Uniden R9 Advanced Installed Laser Radar Detector Owner’s Manual

June 12, 2024

**Uniden R9 Advanced Installed Laser Radar Detector Owner’s Manual



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Uniden’s R9 is an advanced installed laser radar detector with actual laser interruption capability. It provides outstanding detection range and usability.


The R9 packup consists of three boxes.

NOTE: Each box contains packets of screws and other assorted hardware and are not called out specifically in the following tables.

Box 1 contains:

What it is What it looks like What it does
Controller ProvidespowertotheR9elements. Color coded tabs indicate where

each element connects to the Controller.
Keypad| | Controlthemenuaswellas adjusts andmutesvolumeandalarms,user marks, and backlight.
Display| | Provides the visual display for alarms, alerts, frequencies, and menuselections.LEDsontheright side indicate the signal direction.
GPS| | Tracks vehicle location related to GPSdatabaseforredlightcameras, speed cameras, etc.
Speaker| | Provides audio output for alarms and alerts, etc.
Active Alert LED| | ncoming signal indicator. (Red = signal coming fromfront;Blue = signal coming from rear; Green = all clear). Usually mounted in speedometer area or area within lineofsight.LEDmountingbracket is already installed.
Radio Mute Cable| | Mutestheradiowhenanalarmor alert sounds.
Display Bezel| | Provides protection to the Display when installed.
Double-Sided Adhesive Tapes| | Adheres equipment and cabling to surfaces.
USB Memory Stick| | Contains Owner’s Manual. Also used to transfer firmware updates from website to R9.

Box 2 contains:

What it is What it looks like What it does
Front Remote Radar Radar Detector
Adjustable Mounting Clamps (2) The clamps mount on the side of

theRemoteRadarandconnectthe RemoteRadar to thevehicle.
What it is| What it looks like| What it does
Mounting Bracket and Screws for Remote Radar| | Multiplebrackets and screws to mountfrontRemoteRadar according to different vehicle configurations.
Laser Distribution Box| | Connects transponders to main interface.
Hex wrench| | Usewithvariousscrewsfor installation.
Transponder (2)| | Detects specific laser signals.
Double-Sided Adhesive Tapes| | Adheres equipment and cabling to surfaces.
Cable Ties| | Ties loose cables together.
Bubble Level| | Levels the transponder interfaces and remote radars during installation.

Box 3 contains:

What it is What it looks like What it does
Rear Remote Radar Radar Detector
What it is What it looks like What it does
Mounting Bracket and Screws for Remote Radar Multiple brackets and screws

to mount rear Remote Radar according to different vehicle configurations.
Transponder Interfaces (2)| | Detects specific laser signals.
Double-Sided Adhesive Tapes| | Adheres equipment and cabling to surfaces.
Cable Ties| | Ties loose cables together.
Extension Cables for Remote and Transponder(3)| | Providesextracablelengthif needed.
Adjustable Mounting Clamps (2)| | The clamps mount on the side of theRemoteRadarandconnectthe RemoteRadar to thevehicle.


ThissectiondescribesonlytheR9partsthatareuser-accessible.Itdoesnotdiscuss any parts installed outside of the vehicle cabin.


The keypad should be installed within the driver’s reach but not high on the dashboard. The key son the keypad control the menu as well as adjusts the volume, alarms, user marks, and backlight.

PWR Turn R9 on. Turn R9 off.
VOL + Turnvolume up (9 levels: 0 – 8; Default = 4). Thereisone
beepand a volume up display. In Menus, go to next item. NA
VOL – Turnvolumedown (9 levels: 0 – 8; Default= 4).

Thereisonebeepand avolumedown display.In Menus, go to previous item.
MENU| Access the Menu system.In Menus, press to cyclethroughoptions forthecurrentmenuitem.| When in standby mode, changes modes between Highway, City, Auto City and Advanced.
MARK| User Mark. A User Mark is a manually tagged geographic location where an alarm is usually found. The R9 alerts when close to these UserMarks. Add – Press MARK when you areat the alarm location. Delete – Press MARK when you are at an alarm location that has been marked. An error message displays/sounds if memory is full or there is a GPS error.| DeleteallUserMarks (press and hold for 3 seconds).
MUTE/ DIM| •   Turn MUTE on and off.•   MUTE on – Press MUTE/DIM to mute radar, laser, red-light cameras, and overspeedalarms. Returns to normal operation 10 seconds after the alert ends or if a different band isdetected during Mutemode. Mute Ondisplays for a few seconds.•   MUTE off – Press MUTE/DIM to restore audible alarms before the 10 second automatic mute time- out.MUTE MEMORYSave a MuteLocation(MuteMemory) – press MUTE/DIM again while Mute On displays to save that GPS location and frequency to memory. Mute Memory displays on the screen.NOTE: R9 stores 2000 points divided between Mute Memory and UserMark locations.Delete Mute Memory – Press MUTE/ DIM whileMute Memory displays; the R9 displays a delete confirmation message. Press MUTE/DIM again to confirm.MUTE RED LIGHT CAMERA VOICE ALERTSMute the voicealert for a red light camera alarm. Press MUTE/DIM while the voice alarm for a red light camera sounds. The voice alarm mutes.MUTE ALERTS FOR POI OVERSPEED ALERT AND USER LIMIT SPEEDWhen R9 alerts you to an overspeed or speedlimitsituation(analarmsoundsand an alert displays), press MUTE/DIM to silence that alarm.| DIM – Changesthedisplay brightness:•   Auto (Default). Set brightness levels for the OLED display (see page 22).•   Bright•   Dim• Dimmer•   Dark (Dark isoff unless thereisalert.)•   Off (Off regardless of whether or not thereis an alert.)

DELETE RED-LIGHT CAMERA POINTDuring a red-light camera alert, press and hold MUTE/DIM to delete the red light camera point.A confirmation message displays.After confirming this deletion, R9 will not give an alert for that camera.


Theseparatedisplayunitinstalledinthedashboardisthevisualdisplayforalarms, alerts, and menu selections. It also displays from which direction the signals are coming.

NOTE: IfGPS=ON,theOLED’sleftdisplayareashowsthedisplayselectedinthemenus. IfGPS=Off ,the OLED’s left display area shows Voltregardless of user settings.

The following table provides examples of the most common displays.


Scanning for Frequencies Displays to indicate end of a scan cycle.
| Information displayed in example:•   Current speed in mph/km/h.• Highway/City/Auto City/Advanced•   Scanning line
Frequency Found
| Information displayed:•   Band Type (X, K, KA, MRCD, Gatso RT3/4)• Frequency number•   Band direction•   Frequency strength indicators
Speed Camera Alert
| Information displayed:•   Current speed in mph/km/h.•   Distance to speed camera•   Speed camera icon
Red Light Camera Alert
| Information displayed:•   Current speed in mph/km/h•   Distance toredlightcamera•   Red lightcamera icon
User Mark Detected
| Information displayed:•   Current speed in mph/km/h•   Distance to usermark• Usermark icon
Time Display
| Information displayed:•   Voltage•   Time and AM/PM•   Highway/City/Advanced
Red Light Camera- Quick Ride
| Information displayed:•   Current speed in mph/km/h•   Distance toredlightcamera•   Red lightcamera icon
Dark Mode
| Set mode to Dark if the unit’s OLED is not anticipated to change a lot toprevent image burn-in (Auto Dim setting).In Dark mode, the OLED is dark with a single white dot in the lower corner that moves from bottom left to center to bottom right. The movement of the dot confirms that the unit is still powered up.


This installation overview is a general look attheR9 elements and how they work together. Where these elements are physically installed can vary from vehicle to vehicle. Your professional installer will know best where to install each one according to your vehicle’s physical layout.

This illustration shows the R9 basic element placement.

TheControlleristhebrainoftheR9system.Itprovidespowertoand communications between the elements that attach to it

R9 Controller Specification

  • Rating : DC 12 V, 2A [ power requirements : DC 11 – 16 V ]
  • Operating Temperature Range : -10 ° to +70 °
  • Storage Temperature Range : -30 ° to +95 °
  • Dimensions HxWxL : 24 mm x 62.5 mm x 156 mm
  • Weight : 145 g
  • Frequency : 2 402 ~ 2 480 MHz [ Bluetooth ]

Menusletyou setupthe systemtoyour ownspecifications. You can turn different bandsonandoffsetspecificitems suchasred-light camera alarms or auto mute.

PressMENUonthekeypadtoaccessthe Menusystem. The screendisplays the selection’s current status.

Use the following keys to navigate the menus

  • MENU: Change menu item setting (press and hold to exit the Menu system).
  • VOL+: Go to the next Menu item.
  • VOL-: Go to the previous Menu item.
    NOTE: Several menu items only display if GPS is set to ON.


Turn on the R9 Be sure the unitis connected to power and then press

PWR. The unit turns on and runs through an initial self-check if Self Test is turned on. It displays the different bands and their settings.The R9 turns on automaticallywhen youstart the vehicle.
Adjust the volume| Press VOL + to increase volume. The unit beeps and displays a number increase.Press VOL – to decrease volume. The unit beeps and displays a number decrease.
Mute alarm audio during the alert| Press MUTE/DIM during an audio alarm to mute it.
Change the screen’s brightness| Press and hold MUTE/DIM. The unit displays the current brightness level. Press MUTE/DIM again. The R9 announcesthebrightnesslevel(Bright,Dim, Dimmer, Dark, or Off) as it changes to that level.
Turn bands on and off| Press MENU then VOL + to cycle through the menu options until the band you want to turn off displays. PressMENUagain to changethatband’sstatus.
Change Highway to City or Auto city mode or set attenuation levels in Advanced mode and back| Press MENU. The first menu selection is Highway (default).Press MENU to cycle through Highway , City , Auto City and Advanced. After you select Highway or City , press and hold MENU to exit. If you select Advanced , press VOL + to select either the K or Ka band to adjust. Press MENU to adjustsensitivitylevels in 10% increments. Press VOL + again to adjust the other mode. if you select Auto City, press VOL + to select Auto City Speed.
Set a user mark| Press MARK to create a user mark when you are at a location where thereisnormallysome type ofradar. The R9 announces “User mark logged.” The R9 will announce when you approach user marks. NOTE:R9 stores2000pointsdividedbetweenMute Memory and User Mark locations.
Delete a user mark| Press MARK again at that location to delete the user mark. NOTE:R9 stores2000pointsdividedbetweenMute Memory and User Mark locations.
Delete ALL user marks| Press and hold MARK to delete all user marks.The R9 does NOT askforconfirmationbeforedeleting single user marks.
Allocate dynamic memory points between Mute Memory and User Marks| Press MENU and then VOL + to scroll to the Memory Quota menu. Press MENU to select it and press VOL and VOL + to change the allocation in 50 point increments.Seepage27fordetails.
Update the firmware and database| 1.      SavetheUpdate file to theUSBdrive.2. Turn R9 off. Insert USBdrive into the Controller. Turn R9 back on.3.      R9 will automatically update.Refer to www.unidensupport.com for details.


TheR9requiresverylittle physical maintenance. Wipe the keypad and display with a soft cloth to keep dust from accumulating.

UnidenrecommendsthatyouupdateyourR9firmware anddatabase periodically. Go to www. unidensupport.com/radar-detectors/, find your model, and check if you havethelatest firmware. For the R9, load the new update onto theincluded USB
stick. Insert the USB stick in to the Controller and restart the system.


UnidenrecommendsthatyouupdateyourR9firmware and data base periodically. Go to
www.unidensupport.com/radar-detectors/, find your model, and check if you have the latest firmware. For the R9, load the new update onto the included USB  stick. Insert the USB stick in to the Controller and restart the system.

  1. Checkyour current R9 firmware version (Menu/SW Version).
  2. Checkonline for updated firmware (https://support.uniden.com/radardetectors/)
  3. IfyourR9needs to beupdated tothe latestfirmware, follow the online instructionsandcopy the newfirmware ontoa USB drive.
  4.  Turnoffthevehicle/R9. Insertmemorystickintothe Controller. Turn vehicle/R9 back on. Scanner will update automatically.


The unit won’t turn on Check the connections. Be sure they are all secure.
No display or audio. If no display, checktheconnections. Be sure theyare

allsecure.If no audio, check if Voice is turned off.
Theunitalarmswhen thevehicle hits bumps.| Check the connections. Be sure they are all secure.
The unit alarms briefly in the same location but no radar source was in view.| There may be a motion sensor or house alarm in use withinrange.
The R9 did not alert when a police car was inview.| Theofficermaynothaveradar/laserunits turned on.Check that the band is turned on. Press MENU and cycle throughthe options to get to the bands. If the band is turned off, the OLED will show OFF. Turn the band on.
R9 audible alerts become softer after the first few alerts| R9 is in Auto Mute mode. See page 21.
ThePower On sequencestarts when you aredriving.| A loose connection can cause the unit to restart. Check the connections and re- secure if needed.
The display is blank.| The display is in Darkmode. Pressand hold MUTE/DIM button to adjust the screen brightness.


FCC COMPLIANCE This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation s subjected to the followingtwoconditions: (1) this device may notcauseharmfulinterference, and(2) thisdevicemustacceptany interference received, includinginterference thatmay cause undesired operation.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.

FCC Interference Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation issubjectto thefollowingtwoconditions: (1) this devicemaynot causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Changesormodificationsnot expresslyapprovedbytheparty responsiblefor compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.


Keep your receipt! Proof of purchase is required for warranty service.

WARRANTOR: UNIDEN AMERICA CORP. (“UNIDEN”). ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: Uniden warrants, for one year, to the original retail owner, this UnidenProducttobe free from defectsinmaterialsand craftsmanship with only the limitations or exclusions set out below.

‘WARRANTYDURATION: This warranty to the original user shall terminate and be of nofurthereffect 12 months after the date of original retail sale. The warranty is invalidifthe Productis (A) damagedornotmaintained asreasonableor necessary, (B) modified, altered, or usedas partofany conversion kits, subassemblies, orany configurations notsold by Uniden, (C) improperlyinstalled, (D) servicedorrepaired by someone other than an authorized Uniden service center for a defect or malfunction coveredbythiswarranty, (E)usedinany conjunctionwithequipmentor parts or as part of any system not manufactured by Uniden, or (F) installed or programmed by anyone other than as detailed by the Operating Guide for this product.

STATEMENT OF REMEDY: In the event that the productdoes not conformto this warranty atanytimewhile thiswarrantyisin effect, warrantor will repairthe defect and return it to you without charge for parts, service, or any other cost (except shippingandhandling)incurred by warrantor oritsrepresentatives inconnection withthe performance ofthiswarranty. THE LIMITEDWARRANTY SETFORTHABOVE ISTHE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAININGTO THE PRODUCT AND IS INLIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, ‘WHETHEREXPRESS, IMPLIEDOR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT UMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULARPURPOSE. THISWARRANTY DOES NOT COVEROR PROVIDEFORTHE REIMBURSEMENT OR PAYMENT OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Somestatesdo notallowthis exclusion orlimitation ofincidentalor consequential damagessothe abovelimitation or exclusion maynotapplytoyou.

LEGALREMEDIES: Thiswarrantygivesyou specificlegal rights, andyou mayalsohave other rightswhich vary from statetostate. Thiswarranty is void outside the United States of America.

instructionsin this Operating Guide, you are certain that the Product isdefective, packthe Product carefully(preferablyinitsoriginalpackaging). Include evidence of original purchase andanote describingthe defectthat has causedyouto returnit. The Productshouldbeshippedfreightprepaid, bytraceable means, ordelivered, to
\warrantor at: Uniden America Corporation
€/0 Saddle Creek 743 Henrietta Creek Rd., Suite 100 Roanoke, TX 76262


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