ADD OFFROAD R230141090103 Ford Bronco Bomber Rear Bumper Instruction Manual
- June 13, 2024
Table of Contents
2021-Current Ford Bronco ADD Bomber™
Rear Bumper Installation Instructions
- Disconnect the negative battery terminal. Park the vehicle on level ground and set the emergency brake.
- We recommend reading through the installation instructions in whole before performing the work.
- When button head bolts are being used, install the supplied washer on the nut side. Then, hold the bolt stationary and only turn the nut to tighten. Do not turn the bolt to tighten hardware assembly, unless otherwise noted.
- Estimated Installation Time: 2 Hours for OEM Removal/Bumper Installation 1 Additional Hour to Wire Lights
This installation requires 2 people for best results
Labor Rates are based on a vehicle with no pre-existing damage. Wiring labor
is based on a standard wiring procedure with light switches installed in an
easily accessible location. Custom light triggering or switch mounting
location will result in a greater labor charge.
You will need the following tools:
- Ratchet
- 15mm Socket & Wrench
- 19mm wrench – A
- Crimper’s
- 9/16″ Socket & Wrench
- 18mm Socket
- Allen head 5/16
- Butane Soldering Kit
- 13mm Socket
- Long Ratchet Extension
- 1 1/8 Socket & Wrench
- Electrical Tape
Included in Kit:
4 – Hex Head Bolts (3/8”-16 x 1 1/2″) | 9 – Black Oxide Flat Washers (1/4″) |
4 – Extra Long Extended U nuts (3/8”-16) | 2 – Self Tapping Screws (12″-1) |
4 – Type A Washers (3/8”) | 2 – Nylon Lock Nut (3/4″-10) |
2 – Black Oxide Button Head Bolts (1/2”-13 x 1 1/2″) | 2 – Flat Washer (3/4″) |
2 – Black Oxide Nylon Lock Nut (1/2”-13) | 2 – Hex Head Bolts (3/4”-10 x 1 |
2 – Black Oxide Flat Washers (1/2″-24 x 1 1/2″)| 2 – Black Oxide SAE Flat
Washer (5/16″)
5 – Black Oxide Nylon Lock Nut (1/4”-20)| 2 – Black Oxide Nylon Lock Nut
5 – Black Oxide Button Head Bolts (1/4″-20 x 1″)| 2 – Black Rubber Threaded
Bumper (1″)
3 – One Foot Section of 20 Gauge Black Wire| 1 – One Foot Section of Split
6 – Gauge Butt Terminal Red|
- Unplug the main bumper harness connectors located on both the driver and passenger side of the vehicle along the frame rail. There are 2 connectors in total located under the rear fenders. (Fig A)
- Remove the 3 bolts with a 15mm wrench which will be found on each end of the bumper for a total of 6 bolts. (Fig B)
- There are 2 bolts which are 15mm that are located behind the bumper towards the inside of the frame. After those 2 bolts have been removed the bumper can be pulled off. (Fig C)
- After the bumper is removed, take off the wiring harness by removing the sensor plugs and License plate light. Squeeze the license plate light tabs on each end together and the light will come out. When transferring over the license plate light (You will need to grind down the tab that faces the ADD bumper). (Fig D)
- Take off the sensor bezels from the stock OEM bumper by squeezing the black tabs and push out. Then remove the white plastic part to get them ready to put on the ADD bumper. (Fig E)
For Plastic Bumper Sensor Bezels:
- Install the outer sensor bezels on the ADD bumper by inserting the black bezel part through the outside of the bumper, then slide the white bezel part on through the inside (The orientation on the outer sensor bezels should face inwards). (Fig F)
- Trim the sensor bezel labeled RIL (Driver Inner). There are 2 tabs on the sensor (refer to the photos below). The right tab will need to be cut off completely, while the left tab needs to be cut in half. When cutting the left tab, be sure the half being cut is closet to the right tab. (Fig G)
- Install the trimmed sensor bezel labled RIL with the remaining tab faced inwards. When installing the passenger inner sensor bezel labled RIR, install it so the sensor plug is faced inward. (Fig H)
For Steel Bumper Sensor Bezels:
- All the sensors will be pointed upwards just like OEM when transferred to the ADD bumper. The inner sensors can go on to the ADD bumper in the same position and orientation as the OEM sensors would go. The outer sensors will need to switch sides (Fig I). (Sensor marked ROL goes on the passenger side, the sensor marked ROR will go on the driver side)
- After the Sensor bezels have been installed you can transfer the wiring harness from the OEM bumper to the ADD bumper. You will notice that the inner sensor on the (passenger side) will not reach the bezel destination, you will need to open up the wiring harness by cutting it to get enough more length to reach the sensor bezel. After you achieve the correct length then tape back up like it was from the factory. (Fig J)
- On the opposite side (driver side) of the wiring harness you will need to extend the inner sensor wires as they will not reach the sensor location. There will be 3 (One Foot Section of 20 Gauge Black Wire) with butt terminals and loom to extend the sensor wires. First unravel the trape from the sensor wire to expose the wires that will be spliced into. Then extend the 3 wires and tape back up. (Fig K)
- Install the black sensor bezels on the bumper then slide the white backer over the sensor bezel (Make sure the white tab lines up with the cut out of the black bezel). (Fig L)
- Install the sensor into the sensor bezel as shown below (Fig M) (Make sure the sensor plug tab lines up with the bezel cut out). The outter sensors should face inwards, refer to step 14 for the inner sensor placement.
- When installing the inner sensors, make sure the sensor plugs are faced inward as shown below to clear the U-nut when its installed. The outter sensors can face either way. (Fig N)
- There is a bracket by the frame horn held in place by one bolt that needs to be removed shown below in. (Fig O)
- After the wiring harness has been transfered over, zip tie the harness to secure it in place, than insert the 4 provide U-Nut on the ADD bumper in these locations. (Fig P)
- Insert license plate light into license plate light cut out from the inside of the bumper. Then push the light into place from the outside of the bumper. (Fig Q)
- Remove the 2 bolts in the frame of the bronco to install the bracket that will be used as a mounting point for the bumper, then after the bracket has been placed on the frame, use the same bolts to attach the bracket to the frame. (Fig R)
- There is a provided bolt that will go through the bracket into the frame as another securing point for the bracket. (Fig S)
- Before installing the bumper, be sure to disconnect the wiring harness from the bronco off the mount. This will free up room for the wiring harness in the ADD bumper to reach the factory connector. (Fig T)
- Bolt on the bumper by using the 3 openings on each bracket that was provided in the kit on the side of the frame using the bracket installed in (Fig U). (2 bolts will screw into the nut tab the 3rd bolt is a button head)
- Remove the 4 bolts that connect the mount to the tire rack. (Fig V)
- Install the Extended bracket by use the 4 provided button head bolts to bolt on the extended bracket to the mount, then use to 4 OEM screws to the bracket to the brake light bracket. (Fig W)
- On the license plate bracket you will install 2 rubber bump stops in the areas shown below in figure (Fig X). The rubber bump stop on the far right will go through the license plate bolt. Then use the black button head bolt for the license plate along with the washer and nut facing the same orientation as the rubber bump stops.
- Remove the 3 factory 13mm bolts from the tire carrier shown below in. (Fig Y) After the bolts have been removed you can bolt on the license plate bracket with the same OEM factory hardware.
- Stand back and enjoy your new ADD Bomber™
- Check and re-tighten, if needed, all mounting bolts after 100 miles and periodically thereafter.
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