CREM EX LINE Espresso Machine User Manual

June 12, 2024

CREM EX LINE Espresso Machine


Rev. #: Date: TSB#: Change Description
01 Feb. 05, 2020 None First draft released for technical review. Firmware

rev 1.04
02| Apr. 03, 2020| None| Include Mini models & update Electric diagrams
03| Jul. 09, 2021| None| Include 3GR models & update Electric diagrams
04| Mar. 22, 2022| None| Include EX2 and update routine maintenance schedule
05| June. 13, 2022| 368, 421| Update electrical schematics & add TSB changes.
06| Dec. 19, 2022| None| Include SmartSteam models.
Update to software version: 1.09 (1.15 for SmartSteam)
07| Mar. 01, 2023| None| Addition of [Ui] parameter for EX3 Auto eject


Explanation of descriptions

There are five different levels of notification intensity within this manual, as identified by the signal terms: DANGER, WARNING, IMPORTANT, NOTE and PRO TIP. The level of risk and importance of the notification is determined by the following definitions. Always observe the warnings to ensure safety and prevent potential injury and product damage

Important: Alerts against unsafe practices. Observe Important notifications to ensure food safety, prevent possible minor personal injury, or damage to the machine.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if the WARNING is ignored, could result in serious injury or even death.
Note: Gives additional information which may be helpful during the operation, routine maintenance, and cleaning of the machine.
Pro Tip: Gives helpful hints and suggestions from the manufacturer that take the guesswork out of choosing settings and care intervals.


Service intervals

Main components Part No. Months (Cycles)
6 (12500) 12 (25000) 18 (37500)

Non suction valve| 65000210| Check| Check| Check| Replace
Boiler filling solenoid valve| 60000201| | | | Replace
Boiler upper raccord| 30000200| | Check| | Check
Boiler lower raccord| 30000210| | Check| | Check
Safety Valve| 65000115 65000116 (US Only)| | Check| | Replace
Brewing group
Group solenoid valve| 60000157| | | | Replace
Shower| 75000010| Replace| Replace| Replace| Replace
Group head gasket| 75000081 75000082 (US Only) 75000083| Replace| Replace| Replace| Replace
Steam tap| 15000342 (Rot) 15000338 (Lev)| | | | Replace
Water tap| 15000342 (Rot) 60000164 (Auto)| | | | Replace
Air pump| 60000044 (SS)| | | | Check
Steam solenoid valve| 60000171 (SS)| | | | Replace
Pump head| 60000030| Check| Check| Check| Check
Non return valve| 65000010| Check| Check| Check| Check
Expansion valve| 65000021| | | | Replace

*Replace in case of limescale built-up. Detected by low group outlet temperature.

Important: Always conduct the 6 month service intervals without delay to ensure excellent performance of the machine and to ensure full warranty coverage

(Rot) Manual rotary tap / (Lev) Manual lever tap / (Auto) Automatic water solenoid / (SS) SmartSteam.


· All versions

  1. To remove the porta-filter, use a straight-blade screwdriver to release the shower by prying down with medium force.

  2. Remove the shower and gasket.

  3. Remove and discard the old gasket. Insert the new gasket (chamfer and EXPOBAR logo facing up) into the shower.

  4. Remove the filter basket(A), then place the new gasket and shower(B) into the portafilter(C).

  5. Preheat the gasket to soften the rubber. A – heat the gasket for 15 seconds using the water from the hot water outlet, or B – place the gasket, shower, and porta-filter in hot water for 30 seconds.

The water from the water tap is very hot! Handle with care to prevent scalding or burns


· Pump pressure adjustment

  1. Remove the drip tray and the splash panel to access to the pump head. The pump head will be located on the left side of the machine

  2. Pump pressure adjustment:
    – Loose the fixation nut of the adjustment screw (A).
    – Adjust the pump pressure (B).
    – Tight the fixation nut of the adjustment screw (A).

Steam Boiler Pressure adjustment (machines with pressure switch only)

  1. Remove the top panel to access to the pressure switch, that will be located on the right side of the machine.

  2. Adjust the boiler pressure (C).
    – Turning clockwise, the pressure set point will increase.
    – Turning counterclockwise, the pressure set point will decrease

Element Hight Limit Switch

*Element high limit switch: Since Nov-2021, high limit switch is placed on the right side of the machine


Machine controls
EX3 features a push button control block for each brewing group. Control functions are explained below.
Versions with display (PID) are equipped with an individual 3 digit display on each group for monitoring machine status, performing user programming and machine adjustments.

Button Selection description Programming menu function
K1 Short espresso (+)
K2 Medium espresso (-)
K3 Large espresso
K4 Group flush
K5 Continuous / Hot water Enter / Accept

Pro Tip: All group buttons are fully adjustable via the user programming. See the Dose Programming section for more details. 000 Control PID
Pro Tip: Versions with display will show the shot timer during the brewing process.


Stand-by [oFF] status

To put the machine on electronic Stand-by mode [oFF] from home screen, press K5 and then K3 at the same time. Message [oFF] is shown on the display.
On this mode, the heating element will remain disconnected.
To exit from the Stand-by mode, just press any button (K1 – K2 – K3 – K4) to come back to the home screen.

Factory preset

To restore the machine to factory default programming settings, follow the steps below:

  1. Turn the machine off at the main power switch.
  2. Press and hold K1+K3+K5 simultaneously while turning the main power switch back on. The display will show [PrS] and all previously customized settings will be erased and replaced with the factory settings.
  3. Cycle the machine off and on once more at the main power switch to remove the message

Service menu – Access

To access the service programming settings, follow the steps below:

  1. Put the machine on Stand-by mode [oFF] (see previous instructions).
  2. When [oFF] is shown on the display, hold K5 for 15 seconds, until [toU] (1st menu setting) is shown on the display.
  3. Browse through the menu by pressing K1 & K2.
  4. Access to each setting by pressing K5. The adjustable parameter will flash. Accept and save by pressing K5 again.
  5. To exit from the menu, browse to [ESc] (Escape) and press K5 to come back to [oFF] mode.

Service menu – Settings summary chart

Setting Description
[toU] Boiler filling time-out
[cLE] Cleaning program cycles
[Prd] Dose programming
[SEn] Level probe sensitivity
[PiF] 1 Preinfusion (electronic)
[tEA] Automatic tea valve
[SS] 2 SmartSteam On/Off parameters
[SSF] 2 SmartSteam Flush
[SSc] 2 SmartSteam Cycles
[Eco] 1 Eco mode functions
[SLA] 1 Service liter alarm (Filter maintenance)

1 Disabled by default after PCB factory preset.
2 Only SmartSteam models.
3 Only Capsule models (EX3 Auto eject).

Setting Description
[ScA] 1 Service coffee alarm (maintenance)
[tU] Temperature units
[SkP] ‘kP’ PID parameter
[Ski] ‘kI’ PID parameter
[Skd] ‘kD’ PID parameter
[Sb] PID band parameter
[Ui] 2 3 User Interface (std or capsule).
[cAc] 2 3 Cleaning alert (capsule models).
[cAd] 2 3 Empty Capsule Drawer (capsule models)
[AUt] 1 Auto On/Off
[con] Connectivity

SE parameter has been removed from software revision 1.09.

toU – Boiler filling Time-out

To change the boiler filling time-out, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [toU] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the boiler filling time-out in seconds.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

· cLE – Automatic group cleaning cycles

To change the automatic group cleaning program cycles, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [cLE] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the automatic group cleaning cycles.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming

Prd – Enabling/Disabling dose Programming

To enable or disable the dose programming function, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [Prd] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Use K1 and K2 to enable [on] or disable [oFF] the Dose programming function.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

SEn – Level probe sensitivity

To change the level probe sensitivity, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [SEn] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the Level probe sensitivity between: [L] Low; [M] Medium; [h] High.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

PiF – Enabling/Disabling electronic Preinfusion

To enable or disable the electronic preinfusion function, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [PiF] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Use K1 and K2 to enable [on] or disable [oFF] the electronic preinfusion function.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.
    Note: If enabled on service menu, electronic Preinfusion can be enabled [on] or disabled [oFF] individually on each group [Pi1], [Pi2] or [Pi3] on the user menu.

tEA – Enabling/Disabling automatic hot water function

To enable or disable the automatic hot water functions, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [tEA] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the hot water tap function: [oFF] Manual hot water tap; [on] Automatic hot water tap; [St] Smart Tea function (specific model only).
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

SS – SmartSteam On/Off parameters adjustment (Only SmartSteam models)

To enable or disable the SmartSteam parameters, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [SS] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Use K1 and K2 to enable [on] or disable [oFF] the SmartSteam parameters.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. Now, SSF and SSc will be shown in the service programming menu and SSP, SSo and SSt in the user programming menu.

SSF – SmartSteam Flush Timeout (Only SmartSteam models)

To change the SmartSteam Flush Timeout, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [SSF] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Use K1 and K2 to change the frequency of flushing from 1 to 30 minutes. By default: 5 minutes.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

SSc – SmartSteam Flush Cycles (Only SmartSteam models)

To change the SmartSteam Flush Cycles, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [SSc] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Use K1 and K2 to change the flush cycles from 1 to 6 flush cycles. By default: 3 cycles.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

Eco – Enabling/Disabling Eco mode function

To enable or disable the Eco mode function, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [Eco] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Use K1 and K2 to enable [on] or disable [oFF] the Eco mode function in the user menu.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

SLA – Service liter alarm (Water filter maintenance)

To change the Service liter alarm, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [SLA] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the Service filter alarm value. The counter can be adjusted in steps of 10L = [001]: From [000] = 0L = Disabled, to [999] = 9990L.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu

ScA – Service coffee alarm (Maintenance)

To change Service coffee alarm, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [ScA] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the Service coffee alarm value. The counter can be adjusted in steps of 1000coffees = [001]: From [000] = 0coffees = Disabled, to [999] = 999000coffees.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

tU – Temperature units

To change the Temperature units, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [tU] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the Temperature units between: [c] Celsius; [F] Fahrenheit.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

SkP – Ski – Skd – PID parameters kP, Ki & kd

To change the PID factors value, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [SkP], [Ski] or [Skd] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the selected PID parameter value.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

Sb – PID band zone

To change the PID band zone, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [Sb] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the PID working band value.
  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu

Ui – User Interface (Only for Capsule models + SmartSteam models)

To change the User Interface, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. When [Ui] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.
  3. Select with K1 and K2 the User Interface:
    [Std]| With [Std] mode selected, the machine will work as a traditional espresso machine.
    [cAP]| With [cAP] mode selected, the machine will work as an EX3 Auto eject (capsule).

If [cAp] is selected, 2 new settings will appear: [cAc] & [cAd].
[cAc]: Adjust the number of coffees required to activate the Cleaning Alert.
[cAd]: Adjust the number of capsules required to activate the Empty Capsules Alert.

  1. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming me

AUt – Enabling/Disabling Auto On/Off function

To enable or disable the Auto On/Off function, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).

  2. When [AUt] is shown on the display, enter by pressing K5.

  3. Use K1 and K2 to enable [on] or disable [oFF] the Auto On/Off function.
    If enabled [on], go to the User Menu to set up the Auto On/Off settings.

  4. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.

  Note: The Auto On and Off timers are adjusted on User menu when the function isenabled in service menu.

con – Connectivity

To choose between [iot] and [PAY] follow the steps below

  1. Enter the service programming and browse through the menu (see previous instructions).
  2. Use K1 and K2 to chose between [iot] and [PAY].
  3. Accept and save setting by pressing K5. You are back in the service programming menu.


PCB & LED lights connections – EX3 Display PID Versions

PCB & LED lights connections – EX3 Display PID Versions

PCB & LED lights connections – EX3 Display PID SmartSteam Versions

PCB & LED lights connections – EX3 Display PID SmartSteam Versions

Power diagram – EX3 MINI 1Gr & MINI 2Gr Display PID – 1Ph+N 220-240V 60700000 60700000

Power diagram – EX3 2Gr Display PID – 1Ph+N 220-240V 60700000

Power diagram – EX3 2Gr Display PID – 3Ph+N 380-415V 1660194

Power diagram – EX3 3Gr Display PID – 2Ph+N 380-415V1660194 60800001

Power diagram – EX3 3Gr Display PID – 3Ph+N 380-415V 1660194 1660097

Power diagram – EX3 3Gr Display PID – 1Ph+N 220-240V 1660194

PCB & LED lights connections – EX3/EX2 Control Versions

PCB & LED lights connections – EX3/EX2 Control Versions

Power diagram – EX3/EX2 MINI 1Gr & MINI 2Gr Control – 1Ph+N 220-240V

Power diagram – EX3/EX2 2Gr Control – 1Ph+N 220-240V

Power diagram – EX3 2Gr Control – 3Ph+N 380-415V


Alarms and warnings

To alert users that routine service of the machine is due or against a situation that could possibly cause damage to the machine, EX-Line has the following alerts programmed into its software:

Display versions

Display Code| Machine status| Alarm Name| Warning / Alarm| Solution
[AL1]| Machine blocked and all touchpads buttons blink| NTC is short circuited| Alarm| Replace NTC
| Machine blocked and all touchpads buttons blink| NTC is not connected| Alarm| Replace NTC
**[AL3]| Selected button blinks and brew must be stopped manually| No flow detected on this group| Warning| Check flowmeter
[FiL]| Machine blocked and all touchpads buttons blink| Steam Boiler Filling Up timeout| **


| Turn the main switch off and on again. Check that the machine is receiving water
[Eco]| Touchpads lights off Boiler temperature is decreased to 105ºC| Eco mode status| Warning| Press any button from K1 to K4 to ’wake up’ the machine.
[oFF]| Touchpads lights off Boiler element disconnected| Stand – by mode status| Warning| Press any button from K1 to K4 to ’wake up’ the machine
[SEr]| Machine works Static message on group 1| Service maintenance alarm| Warning| Call service specialist to perform maintenance routine.
To reset the service alarm counter:

  • Keep pressed K1+K2 and turn the machine on by the main switch.
  • Message [rSE] will be shown on Group 1

[FiL]| **** Machine works Static message on group 1| Water filter maintenance alarm| Warning| Call service specialist to perform maintenance routine.
To reset the service alarm:

  • Keep pressed K3+K4 and turn the machine on by the main switch.
  • Message [rFi] will be shown on Group 1

*For SmartSteam machines: ALX/Ste = Steam boiler, ALX/SS = SmartSteam wand.

Control versions

Machine status Alarm Name Warning / Alarm Solution
Selected button blinks and brew must be stopped manually No flow detected on
this group Warning Check flowmeter
Machine blocked and all touchpads buttons blink Steam Boiler Filling Up
timeout Alarm Turn the main switch off and on again. Check that the machine

is receiving water


Machine faults

Problem Possible cause Solution
The machine does not start up when turned on The plug is not correctly
inserted into the power socket Check that the plug is correctly inserted and

that the power socket is operational.
The circuit breaker and/or differential are disconnected.| Check that they are connected.
Check that they are connected| Call service personnel to replace them.
The steam wand does not dispense steam| The steam wand is clogged with dried milk.| Clean the wand and, if necessary, remove the nozzle and unclog it using a pin or needle.
Preinfusion is not working| When the pre infusion mode is “enabled” you must program the ON/OFF settings of this function.| Set up the preinfusion settings as explained in “User Programming”
Water is found underneath the machine| The drain tube is blocked with used grounds/rubbish or is pulled off the drain cup.| Clean the drainage tube.

Brewing faults

Problem Possible cause Solution
Coffee dispensing is too fast: The coffee grind is too coarse. Switch to a

finer grind of espresso.
Coffee dispensing is too slow:| The coffee grind is too fine.| Switch to a coarser grind of espresso.

Limescale faults

Problem Possible cause Solution
Coffee dispensing temperature is too cold: Heat-exchanger outlet pipes are
clogged with limescale. Turn of the machine at the switch and contact a

technician to make needed repairs.
Brewing groups do not dispensing water:| Water system is clogged with limescale.| Turn of the machine at the switch and contact a technician to make needed repairs.

For the warranty to be valid the conditions for maintenance must have been followed according to our instructions, proper precaution has been made and warranty claim been issued without delay.
The affected equipment may not be used during awaiting service if there is any risk that the damage or defect would worsen.
The warranty will not cover consumption supplies such as glassware, normal maintenance such as cleaning of filters, contamination’s in water, lime, incorrect voltages, pressure or adjustment of water amounts.
The warranty will not cover damages of defects caused by incorrect handling and operation of the appliance.

For service Please contact your dealer

Crem International Spain S.L.U.
C/ Comerç nº 4 – Pol. Ind. Alcodar, 46701 – Gandía (Valencia – Spain)

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