beamZ 150.151 Starcolor 540 Outdoor LED Wash Light User Guide

June 4, 2024

150.151 Star color 540 Outdoor LED Wash Light
User Guide


DMX ADDRESS Set address DMX address setting (001-512)
MODE DMX Mode DMX address setting (001-512)

Wireless DMX
Dmx Channel| 4/9/11/16/21/27/30CH
Auto|  Auto program 1 – 20
 Auto speed
Static| Dimmer
Color Macro| Red
Yellow Warm
Warm White
Cold White
SETTINGS| Display Rev| Display reverse (Display Rev) On/off
Display| Display Backlight on/off
Dmx Fail| Hold / Blackout
Dimmercurce| Choose between 4 Dimmercurves
Dimmer speed| Choose between Normal or Smooth
Led Power| Choose between High, Normal, or Theater
Led Frequency| Choose between 600/1200/2400/4800HZ
White Balance| Red| Individual white balance. Cross-operating mode setting of the 4
RGBW LED groups
Calibrate| Password = 033|    Zoom 000-255 Calibrate the min/max angle of the zoom (150.150 only)
Fan Set| Choose between Auto, High, Silent, Silent 70%, Silent40%, Silent20%
Wireless DMX| Reset Wireless DMX|
Test| Choose between All, LED, or Zoom
Demolition| Password = 033| Push the lens, Easy to maintain (150.150 only)
Autolock| 60 Seconds| Key lock closure, As the key lock opens, the display screen backlight is 60 seconds out, and the button is locked, needs operation buttons, first to ENTER a password to unlock, ENTER the password to operate display panel  buttons UP, DOWM, UP, DOWN, press ENTER to unlock,
No Lock
Reset| Reset Now?| Reset the zoom motor (only on the 150.150)
Factory reset| Reset Now?| Reset to factory set
SYSTEM INFO| Firmware| Software Version| Shows the last version of the software
Temperature| xx°C| show LED Temperature
Temp Unit| Fahrenheit / Celsius
Time info| Power on Hours| XXX Hours
Last run Hours| XXX Hours



1 Colour 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
2 000-255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
3 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
4 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%


1 Shutter 000 – 019 Shutter closed
020 – 024 Shutter open
025 – 064 Strobe 1 Strobe slow -> fast <1Hz – 20Hz
065 -0 69 Shutter open
070 -0 84 Strobe 2: Ramp up/down, slow -> fast
085 – 089 Shutter open
090 – 104 Strobe 3: Ramp up/down random, slow->fast
105 – 109 Shutter open
110 – 124 Strobe 4: Ramp up, slow -> fast
125 – 129 Shutter open
130 – 144 Strobe 5: Ramp up random, slow -> fast
145 – 149 Shutter open
150 – 164 Strobe 6:random Ramp down, slow -> fast
165 – 169 Shutter open
170 – 184 Strobe 7: Ramp down random, slow -> fast
185 – 189 Shutter open
190 – 204 Strobe 8: Random Strobe effect, slow -> fast
205 – 209 Shutter open
210 – 224 Strobe 9: Strobe Break effect, 5s…..1s (Short burst with break)
225 – 229 Shutter open
230 – 244 Strobe 10: burst (fast → slow)
245 – 255 Shutter open
2 Dimmer 000 – 255 0 – 100%
3 Fixture control settings 000 – 039 No function
040 – 044 SILENT MODE (level 1)-70% fan speed *
045 – 049 SILENT MODE (level 2)-40% fan speed *
050 – 054 SILENT MODE (level 3)-20% fan speed *
055 – 059 No function
060 – 064 Fan mode FULL *
065 – 069 Fan mode REGULATED *
070 – 074  Fan mode SILENT *
075 – 089 No function
090 – 094 Linear Dimmer Curve *
095 – 099 Exponential Dimmer Curve *
100 – 104 Logarithmic Dimmer Curve *
105 – 109  S-Dimmer Curve *
110 – 114  Normal dimming, speed of changes unrestricted *
115 – 119 No function
120 – 124  Smooth dimming, speed of changes restricted slightly *
125 – 129  No function
130 – 134 600 Hz Refresh rate *
135 – 139 1200Hz Refresh rate *
140 – 144 2400Hz Refresh rate *
145 – 149 4800Hz Refresh rate *
150 – 154 No Function
155 – 159 WDMX – ON *
160 – 164 No Function
165 – 169 WDMX – OFF *
170 – 174 No Function
175 – 179 WDMX – RESET *
180 – 184 No Function
185 – 189  Led power(Normal mode) *
190 – 194 Led power(Theater mode) *
195 – 199 Led power(High mode) *
200 – 249 No Function
250 – 255 illuminate display*
4 Macro Color 000 – 005 No Function
006 – 013 Red
014 – 021 Amber
022 -029 Yellow Amber
030-037 Yellow
038-045 Green
046-053 Turquoise
054-061 Cyan
062-069 Blue
070-077 Lavender
078-085 Mauve
086-093 Magenta
094-101 Pink
102-109 Warm White
110-117 White
118-125 Cold White
126-127 Color jumping stop
128-191 Colour jumping Speed slow->fast/Colour1->12
192-255 Colour fading Speed slow->fast/Colour1->12
5 Colour 000 – 255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
6 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
7 000 – 255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
8 000 – 255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
9 CCT 000 – 009 No Function
010 – 029 10000K
030 – 049 8000K
050 – 069 7200K
070 – 089 6500K
090 – 109 6000K
110 – 129 5600K
130 – 149 4900K
150 – 169 4200K
170 – 189 3500K
190 – 209 3200K
210 – 229 2700K
230 – 255 2500K


1 Shutter 000 – 019 Shutter closed
020 – 024 Shutter open
025 – 064 Strobe 1 Strobe slow -> fast <1Hz – 20Hz
065 -0 69 Shutter open
070 -0 84 Strobe 2: Ramp up/down, slow -> fast
085 – 089 Shutter open
090 – 104 Strobe 3: Ramp up/down random, slow->fast
105 – 109 Shutter open
110 – 124 Strobe 4: Ramp up, slow -> fast
125 – 129 Shutter open
130 – 144 Strobe 5: Ramp up random, slow -> fast
145 – 149 Shutter open
150 – 164 Strobe 6:random Ramp down, slow -> fast
165 – 169 Shutter open
170 – 184 Strobe 7: Ramp down random, slow -> fast
185 – 189 Shutter open
190 – 204 Strobe 8: Random Strobe effect, slow -> fast
205 – 209 Shutter open
210 – 224 Strobe 9: Strobe Break effect, 5s…..1s (Short burst with break)
225 – 229 Shutter open
230 – 244 Strobe 10: burst (fast → slow)
245 – 255 Shutter open
2 Dimmer 000 – 255 0 – 100%
3 Fixture control settings 000 – 039 No function
040 – 044 SILENT MODE (level 1)-70% fan speed *
045 – 049 SILENT MODE (level 2)-40% fan speed *
050 – 054 SILENT MODE (level 3)-20% fan speed *
055 – 059 No function
060 – 064 Fan mode FULL *
065 – 069 Fan mode REGULATED *
070 – 074 Fan mode SILENT *
075 – 089 No function
090 – 094 Linear Dimmer Curve *
095 – 099 Exponential Dimmer Curve *
100 – 104 Logarithmic Dimmer Curve *
105 – 109 S-Dimmer Curve *
110 – 114 Normal dimming, speed of changes unrestricted *
115 – 119 No function
120 – 124 Smooth dimming, speed of changes restricted slightly *
125 – 129 No function
130 – 134 600 Hz Refresh rate *
135 – 139 1200Hz Refresh rate *
140 – 144 2400Hz Refresh rate *
145 – 149 4800Hz Refresh rate *
150 – 154 No Function
155 – 159 WDMX – ON *
160 – 164 No Function
165 – 169 WDMX – OFF *
170 – 174 No Function
175 – 179 WDMX – RESET *
180 – 184 No Function
185 – 189 Led power(Normal mode) *
190 – 194 Led power(Theater mode) *
195 – 199 Led power(High mode) *
200 – 249 No Function
250 – 255 illuminate display*
4 Macro Color 000 – 005 No Function
006 – 013 Red
014 – 021 Amber
022 -029 Yellow Amber
030-037 Yellow
038-045 Green
046-053 Turquoise
054-061 Cyan
062-069 Blue
070-077 Lavender
078-085 Mauve
086-093 Magenta
094-101 Pink
102-109 Warm White
110-117 White
118-125 Cold White
126-127 Color jumping stop
128-191 Colour jumping Speed slow->fast/Colour1->12
192-255 Colour fading Speed slow->fast/Colour1->12
5 Colour 000 – 255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
6 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
7 000 – 255 LED BLUE, Intensity 0-100%
8 000 – 255 LED WHITE, Intensity 0-100%
9 CCT 000 – 009 No Function
010 – 029 10000K
030 – 049 8000K
050 – 069 7200K
070 – 089 6500K
090 – 109 6000K
110 – 129 5600K
130 – 149 4900K
150 – 169 4200K
170 – 189 3500K
190 – 209 3200K
210 – 229 2700K
230 – 255 2500K
10 Auto Program 000 – 009 No function
010 – 019 Auto program 1
020 – 029 Auto program 2
030 – 039 Auto program 3
040 – 049 Auto program 4
050 – 059 Auto program 5
060 – 069 Auto program 6
070 – 079 Auto program 7
080 – 089 Auto program 8
090 – 099 Auto program 9
100 – 109 Auto program 10
110 – 119 Auto program 11
120 – 129 Auto program 12
130 – 139 Auto program 13
140 – 149 Auto program 14
150 – 159 Auto program 15
160 – 169 Auto program 16
170 – 179 Auto program 17
180 – 189 Auto program 18
190 – 199 Auto program 19
200 – 255 Auto program 20 (Auto program 1-19 cycle)
11 Speed Program 000 – 000 No Function
001 – 255 AUTO Speed or Dimmer Speed

*Value must be held for 5 seconds to activate


1 LED block 1 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
2 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
3 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
4 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
5 LED block 2 000 – 255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
6 000-255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
7 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
8 000 – 255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
9 LED block 3 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
10 000-255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
11 000 – 255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
12 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
13 LED block 4 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
14 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
15 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
16 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%


1 Shutter 000-019 Shutter closed
020-024 Shutter open
025-064 Strobe 1 Strobe slow -> fast <1Hz – 20Hz
065-069 Shutter open
070-084 Strobe 2: Ramp up/down, slow -> fast
085-089 Shutter open
090-104 Strobe 3: Ramp up/down random, slow->fast
105-109 Shutter open
110-124 Strobe 4: Ramp up, slow -> fast
125-129 Shutter open
130-144 Strobe 5: Ramp up random, slow -> fast
145-149 Shutter open
150-164 Strobe 6:random Ramp down, slow -> fast
165-169 Shutter open
170-184 Strobe 7: Ramp down random, slow -> fast
185-189 Shutter open
190-204 Strobe 8: Random Strobe effect, slow -> fast
205-209 Shutter open
210-224 Strobe 9: Strobe Break effect, 5s…..1s (Short burst with break)
225-229 Shutter open
230-244 Strobe 10: burst (fast → slow)
245-255 Shutter open
2 Dimmer 000-255 0 – 100%
3 Fixture control settings 000-039 No function
040 – 044 SILENT MODE (level 1)-70% fan speed *
045 – 049 SILENT MODE (level 2)-40% fan speed *
050 – 054 SILENT MODE (level 3)-20% fan speed *
055 – 059 No function
060 – 064 Fan mode FULL *
065 – 069 Fan mode REGULATED *
070 – 074 Fan mode SILENT *
075 – 089 No function
090 – 094 Linear Dimmer Curve *
095 – 099 Exponential Dimmer Curve *
100 – 104 Logarithmic Dimmer Curve *
105 – 109 S-Dimmer Curve *
110 – 114 Normal dimming, speed of changes unrestricted *
115 – 119 No function
120 – 124 Smooth dimming, speed of changes restricted slightly *
125 – 129 No function
130 – 134 600 Hz Refresh rate *
135 – 139 1200Hz Refresh rate *
140 – 144 2400Hz Refresh rate *
145 – 149 4800Hz Refresh rate *
150 – 154 No Function
155 – 159 WDMX – ON *
160 – 164 No Function
165 – 169 WDMX – OFF *
170 – 174 No Function
175 – 179 WDMX – RESET *
180 – 184 No Function
185 – 189 Led power(Normal mode) *
190 – 194 Led power(Theater mode) *
195 – 199 Led power(High mode) *
200 – 249 No Function
250 – 255 illuminate display*
4 LED block 1 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
5 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
6 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
7 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
8 LED block 2 000 – 255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
9 000-255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
10 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
11 000 – 255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
12 LED block 3 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
13 000-255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
14 000 – 255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
15 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
16 LED block 4 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
17 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
18 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
19 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
20 Auto Program 000 – 009 No function
010 – 019 Auto program 1
020 – 029 Auto program 2
030 – 039 Auto program 3
040 – 049 Auto program 4
050 – 059 Auto program 5
060 – 069 Auto program 6
070 – 079 Auto program 7
080 – 089 Auto program 8
090 – 099 Auto program 9
100 – 109 Auto program 10
110 – 119 Auto program 11
120 – 129 Auto program 12
130 – 139 Auto program 13
140 – 149 Auto program 14
150 – 159 Auto program 15
160 – 169 Auto program 16
170 – 179 Auto program 17
180 – 189 Auto program 18
190 – 199 Auto program 19
200 – 255 Auto program 20 (Auto program 1-19 cycle)
21 Speed Program 000 – 000 No Function
001 – 255 AUTO Speed or Dimmer Speed

*Value must be held for 5 seconds to activate


1 Shutter 000 – 019 Shutter closed
020 – 024 Shutter open
025 – 064 Strobe 1 Strobe slow -> fast <1Hz – 20Hz
065 -0 69 Shutter open
070 -0 84 Strobe 2: Ramp up/down, slow -> fast
085 – 089 Shutter open
090 – 104 Strobe 3: Ramp up/down random, slow->fast
105 – 109 Shutter open
110 – 124 Strobe 4: Ramp up, slow -> fast
125 – 129 Shutter open
130 – 144 Strobe 5: Ramp up random, slow -> fast
145 – 149 Shutter open
150 – 164 Strobe 6:random Ramp down, slow -> fast
165 – 169 Shutter open
170 – 184 Strobe 7: Ramp down random, slow -> fast
185 – 189 Shutter open
190 – 204 Strobe 8: Random Strobe effect, slow -> fast
205 – 209 Shutter open
210 – 224 Strobe 9: Strobe Break effect, 5s…..1s (Short burst with break)
225 – 229 Shutter open
230 – 244 Strobe 10: burst (fast → slow)
245 – 255 Shutter open
2 Dimmer 000 – 255 0 – 100%
3 Fixture control settings 000 – 039 No function
040 – 044 SILENT MODE (level 1)-70% fan speed *
045 – 049 SILENT MODE (level 2)-40% fan speed *
050 – 054 SILENT MODE (level 3)-20% fan speed *
055 – 059 No function
060 – 064 Fan mode FULL *
065 – 069 Fan mode REGULATED *
070 – 074 Fan mode SILENT *
075 – 089 No function
090 – 094 Linear Dimmer Curve *
095 – 099 Exponential Dimmer Curve *
100 – 104 Logarithmic Dimmer Curve *
105 – 109 S-Dimmer Curve *
110 – 114 Normal dimming, speed of changes unrestricted *
115 – 119 No function
120 – 124 Smooth dimming, speed of changes restricted slightly *
125 – 129 No function
130 – 134 600 Hz Refresh rate *
135 – 139 1200Hz Refresh rate *
140 – 144 2400Hz Refresh rate *
145 – 149 4800Hz Refresh rate *
150 – 154 No Function
155 – 159 WDMX – ON *
160 – 164 No Function
165 – 169 WDMX – OFF *
170 – 174 No Function
175 – 179 WDMX – RESET *
180 – 184 No Function
185 – 189 Led power(Normal mode) *
190 – 194 Led power(Theater mode) *
195 – 199 Led power(High mode) *
200 – 249 No Function
250 – 255 illuminate display*
4 Macro Color 000 – 005 No Function
006 – 013 Red
014 – 021 Amber
022 -029 Yellow Amber
030-037 Yellow
038-045 Green
046-053 Turquoise
054-061 Cyan
062-069 Blue
070-077 Lavender
078-085 Mauve
086-093 Magenta
094-101 Pink
102-109 Warm White
110-117 White
118-125 Cold White
126-127 Color jumping stop
128-191 Colour jumping Speed slow->fast/Colour1->12
192-255 Colour fading Speed slow->fast/Colour1->12
5 Colour 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
6 000-255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
7 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
8 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
9 CCT 000 – 009 No Function
010 – 029 10000K
030 – 049 8000K
050 – 069 7200K
070 – 089 6500K
090 – 109 6000K
110 – 129 5600K
130 – 149 4900K
150 – 169 4200K
170 – 189 3500K
190 – 209 3200K
210 – 229 2700K
230 – 255 2500K
10 LED block 1 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
11 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
12 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
13 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
14 LED block 2 000 – 255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
15 000-255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
16 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
17 000 – 255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
18 LED block 3 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
19 000-255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
20 000 – 255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
21 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
22 LED block 4 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
23 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
24 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
25 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
26 Auto Program 000 – 009 No function
010 – 019 Auto program 1
020 – 029 Auto program 2
030 – 039 Auto program 3
040 – 049 Auto program 4
050 – 059 Auto program 5
060 – 069 Auto program 6
070 – 079 Auto program 7
080 – 089 Auto program 8
090 – 099 Auto program 9
100 – 109 Auto program 10
110 – 119 Auto program 11
120 – 129 Auto program 12
130 – 139 Auto program 13
140 – 149 Auto program 14
150 – 159 Auto program 15
160 – 169 Auto program 16
170 – 179 Auto program 17
180 – 189 Auto program 18
190 – 199 Auto program 19
200 – 255 Auto program 20 (Auto program 1-19 cycle)
27 Speed Program 000 – 000 No Function
001 – 255 AUTO Speed or Dimmer Speed
  • Value must be held for 5 seconds to activate


1 Shutter 000 – 019 Shutter closed
020 – 024 Shutter open
025 – 064 Strobe 1 Strobe slow -> fast <1Hz – 20Hz
065 -0 69 Shutter open
070 -0 84 Strobe 2: Ramp up/down, slow -> fast
085 – 089 Shutter open
090 – 104 Strobe 3: Ramp up/down random, slow->fast
105 – 109 Shutter open
110 – 124 Strobe 4: Ramp up, slow -> fast
125 – 129 Shutter open
130 – 144 Strobe 5: Ramp up random, slow -> fast
145 – 149 Shutter open
150 – 164 Strobe 6:random Ramp down, slow -> fast
165 – 169 Shutter open
170 – 184 Strobe 7: Ramp down random, slow -> fast
185 – 189 Shutter open
190 – 204 Strobe 8: Random Strobe effect, slow -> fast
205 – 209 Shutter open
210 – 224 Strobe 9: Strobe Break effect, 5s…..1s (Short burst with break)
225 – 229 Shutter open
230 – 244 Strobe 10: burst (fast → slow)
245 – 255 Shutter open
2 Dimmer 000 – 255 0 – 100%
3 Fixture control settings 000 – 039 No function
040 – 044 SILENT MODE (level 1)-70% fan speed *
045 – 049 SILENT MODE (level 2)-40% fan speed *
050 – 054 SILENT MODE (level 3)-20% fan speed *
055 – 059 No function
060 – 064 Fan mode FULL *
065 – 069 Fan mode REGULATED *
070 – 074 Fan mode SILENT *
075 – 089 No function
090 – 094 Linear Dimmer Curve *
095 – 099 Exponential Dimmer Curve *
100 – 104 Logarithmic Dimmer Curve *
105 – 109 S-Dimmer Curve *
110 – 114 Normal dimming, speed of changes unrestricted *
115 – 119 No function
120 – 124 Smooth dimming, speed of changes restricted slightly *
125 – 129 No function
130 – 134 600 Hz Refresh rate *
135 – 139 1200Hz Refresh rate *
140 – 144 2400Hz Refresh rate *
145 – 149 4800Hz Refresh rate *
150 – 154 No Function
155 – 159 WDMX – ON *
160 – 164 No Function
165 – 169 WDMX – OFF *
170 – 174 No Function
175 – 179 WDMX – RESET *
180 – 184 No Function
185 – 189 Led power(Normal mode) *
190 – 194 Led power(Theater mode) *
195 – 199 Led power(High mode) *
200 – 249 No Function
250 – 255 illuminate display*
4 Macro Color 000 – 005 No Function
006 – 013 Red
014 – 021 Amber
022 -029 Yellow Amber
030-037 Yellow
038-045 Green
046-053 Turquoise
054-061 Cyan
062-069 Blue
070-077 Lavender
078-085 Mauve
086-093 Magenta
094-101 Pink
102-109 Warm White
110-117 White
118-125 Cold White
126-127 Colour jumping stop
128-191 Colour jumping Speed slow->fast/Colour1->12
192-255 Colour fading Speed slow->fast/Colour1->12
5 Block 1 000-255 LED Dimmer, Intensity 0-100%
6 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
7 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
8 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
9 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
10 000-255 Fade (dimmer speed)
11 Block 2 000-255 LED Dimmer, Intensity 0-100%
12 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
13 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
14 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
15 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
16 000-255 Fade (dimmer speed)
17 Block 3 000-255 LED Dimmer, Intensity 0-100%
18 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
19 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
20 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
21 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
22 000-255 Fade (dimmer speed)
23 Block 4 000-255 LED Dimmer, Intensity 0-100%
24 000-255 LED Red, Intensity 0-100%
25 000 – 255 LED Green, Intensity 0-100%
26 000-255 LED Blue, Intensity 0-100%
27 000-255 LED White, Intensity 0-100%
28 000-255 Fade (dimmer speed)
29 Auto Program 000 – 009 No function
010 – 019 Auto program 1
020 – 029 Auto program 2
030 – 039 Auto program 3
040 – 049 Auto program 4
050 – 059 Auto program 5
060 – 069 Auto program 6
070 – 079 Auto program 7
080 – 089 Auto program 8
090 – 099 Auto program 9
100 – 109 Auto program 10
110 – 119 Auto program 11
120 – 129 Auto program 12
130 – 139 Auto program 13
140 – 149 Auto program 14
150 – 159 Auto program 15
160 – 169 Auto program 16
170 – 179 Auto program 17
180 – 189 Auto program 18
190 – 199 Auto program 19
200 – 255 Auto program 20 (Auto program 1-19 cycle)
30 Speed Program 000 – 000 No Function
001 – 255 AUTO Speed or Dimmer Speed

*Value must be held for 5 seconds to activate



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