REVOX B150 Hifi Amplifier Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

REVOX B150 Hifi Amplifier

REVOX B150 Hifi Amplifier


Protect your amplifier from exposure to excessive heat and moisture.
Install it in a position where the ventilation louvers won’t beobstructed.

Please note that the warranty is onlyvalid within the country in which the equipment has been sold. The warranty becomes null and void if unauthorized modifications or unprofessional repairs are made.
Warranty cards for products sold in Switzerland and Austria are issued directly by the authorized dealer. Warranty cards for REVOX products sold in France are located inside the packing. This card must be completely filled out and signed by your authorized REVOX dealer.
A special warranty request card is included with all REVOX products sold within the Federal Republic of Germany, USA, and major other countries. This card is either located inside the packing or in a plastic pouch on the outside of the packing. Should this card be missing, please consult your REVOX dealer or your national REVOX distributor.


Please retain the original packing material for re-use in case your unit ever needs to be transported. The packing in which you received it  has been especially designed to protect your valuable equipmentfrom mechanical shock in transit.

Warning: This unit is not separated from the mains supply when switched off (STANDBY).

Vorsicht: Das Gerat ist in ausgeschaltetem Zustand (STANDBY) nicht von der Stromzufuhrung getrennt.

Attention: Cet appareil n’est pas separe du reseau lorsqu’il est declenche (STANDBY).

Attenzione: Ouesto apparecchio none separato dalla rete quando l’interruttore e spento (STANDBY).

Precauci6n: Este aparato no esta separado de la red cuando esta apagado (STANDBY).

Waarschuwing: In uitgeschakelde toestand (STANDBY) is het apparaat niet gescheiden van de netspanning.

Advarsel: Apparaten er ogsaa hvis lukket (STANDBY) under str0m.

Huomio:   Huolimatta siita, etta virta on katkaistu laitteesta (STANDBY), sita ei ole eristetty sahkosta.

Forsiktig: Selvom str0mmen ikke er pa i apparatet (STANDBY). sa er det ikke skilt fra str0m.

Vaming: Oaktat om strommen ar avbruten i apparaten (STANDBY), sa ar den anda kopplad med strom.


Accessories included, setting up the amplifier


Accessories included

In addition to the amplifier itself. the package should contain these operating instructions and a general circuitdiagram. lfthe contents areincorrect, please consult your dealer.

Setting up the amplifier

Set up your amplifier in a position where the ventilation louvers won’t be obstructed.Allow aventilation clearance of at least 10 mm to other equipment, walls and furniture.

Setting up the amplifier

Safety precautions

Always keep the amplifier in dry condition. It is extremely hazardous to operate it in moist conditions (bathroom, laundry room, basement, etc.)
The amplifier is NOT disconnected from the AC power source when it is switched off (standby).
Certain components inside the unit are still energized with line voltage!
The amplifier is designed to be operated in a horizontal position.
In case of a malfunction or a defect, immediately disconnect the power plug and have the amplifier checked out by an authorized REVOX dealer.


Checking the line voltage, connecting the signal source

Checking the line voltage

Connecting the signal sources

Checking the line voltage

Make sure that all hi-fi system components to be connected to the amplifier are switched off, or even better, disconnected from the AC powersource.
Connect the audio outputs (OUTPUT) of these components (signal sources) such as tuner, CD player, and tape deck to the corresponding inputs of the amplifier.
An additional CD player.a third tape recorder, or a second tuner can be connected to the auxiliary input AUX [30].
Do not confuse the channels left (L) and right (R).

Tuner, CD, AUX

Connect the outputs of a tuner (radio receiver)  or CD player to the inputs TUNER [33] or CD[29].

Tuner, CD, AUX


Turntables equipped with a moving magnet cartridge system should be connected to the  amplifier terminal marked PHONO [28].
If your turntable is fitted with a stranded groundwire, connect this wire to the ground terminal [27].


Tape recorders

Two tape recorders can be connected to the amplifier. Connect the tape recorder outputs to the TAPE 1 [32] and TAPE 2 [31] inputs of your amplifier.
For making recordings, the tape recorder inputs must also be connected to the corresponding amplifier outputs TAPE 1 [35] and TAPE 2 [34].

Tape recorders


Connecting the outputs, power-on



Two speaker pairs can be connected to the gold-plated speaker terminals SPEAKERS A  [38) and SPEAKERS B [39) of the REVOX B150-Amplifier.
Preferably, Speaker boxes with an impedance of 40 or SQ should be used.
Ensure correct wiring of the speakers!
Interconnect only the terminals of matchingcolor between the amplifier and the speaker boxes (correct phasing).
The ground terminals (blackterminals) of the individual speakers must not be interconnected.
In order to minimize power loss to the speakers,  use the special cables bypacked with thespeakers or use special cables with a large conductor cross- section. 12 gauge wires can be easily connected to the terminals.
Conventional banana plugs (diam. 4 mm) can be connected directly.


TAPE 1 [35], TAPE 2 [34]

The outputs TAPE 1 [35) and TAPE 2 [34) are reserved for the recording paths of the recorders TAPE 1 and TAPE 2. When a tape recorderoperates in play mode, the record output of the corresponding unit is disabled so that TAPE COPY from one recorde.

TAPE 1 \[35\], TAPE 2 \[34\]


The recording path of an additional tape recorder, for example, can be connected to the RECORD [36) output.
This output always carries the recording signal selected with REC-OUT[17) or the REC=MONITOR [18) signal.
When you use this output make sure that no audio loop (feedback) is created (e.g. play TAPE 1 and simultaneously record on TAPE 1 via the RECORD output).

RECORD \[36\]

Power connection [40]

When all audio connections have been established  (signal sources and speakers connected), you can connect the amplifier to an ACpower outlet.

Power connection \[40\]

Switching on the amplifier

When you press the POWER [1) button on the front panel, the REVOX B150-Amplifier  switches on and the signal source that was active when the amplifier was previously switched off is automatically selected. Pressingthe POWER [1) button a second time switches the amplifier off again (standby).
When the amplifier is switched off but still connected to the AC power source, it operatesin standby mode which means that it can b  conveniently switched on and off by means ofan infrared remote control from your listening position.
The power consumption in standby is negligible (approx.10 W).

Switching on the amplifier

Main Keypad

Signal sources, volume

Main Keypad

TUNER [11], CD [7], AUX [8]

When you press one of these keys the corresponding input is connected to the amplifier.
The selected signal source together with the current VOLUME and BALANCE setting are indicated on the display [13].
The amplifier can also be switched on directly by selecting a signal source .

TUNER \[11\], CD \[7\], AUX \[8\]

TAPE 1 [10], TAPE 2 [9]

When you press one of these keys, the corresponding TAPE 1 [32] or TAPE 2 [31] input is connected to the amplifier. The selected signal source together with the current VOLUME and BALANCE setting are indicated on the display [13].
The amplifier can also be switched on directly by selecting a signal source.

TAPE 1 \[10\], TAPE 2 \[9\]


When you press the PHONO [6] key, the turntable input PHONO [28] is connected to th  amplifier. The selected signal source identifiedby the word PHO NO together with the current  VOLUME and BALANCE setting are indicateon the display [13].
The amplifier can also be switched on directly by selecting this signal source.

PHONO MC \[6\]

VOLUME +/- [2/3]

Pressing the VOLUME+ [2] key increases the volume, while the VOLUME- [3] key decreases the volume.
The volume setting can be changed at two different speeds. If you press the key below the  marking , the volume changes slowly insmall steps (1 dB). If you press the key below the markings << and >>. the volume changes rapidly in larger steps (3 dB).

VOLUME +/- \[2/3\]
The symbol of the actuated VOLUME key(<.> or<<.>>) is shown on the display [13] in place of the BALANCE setting.
During the power on phase the volume can be decreased but not increased .
The amplifier can also be switched on directly by pressing one of the VOLUME keys.

VOLUME +/- \[2/3\]

-20dB [4]

When you press this key the volume is decreased in a single step by 20 dB. Press this key again and the volume is decreased by another 20 dB, etc. until the minimum volume is reached.
The volume can be increased again by pressing the VOLUME+ [2] key.

-20dB \[4\]

Auxiliary Keypad

Signal outputs, tone control

Auxiliary Keypad

SPEAKERS A/B [20/21]

When you press the SPEAKERS A [20] key, the speaker group A switches on or off. The SPEAKERS B [21] key controls the speaker group B.
In order to prevent annoying switching clicks, the microprocessor briefly switches the volume off and on again.
Both speaker groups can be simultaneously switched on or off concurrently (PHONES). The green LED [15] to the right of the display [13] lights up when the SPEAKERS A [38] are switched on; LED [14] indicates the status of SPEAKERS B [39].

SPEAKERS A/B \[20/21\]


The headphones can be used in any mode.
Simply plug the headphones into the corresponding socket on the front panel. The volumecan be controlled with the VOLUME+/- [2/3] keys.

PHONES \[16\]

BALANCE l/R [23/25]

With the two keys BALANCE L [23] and BALANCE R [25] you can adjust the stereophonic sound pattern to an asymmetric listening position by emphasizing one or the other channel.
Both channels can be adjusted in steps of± 9 dB. When you press one of these keys, the  current BALANCE setting is automatically displayed for a few seconds by a bargraph on the display [13].
The true balance can be restored as follows:
Continuously press the key of the de-emphasized  channel. The adjustment stops automatically in the center balance position.

BALANCE l/R \[23/25\]

TONE [5]

The TONE [5] key switches the tone control (BASS, TREBLE) on or off so that the sound can be compared between linear (uninfluenced) and corrected frequency response.
The current status of this function is shown on the display [13] for a few seconds: TONE CONTROL ON/OFF.

TONE \[5\]

Auxiliary Keypad


Auxiliary Keypad

BASS+/- [22/19]

With the bass control you can emphasize (BASS+ [22]) or de-emphasize (BASS – [19]) low frequencies in 4 steps.
When you press one of the bass control keys the current setting is shown on the display [13] for a few seconds. Each time you press one of these keys the setting changes by an additionalstep in the corresponding direction.

BASS+/- \[22/19\]

TREBLE+/- [26/24)

With the treble control you can emphasize (TREBLE + [26]) or de-emphasize (TREBLE – [24]) high frequencies in 4 steps.
When you press one of the treble control keys, the current setting is shown on the display [13] for a few seconds. Each time you press one of  these keys. the setting changes by an additional step in the corresponding direction.

![TREBLE+/- [26/24)]( content/uploads/2023/10/REVOX-B150-Hifi-Amplifier-Instruction-Manual-28.png)


There are two ways of making a recording.
The audible signal source can also be the  recording source, or a different source can be selected for recording.


This recording mode is set before the amplifier leaves the factory. The display [13] indicates the selected signal source, the volume control, and the balance settings.
In this case the audible signal source is also the  recording source available on the outputs RECORD[36], TAPE 1 [35], and TAPE 2 [34].
The outputsTAPE1 [35] and TAPE 2 [34] are mutually interlocked.
If TAPE 1 is defined as the signal source, the record  output TAPE 1 [35] is disabled in order to prevent feedback. However, the signal can be recorded via TAPE 2.

![REC=MONITOR [18)]( content/uploads/2023/10/REVOX-B150-Hifi-Amplifier-Instruction-Manual-29.png)


When you press the SET REC-OUT [17] key, the display [13] changes immediately The word IN: is followed by the currently audible signal source (e.g. TUNER). For the record branch a signal source can now be selected behind REC (e.g. PHONO).As a result you will hear the TUNER signal source via the outputs SPEAKERS A [38] and SPEAKERS B [39], while the PH ONO signal can be recorded via the outputs TAPE1 [35],TAPE2 [34],and RECORD [36].

![SET REC-OUT [17)]( content/uploads/2023/10/REVOX-B150-Hifi-Amplifier-Instruction-Manual-30.png)

fault Messages


fault Messages

The volume is automatically decreased by10 dB if the temperature of the output power stages becomes too high.
This process is indicated on the display [13]by the flashing<<<< symbol in place of the balance setting. The volume can be further  decreased with the VOLUME keys, but not increased until the <<<< indication disappears.

fault Messages

After the output power stages have cooled off, the display [13] returns to the usual format, i.e. the signal source and the recording source, or  the signal source, volume and balance settings are shown. The volume can now be increased as desired. However, the cause for the fault  message (possibly insufficient ventilation)should be investigated.

fault Messages


the<<<< message has been displayed and if  their temperature continuous to increase. the fault message OVERLOADED!!! appears on the display [13]. and the speaker outputs are switched off.
After the output power stages have cooled off  and the message has disappeared, the speaker scan be switched on again by pressing the keys SPEAKERS A [20] and/or SPEAKERS B [21].



In the event of severe overloading (e.g. manipulation on the connectors while the amplifier is switched on and the volume is fully open), the speakers are muted. This fault is indicated by the BREAKDOWN!!! message on the display [13].
To remedy this fault, switch the amplifier off.
check that all cables and connectors are firmly seated. and switch the amplifier back on after are a son able pause.


Fault sources


fault Messages

Before you suspect a defect in the amplifier, make sure that the unit is correctly installed and that it is being operated in accordance with these instructions.

Speakers are dead

Check the speaker connections.
Has the speaker group been switched on? (with SPEAKERS A [20], SPEAKERS [21] ?)
Has any signal source been selected and switched on?
Has the power-on volume been reprogrammed as described in the TECHNICAL APPENDIX?

Speakers are dead

Recording on TAPE not possible

Is the INPUT of the tape recorder connected to the OUTPUTSTAPE1 [35] or TAPE 2 [34]?

Recording on TAPE not possible

The amplifier cannot be operated

Your amplifier is controlled and monitored by a microprocessor.
This microprocessor is automatically initialized when the line voltage is applied
Faults in the AC supply system and other faults can put the microprocessor into an undefined  state. The amplifier can no longer be operated. The microprocessor can be restarted by pressing the RESET button by means of a pointed object (bent open paper clip).
The reset button is located between the SET REC-OUT[17] key and the REC=MONITOR [18] key.
Since the circuit states of the audio paths cannot be monitored during the reinitialization process, the speakers should preferably be disconnected from the amplifier.
If the power plug is readily accessible, it is better to disconnect it from the AC outlet for approx. 15 seconds rather than actuating the RESET button.
During the initialization of the microprocessor certain segments of the display [13] may briefly  light up. This is a normal process and does not damage the amplifier.

The amplifier cannot be operated

Technical Appendix

REVOX B208 · IR Remote Control


With the REVOX B208 infrared remote control  you can conveniently control the audio functions of your entire REVOX Hi-Fi system fromyour listening positions.


In addition to the main keypad functions of the REVOX B150 amplifier, you can remote control the outputs SPEAKERS A, SPEAKERS B, PREOUT, the BALANCE setting, and the tone control functions /TONE, BASS, TREBLE).


Operating characteristics

With the IR remote control the amplifier can be  operated in the same manner as the unit itself, except for the following special cases.

Power on

The amplifier can only be powered on with the  IR remote control by selecting a source (TUNER, TAPE 1/2, AUX, CD, PHO NO).If you press the POWER OFF key on the IR  remote control, all REVOX IA-equipped components will be switched off.


If the amplifier operates in REC-OUT mode(SET REC-OUT [17] key), the signal source to which you are currently listening can also be defined as the recording source by pressing the REC OUT=MON key on the IR remote control.
You can then press a source selection key for listening to another signal source without changing over the recording source.



When you briefly press the VOLUME key on the IR remote control, the volume is changed in small steps (1 dB); if you hold down this key continuously the volume changes in larger steps (3 dB).

Changing the power on volume

The factory set power on volume can be changed by means of the IR remote control as follows:
Select the desired volume by pressing the VOLUME -/+ keys. Simultaneously press [•] and POWER OFF on the remote control: the new value for the power on volume is now stored. (Factory setting: -52 dB).

Technical Appendix

Technical data

Technical Appendix

Peak output power:| into 4 0:

into 8 Q:

1 kHz signal; 1 period on, 16 periods off

| 2x250W

2x 130W

Continuous power output

(DIN 45500):

according to IEC 65:

| into 4 0:

into 8 Q:

into 4 Q:

| 2x 120W

2x 90W

2x 100W

Damping factor:| at 1 kHz into 8 Q:| >100
Harmonic distortion:| at 1 kHz, 110 W into 4 0:| <0.006%
Rise time:| with 4 Q load:

with 8 Q load:

| 4 μs

3 μs





| (for1 kHz at 130 W into 4 Q)| 200 mV/47kQ

2.0 mV/47 kQ; 150 pF




– from PHONO MM input:



| (at nominal input voltage)| 500 mV/440 Q


9.BV/280 Q

22V/80 mQ

Tone control response:| (parametric in ±4 steps)

BASS at 40 Hz:

TREBLE at 14 kHz:

| -12dB .. +12dB

-12dB .. +12dB

Signal-to-noise ratio, linear:

(at nominal input voltage)



| at 130 W into 4 Q, 1 kQ termination:

at 50 mW into 4 Q, 1 kQ termination:

at130 Winto 4 Q, 1 kQ termination:

at 50 mW into 4 Q, 1 kQ termination:

| 98dB

76 dB

76 dB

75 dB

Maximum input voltage:| TUNER, TAPE 1, TAPE 2,AUX, CD:


| 10V


Crosstalk attenuation:

– Between inputs:

– Tape/source:

| at 10 kHz, 1 kQ termination:

at 10 kHz, 1 kQ termination:

| 100dB


Channel separation:



| at 1 kHz, 1 kQ termination:

at1 kHz,1 kOtermination:

| 86 dB

55 dB

Frequency response:| 20 Hz … 20 kHz: + 0 dB/- 0. 2 dB|
PHONO RIAA equalization:| 4 times constants, 20 Hz … 20 kHz| ±0.3 dB
Power requirements:| internally adjustable

220 VAC, + 5%/-10% 50 Hz … 60 Hz,

fuse: 2.5 A slow

110 Vor 240 Vversions available from the factory

Power consumption:| maximum:

in standby, approx.:

| 500W

10 W

Dimensions:| (WxHxD):| 4,50x109x332 mm
Weight:| approx.:| 13 kg



List of Keypad Functions

Quick-reference description of all functions.

Technical Appendix

Functions that respond to the REVOX B208 IR remote control.

Front panel:

Operating element Function Page
POWER On/off switch. The amplifier is switched on in the last active


mode. The amplifier is switched off (standby) when this key is pressed


| 4
VOLUME+| Increases the volume. With> in 1 dB steps, with>> in 3 dB steps.| 5
VOLUME-| Decreases the volume. With< in 1 dB steps, with<< in 3 dB steps.| 5
-20dB| Decreases the volume by 20 dB each time this key is pressed. Can be

reset with VOLUME+ [2].

| 5
TONE| Enables or disables the tone controls (BASS, TREBLE).| 6
PHONO| Signal source selection key for the turntable.| 5
CD| Signal source selection key for the CD player.| 5
AUX| Signal source selection key for the auxiliary input.| 5
TAPE 2| Signal source selection key for tape recorder 2.| 5
TAPE 1| Signal source selection key for tape recorder 1.| 5
TUNER| Signal source selection key for the TUNER.| 5
REMOTE| This LED lights up when an IR signal is being received.| 16
Display| 20-position vacuum fluorescent display. Indicates the operating state of

the amplifier.

| 16
SPEAKERS B| This LED is lit when the SPEAKERS B output is switched on.| 6
SPEAKERSA| This LED is lit when the SPEAKERS A output is switched on.| 6
PHONES| Headphones socket.| 6
SET REC-OUT| The recording source may differ from the listening source. The display [13]

·. changes the indicating mode e.g. to: IN : TUN ER REC : TAPE 1.

| 7
REC=MONITOR| ·. changes the indicating mode e.g. to: IN : TUN ER REC : TAPE 1.

The recording source is the same as the listening source. The display [13]

changes the indicating mode to: Signal source, volume, and balance


| 7
BASS-| Reduces the content of low frequencies. The current setting is displayed

when you press this key the first time.

| 7
SPEAKERSA| Switches the SPEAKERS A on and off.| 6
SPEAKERS B| Switches the SPEAKERS B on and off.| 6
Operating element| Function| Page
BASS+| Increases the content of low frequencies. The current setting is displayed

when you press this key the first time.

| 7
BALANCE L| Shifts the output level in favor of the left-hand channel.| 6
TREBLE –| Decreases the content of high frequencies. The current setting is displayed

when you press this key the first time.

| 7
BALANCER| Shifts the output level in favor of the right-hand channel.| 6
TREBLE+| Increases the content of high frequencies.The currentsettir;ig is displayed

when you press this key the first time.

| 7

Indexed quick-reference diagram

Indexed quick-reference diagram

Rear panel:

Rear panel:

| Terminal for turntable ground.| 3
PHONO MM| Input sockets (CINCH) for a turntable with moving magnet cartridge


| 3
CD| Input sockets (CINCH) for a CD player.| 3
AUX| Input sockets (CINCH) for an additional signal source (auxiliary input).| 3
TAPE 2| Input sockets (CINCH) for playback from tape recorder 2.| 3
TAPE 1| Input sockets (CINCH) for playback from tape recorder 1.| 3
TUNER| Input sockets (CINCH) for connecting a tuner.| 3
TAPE 2| Output sockets (CINCH) for recording with tape deck 2.| 3
TAPE 1| Output sockets (CINCH) for recording with tape deck 1.| 3
RECORD| Output sockets (CINCH) for an additional recording channel (third tape


| 3
SERIAL LINK| Serial control terminal for connecting an external R EVOX B206 IR receiver.

The internal IR receiver can also be switched off via this socket (interconnect

pin 1 with pin 2 and pin 4 with pin 5).

| 16
SPEAKERS A| Terminals for connecting speaker group A.| 4
SPEAKERS B| Terminals for connecting speaker group B.| 4
AC POWER| Power inlet.| 4

Audio circuit diagram


Audio circuit diagram

Willi Studer AG
CH-8105 Regensdorf/Switzerland
AJthardstrasse 30
Studer Revox GmbH
D-7827 Loflingen/Gennany
Talstrasse 7
Worldwide Distribution
Revox Ela AG
CH-8105 Regensdorf/Switzerland
Altbardstrasse 146


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| REVOX B150 Hifi Amplifier [pdf] Instruction Manual
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