SEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Label Printing App User Guide

June 13, 2024


SEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Label Printing App

Product Information

The BarTender App is a mobile application that allows users to print documents to internet-connected printers and Bluetooth-connected printers. It also provides features such as authentication with a BarTender Print Portal website or server, real-time data entry and query prompts, and security features for monitoring and accessing permissions to documents.


The BarTender app requires Android 11 or a newer version of the Android operating system. It connects remotely to a print service, which is an instance of Print Portal that hosts BarTender documents. The app requires one of the following editions of BarTender to be installed on the network:

  • BarTender 2021 Enterprise edition with Print Portal installed and configured
  • BarTender 2022 Professional, Automation, or Enterprise edition with Print Portal installed and configured


The BarTender App uses the following terminology:

  • Print Service: A service that allows the app to connect to a print service, add multiple print services, and manage them.
  • Printers: Devices that are connected to the app and can be used for printing. They can be automatically detected or manually added.
  • Documents: The files that can be selected and printed using the app.

Product Usage Instructions

Downloading the BarTender App

To download the BarTender App, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Play store.
  2. Search for “BarTender by Seagull” or use the following link:
  3. Download and install the app.

Managing Your Print Services

To manage your print services in the BarTender App, follow these steps:

  1. Open the BarTender App.
  2. On the Print Services page, you can view the print services that have been added to the app.
  3. To add a print service, tap on the option to add a new print service and follow the prompts.
  4. To edit or delete an existing print service, select the print service from the list and choose the appropriate option.

Getting Started with the BarTender App

The BarTender® app makes professional printing as easy and flexible as using your Android smartphone or tablet and as powerful and secure as printing with BarTender 2021 and BarTender 2022 by Seagull Scientific.The BarTender app works with BarTender 2021 Enterprise edition and BarTender 2022 Enterprise, Professional, and Automation editions to let you choose label designs, complete print-time data entry forms and query prompts, and start print jobs on any printer that is connected to your device over the internet. By using the BarTender app, you can do the following:

  • Use your device to print to internet-connected printers and to Bluetooth-connected printers.
  • Automatically authenticate with a BarTender Print Portal website or server and then browse to a specific document folder within the Print Portal installation.
  • Add or edit data in real time by using in-app BarTender data entry forms and query prompts.
  • Use BarTender security features to monitor and access permissions to documents.

The BarTender app requires that Android 11 or a newer version of the Android operating system be installed on your mobile device.
The BarTender app connects remotely to a print service, which is an instance of Print Portal that hosts your BarTender documents. The app requires that one of the following editions of BarTender be installed on your network:

  • BarTender 2021 Enterprise edition with Print Portal installed and configured
  • BarTender 2022 Professional, Automation, or Enterprise edition with Print Portal installed and configured

The following terms appear in this document:

  • BarTender app refers to the BarTender mobile app that you download to your device.
  • Print Portal refers to the Print Portal companion application that is installed with BarTender 2021 and BarTender 2022. Print Portal must be installed and configured on your network before you can use the BarTender app. For more information, refer to Installing BarTender Print Portal in the BarTender help system.
  • Print service refers to the web service that hosts your BarTender documents, which might be a Print Portal website or a Print Portal server. Collectively, these websites and servers are called print services.

You can add more than one print service to the app. However, the app can connect to only one print service at a time. The app must be connected to a print service to print the documents that are hosted on the service.
Typically, a print service is installed and configured by your BarTender administrator. When this is the case, you do not need to configure the print service to use the BarTender app to print; you need only to connect to it. For more information, refer to the Managing Your Print Services section of this document.

Downloading the BarTender App
You can download the BarTender app from the Google Play store. The app is free to download and does not require a BarTender product key code. Search for “BarTender by Seagull”, or use the following link:

The BarTender app interface includes a navigation menu, which is displayed when you tap in the upper left corner. This menu includes the following options:

  • Discover Printers: Opens the Configure Printers page, which you can use to view, add, delete, and configure the printers that the app is connected to. Printers in your network are automatically detected, and you can manually add printers as needed. For more information, refer to Managing Your Printers.
  • Print Services: Opens the Print Services page, which you can use to connect to a print service, add one or more print services to the app, and edit or delete a print service. For more information, refer to Managing Your Print Services.
  • About: Displays version information, a link to online help documentation, and a list of the open-source licenses that the BarTender app uses. Click a license name to view its terms.

Managing Your Print Services

  • After you download the BarTender app, you must add a print service to the app (if one has not already been added for you by your administrator) and then connect to it to be able to print your documents.
  • When you first open the BarTender app, the Print Services page is displayed. This page lists the print services that have been added to the app, if any, and provides options to add more print services and to edit or delete existing ones. To connect to a print service, tap to select it.

To return to the Print Services page from another page in the app, tap , and then tap Print Services.

Adding a Print Service
To add a print service to the app, follow these steps:

  1. On the Print Services page, tap .

  2. On the Add Print Service page, enter the following information for the print service that you want to connect to:

    • A name for the print service

    • The print service URL (this is the Print Portal URL for your installed instance of BarTender 2021 or BarTender 2022 Print Portal, such as https://print.<company

    • The Print Router URL, which includes the port number that the print router uses (such as

  3. Tap Save.

Editing a Print Service
To edit the settings of an existing print service, follow these steps:

  1. On the Print Services page, tap Edit.
  2. On the Edit Print Service page, tap for the print service that you want.
  3. On the Edit Print Service page, make the changes that you want.
  4. Tap Save. The print service is displayed automatically.

Deleting a Print Service
To delete a print service from the app, follow these steps:

  1. On the Print Services page, tap Edit.
  2. On the Edit Print Service page, tap for the print service that you want to delete.

Switching to a Different Print Service
If you have configured more than one print service, you can switch to a different print service at any time. To do this, on the Print Services page, tap the print service that you want to switch to.

Managing Your Printers

  • Typically, printers are added to a print service by your BarTender administrator. When this is the case, you do not need to add printers to the BarTender app to print your documents; you need only to connect to the print server that hosts the printers. However, in some cases, you might need to add one or more local printers to the app. This topic describes how to manage printers that are added to the app, not the printers that are hosted on a print service.
  • Use the Configure Printers page to detect local printers, to manually add a printer to the app, and to
    delete a printer. To open the Configure Printers page, tap , and then tap Discover Printers.

Detecting and Adding Printers
When you open the BarTender app, it automatically detects connected Bluetooth printers and connected network printers that use an IP address. These printers are then listed on the Configure Printers page.
If the printer that you want is not listed, you can tap to instruct the app to detect connected printers and refresh the printer list. Or, you can manually add a printer to the list. When you do this, the added printer is shared with your print service when you connect to the service.

The procedure to follow depends on whether the printer that you want to add is Bluetooth-enabled or is a network IP printer.

Adding a Bluetooth Printer
To manually add a Bluetooth printer, follow these steps:

  1. On the Configure Printers page, tap Tap to manually add printer.
  2. Tap Go to Bluetooth Settings.
  3. On your device’s Bluetooth settings page, enable pairing if it is not already enabled, and then select the printer that you want to add.
  4. In the BarTender app, tap Done.

Adding a Network IP Printer
To manually add a network IP printer, follow these steps:

  1. On the Configure Printers page, tap Tap to manually add printer.
  2. Tap Add Network Printer Manually.
  3. In the Add network printer manually dialog, enter the following information:
    • The IP address or host name for the printer
    • The port number
    • The printer manufacturer name and model number
    • The height and width of the labels to be printed (this information is required by most printers)
    • Offset information as needed
  4. Tap Save.
  5. Tap Done.

Deleting Printers
You can delete printers that you manually added to the app. To do this, tap next to the printer that you want to delete.

Printing Documents
After you connect to a print service, you can select documents that are hosted on the service and select a printer to send the print job to. The BarTender app supports data entry forms and query prompts, so you can add this data at print time.

INFO: Occasionally, the BarTender app might be unable to send a print job to the selected printer. If this occurs, the app notifies you so that you can contact your administrator and request that a driver be added to the print service server for the printer that you want.

Selecting a Document to Print
To select the document that you want to print, follow these steps:

  1. Open the BarTender app.
  2. Connect to the print service that you want to use, as follows:
    • If you have not configured a print service, tap . On the Add Print Service page, enter a name, URL, and Print Router URL for the print service, and then tap Save. The app connects to and displays the print service.
    • If you have configured one print service, the app automatically connects to and displays it.
    • If you have configured more than one print service, the app lists them on the Print Services page. Tap the print service that you want to connect to and display it.
  3. Scroll through the displayed documents to find the document that you want. Alternatively, enter a search term in the Search field.
  4. Tap the document to open it and to start the printing process.

The BarTender app supports the BarTender 2021 and BarTender 2022 versions of Print Portal as print services. For more information about how to print a document in Print Portal, refer to Printing a Document in the Print Portal help system.
You can also access the Print Portal help system in the BarTender app when the print service is displayed. To do this, tap , and then tap Help.

Printing Your Document
To print a document, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the document that you want, and then tap it to open the Print dialog.

  2. In the Printer list, select the printer that you want.
    INFO: If the printer that you want does not appear in the list, you can ask your administrator to add the printer to the server that is hosting the print service. Alternatively, you can add the new printer to the BarTender app. When you do this, you share the printer with the print service when you connect to the service. For more information, refer to Managing Your Printers.

  3. In the Copies field, enter the number of copies that you want to print.

  4. If your document contains serialized data, enter the number of serial numbers and the number of copies per serial number that you want to print in the Serial Numbers and Copies per Serial Number fields.

  5. Tap Print.

    • If the Select Records dialog opens, select the records that you want to print, and then tap Print.
    • If a query prompt or data entry form is displayed, enter the required data, and then tap Print.
      The print job runs.
  6. In the Print dialog, review the print job details, and then click Close to return to the Print dialog. If you printed to a PDF, you can optionally tap Download to download a copy of the printed items and/or tap n and then select a PDF viewer to review the printed items.

Using Print Preview
You can view the document in Print Preview to verify that it is correct before you print it. Print Preview displays the printed items exactly as they will appear, including any data that is pulled from connected databases or entered from query prompts or data entry forms.

To use Print Preview, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the document that you want, and then tap it to open the Print dialog.

  2. In the Printer list, select the printer that you want.
    INFO: If the printer that you want does not appear in the list, you can ask your administrator to add the printer to the server that is hosting the print service.
    Alternatively, you can add the new printer to the BarTender app. When you do this, you share the printer with the print service when you connect to the service. For more information, refer to Managing Your Printers.

  3. In the Copies field, enter the number of copies that you want to print.

  4. If your document contains serialized data, enter the number of serial numbers and the number of copies per serial number that you want to print in the Serial Numbers and Copies per Serial Number fields.

  5. Tap Preview.

  6. If the Select Records dialog opens, select the records that you want to print, and then tap Preview.

  7. If a query prompt or data entry form is displayed, enter the required data, and then tap Preview.

  8. In the Print Preview dialog, a preview of your printed item is displayed. If your print job includes more than one page, you can tap Page and then select the page that you want to view.
    Tap Print to print the document, or tap Cancel to close Print Preview.


The following answers to commonly asked questions provide solutions to help you troubleshoot your BarTender app configuration.

Why doesn’t my app connect to the print service?

  • Make sure that a Wi-Fi connection is available and that you are connected to the internet.
  • Make sure that the Wi-Fi capabilities of your mobile device are enabled.
  • Make sure that the print service that you are trying to connect to is turned on and functioning correctly.
  • If you still can’t connect, turn off your device, turn it on again, open the BarTender app, and then try to connect again.

Why can’t I find a printer?

  • Make sure that one or more printers are available on Bluetooth or an IP port and are connected to the print service that you are using.
  • Make sure that the printer that you are trying to connect to is turned on and functioning correctly.
  • If you are connected to a printer but the document still is not printed, refer to Troubleshooting printing problems on the BarTender Support Center website.

Why is my document displayed or printed incorrectly?

  • Verify that the document’s formatting and settings are correct in BarTender Designer. For more information, refer to Modifying the Page Setup in the BarTender help system and the “Template Design” articles on the BarTender Designer page of the BarTender Support Center website.

Related Documentation

Technical Documents

  • BarTender 2021 Print Portal
  • BarTender 2022 Print Portal

To view and download technical documents, visit:

Other Resources

© 2022 Seagull Scientific, Inc. BarTender, BarTender Cloud, Intelligent Templates, Drivers by Seagull, the BarTender logo, the BarTender Cloud logo, and the Drivers by Seagull logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagull Scientific, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Version 2022-09-07 BarTender 2022 Copyright © 2022 Seagull Scientific


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