Radiolink T8FB Radio Control User Guide

June 13, 2024


Radiolink T8FB Radio Control

Product Information

  • Report No.: SFT21100825216-08E
  • Test Report Date: Oct.15, 2021
  • Applicant: Radiolink Electronic Limited
  • Address: 3/F, Building 2, Fuguo Industrial Park, Kaifeng Road, Meilin, Shenzhen, Guangdong China
  • Sample Name: Radio Control
  • Model No.: T8FB
  • Additional No.: with R8EFM receiver
  • Manufacturer: Radiolink Electronic Limited
  • Address: 3/F, Building 2, Fuguo Industrial Park, Kaifeng Road, Meilin, Shenzhen, Guangdong China
  • Test Period: From Oct.08, 2021 to Oct.12, 2021

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Ensure that the product is powered off before use.
  2. Insert the batteries into the radio control device according to the instructions provided in the user manual.
  3. Turn on the radio control device by pressing the power button.
  4. To establish a connection with the R8EFM receiver, make sure the receiver is properly installed in the intended device or vehicle.
  5. Follow the specific instructions for pairing and binding the radio control device with the receiver. These instructions can be found in the user manual.
  6. Once the connection is established, you can use the radio control device to control the intended device or vehicle.
  7. Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on how to operate the various functions and features of the radio control device.
  8. When not in use, turn off the radio control device to preserve battery life.
  9. Store the radio control device in a safe and dry place to prevent damage.

Test Report

  • Applicant: Radiolink Electronic Limited
  • Address: 3/F, Building 2, Fuguo Industrial Park, Kaifeng Road, Meilin, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

The following merchandise was (were) submitted and identified by the client:

  • Sample Name: Radio Control
  • Model No.: T8FB
  • Additional No.: with R8EFM receiver
  • Manufacturer: Radiolink Electronic Limited
  • Address: 3/F, Building 2, Fuguo Industrial Park, Kaifeng Road, Meilin, Shenzhen, Guangdong China
  • Test Period: From Oct.08, 2021 to Oct.12, 2021



Heavy Metals , Flame Retardants and Phthalates Content – European Council Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) with its Amendments Commission Delegated

Directive (EU) 2015/863

| ****


Test Result(s): Please refer to next page(s).

  • Report No.: SFT21100825216-08E

Photo of the Submitted Sample

Report No.: SFT21100825216-08E


Test Report

Test Item(s) Component Description(s) Style
1 Black plastic with silver/red/black printing
2 Silver sticker with multicolor printing
3 Silver metal
4 Silver metal with black coating
5 Black plastic
6 Copper metal
7 Red soft plastic wire jacket with black printing
8 Black soft plastic wire jacket with white printing
10 Yellow soft plastic wire jacket
11 Blue soft plastic wire jacket
12 Red soft plastic wire jacket
13 Black soft plastic wire jacket
14 Red soft plastic wire jacket
15 Black soft plastic wire jacket
16 White soft plastic wire jacket
17 Silver metal
18 Transparent soft plastic wire jacket
19 Copper metal
20 Gray soft plastic wire jacket
21 PCB
22 Beige plastic
23 Silver solder tin
24 White plastic tube
25 Black
26 Black plastic
27 Black plastic tube
28 Red soft plastic wire jacket
29 Black soft plastic wire jacket
30 Crystal oscillator
31 PCB

Test Result(s):
Heavy Metals, Flame Retardants Content – European Council Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) with its Amendments Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2015/863

Test Method: Test Method:

See Analytes and their corresponding Maximum Allowable Limit in Appendix

Parameter| Lead (Pb)| Cadmium (Cd)| Mercury (Hg)| Chromium VI (Cr VI)| PBBs| PBDEs| Conclusion
Unit| mg/kg| mg/kg| mg/kg| mg/kg| mg/kg| mg/kg| –
Test Item(s)| –| –| –| –| –| –| –
001| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
002| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
003| ND| ND| ND| ND| NA| NA| PASS
004| ND| ND| ND| ND| NA| NA| PASS
005| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
006| ND| ND| ND| ND| NA| NA| PASS
007| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
008| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
009| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
010| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
011| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
012| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
013| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
014| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
015| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
016| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
017| 95| ND| ND| ND| NA| NA| PASS
018| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
019| ND| ND| ND| ND| NA| NA| PASS
020| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
021| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND
022| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
023| ND| ND| ND| ND| NA| NA| PASS
024| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
025| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
026| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND
027| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
028| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
029| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
030| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND| PASS
031| ND| ND| ND| ND| ND

Note / Key

  • ND = Not detected “>” = Greater than
  • NA= Not applicable mg/kg = milligram(s) per kilogram = ppm = part(s) per million
  • % = percent 10000 mg/kg = 1 %
  • Detection Limit: See Appendix.

Phthalates Content – European Council Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) with its Amendments Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2015/863


| Requirement (mg/kg)| Result (mg/kg)
Test Item
1+5+26| 10+11+12| 14+15+16
Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)| 1000| ND| 780| ND
Di-(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate (DEHP)| 1000| ND| ND| ND
Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP)| 1000| ND| ND| ND
Di-(iso-butyl) phthalate (DIBP)| 1000| ND| ND| ND
Conclusion| PASS| PASS| PASS

Note / Key:

  • ND = Not detected “>” = Greater than
  • NA= Not applicable mg/kg = milligram(s) per kilogram = ppm = part(s) per million
  • % = percent 10000 mg/kg = 1 %
  • Report Limit: See Appendix


  • The testing approach is listed in table of the Appendix.
  • denotes as reported result(s) was (were) performed by wet chemistry method. Others were screened by XRF. For XRF screening, the result(s) of Cr VI was (were) reported as total chromium, and the result(s) of PBBs and PBDEs was (were) reported as total bromine. Also, the XRF result(s) may be different from the actual content based on various factors including, but not limited to, sample size, thickness, area, non-uniformity composition, and surface flatness.
  • Only selected example(s) is (are) indicated on the photograph(s) in the Comment.
  • According to European Council Directive 2011/65/EU, Article 5 “Adaptation of the Annexes to scientific and technical progress”, exemption(s) should be granted to the materials and components of Test Item(s) in the lists in Annexes III and IV of this directive.
  • The result (s) of Cr VI for metallic material(s) was (were) expressed in terms of positive and negative. Negative means the absence of Cr VI on the tested areas and the result(s) was (were) regarded as in compliance with
    European Council Directive 2011/65/EU, Article 4(1). Positive means the presence of Cr VI on tested areas and the result(s) was (were) regarded as in conflict with European Council Directive 2011/65/EU, Article 4(1).
  1. a. The sample is positive for Cr6+ if the Cr6+ concentration is greater than 0.13μg/cm2, The sample coating is considered to contain Cr6+.
  2. b. The sample is negative for Cr6+ if the Cr6+ is N.D. (concentration less than 0.10μg/cm2), The coating is considered a non-Cr6+ based coating.
  3. c. The result between 0.10μg/cm2 and 0.13μg/cm2 is considered to be inconclusive-unavoidable coating variations may influence the determination information on storage conditions and production date of the tested sample is unavailable and thus Cr6+ results represent status of the sample at the time of testing.
    • Although the Test Item(s) < 10+11+12 > complies (comply) with the above requirement, it is possible that, if tested separately, one or more of the constituents of this (these) Test Item(s) may not comply with this requirement


List of Analytes and their Corresponding Test Methods, Detection Limit, and Maximum Allowable Limit [for
European Council Directive 2011/65/EU&(EU) 2015/863 ] :


| ****

Name of Analytes

| Report Limit  (mg/kg)| ****

Maximum Allowable Limit (mg/kg)

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) [a]| ****

Wet Chemistry

Plastic| Metallic

/ glass / ceramic

| Others
1| Lead (Pb)| 100| 200| 200| 10[b]| 1000
2| Cadmium (Cd)| 50| 50| 50| 10[b]| 100
3| Mercury (Hg)| 100| 200| 200| 10[c]| 1000
4| Chromium (Cr)| 100| 200| 200| NA| NA
5| Chromium VI (Cr VI)| NA| NA| NA| 10[d] /

See [e]

| 1000 / Negative
6| Bromine (Br)| 200| NA| 200| NA| NA


| Polybromobiphenyls (PBBs)

–  Bromobiphenyl (MonoBB)

–  Dibromobiphenyl (DiBB)

–  Tribromobiphenyl (TriBB)

–  Tetrabromobiphenyl (TetraBB)

–  Pentabromobiphenyl (PentaBB)

–  Hexabromobiphenyl (HexaBB)

–  Heptabromobiphenyl (HeptaBB)

–  Octabromobiphenyl (OctaBB)

–  Nonabromobiphenyl (NonaBB)

–  Decabromobiphenyl (DecaBB)

| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****

Each 50 [f]

| ****

Sum 1000


| Polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs)

–  Bromodiphenyl ether (MonoBDE)

–  Dibromodiphenyl ether (DiBDE)

–  Tribromodiphenyl ether (TriBDE)

–  Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (TetraBDE)

–  Pentabromodiphenyl ether (PentaBDE)

–  Hexabromodiphenyl ether (HexaBDE)

–  Heptabromodiphenyl ether (HeptaBDE)

–  Octabromodiphenyl ether (OctaBDE)

–  Nonabromodiphenyl ether (NonaBDE)

–  Decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE)

| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****

Each 50 [f]

| ****

Sum 1000

Guangdong Safety Testing Co., Ltd.


| Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)

Di-(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate (DEHP) Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP)

Di-(iso-butyl) phthalate (DIBP)








Each 50 [g]


Each 1000


NA = Not applicable

  • [a] Test method with reference to IEC 62321-3-1:2013.
  • [b] Test method with reference to IEC 62321-5:2013.
  • [c] Test method with reference to IEC 62321-4:2013.
  • [d] Polymers and Electronic-Test method with reference to European standard IEC 62321-7-2:2017.
  • [e] Metal-Test method with reference to European standard IEC 62321-7-1:2015.
  • [f] Test method with reference to European standard IEC 62321-6: 2015.
  • [g] Test method with reference to IEC 62321-8:2017

Pb/Cd/Hg/Cr6+ Testing Flow Chart

PBBs/PBDEs Testing Flow Chart

Phthalates Testing Flow Chart

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this report refer only to the sample(s) tested. This test report cannot be reproduced, except in full. Without prior written permission of the company,

Guangdong Safety Testing Co., Ltd.

  • ADDRESS: No.1, the 1st North Industry Road, Songshan Lake Sci.&Tech. Park, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
  • Tel: 86-769-23105888
  • Fax: 86-769-22899858


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