5.  **TURN** Key back to REG
  • Z Report – Daily Read & Reset
1.  **TURN** Turn key to the Z1 position
2.  **SIGN** ON Press Clerk Key
3.  **PRESS** CASH button
4.  **TURN** Key back to REG
  • Weekly Read & Reset
1.  **TURN** Turn key to the Z2/X2 position
2.  **SIGN** ON Press Clerk key
3.  **ENTER** 1
4.  **PRESS** CASH button
5.  **TURN** The key to the Z1 position
  • Monthly Read & Reset
1.  **TURN** Turn key to the X2/Z2 position
2.  **SIGN** ON
3.  **ENTER** 2
4.  **PRESS** CASH button
5.  **TURN** Key back to REG
  • Open Table Report
1.  **Turn** Key to x
2.  **Enter** 25
3.  **Press** cash twice


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