careium 500 Service App User Guide

October 30, 2023

Careium 500 Service User Guide

Product Information
The Careium 500 is a device that enables location tracking and SOS call functionality for the wearer. It is designed to provide peace of mind for caregivers and loved ones by allowing them to monitor the wearer’s location and receive alerts in case of emergencies. The device can be customized through the Device Settings menu, which allows for adjustments to the watch’s settings and features.

Product Usage Instructions

Accessing Device Settings
To access Device Settings:

  1. Hover over the left-hand menu to expand the menu area.
  2. Click on Devices to expand the sub-menu.
  3. Click Device Settings to open settings.

Adjusting Settings
Under Device Settings (DS) you can define and adjust all settings related to the selected watch. For all setting changes except safe zones, you are prompted to cancel or accept the changes. Cancel the changes if you are uncertain, otherwise, click ACCEPT to continue. At this point, the changes are not yet saved to the watch. To save the settings to the watch, click SAVE at the bottom of the settings list. The setting updates are pushed to the watch at the next available opportunity, depending on the mobile network connection status of the watch.

Assister Settings
Under the assister settings, provide the name of the watch wearer. This name appears on the Watch Dashboard and can be used to search for the watch from the Devices List.

Location Settings
Under the location settings, you define what location information is allowed and how long the associated data is retained. The available location settings are:

Setting Description
Location allowed Toggle on (green) to enable location reporting.
SOS call location allowed Toggle on (green) to enable sending location data

when a help
request (SOS) call is initiated from the watch.
Data retention time| Select from 30 to 720 days.

General Settings
Under general settings, you can adjust time, date, language, volume, profile, mode as well as status of the watch. The available general settings are:

Setting Description
Device status Set the time zone of the watch.
Time zone Select the watch language. This setting determines the language

of the texts uses on the watch display.
Language| Select from the available profiles. The configuration details
of the selected profile are displayed to the right.
Profile| Use the slider to adjust the watch speaker volume.
Volume| Activate a warning when the user exits a safe zone.
Safe zone exit warning for assistee| Activate a warning when the user exits the home beacon zone. If
there are any home beacon range exit alarms set up there will under
`4. General settings’ be a possibility to select the time period
when the alarm is inactive.

Device Settings

Under Device Settings (DS) you can define and adjust all settings related to the selected watch. To access Device Settings:

  • Hover over the left-hand menu to expand the menu area.
  • Click on Devices to expand the sub-menu.
  • Click Device Settings to open settings.

For all setting changes except safe zones, you are prompted to cancel or accept the changes, as shown below. Cancel the changes if you are uncertain, otherwise, click ACCEPT to continue.


At this point, the changes are not yet saved to the watch. To save the settings to the watch, click SAVE at the bottom of the settings list.

This saves your changes to the server. The setting updates are pushed to the watch at the next available opportunity, depending on the mobile network connection status of the watch.

Under the assistee settings, please provide the name of the watch wearer. This name appears on the Watch Dashboard and can be used to search for the watch from the Devices List.


Location settings
Under the location settings, you define what location information is allowed and how long the associated data is retained.


The available location settings are explained in more detail in the table below.

Setting Description
Location allowed Toggle on (green) to enable location reporting.
SOS call location allowed Toggle on (green) to enable sending location data

when a help request (SOS) call is initiated from the watch.
Data retention time| Select from 30 to 720 days.

General settings
Under general settings, you can adjust time, date, language, volume, profile, mode as well as status of the watch.


The available general settings are explained in more detail in the table below.

Setting Description
Device status Set the device status:
  • Active : normal state of the watch with all configured features active
  • Shutdown : this option completely shuts off the watch, for example, to store the watch for a longer period of time. If a watch is shutdown, it can only be restarted by changing the status here.
  • Standby : after a watch is configured for a specific user, change the status to standby before packing and shipping the watch. The watch will automatically activate when it is placed in the charging dock and establishes a network connection.

Timezone| Set the timezone of the watch.
Language| Select the watch language. This setting determines the language ofthe texts uses on the watch display.
Profile| Select from the available profiles. The configuration details of the selected profile are displayed to the right.
Volume| Use the slider to adjust the watch speaker volume.
Safe zone exit warning for assistee| Activate a warning when the user exits a safe zone
Home beacon exit warning for assistee| Activate a warning when the user exits the home beacon zone.
If there are any home beacon range exit alarms set up there will under ‘4. General settings’ be a possibility to select the time period when the alarm is inactive.
Mode| Normal mode – to be used in most cases
Silent mode – can be compared to putting a mobile phone to silent mode, the watch will be silent when there is an incoming call
Stealth mode – mode that can be used when the watch user wants to be able to trigger an alarm without anyone in the surrounding to notice
Flight mode – can only be turned on and off from the watch (if you have a profile that allows it)

Under the Contacts settings you define the contact list for the Names menu in the watch. Contacts can be designated as a person who can receive a help request (SOS) call.
Each contact is assigned a number: Contact 1, Contact 2, etc. The order is significant as it determines the order of the contacts under the Names menu as well as which number is called first, second, third and so forth when an SOS call is made.
You can change the order of phone numbers using the up-down arrows to the right of the entry. This changes the dialing order for help requests and the display order in the watch Names menu.


The available phone settings are explained in more detail in the table below.

Setting Description
Avoid answer machines Toggle on to require an answer confirmation from the

call receiver. If the call is not confirmed, the call is transferred to the next person on the contact list.
Incoming call whitelisting enabled| Toggle on to only allow calls to the watch from numbers inthe phone number list.
Ringing timeout| Select how long, for 30 to 120 seconds, the watch should attempt to call this contact. After the timeout period, the call is automatically transferred to the next person on thecontact


Call center| If call centers are defined for your group, you can definea call center for this device. All SOS calls are automaticallyrouted to the specified call center.
Name| Provide a name for the contact. This name appears in the Names menu on the watch display, so the name should be something the watch wearer readily recognizes.
Phone| Provide the phone number for the contact using the international format: +(country-code)(phone-number).
Help request| Toggle on (green) to enable this contact to receive helprequest calls.

Alarms and notifications
Under the alarms and notification settings, you can define if a particular alarm type should trigger an email or call.

Set up email trigger
Click the EMAIL button to configure an email trigger.


Set up call trigger
Click the CALL button to define what kind of call should be triggered for the selected alarm.


The available call settings are explained in more detail in the table below.

Setting Description
Call to help request number Toggle on to automatically send the call to

contacts in the watch phone number list which have the help request option enabled. Toggle off to define a specific person who should receive the call notification.
Ask answer confirmation| Toggle on to allow the person receiving the call notification to confirm (by pressing a predefined number) that the call has been received.
Receiver name| Toggle on to pick a phone number from the list of contacts in the watch. Toggle off the manually enter a contact name and phone number.
Alarm type| Select from the drop-down list which type of alarm(s) triggers the call.

Home beacon settings
Here you define which Careium beacons the watch should listen for and report as home beacons. A watch should have at least one home beacon. If no beacons are associated with the watch, and location reporting is enable, the watch will constantly look for its location using GPS. This rapidly drains the battery.
To add a new beacon, click the ADD button.


Then fill in the beacon settings as described in the table below.


Once a beacon is defined and saved, you can use the GET COORDINATES button to check the beacon location on the map.
Adjust and confirm the location of the beacon on the map (home icon position). Click ACCEPT to fill in latitude and longitude for the beacon.
Once you have configured some beacons, you see the full set of beacons in the home beacon list. You can select a beacon from the list to edit or delete it. If you need to add more beacons to the same location, you can duplicate the beacon with the desired address to add a new beacon. When you duplicate a beacon, all information is copied to the new beacon except the MAC address.

Safe zone editor
Safe zones delimit virtual geographic areas that are considered safe for Careium watch wearers. A safe zone can consist of multiple regions, each of which can have specific validity times. We recommend defining the first region as the area that is always valid. Additional regions can be defined to expand the safe area during specified day(s) and times.
Location accuracy in normal conditions ranges between 10 m and 200 m. In challenging environments such as heavy tree cover or among tall buildings, location accuracy may be significantly lower.
Safe zones are intended for marking safe areas outdoors. Indoor areas, such as a home or care facility, should be covered with beacon(s) so that device has a ‘home’ connection in all indoor spaces. This is the most important aspect of avoiding false alarms: ensure all possible indoor locations are covered by beacons.
As soon as the watch cannot find a beacon, it starts to look for other sources of location information, including GPS. GPS signals are generally very hard to get when you are indoors, so the watch uses full power to try to get a GPS fix, significantly reducing battery life. It is possible to get a GPS fix will indoors, for example, when you are close to a window. However, the fix quality is almost always poor due to signal strength or low number of satellites acquired. The location information is can be incorrect in the extreme and generate false alarms in the Careium Service.

When creating safe zones, keep in mind the following:

  • Large safe zones require less power from the watch and are less likely to generate false alarms
  • Small safe zones require more power from the watch and can generate false alarms
  • Safe zones generate false alarms if their schedules are overly restrictive
  • Keep in mind the age and mobility of the assistee, as well as the terrain and the availability of public transportation in the vicinity; this may help you determine clear safe and not-safe zones

Safe zones can be a circle or polygon of any size. Each safe zone defines a specific safety zone for the watch wearer and can be valid for different days and times of day. Safe zones can also overlap.
When creating safe zones, we recommend using full-screen mode on a computer or laptop.
To create a safe zone:

  1. Select a watch through the Watch Dashboard or Devices List.

  2. Under Devices Settings, click Safe Zone editor.

  3. Click full screen icon in the upper-right corner above the map to enter full-screen mode.

  4. Zoom out and drag the map to where you want to create the safe zone (optional).

  5. In the upper-left corner, click either the circle or polygon icon under Create new safe zone.

  6. Click on the map where you want to place the safe zone. Alternatively, enter an address and click the search icon. When searching for an address, click ACCEPT on the location popup to place the safe zone.

  7. Set a Safe zone name, choose Safe zone type and radius. If needed define schedule(s) for when the zone is active.

  8. Click Create when you are done.

  9. Choose the safe zone in the dropdown list and press Edit (a pencil) button to adjust the size, shape and location of the safe zone on the map.

  10. For circular safe zones, click the center dot and drag the safe zone to move it to another place on the map. Click on a dot on the outer ring and drag it to change the size of the safe zone. Maximum allowed radius is 10km.

  11. For polygon safe zones, click the center dot and drag the safe zone to move it to another place on the map. Click on a dot on the outer edge to change the shape of the safe zone.

  12. Click Save when you are done.

  13. once you have several safety zones created, you can go back and edit them by selecting one from the drop-down list above the safe zone editor map.

Watch Dashboard

The Watch Dashboard (WDB) is your primary space for monitoring the status of a watch and checking on the well-being of a watch wearer. To the left is a collapsed menu that you can expanded by mousing over or tapping on the menu area.
If you have permission to view only one watch, that watch is selected automatically. If you are managing multiple watches, you see the Devices List when you first log in. You can select a device by searching for the assistee’s name or the watch serial number.


With a watch selected, you get a full summary view of the watch status and wellness statistics. Below are detailed descriptions of each area of the WDB.

Latest status
The top frame of the WDB shows the battery and network status of the selected watch. In addition, you have quick access to key actions:

  • CALIBRATE: click to calibrate the watch time (both digital and analog indicators).
  • UPDATE: click to refresh the latest watch status.
  • FIND WATCH: If the watch user cannot find the device at home, a beeping sound can be activated so that the device can be found based on the sound. The beeping can be stopped from the watch or from the watch dashboard by pressing Cancel Find Watch.
  • MAPS: click to jump to view watch location history on the map.

If there is an active alert, it is displayed in the latest status and can also be viewed in the ALERTS tab below.


The basic status info is a map view showing the watch location. The map view is updated automatically every five minutes. If you don’t want to wait for the next automatic update, click the LOCATE button to update the view immediately.
Click the tracking button START EMERGENCY TRACKING above the map to start (and stop) emergency tracking. When emergency tracking is on, the location is checked every ten seconds, and the map view is updated accordingly. Keep in mind that emergency tracking uses full GPS power on the watch, so battery usage goes up significantly. Turn off emergency tracking as soon as it is no longer needed.

Click the ALERTS tab to see a list of active alerts and warnings. There are two types of notifications listed here:

  • Notifications that are dismissed automatically, like the battery low notification which is updated with a charging and full notifications when the watch is in the charging dock.
  • Notifications which require manual action to dismiss, such as leaving home area.

Dismiss notifications in the list by clicking the entry and clicking the DISMISS NOTIFICATION button.

Status log
Click the STATUS LOG tab to view a complete list of all notification for the selected watch. The quick filters at the top show how many entries there are for the notification type. You can also search notifications using the keyword search field below the filter buttons.

Devices List

You can select Devices List from the left-hand menu to get a summary overview of all the watches you are managing. The overview list includes filters in the upper-right that you can click to see which devices have active info (green), alerts (red) or warnings (yellow).

User management

Select Users from the left-hand menu to add users (if your user account permissions allow it).
By default, users can create and view users with permissions below their own role. Permissions can be customized to allows users to create new users at their same permission level.
For Company Employee or Relative roles, you can select devices that the user is allowed to access when creating the new user account.
If the user is a Relative and creates a user account (Relative), the new user automatically gets access to same devices as the creator.
To add a user:

  1. Click Users in the left-hand menu.

  2. Click ADD above the list of users.

  3. In the popup window, enter the required information.

  4. Click SAVE when you are done.

Careium, Jörgen Kocksgatan 1B, 211 20 Malmö, Sweden
Phone: +46 10 482 90 00 •

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