CHRISTIE D4K2560 DLP 4K Projector User Manual

June 13, 2024

CHRISTIE D4K2560 DLP 4K Projector


Product Information: D4K2560

The D4K2560 is a high-resolution projector manufactured by Christie. It offers superior image quality and is designed for professional use in various settings, including cinemas, event
venues, and conference rooms. The projector utilizes advanced technology to deliver stunning visuals with exceptional color accuracy and clarity.

Key Features

  • High-resolution display: The D4K2560 supports a resolution of 4096 x 2560 pixels, providing sharp and detailed images.
  • Bright and vibrant colors: With its high brightness output and wide color gamut, this projector ensures vivid and lifelike color reproduction.
  • Flexible installation options: The projector offers multiple lens options, allowing users to customize the projection size and distance according to their specific needs.
  • Reliable performance: Built with durable components and advanced cooling systems, the D4K2560 is designed to operate consistently and reliably for extended periods.

Product Usage Instructions

Preventative Maintenance:
To ensure the continued and proper operation of your D4K2560 projector, regular preventative maintenance is crucial. Failure to perform maintenance as required may void the warranty. Please refer to the Maintenance section in the user manual for specific maintenance items and follow the maintenance schedule specified by Christie.

Installation and Setup:
Before using the D4K2560 projector, it is important to properly install and set it up. Follow these steps:

  1. Site Requirements: Ensure that the installation site meets the following requirements:
    • Adequate space for the projector and its ventilation.
    • Stable and level surface to mount the projector.
    • Proper electrical connections and grounding.
  2. Physical Operating Environment: Consider the environmental conditions surrounding the projector, including temperature, humidity, and dust levels. Maintain a suitable operating environment to prevent damage to the device.
  3. External Exhaust Ducting: If necessary, set up external exhaust ducting to ensure proper ventilation and heat dissipation from the projector.
  4. Power Connection: Connect the projector to a reliable power source using the provided power cable. Make sure to follow electrical safety guidelines and avoid overloading circuits.

Once the installation and setup are complete, refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on operating and configuring the D4K2560 projector to achieve the desired projection settings and optimize image quality.

User Manual



User Manual



COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARKS Copyright ©2015 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved. All brand names and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of their respective holders.
GENERAL Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, however in some cases changes in the products or availability could occur which may not be reflected in this document. Christie reserves the right to make changes to specifications at any time without notice. Performance specifications are typical, but may vary depending on conditions beyond Christie’s control such as maintenance of the product in proper working conditions. Performance specifications are based on information available at the time of printing. Christie makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Christie will not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or use of this material. Canadian manufacturing facility is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified.
WARRANTY Products are warranted under Christie’s standard limited warranty, the complete details of which are available by contacting your Christie dealer or Christie. In addition to the other limitations that may be specified in Christie’s standard limited warranty and, to the extent relevant or applicable to your product, the warranty does not cover:
a. Problems or damage occurring during shipment, in either direction. b. Projector lamps (See Christie’s separate lamp program policy). c. Problems or damage caused by use of a projector lamp beyond the recommended lamp life, or use of a lamp other than a Christie
lamp supplied by Christie or an authorized distributor of Christie lamps. d. Problems or damage caused by combination of a product with non-Christie equipment, such as distribution systems, cameras,
DVD players, etc., or use of a product with any non-Christie interface device. e. Problems or damage caused by the use of any lamp, replacement part or component purchased or obtained from an
unauthorized distributor of Christie lamps, replacement parts or components including, without limitation, any distributor offering Christie lamps, replacement parts or components through the internet (confirmation of authorized distributors may be obtained from Christie). f. Problems or damage caused by misuse, improper power source, accident, fire, flood, lightning, earthquake or other natural disaster. g. Problems or damage caused by improper installation/alignment, or by equipment modification, if by other than Christie service personnel or a Christie authorized repair service provider. h. Problems or damage caused by use of a product on a motion platform or other movable device where such product has not been designed, modified or approved by Christie for such use. i. Problems or damage caused by use of a projector in the presence of an oil-based fog machine or laser-based lighting that is unrelated to the projector. j. For LCD projectors, the warranty period specified in the warranty applies only where the LCD projector is in “normal use” which means the LCD projector is not used more than 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. k. Except where the product is designed for outdoor use, problems or damage caused by use of the product outdoors unless such product is protected from precipitation or other adverse weather or environmental conditions and the ambient temperature is within the recommended ambient temperature set forth in the specifications for such product. l. Image retention on LCD flat panels. m.Defects caused by normal wear and tear or otherwise due to normal aging of a product. The warranty does not apply to any product where the serial number has been removed or obliterated. The warranty also does not apply to any product sold by a reseller to an end user outside of the country where the reseller is located unless (i) Christie has an office in the country where the end user is located or (ii) the required international warranty fee has been paid. The warranty does not obligate Christie to provide any on site warranty service at the product site location.
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Preventative maintenance is an important part of the continued and proper operation of your product. Please see the Maintenance section for specific maintenance items as they relate to your product. Failure to perform maintenance as required, and in accordance with the maintenance schedule specified by Christie, will void the warranty.
REGULATORY The product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in a commercial environment. The product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of the product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at the user’s own expense.


CAN ICES-3 (A) / NMB-3 (A) (A ) , . Environmental The product is designed and manufactured with high-quality materials and components that can be recycled and reused. This symbol means that electrical and electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from regular waste. Please dispose of the product appropriately and according to local regulations. In the European Union, there are separate collection systems for used electrical and electronic products. Please help us to conserve the environment we live in!



Translated copies of this document are provided on the CD in the back of this document. The CD may also contain additional product documentation. Read all instructions before using or servicing this product.

Le CD au dos de ce document contient des traductions de celui-ci dans différentes langues. Ce CD peut également contenir de la documentation supplémentaire sur le produit. Lisez toutes les instructions avant d’utiliser ou d’entretenir ce produit.
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Le copie tradotte di questo documento sono fornite sul CD, sul retro di questo documento. Il CD potrebbe anche contenere altra documentazione sul prodotto. Si prega di leggere tutte le istruzioni prima di utilizzare questo prodotto o sottoporlo a manutenzione.
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This m anual is int ended for pr ofessionally t r ained oper at or s of Chr ist ie high- br ight ness pr oj ect ion syst em s. These operat ors are qualified t o replace t he lam p and air filt ers, but should not at t em pt t o inst all or ser v ice t he pr oj ect or. Only accr edit ed Chr ist ie t echnicians w ho ar e k now ledgeable about t he hazar ds associat ed w it h high-voltage, ultraviolet exposure, and the high tem peratures generated by the proj ector lam p are aut hor ized t o assem ble, inst all, and ser v ice t he pr oj ect or.
For com plet e D4K256 0 pr oduct docum ent at ion and t echnical suppor t , go t o
Safety and warning guidelines
This proj ect or m ust be operat ed in an environm ent t hat m eet s t he operat ing range specificat ion. Use only t he at t achm ent s and/ or accessor ies r ecom m ended by Chr ist ie. Use of ot her s m ay r esult in t he risk of fire, shock, or personal inj ury.
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Never look direct ly int o t he proj ect or lens or at t he lam p. The ext rem ely high bright ness can cause
perm anent eye dam age. For prot ect ion from ult raviolet radiat ion, keep all proj ect or housings int act during operat ion. Prot ect ive safet y gear and safet y goggles are recom m ended when servicing. · FI RE HAZARD! Keep hands, clot hes, and all com bust ible m at erial away from t he concent rat ed light beam of the lamp.
Caution! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in m inor or m oderat e inj ury. · Posit ion all cables where t hey cannot cont act hot surfaces or be pulled or t ripped over. · The Am erican Conference of Governm ent al I ndust rial Hygienist s ( ACGI H) recom m ends
occupat ional UV exposure for an 8- hour day t o be less than 0.1 m icrowat ts per square centim eters of effect ive UV radiat ion. A workplace evaluat ion is advised t o assure em ployees are not exposed t o cum ulat ive radiation levels exceeding the governm ent guidelines for your area. Be aware that som e m edicat ions are known t o increase sensitivit y t o UV radiat ion. NOTE: During m aint enance and cleaning operations, t he instructions define that the unit m ust not be operat ional, t hus t he lam ps are not act ive and t here are no em issions. Opt ical adj ust m ent s are not considered m aint enance. The lam ps are t urned on during opt ical adj ust m ent s and em issions are pr esen t .

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Installation safety and warning guidelines
Danger! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following result s in deat h or serious inj ury. · This product m ust be inst alled wit hin a rest rict ed access locat ion which is norm ally inaccessible by
t he general public, including workers, visit ors, and resident s in t he im m ediat e vicinit y, by m eans of engineering or adm inistrative control m easures but is accessible to authorized personnel t hat m ay not have specific safety t raining. · This product m ust be locat ed and posit ioned in a way as t o rest rict audience m em bers from direct access to enter the light beam path. · Do not install t he proj ect or overhead. · When inst alling t he proj ector in portrait m ode, the device holding the proj ector m ust have a weight rat ing sufficient t o hold t he weight of t he proj ect or. The proj ect or weighs 125kg ( 275 lbs) . · The proj ect or uses a high- pressure lam p t hat m ay explode if im properly handled. Always wear m anufacturer approved prot ective safety clothing ( gloves, j acket , face shield) when t he lam p door is open or when handling t he lam p. Failure t o com ply result s in deat h or serious inj ury.
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · A qualified technician is required for all installations. · SHOCK HAZARD. Never operat e t he proj ect or wit hout all of it s covers in place. · Use of t he proj ect or’s rear safet y st rap is mandatory t o prevent t he proj ect or from t ipping.
Secure the strap between the proj ector and the surface it is m ounted to. · Four or m ore people are required t o safely lift and hand- carry one proj ect ion head a short dist ance.
Christ ie recom m ends rem oving t he lam p before t ransport ing t he proj ect or. · Two or m ore people are required t o safely lift and hand- carry t he lam p power supply ( LPS) .
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. · Perform an aut om at ic Lam pLOC adj ust m ent when t he lam p is m oved, leveled, or a new lam p is
inst alled in t he proj ect or. · Keep t he proj ect or level when lift ing or t ransport ing. Avoid t ilt ing t he proj ect or t o t he right . This
can int roduce an air bubble int o t he coolant hoses t hat can result in an air lock and the overheating of t he proj ect or.
AC/power precautions
To cor r ect ly inst all t his pr oj ect or, a cer t ified elect r ician m ust inst all a per m anent t hr ee- phase connect ion t o t he lam p pow er supply ( LPS) . The LPS pr oj ect or out let is used t o supply pow er t o t he proj ect or head. Operat e t he proj ect or at t he recom m ended volt age.
Danger! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following result s in deat h or serious inj ury. Disconnect proj ector from AC before opening any enclosure.
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Verify t hat t he proj ect or is using a line cord, socket , and power plug t hat m eet s t he appropriat e
local rat ing st andards. Use only an AC power cord recom m ended by Christ ie. Do not at t em pt operation if the AC supply and cord are not within the specified voltage and power range. · Do not allow anyt hing t o rest on t he power cord. Locat e t he proj ect or where t he cord cannot be abused by persons walking on it or obj ect s rolling over it. Never operat e the proj ect or if the power cable appears dam aged in any way. · Do not overload power out let s and ext ension cords as t his can result in fire or shock hazards.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Lamp precautions

Lam ps used in t he proj ect or are under high pressure and m ust be handled wit h caut ion. Lam ps can explode and cause serious personal inj ury if dropped or m ishandled.
Danger! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following result s in deat h or serious inj ury.
· Never at t em pt t o access t he lam p com part m ent while t he lam p is on. Wait at least 10 m inut es aft er t he lam p t urns off before powering down, disconnect ing from AC, and opening t he lam p door.
· The arc lam p operat es at a high pressure t hat increases wit h t em perat ure. Failure t o allow t he lam p to sufficiently cool before handling, increases the potential for an explosion causing personal inj ury or property dam age.
· Always wear m anufacturer approved protective safety clothing ( gloves, jacket, face shield) when t he lam p door is open or when handling t he lam p. Only qualified t echnicians should inst all proj ect or lam ps.

Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Possibly hazardous opt ical radiat ion em it t ed from t his product . ( Risk group 3) · Therm al radiat ion em it t ed from t his product m ay cause burns. ( Risk group 3)

Recom m ended prot ect ive clot hing includes, but m ay not be lim it ed t o a polycarbonat e face shield,


prot ect ive gloves, and a quilt ed ballist ic nylon j acket or a welder ‘s j acket . This equipm ent is included in included in t he Christ ie Prot ect ive Clot hing Safet y kit

P/ N: 598900- 095.

Christ ie’s prot ect ive clot hing recom m endat ions are subj ect t o change. Any local or federal specificat ions t ake precedence over Christ ie recom m endat ions.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Product safety labels
I ndicates the presence of a grounding point.


I ndicates the presence of an earth grounding point.

I ndicates the presence of a dangerous condition or situation.
I ndicat es t he presence of a pinch hazard. To avoid personal inj ury, keep hands clear and loose clot hing t ied back.
I ndicat es t he presence of a hot surface. To avoid personal inj ury, always allow t he proj ect or t o cool down for a m inim um of 10 m inutes before perform ing m aintenance or service procedures.
I ndicat es t he presence of a hot surface. To avoid personal inj ury, always allow t he proj ect or t o cool down for a m inim um of 10 m inutes before perform ing m aintenance or service procedures.
I ndicat es t he presence of an elect rical shock hazard. To avoid personal inj ury, always disconnect all power sources before perform ing m aintenance or service procedures.
I ndicat es t he presence of an elect rocut ion hazard. To avoid personal inj ury, always disconnect all power sources before perform ing m aintenance or service procedures.
I ndicat es t he presence of m oving fan blades. To avoid personal inj ury, keep hands clear and loose clothing tied back. Always disconnect all power sources before perform ing m aint enance or service p r oced u r es. I ndicat es exposure t o bright light . To avoid personal inj ury, never look direct ly at t he light source.
I ndicat es t he presence of an explosion hazard. To avoid personal inj ury, always disconnect all power sources and wear Christ ie approved prot ect ive clot hing.
I ndicat es t he presence of a fire hazard. To avoid personal inj ury and propert y dam age, always adhere t o t he instruct ions described in this m anual.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Always disconnect all power sources before perform ing m aintenance or service procedures.
See t he product user m anual for specific inform ation and directions.
See the product service m anual for specific inform ation and directions.
Never look direct ly int o t he proj ect or lens. The ext rem ely high bright ness can cause perm anent eye dam age.
This label warns of a cross- connect ion hazard when installing m ultiple proj ectors at once. A fire hazard exists if a lam p power supply interlock cable is connected to a different proj ector than its lam p power cables. For m ore inform at ion, see Adjust the projector tilt and level in the Installation and Setup chapt er

Projector overview
The D4K2560 is a professional qualit y, easy- t o- use, split- body proj ect or using Digit al Light Pr ocessing ( DLPTM) t echnology fr om Tex as I nst r um ent s. I nt egrat ing sm oot hly int o t r adit ional proj ection environm ents; the D4K2560 interfaces with local networks throughout the world, for m ultim edia presentations from a variety of form ats, to offer stunning wide screen, high-resolution 4K im ages at 60 fram es per second.
Contact your dealer
I f y ou encount er a pr oblem w it h y our Chr ist ie pr oj ect or, cont act y our dealer. To assist w it h t he ser v icing of y our pr oj ect or, ent er t he infor m at ion in t he t ables below and k eep t his infor m at ion w it h your records.
Purchase Record
Dealer: Dealer or Christ ie Sales/ Service cont act phone num ber:

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Purchase Record
Proj ect or serial num ber: Purchase dat e: I nst allation date: *The serial number can be found on the license label located on the front panel

Ethernet Settings
Default gateway Proj ect or I P address Subnet m ask
Key features
· 3- chip 4K DLPTM light engine · 4096 x 2160 native pixel format · 2.0 and 3.0 kW Xenon lam ps available · Warp and blend of proj ect ed im ages · Support s screens up t o approxim at ely 100 feet in widt h · Touch panel cont roller ( TPC) for m ain proj ect or int erface. Verify you have t he lat est soft ware by
visit ing · 1x 10/ 100BaseT Et hernet port · RS232 port s for com m unicat ion · 4x Opt ion slot s accept ing a variet y of digit al video input opt ion cards · Lit eLOCTM feat ure for const ant im age bright ness · Lam pLOCTM feat ure for m ot orized t hree- axis lam p alignm ent · Elect ronically operat ed ” quick” douser · Mot orized lens m ount · LED indicat ors on t he rear corners of t he proj ect or for easy- t o- read st at us indicat ion · Replaceable air filt ers ( no t ools required) · Opt ional rack m ount st and · Choice of field- int erchangeable zoom lenses

Model Name

Part Number
1 2 9 – 0 0 9 1 0 0 – XX

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


How the projector works
The D4K2560 accept s a variet y of input signals for proj ect ion on front or rear proj ect ion screens, typical in com m ercial or other large screen applications. High-brightness light is generated by a short arc Xenon lam p, t hen m odulat ed by t hree Digit al Micr om ir r or Device ( DMD) panels r esponding to incom ing data stream s of digitized red, green and blue color inform ation. As these digit al stream s flow from the source, light from the responding ” on” pixels of each panel is reflected, converged and then proj ected to the screen through one or m ore proj ection lenses, where all pixel reflections are superim posed in sharp full- color im ages.
List of components
Ver ify t he follow ing com ponent s w er e r eceiv ed w it h t he pr oj ect or : · Touch panel cont roller ( TPC) · Lens plug ( required for shipping when lens is not inst alled t o prevent cont am inat ion of crit ical optical com ponents) · Light engine rem oval t ool · Convergence t ool · Nylon safety strap with clip ( required to secure proj ector to tabletop or optional rack m ount) · Warrant y card · Shroud · Access keys · Web regist rat ion form

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup

This sect ion explains how t o inst all, connect , and opt im ize t he proj ect or display.
Site requirements
To safely inst all and oper at e t he pr oj ect or, t he inst allat ion locat ion m ust hav e r est r ict ed access for authorized personal only and m eet these m inim um requirem ents.
Physical operating environment
· Maxim um Am bient Tem perat ure ( operat ing) 35° C ( 95° F) · Minim um Am bient Tem perat ure ( operat ing) 10° C ( 50° F)
External exhaust ducting
The inst allat ion sit e m ust pr ov ide a m inim um of 45 0 CFM ( ft 3/ m in) ex t er nal ex haust air flow t o ensur e adequat e cooling of t he Xenon ar c lam p at less t han or equal t o 25° C ( 77° F) am bient and less t han 3 , 00 0 ft ( 91 4. 4 m ) elevat ion. Abov e 2 5° C or 3, 000 ft , 6 00 CFM is r equir ed. For m or e det ails, see Connect external exhaust ducting on page 2 7.
Power connection
The requirem ent s list ed below are applicable for perm anent ly wired inst allat ion or power cord con n ect ion :
· Term inal block, elect rician hard- wired t o t he proj ect or head. · Elect rical rat ing: 200 – 240 VAC, 23 A m ax. · This product can be connect ed t o an I T power dist ribut ion syst em .
Tools required for installation
· 12″ screwdrivers: Phillips # 2 ( m agnet ic) and flat · 19m m and 7/ 8″ wrenches · Assort ed Allen keys ( m et ric)

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup
· Christ ie approved prot ect ive safet y clot hing if working wit h t he lam p · Lens cleaning t issue and solut ion

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup

Projector components





ID Item
A Touch panel cont roller ( TPC) B LED st at us indicat ors
C Manual douser override
D Lam p door and lam ps
E Exhaust duct and vane swit ch F Liquid cooling air filt er Ccver
and air filter G Shroud ( t wo- piece) H Proj ect ion lens I Air filt er cover and air filt er

A t ouch- sensit ive screen used t o cont rol and m onit or operat ion. For inform at ion about TPC cont rols and set t ings, see Menus on page 50.
LED color and blinking rat es ( locat ed in bot h back corners of t he proj ect or) provide inform at ion about t he st at us of t he proj ect or. For inform at ion about proj ect or st at es and st at us, see LED expected behavior on power up on page 45.
Closing t he douser rot at es a shut t er blade in front of t he lam p and reduces t he lam p power t o 2.0 kW t o conserve lam p life. The override is for em ergency use only.
The lam p door provides access t o t he lam p com part m ent and m ust rem ain closed and locked for norm al operat ion. Lam p replacem ent should only be perform ed by qualified t echnicians. For a com plet e list of available lam p types, see Accessories on page 80.
Ext ract s heat ed air from t he lam p com part m ent . The vane swit ch m ount ed inside the rigid port m onitors airflow. See Site requirements on page 20.
Filt ers air before it circulat es t o cool t he heat exchanger. For replacem ent inst ruct ions, see Maintenance shutdown on page 57.
Covers t he m ot orized lens m ount assem bly.
A variet y of lenses can be used wit h t he D4K2560Mirage 4K25. For a list of available lenses, see on page 82
Filt ers t he int ake air before it circulat es t hrough t he front com part m ent t o cool t he m ain elect ronics. For replacem ent inst ruct ions, see Maintenance shutdown on page 57.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup

ID Item
J I nput panel faceplate

Provides a variet y of port s for connect ing ext ernal devices. For inform at ion about connect ing devices and inputs, see Connect Devices on page 31.

Position the projector

Keep t he proj ect or lens as perpendicular t o t he screen as possible, even if significant ly above t he


screen cent er. When a part icularly short t hrow dist ance com bines wit h a wide screen, you m ay have to forfeit som e aim and stay m ore perpendicular to the screen. I n such cases, som e lens offset can

reduce the keystone distortion.

1. Posit ion t he proj ect or at an appropriat e t hrow dist ance ( proj ect or- t o- screen dist ance) and vert ical posit ion. I deally, cent er t he proj ect or wit h t he screen. I f space is lim it ed, aim t he proj ect or slight ly off- cent er. This increases side keyst oning, but reduces t he horizont al lens offset required.



2. I f using an opt ional rack st and ( P/ N: 108- 282101- 02) , assem ble t he rack st and using t he inst ruct ions provided wit h t he rack st and. Use t he hold down clam p ( P/ N: 116- 100101- 01) when securing the proj ector to the rack stand.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup
Connect to AC power
Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Cert ified elect rician required during inst allat ion. Ground ( eart h) connect ion is necessary for
safet y. Never com prom ise safet y by ret urning t he current t hrough t he ground. Connect ground FI RST t o reduce shock hazard. · Use an appropriate strain relief connect or on t he AC supply cable t o prevent t he cable from rubbing against t he LPS knockout plat e and becom ing dam aged.
When connect ing t he proj ect or direct ly t o AC power, follow all elect rical codes for your location. I n addition, follow these recom m endations: · Use 10AWG or 8AWG wiring. The dist ance bet ween t he wall circuit breaker and t he
proj ect or m ust not exceed 20 m et ers using 10AWG cables or 30 m et ers using 8AWG cables. · For Nort h Am erican inst allat ions, use at least 10AWG copper wires for t he connect ion of t he
m ain AC supply t o t he proj ect or ‘s ground lug. · Copper or alum inum are accept able as conduct or wiring m at erial t o t he t erm inal block.
When connect ing the proj ect or to AC power with a pluggable type- B cable, follow all elect rical codes for your location. I n addition, follow these recom m endations: · There m ust be easy access t o t he current prot ect ion device or breaker in t he building. · Use m inim um 10AWG wiring, wit h a m axim um lengt h of 4.5 m for U.S and Canada. For
international installations the length should be based on the local electrical codes. · The socket- out let is inst alled near t he equipm ent and is easily accessible. · The plug can be used as t he device disconnect and is near t he unit and easily accessible.
The circuit breaker on t he proj ect or baseplat e ( locat ed under t he front lens- side corner) can also be used as a m eans of disconnect.
1. On t he bot t om of t he proj ect or in t he front lam p- side corner, loosen t he t wo screws and slide the access panel to expose the term inal block.
2. Rem ove four screws securing t he knockout plat e t o t he bot t om right corner of t he front bezel. Rem ove t he knockout plat e. The AC supply is rout ed t o t he t erm inal block t hrough an appropriate strain relief m ounted on this knockout plate.



D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup

3. Connect t o t he t erm inal block.

The t erm inal block accom m odat es up t o an eight


AWG wire. I f required, use a 90° st rain relief connector to route the power cable in a downward

dir ect ion .

Always connect the ground lead first to reduce shock hazard.

· I f connect ing t o perm anent power, connect t he AC power source to the term inal block, beginning with the ground lead.
· I f connecting to a pluggable type- B cable, connect the cable to the term inal block, beginning with the ground lead.
· Use an appropriat ely sized st rain relief connect or wit h t he knockout plat e provided t o ensure adequate environm ent al sealing and to prevent the cables from wear and accidentally being t orn out.

4. Reinst all t he knockout plat e and secure it wit h four screws. 5. Reinst all t he bot t om access panel over t he t erm inal block and secure it wit h t wo screws. I f using a pluggable t ype- B cable, connect t o t he building’s AC power source.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup

Adjust the projector tilt and level
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · The proj ect or ‘s rear safet y st rap m ust be in place before adj ust ing t he proj ect or feet . · Do not over- ext end t he feet . Make sure several t hreads are engaged int o t he proj ect or ‘s baseplat e
to secure the proj ector from falling.
Adj ust t he proj ect or t ilt t o fill t he m axim um am ount of screen while m inim izing keyst one. Lens offset can be used to center the im age in the center of the screen..
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. The front- t o- back t ilt of t he proj ect or m ust not exceed 15 degrees.

1. Secure a safet y lift ing st rap rat ed t o handle t he proj ect or weight at t he rear of t he proj ect or.

2. Hoist up t he proj ect or.

3. To adj ust t he vert ical or horizont al posit ion of t he proj ect or, ext end or ret ract t he adj ust able feet on the bottom of the proj ector ( A) .

4. Once t he required adj ust m ent is m ade, t ight en t he lock nut against the bottom of the proj ector ( B) .

The proj ect or provides 4 inches of adj ust m ent at t he front and 11.5


inches of adj ust m ent at t he rear.

5. I f the vertical or horizontal position of the proj ector requires m ore

adj ustm ent than the standard feet allow, two 6- inch extension rods


can be installed to increase the am ount of available adj ustm ent.

Install the foot extension rods
1. Elevat e t he rear of t he proj ect or t o access t he t wo rear feet . 2. Rem ove t he feet by loosening t he lock nut and rot at ing t he each foot out of t he proj ect or. 3. Add the extension rods to the standard feet. 4. Thread t he ext ended feet int o t he proj ect or ‘s baseplat e. 5. Adj ust the feet until the required tilt is achieved. 6. Lock t he feet in place by t urning each lock nut unt il it fit s t ight against t he proj ect or.




19 mm

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup
Install the touch panel controller
1. Loosen t he m ount ing arm j ust enough for t he end t o fit over t he ball j oint locat ed on t he rear panel of t he proj ect or. The t ouch panel cont roller ( TPC) becom es loose from t he m ount ing arm when t he m ount ing arm lock is loosened.
2. Tight en t he m ount ing arm lock unt il it fit s t ight ly on t he j oint . The TPC safet y st rap com es inst alled on t he proj ect or ball point .
3. Connect t he cable from t he t ouch panel cont roller ( TPC) t o t he connect or on t he rear panel of t he proj ect or.
4. Adj ust t he TPC angle for opt im al viewing, t hen t ight en t he m ount ing arm lock securely so t hat t he TPC is held in place at t he required locat ion.

Connect external exhaust ducting
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury.
At m inim um , a 10- inch ( 25.4 cm ) long, st rong m et al duct m ust be inst alled at t he proj ect or and inst alled t o an out side venting duct syst em t o prevent glass shards from exiting the duct in the event of a lam p explosion.
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age.

  • 600 CFM is required in proj ect ion room s wit h an am bient t em perat ure above 25° C or located at an elevation greater than 3000 feet above sea level.
    Connect t he ex ist ing out side- v ent ing duct t o t he 8- inch diam et er ex haust por t on t he t op of t he pr oj ect or. Mak e sur e there are no obstructions or bends in the ducting or air int akes and t he vane swit ch at t he exit duct m oves freely.
    The pre- inst alled out side-vent ing duct should be rigid at t he proj ector and m ust also include a heat extractor and blower t hat m aint ains a m inim um of 45 0 CFM* w hen t he pr oj ect or is oper at ing at less t han or equal t o 25° C ( 77° F) am bient and less than 3,000 feet ( 914.4 m ) , when m easured at the proj ector exhaust opening.
    To det er m ine t he pr oj ect or ex haust CFM value, use an air flow m eter to m easure the ft/ m in at the rigid end of the open ex haust duct t hat connect s t o t he pr oj ect or. Tak e t he m easurem ent at the end of the duct without the proj ector con n ect ed.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup

Use t his for m ula t o det er m ine t he CFM value for t he pr oj ect or : CFM = 0.35 × Measured ft/min

Lamp Type

Min. Airflow (CFM) Required

2.0 kW

450 CFM*

3.0 kW

450 CFM*

  • 600 CFM is required in proj ect ion room s wit h am bient t em perat ure above 25° C ( 77° F) or elevat ion ( above sea level) great er t han 3000 feet ( 914.4 m ) .

Add an ext ract or or a boost er if t here is insufficient airflow. Do not m ount t he ext ract or on t he proj ector as this m ay introduce som e vibration into the im age.
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. Never disable the vane switch. Att em pting to operat e t he proj ect or wit h inadequat e airflow can result in dangerous overheat ing of t he proj ect or.

To prevent t he proj ect or from overheat ing or becom ing unsafe, an alarm sounds if t he duct


is obst ruct ed or a fan fails. Christ ie recom m ends regularly verifying t hat t he exhaust is unobst ruct ed and funct ioning correct ly.

Remove the projector shroud
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Never install the shroud for overhead installations.
The lens side shroud m ust be rem oved t o gain access t o t he lens. The ot her shroud m ust be r em oved w hen connect ing t he AC pow er cor d int o t he fr ont face of t he pr oj ect or.
1. Use finger pressure t o push down on t he shroud clips locat ed at t he t op and bot t om of t he shroud as shown by the arrows.
2. Carefully slide t he shroud sideways and forward away from t he lens m ount and lens.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup

1 2

3. Place t he shroud covers on a clean surface t o prevent scrat ches.

Set up the lens

Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Keep fingers and ot her body part s away from t he m oving part s in t he proj ect or. Mot ors and fans
m ay start without warning. · Tie back long hair, rem ove j ewelry and loose clot hing before m anually adj ust ing t he proj ect or. ·
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. The lens seals t he proj ect ion head, prevent ing cont am inant s from ent ering t he m ain elect ronics area. Do not operat e t he proj ect or wit hout a lens installed. Use a lens plug when inst alling or t ransport ing t he proj ect or.

1. Rem ove t he proj ect or shroud.

2. Make sure t he lens locking lever is in t he up posit ion.

3. I f attached, rem ove the rear lens cap from the lens.

4. Slide the lens into the lens m ount, aligning all connections.

Always install t he lens wit h UP label in the t op posit ion t o achieve consist ent boresight


alignm ent each t im e t he lens is replaced.

5. Secure the lens with the lens locking lever ( down position) .
6. Calibrat e t he lens m ot ors.
For m or e det ails, see Work with lenses on page 48, Remove the projector shroud on page 28 , and Calibrate the lens motors on page 65.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Installation and Setup
Portrait mode
1. Orient t he proj ect or in t he fram e wit h t he lam p door facing downward ( as shown) . The m axim um t ilt angle is ± 15 degrees.
2. Set up the custom er- supplied m ounting fram e. The m ount ing fram e m ust be designed t o accom m odat e t he weight and m ount ing provisions of t he proj ect or.
3. Rem ove t he proj ect or feet . 4. At t ach t he proj ect or t o t he m ount ing fram e using t he four M12 holes ( norm ally used for
proj ect or feet ) on t he bot t om side of t he proj ect or. Mount ing bolt s m ust be grade 8.8 or higher and t orqued t o 60 ft- lbs.
5. Perform a lam p alignm ent .

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Connect Devices
This sect ion pr ov ides infor m at ion and pr ocedur es for connect ing ex t er nal dev ices t o t he pr oj ect or. Com m unicat ion and input por t s ar e locat ed on t he pr oj ect or side input panel, accessed by r em ov ing t he input panel cov er. When connect ing dev ices, y ou can r out e cables t hr ough t he opening in t he fram e t o t he side input panel or dir ect ly t o t he v ideo opt ion car ds and MCPU. The im age below show s t he v ideo opt ion car d slot num ber s and t he MCPU panel. I nput signal devices are connected to the video option cards and the option card slot num bers are im por t ant for som e t y pes of input signals. Com m unicat ion dev ices ar e connect ed at t he MCPU panel.

Input video mapping

Video input m apping depends on t he t y pe of car ds used for t he Four – Por t or Tw o- por t input con f igu r at ion s.

Four-Port: 3GIC, TDPIC, THIC cards

The follow ing t able show s t he v ideo quadrant m appings for t he 3GI C, TDPI C, and THI C Four – Por t input configurations:

Four- Port I nput Configurat ion–Two Cards ( 1)

Slot 1


Slot 1


Quadrant s Top left Bot tom left

Colum ns 1 (left m ost) 2

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Connect Devices

Slot 2


Slot 2


Four- Port I nput Configurat ion–Two Cards ( 2)

Slot 3


Slot 3


Slot 4


Slot 4


Four- Port I nput Configurat ion–Four Cards

Slot 1


Slot 2


Slot 3


Slot 4


Top right Bot tom right Quadrant s Top left Bot tom left Top right Bot tom right Quadrant s Top left Top right Bot tom left Bot tom right

3 4 Colum ns 1 (left m ost) 2 3 4 Colum ns 1 (left m ost) 2 3 4

Four-Port: DDIC card

The follow ing t able show s t he v ideo quadrant m appings for t he DDI C Four – Por t input configurat ion:

Four- Port I nput Configurat ion

Slot 1

1- Dual Link DVI – I

Slot 2

1- Dual Link DVI – I

Slot 3

1- Dual Link DVI – I

Slot 4

1- Dual Link DVI – I

Quadrant s Top left Top right Bot tom left Bot tom right

Colum ns 1 ( left m ost) 2 3 4

Two-Port: TDPIC card

Tw o- Port I nput Configurat ion–Two Cards ( 1)

Slot 1


Slot 2


Tw o- Port I nput Configurat ion–Two Cards ( 2)

Slot 3


Slot 4


Two-Port: DDIC card

Colum ns 1 (left m ost) 2 Colum ns 1 (left m ost) 2

Tw o- Port I nput Configurat ion–Two Cards ( 1)

Slot 1

1- Dual Link DVI – I

Slot 2

1- Dual Link DVI – I

Tw o- Port I nput Configurat ion–Two Cards ( 2)

Slot 3

1- Dual Link DVI – I

Colum ns 1 (left m ost) 2 Colum ns 1 (left m ost)

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Connect Devices

Slot 4

1- Dual Link DVI – I


Connect a video source using DisplayPort

The Tw in Display Por t I nput car d ( TDPI C) accept s digit al v ideo dat a fr om t he Display Por t sour ces. The input configurat ions list ed below are support ed.

Input Configuration
Four – Por t
Tw o Port One- Port



Enables connect ion of four DisplayPort cables t o t wo or four TDPI C cards. Each DisplayPort input supplies one quadrant or colum n of a 4K input im age. This configurat ion support s high resolut ion and high fram e rate input video stream s.

Two or four TDPI C car d s

Enables connect ion of t wo DisplayPort cables t o t wo TDPI C cards. Each Two TDPI C cards DisplayPort input supplies one of t wo colum ns of a 4K input im age.

Enables connect ion of one DisplayPort cable t o t he 1- I N input of a TDPI C card ( any slot ) . I n t his configurat ion t he DisplayPort input supplies t he ent ire video rast er.

One TDPI C card

Connect a video source using 3G Input card

The 3G I nput car d ( 3GI C) accept s digit al v ideo dat a fr om HD and 3G- SDI ( Ser ial Digit al I nt er face) sources. The input configurat ions list ed below are support ed.





Four – Por t

Enables connect ion of four SDI cables t o t wo 3GI C cards. Each SDI input supplies one quadrant or colum n of a 4K input im age. This configuration supports high resolution and high fram e rate input video stream s.

Two 3GI C cards

One- Port

Enables connect ion of one SDI cable t o t he 1- I N input of a 3GI C card ( in any slot) . I n this configuration the SDI input supplies t he ent ire video rast er.

One 3GI C card

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Connect Devices

Connect a video source using HDMI

The Tw in HDMI I nput car d ( THI C) accept s digit al v ideo dat a fr om HDMI sour ces. The input configurations list ed below are supported.





Four – Por t

Enables connect ion of four HDMI cables t o t wo THI C cards. Each HDMI input supplies one quadrant or colum n of a 4K input im age. This configurat ion support s high resolut ion and high fram e rat e input video stream s.

Two THI C cards

One- Port

Enables connect ion of one HDMI cable t o t he 1- I N input of a THI C card ( in any slot ) . I n t his configuration, t he HDMI input supplies t he ent ire video rast er.

One THI C card

Connect a video source using DVI

The Dual Link DVI I nput car d ( DDI C) accept s digit al v ideo dat a fr om DVI sour ces. I t does not support incom ing analog signals. The input configurat ions list ed below are support ed.





Four – Por t

Enables connect ion of four DVI cables t o four DDI C cards. Each DVI input supplies one quadrant or colum n of a 4K input im age. This configuration supports high resolution and high fram e rate input video st ream s.

Four DDI C cards

Tw o Port

Enables connect ion of t wo DVI cables t o t wo DDI C cards. Each DVI input supplies one of two colum ns of a 4K im age.

Two DDI C cards

One- Port

Enables connect ion of one DVI cable t o t he DVI input of a DDI C card (in any slot) . I n this configuration, t he DVI input supplies the entire video rast er.

One DDI C card

Dual Link DVI Input


1 – Dual Link DVI-I

Analog Digital

2 – VGA


D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Connect Devices
Select a video source
Aft er connect ing a v ideo sour ce t o t he pr oj ect or, y ou m ust select it using t he t ouch panel cont r oller ( TPC) .
1. On t he TPC, select Input > Channel. 2. Scroll the list of channels until you find the channel that best m atches your configuration. 3. Tap t he channel.
An im age appears on the screen. I f an im age does not appear on the screen, repeat steps 1 to 3, selecting a different channel.
Connect a computer or server
To com m unicat e w it h a r em ot e com put er, ser v er or an ex ist ing net w or k , use an RJ- 45 cable t o connect t he Et her net hub or sw it ch t o t he Et her net por t , locat ed on t he pr oj ect or MCPU faceplat e. When using t he Chr ist ie ser ial pr ot ocol over Et her net , connect t o por t 3 002. For applicat ions or equipm ent using ser ial com m unicat ions, use t he Chr ist ie- pr opr iet ar y ser ial pr ot ocol t o com m unicat e w it h t he RS42 2 por t or t he RS232 por t s on t he MCPU faceplat e.
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. The RS232 port locat ed on t he MCPU faceplat e uses Christ ie- propriet ary prot ocol and is int ended for Christ ie accessories or aut om at ion cont rollers only. For m ore inform at ion on t he serial com m ands, see t he D4K-60 Serial API Commands Technical Reference (P/N: 020-101258-XX).

Set up the ethernet
Et her net is set up t o obt ain an I P addr ess aut om at ically if a DHCP ser v er is on t he net w or k . To m odify I P settings, or m anually enter an address.
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Configuration > Ethernet Settings > Modify IP Settings.
2. Set the network inform ation for the proj ector: · To obt ain inform at ion aut om at ically from t he net work, t ap Automatic. · To m anually ent er t he net work inform at ion, t ap Manual and ent er t he IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway ( opt ional) .
3. Click Ok.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Adjust the Image

This sect ion provides inform at ion and procedures for adj ust ing t he proj ect or im age.
Select screen image orientation
The proj ect or support s front proj ect ion, rear proj ect ion, front proj ect ion invert ed, and rear proj ection inverted.
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Configuration > Screen Image Orientation. 2. Select the required orientation from the list.
Maximize light output
To ensur e opt im al operat ion, use Lam pLOC t o adj ust t he lam p posit ion w henev er a new lam p is installed or changes in the proj ector orientation ( for exam ple, from / to portrait m ode) .
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Lamp > LampLOC. 2. Tap Auto LampLOC.
Align the image
This procedure ensures t hat t he im age reflect ed from t he digit al m icrom irror device ( DMD) is parallel and cent er ed w it h t he lens and scr een. Com plet e t his pr ocedur e befor e adj ust ing bor esight .
1. Verify t hat t he proj ect or is properly locat ed and posit ioned relat ive t o t he screen. 2. Display a t est pat t ern t hat can be used t o analyze im age focus and geom et ry. 3. Perform a prelim inary focus and ( if available) a zoom adj ust m ent wit h t he prim ary lens
installed. Always focus the center of the im age first. 4. With the test pattern on screen, re- check the proj ector leveling so the top edge of the im age is
parallel to the top edge of the screen. For m or e det ails, see Position the projector on page 2 3 and Work with lenses on page 48.
Adjust offset
Pr oj ect an im age w it h t he pr im ar y lens. Alw ay s adj ust offset befor e adj ust ing bor esight .

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Adjust the Image Select a fram ing t est pat t ern and t hen adj ust t he vert ical ( A) and horizont al ( B) offset s t o display a squar e im age on t he scr een, w it h m inim al pr oj ect or aim ing er r or.

For t he best opt ical perform ance and m inim al keyst one, use offset s inst ead of aim ing at t he cent er of


the im age, in off-axis installat ions.

Avoid ext rem e t ilt s or offset s. Corner vignet t es on a whit e t est pat t ern indicat e ext rem e offset t hat

should be avoided using m echanical alignm ent.

Adjust horizontal boresight
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. When doing optical adj ustm ents on an operating proj ector and the top lid is rem oved, everyone wit hin t he im m ediat e vicinit y m ust wear safet y glasses wit h side shields and Christ ie approved prot ect ive safet y clot hing ( P/ N: 598900- 95) .
The purpose of boresight adj ust m ent is t o balance t he t ilt of t he lens m ount t o com pensat e for screen- t oproj ector t ilt.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


1. Loosen t he lens m ount st abilizat ion screw ( D) .

Adjust the Image





2. Loosen t he horizont al lock screw ( A) . 3. Ext end t he lens focus ( B) com plet ely. 4. Adj ust t he Focus using t he focus knob t o ret ract t he lens. Wat ch t he im age at t he left edge of
the screen until it com es into focus. I f the entire screen is in focus, proceed to step 7. 5. Cont inue ret ract ing t he lens.
a. I f the right side of the im age com es into focus before the lens is com pletely retracted, adj ust t he horizont al boresight bolt ( C) t o balance t he left and right edges.
6. I f t he right side of t he im age fails t o focus, adj ust t he horizont al boresight bolt ( C) .When bot h sides appear equally blurry, adj ust t he offset s t o re- cent er t he im age.Repeat st eps 1 t o 5 unt il both sides of t he im age are focused.
7. Tight en t he lock screw ( A) and t he lens m ount st abilizat ion screw ( D) t o m aint ain t he adj ustm ents.
8. Check t he boresight again. 9. Unless proceeding t o adj ust vert ical boresight , perform a lens calibrat ion. For m or e det ails, see Calibrate the lens motors on page 65 .
Adjust vertical boresight
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. When doing optical adj ustm ents on an operating proj ector and the top lid is rem oved, everyone wit hin t he im m ediat e vicinit y m ust wear safet y glasses wit h side shields and Christ ie approved prot ect ive safet y clot hing ( P/ N: 598900- 95) .
1. Focus t he im age at t he t op edge of t he screen

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


2. Loosen t he lens m ount st abilizat ion screw ( D) .

Adjust the Image





3. Loosen t he vert ical lock screw ( A) . 4. Ext end t he lens focus ( B) com plet ely. 5. Adj ust t he Focus knob t o ret ract t he lens. Wat ch t he im age at t he t op edge of t he screen unt il
it com es into focus. I f the entire screen is in focus, proceed to step 8. 6. Cont inue ret ract ing t he lens.
a. I f t he bottom edge of the im age com es into focus before the lens is com pletely retracted, adj ust t he vert ical boresight bolt ( C) t o direct or aim t he lens m ount UP t owards t he t op of the screen to balance out the top/ bottom edges.
b. I f t he t op edge of t he im age is not in focus, adj ust t he vert ical boresight bolt ( C) t o direct or aim the lens m ount toward the bottom of the screen.
7. When bot h sides appear equally blurry, adj ust t he horizont al and/ or vert ical offset t o re- cent er the im age on the screen.
8. Repeat St eps 2 t o 5 unt il t he t op and bot t om of t he screen are bot h well- focused. 9. Re- focus t he cent er of t he im age. The goal is for good focus at t he cent er and on all sides. 10. Tight en t he lock screw ( A) and t he lens m ount st abilizat ion screw ( D) t o m aint ain t he
adj ustm ents. 11. Check t he boresight again. 12. Perform a lens calibrat ion. For m or e det ails, see Calibrate the lens motors on page 65 .

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Adjust the Image
Lock the lens offsets
The lens lock ing feat ur e r educes im age v ibrat ion. For m ost applicat ions lens lock ing is not necessar y.
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. When doing opt ical adj ust m ent s on an operating proj ector and the top lid is rem oved, everyone wit hin t he im m ediat e vicinit y m ust wear safet y glasses wit h side shields and Christ ie approved prot ect ive safet y clot hing ( P/ N: 598900- 95) . Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. Lens locking requires t he disabling of t he lens offset and focus. Do not at t em pt t o adj ust t he lens offset with the offset locking screws installed.
1. Use t he t ouch panel cont roller ( TPC) or m anually adj ust t he lens offset s t o t he required posit ion. 2. Unpack and inst all t he t hree lens offset locking screws.

3. Tight en each locking screw unt il each screw cont act s t he lens offset collar.

4. Wit h equal pressure, t ight en each locking screw against t he lens offset collar.

5. Disconnect the lens m otor com m unication cable.

When the lens m ot or com m unication cable is disconnect ed, t he proj ect or displays an error


m essage on t he TPC or t he LCD display, ident ifying t he loss of com m unicat ion wit h t he lens m ount m otors. I gnore this error m essage.

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Adjust the Image

Adjust DMD convergence
A convergence problem occurs when one or m ore proj ected colors ( red, green, blue) appears m isaligned when exam ined wit h a convergence t est pat t ern. Norm ally, t he t hree colors should overlap precisely to form pure white lines throughout the im age and one or m ore poorly converged individual colors m ay appear adj acent to som e or all of the lines. Cont act y our Chr ist ie accr edit ed ser v ice t echnician t o cor r ect DMD conv er gence issues.

Color correction
The D4 K2 560 pr ov ides pr edefined and cust om color adj ust m ent s using t he Color Cor r ect ion m enu. The available color adj ust m ent cont rols are list ed in t he t able below:



Max Drives

Turns off all color adj ust m ent s allowing t he proj ect or t o run at m axim um bright ness.

Color Tem perat ur e Allows t he specificat ion of a color t em perat ure as expressed in degrees Kelvin. St andard settings are:
· 930 0K–Close t o t he whit e of m any com put er m onit ors. · 650 0K–St andard for color video in bot h st andard and HD form at s. · 540 0K–St andard for graphics and black and whit e video. · 320 0K–Useful if t he proj ect ed im age is t o be filt ered, or shot as part of a st udio set
illum inated wit h incandescent light ing.

HD Video

Sets the output color value t o the HD video standard.

Cust om

Allows cust om color adj ust m ent s t o be m ade by t he proj ect or operat or.

Adjust color by temperature

Color t em perat ure adj ust s t he overall color gam ut and does not allow for precise adj ust m ent s of


specific prim ary colors.

1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Configuration > Color Correction > Select Color Adjustment.
2. From t he list , select Color Temperature. 3. Tap Color Temperature. 4. Adj ust the tem perature value and tap OK.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Adjust the Image
Adjust color by precise chromaticity values
Adj ust ing t he color chrom at icit y values overwrit es any set t ings applied in t he Color Sat urat ion m enu.
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Configuration > Color Correction > Select Color Adjustment.
2. From t he list , select Custom. 3. Tap Color Adjustments by X,Y. 4. Adj ust the precise hues of each prim ary color com ponent.
Adjust color by saturation
Adj ust ing t he color sat urat ion overwrit es any set t ings applied in t he Color Adj ust m ent s by X,Y m enu.
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Configuration > Color Correction > Select Color Adjustment.
2. From t he list , select Custom. 3. Tap Color Saturation. 4. Adj ust the hue of each prim ary color by using m ore or less of it in relation to the other prim ary
color s.
Adjust the fold mirror
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. When doing optical adj ustm ents on an operating proj ector and the top lid is rem oved, everyone wit hin t he im m ediat e vicinit y m ust wear safet y glasses wit h side shields and Christ ie approved prot ect ive safet y clot hing ( P/ N: 598900- 95) .
I f a corner or edge of an im age is m issing, the fold m irror m ight be m isaligned with the optical sy st em . To cor r ect t his issue:
1. Rem ove t he four screws securing t he fold m irror plat e, on t he underside of t he proj ect or. 2. Adj ust the fold m irror:
· Adj ust t he screw on t he lens side t o raise or lower t he im age.

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Adjust the Image · Adj ust t he screw on t he lam p side t o m ove t he im age left or right .

Base of projector

FRONT image

3mm hex driver

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



This sect ion pr ov ides infor m at ion and pr ocedur es for operat ing t he pr oj ect or.
Projector LED status indicators



Solid Green


Solid Yellow

Standby m ode

Solid Green, Yellow and Red AC is on

Flashing Green

Warm up

Flashing Yellow

Cool down

Flashing Red Flashing Green and Yellow

Alarm or warning preset AC on to standby

Video electronics are on, the lam p is on. Video elect ronics are off, lam p is off. MCPU board soft ware has not st art ed init ializat ion. Video elect ronics are init ializing, lam p is striking and warming up. Lam p is off, video elect ronics and lam p are cooling down. Problem wit h t he proj ect or m ust be addressed. MCPU board soft ware has st art ed init ializat ion.

Turn the projector on
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Do not att em pt t o turn the project or on if t he AC supply is not wit hin t he specified volt age range.

1. Set the breaker switch on the proj ector baseplate to the on position. 2. When t he proj ect or reaches st andby, on t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Home > Power. For m or e det ails on t he specified v olt age range, see Power requirements on page 7 8.

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LED expected behavior on power up
The follow ing t able show s t he ex pect ed behav ior of t he pr oj ect or LED and t he MCPU boar d pow er LED on pow er up:

Applying AC power to the proj ector head Within the first second At approxim at ely 30 seconds At approxim at ely 50 seconds

Projector LEDs
Solid red Solid green Solid yellow
Solid red Solid green Solid yellow
Off red Blinking yellow Blinking green
Off/ blinking red Solid yellow Off green

MCPU Board Power LED
Yellow Blinking green Blinking green Solid green

At appr ox im at ely one m inut e and 15 seconds, t he TPC indicat es t hat it is connect ed and show s t he home page.

Turn the projector off

1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap t he Home t ab.

2. Tap Power.

When powering off in preparat ion for inspect ion or m aint enance, always disconnect from AC


and set the projector breaker to the off positions.

Work with lamps
This sect ion provides inform at ion and procedures for opt im izing lam p perform ance t o ensure t he brightest, m ost uniform im age possible for the life of the lam p.
Adjust lamp power
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Lamp > Lamp Power. 2. Use t he slider or ent er a value t o adj ust t he lam p power. 3. Tap OK.

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Adjust the lamp position with LampLOC
Use Lam pLOC t o configure t he lam p posit ion and geom et ry w hen inst alling a new lam p in t he proj ector or at any other tim e when the lam p perform ance needs to be optim ized. Before adj usting Lam pLOC, m ak e sur e t he follow ing cr it er ia is m et :
1. Make sure t he lam p is on and t he douser ( shut t er) is open during adj ust m ent . Christ ie recom m ends a 10- m inut e warm – up.
2. Perform t he Lam pLOC procedure. For m or e det ails, see Calibrate the lamp below.
Calibrate the lamp
The lam p should be re- calibrat ed when any of t he following condit ions are m et : · Aft er t he lam p has been replaced. · Aft er t he proj ect or has been m oved and/ or j ost led. · Aft er t he lam p m ot or I MCB has been replaced.
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Lamp > LampLOC. 2. Tap Auto LampLOC. 3. Adj ust optical com ponents if required.
Manually adjust the lamp position
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap t he Home t ab. 2. Tap Test Pattern and select 17pt White Field Test Point. 3. Mount a light m et er on a t ripod and cent er it wit h t he lens.
The dist ance from t he lens does not m at t er. An at t enuat or or an int ernal foil apert ure m ay be required 4. Tap Menu > Lamp > LampLOC. 5. Tap t he direct ional arrows t o adj ust t he value displayed in t he Z field, unt il t he bright ness reading in front of the lens is m axim ized. 6. Tap t he direct ional arrows t o adj ust t he values displayed in t he X and Y fields unt il t he brightness values in each field are m axim ized. 7. For a finer adj ust m ent , repeat st eps 5 and 6 but t ake t he readings at t he cent er of t he screen instead of at the lens.
View lamp information
To v iew a hist or y of all pr ev iously inst alled lam ps, on t he t ouch panel cont r oller, t ap Menu > Lamp > Lamp History.

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Track lamp intensity with LiteLoc
Use t he Lit eLoc feat ure t o m aint ain a const ant level of bright ness over t he lifet im e of t he lam p. 1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Lamp > Lamp Power. 2. To adj ust t he lam p power, use t he slider or ent er a value unt il t he display is as bright as required. 3. Tap OK. 4. Tap Lamp Mode. 5. Tap Constant Intensity. Not ice t he Lam p Power opt ion is greyed out so you cannot adj ust it . To readj ust t he lam p power, select Lamp Mode > Lamp Power. From t he Lam p Power opt ion, adj ust t he power setting as applicable.
Lamp details

Lamp Type
CDXL- 20 ( 2.0 kW) CDXL- 20SP ( 2.0 kW) CDXL- 30 ( 3.0 kW) CDXL- 30SD ( 3.0 kW) CDXL- 30SP ( 3.0 kW)

Replace Before
2400 hours 3200 hours 1500 hours 1500 hours 1900 hours

Min. Lamp Power
1000W (50% ) 1400W 2000W (67% ) 2100W 2100W

Max. Lamp Power
2200W (110% ) 2000W 3300W (110% ) 3000W 3000W

Record new lamp information

The lam p serial num ber is an alphanum eric, user- defined field. Christ ie recom m ends choosing a


distinct and descriptive nam e for every individual lam p.

1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Lamp > Change Lamp. 2. Ent er a Lamp Type, Serial Number and Hours Used. 3. Tap Apply Lamp Change. 4. Tap Continue.
Add lamp end-of-life indicator
Specify the num ber of hours rem aining before issuing an end- of- life indicator for the lam p. 1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Lamp

Lamp life warning at (hours). 2. To specify t he num ber of hours rem aining before issuing an end- of- life indicat or, ent er a value or use the plus and m inus buttons to increase or decrease the value.

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A value of zero disables the feature. 3. Tap OK.
When t he specified num ber of hours is reached, a Lam p Hours – past expiry warning is issued.

Work with lenses
The lens m ount secures t he proj ect ion lens t o t he proj ect or and provides set up adj ust m ent s t o correct boresight, and control focus, zoom , and offsets.

A Vert ical offset knob B Horizontal offset knob C Horizontal boresight bolt D Vert ical boresight bolt E Focus bolt F Lock/ unlock lever G Stabilizat ion screw



4. To elect ronically cont rol t he focus, zoom , and offset s, on t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap t he Lens t ab.

Calibrat e t he lens m ot ors when any of t he following condit ions are m et


· After a lens change.

· After the proj ector is m oved and/ or j ostled.

· Aft er t he lens m ot or I MCB has been replaced.

Select a channel
The proj ect or uses pre- configured channels t o det erm ine how t o display im ages from different sour ces. Each channel file cont ains t he opt im um pr ocessing and display set t ings for t he sour ce. Channels can be select ed t hr ough t he Home t ab on t he t ouch pad cont r oller ( TPC) .

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Enable warping and blending
Use edge blending t o com bine several proj ect ed im ages int o one single, seam less im age. Use warping to proj ect im ages on any surface shape.
1. Creat e t he warp and blend files using t he Twist applicat ion For det ails, see t he Twist 2.0 User Manual (P/N: 020-101380-xx).
2. Upload t he warp and blend files t o t he proj ect or. For det ails, see t he Twist 2.0 User Manual (P/N: 020-101380-xx).
3. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Main > Configuration > Geometry. 4. To select a warp set t ing, t ap Geometry Correction and t ap t he required warp. 5. To select a blend set t ing, t ap Edge Blending and t ap t he required blend. 6. To select a black level blend set t ing, t ap Black Level Blending and t ap t he required black level
blend. 7. To t urn off warping, blending, or black level blending, t ap Off.
Send error notifications to specified devices
I f an er r or occur s on t he pr oj ect or, not ificat ions can be sent t o t hr ee differ ent dev ices. 1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Communications > SNMP. 2. Tap Trap IP Address 1. 3. For t he device you want t o send error not ificat ions t o, ent er t he I P address. 4. Tap OK. 5. To add a second or t hird device, repeat st eps 2 t o 4. 6. Select t he opt ions you want t o m onit or. Opt ions include lam p fault , lam p life, power, fan st all, and t herm al sensors.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


This sect ion provides inform at ion and procedures for using proj ect or m enus. Use t he proj ect or m enus to adj ust proj ector settings and view status inform at ion.
Touch panel controller
The t ouch panel cont r oller ( TPC) is a t ouch- sensit ive scr een. Use t he TPC t o cont r ol t he pr oj ect or, m anage sour ces, adj ust t he display, and v iew st at us infor m at ion. The TPC is m ount ed on t he r ear of t he pr oj ect or and can be adj ust ed t o im pr ov e t he TPC v iew ing angle. A side USB por t can be used t o download log files and install software upgrades. For r em ot e applicat ions, t he TPC can be dism ount ed fr om t he pr oj ect or and used w it h t he opt ional cable to allow proj ector control from a m axim um distance of 100 ft ( 30 m ) .

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Tab structure
The t ouch panel cont r oller ( TPC) w indow s ar e st r uct ur ed acr oss a ser ies of six t abs on t he t op of t he d isp lay :

Hom e Menu
Le n s St at u s Adm in

Quickly add and select channels, display t est pat t erns, act ivat e t he shut t er and cont rol t he proj ect or p o w er.
Access t he proj ect or cont rols and set t ings. Available subm enus: · I m age Settings · Lam p · Configurat ion · Com m unicat ions · General
Adj ust t he lens offset , focus, and zoom m ot ors. These cont rols can be adj ust ed by eit her t apping t he required directional arrow, or by entering a num erical value.
Display t he st at us of proj ect or cont rol st at es and set t ings. The st at us windows are for report ing purposes and all fields are read- only. For det ails, see Status tab details on page 52.
Display log files, access t he int errogat or, creat e files, perform rest ores, and perform upgrade procedures. Available subm enus: · Upgrade–See Upgrade the projector software on page 54. · I nt errogat or–See Run the projector interrogator on page 71. · TPC Logs–See Save TPC log files on page 71. · Backup–See Back up projector settings on page 54. · Rest ore–See Restore settings from a local backup profile on page 55.
Display legal inform ation regarding software licensing and usage agreem ents.

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Menu tab details

I m age Settings Lam p
Configurat ion
Com m unicat ions Ge n e r a l

Adj ust im age sett ings such as color space, sharpness, gam m a function, am bient light, and fram e delay.
Adj ust t he lam p power, calibrat e t he lam p, view lam p hist ory and t o input new lam p inform at ion when perform ing a lam p change. Available opt ions: · Lam p Mode–See Track lamp intensity with LiteLoc on page 47. · Lam p Pow er –See Adjust lamp power on page 45. · Lam p life war ning at ( hour s) –See Add lamp end-of-life indicator on page 47. · Lam pLOC–See Calibrate the lamp on page 46. · Lam p Hist or y–Display t he hist ory of all previously inst alled lam ps. ( Read- only) · Change Lam p–See Record new lamp information on page 47.
Adj ust t he proj ect ed im age orient at ion, colors, and t he proj ect or Et hernet set t ings. Available opt ion s: · Color Cor r ect ion–See Color correction on page 41. · I m age Or ient at ion–See Select screen image orientation on page 36. · EDI D Window Mode–I nfor m t he sour ce dev ice t o split t he 4 K v ideo rast er int o t w o or
four colum ns instead of four quadrants. · Diagnost ics–Configure diagnost ics such as freezing an im age and select ing t est pat t erns.
Adj ust proj ect or Et hernet set t ings and set not ificat ions for proj ect or errors. Available opt ions: · Device nam e–Set t he nam e of t he proj ect or. · Group nam e–Set t he nam e of t he group t he proj ect or belongs t o. · Et hernet Set t ings–See Set up the ethernet on page 35. · SNMP–See Send error notifications to specified devices on page 49.
Adj ust set t ings such as st andby m ode, aut o power up, and video loop out . Provides current date and time information

Status tab details

Alarm s Configurat ion Co o l i n g Lam p I nfo
Ser ials
Signal Syst em

Display the location and the fault condition for any active alarm s.
Display t he proj ect or m odel, serial num ber, out put resolut ion and dat e of m anufact ure.
Display the status of the liquid cooling m odule and the cooling fans.
Display the current lam p inform ation, such as: lam p state, hours, type, serial num ber and power usage.
Display the serial num bers for all electrical com ponents, such as: m ain control board, backplane, im age processor, form at t er boards and opt ion cards.
Display the status of the four available option card slots.
Display system hardware control set tings, such as: proj ector hours, pitch/ roll, lam p m otor status, lens m ot or status, and built-in self test .

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Tem perat ur es Ver sions

Display t he operat ing tem perat ures as reported by the internal therm al sensors.
Display the hardware and software versions for all electrical com ponents, such as: m ain cont rol board, backplane, im age processor, form at t er boards and opt ion cards.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Backup, Restore, and Upgrade Projector Files

This sect ion provides inform at ion and procedures for backing up, rest oring, and upgrading proj ect or files.
Upgrade the projector software
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Admin > Upgrade. 2. Tap Upgrade. 3. To select t he upgrade file, t ap Browse. 4. I n t he Select Package dialog, navigat e t o t he locat ion where t he upgrade file is st ored. 5. Tap t he upgrade file and t ap Open. 6. To aut om at ically rest art t he proj ect or when t he upgrade is com plet e, t ap Restart when
update complete. 7. Tap Install.
Back up projector settings
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Admin > Backup. 2. To back up t he set t ings, t ap a backup file. 3. I f required, enter or change the nam e. 4. Tap OK.
A m essage indicates the backup was successful.
Export backup settings to an external device
1. I f export ing set t ings from t he t ouch panel cont roller ( TPC) , insert a USB flash drive ( properly form at t ed as FAT or NTFS) int o t he USB port on t he side of t he TPC.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Backup, Restore, and Upgrade Projector Files

or I f export ing set t ings from t he PC applicat ion, skip t o st ep 2. I f using t he TPC, you cannot save t o t he TPC’s on- board CF flash m em ory. You m ust export t he set t ings t o a USB flash drive. I f using t he PC applicat ion, you can export t he files t o locat ion on t he hard drive, a USB flash drive, and so on. 2. On t he TPC, t ap Admin > Backup. 3. Tap Export. 4. To save t he file, in t he Choose backup file locat ion dialog, navigat e t o t he locat ion where you want export the file. 5. Tap Save.
Restore settings from a local backup profile
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Admin > Restore. 2. From t he backup file list , t ap t he required file nam e. 3. Tap Restore. 4. At t he prom pt , t ap OK.
Restore default settings
You need Ser v ice per m issions t o com plet e t his pr ocedur e. 1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Admin > Restore. 2. Tap Defaults. 3. Tap Restore.
Import file from an external device to restore settings
1. I f im port ing set t ings using t he t ouch panel cont roller ( TPC) , insert t he USB flash drive cont aining t he file int o t he USB port on t he side of t he TPC. or I f im port ing set t ings using t he PC applicat ion, skip t o st ep 2. I f using t he TPC, you m ust im port t he set t ings from a USB flash drive. I f using t he PC applicat ion, you can im port t he files from a locat ion on t he hard drive, a USB flash drive, and so on.
2. On t he TPC, t ap Admin > Restore. 3. Tap Import.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Backup, Restore, and Upgrade Projector Files
4. From t he Choose file t o rest ore dialog, navigat e t o t he locat ion where t he file is st ored. 5. Tap t he file t o select it . 6. Tap Open.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



This sect ion pr ov ides infor m at ion and pr ocedur es for per for m ing pr oj ect or m aint enance. Read through this section in its entirety before perform ing m aintenance activities. When perform ing proj ector m aintenance, obey all warnings and precautions.
Never at t em pt t o access t he lam p com part m ent while t he lam p is on. Wait at least 10 m inutes after the lam p turns off before powering down, disconnecting from AC and opening t he lam p door. The arc lam p operat es at a high pressure t hat increases wit h t em perat ure. Failure t o allow the lam p t o sufficiently cool before handling, increases t he pot ential for an explosion causing personal inj ury or property dam age. Always wear m anufacturer approved protective safety clot hing ( gloves, j acket , face shield) whenever the lam p door is open or when handling the lam p.
When accessing t he restricted access location for proj ector service or m aintenance, avoid exposure to the proj ector beam path by m aking sure to either: · Power off t he proj ect or and disconnect from AC. · Shutter the lam p to avoid em issions from the front aperture.
Danger! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following result s in deat h or serious inj ury. ELECTRI CAL SHOCK HAZARD! Always t urn off, disconnect , and disengage all power sources to the projector before servicing.
Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Qualified t echnician required for all inst allat ions. · Never operat e t he proj ect or wit hout all of it ‘s covers in place.
Caution! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in m inor or m oderat e inj ury. Only Christ ie accredit ed service t echnicians are perm it t ed t o open any enclosure on t he projector and only if the AC power has been fully disconnect ed.
Maintenance shutdown
This pr ocess is mandatory. Alw ay s per for m t hese st eps befor e beginning any inspect ion or m aint enance pr ocedur es on t he pr oj ect or.
1. I f the proj ector is operating, turn it off and allow it to cool for a m inim um of 10 m inutes.
2. Set the proj ector breaker switch to the off position.
3. Set t he lam p power supply’s t hree breaker swit ches t o t he off posit ions.
4. Disconnect t he proj ect or from AC power.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Ventilation and cooling
Vent s and louv er s pr ov ide v ent ilat ion, bot h for int ak e and ex haust . Do not inst all t he pr oj ect or near a radiat or, heat r egist er, or w it hin an enclosur e. To ensur e adequat e air flow, keep a m inim um clearance of 50 cm ( 20 inches) around the proj ector and never block or cover the vents.
Inspect and clean the airflow interlocks
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. Never operate the proj ector with the van switch rem oved or disabled.

The pr oj ect or uses t w o air flow int er lock s. Check and clean t hese sw it ches t o r em ove accum ulat ed dust or dirt that could im pede m ovem ent.
· Lam p blower vane swit ch, locat ed wit hin t he lam p cooling com part m ent .
· Ext ract or vane swit ch, locat ed inside t he t op duct on t he proj ect or lid.

Inspect and clean the exhaust duct

I nspect the exhaust duct regularly and confirm that: · There are no obst ruct ions or kinks wit hin t he duct ing.

· All air int ake areas are unobst ruct ed.

· I f using 2.0 or 3.0kW lam p, exhaust airflow m ust be at least 450 CFM ( m easured at t he rigid end of the duct when not connected to the proj ector) .

600 CFM is required when am bient t em perat ures exceed 25° C or elevat ion ( above sea level)


exceeds 3000 feet .

· I f using 4.5 or 6.0kW lam p, exhaust airflow bust be at least 600 CFM ( m easured at t he rigid end of the duct when not connected to the proj ector) .
Inspect and clean the lamp blower
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. Do not t ouch or bend t he im peller blades or loosen t he balancing weight s.

A clogged blower im peller or m ot or can reduce air flow and lead to overheating and lam p failure. 1. Shut down t he proj ect or. 2. Rem ove t he t hree screws securing t he rear side cover. 3. Vacuum loose dirt from t he lam p blower im peller. 4. I f necessary, use a soft brush dam pened wit h hot wat er. or

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Fold a clean m icrofiber clot h and dam pen wit h m et hanol and wipe evenly wit h t he sm oot h port ion of t he clot h t hat has no folds or creases. Do not apply finger pressure. Use t he solut ion in the cloth to collect the dirt. For m or e det ails, see Maintenance shutdown on page 5 7.
Inspect and fill the coolant reservoir
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE! The coolant used in t he proj ect or cont ains propylene glycol. Use caut ion when handling. Do not ingest.
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. The coolant color m ay fade over t im e, however t his does not im pact t he abilit y of t he coolant t o exchange heat . Only use coolant recom m ended by Christ ie in t his proj ect or.
The liquid cooling m odule ( LCM) cir culat es coolan t t hr ough t he digit al m icr om ir r or dev ice ( DMD) heat sinks. The coolant level should be checked every six m ont hs and should rem ain above t he m inim um level indicat or and free from particulate and/ or fogginess. Alw ay s use Chr ist ie appr ov ed Coolant Propylene Glycol ( P/N: 003-103148-XX) . Alw ay s r em ov e and refill the coolant reservoir outside of the projector and never overfill the reservoir beyond the t op of t he window. Use caut ion not t o spill or let any of t he coolant drip on or near t he elect ronics.
Remove the liquid cooling reservoir

1. Shut down t he proj ect or. 2. Rem ove t he front t op cover. 3. Rem ove t he radiat or air filt er. 4. Disconnect t he blower on t he LCM pum p.

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5. Disconnect the com m unications harness from the coolant reservoir.


6. Disconnect t he coolant hoses from t he coolant reservoir. 7. Rem ove t he t hree screws securing t he reservoir bracket t o t he proj ect or base plat e.

8. Lift and rem ove t he reservoir from t he proj ect or.

9. Refill t he reservoir as needed. 10. Replace t he cap. 11. To reinst all t he liquid cooling reservoir, repeat t hese st eps in reserve order. 12. Check for leaks, especially for any hoses t hat were rem oved around t he filler cap. 13. Check for proper flow from t he liquid cooling m odule. For m or e det ails, see Maintenance shutdown on page 5 7.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. Use only high efficiency Christ ie approved filt ers: light engine filt er ( five- pack) –P/ N: 003- 001184-XX, liquid cooling radiat or filt er–P/ N: 003- 003082-XX, and LAD filt er ( t hree- pack) –P/ B: 03- 001982- 51P. Never operat e t he proj ect or wit hout t he filt er inst alled. The air filt ers in t his product cannot be cleaned thoroughly enough for reuse and can lead to the contam ination of optical com ponents.
Replace the light engine air filter
This filt er is locat ed on t he lens side of t he pr oj ect or behind t he air filt er cov er. Check t he condit ion of t his filt er m ont hly. Replace t he light engine air filt er w hen r eplacing t he lam p, or sooner w hen operating the projector in a dusty or dirty environm ent.
1. Release t he t wo t abs on t he air filt er cover.

2. Lift up t he cover enough for t he bot t om t abs t o clear t he fram e and rem ove. 3. Slide the air filter out from behind the air filt er cover and discard. 4. I nsert t he new air filt er wit h t he airflow indicat or facing t oward t he proj ect or.
This ensures proper part icle filt rat ion. 5. To com plet e t he inst allat ion, align t he bot t om t abs and repeat t hese st eps in reverse order.
Replace the liquid cooling air filter
This filt er is locat ed on fr ont lam p- side of t he pr oj ect or, behind a sm all air filt er cov er. Check t he condit ion of t his filt er m ont hly. Replace t he liquid cooling air filt er w hen r efilling t he liquid cooling m odule, or sooner when operating the proj ector in a dusty or dirty environm ent.
1. Release one t ab on t he air filt er cover. 2. Rot at e t he t op t owards you and lift up t o rem ove. 3. Slide the air filter out and discard. 4. I nsert t he new air filt er wit h t he airflow indicat or facing t oward t he proj ect or. 5. I nst all t he air filt er cover.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Replace the laminar airflow device filter
The lam inar airflow device ( LAD) filt er is at t ached t o t he light engine assem bly handle in t he light engine com part m ent . I nspect t he LAD filt er every six m ont hs.
1. Shut down t he proj ect or. 2. Unlock and rem ove t he front t op cover. 3. Unlock and rem ove t he light engine lid. 4. Rem ove t he t wo screws securing t he lam inar airflow device filt er ( LAD) assem bly t o t he
br ack et . 5. Pull out and replace t he LAD filt er.

6. To reinst all, repeat t hese st eps in reverse order. For m or e det ails, see Maintenance shutdown on page 5 7.
Danger! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following result s in deat h or serious inj ury. · Lam p replacem ent m ust be perform ed by a qualified service t echnician only. · EXPLOSI ON HAZARD. Wear aut horized prot ect ive clot hing ( P/ N: 598900- 095) whenever t he lam p
door is open and when handling t he lam p. Ensure t hose wit hin t he vicinit y of t he proj ect or are also wearing prot ect ive safet y clot hing. Recom m ended prot ect ive clot hing includes, but m ay not be lim ited to a polycarbonate face shield, protective gloves, and a quilted ballistic nylon j acket or a welder ‘s j acket . Prot ect ive clot hing recom m endat ions are subj ect t o change. Any local or federal specificat ions t ake precedence over Christ ie recom m endat ions. · Never t wist or bend t he quart z lam p body. Use t he correct wat t age lam p supplied by Christ ie. · Never at t em pt t o rem ove t he lam p when it is hot . The lam p is under ext rem ely high pressure when hot and m ay explode. Allow the lam p to cool com plet ely before replacing.
Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. · Possibly hazardous opt ical radiat ion em it t ed from t his product . ( Risk group 3) . · Therm al radiat ion em it t ed from t his product m ay cause burns. ( Risk group 3) .
Always perform these steps before inspecting, rem oving, or installing any part of the lam p system :

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1. Shut down t he proj ect or, disconnect from power, and let it cool. 2. Put on t he prot ect ive clot hing and face shield. 3. Use t he key t o open t he lam p door and access t he lam p com part m ent . Do not lean, or place heav y obj ect s on t he open lam p door. For m or e det ails, see Maintenance shutdown on page 5 7.

Adjust the yoke assembly
After installing the lam p, to ensure optim al operation of the lam p, check that the anode yoke is in the correct position for the lam p t y pe:

2.0 kW 3.0 kW


Anode Yoke Position
Move t he lam p cradle t o t he rear posit ion, which is approxim ately 1″ closer to the reflect or.

The lam p ex t ension nut is inst alled w hen using a CDXL- 30 SD lam p. Rem ov e t he nut if y ou ar e not using a CDXL- 30SD lam p.

Anode Yoke Assembly
5mm hex key required


Inspect and clean the lamp
Danger! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following result s in deat h or serious inj ury. Always disconnect t he proj ect or from AC power and wear aut horized prot ect ive safet y gear.

· Check t he cont act surfaces of t he anode ( posit ive) and t he cat hode ( negat ive) connect ions for cleanliness.
· Clean elect rical cont act surfaces regularly t o prevent cont act resist ance from scorching connect ors. Use an approved cont act cleaner such as St icklers Fiber Opt ic Cleaner.
· Verify t hat all elect rical and lam p connect ions are secure. · Use lint- free lab gloves.
Remove dust from the lamp
1. Brush m ost of t he dust off wit h a cam elhair brush or use a dust – free blower. 2. I f som e dust rem ains, leave it . Som e dust is inevit able. Avoid unnecessary cleaning.
Remove fingerprints, smudges, or oil from the lamp
1. Brush m ost of t he dust off wit h a cam elhair brush or use a dust – free blower.

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2. Fold a m icrofiber clot h and wipe t he rem aining dust part icles off t he lam p wit h t he sm oot h portion of the cloth that has no folds or creases. Do not apply finger pressure. I nstead, use the tension in the folded cloth to rem ove the dust.
Inspect and clean optics
Notice. Failure t o com ply wit h t he following m ay result in propert y dam age. · A sm all am ount of dust or dirt on the lens has m inim al effect on im age quality-to avoid the risk of
scrat ching t he lens, clean t he lens only if absolut ely required. The reflect or and proj ect ion lens m ay be inspected and cleaned as per the following instructions. Any other optical m aintenance should only be perform ed by qualified service technicians. · Always wear powder free latex gloves when handling and cleaning proj ect or opt ics. · Only use solvent s if dirt rem ains aft er dust ing wit h com pressed air. · Do not reuse lens tissues. Use a clean t issue for each cleaning at t em pt . · Handle optics by their edges.
I nspect these com ponents periodically in a clean, dust- free environm ent using a high- intensity light sour ce or flashlight . Clean t hem only w hen dust , dir t , oil, finger pr int s, or ot her m ar k s ar e obv ious. Never touch an optical surface with bare hands. Always wear lint- free lab gloves. The following t ools are recom m ended for rem oving dust or grease:
· Powder free lat ex gloves · Soft cam el- hair brush · Dust- free blower–filt ered dry nit rogen blown t hrough an ant i- st at ic nozzle · Lint- free lens t issue, such as Lensx 90 t issue or Newport Opt ics cleaning t issue · For t he lens only–lens cleaning solut ion and m icrogiber clot h · For t he reflect or only–Met hanol · I sopropyl Alcohol Reagent Grade ( ACS) 99.9% · Acet one Reagent Grade ( ACS) · Opt ical grade cot t on swabs wit h wooden st em s · St icklers Fiber Opt ic Cleaner ( can be used on all opt ical com ponent s) · A bright , port able illum inat ion device such as an LED flashlight
Remove dust from the projection lens
1. Brush m ost of t he dust off wit h a cam el- hair brush or use a dust – free blower. 2. Fold a m icrofiber clot h and wipe t he rem aining dust part icles off t he lens wit h t he sm oot h
portion of the cloth that has no folds or creases. Do not apply finger pressure. I nstead, use the tension in the folded cloth to rem ove the dust. 3. I f significant dust rem ains on the lens surface, dam pen a clean m icrofiber cloth with lens cleaning solution and wipe gently until clean.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Remove fingerprints, smudges, or oil from the projection lens
Do not use a cleaning solvent t hat cont ains am m onia. Avoid lens cont act wit h Xylene and Et her.

1. Brush m ost of t he dust off wit h a cam elhair brush or use a dust – free blower. 2. Wrap a lens t issue around a swab and soak it in lens cleaning solut ion. The t issue should be
damp but not dripping. 3. Gent ly wipe t he surface using a figure eight m ot ion. 4. Repeat unt il t he blem ish is rem oved. Clean t he lens only if absolut ely required.
Remove the projection lens
5. Close t he shut t er. 6. At t ach a large lens cap t o t he front of t he lens t o avoid dam age.

7. Release t he lens locking lever ( up posit ion) .
8. Pull t he lens st raight out and at t ach a sm all lens cap t o t he rear of t he lens to avoid damage.

Warning! Failure t o com ply wit h t he following could result in deat h or serious inj ury. The lens t et her m ust be inst alled for overhead inst allat ion.

For m or e det ails, see Maintenance shutdown on page 5 7.

Install the projection lens

1. Make sure t he lens locking lever is in t he up posit ion.

2. I f attached, rem ove the rear lens cap from the lens.

3. Slide the lens into the lens m ount, aligning all connections.

Always inst all t he lens wit h UP label in t he t op posit ion. This assist s in achieving consist ent


boresight alignm ent each t im e t he lens is replaced.

4. Secure the lens with the lens locking lever ( down position) . 5. Calibrat e t he lens m ot ors, as described below.
Calibrate the lens motors
I f t he lens m ot ors are not calibrat ed properly, im plicat ions m ay include:

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


· I ncorrect reporting of the lens m otor position. · I nability to use the full range of the lens m otors. · Lens m ot ors t raveling out side of t he pre- defined keep- out area. · Dam age t o t he proj ect or. Calibrat e t he lens m ot or s w hen any of t he follow ing condit ions ar e m et : · Aft er a lens change. · Aft er t he proj ect or is m oved and/ or j ost led. · Aft er t he lens m ot or I MCB has been replaced. To calibrat e t he lens m ot or s, on t he t ouch panel cont r oller, t ap Lens > Calibrate Lens Motors.
Reset lens to home position
To r eset t he lens t o t he default hom e posit ion, on t he t ouch panel cont r oller, t ap Lens > Reset to Home Position.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



This sect ion provides inform at ion and procedures for resolving com m on proj ect or issues. I f a pr oj ect or issue cannot be r esolv ed, cont act a Chr ist ie accr edit ed ser v ice t echnician.
Projector does not power on
· Make sure t he proj ect or circuit breaker is set t o t he on posit ion. · Check t he st at us LEDs on t he rear corners of t he proj ect or for a fault condit ion. A flashing red
LED indicat es an alarm or warning preset wit h t he proj ect or and a problem t hat m ust be ad d r essed . · Use t he t ouch panel cont roller ( TPC) st at us m enu t o t roubleshoot furt her.
Lamp does not ignite
· Check and correct all int erlock failures. · Verify t hat t he lam p has been inst alled and connect ed properly. Verify t he condit ion of t he lam p
and that is not blackened or otherwise dam aged. · Verify t he num ber of hours t he lam p has operat ed. A lam p nearing t he end of it s operat ional life
should be replaced.
Lamp suddenly turns off
· I ncrease t he lam p power. · Review and correct all int erlock failures. · Ensure t he TPC has no t em perat ure or fan RPM warnings. I f all fans are running norm ally and
the air filters are not blocked, the am bient air tem perature m ay exceed the m axim um operating specification. I f possible, reduce the am bient tem perat ure. · Ensure no heat sources are exhaust ing int o t he proj ect ors int ake, or m ove t he proj ect or t o a cooler environm ent. · Verify t he num ber of hours t he lam p has operat ed. A lam p nearing t he end of it s operat ional life should be replaced. · Check for a cross- connect ed condit ion.

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A cross- connection hazard can occur when installing m ultiple proj ectors at once. A fire hazard exists if a lam p power supply interlock cable is connected to a different proj ector than its lam p power cables.
Flicker, shadows or dimness
· Make sure t he shut t er is fully open. · Verify t hat a Lam pLOC calibrat ion is not already in progress. · Perform a Lam pLOC calibrat ion. · I ncrease t he lam p power. Lam ps which are near end of service m ay not operat e reliably at a
lower power setting.
LampLOC not working
· I f t he Auto LampLOC opt ion is not working, on t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Lamp > LampLOC and adj ust t he lam p posit ion m anually. Observe screen bright ness by adj ust ing the X, Y and Z values or use a light m eter to check for changes in brightness.
· Check t hat t he flat part of t he anode end of t he lam p ( if applicable) faces up in t he anode yoke.
Touch panel controller is blank
· I f t he t ouch panel cont roller ( TPC) display is blank, m ake sure t he TPC com m unicat ion harness is connect ed securely.
Blank screen, no display of image
· Make sure bot h lens caps have been rem oved from t he proj ect ion lens. · Make sure t he lam p is on. · Make sure t hat all power connect ions are good. · Make sure t he shut t er is fully open. · Make sure t hat any t est pat t ern ( ot her t han a full black t est pat t ern or t est pat t ern = none)
displays properly.
Cannot communicate with projector
· Make sure t he com put er and t he proj ect or are bot h connect ed t o t he net work. · Make sure t hat all input devices have t he sam e subnet m ask and unique I P addresses.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Inaccurate display colors
· Adj ust t he color, t int , color space, and color t em perat ure set t ings of t he input source. · On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Menu > Configuration > Color Correction and verify t he
settings are correct.
Display is not rectangular
· Verify t he proj ect or is level and t he lens surface and screen are parallel t o one anot her. · Adj ust t he vert ical offset of t he lens m ount .
Display has suddenly frozen
· I f the source is frozen, restart the source device. · I f t he source is not frozen, rest art t he proj ect or.
Display is jittery or unstable
· Verify t hat t he input device is connect ed properly. I f t he input device is not connect ed properly, the proj ector repeatedly attem pts to display an im age.
· The horizont al or vert ical scan frequency of t he input signal m ay be out of range for t he proj ect or.
For m or e det ails, see Specification on page 72.
Incoming signal(s) problems
The St at us t ab > Signal group cont ains inform at ion about all t he signals t hat t he proj ect or receives. A properly configured syst em shows t he frequency and a st at us of Mast er or Locked for each input in the selected channel.
· I f one or m ore of the signals are listed as No signal, verify that the source is properly configured and t he cables are secure bet ween t he source and t he proj ect or.
· I f one or m ore of the signals are listed as I nactive, either an incorrect channel has been selected or t he cables are not plugged into the correct inputs.
· I f one or m ore of t he signals is list ed as Unlocked or Out of phase, t he source is not properly fram e locked t o t he m ast er signal. This usually occurs when t wo independent sources are not locked t oget her. Verify t he set up of t he sources. I f t he sources are locked t oget her, cont act Christ ie Technical Support for help.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Touch panel controller or projector head problems on startup
Check t he follow ing t o det er m ine if t he t ouch panel cont r oller ( TPC) or t he pr oj ect or head ar e experiencing problem s on startup. The pr oj ect or has t w o set s of LEDs t o help dist inguish how far int o t he st ar t – up pr ocess it is w hen a problem occurs. For m or e det ails, see LED expected behavior on power up on page 4 5.
The Projector LEDs or the MCPU board power LED are not on
Solution 1
I f AC power has been applied to the proj ect or head, verify the power source.
Solution 2
I f t he AC pow er sour ce is good and t he AC pow er is applied t o t he pr oj ect or head, check t he LVPS and all t he har nessing going t o it inside t he pr oj ect or.
The MCPU board power LED is not on
I f t he AC pow er is applied t o t he pr oj ect or head and t he pr oj ect or ‘s LEDs t ur n on, t he MCPU boar d or t he ABP m ust be r eplaced. Replace t he MCPU boar d fir st and if t he pr oblem is not r esolv ed, r eplace t he ABP.
· I f replacing t he MCPU board, indicat e t hat t he Power LED is non- funct ional. · I f replacing t he ABP, indicat e t hat power did not reach t he MCPU board.
MCPU board power LED behavior
· Solid yellow–The MCPU board m ust be replaced. I ndicat e t hat t he MCPU board failed t o in it ialize.
· Blinking red–The MCPU boar d m ust be r eplaced. I ndicat e t hat t he MCPU boar d failed t o init iat e t he cont r ol FPGA.
· Blinking yellow/ green–The MCPU boar d is r unning in r ecov er y m ode and needs a soft w ar e upgrade followed by a AC cycle of the proj ector head.
Touch panel controller does not connect
I f t he pr oj ect or LEDs display solid y ellow and t he t ouch panel cont r oller ( TPC) has pow er but does not connect , t he pr oj ect or head is fine. How ev er, a pr oblem could ex ist bet w een t he TPC and t he MCPU boar d.
· Disconnect t he corded harness t o t he TPC and reconnect it . You m ay need t o replace t he corded h ar n ess.

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· Check for physical dam age t o t he harness bet ween t he ext ernal TPC port and t he ABP. Try changing the int ernal harness.
Run the projector interrogator
The int er r ogat or capt ur es diagnost ic infor m at ion Chr ist ie per sonnel uses t o help diagnose and cor r ect pr oj ect or issues. I f a pr oj ect or issue cannot be r esolv ed, Chr ist ie per sonnel m ay r equest an int er r ogat or file fr om t he pr oj ect or. Log files are com pressed int o a st andard zip file.
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Admin > Interrogator. 2. Tap Create File. 3. Click Continue. 4. I n t he Choose dest inat ion direct ory dialog, navigat e t o t he locat ion where you want t o st ore t he
log file. 5. Tap Save.
Save TPC log files
TPC log files can help y ou ident ify and cor r ect issues w it h t he t ouch panel cont r oller. I f a pr oj ect or issue cannot be r esolved, Chr ist ie per sonnel m ay r equest a TPC log file fr om t he pr oj ect or. Log files are com pressed int o a st andard zip file.
1. On t he t ouch panel cont roller, t ap Admin > TPC Logs. 2. Tap Create File. 3. I n t he Choose dest inat ion direct ory dialog, navigat e t o t he locat ion where you want t o st ore t he
log file. 4. Tape Save.

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



This sect ion provides det ailed D4K2560 specificat ions. Due t o cont inuing research, specificat ions are subj ect to change without notice.


Panel Resolution and Refresh Rate
Pixel form at ( H x V square pixels) Processing pat h

4096 x 2160 23.97 – 60Hz

Achievable Brightness (Measured at Screen Center)


2.0 kW ( CDXL- 20)

10,000 lumens

2.0 kW ( CDXL- 20SP)

10,000 lumens

3.0 kW ( CDXL- 30)

18,000 lumens

3.0 kW ( CDXL- 30SD)

25,000 lumens

3.0 kW ( CDXL- 30SP)

19,000 lumens

Achievable Contrast Ratio
450: 1 ANSI , up t o 2000: 1 Full Fram e ON/ OFF
Color and Grayscale Resolution
Displayable colors Grayscale resolut ion
White Point
Nom inal white (full white, after calibration)

35.2 trillion 45 bit s t ot al linear, 25 bit s per RGB com ponent
y = 0.351 ± 0.002 x = 0.314 ± 0.002

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Nom inal

2.2 ± 5%


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D4K2560 User Manual

020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)

D4K2560 signal connectivity



Frame Rate Interface

Configuration Format (Hz)

Four – Por t Two- Port Four- Port Four- Port Two- Port Four- Port Two- Port One- Por t One- Port One- Port One- Port One- Port


24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30

2K, HD
2K, HD
2K, HD 2K, HD 2K, HD

24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30
48, 50, 60
24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60

D isp lay Po r t 1.1a D isp lay Po r t 1.1a HDMI 1.4a
DVI (Dual)
DVI ( Single) DVI ( Single) D isp lay Po r t 1.1a HDMI 1.4a
3G- SDI 3G- SDI DVI ( Single)


Cables RGB/ RGB/ 4:4:4 4:4:4 8-bit 10-bit




RGB/ 4:4:4 12-bit

4:2: 2 8bit

4:2:2 4:2:2 10-bit 12-bit




2x TDPI C 2



2x THI C 4







2x3GI C






4x DDIC 4





1x TDPI C 1






1x THI C 1







1x 3GI C 1







1x 3GI C 1


1x DDIC 1






Optional Input cards

Input Card
Dual 3G SD/ HD-SDI Dual Link DVI
Tw in HDMI Tw in DisplayPort

Part Number
108-313101-02+ 108-312101-02+
108- 311101-XX 108- 451101-XX

Additional Information
Analog signals are not supported for this input card; therefore VGA port and VGA t o DVI convert ers are not support ed.

To det er m ine w hich SDI signal t y pes ar e officially suppor t ed, see D4K2560 signal connectivity on page 74.

Control signal compatibility

Ethernet Port
I nterface Connect or

10Base-T/ 100Base-TX Fem ale RJ- 45

Connect or I nterface

Type B USB t o serial ( bit rat e ident ical t o RS232)

3D Sync
Connect or I nterface

BNC Male TTL input s and out put s

Connect or Bit rate Data format

9- pin subm iniature D, fem ale 115,200 bps 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity

RS232 IN
Connect or Bit rate Data format

9- pin subm iniature D, fem ale 115,200 bps 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Connect or Bit rate Data format

9-pin subm iniature D, m ale 115,200 bps 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity

Temperature sensor thresholds

The proj ect or shut downs wit hin one m inut e of an error t hreshold being reached.


Warning Error Remarks



Integrator rod



Pr ism



Air intake



Lam p exhaust









HI P scaler



HI P warp red



HI P warp green



HI P warp blue



Form at t er red



DMD red



Form at t er green



DMD green



Form at t er blue



DMD blue



Opt ion card 1



Opt ion card 2



Opt ion card 3



Opt ion card 4






Lens MCB



v1.0x software only; rem oved in v1.1.0+ software

Lam p MCB



v1.0x software only; rem oved in v1.1.0+ software

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Warning thresholds for fans

All fan warnings are set to ~ 75% of their norm al operating speeds.


Warning RPM

Light engine int ake ( fan 5)


Light engine int ake ( fan 6)


Light engine int ake ( fan 8)


Form at t er–green blower ( fan 7)


Lam inar airflow device ( fan 4)


Elect ronics int ake ( fan 10)


Elect ronics int ake ( fan 11)


Elect ronics int ake ( fan 12)


I m age processor warp blower ( fan 9)


Elect ronics exhaust ( fan 1)


Elect ronics exhaust ( fan 2)


Liquid cooling radiat or ( fan 3)


I m age processor scaler ( fan 13)



Warning threshold for liquid cooling module

Flow m et er Liquid cooling pum p

0.2m L/ m in 180 RPM

Touch panel controller

TPC 650H
Type of display Display size Display resolution ( H x V pixels) Maxim um dim ensions ( W x H x D) I ntegrated operating system Com m unicat ion int erface wit h proj ect or Power requirem ent I nterface connect or

Color VGA TFT LCD, backlit 144.8 m m ( 5.7 inches) diagonal 640 x 480 195 mm x 148 mm x 58 mm Microsoft Windows® XPe 10/ 100/ 1000 BaseT Et hernet 0.71A m axim um at 24VDC ± 10% 12- pin circular connect or (push- pull)

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)


Power requirements

AC Input
Volt age range Line frequency I nrush current Current consum pt ion Power consum pt ion Current rat ing of AC input

200 – 240 VAC 50 – 60 Hz nom inal 45 A maximum 23 A m axim um ( at 200 VAC) 4500 W maximum 30 A m axim um ( specified wall breaker)



Xenon Bubble Lamp

Ty p e

Xenon bubble

CDXL- 20

1400W – 2000W


1400W – 2000W

CDXL- 30

2100W – 3000W


2100W – 3000W


2100W – 3000W

Average life

CDXL- 20

2400 hours


3200 hours

CDXL- 30

1500 hours


1500 hours


1900 hours

Wait t im e bet ween lam p st rikes

2 minutes minimum

NOTE: Proj ect ors t ypically force a 10 m inut e cool down period. Make sure not t o re- st rike t he lam p any sooner than two m inutes into this cool down period since hot re- strikes reduce lam p life.

Physical specifications

Overall size ( L x W x H) ( including lens m ount, stack, and feet)

1298 x 648 x 483 (mm) 51.1 x 25.5 x 19.0 (inches)

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020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Projector head weight
Without lens m ount cover
Shipping ( includes packaging)
Operating position
Rot at ion about proj ect ion axis Tilt of proj ect ion axis from horizont al

124 kg (273 lbs) 156 kg (344 lbs)
± 15 degrees maximum ± 15 degrees maximum

This product conform s t o t he following regulat ions relat ed t o product safet y, environm ent al r equir em ent s and elect r om agnet ic com pat ibilit y ( EMC) .
· CAN/ CSA C22.2 No. 60950- 1 · UL 60950- 1 · I EC 60950- 1 · EN60950- 1
This product shall conform t o all relevant direct ives, st andards, safet y, healt h and environm ent al r ules and r egulat ions r equir ed for t he pr oduct t o be sold in: USA/ Canada, EU, Nor w ay, Aust ralia/ New Zealand, Kuw ait , China, Kor ea, Japan, Mex ico, Uk raine, Russia, Sout h Afr ica, and Saudi Arabia international packaging recycling m ark requirem ents:
· EU Direct ive ( 94/ 62/ EC) on packaging and packaging wast e; · China packaging recycling m ark st andard ( GB18455- 2001) .
Electro-magnetic compatibility
FCC CFR47, Par t 15, Subpar t B, Class A – Unint ent ional Radiat or s CI SPR 22 / EN 55 022, Class A – I nfor m at ion Technology Equipm ent I CES/ NMB003 ( A) – I nfor m at ion Technology Equipm ent
CI SPR 24 / EN5 5024 : EMC Requir em ent s–I nfor m at ion Technology Equipm ent

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



EU Dir ect iv e ( 2 011/ 6 5/ EU) on t he r est r ict ion of t he uses of cer t ain hazar dous subst ances ( RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipm ent and the applicable official am endm ent( s)
EU Regulat ion ( EC) No. 19 07/ 20 06 on t he r egist rat ion, evaluat ion, aut hor izat ion and r est r ict ion of chem icals ( REACH) and t he applicable official am endm ent ( s) .
EU Dir ect ive ( 20 12/ 19 / EU) on w ast e and elect r ical and elect r onic equipm ent ( WEEE) and t he applicable official am endm ent( s)
China Minist r y of I nfor m at ion I ndust r y Or der No. 39 ( 02/ 20 06) on t he cont r ol of pollut ion caused by elect r onic infor m at ion pr oduct s, hazar dous subst ances concent r at ion lim it s ( SJ/ T1136 3- 200 6) , and t he applicable pr oduct m ar k ing r equir em ent s ( SJ/ T1 136 4- 200 6)

Operating Environment
Tem perat ure Hum idity ( non- condensing) Alt it u d e Maxim um am bient t em perat ure
Non-Operating Environment
Tem perat ure Hum idity ( non- condensing)

10 t o 35° C ( 50 t o 95° F) 20 to 80% 0 to 3000 m eters 35°C
– 25 t o 65° C ( – 13 t o 149° F) 0 to 95%


Standard (Included with product)

· Lens plug ( required for shipping when lens is not inst alled t o prevent cont am inat ion of crit ical opt ical com ponents)

· Nylon safety strap with clip ( required to secure proj ector to tabletop or optional rack m ount)

· Touch panel cont roller ( TPC) wit h int erface cable

· Shroud

· Light engine rem oval t ool

· Convergence t ool

· Warrant y card

· Web regist rat ion form

· Low securit y keys

Lenses (sold separately) Description
Lens 0.72: 1 Lens 0.9: 1

Part Number
113- 104106-XX 38- 809071-XX

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)



Lenses (sold separately)


Part Number

Lens 1.13- 1.31: 1

129- 104106-XX

Lens 1.63- 1.63: 1

129- 105107-XX

Lens 1.63- 2.17: 1

129- 106108-XX

Lens 1.98- 2.71: 1

129- 107109-XX

Lens 3.0- 4.3: 1

129- 108100-XX

Lens 3.89- 5.43: 1

129- 109101-XX

Lens 5.0- 7.69: 1

129- 110103-XX

Note: The lens t hr ow values in t he lens nam e m ay differ fr om t he act ual t hr ow rat ios. For det ails, see t he 4K Lens Thr ow Technical Refer ence ( P/ N: 0 2 0 – 1 0 09 04 – XX) .

Replacement Lamps (sold separately)


Part Number

CDXL- 20




CDXL- 30






Replacement Air Filters (sold separately)


Part Number

Light engine filt er ( five- pack)

0 0 3 – 0 0 1 1 8 4 – XX

Liquid cooling radiat or filt er

0 0 3 – 0 0 3 0 8 2 – XX

LAD filt er ( t hree- pack)


Other Accessories (sold separately) Description
Rack st and Bracket foot lock used with opt ional rack st and High- contrast I nt ernal Apert ure kit Service Manual Firm ware I nst allat ion program Coolant propylene glycol TPC rem ot e cable Heat extract or kit

Part Number
1 0 8 – 2 8 2 1 0 1 – XX 1 1 6 – 1 0 0 1 0 1 – XX 38-813028-51 available online available online 0 0 3 – 1 0 3 1 4 8 – XX 0 0 3 – 1 1 1 1 6 9 – XX 38-814008-61

D4K2560 User Manual


020-101076-04 Rev. 1 (01-2015)




Corporate offices
USA ­ Cypress ph: 714-236-8610 Canada ­ Kitchener ph: 519-744-8005
Consultant offices
Italy ph: +39 (0) 2 9902 1161

Worldwide offices
Australia ph: +61 (0) 7 3624 4888
Brazil ph: +55 (11) 2548 4753
China (Beijing) ph: +86 10 6561 0240
China (Shanghai) ph: +86 21 6278 7708

Eastern Europe and Russian Federation ph: +36 (0) 1 47 48 100
France ph: +33 (0) 1 41 21 44 04
Germany ph: +49 2161 664540

India ph: +91 (080) 6708 9999
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