FATEK FBs-CMGSM PLC Communication Module User Manual

June 12, 2024

FATEK FBs-CMGSM PLC Communication Module


FBs-CMGSM (CMGSM for short) is communication module for FATEK PLC systems FBs- xxMC. CMGSM uses the GSM network to transfer the data. CMGSM is based on the quad band GSM module (850/900/1800/1900 MHz). CMGSM is backed up by Li-Ion accumulator.
CMGSM offer three different ways of communication with connected PLC.
The first one is monitoring and remote control of PLC via SMS. CMGSM reads periodically PLC registers containing a flag to send SMS, if the flag is set, CMGSM reads destination phone number and string of characters (text), sends SMS and clears the flag. If there is a SMS received by CMGSM, it is written into PLC registers including another flag “SMS received” to be processed by PLC program. At the end the PLC program clears this flag. So these operational SMS must be processed by PLC program both on SMS reception and SMS sending. Some status and event SMS are predefined in CMGSM (e.g. “Connection to PLC failure”) and only the destination phone number have to be set in PLC registers.
The second way of communication with PLC via CMGSM is dial up data transfer via GSM network (CSD). The connection can be only incoming for CMGSM, that may be initiated from a control center for the purpose of remote system analysis and PLC software tuning and modification by WinProladder SW.
The third way of CMGSM communication over the GSM network is GPRS data connection using TCP/IP protocol. CMGSM opens the connection in TCP client mode. Any SIM card, that can provide internet connection over the GSM network, can be used. CMGSM connects to IP address and port specified in from PLC. It is important to notice, that the connection can be opened in direction from CMGSM to PC (server) only. PC cannot open a connection to CMGSM because CMGSM has no server implemented and usually does not have public IP address. GPRS has special data transfer properties (data grouping, data transfer delay 1 … 10 seconds), which are not suitable for WinProladder SW. WinProladder must use dial up data transfer (so called CSD) only.

Main features

  • Three ways of GSM network use – SMS, GPRS, Data Call CSD (all of them practically at the same time)
  • WinProladder remote GSM dial up data transfer connection (CSD)
  • USB port for module monitoring
  • One digital input IN and one digital output OUT
  • Firmware update via GSM available
  • Li-Ion backup accumulator – min. 2 days of operation w/o charging
  • Lowest level super watchdog function (Hardware Power OFF)
  • FBs-CMGSM can be used directly with PLC FBs-xxMC (Port 3)
  • SMS functionality is fully under PLC program control
  • Configuration of CMGSM means just to set several PLC registers
  • No PLC program support is necessary for CSD and GPRS operation
  • LEDs for indication of the CMGSM status and data flow signalization
  • Unlimited number of logical and analog inputs and outputs can work with one CMGSM (PLC network)
  1. GSM antenna connector
  2. IO connector
  3. SIM card holder
  4. USB connector
  5. DIN rail holder
  6. FUNC button
  7. Indication LEDs Rx, Tx
  8. Flat cable for connection to PLC
  9. Indication LEDs GSM, ERR

Content of the Delivery

  • 1 pc of FBS-CMGSM
  • 1 pc of antenna GSM-ANT05S
  • 1 pc of 6 pin connector, pitch 3.81 mm
  • 1 pc of CD with documentation

Typical Application, Installation

Note : FATEK PLC is not part of the delivery of this product. It is needed to order independently.

Turn off all power supply during installation of CMGSM to PLC to prevent damage to equipment!


If a SIM card does not need PIN code, no configuration for basic use is necessary.
For the SIM card with PIN code the configuration in PLC is necessary. Read chapter 5.1 Configuration for more.

Hardware settings
  • Switch off the power supply of PLC
  • Connect GSM antenna
  • Insert SIM card
  • Connect the flat cable between CMGSM and PLC

Device status is indicated with blue GSM LED on the CMGSM front panel. Valid statuses are as follows:

Term Description
permanently off No power or STAND BY mode.
600 ms on / 600 ms off Device is not logged into the GSM network. This state

occurs after start of device for approx. 30 seconds. If it remains, check: SIM card (is inserted?, is valid?) Antenna (is connected?) Configuration (is SIM PIN correct?)
75 ms on / 3 s off| Device is logged into the GSM network and is idle. (It means that no GPRS nor CSD connection is active.)
75 ms on / 75 ms off / 75 ms on / 3 s off| GPRS active, no data
500 ms on / 50 ms off| GPRS active, data transfer in progress
permanently on| CSD (data connection) in progress

Expressed line is common operating state.

Front Panel
Name Element Description
ANT Connector GSM Antenna connector
GSM LED blue GSM status (see the previous table)
ERR LED red Error
IO Connector IN (input), OUT (output)
FUNC Button Multifunction Button: DOUT2 change, RESTART, STAND BY

SIM CARD| SIM card Holder| Press the SIM card to remove it from holder
USB| Connector| USB connection to PC for debugging purposes
RCV| LED yellow| Receiving SMS
SND| LED green| Sending SMS

Pushbutton “FUNC”

Pushbutton “FUNC” has several functions. Short press changes the state of the output OUT (DOUT2). Long press (longer than 3 seconds) will either RESTART CMGSM (if CMGSM is powered by the PLC) or enter the STAND BY MODE (if the CMGSM is powered from the internal accumulator – PLC is either disconnected or turned off).

IO Connector

IO connector has 6 terminals. Terminals “+” “-” are intended for service purposes only – for test of an internal accumulator. Terminals IN (“IN1”) are for digital input.
Terminals OUT (“DOUT2”) are for digital output.

Function of the Device


One of the primary functions of the CMGSM is to send and receive SMS messages.
There are 2 kinds of SMS, which have different functions and purposes:

  • SMS for and from PLC FATEK, see chapters 4.1.1. and 4.1.2
  • Service SMS commands processed by CMGSM, see chapter 4.3

Outgoing SMS from PLC FATEK are sent by PLC program, that writes the text and destination phone number into PLC registers and orders CMGSM to send the message by write special value to another register (SendFlag). CMGSM sends SMS and writes result of the sending to PLC register (SendFlag). Incoming messages for PLC FATEK are received by CMGSM and the text and origin phone number are written into PLC registers. Subsequently in another register (RecvFlag) is written value, that signalizes new received SMS. PLC program analyzes the registers and deactivates flag RecvFlag. All the SMS structure and security features must be done by PLC program, including confirmation, that SMS was received, if required.
SMS messages, which contains characters “#!” (hash and exclamation) followed by access code, are sent and received by CMGSM itself and their function, structure and security features cannot be changed by user or PLC program. Incoming SMS of this kind are described in chapter 4.3 Service SMS Commands and are used to get information about CMGSM status, to reset CMGSM or to get current CMGSM configuration. Outgoing SMS of this kind are described in chapter 4.5 Events. Events, it is information about emergency status of CMGSM module like lost communication with PLC. These events are sent to a predefined phone number (Master in configuration).

Sending a SMS

CMGSM periodically tests the first register of the Send Record, standard base is D3800. The Send Record is an area in PLC registers which must be filled by program in PLC in order to send a SMS message. For structure of the record see the following table.

Registers Caption Description
D3800 SendFlag 0x0000 – Idle

0x0001 – Command to send (written by program in PLC)
0x0003 – SMS is sending (written by CMGSM)
0x0000 – SMS sent successfully (written by CMGSM)
0x0004 – Failed while sending SMS (written by CMGSM)
D3810-D3819| SendDestAddress| Phone number where to send the
message. Length 20 characters.
D3820-D3899| SendUserData| Text of the message. Length 160 characters.

This range of registers cannot be used for any other purposes!

How does the CMGSM send a message:

Every register of Phone number or Text contains two characters. String of characters ends with special character 0x00. Examples:

  • String with one character – “A”: D3820 = 0x0041
  • String “TEXT”: D3820 = 0x4554, D3821 = 0x5458, D3822 = 0x0000
  • String “HELLO”: D3820 = 0x4548, D3821 = 0x4C4C, D3822 = 0x004F

If the length of a phone number is exactly 20 characters (or 160 characters of text) then the character 0x00 at the end is omitted!

Base of Send Record (D3800) may be changed to another D or R register via configuration key REGSEND. Only register SendFlag (D3800) is changed during sending a message.

Example of sending a message “WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!” to phone “123465”:
(Check register D3800 – SendFlag for value 0x0000 before sending the message!)

Register Value Description
D3810 0x3231 SendDestAddress, characters “1” and “2”
D3811 0x3433 SendDestAddress, characters “3” and “4”
D3812 0x3635 SendDestAddress, characters “5” and “6”
D3813 0x00 00 End of string
D3820 0x4557 SendUserData, characters “W” and “E”
D3821 0x4120 SendUserData, characters “ ” (space) and “A”
D3822 0x4552 SendUserData, characters “R” and “E”
D3823 0x5420 SendUserData, characters “ ” (space) and “T”
D3824 0x4548 SendUserData, characters “H” and “E”
D3825 0x4320 SendUserData, characters “ ” (space) and “C”
D3826 0x4148 SendUserData, characters “H” and “A”
D3827 0x504D SendUserData, characters “M” and “P”
D3828 0x4F49 SendUserData, characters “I” and “O”
D3829 0x534E SendUserData, characters “N” and “S”
D382A 0x 00 21 SendUserData, characters “!” and end of string
D3800 0x0001 SendFlag: send command

Receiving a SMS
Incoming SMS messages are saved into registers of PLC in Recv Record, standard base D3700. Structure of the record is in following table.

Registers Caption Description
D3700 RecvFlag 0x0000 – Idle (written by PLC program) 0x0001

– Message received (written by CMGSM)
D3710-D3719| RecvOrigAddress| Phone number of the message sender (originator). Length 20 characters.
D3720-D3799| RecvUserData| Text of the message. Length 160 characters.

This range of registers cannot be used for any other purposes!

How CMGSM stores a received message:

Every register of Phone number or Text contains two characters. String of characters ends with special character 0x00. Examples:

  • String with one character – “A”: D3720 = 0x0041
  • String “TEXT”: D3720 = 0x4554, D3721 = 0x5458, D3722 = 0x0000
  • String “HELLO”: D3720 = 0x4548, D3721 = 0x4C4C, D3722 = 0x004F

If length of phone number is exactly 20 characters (or 160 characters of text) the character 0x00 at the end is omitted!

CMGSM contains a queue of up to 100 SMS messages. After the queue is full all other SMS messages are discarded. If a power failure occurs all received messages in the queue are lost. Base of Recv Record (D3700) may be changed to another D or R register via configuration key REGRECV. No other registers are changed than the necessary ones.

Example of receiving of message “TEST MESSAGE.” from phone “+420123456789”:

Register Value Description
D3700 0x00 01 RecvFlag: new message
D3710 0x342B RecvOrigAddress, characters “+” and “4”
D3711 0x3032 RecvOrigAddress, characters “2” and “0”
D3712 0x3231 RecvOrigAddress, characters “1” and “2”
D3713 0x3433 RecvOrigAddress, characters “3” and “4”
D3714 0x3635 RecvOrigAddress, characters “5” and “6”
D3715 0x3837 RecvOrigAddress, characters “7” and “8”
D3716 0x0039 RecvOrigAddress, characters “9” and end of string
D3720 0x4554 RecvUserData, characters “T” and “E”
D3721 0x5453 RecvUserData, characters “S” and “T”
D3722 0x4D20 RecvUserData, characters “ ” (space) and “M”
D3723 0x5345 RecvUserData, characters “E” and “S”
D3724 0x4153 RecvUserData, characters “S” and “A”
D3725 0x4547 RecvUserData, characters “G” and “E”
D3726 0x002E RecvUserData, characters “.” and end of string
GSM Data Connection (Data Call, CSD)

Data connection can be established anytime, even if GPRS communication is in progress.

There is no security mechanism against unauthorized data connection to PLC. So it is highly recommended to set security in PLC (password).

Service SMS Commands

Received SMS message with string ‘#!’ and password at the beginning are considered to be service SMS commands. These messages are not forwarded to PLC, but they are processed in CMGSM. Device will check for a valid access code (ACODE parameter in configuration) and if the access code is valid, the message is searched for keywords. Only one keyword in every SMS is executed.
Example of this SMS:

#!1234 INFO
#!998877 CONFIG

Table of all keywords:

Keyword Description
INFO STATE Device will respond with SMS describing its current status,

CMGSM: NETWORK=Vodafone CZ 77%
IN1=off OUT2=off
CSD=no connection GPRS=no connection PLC=connected
CMGSM v8.2
RESET| Device will respond with confirmation SMS and restart itself. PLC is not affected.
This command is used after change of configuration in PLC register to accept the changes by CMGSM.
CONFIG| Device will respond with current configuration. (Current configuration is a default configuration with some values changed by configuration string in PLC, see Chapter 5 – Configuration.)
FACTORY| CMGSM will respond with confirmation SMS. CMGSM will write default configuration to attached PLC and restart itself.
ON| Activate digital output OUT2
OFF| Deactivate digital output OUT2


One of the primary functions of this device is to establish and maintain TCP connection from PLC to a server. In order to achieve this goal FBs-CMGSM has to make following steps after power up:
Establish connection to PLC via serial port. Parameters of the serial port are: 9600 baud, 7 data bits, EVEN parity, 1 stop bit, no hw handshake (it is default FATEK settings for all serial ports), address 01h.
After power on the FBs-CMGSM will proceed steps:

  • Read configuration from PLC register D3900 – D3999.
  • Login to the GSM network, using PIN from configuration.
  • Attach to GPRS, using APN, USER and PASSWD from configuration.
  • Establish and maintain TCP connection to SERVER on port PORT.

CMGSM will try indefinitely to read configuration from PLC at the beginning. If there is no serial communication between CMGSM and PLC device will not login into the GSM network! If there is no configuration in PLC or the configuration is damaged or other problem occurs CMGSM writes default configuration into the PLC.

GPRS can be controlled and monitored via set of registers in PLC and via configuration:

Registers Caption Description
D3510 GprsCommand 0=no connection (written by PLC) 1=open connection

(written by PLC)
D3511| GprsState| 0x00=no connection, idle 0x01=connecting 0x80=connected
D3512| GprsCntErr| Error counter for connection
D3516-D3517| GprsCntUp| Data        counter,        direction        UP (= PLCðTCP), D3516 LSB
D3518-D3519| GprsCntDown| Data      counter,      direction      DOWN (= TCPðPLC), D3518 LSB
D3520-D3523| GprsLocalIP| Local IP address if connected. “” if not connected. (D3520=MSB)
If local IP address is, then D3520 … 0x0093 (147d)
D3521 … 0x0020 (32d)
D3522 … 0x0050 (80d) D3523 … 0x0001 (1d)
D3524| GprsLocalPort| Local TCP port if connected, 0 if not connected
D3525-D3528| GprsRemoteIP| Remote IP address if connected. “” if not connected. (D2425=MSB)
D3529| GprsRemotePort| Remote TCP port if connected, 0 if not connected

This range of registers cannot be used for any other purposes!

GPRS diagnostic is part of Diagnostic (see chapter Diagnostic). Base of Diag Record (D3500) may be changed to another D or R register via configuration key REGDIAG.


Device can detect special events and send a warning about them as a SMS:

  • Connection to PLC failure/restore

It is needed to set parameter MASTER in configuration for both of these events, see chapter 5.2 Basic Parameters.


Diagnostics values are written to Diagnostic Record, standard base D3500. Structure of the record is in following table:

Registers Caption Description
D3500.0 DiagCnct 0=no connection to PLC, 1=connection to PLC OK
D3500.1 DiagRQueue 0=no SMS in receive queue, 1=at least one SMS in

receive queue
D3500.8-15| DiagGsmReg| result of command AT+CREG: 0=not registered, not searching 1=registered, home network 2=not registered, searching 3=registration denied
5=registered, roaming
D3501.0-7| DiagSigQuality| Signal quality in percent (0-100) or 255 if unknown.
D3501.8-15| DiagSigErr| Signal BER (0-7) or 255 if unknown.
D3502| DiagAlive| CMGSM writes value 0x0001 whenever diagnostic record is refreshed (cca 6 seconds). This is intended for PLC program to check if CMGSM is alive. In this case PLC program will write a 0x0000 into this register and wait for 0x0001 here.
D3503| DiagVersion| Version of CMGSM3, in high byte is high
version number, in low byte is low byte is low version number
D3504| 0x0000| For future use
D3505| DiagReset| If PLC writes value 0xF3A5 to this register the CMGSM will make reset of itself.
D3506| DiagAtFlag| 0x0000 – Idle
0x0001 – Execute        command       in DiagAtCmd (written by program in PLC) 0x0003 – Command is about to execute (written by CMGSM)
0x0000 – Command executed successfully (written by CMGSM)
0x0004 – Exception while executing the command (written by CMGSM)
D3508-D3509| DiagUpTime| 32 bit counter which is incremented whenever CMGSM updates DiagRegisters area in PLC. The counter is cleared after restart of CMGSM. The counter value indicates in a certain way how long the CMGSM is running without restart (so called Uptime).
D3510-D3529| Gprs …| Reserved for GPRS diagnostics See chapter “TCP over GPRS” for details
D3530-D3539| DiagOperator| String with name of operator when registered. Empty string if not registered.
Length 20 characters.
D3540-D3549| DiagCredit| Reserved
D3550-D3699| DiagAtCmd| Sending AT commands to modem directly. Write a command to this place and set D3506 (DiagAtFlag) to 0x0001. Command is executed and result is placed in this place (overwriting original command). In D3506 (DiagAtFlag) is signalized end of execution. The system is the same as with sending SMS.

This range of registers cannot be used for any other purposes!

Notation D3500.x means x-th bit of D3500 register. For example D3500.0 is the least significant bit in register D3500. Another example D3500.8-15 are eight most significant bits in register D3500 (high byte).
Base of Diag Record (D3500) may be changed to another D or R register via configuration key REGDIAG.


How to

Configuration for CMGSM is located inside PLC Fatek. Range of internal PLC registers D3900 – D3999 is used. Configuration itself is a string of characters. This string is created via WinProladder (software from PLC FATEK manufacturer), see following images. This range of registers cannot be used for any other purposes!

Step 1 – Right click on Table edit – ASCII Table and select “New ASCII Table”

Step 2 – Enter Table Name „cfg“ and Table starting address „D3900“. Then click “OK”.

Step 3 – Enter configuration string
“CMGSM3;PIN=7608;ACODE=998877;$” into field “ASCII Editor” and click on button “Output Preview”. !!! Warning: Change PIN according your real SIM card !!!

Step 3 (GPRS) – Enter configuration string
“CMGSM3;PIN=7608;APN=internet;SERVER=test.server.com;PORT=5700 ;ACODE=998877;$” into field “ASCII Editor” and click on button “Output Preview”. !!! Warning: Change PIN according to your real SIM card !!!

Step 4 – Select “Non Output Format” and click “OK”

Step 5 – Configuration string is now black. Click “OK”.

Step 5 (GPRS) – Configuration string is now black. Click “OK”.

Step 6 – Result

Configuration is read after power up and only once. If you change configuration (for example by WinProladder and second serial port), it is not read automatically. You have to restart CMGSM. CMGSM will try to log in the GSM network without PIN if no configuration in PLC is found. (In this case SIM card without PIN authorization is requested.)

Configuration string is very simple. For example:


For easy understanding this string says:

  • CMGSM3 – It is a configuration for CMGSM.
  • PIN=7608 – PIN code of the SIM card in order to register into the GSM network.
  • ACODE=998877 – Access code for Service SMS Commands is 998877
  • MASTER=+420777777497 – Warning SMS is sent to this phone number in case of any event. For example “Connection to PLC failure.” when communication between CMGSM and PLC is lost or “IN1 activated (L-

    H).” when digital input IN (IN1) is activated respectively “IN1 released
    (H->L).” when digital input IN (IN1) is deactivated.

Example of configuration string for GPRS:


This string means:

  • CMGSM3 – It is configuration for CMGSM.
  • PIN=7608 – User PIN code of ‘7608’ for SIM card in order to register into the network.
  • APN=internet – Access Point (APN) is needed in order to use GPRS service in GSM network. In this example APN is ‘internet’.
  • SERVER=test.server.com – It is a name of a server, to which CMGSM will connect. (Using TCP connection.)
  • PORT=5700 – Use TCP connection to port 5700
  • ACODE=998877 – Access code for SMS control is 998877

General format of these messages is following:


Part ‘CMGSM3’ at the beginning of the string is mandatory. It is a stamp of validity.
Acceptable keys are shown in table below. Unknown keys are ignored, no spaces are allowed inside keys or values. Order of pairs is not important. Keys are not case sensitive, values are case sensitive. Maximum length of configuration string is 200 characters. At the end of each part MUST be character ‘;’ (semicolon), after last pair MAY be character ‘;’ (semicolon) and MUST be character ‘$’ (dollar).

Basic parameters
Key Description Default
PIN PIN code for SIM card. It may be omitted if the SIM card does not
need a PIN code. But it is mandatory if the SIM card needs the PIN code.
**ACODE**| Access code for SMS control. You can send SMS message in order to control CMGSM. These SMS must begin with this ACODE. They will be ignored otherwise. Optional.| 1234 **MASTER**| Phone number, where to send SMS about important events: Connection to PLC failure. No SMS are sent if value is empty. Only one master is possible.|
Advanced parameters
Key Description Default
REGSEND First register of the Send Record.. It is area, where PLC

writes messages to send. See 4.1.1 Sending a SMS. Only D or R registers can be used.| D3800
REGRECV| First register of the Recv Record. It is an area, where CMGSM writes received messages. See 4.1.2 Receive a SMS. Only D or R registers can be used.| D3700
REGDIAG| First register of the Diagnostic Record. It is an area, where CMGSM writes diagnostic values like operator, signal quality, … See chapter 4.4| D3500
NETRESET| This is a security feature. Value zero (0) in this parameters means security reset every week (7 days). If you do not want any security reset write -1 to this parameter.| 0

GPRS parameters

Keys in configuration string:

Key Description Default
APN Access Point for GPRS. Ask your GSM provider for this value.

USER| User for APN. Mandatory is provider requires.|
PASSWD| Password for APN. Mandatory is provider requires.|
SERVER| Name or IP address of server, to which CMGSM will connect. TCP connection is used. Optional.|
PORT| TCP port for connection. Optional.| 5700
DNS| IP address of DNS server. Optional.|

If SERVER is omitted no GPRS connection is made and device waits for a data CSD call only.

Examples of Configuration Strings

SIM without PIN
Configuration string:

Translated for human this string says:

  • CMGSM3 – It is configuration for CMGSM.
  • ACODE=998877 – Access code for Service SMS Commands is 998877

Use registers D1000-D1100 for sending SMS
Configuration string:

Translated for human this string says:

  • CMGSM3 – It is configuration for CMGSM.
  • PIN=7608 – PIN code 7608 for SIM card in order to register into network.
  • REGSEND=D1000 – Begin of the Send Record.
  • [default Access code for SMS control is 1234]

Only CSD (without GPRS)
Configuration string:

Translated for human this string says:

  • CMGSM3 – It is configuration for CMGSM.
  • [default Access code for SMS control is 1234]

SIM without PIN, GPRS connection
Configuration string:

Translated for human this string says:

  • CMGSM3 – It is configuration for CMGSM.
  • APN=internet – Access Point (APN) is ‘internet’.
  • SERVER=test.server.com – Connect to ‘test.server.com
  • PORT=5700 – Use TCP connection to port 5700
  • ACODE=998877 – Access code for SMS control is 998877

Usage Scenarios For SMS

Usage examples can be found on CD with documentation or on the web pages http://fatek.seapraha.cz/. In category FAC-CMGSM are examples of programs for receiving and sending of SMS from PLC.

Usage Scenarios for GPRS

Explanation of Important Terms
Term Description
GPRS The way how to transfer data through the GSM network. It is

charged according to transferred bytes (and not per minutes) and is much more suitable for remote monitoring than data connection (CSD).
TCP/IP| It is protocol which is used while communicating through GPRS.
(Like Fatek protocol is used to communicate between computer and Fatek PLC).
TCP| It is one of protocols in TCP/IP family used with CMGSM. It may be imagine as a bidirectional stream of bytes through the Internet and the GSM network from your computer to a Fatek PLC
Firewall| It is a security device. It located between you LAN and Internet. Main purpose of the Firewall is to protect your LAN against an attack from Internet.
Port| It is a number of a service in your computer. Complete address needed to connect your computer is composed from IP address and Port number and may be seen as (IP- ADDRESS:PORT).

Simple Use

We recommend this scenario for your first step with CMGSM.

You need to prepare following items in this scenario:

  • External (WAN) IP address of your firewall. Rest of the Internet sees you with this IP. Warning: it is NOT your IP address in LAN (i.e. Your external IP address may be obtained from various WEB sites, i.e. http://www.whatismyip.com/.
  • A redirection of port 5700 from external side of your firewall to your computer.

Cooperation of your IT department will be necessary for all of these items.
We offer simple program that acts like a server. CMGSM connects to this server.
This program is only a demonstration for one connection and elements X0-X3 and Y0-Y3. It may be obtained from our WEB site (www.seapraha.cz).

Details : Program listens on TCP port 5700 for incoming connection. Port 5700 is default port where CMGSM connects to. Program periodically queries status of inputs X0-X3 from remote station. You can change any of output Y0-Y3 by click on a check box Y0-Y1.

Technical Specifications

Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit
Dimensions Width w 25
Height h 90 mm
Depth (without antenna) d FBS-CMGSM
55 mm

Fixing| | DIN rail or flat panel screw fixing
Power| | 5V DC / 120mA (max.) from power supply of PLC main unit
Backup power| | Internal Li-Ion accumulator for 2 days working without charging. Full capacity will be after 2 day of charging.
Digital input DC (any polarity)| Number| –| | | 1| | –
Voltage log H| |VIN|| | 8| 12| 30| VDC
Voltage log L| |VIN|| | | <4| 4| VDC
Current| IIN| | | 5| | mA
Digital outputs DC, AC| Number| –| | | 1| | –
Voltage DC| VOUTDC| | | 8| 50| VDC
Voltage AC| VOUTAC| | | | 35| VAC
Current DC| IOUTDC| | | | 100| mA
Current AC| IOUTAC| | | | 70| mA
Temperature| Operational| tA| | -20| | +45| °C
Humidity| Operational| hA| | | | 90| %
GSM| RF power| | | | | 2| W
GSM| frequencies| Worldwide 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900| MHz
Antenna connector| | | | SMA female GSM-ANT05S recommended|
Communication interface| Flat cable connected directly to PLC FATEK: FBs-xxMC: Port 3, (Port 4*)

  • PLC Port is not usable, but is not is not accessible for another expansions.


  • CSD (GSM data) connection cannot be established – 1) check power supply, 2) check indication LED on device, 3) are CSD connections available on your SIM card? Ask provider, 4) check GSM signal quality on your mobile phone near the device. At least 50% signal is recommended.
  • No reply to Service SMS Commands – 1) check power supply, 2) check indication LED on device, 3) check configuration (is access code correct?), 4) try to send SMS from your mobile with SIM card in the device. (Note: LED RCV and SND are not used for Command SMS)
  • Some special characters are not correctly transported by SMS – Try to use so called 7 bit SMS (160 characters) and only basic ASCII characters (0-127)
  • No communication with PLC – 1) check power supply for PLC, 2) check COM port settings in WinProladder. It MUST be 9600 7E1, address 01h.
  • GPRS connection cannot be established – 1) check power supply, 2) check communication with PLC Fatek, 3) check configuration, 4) check if it is possible from another computer connected to the Internet to connect to your server (may be firewall is wrong configured).
  • GPRS connection is not working during CSD connection – This is the feature of GSM module. GPRS connection is restored automatically after CSD connection is finished.
  • Communication is OK but real outputs Y0-Y3 do not reflect commands – 1) PLC FATEK must be in Run mode. Use WinProladder to run PLC.
  • Communication is OK but inputs X1-X3 do not show correct value – 1) PLC FATEK must be in Run mode. Use WinProladder to run the PLC.
  • Some parameters in the FATEK configuration are not functioning – Please check if there is no “$” character before these parameters (e.g. “CMGSM3;$PIN=7608; ACODE=998877;$”) because CMGSM reads the configuration until the first “$” character.


General warranty period is 12 months after purchase, when eventual malfunction device will be repaired free of charge in SEA company while shipping to SEA is paid by customer and SEA pays for shipping back to customer. For SW there is 24 months warranty under following conditions:
Both CPU and PC software is sold “as is”. The software was created by the best software engineers in SEA and was carefully tested both in SEA and also by SEA customers using GSM applications products made in SEA. In spite of making all possible to get error free software it can happen, that the software in CPU or PC programming SW or their mutual interaction has some error under some specific conditions. If such error is found and the description of the problem including configuration file is sent by E-mail to SEA ltd., the error is removed free of charge and SEA will send new SW by E-mail to customer.
SEA ltd. has NO RESPONSIBILITY for any damage, lost, costs and any other problems direct or inducted, caused by such SW error, by eventual device malfunction from any reason or by undelivered SMS from the device.

CE Declaration of conformity
in accordance with the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE) and Directive 2011/65/EU (ROHS)

We SEA, spol. s r.o., Dolnoměcholupská 21, CZ 102 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic, ID: 47117931 (manufacturer) declare under our sole responsibility, that product equipment for remote control and monitoring type FBs-CMGSM and B1-CMGSM is in conformity with the following standards:
Health and safety: EN 60 950-1
EMC: EN 61000-4-2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -8 EN 55022
radio frequency: EN 301 511 v 9.0.2

Place of issue: Praha Name: Ing. Mario Vejlupek
Date of issue: 7.8.2014 Grade: Technical director


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